Home Mushrooms Drawings of different birds with names. The most beautiful birds in the world: photos and names. a place. blue kingfisher

Drawings of different birds with names. The most beautiful birds in the world: photos and names. a place. blue kingfisher

Your attention is presented to the ten most beautiful birds that are only found on our planet.

10. American kestrel. This species can be found throughout the Western Hemisphere. The American Kestrel is considered one of the most graceful and miniature birds of prey in the world.

9. Atlantic puffin. These birds can be found on the rocky shores of the North Atlantic. They feed on fish and marine invertebrates. The name of the bird comes from their boundless gullibility.

8. Crowned crane. This species is found in West and East Africa. During the courtship period, the male performs a very interesting dance: he flaps his wings, shakes his head, jumps and makes small dashes.

7. Red cardinal. This bird can be found in the eastern states of the United States, southeastern Canada and Mexico. The male is distinguished by a bright crimson color and a black “mask” on the face, and the female has a reddish gray-cinnamon color with red feathers on the wings, chest and crest.

6. Kingfisher. The paws of this bird are so short that they do not make it possible to move around the earth, so kingfishers move by flights over short distances. Bright color is achieved by refraction of light by feathers. These birds are very fond of solitude, so it is very difficult to see them.

5. Red macaw. The fate of the king of parrots is very sad. Since ancient times, these birds have been hunted in order to get tasty meat and feathers to decorate arrows.

4. Tangerine. this bird species is listed in the Red Book of Russia. Tangerines belong to the duck family and love to sit on tree branches and coastal rocks. The flight of these birds is very fast and maneuverable, they are able to immediately rise up from a place.

3. Paradise tanager. This species lives in the eastern part of Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana and Guyana. Paradise tanager is remembered for its color: light green muzzle, blue breast and purple chin.

2. 1. Peacock. The male of this species is distinguished by highly developed upper coverts, which are often confused with the tail. Peacocks are revered in the West and East. They are one of the main characters of Indian mythology.

1. Lori parrots. Almost all the colors of the rainbow are present in the color of this bird. Lori parrots live in Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is known that with the advent of spring, birds begin to fall, forcing compassionate Australians to carry them to veterinary clinics.

There are at least 10,000 species of birds on Earth, more than 12-15% of them are poorly understood or not studied at all. It is believed that at least a few hundred more species have not been discovered at the moment due to living in remote areas. Therefore, it is by no means an easy task to compile some kind of rating based on all the avian diversity and magnificence, especially when it comes to the top of the most beautiful birds. Well, let's hope that all the most beautiful representatives of birds are already open.


In total, there are six species of flamingos that live in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Caucasus, and also in South and Central America. The most beautiful are ordinary (they are pink) and red flamingos. All flamingos have two interesting distinguishing features: they like to stand on one leg, hiding the other in plumage; only the upper part of the beak is mobile, which is very rare among birds.


Few people managed to see this little bird live, and this is despite the brightest plumage and rather large populations - they are very fond of solitude. The habitat of kingfishers is wide, different species live in different climatic latitudes from cold Scandinavia to the tropical islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.


This is a small bird from the duck family, and we can safely say that the most beautiful of them. It has such an unusual and bright appearance that you want to mistake it for a drawing by a skillful animator.

Tangerines live only in East Asia, nest in the southeastern regions of Russia, and in winter in China and Japan. The number of these beautiful birds is on the decline.

Paradise tanager

This colorful bird is one of the most common in the Amazon rainforest. In smaller numbers, tanager live from northern Bolivia to eastern Colombia. Paradise tanagers almost never descend to the ground, they even learned to find food on tree branches. The plumage colors include black, blue, bright green or light green, yellow, and a little less often red.


Here, the description will probably be superfluous, this is already one of the most popular birds in the world. But once again you can admire its beauty.

Red (virginian) cardinal

With a close acquaintance with the red cardinal, it is absolutely easy to notice his relationship with sparrows, although the latter are much smaller than the cardinal. This bird is medium in size - 20 - 25 centimeters in length, weight is about 45 grams.

Homeland is the east of the USA and Canada, Mexico. In the early 18th century, it was taken to the Hawaiian and Bermuda Islands, where it successfully took root.

Males have a much more striking and exotic coloration; in the plumage of females, interspersed with bright colors are only occasionally found.

There is a contender for the title of the most beautiful bird among pigeons. It is rather unusual to see a pigeon of this size, the body length of the fannos can reach 75 cm, weighing up to 3 kg, it is the largest of its kind.

The low popularity of this species is due to its endemicity - they live only in New Guinea. Unfortunately, the number of crowned pigeons is constantly declining and soon this species will be on the verge of extinction.

bald eagle

Beauty is subjective. Someone prefers graceful forms and a riot of bright colors, while someone prefers strict colors, strength and grace. The bald eagle looks a little strange compared to the rest of the brightly decorated participants in our rating, but the fact remains, and it is generally recognized that the eagle is one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

Eagles live almost everywhere in North America. For the USA, this bird is one of the main national symbols.

Interestingly, female eagles are 15-20% larger than males both in size and weight.


This is a relatively small bird, up to 30 cm in length. The main distinguishing features of hoopoe are very expressive patterns on the wings and tail in the form of alternating contrasting white and black stripes, as well as a bizarre opening crest.

You can meet hoopoes in the southern part of Eurasia and Africa.

red macaw

This parrot is perhaps one of the most colorful birds in the world. All his feathers are painted in very bright and catchy colors: red, blue, green, yellow, white, and their shades.

Ara is a very large parrot, quite often you can see an individual with a body length above 90 cm.

Red macaws live in the tropical forests of Central America on the tops of large trees.

The first weekend of October is International Birdwatching Day. Thousands of people around the world go to observe birds in natural conditions. And we invite you to look at the ten most beautiful birds on Earth from our selection

(Total 10 photos)

10. Lori parrots.

The color of parrots of this species is diverse, literally all the colors of the rainbow are present in it. The habitat of Lori parrots is Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is said that every spring the birds begin to fall, forcing Australians to carry them to veterinary clinics. (Cacophony/WikiMedia)

9. American kestrel.

This bird species is distributed throughout the Western Hemisphere: from Canada to the Falkland Islands. This is one of the most graceful and smallest birds of prey in the world. (Chris/Flickr.com)

8. Atlantic puffin.

On the steep shores of the North Atlantic, colonies of the Atlantic puffin can be found. These birds feed on small fish and marine invertebrates. The name was given to these birds because of their excessive gullibility. A large number of Atlantic puffins have been destroyed by man. (Gdefon)

7. Crowned crane.

This romantic bird lives in West and East Africa. During courtship, the birds perform a kind of dance, including bouncing, running, flapping their wings, shaking their heads. (gotowall.com)

6. Red cardinal.

This bird can be found in the eastern states of the United States, southeastern Canada and Mexico. The male has a bright crimson coloration with a black "mask" on the face. The female is grayish-brown with reddish feathers on the wings, chest and crest. (Desktopia)

5. Kingfisher.

A fairly common bird species. The paws of the kingfisher are so short that they do not allow them to move on the ground, so representatives of this species move with the help of wings over short distances. The brightness of the plumage of birds is achieved due to the refraction of light by feathers. Despite the prevalence of the species, these birds love solitude, it is very difficult to see them. (Thomas Will)

4. Red macaw.

The king of parrots cannot boast of a happy fate. From time immemorial they were hunted by the Indians. Macaw meat was used for food, and feathers were used to decorate and plumage arrows. (Marboed/Flickr.com)

3. Tangerine.

The bird of the duck family loves to sit on the branches of trees and coastal rocks. It has a fast and maneuverable flight, taking off easily, sometimes immediately up. Mandarin is included in the Red Book of Russia. Hunting for it is prohibited. Birds of this species are bred in parks as ornamental birds. (Tim Munsey)

2. Paradise tanager.

Habitat - Eastern Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana and Guyana. The color of the bird is quite specific: light green muzzle, blue breast, purple chin. (Nathan Rupert)

1. Peacock.

The only bird on this list that has been domesticated by humans. A distinctive feature of the male is the strong development of upper coverts, which are often mistaken for a tail. Peacocks are reverent in the West, they are revered in the East. In Indian mythology, when the two incarnations of the god Vishnu - Krishna and Radha - dance and play in the eternal joy of love, peacocks look at them. (Ingo Arndt)

All the variety of colors of nature can be seen not only in flowers and plants, but also in the animal world, in particular in the world of birds. Almost 10 thousand species of birds live on earth, all of them are somewhat different from each other. Some birds are the fastest, some are the best hunters, and some are the brightest. In this ranking, we want to show you the 16 most beautiful birds in the world, the appearance of which is mesmerizing.


One of the largest species of parrots, some individuals of which reach a length of 95 cm, with about half falling on the tail, a wing length of 36 centimeters, and a weight of about 1.5 kilograms. The color of the hyacinth macaw is cobalt blue. From the sides, the head is covered with plumage, only a thin strip at the base of the mandible and a narrow ring around the eyes without feathers, golden yellow. The tail of this parrot is gray-blue, long and narrow. The beak is black-gray, large and powerful, the male is noticeably larger than the female. Paws are dark grey. The iris is dark brown. The voice of the macaw is very loud and sharp, including a hoarse screech that can be heard at fairly large distances - from 1 to 1.5 kilometers.

The large hyacinth macaw lives in the Central, Eastern and Southeastern parts of Brazil. This amazingly beautiful bird easily becomes tame, often strongly attached to a person, very inquisitive, trusting and has a very good memory. In the wild, the hyacinth macaw forms a family pair, there are also small family groups of 6-12 birds.

Macaw nests are built in crevices among stones, in hollows of trees or in holes that they dig themselves with the help of their beak and paws in steep river banks. Macaws reach puberty at the age of 3 years, after which, in their usual environment, the hyacinth macaw finds a mate. The mating season usually begins in May, most often there are only 2 eggs in the clutch. In view of the fact that these birds nest in hard-to-reach places, the life of this parrot has not been studied well enough.


The rainbow toucan is the largest representative of the Ramphoslos group of woodpeckers, which is distributed in Central and South America to northern Argentina. There are 36 species. Toucans, rather large, heavy birds. The first thing that catches your eye when looking at them is a disproportionately large, hollow, brightly colored beak up to 17 centimeters in length. Its length is almost equal to the length of the bird's body. The body length of the bird is about 50 centimeters, and the weight is 400 grams. The plumage on the back, belly, and upper part of the wings is matt black, on the upper part of the neck it is black with a red tint. The chest and cheeks are yellow-lemon in color, the lower part of the tail is bright red.

Rainbow toucans live in small groups of 5-10 individuals. Males are slightly larger than females. They spend the night in hollows, tightly clinging to each other and tucking their bulky beaks under the wing of their neighbors, which saves space well due to the small size of the dwelling. Nests are arranged in their own or hollowed out by other birds hollows. Rainbow toucans are monogamous. The female lays 2 to 4 eggs, and the offspring hatch 20 days after laying. A couple can raise up to three broods per year. Both parents take care of newborns, taking turns incubating them. Birds mainly feed on fruits, less often on tree frogs, and with a lack of food, they can even eat the chicks of other birds.


Hornbills are representatives of the order Coraciiformes, which has 57 species that live in Africa and Southeast Asia, on the islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The sizes of hornbills vary from 30 centimeters for the smallest representative, to 1.2 m for the largest. Differences in weight from 60 grams to 6 kilograms, respectively. Hornbills got their name because of the large long beaks, sharply bent down and having significant outgrowths of various shapes at their base. The edges of the beak are irregularly serrated, and hollow inside, which is why they are quite light despite their size. The function of the hornbills' outgrowths is not clear, but scientists speculate that they may serve to support their beaks, increase calls, or attract females.

Hornbills are mostly large stocky birds. In order to hold their head and large beak, they have fairly strong neck muscles. The head is small in relation to body size; the tail, neck and wings are quite long, and the legs are very short. The plumage of most hornbills is black, white, gray or brown. These birds can fly quite long distances, although the flight is rarely long. During flight, air passes through the air spaces between the flight feathers of the wings, resulting in a vibrating sound similar to the sound of an approaching train.

Some species have bare skin on the throat and around the eyes, and thick, long eyelashes on the upper eyelid. Hornbills are quite noisy; in almost all species, a frequently repeated sharp, deaf, monosyllabic or two-syllable call. It can be heard from time to time during the flight of birds, or when they are alarmed. If the bird is hurt or caught, it emits an unceasing terrifying screech. This sound can be heard even a mile away.


Flamingos are the only genus of birds in the Flamingo family and in the Flamingo order. Flamingos are common in Africa, the Caucasus, Southeast and Central Asia, as well as in South and Central America. Colonies of pink or common flamingos also exist in southern Spain, France and Sardinia. This species is the largest and most common species in the family. His height reaches 130 centimeters. Flamingos have thin long legs, a flexible neck and plumage, the color of which varies from white to red. Their special distinguishing feature is a massive downward-curved beak, with which they filter food from water or silt.

Unlike most other birds, the movable part of the flamingo's beak is not the lower, but the upper part. Flamingos live in large colonies along the banks of shallow ponds or lagoons. Flamingo colonies often number hundreds of thousands of individuals. These birds feed mainly on crustaceans, algae, and insect larvae. In the surrounding water, pathogenic microorganisms develop due to bird droppings, and even a slight scratch on the skin can lead to inflammation. From 1 to 3 large eggs incubate in the silt seal. Flamingos make tall, cone-shaped nests of silt, mud, and shell rock in shallow water that reach up to 60 centimeters in height. Chicks are born well developed, active and leave the nest in a few days.


The barn owl is a bird of prey of the barn owl family, the most common bird of the genus barn owl in the world. It is found on almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. The length of her body is about 35 centimeters, and the wingspan is 80-95 centimeters. The weight of birds varies from 187 to 700 grams. The plumage is very soft and fluffy. The upper part of the body is usually buffy-red with small dark stripes and speckles. The tail is short. A distinctive feature of all barn owls is a heart-shaped facial corolla, usually white with a buffy border, with small areas of red feathers under the eyes. The legs are completely covered with feathers. Males and females look little different from each other.

The ears are located asymmetrically - one of them is located in the forehead, and the other is at the level of the nostrils. This structure of the hearing aid helps the birds perfectly hear the sounds made by a potential victim from different angles. Most often, barn owls make various sounds during the breeding season - at this time they hoarsely or shrillly scream, sniff, hoot. Thanks to its special, hoarse and rattling cry “heee”, the bird got its Russian name “barn owl”. Outside of the breeding season, the birds are usually silent. In addition to vocal sounds, barn owls sometimes click their beaks, tongues, or defiantly flap their wings.


The common rosella is a bird of the parrot family that lives in the southeast of Australia and on the island of Tasmania. The length of her body reaches 30 centimeters, and her wings are about 11 centimeters. The weight of the bird is about 50-60 grams. The upper side of the back is black, but each feather is edged with green-yellow, the lower part of the back is greenish-yellow. The neck and chest are bright red, the lower part of the chest is bright yellow. Abdomen, rump and thighs are light green. The wings are purple-blue with black spots. The rump is light green. The coloration of females is duller. Their cheeks are grayish-white in color, a green-motley color of the top of the neck in the shape of a triangle comes to the back of the head, the beak and head are smaller than in males.

Ordinary rosellas settle in places of high human activity - savannahs, parks. They feed on seeds of wild and cultivated herbs and some fruits. They can harm crops, but they also bring benefits by destroying weeds and eating harmful insects. The flight of rosellas is wavy, with frequent wing beats, rarely fly long distances. Easily move on the ground. The voice is quite loud, but not unpleasant; during the mating season, males emit a melodic whistle, almost singing.


Lory parrots, like some previous participants in our rating, are representatives of the parrot subfamily. The subfamily is divided into 12 genera, including 62 species. They live in Australia, New Guinea, eastern Indonesia and the Philippines. They nest in hollows of trees, and some species even nest in termite mounds. Loris feed mainly on pollen and nectar, as well as soft, juicy fruits. Their tongue ends in a brush of horny papillae. With their help, birds suck juice from fruits and nectar from flowers.

Yellow-backed lorises have a raspy and unusually harsh voice, thanks to which they easily learn to repeat human speech and other audible sounds. In the process of learning, yellow-backed lorises memorize up to 50 words and up to 15 small sentences. The origin of the name Lori is originally determined from the Dutch "clown". The birds have a very juicy and bright color, more suitable as an outfit for the circus arena. But in nature, such disguise protects the parrot, which can easily feed among flowers and leaves.


The bird of paradise is a member of the family of birds from the order of passeriformes. There are 45 species in total, 38 of which are found only in New Guinea and small adjacent islands. As a rule, these are forest birds, some species can be found only in high-mountain forests. These fantastic birds are the closest relatives of our common crows, and range in size from a jay to a lark. Most of them have bright plumage, some are dark, with a metallic tint. Red, blue and yellow colors predominate. Males are usually more brightly colored than females, many have decorative feathers on their heads, sides or tails, which are displayed during complex mating games.

Birds feed on seeds, berries, small fruits, mainly insects, small tree frogs and lizards. Usually these birds are kept alone. Couples don't meet very often. Some species are monogamous and mate for life. Birds of paradise in most cases build their nests on branches. And only the royal bird of paradise suits him in the hollows of trees. The female lays and incubates only 2 eggs.


The crowned crane is a large bird from the family of true cranes, leading a sedentary lifestyle in West and East Africa. The bird is about 100 centimeters high, with a wingspan of 183-198 centimeters and a weight of 4-5 kilograms. The plumage of most of the body is black or dark gray; the covering feathers of the elytra are white. The main distinguishing feature of this species is the presence of a large crest on the head, consisting of hard golden feathers, thanks to which the bird got its name. There are red and white spots on the cheeks, a pair on each side.

There are no visible differences between the male and the female, although the males appear somewhat larger. In young birds, the plumage is lighter, the feathers of the upper body are reddish at the ends, and sand-colored below. The back of the neck is brown and the face is yellow. Lives in open spaces - both swampy and more arid, but prefers swamps with fresh water, flood meadows or the banks of reservoirs. Often in habitats you can see acacias or other trees on which birds settle for the night. The crowned crane is not afraid of humans and often settles close to human habitation. It has the status of a vulnerable species in the International Red Book.


The South American harpy is a large bird of prey, a forest hawk eagle that breeds and hunts in the plains of the tropical forests of Central and South America, from Mexico to Brazil. The harpy is the strongest of all birds of prey. The body length of this eagle reaches 110 centimeters, the wingspan is about 2 meters, and the weight is about 8 kilograms. The harpy has a dark gray back, a light gray head with large dark eyes and a relatively small but powerful black beak. At the moment of excitement, the harpy raises the feathers on its head almost vertically like “horns”.

The paws of the harpies are extremely large and powerful, capable of withstanding a very large weight, the fingers are armed with very long black claws. The main food of the harpy are sloths and monkeys, as well as some of South America. In addition, harpies attack macaws, and are the only predators that prey on tree porcupines. From the villages, harpies often drag pigs and medium-sized dogs. The harpy nests in the crown of tall trees at a height of 50-75 meters above the ground. The female lays, as a rule, one yellowish egg. Chicks develop very slowly and are under the care of their parents for a long time. At the age of 8-10 months, harpy chicks already fly well, but they cannot feed on their own. They can starve up to 10-14 days without harm to themselves.


The golden pheasant is one of the brightest representatives of the pheasant family. Golden pheasants live in the mountainous regions of central China at an altitude of up to 2000 meters above sea level, in the mountain forests of southeastern Tibet and northern Assam. In Central Europe, there are semi-wild populations of the golden pheasant. Males are distinguished by very beautiful plumage and therefore are kept in zoos as ornamental birds. Golden pheasants avoid forested, swampy and open areas. For most of the year, golden pheasants are solitary. With the onset of spring, the behavior of birds changes, and they begin to seek partnership.

In their homeland, golden pheasants feed mainly on leaves and shoots of various shrubs, as well as bamboo. They also eat rhododendron flowers. During the day they feed on the ground, and at night they sleep, fleeing from predators, high in the trees. The golden pheasant keeps within its own territory. Birds living high in the mountains often descend to lower areas during the day. In search of food, the golden pheasant easily crawls through even the most dense thickets. The diet of golden pheasants living in Europe is little studied. Probably, the menu of European golden pheasants does not differ from the menu of their Chinese relatives.


The Atlantic puffin is a bird of the auk family that lives on the coast of northern Africa and the eastern coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Body length 30-35 centimeters, weigh 450-500 g. High brightly colored beak strongly compressed laterally. The back is black, the bottom of the body is white. Paws are orange-red. Puffins walk well, fly, swim and dive using wings and paws. Despite its relatively small size, the life expectancy of a bird is about 25 years. Working with wings at full strength, during flights, the puffin can reach speeds of up to 80 km / h.

They nest in groups or colonies along steep slopes. They feed on small fish and marine invertebrates. Most of the time they spend at sea, swaying on the waves, sometimes hundreds of kilometers from land. This is the period when puffins can lead a solitary life, although some keep in pairs. In the spring, hundreds of puffins gather on the shore to hatch their chicks. Most often, these birds dig holes with their beaks in steep hillsides, and sometimes among stones at the foot of cliffs.


Tree or whistling ducks are a genus of waterfowl from the duck family, which are common in the tropical and subtropical zone. Wood ducks have characteristics intermediate between ducks and geese: they resemble ducks in their physique, and in the long legs and neck, as well as the broad, blunt wings of geese. Males and females do not differ externally from each other. They swim and dive well, collecting food in the upper layers of the water, like river ducks. On land, the body is kept upright. The toes are arranged in such a way that they easily grab the branches of trees, on which some species sometimes sit down - hence the name "arboreal".

The second name, "whistling ducks", arose due to a special way of communication between birds - they emit melodious whistles. The plumage is not bright - it is usually dominated by brown, gray or beige tones. Active mainly at night. They feed mainly on the vegetative parts of aquatic plants and phytoplankton, filtering the water in the upper layers of the water. Hybrids with other species, unlike many ducks, do not form. In roosting areas, they gather in large flocks.


Opens the top three in the list of the most beautiful birds - Red Macaw from the parrot family. This bird lives in tropical forests from Mexico to Ecuador, Bolivia and the Amazon River, preferring to stay in the crowns of tall trees. Body length 78-90 centimeters, wings from 28 to 40 centimeters, tail from 50 to 62 centimeters. The head, top of the wings, neck, top of the back, breast and belly are bright red, the rump and bottom of the wings are bright blue, a yellow stripe runs across the wings. Bare cheeks are light with rows of white feathers. The mandible is white with a brown-black spot at the base of the beak and a black tip. The iris is yellow. The female's beak is smaller and wider at the base, and its upper half has a steeper curve.

They feed mainly on plant foods: fruits, nuts, young shoots of trees and shrubs. During the ripening period of agricultural crops, they fly to feed on fields and plantations, which cause significant damage to the crop. They are very attached to the hollow where they nest, use it during the breeding seasons for many years in a row. The mating season usually begins in April-May. Sitting nearby on a branch, turning their tails in opposite directions, the parrots gently sort out each other's feathers, and they accompany all actions with low gurgling sounds. Then the male starts dancing, shaking his head, throwing it back and nodding.


In second place is the Mandarin duck - a bird of the duck family, common only in East Asia. In Russia, the mandarin duck nests in the Amur and Sakhalin regions, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories. Winters in China and Japan. This is a small duck weighing about 600 grams. The male has a crest on his head and is more brightly colored than the female. This duck inhabits mountain rivers with tree branches hanging over the water and riverine mountain forests. The mandarin swims well, but rarely dives, only when injured. Its flight is fast and agile, it takes off easily, sometimes almost vertically. Unlike most ducks, the mandarin duck can often be seen perched on tree branches or on coastal cliffs. This bird is listed in the Red Book of Russia as a rare species.

They feed on seeds, mainly acorns and aquatic. Tangerines also feed on shellfish, worms and fish caviar. Nests are arranged, as a rule, in hollows at different heights, sometimes up to 10 meters; less likely to nest on the ground. The clutch contains from 7 to 14 eggs, which the female incubates for about 30 days. The hatched chicks independently jump out of the nest to the ground. Weather conditions affect the success of mandarin duck breeding - chicks are very sensitive to hypothermia.


The first place in our ranking of the most beautiful birds is, of course, the peacock. This bird is a monotypic species, that is, it is not divided into subspecies, but it has a number of color variations. Widely distributed in Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka at altitudes up to 2000 meters above sea level, lives in the jungle and woodlands, on cultivated lands and near villages, preferring thickets of bushes, forest clearings and river banks. Domesticated by man. A characteristic feature of the male is the strong development of the upper coverts, which are mistaken for the tail.

Body length 100-125 centimeters, tail 40-50 centimeters, elongated uppertail feathers 120-160 centimeters. The male weighs about 4 kilograms. The head, neck and part of the chest are blue, the back is green, the bottom of the body is black. The female is smaller, more modestly colored and lacks elongated uppertail feathers. The peacock is a polygamous bird: the male lives with a group of 3-5 females. Reaches sexual maturity at two to three years. The breeding season is from April to September. Lays 4-10 eggs directly on the ground, in captivity makes up to three clutches per year. The egg incubation period is 28 days. A young male from one to 1.5 years old wears an outfit similar to that of a female, and typical adult feathers fully develop in him only at the age of three years. Life expectancy is about 20 years.

There are many beautiful birds on earth that have many colorful flowers. These birds are the decoration of many forests. So, the 10 most beautiful birds in the world.

No. 10. Lori parrots

A species of parrots of extraordinary beauty. These are beautiful birds of bright color, living mainly in New Guinea and Australia. Often the female can be distinguished from the male by the color of the plumage. Nectar, pollen, and some tree fruits are their main food. There are 12 genera of Loria parrots. Many of them are easily tamed.

#9 American Kestrel

In another way, it is also called the sparrow kestrel. They are predators. Prefer to eat living things. Do not disdain insects. They love various kinds of lizards, as well as small birds. Scientific researchers attribute them to the genus of falcons. They live mainly in North and South America. In the USA, these specimens of nature often become objects of poachers. And they are on the ninth line in the Top 10 Most Beautiful Birds in the World.

#8 Atlantic Puffin

An interesting bird with a funny beak of bright red color. Can swim even underwater. That is why the paws look like flippers. They live near water surfaces. They can be found in Africa, as well as near the Atlantic Ocean. They often live as one big family. It is very rare to find a lone puffin that swims far from the shore.

No. 7. Crowned crane

Quite a large and beautiful bird. Sometimes, its weight can reach 5 kilograms. The plumage is mostly black. A distinctive feature of this species is a funny crest on the head. Calm birds with a strong character. Often they remain in the place where they originally settled, until the end of their lives. They eat small animals as well as plants. You can admire the crowned crane in Africa (eastern part).

No. 6. Red cardinal

Small in size, but proud bird of the USA. It is a kind of symbol of some states. The plumage is dominated by red. Has a light tuft. It lives not only in forests, but also in places where urban life is in full swing (in the yard, in parks, etc.). It has an excellent ringing voice. His singing is akin to the wonderful melodies of our nightingale. They eat grass, plants and small insects: bugs, worms and others.

No. 5. Kingfisher

On the fifth line, the top 10 most beautiful birds in the world. A small bird with a long beak, which helps to catch small fish and other food. Follows the victim on land, from a branch of a tree, and then attacks sharply. Her weight is no more than 40 grams, but she is very nimble and dexterous. It has an interesting reddish-bluish color. Makes a sound more like a piercing squeak.

No. 4. Red macaw

Unusually smart and beautiful parrot. It has a bright color (red, blue, yellow colors) and a hard, twisted beak, with which it quickly copes with nuts. The tail reaches a length of 60 centimeters! In ancient times, macaw was a favorite food of man. Its meat was highly valued. Fortunately, few people now use parrots for this purpose. Aro is an excellent student. They are easily tamed. Frequent actors in the circus.

No. 3. Tangerine

A bird with the sweet name Mandarinka resembles our duck. It is small in size (only 500 grams). Leads an aquatic lifestyle. This type of bird can be observed even in Russia (Sakhalinsk, Khabarovsk, etc.). They prefer to winter in Japan or China, where they are very loved and appreciated by the locals. Mandarin represents fidelity. Therefore, it is often described in their works by poets, writers and artists.

No. 2. Paradise tanager

Cute bird with bright plumage. It reaches no more than 14 cm in length. However, it looks like a lump. A huge number of them live in the Amazon. They prefer forests for living, where there is a lot of food for them. Invertebrates love to eat. They look for them in the trees themselves. During mating season they are very noisy. On normal days, it's pretty quiet. The voice is like a light chirp.

No. 1. Peacock

A bird of extraordinary beauty, described by poets and writers in fairy tales. Considered a magical creature. A distinctive feature is the tail, which they scatter like a fan. The pattern on it can be varied, depending on the sex of the bird and its type. Belongs to the order of chickens. Some specimens are tameable.

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