Home Mushrooms Make firearms. How to make weapons from wood. Shooting is only for the lazy

Make firearms. How to make weapons from wood. Shooting is only for the lazy

Hello, dear lovers of homemade weapons. By visiting this page, you probably expected to see information on making a homemade air rifle? I have to disappoint you - there is no such one here now. No, of course, it used to be, and we talked in detail about how you could make an air rifle with your own hands at home, but, as always, out of the blue, a notification from Roskomnadzor came, demanding to immediately delete all information on the manufacture of an air rifle from our site. Frankly, I was somewhat surprised by such a requirement. After all, pneumatics has nothing to do with the production of homemade firearms and explosives, which is prohibited in the Russian Federation. Although maybe I missed something? And now even homemade pneumatics fell under the category of prohibited information? It seems that the fight against terrorism has gone beyond the bounds of rationality, and is taking on the form of absurdity.

More recently, I had to remove information about a homemade flamethrower. Well, this can be explained somehow. After all, the combustible mixture used in a flamethrower can be completely bottled by making a battery of Molotov cocktails. I have not found any more reasons why it would be worth deleting this info. Okay, let it be that the flamethrower itself is a terrible weapon of a terrorist, which he will definitely use, having read my instructions, instead of, say, a homemade bomb, or a Kalashnikov assault rifle, so I deleted everything without further questions. But pneumatics! Who did she hurt? Honestly, it's easier to kill than from the air rifle design that was described on this site.

I expressed my bewilderment in a letter to Roskomnadzor, but have not yet received a response. Revision of the court decision, you need to wait three months. If, after this time, they decide that the homemade design of an air rifle is o-o-very dangerous for publication, then, to my deep regret, you will continue to read these lines.

In the meantime, dear friends, you can take an interest in other designs of cold and cold throwing weapons by clicking on the links below, or by pointing the cursor at the corresponding button at the top left.

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As you already understood, we will talk about homemade weapons of self-defense. If you are interested in DIY weapons for self-defense, then you have come to the right place. Such items may be needed in many cases and for completely different people - from a small defenseless girl to a strong man with a centner in weight. Much depends on combat training, on the physical and psychological indicators of a person, and if all this is at a low level, then it will be very difficult for him to protect himself without self-defense. But also, a lot depends on how many people are attacking you, and what kind of training they have. Self-defense weapons will help you protect yourself from an intruder if you are not sufficiently prepared, or if there are many such intruders.

Weapons for self-defense

So, let's look at weapons that you can make with your own hands.

  1. Flail
  2. club
  3. Nunchaku
  4. Sling
  5. Brass knuckles
  6. Yawara
  7. Slingshot
  8. Samopal
  9. Other

Each self-defense weapon has its own characteristics, and not all weapons on the list are legal. For example, you can answer to the fullest extent of the law for self-propelled guns and brass knuckles.


Roughly speaking, a flail is a load on a rope, a shock-crushing type weapon that can quickly pacify an attacker. Anything can be used as a load - nuts, - a stone, a hammer, a lead blank, and, in principle, any heavy object. We also need a rope with a loop at the end, which will be worn on the hand so that the rope does not sleep. You can not put the rope on your hand, but tie it to a handle of a convenient length made of wood or other material. The length of the rope from the load can be different, but the optimal one is 40-50 cm. We tie the rope to the load, make a loop at the end and that's it, we have a serious weapon ready. The weight of the cargo is better to be from 150 grams and above. Of course, such weapons can harm an attacker without any problems, but using any of the listed items, the main thing is not to become a criminal yourself. The weapon works on a swing and the working part of the weapon is a load that needs to hit a certain part of the body. The brush can be carried with you everywhere, as it is compact. You can put it in your purse or pocket, and it will help you out at the right time.


The club is the simplest and most well-known self-defense item. There are many types of clubs that will help you get out of a difficult situation. You can use the simplest straight baton, the double-handled baton, which has a wider range of action. You can use two short clubs for self-defense, with which you can very effectively defend yourself. In extreme cases, any stick that is not very long and fits well in the palm of your hand will go. We can also use bits, which are also quite effective. Unfortunately, we cannot carry a baton in a purse. At best, it can fit in a backpack.


The weapon is effective, interesting, but not as simple as it might seem. They need to learn how to use them, and when you take it in your hands for the first time, the main thing is not to break your forehead, because almost every person who picks up nunchucks for the first time hits himself on the head with them. Be careful with this weapon, and before using it in a life situation, learn how to use it - believe me, it's worth it. The nunchaku was made more popular by the legendary martial artist Bruce Lee. After watching movies with Bruce Lee, you can appreciate such weapons as nunchucks. They consist of two pieces of wood, or pieces of any other strong material. At home, we can simply connect two wooden pieces with a rope. We make holes from the ends of the segments in the middle, about 2-3 cm, and holes through the entire diameter that passes through the central hole. In the middle we get a drilled letter "T". We take the rope - we stick one end on one side, and take it out from the center, and the second on the other side, and we also take it out from the center, and for convenience, you can use a wire. It turns out, from the center, we will have two ends of the rope peeking out. Then we stick the ropes into the center of another segment, take it out on the sides and tie it on top. Nunchaku can be small and can be worn in a purse or backpack, as well as around the waistband of your pants.


Quite a good self-defense weapon, but in order to use it, you must first prepare it - charge it, and only after that you will be able to stop the attacker. The sling looks like this: a rope, in the middle of which there is a “pocket”, like in a slingshot, in which a stone is placed. At one end there is a loop that is put on the finger, on the second knot. We put a stone in our pocket and by means of simple movements we send the stone to the target. That's the whole principle, but the fact is that you need to be able to use these weapons, and here at first too, the main thing is not to harm yourself. To make a sling, you need a rope and a thick piece of material for a "pocket" - leather is ideal. It doesn’t take much mind to attach the cut skin to the rope, so we won’t consider it.

Brass knuckles

It's time to consider brass knuckles. This is a fairly ancient weapon, the existence of which is known to many. Brass knuckles is a weapon of shock-crushing action. To use brass knuckles, they put it on the fingers of the hand, clench a fist and strike with a fist in which the brass knuckles are clamped. Due to the fact that an object is clamped in the palm, the blow is amplified, and the blow is many times more powerful due to the weight of the brass knuckles, and due to its outer part, which is working. The sides of brass knuckles can also be working parts. If when hitting with a fist, the main points of contact are the knuckles of the thumbs, which do not have such a large area, then when hit with brass knuckles, the point of contact is the entire shock part of the brass knuckles, which allows you to influence a wider area. Brass knuckles are different, but they have the same principle. Brass knuckles at home can be made from lead or wood. From lead: make a mold and pour molten lead into it. from wood: cut out, but the weight will be much less.

Brass knuckles can also include battle rings, and the simplest battle ring can be made at home from a large nut that can be put on a finger. On the machine, we grind the nut under the finger and sharpen the top as we need.

I want to replace that the possession of brass knuckles or a battle ring is practically impossible without the practice of percussion techniques. First, learn, and only then think about using brass knuckles.

Here is such a not cunning weapon for self-defense. But that is not all. We continue.


Yawara is also an ancient self-defense weapon, but to use it, you also need a little, and maybe a lot of practice. Yawara is a wooden stick that is longer than the width of the palm of your hand. She can stab at various points of the body, and these blows will be quite painful if you have the preparation. Yawara can be made from an ordinary stick by sharpening it on a machine tool or with a knife.

A similar weapon is the kubotan. Yawara and Kubotan have a different history, but, nevertheless, they are similar in principle of action. The main difference between a kubotan is that there is a hole for a ring on the edge, on which you can hang anything - keys are most convenient.

Yawara and kubotan can be carried both in your pocket and in your purse. The main condition is the ability to use.


The slingshot, despite its innocent appearance, is a rather dangerous weapon. If the slingshot has a powerful, good rubber band, then the slingshot projectile will be able to fly long and fast, which will allow it, if it hits the body, to hurt and leave a bruise, and if it hits the head, it can just hurt, or there may be more serious consequences, - it all depends on the gum and the projectile. You can buy a slingshot and the most suitable will be a slingshot that has a support for the forearm. You can make a slingshot yourself from wood or reinforcement. But the main thing here is to find a good rubber band and shells.


Samopal - the most serious weapon for self-defense of those listed. You can charge a self-propelled gun with anything - bent nails, salt, pellets. The self-propelled gun consists of a handle and a pipe. A handle for convenience, and so as not to get burned, and we fill the pipe with gunpowder (sulfur) and a charge. A hole is made on top of the pipe so that sulfur can be ignited in the middle. The pipe must be thick-walled so that it does not burst, and well riveted at the end so that it does not swell. This is a very dangerous weapon for self-defense, which I suggest not to use at all.


From other weapons, I can suggest the following:

opener. The most ordinary can opener, in skillful hands, can become a real weapon.

Screwdriver. As a specialized item, it does not pose any threat, but if used as a weapon, it becomes very dangerous.

Scissors. Ordinary nail scissors, which can serve as a stabbing weapon, or heavy household ones, which can be used as a percussion weapon, are great for self-defense.

Fork. An ordinary fork can also become a stabbing weapon.

The children of the generation of the 90s did not have new-fangled toys and computer games, but they had a wild fantasy that allowed them to come up with incredible ways of entertainment. The pets had something with which to shoot or set fire to. Although these entertainments were considered favorite among children during perestroika, many of them could be harmful to health and even lead to death.


Who remembers homemade slingshots? They were of two types - classic and keyed. The classic ones were cut from a thick hazel branch with a fork, a wide gray tourniquet was bought at a pharmacy, a piece of leather was taken out (you could secretly cut it out of your travel bag at home and dump it on your sister) and everything was fastened with copper wire or blue electrical tape.

Such a slingshot was loaded with smooth pebbles, which were often brought into the yards along with sand or unripe berries, such as mountain ash, plum or cherry, which grew in abundance behind the house. The power of a shot with a stone was sometimes enough to smash a champagne bottle to smithereens from 3 meters. Such a slingshot was valued due to the fact that not everyone had the skills and means to create it. It could be exchanged for other valuables such as inserts from Turbo, CinCin and Final90.

Walking and having nothing to do, it was possible to make a simpler slingshot - a keyed one. To do this, it was necessary to find a thick aluminum wire in a braid in a landfill and find a flagellum. As a rule, there were no problems with the latter - it was easily extracted from the elastic of underpants. The newer the underpants, the better the flagellum. From all this, something like this was going to (pictured on the left). Such a slingshot fired with dowels - pieces of copper or aluminum wire bent into a horseshoe.


A heavier version of the slingshot was the crossbow. A wooden clothespin was attached to the board, and an elastic band was attached to the other end in such a way that a “loop” was obtained, the saddle of which fell just on the clothespin. With the necessary stretch, of course. A “bullet” was placed in the elastic loop, the elastic was stretched and clamped into a clothespin. When the button was pressed, a shot was fired. They shot all the same mountain ash, peas, peppercorns or pellets.


The most advanced version was called self-propelled guns. This is closer to a real firearm. A thick-walled metal tube was sealed at one end (flattened and topped up with lead), a 1 mm hole was drilled near the blind end. The pipe was attached to a wooden bed, usually in the form of a pistol (again, the same chair leg was sometimes used). With the help of a ramrod, "sulfur" from matches, a wad and a sub-caliber homemade bullet made of lead were driven into the tube. The shot was fired when a special shock frame, released by the trigger, hit the head of a carnation inserted into a small hole. The bullet had a very serious lethal force - 15 match heads in a 4mm barrel drove a bullet 5 centimeters into a tree. With a crossbow it was better not to get into the police ...


Another lightweight weapon was the matchgun. It was made from wooden clothespins, do you feel the usefulness of this Soviet device? He shot with ordinary or burning matches for 10 meters. For its manufacture, a wooden clothespin was disassembled, a place for a spring was machined with a file (from the same clothespin), a “barrel” was machined, a spring was put on one of the halves, the halves were connected by the reverse sides and rewound with electrical tape. The spring played the role of both the trigger and the pusher at the same time. Sometimes a piece of "chirkash" from a matchbox was fixed on the "trunk" so that the match would light up by itself at the moment of the shot. More often, they simply swiped a box at it and immediately shot.


Probably only the lazy did not play the game "darts", we also loved to throw darts in childhood. Yes, but they were not sold or they cost a lot of money. Therefore, almost any boy in our yard could make it himself. The dart, in terms of its flight and stick-in qualities, turned out to be no worse than the factory one. A sheet of paper, 4 matches, a needle, stationery glue and thread. A home-made target from a notebook sheet was hung on the wall carpet and played.


Who had a revolver that fired such caps? But it was more interesting to scratch the brown spots with something sharp and watch them ignite. Or even more interesting, roll up a strip of piston and hit it with a hammer. Ringing in the ears for 10 minutes was provided!

Who sees the connection?

Pugach from bolts

And here?

I think our generation will easily explain the connection of these objects. They hammered the dowel with a brick into the asphalt, took it out, crushed matches into the hole, inserted the dowel and threw a brick on top ... Boom! and the piece of asphalt was gone... :) Matches cost 1 kopeck per box and were freely bought in the store.

And this is the "rockets"

Slate in the fire

I think you can easily remember what happens to slate in a fire :) That's right, nothing good - it shoots a lot. in pieces.

Lamps and kinescopes

It was a sin not to break a fluorescent lamp thrown into the trash. They broke with a loud bang, if you throw the lamp on the asphalt end. They didn't think about the environment back then.

But this find in the garbage was extremely rare and always brought great joy to the boys. They cast lots to see who would be the first to throw a brick at the top lamp (the beam gun of the kinescope). She was the most vulnerable point of the kinescope. When the lamp broke, the kinescope collapsed inwards due to the internal vacuum with a very dull pop that echoed in the yards. Neighbor boys immediately ran to see this action. But more often we found kinescopes with a broken lamp ...

Siphon cans

Used cartridges for soda machines (siphon) were also sometimes used. They were stuffed with sulfur from matches and closed the hole with a bolt. Then the infernal device was thrown into the fire ... I must say that this thing was the most dangerous invention of the yard boys. Personally, I have never made such a balloon. And I don't recommend it to others.


We mixed magnesium filed into powder in a certain proportion with potassium permanganate, which cost a penny in a pharmacy and wrapped it in a tight paper bag, wrapping it with adhesive tape. They made a hole and screwed a match to it, so that the sulfur head was exactly in the hole. They struck a match on the box and threw it sharply aside. The package exploded with a deafening noise and a bright flash.


In my opinion, every boy in childhood had a folding knife, which was a source of pride. With the help of it they played "zemelka", "tanchiki". Each game had a variety of rules. For example, "land": they drew a circle, divided it equally by the number of participants. Each one stood in his own place. Then, while standing, they stuck a knife into the enemy’s area and cut off a piece from his land. "In advance" (did not stick) - the move passed to another. And according to one rule, it was necessary to stand on your own land all the time as long as you could. According to others, it was possible to stand outside, but in the event of a catastrophic decrease in your area, the enemy offered you to stand for 3 seconds on it. If you can't resist, you're out. You could even stand on tiptoe with one leg - the main thing is to hold out for 3 seconds.


Who remembers magic stones with a specific smell that bubble in water? Carbide is a joy for those who find it, for the whole day! When combined with water, it reacted and released the wonderful gas acetylene. It is remarkable that it burns well. In what form did not use carbide. And they just threw it into a puddle, setting it on fire. And they warmed their hands, squeezing the carbide in their palm, immersed in a puddle. And they put it in bottles of water, plugging it with a cork ...

But the most effective use of carbide was hand cannon. They took an empty bottle from under a deodorant or "Dichlorvos", cut off its neck, made a hole at the bottom, put carbide inside, spat on it abundantly, plugged all the holes, shook for a minute, opened it and brought a burning match to a small hole ... volley! !! :)


The real truth is that only our generation knows what the connection is between a children's tumbler or a tennis ball....

But we know what will happen if pieces of this special, magical plastic are wrapped in foil or newspaper, set on fire and extinguished ... How many nerves the uncles spent in garages when such a miracle flew to them from the roof ...


How much in this word, merged for the heart of a child ... And merged in the truest sense of the word. Remember scouring garages, scouring junk yards for old batteries?

They split them and mined pure lead. The dried electrolyte was beaten out and the soft metal was crushed into a tin can or into a bowl.They made a fire and waited for the liquid metal to sparkle in the jar.

And then do whatever your heart desires!

Shooting toys can be easily bought at the store, but you can successfully make them yourself. On the pages of the Secret of the Master website, various designs of cool toys are considered, from the simplest to more complex ones, which, in addition to gaming and experimental purposes, can be of practical use, for example, in protecting crops from pests in the country.

How to make an office cannon with your own hands

A simple cannon design invented for "office wars". A projectile is a piece of paper crumpled into a ball or a light ball. The gun does not allow firing in a straight line, but it shoots great with a canopy, which allows you to bypass obstacles in the form of office partitions;). The gun is easily made with your own hands from a plastic bottle and office rubber bands. We look at the video and for details.

How to make a do-it-yourself rubber gun

Rubber gun

A simple wooden automatic three shot pistol. A handy pistol. It is cut out with a manual jigsaw from plywood, it is necessary to cut out only 4 parts. The gun fires rubber bands. With such a pistol, it is easy to organize a small airsoft gun in an apartment or on the street. We look at the drawings of the pistol stencil (link at the end of the blog). Carefully load a homemade pistol according to the instructions. For safety reasons, wear protective goggles.

How to make a vortex gun with your own hands

A wonderful weapon for children to play and experiment with. The cannon fires… with air, an invisible toroidal vortex escapes from the barrel, which moves in the direction of the shot for some distance. A safe thing for a child to play with weapons and remote "destruction" of toy buildings. Construction details are shown in the video and.

How to make a pneumatic machine gun with your own hands

If you have an air compressor with a receiver on the farm, then you have every opportunity to make a game console for the compressor. The weapon is adapted to the available ammunition - mountain ash and peas, and, accordingly, the machine guns are called mountain ash and pea guns. The design of a homemade machine gun is simple. The manual blowing is taken as the basis, which makes it easy to control the weapon. See the video for details of the production.

How to make a gas gun with your own hands

When repeating this design, strictly follow the safety rules. You build the gas gun at your own risk and assume ALL responsibility for the construction, use, consequences of using this device, as well as for any damage caused. The authors summarized the accumulated experience in the construction of potato cannons and tried to use ready-made elements in the design. In total, three types of guns of different calibers were designed.

Mini gun caliber 32 mm

The gun is made by hand in the form of a pistol and shoots small balls. A reliable piezo spark source will not pose a problem. Cannon pistol is used for target shooting competitions. Requires some experience when loading. See manufacturing details.

50 mm gas apple and potato gun

gas gun

This is a serious design in terms of sound and projectile. The main application is to imitate the sound of a shotgun shot to scare away birds. Reliable budget gun, but only with proper and gentle use. Strictly follow the safety rules and assembly recommendations. How to make an Apple Gun see

"You can achieve more with a kind word and a gun than with just a kind word"

Al Capone

The legendary gangster had every reason to say so. After all, the possession of a weapon immediately makes its bearer more confident, resolute and, unfortunately, bolder. And if conditions are created in the country that the chance to run into the same carrier of a firearm is high, then involuntarily you begin to limit yourself and not bury yourself. But if either the privileged strata have weapons, or those who don’t give a damn about laws and regulations, then everything becomes much sadder. But you really want to have a real opportunity to repay the aggressor with the same coin ... Unfortunately, home-grown "kulibins" who, with their shit, sticks and pipes, are building something that by some miracle can shoot. This is a very unsightly, single-shot, often low-power weapon, from which you can only shoot yourself. And in order to cause real harm to the enemy, you need to try very hard. But this does not stop the people, so the police annually seize a huge amount homemade pistols who have been in business or not yet. Not far behind them are correctional officers, who are periodically fired at with such improvised weapons in order to escape. That is why homemade pistols and our today's photo selection will be devoted to.

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