Home Mushrooms Fast tile leveling system. Wedges for laying tiles: SVP and DLS clips. Consumption of leveling clamps

Fast tile leveling system. Wedges for laying tiles: SVP and DLS clips. Consumption of leveling clamps

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With the improvement of technologies for the production of finishing materials, the quality of the produced ceramic tiles is also growing. At the same time, the high-quality execution of floor and wall cladding enhances the impression of spectacular ceramics, so the requirements for finishing are constantly growing, which is the reason for the emergence of fundamentally new and improved tools, devices and fixtures used in finishing work.

The SVP system is designed to make it easier for the master to get the perfect level.

One of these devices is the "tile leveling system" designed to simplify the laying of ceramics when facing the bases, improve the quality of work and reduce time costs. In everyday life, when describing these devices, they mistakenly use the common abbreviation SVP (in fact, “SVP” is a domestic manufacturer of tile leveling systems, brand) or replace it with the Latin SWP (SVP). The translation of the “tile leveling system” into English is also used - DLS (Daz Leveling System).

The device and purpose of the tile leveling system

The tile alignment system consists of two components - the lower one (located from below under the side edges of two adjacent tiles) and the upper one (pressing two adjacent tiles to the level of the lower part).

SVP consists of two parts - a clamp and a wedge

One set of the system is designed to match the horizontal levels of two to four adjacent tiles of the same thickness at the installation site of the device. The totality of the required number of DLS sets ensures the location of the base cladding in one plane without differences in the level of individual tiles.

Varieties of DLS

The tile leveling system is available in several types, differing in design and turnover.

Prefabricated hovercraft:

  • wedge with a serrated bevel (SVP, CHSG, Mustang brands);
  • cap with a serrated stand (DTA, Rubi);
  • with screw tensioners:
  • manual tightening by rotating the nut included in the design (Tornado, NTCA);
  • Tension by rotating the stud present in the device with a screwdriver.

One piece DLS:

  • with latches-tensioners (Tuscan, SeamClip).

Consider these species, subspecies and their characteristics.

SVP Wedge Tile Leveling System DLS

wedge tensioner system

Wedge SVP consists of two types of plastic parts - reusable wedges and disposable clamps. The device is used when laying ceramic tiles with a thickness of 5 to 12 mm.

The clamp is a molded piece of plastic - a flat rod with a rectangular base at one end and a crossbar at the other. At the point where the rod is attached to the base, there is a technological incision to facilitate the breaking of the rod when it is removed after the tile adhesive has cured.

The wedge is also made of plastic, has a vertical longitudinal section in the middle of the expanding part for the movement of the clamp rod along it when wedging.

Wedge leveling clamps are installed manually, while the parts can be pulled together when leveling the tiles with your own hands or with the help of a special tool that facilitates and speeds up the implementation of a strong fixation of ceramics.

Notched Stand Devices

Such leveling clamps are also made of plastic and consist of two separate parts - a disposable corrugated rod and a clamping cap-clip with a locking lock inside.

This type of DLS is used for leveling ceramic tiles in a wide range of thicknesses from 5 to 25 mm. The fixture locks of this design can be operated 25-30 times, but the contraction of ceramics using this SVP is performed by a special device.

SVP of this type differs from previous systems only in the way of tightening also separate upper and lower parts of the device. To level adjacent tiles in the DLS design, a threaded connection of parts is used, which, depending on the version, are tightened manually by rotating a large-diameter nut or a metal stud using a screwdriver (screwdriver).

The top component of the DLS screw tension is also reusable.

In this version, screw clamps are used instead of wedges.

One piece DLS

These devices are non-separable disposable products. The tiles are pulled to a common level by two movable latches located in the upper part of the SVP. Of all the types of DLS, this is the cheapest, so it is ideal for an amateur finisher who rarely does ceramic cladding with his own hands. The only thing you need to pay attention to when buying this type of system is their gradation by numbers, which must correspond to the thickness of the applied finishing ceramics.

Installation of leveling clamps using the example of a wedge DLS

Application of glue. The selected tile adhesive is kneaded strictly according to the instructions on the package so that its consistency is neither too thick nor too liquid. To apply the solution, it is imperative to use two types of spatulas - smooth (for applying the solution on the surface) and comb (rectangular teeth 8-10 mm in size, to remove excess adhesive mixture).

Using SVP, the adhesive is applied to both surfaces - the back of the tile and the base. This is done to prevent possible separation of the ceramic from the base when it is lifted during the leveling process. The total thickness of the mortar layer after gluing the tiles should not exceed 7 mm.

Leveling ceramics. The first tile is laid on the project site and clamps are installed under each of its sides, to which adjacent products will adjoin. Then a second sheet is laid next to it, which is brought out with wedges with the first tile to a common level, after which, by lightly tapping the rubber mallet under the control of the bubble level, they achieve their strictly horizontal position.

SVP and DLS allows you to lay tiles without any distortions and differences in height without special skills

The next sheets of the first row are laid next to each other, and clamps are also installed under each of their sides, after which wedges are tightly pushed under those rods that are between adjacent products, achieving occupation by adjacent tiles of the same level in height. If the width of the tile joints must be made greater than the thickness of the clamp rods, then distribution crosses of the required size are additionally used.

In this way, ceramics are laid on the entire surface of the floor. At the same time, it is necessary to clean the joints of ceramics from excess glue that has come out. Thorough cleaning of mortar residues will be possible only after removing the wedges with clamps.

Ways to host DLS

The placement of the elements of the tile leveling system depends on how the ceramics are laid.

The main advantage of the DLS system over other SVPs lies in the lower consumption of the main elements (bases) per sq.m.

With the direct method of facing, fixators are installed 2 pieces on each side of the product, stepping back from the corner of 5 cm. This arrangement is appropriate for ceramics of 60 x 60 cm and more.

With a rectangular shape of ceramics, when the larger side exceeds 80 cm, an additional device is installed in the middle of it.

With the “offset” finishing method, the leveling elements are located at the intersection points of the perpendicular seams of adjacent tiles (T-joints). This arrangement of the latches is justified for facing sizes from 40 to 60 cm.

Smaller ceramics can be laid by placing DLS at the junctions of the four corners of the tile, so that there are 4 corners of four sheets of cladding per fixture.

Consumption of leveling clamps

The number of units of the leveling system depends on the following factors:

  • base quadrature;
  • tile format (shape and size);
  • method of laying ceramics;
  • arrangement of clamps;
  • product quality.

Approximate requirement per 1 sq. m. calculated by the formula:

  • C=K/S,
  • where C - consumption in pieces,
  • K is the number of touch points of the clamps to the two sides of adjacent tiles;
  • S is the area of ​​one sheet of ceramics in square meters.

For example, for facing 1 sq. m. floor tiles format 0.8 x 0.8 m will need:

  • C=4/0, 64=6, 25≈7 pieces. By multiplying this value by the floor area in square meters, the total demand for DLS is obtained.

Removing fixtures after the adhesive has cured

Not less than 24 hours after the end of the finishing, they begin to remove the SVP, the final cleaning of the tile joints from glue and wiping the lining.

The system is removed from the floor and walls in the same way - by hitting the latch with a rubber mallet along the tile joint. The rack with a notch breaks off at the base in the place of the technological incision. If the rack broke off higher, then its excess is torn off by twisting with pliers.

After cleaning the ceramics, grouting is performed.

DLS - a plastic element with a hole into which a wedge is inserted, which presses the tile

Advantages of the tile leveling system

  1. Improving the quality of work due to the fixed leveling of the tiles.
  2. Fast laying of tiles (due to the simplification of the level control of the cladding).
  3. When using expensive types of finishing materials, the ability to perform installation of the appropriate quality.
  4. The ability to perform finishes of acceptable quality even by people without the appropriate professional skills.

Disadvantages of DLS

  • The use is advisable only with good quality ceramics;
  • High requirements for the evenness of the base (height differences on the floor should not exceed 2 mm per meter of length and 5 mm in the room as a whole; wall irregularities should also not be more than 2 mm per linear meter);
  • The complexity of leveling when installing a fixed slope of the floor cladding in one plane and the impossibility of using it with a slope in the form of a shallow funnel;
  • Single use of some items;
  • Increase in repair costs (with a small tile format - significant).

The installation of ceramic facing material requires that the surface be perfectly flat. This condition must be observed when laying tiles not only on the floor, but also on the walls.

You don't have to be a specialist builder to lay tiles perfectly. All you have to do is use the SVP (Tile Alignment System), which is often referred to as 3D cross stitching.


As you know, improperly laid cladding does not just spoil the appearance of the interior. It can lead to serious problems.

Even a slight unevenness in laying tiles entails negative consequences:

  • the formation of dirt, fungus and mold in the tile joints;
  • increased risk of injury;
  • destruction of materials under the influence of various loads.

All of these troubles can be avoided by installing a tile leveling system.

SVP is a structure used to quickly level the surface when laying ceramic and tile coatings. It can also be used for laying porcelain stoneware (with a thickness of not more than 20 mm).

Basically, the leveling system is used when the dimensions of the tiles exceed 40 cm.. In some cases, it is also used for facing material of small sizes.

The main models of leveling structures:

  • in a wedge-shaped tensioner;
  • with a fixing tool in the form of a jagged strip;
  • with screw tensioner.

The alignment design of the first type consists of two plastic elements. One of them has the appearance of a wedge with teeth. The second is made in the form of a key with an oval or polygonal base (it is a clamp). The clip is a T-shaped plastic element in which the upper part breaks off easily. This item is for single use only. The wedge is a reusable mechanism.

Also, the design may include additional components: caps, clips, tapes, various meters. To work in this case, only a rubber mallet is required to beat off the locking mechanism.

Leveling systems with a fixing tool can mount tiles of a wide range of thicknesses (from 3 mm to 3 cm). The use of such a system is possible only with the help of an additional tool. Structures with a screw tensioner are tightened with a steel stud using a screwdriver.

There are two types of SVP according to the level of complexity:

  • Economy class. This type is used if there are mild irregularities. The tiled element is clamped with a wedge and placed on the wall surface. Next, the size of the seams is determined, which should be the same. After that, all existing irregularities are leveled.
  • Premium class. This device is slightly different from the design of the economy class. The base of the mechanism has a curved shape. Thanks to this, a reliable automatic fixation of the mechanism occurs.

SVP models also differ in the constituent elements included in the device kit:

  • The most "running" systems in the construction market are those that consist of a clamp and wedges.
  • The second variation of the system includes a set of tools: tightening mechanisms, various puffs, or latches that act as fasteners (Litolevel from Litokol, Rubi).

Advantages and disadvantages

Reviews about the surface leveling system are different, because, like any other device, it has its pros and cons.

The advantages of the system are obvious:

  • Thanks to the automated leveling mechanism, two adjacent materials are processed, resulting in a perfectly flat surface.
  • The gaps between the tile elements of the facing surface are exactly the same.
  • Thanks to the installation of tile levelers, the adhesive solution is distributed evenly. This is important if the subfloor surface has slight irregularities.
  • The facing product after drying is not subjected to deformation and shrinkage of materials.
  • Installation of SVP can be done independently without the help of specialists. The cost of the services of the master is much higher than the cost of the SVP, which can significantly reduce the cash costs for repairs.

However, it is worth considering the disadvantages of SVP:

  • It will take some time for the correct and error-free installation of the wedges.
  • In the future, it will be difficult to clean the seams.
  • Disposable items will have to be purchased regularly.
  • There are restrictions on the thickness of the tile coating (the maximum thickness should not exceed 2 cm, the minimum - 2 mm).

Domestic and foreign SVPs

Devices manufactured by Russian and foreign manufacturers differ. The Russian version of the SVP consists of a wedge and a clamp. The foreign version of the design includes tongs and wedges in the form of petals.

The most popular are manufacturers from Russia and Spain (Rubi Tili Level).

The Rubi system is especially known for its outstanding features:

  • high quality construction;
  • it is possible to fix tile materials with a thickness of 3 to 20 mm;
  • before using the screed, half an hour soaking in water is necessary, which allows you to increase the strength of the device;
  • thanks to the thickness of the screed (0.8 mm), thin seams can be made and adjusted using crosses.

However, the product also has disadvantages:

  • weak fixation of facing materials (with strong pressure on the material, the screed may break);
  • production of the Rubi system is located abroad, so the price of products is high;
  • delivery of SVP can take a long time;
  • continuation of work after a long break will become difficult (it will be very difficult to insert screeds into a dried mixture, you will have to work with a screwdriver for some time);
  • caps can be used no more than 5-7 times;
  • there are a huge number of analogues that are not inferior in quality alignment.

Advantages of Russian SVPs:

  • reliable fixation of tile materials;
  • the simplest self-leveling system, providing greater strength.


  • low quality of the elements included in the alignment system;
  • when a large amount of adhesive solution accumulates under the tile, the screed breaks;
  • wedge links are made of rough material (when removing the wedge from the clamp, the tile material with glue may come off);
  • the clip may have an uncomfortable shape, which leads to rapid hand fatigue.

Feedback from ordinary consumers can be divided into 2 categories. The first group includes specialist tilers who appreciated the tile leveling system, making sure that it saves time and speed of laying. In the second category are those who, having studied the simplest design and the principle of operation of the alignment system, opted for creating a self-made structure.

How to use?

The tile leveling system does not require much effort and additional tools. It will be more difficult for beginners to put elements, but the final result will please them.

Installation of tiles using SVP is carried out according to a special scheme:

  • The base of the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, treated with a primer mixture.
  • The adhesive solution is being prepared (according to the manufacturer's instructions). The consistency of the resulting mixture should not be too liquid, but not thick.
  • The required amount of adhesive is applied to the surface of the tile with a notched trowel. If porcelain stoneware or ramor is used as a facing material, then the adhesive must be applied both to the base of the floor and to the coating itself for better alignment.
  • The first tiled coating is installed, which is fixed along the edges with the base of the SVP. Clamps must be placed with an indent from the corners of 5 cm.
  • The second tile is being laid.
  • Inserts are fixed with wedges on both sides. Some tilers additionally use crosses to keep the joint thickness uniform.
  • The clamp is fitted closely.
  • The seams are cleaned from the adhesive solution.

Clamps can be installed in two ways:

  1. In the first case, clamping elements are inserted 2 pieces on each side of the tile.
  2. In the second option, you can install them at the intersection of the corners of the four elements.

The leveling system may only be removed after the adhesive solution has completely dried (after 24 hours).

For this purpose, you will need a rubber mallet, which should beat the latch in the direction of the seam. Throughout the entire facing work, constant monitoring is required using the building level.


The consumption of elements depends on several factors.

  • Product quality. Poor quality tools can break during installation, increasing repair costs.
  • Owner Skills. The first time a beginner works with a surface leveling system can lead to serious errors.
  • Dimensions of tiles. If the tile size is large enough, additional fixing mechanisms must be purchased.

The calculation of the number of units is carried out according to the formula C=K/S, where:

  • FROM- consumption;
  • TO- the number of clamps required for two sides of adjacent tile coverings;
  • S- the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone tiled material in m2.

Homemade options

The surface leveling system can be done by hand. A homemade device, unlike a factory mechanism, will be simpler, but this will allow you to reduce costs.

Required tools:

  • aluminum wire 1.7 mm thick, which will act as a clamp;
  • small pieces of hardboard(Fibreboard) installed instead of wedges;
  • cut strips of mounting tape(for emphasis).

The aluminum wire is bent so that an elongated rectangle is formed. Then mount the stop plate. The lower parts of the wire, which will be located below the plane of the tiled material, are “bited” on both sides. This procedure is necessary in order to make it easier to break it off in the future..

Having installed the resulting mechanism between the tiles, the upper ends of the wire are twisted into a spiral shape. Beforehand, it is necessary to insert pieces of hardboard under the wire. Thus, there is a fixation of materials. After 100% drying of the adhesive solution, you can remove the clamps. The protruding parts of the loop are cut off with wire cutters.

Even a home-made device, which is significantly inferior to factory counterparts, can significantly simplify and speed up the process of installing a tiled floor.

  • You should not rely on the fact that the SVP will be able to eliminate all surface irregularities. Alignment occurs on the tile, which is located one level higher. As a result, the sunken tile rises, and a void forms under it. In the future, this can lead to the formation of cracks and splitting of the tiled coating. Experts strongly recommend carrying out facing work, having previously achieved a perfectly even base. The leveling system may be used on surfaces with a level of difference of no more than 1 cm.
  • Do not hope that SVP will prevent tile cracking. Laying tiles should be carried out on a tile adhesive with a composition suitable for the selected type of coating. Otherwise, dynamic loads can lead to deformation of the entire structure.

Large tile coverings must be laid on two layers of glue, otherwise the SVP will not cope with the task.

  • The use of SVP is allowed at a temperature of +10 degrees. In order for the result to be impressive, it is also necessary to take into account the norms of air humidity and the presence of drafts.
  • When purchasing an alignment design, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the mechanisms included in the system kit. There are a large number of fake SVPs.
  • In order to end up with a perfectly even facing coating, it is necessary to use only high-quality tile materials.
  • It is impossible to save on the number of installed clamps. In this case, the structure will not be fixed firmly enough, which can lead to deformation.
  • Before using SVP, experts recommend testing your skills. It is necessary to take 9 tiles and, without using glue, connect them into a square with a leveling system on the floor. This is necessary in order not to spoil the tile coating and alignment tools during operation.

Self-levelling structures are especially necessary for laying large-sized pavings. Professional craftsmen do not have to use SVP, but for novice builders this condition is mandatory. The proof of this will be the final flawless appearance of the tiled floor.

For installing a tile leveling system, see the following video.

When performing repair work of any complexity, you want impeccable quality, accuracy and durability. Technological advances are advancing and the new Tile Leveling System (SVP) is designed to make laying work easier.

The innovative SVP, which came from abroad, quickly took root. According to the principle of operation, they distinguish directly SVP and functioning in a similar way, but having design differences, DLS.

SVP - tile leveling system

It should be noted that the new leveling system is not autonomous and does not lay tiles on its own. It must be regarded as a very suitable, greatly facilitating the work of an additional device that eliminates the fitting of products "by eye" and carries out the lining of both vertical and horizontal planes as accurately and efficiently as possible.

SVP contains only 2 useful components, made from strong, shock-resistant plastic (some reusable components of expensive systems are made from a durable alloy) - clip and clothespin. The number of wedges and clamps depends on the laying area and the size of the tile fragments. The cost of such a system is quite small, and the result of its use is surprising: practically no, even small differences between the tiles will appear with the correct use of the system. As auxiliary equipment, you will need special wedge tongs, similar to thin curved tongs.

Using wedges for laying

In addition to reusability, the device also has a multitasking function.. The cost of wedges is low, but the performance is impressive. With this device, extremely parallel tile lines are achieved, which means that smooth and neat seams are obtained. The leveler is applied on the most non-standard sites. The device makes it possible to choose the desired thickness and acquire a uniform seam of the upper part of the mosaic tile.

Among the positive aspects of wedges for laying ceramics worth noting the low cost and effectiveness. The wedges are represented by universal assistants during stone cladding. In cases where there is a significant difference in the size of the tiles, wedges are inserted where the seam should be to create an even line. There are many moments when plastic products help out in functional terms. But like every system, it has its pros and cons.

How the system works

The basic principles of working with the system are as follows: between adjacent tiles, 2-3 (depending on the size of the tile) clamps are placed with a straight base in the lower section of the tile, in each of which a parallel tightening wedge is fixed, tightly pressing the tile planes. The laying plane must be prepared and leveled in advance, and the load provided by the attracted gripper eliminates the settling and shrinkage of the planes when the adhesive dries, displacement relative to each other or slipping of the tiles.

Clamps are placed in a certain way: a suitable option for their position is considered to be installation at one main point in each section of the tile with an indent from the corner by 5–6 cm. If the side of the tile fragment is longer than one meter, it is recommended to install a control clip in the central part of the tile edge.

A day or two after the glue has dried, the clamps and wedges are removed by directed blows of a special rubber hammer along the seam or by another convenient method. The graceful leg of the clamp breaks, and the base remains under the laid tiles, reusable wedges are used for further work (in high-quality systems, the use of tightening components can be up to 50 times).

SVP is actually a multi-purpose system that is suitable for both floors and walls - while working with tiles with a thickness of 6-12 mm.

Sometimes craftsmen have problems about the differences and advantages of using alignment systems - DLS and SVP. They are as follows:

In addition to the obvious ease of use in laying the system and the simplicity of its installation, it is necessary to designate pros and cons of SVP and DLS:

As it turned out, the alignment system can be very different, and the recommendations of highly qualified specialists regarding which system is more correct to use in work are as follows:

Similar occupation will require vigilance and accuracy in carrying out operations. Conventionally, the procedure is divided into 2 stages - preparation and laying itself.

Preparation for work begins with the removal of the previous coating, its alignment and then ends with the priming stage. Further, you can switch directly to styling. If necessary, it is allowed to lay an infrared or water heated floor under the tiles.

You also need to buy certain devices, such as:

  1. Glue;
  2. Special marker and others required in the work.

There are several alternatives for laying tiles: seam in seam, diagonal, bandaging. To achieve the desired result, you can only align the plane well. In the second step, the highlight is the location of the plank on the wall with fasteners. This will help lay out the main tile row.

Before sticking the first tile, a calculation is performed and a corner is fixed, leading to laying in the future. After that, the angle from which the facing will begin is determined. The tile must be pressed evenly over the entire plane, all released excess glue must be removed. At the second corner, it may be necessary to cut the tiles. After the glue has completely dried, all excess elements are removed, and the seams are overwritten.

With the improvement of technologies for the production of facing materials, the quality of the produced ceramic tiles also increases. At the same time, high-quality floor and wall cladding enhances the impression of spectacular ceramics, so the requirements for finishing are constantly increasing, which is the reason for the emergence of fundamentally new and improved tools, devices and devices used in facing work. One of these devices is a set of SVP clips, designed to simplify the laying of ceramics when facing the bases, improve the quality of work and reduce time costs.

Mounting tiles on the surface requires care and diligence to make the plane even. This process is especially difficult for beginners. To help inexperienced professionals, there is a special tile leveling system that helps to evenly lay out the tiles and form beautiful seams. However, there are opinions that this tool is a useless device. Let's try to figure out which side is the truth.

The Tile Leveling System (TLS) is an innovative floor and wall tiling fixture that was invented in the West and has been used for a long time. This tool is used for laying porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles with a thickness of 0.3 to 20 cm.

There are two types of tile leveling device:

  1. Economy model. It is used on a relatively even base without significant differences. The device includes wedges and a base that they clamp, thanks to which the tile is securely fixed, the joints are leveled, and small irregularities are leveled. At the same time, the wedges can be reused, but part of the clamp remains in the seams, so they need to be bought every time. As a rule, these are Russian-made products.
  2. A more expensive and reliable version of the tool for tile work with advanced functionality. Thanks to the curved shape, the best result is achieved. The clamps are made in the form of a wedge or a flexible petal. The fixture first displaces the tile, and then aligns it, adjusting to the desired parameters in order to evenly distribute the adhesive and create a flat surface. These are foreign devices for leveling and laying reusable tiles, but a special tool is needed to dismantle them.

However, do not assume that the SVP tile fixture will completely level the surface and evenly distribute the mastic. This product is only an addition that allows you to correct minor flaws during the laying of tiles. At the same time, in order to achieve the expected effect, the tile must be of high quality, perfectly flat.

What are the pros and cons of using it?

Since experts express diametrically opposed points of view on whether a ceramic tile laying system is needed, it is worth listing the main advantages and disadvantages of this tool.

The main advantage of using this device is the automatic alignment of the sides of the laid tiles on the same level, so there will be no difference between two adjacent elements. It turns out a perfectly flat plane in height.

Other important benefits:

  1. The ideal horizontal surface, which is obtained as a result of the use of SVP, not only improves the appearance of the room, but significantly extends the life of the tile.
  2. The joints and seams are exactly the same, there is no need to use special plastic crosses.
  3. The adhesive mastic is evenly distributed, filling all the voids on the wall or floor with small defects, which is very difficult to do without this device.
  4. When the mixture for tiling shrinks, the tiles will not lead, due to reliable fixation.
  5. The device allows you to protect the tile from subsidence even after complete drying.
  6. SVP also protects each element from displacement or the occurrence of drops.
  7. Some masters claim that the SVP system increases the speed and quality of laying the cladding.

However, many professionals also note disadvantages:

  • additional time is needed to install and remove wedges;
  • much more difficult to clean the joints;
  • large-sized tiles will have to be laid on two layers of glue, otherwise the SVP will not work;
  • additional costs for the purchase of these products.

Attention! When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to the quality of the SVP product, since cheap fakes cannot cope with their functions and break during operation!

How to work with the leveling device?

Working with the SVP system is quite easy, the surface is leveled very quickly. Of course, it is necessary to understand the principle of action and to “fill your hand” a little.

The technique of laying and leveling tiles is as follows:

  1. An adhesive composition is applied to the prepared, cleaned base using a trowel, which is distributed over the surface with a special notched trowel.
  2. Then you need to install the first tile and, using the building level, align it, as it will serve as the basis for other elements.
  3. In the future, it all depends on the type of clamps used. The tile leveling system can be installed in two versions:
  • installation of SVP along the edges of the tile (at a distance of 5 cm from the edge), that is, two clamps on each side;
  • installation of SVP at the intersection of adjacent tiles, that is, in each corner, one clamp.
  1. Whichever option you choose, the next steps are:
  • at the device you need to squeeze out the thrust pad;
  • it must be brought under the bottom of the tile in such a way that the tail of the clamp with a window protrudes from the seam;
  • a wedge must be inserted into this connector.
  1. The wedge is mounted until it is fully fixed using pliers with the possibility of adjustment.
  2. It is worth carefully monitoring that the adhesive base does not fall on the clamp, since the fixation area must be absolutely clean.
  3. If the glue in some place got out, then it must be removed immediately.
  4. All tiles are laid and leveled in the same way. The SVP system must be left until the mastic is completely dry.
  5. After the glue dries, the fixture can be removed. The wedges are pulled out of the connector, and the clip breaks off and remains in the seam.

Of course, in the process of work, you need to constantly check the evenness of the laying using the building level.

How to do it yourself?

To minimize costs, a ceramic tile leveling system can be made independently. Naturally, you need to understand that such a device will differ in many ways from factory products.

To make a SVP with your own hands, you will need:

  1. Aluminum (this is important!) wire, 1.7 mm in diameter, which will be used instead of the clamp.
  2. Small pieces of fiberboard, which will play the role of wedges for spacer joints and fixing tiles.
  3. Plates cut from a metal profile, which will be used to create an emphasis.

The process of self-manufacturing a tile leveling system is as follows:

  1. Bend the wire into an elongated rectangular shape.
  2. Install the metal plate for the stop, slightly flattening the place under it.
  3. Bit the part of the wire that will be under the tile on both sides with wire cutters so that it can be easily broken off later.
  4. After inserting the device into the joint, twist the top edge, placing strips of fiberboard in advance.
  5. Twist the wire until it is completely fixed. Ready!

Such a device, made by hand, allows you to lay the tiles in an even layer, without drops and with even seams.

Personal opinion: is it worth using?

In my opinion, this system will be a good helper for a beginner or a master with little experience, and for a professional with experience, the use of SVP will only become a hindrance, slowing down the laying process.

In addition, it is not so easy to purchase such a device, since not every hardware store has a SVP. But if you are lucky, then a set of 250 elements will cost about 1,000 rubles. And this is an additional expense item. Therefore, using a leveling system for time and money costs is beneficial only with large tiles.

There are a few other points of contention:

  1. If the screed has a hump, then it is not always possible to level such a surface with the help of SVP. If you lay a small tile, then more or less it will be possible to level the floor. But if the tile is large-sized, then holding it on one side, the second will rise, that is, it will not work to lay it evenly.
  2. The statement about the increase in the speed of masonry is also, in my opinion, exaggerated. For an experienced craftsman, on the contrary, this is a slowdown, since it takes about 30-40 seconds to install and tighten one part of the SVP, another 15-20 seconds are spent to remove the element. So seconds add up to minutes, and minutes add up to hours.
  3. It is also not very convenient that using SVP, the tiles cannot be washed on the day of laying. It is allowed to remove the wedges only after two days. During this time, the glue in the seams will solidify thoroughly, and it takes a lot of time and effort to clean the joints.

So the rhetorical question arises, is it worth overpaying and wasting time on this system?

In my opinion, the use of SVP is justified only when laying large-sized tiles, from 60 * 60 cm, and if you are a master without much experience. Specialists easily, quickly and evenly lay tiles without innovative technologies.

When laying tiles, you have to tinker with the correct formation of seams. It is to facilitate this procedure that the tile leveling system was developed. It is believed that it helps to reduce the time of work and create a beautiful, even surface. Of course, there are also opponents who consider this product meaningless. Therefore, it is worth carefully considering all the features of this device.

Due to the fact that there are different opinions expressed by professional masters, it is necessary to pay attention to the pros and cons of SVP (tile leveling system).


  1. The device allows you to get a flat floor. This is achieved by setting the optimal coverage level. It makes it possible to improve not only the appearance, but also significantly extend the service life of the facing product.
  2. The seams are exactly the same. The device allows you to completely abandon the plastic crosses that were previously used.
  3. The tile adhesive is evenly distributed. This is especially important when the base has some defects. It turns out that the voids are completely filled with glue. Manually this process is quite difficult to carry out.
  4. SVP protects tiles from subsidence. This happens even after the final drying has come.
  5. The device securely fixes each element. And this means that during drying, the tile will be exclusively in the desired position. There will be no fluctuations or displacement.

The system for leveling tiles securely fixes each element of the product

But there are also disadvantages:

  • You have to spend time to properly install the wedges and remove them.
  • Cleaning the seams becomes much more difficult.
  • There is an additional expense item.
  • Large tiles must be laid on a double layer of adhesive. Otherwise, the system cannot cope with the functions assigned to it.

On a note! When purchasing SVP, pay attention to the quality of the material. After all, there are many fakes that fail during operation.

Components of SVP

Different types of systems for leveling

The device for laying tiles is divided into two main types:

  1. Economic option. It is used on a surface that does not have significant irregularities. The product consists of a base, which is clamped with a special wedge. This allows the tiles to be fixed, which leads to the alignment of the joints and the correction of minor irregularities.
  2. A more expensive product with increased reliability and functionality. The device has a curved shape, which at first can be misleading. But it is precisely due to this feature that the desired effect is achieved. The system first displaces the tile, and then it self-levels. It adapts to the required parameters, setting a single surface plane and evenly distributing glue.

Different types of tile leveling systems

Do not think that this device allows you to do all the work of leveling the surface and more accurate distribution of mastic. It is only an additional tool that allows you to correct the shortcomings that have arisen during the workflow.

On a note! In order for the SVP tile leveling system to give the desired result, it is necessary to use only high-quality tile material. It must be perfectly flat.

VIDEO: Laying tiles using a leveling system

Application of SVP

Working with this device is easy and fast. Of course, you need to practice a little and understand the principle of operation. The technology is:

  • Glue is applied to the prepared surface with a trowel. It is distributed over a given area with a notched trowel.
  • Now you need to lay the first element. It is important to understand that it needs to be aligned in order to provide a basis for other details.
  • Further, the steps depend on which tile alignment system will be used. There are two main options:
    • installation of clamps along the edges of the tile, which means that there are two fixtures on each side (at a distance of five centimeters from the edge);
    • installation of clamps at the crosshairs of adjacent elements (exactly in the center of the corners of four products).
  • In any case, the following is done:
    • at the clamp, the thrust platform is bent;
    • it is brought under the bottom of the tile so that a tail with a window protrudes from the seam;
    • a wedge will be inserted into this connector.

Laying tiles with SVP
  • The wedge is inserted until it is fully fixed. Doing it by hand is inconvenient. It is better to use special pliers that are adjustable (depending on the type of ceramics).
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the adhesive does not fall on the installed fixture. The place of fixation must be completely clean.
  • Excess mastic is immediately removed.
  • So the entire surface is laid in order. SVP remains until the moment when the tile adhesive is completely dry.
  • It's time to remove it. The wedges are pulled out of the connector, they can be used further, and the remaining clip is knocked down breaking off. That is, its lower part remains under the coating. This item is a consumable item.

Naturally, the installation is constantly checked for level, each element is set clearly in its place.

When using SVP, laying tiles must be controlled by the building level

Making a homemade version

It is possible to make a do-it-yourself tile leveling system. Of course, it will be significantly different from the one bought in the store. But this will save the family budget. To create the necessary fixture you will need:

  1. Aluminum wire (1.7 mm thick) - will act as part of the clamp.

    On a note! Copper materials are not used - they are more elastic, which makes them difficult to use.

  2. Sliced ​​pieces of hardboard (hardboard) - are inserted instead of wedges, for expansion and fixation.
  3. Plates from a metal profile (mounting tape) - to create an emphasis.

Materials for self-manufacturing of SVP

The manufacturing process is as follows:

  • The wire is bent so that an elongated rectangle is obtained.
  • Install the stop plate - the place under it is slightly flattened.
  • The part of the wire that will be below the plane of the tile is slightly bitten on both sides. This is done in order to make it easier to break it off.
  • By inserting such a device into the inter-seam space, the upper edge is twisted. Pieces of fiberboard are placed under it in advance. Fixation occurs.

Homemade tile leveling system option

Of course, a home-made device is noticeably inferior to a special device. But it allows you to work much better and faster. Naturally, everyone chooses their own option based on the possibilities, as well as the specific situation.

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