Home Mushrooms Create a Microsoft account - complete instructions. Troubleshooting Windows error "Can't sign in to account"

Create a Microsoft account - complete instructions. Troubleshooting Windows error "Can't sign in to account"

To work in Windows, you must have a user account.

By creating several accounts, you can fully use one by different people, while each user will have their own set of programs and personal settings.

Today we will look at how to properly create a new account in, set up an existing one, or delete an extra one.

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The use of multiple accounts is very convenient, because each user gets their own personal workspace.

By creating several individual accounts, it becomes possible to use your personal space with your programs and settings.

The account also defines the available options for the user: what changes he can make, what files and programs to use.

Initially, one account was created on the computer and work automatically starts under its parameters.

If it is necessary to delimit the workspace, an additional account is created for the user.

There are three types of accounts that differ in capabilities and access to PC management.

  • the guest- used for temporary use of a computer, has the most limited capabilities.
  • General access - the user can start and work in the vast majority of installed programs, it is also possible to make minor changes to the settings (if they do not affect the security of the PC or other users). Automatic restrictions are set for this group: some programs are unavailable for work, some tools from . This account is considered optimal for using the computer by inexperienced users - here you can not make major changes that could adversely affect the work. One of the obvious limitations is the impossibility of independent (without the help of the Administrator) installation of some programs.
  • Administrator- can make any changes, has full access to the entire computer and all accounts created on it.

Create a new account

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Even if you are a novice or inexperienced user and have never encountered the need to create additional accounts, do not worry.

Following the detailed prompts, you can easily resolve the issue of adding an account for a new user on your own.

Creating a new account is not difficult.

Please note that adding a new entry is done exclusively under the rights administrator.

Creating accounts with rights administrator and with Normal access is a fairly similar process.

Let's consider both cases in detail.

Create an Administrator account

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To create an account with rights administrator For Windows 8, Vista, and Windows 7 operating systems, you need to follow a few simple steps.

1 Find the Start button on the keyboard, press it and call the drop-down menu, find the item "Control Panel"(in the Windows 8 operating system, the menu is called up by pressing the Windows + X keys simultaneously, then go to the "Control Panel"). For greater convenience of carrying out all the work, you can configure the display of icons - Large icons, this action will increase the icons and it will be easier for beginners to navigate and quickly find the necessary items and lists.

2 In the window that opens, there will be a list of possible settings. Select the item you need from this list - "User accounts".

3 Once you have navigated to the desired item, click on the item "User Account Management".

To go to the next step, press Add.

4 A new window will appear on the monitor, in the window that appears, click on the input field "User" and enter a name - "Administrator". Click Further.

5 Next step. You need to select an access level.

To do this, check the box next to the category. "Administrator".

Confirm the action and click the button Done.

Create a regular account

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Creating a regular account type is very similar to creating an administrator account, which we looked at earlier.

However, there are still some differences, and to facilitate the process of getting acquainted with the new feature, follow the tips below.

Thus, you will successfully create the necessary account and be able to fully use it.

1 In order to easily and easily overcome the process of creating an account with regular access, you need to call the Start menu and then go to the section "Control Panel". How to find the sections you need, see the photo below.

2 A window will open in front of you, in this window that opens, select the section "Adding and Removing User Accounts".

3 Then feel free to choose the item "Creating an account".

4 As a result of these actions, a new window will appear in front of you.

In the window that appears, fill in the only available input field for specifying the username of the future account.

Specify Username and check the box next to "Normal access".

After that, press the button "Creating an account".

5 That's it, your new account has been created.

Now you can safely proceed to the design and privacy settings, install the desired set and use the computer to the fullest, according to the recording settings.

In order to enter a new account, go to the menu "Start" and press "Change user".

Select the desired account, enter the password and start using the computer's capabilities.

The Windows 10 operating system is somewhat more complex to manage, compared to the familiar to each and every operating system interface.

It also affected the way you set up and create the required system elements.

Creating an account for a computer running Windows 10 has a slightly different algorithm.

Today we will consider it in great detail and you will be able to independently perform all the steps described below, even if you have never encountered this need before.

Just follow the instructions and focus on the image hints.

1 First of all, press the Start + I button at the same time to open the tab "Parameters".

Go to the settings section, then select "Family and other users".

Finding a section "Other Users" and choose the item "Add for this computer".

2 After that, click on the item with the mouse "The user I want to add does not have an email address" and call a new window.

3 A new window, unfamiliar to you, has appeared in front of you.

In this window, select the item marked in red in the figure:

4 We indicate the desired name of your future account and a sufficiently strong password, which you must remember so as not to lose access to the workspace.

That's all. The account has been created and is ready to be used.

Adding a second account in Windows 10

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Creating a second account in has significant differences in the algorithm and chronology of actions.

1 Use the Start button to open the menu "Parameters", then go to "Accounts".

3 As a result of this action, a window will open on the desktop, where you will be prompted to select a login method for the new user being created.

You need to select an item "I don't have this person's login details".

How to do it right.

Look at the image below.

4 After that, select and go to the item "Add user without account" like in the screenshot.

5 Then fill in all the white fields that are intended for input: enter a name for the account, come up with a strong password, fill in the line "Suggest Password".

To proceed to the next steps, click the Next button.

The desired button is highlighted in red in the image below.

7 As a result of these actions, a new window will appear, in it you need to replace the installed category in the drop-down menu - "Standard User" to the category you need "Administrator".

How to choose the right category, see the image hint.

Changing the account type

An account with administrator rights was successfully created, as you can see, there was absolutely nothing complicated here.

Now, after creating a new account, you can use it through the welcome window.

In order to download games and applications from the Windows Store, you need to create Microsoft account. It is advisable to do this immediately after buying a Lumia smartphone or any other device on Windows 10, otherwise the whole point in acquiring it is simply lost.

Important: We would like to draw your attention right away to the fact that when creating an account, it is imperative to indicate an age over 18 years old (even if this is not the case), otherwise insurmountable difficulties will arise with the installation of applications and games in the future.

Advice: If you already have a Microsoft account, you don't need to create a new one. For example, if you have an Xbox or Hotmail mail, then you do not need to start an additional one.

If you don't have it, follow the instructions below:

How to create a Microsoft account:

This can be done in several ways, depending on the situation.

1. From a Lumia smartphone:

  • Go to "Settings"
  • Select "Mail+Accounts"
  • Click "Add a Service" and select "Microsoft Account"

2. When setting up the device for the first time:

  • Follow the on-screen instructions on your Lumia or other until you get to "Create an account"
  • Click on "Create" and follow the instructions on the screen.

3. Through a browser from a computer:

  • Go to the official website using the following link
  • Fill in the required fields
  • Click "Create an account".

How to set up an account on your phone:

  • Go to the "Settings" menu
  • Go to the "Mail + Accounts" section
  • Select Add Service. After that, you need to select the Microsoft account and enter your username and password.

Congratulations, your account has been set up!

If you forgot your password, you can restore your Microsoft account on the official website at this link

If you have any problems, ask a question in the comments or in

User profile corruption issues are among the most common, usually accompanied by "Unable to sign in" and "You are signed in with a temporary profile" messages. Therefore, today we decided to tell you how the user profile is arranged, what can lead to its damage, and what methods can be used to restore the normal operation of the system.

Let's start with the symptoms, the first sign that something went wrong is the inscription Preparing Windows on the welcome screen instead of Welcome.

You will then be "pleased" with a message "Unable to sign in" with options to re-enter and continue working.

If we close this window, we will see another message that sheds some light on what is happening. "You are logged in with a temporary profile".

If the profile is temporary, then it turns out that for some reason the permanent user profile could not be loaded. Therefore, we will not flog the fever, but we will try to figure out what a user profile is, what data it contains, and what may be the reason for the impossibility of loading it.

In the very first approximation, the user profile is the contents of the directory C:\Users\Name, where Name- username, there we will see the folders familiar to everyone Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music etc., as well as a hidden folder AppData.

With the visible part of the profile, everything is clear - these are standard folders for placing user data, by the way, we can safely reassign them to any other location. In recent versions of Windows, you can even reassign the Desktop.

This is quite convenient and justified, given how much users keep on their desktops, and the same SSDs are far from rubber. But this is not about that, much more interesting is what is hidden from the eyes of a simple user.

Folder AppData is designed to store settings and user data of installed programs and, in turn, contains three more folders: local, local low And Roaming.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Roaming- this is the "light" and, as the name implies, the movable part of the profile. It contains all the basic settings for programs and the user's work environment; if roaming profiles are used on the network, then its contents are copied to a shared resource, and then loaded onto any workstation where the user has logged on.
  • Local- "heavy" part of the profile, contains cache, temporary files and other settings applicable only to the current PC. It can reach a significant size, it does not move over the network.
  • local low- local data with low integrity. In this case, we again have an unsuccessful translation of the term low integrity level, actually integrity levels are just another security mechanism. Without going into details, we can say that data and processes of the system have high integrity, standard - user, low - potentially dangerous. If we look into this folder, we will see there data related to browsers, flash player, etc. The logic here is simple - in case of any emergency or attack, processes launched from this folder will not have access to user data.

And now is the time to think about which of the specified data corruption can lead to problems loading the profile? Probably none. Therefore, there must be something else in the profile. Of course it is, and if you look closely at the screenshot of the user profile above, we will see the file there NTUSER.DAT. If you enable display protected system files, then we will see a whole set of files with similar names.

Here we got to the point. In file NTUSER.DAT there is a registry branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER for each user. And it is the damage to the registry branch that makes it impossible to load the user profile. But not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. The registry is quite well protected from possible failures.

Files ntuser.dat.LOG contain a log of registry changes since the last successful boot, which makes it possible to roll back in case of any problems. Files with extension regtrans-ms are a transaction log, which allows you to keep the registry branch in a consistent form in the event of an abrupt cessation of work while making changes to the registry. In this case, all pending transactions will be automatically rolled back.

Files of least interest blf- this is a registry branch backup log, for example, with a regular tool System Restore.

Thus, having found out what the user profile consists of and damage to which part of it makes it impossible to boot, we will consider ways to restore the system.

Method 1: Fix the user profile issue

First of all, if you have problems logging into your account, you should check the system volume for errors, to do this, boot into the recovery console or Windows PE and run the command:

Chkdsk c: /f

In some cases, this may be enough, but we will consider the worst case. After checking the disk, boot into the system and open the registry editor, go to the branch

On the left we will see a number of sections with the type name S-1-5 and a long "tail" that correspond to user profiles. In order to determine which profile belongs to which user, pay attention to the key ProfileImagePath on right:

So, the desired profile has been found, now we look again at the tree on the left, which should contain two branches, one of which ends with bak.

Now our task is to rename the main profile to bak, but bak in the main. To do this, add any extension to the main profile, say .ba, then rename the backup profile to the main one, removing from its name .bak, and rename again ba in bak.

By the way, there may be situations where only a branch exists for your account bak, in which case just remove its extension.

Then we find two keys in the new main profile RefCount And State and set both to zero.

We reboot. In most cases, if the profile is not seriously damaged, these steps will succeed, otherwise go to method 2.

Method 2. Create a new profile and copy user data there

The official Microsoft documentation advises in this case to create a new account and copy the profile data there. But this approach gives rise to a whole range of problems, since a new user is a new security subject, and, therefore, we immediately get a problem with access rights, in addition, we will need to reconnect all network accounts, re-import personal certificates, and export-import mail (if you are using Outlook). In general, there will be enough entertainment and it’s not a fact that all problems can be successfully overcome.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

and delete all branches related to your profile. We reboot.

After that, Windows will create a new profile for your account, as if you were logging in for the first time. But your security identifier (SID) will remain unchanged, you will again be the owner of all your own objects, certificates, etc., etc.

For further actions, you will need another account with administrator rights, let's create it, in our case it is an account temp.

After that, we exit our main account (or reboot) and enter the sub account. Our task is to copy all the contents of the old profile folder, except for the NTUSER files, to the new folder. For these purposes, it is better to use a file manager (Total Commander, Far, etc.) launched with administrator rights.

At the end of the copying process, we log into our account again and check the operation of the account. All data and settings should be back in place. However, do not rush to delete the old folder and additional account, some data may need to be transferred again. This may be due to the fact that some programs that store settings in a damaged registry branch may decide that a new installation has been completed and overwrite the transferred files, in which case it is enough to selectively copy the necessary data.

After you work with the system for a while and make sure that everything is in place and working as it should, you can delete the old folder and additional account.

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