Home Mushrooms Tc 1 displacement speed uniform rectilinear movement. Rectilinear uniform movement. Time dependence of speed, coordinates and path

Tc 1 displacement speed uniform rectilinear movement. Rectilinear uniform movement. Time dependence of speed, coordinates and path

TC -1 Rectilinear uniform motion.


1. A cyclist, moving evenly, travels 20 m in 2 s. Determine which path it will travel when moving at the same speed in 10 seconds.

A. 60 m. B. 100 m. C. 150 m.

... The figure shows a graph of the dependence of the path when a cyclist moves on time. Determine from this graph the path that the cyclist traveled in the time interval from 1 to 4 s.

3. Using the graph, determine the speed of the cyclist at the time t= 2 s.

... The figure shows the graphs of the motion of three bodies. Which of these bodies is moving with the highest modulus of speed at the moment of time t= 5 s?

5. According to the graph, determine the speed of movement of the first body at the moment of time t= 5 s.

A. 2 s, 5 m.

B. 4 s, 10 m.

H. 5 s, 15 m.

7. Write down the equation of motion
second body on schedule.




9. The boat sails against the current of the river. What is the speed of the boat relative to the bank if the speed of the boat relative to the water is 4 m / s and the speed of the river is 3 m / s?

A. 7 m / s. B. 5 m / s. V. 1 m / s.

10. The train covered the first 40 km at 80 km / h, and the next 50 km at 100 km / h. Determine the average speed of the train along the way.

A. 95 km / h. B. 85 km / h. H. 90 km / h.

TS-1. Rectilinear uniform movement.


    The car, moving evenly, traveled 50 m in 2 seconds. What path will he travel in 20 seconds, moving at the same speed?

... 500 m. B. 1000 m. C. 250 m.

2. Determine from the graph of the dependence of the path on time the path traveled by the body in a period of time from 3 to 5 s.

    Determine the speed of movement of the body at the moment of time using the graph. t= 4 s.

... The figure shows the graphs of the motion of three bodies. Which of these bodies is moving with the lowest speed at the moment of time t= 2 s.

5. According to the movement schedule, determine the speed of movement of the second body at the moment of time 6 s.

6. According to the schedule, determine the time and place of the meeting of the first and second bodies.

A. 2 s, 10 m.

B. 1 s, 5 m.

7. Write down the equation of motion of the first body according to the graph.




8. The motion of the body is described by the equation
... Which of the graphs shows the dependence of the coordinates of this body on time?

9. The subway escalator moves downward at a speed of 0.7 m / s. What is the speed of a passenger relative to the ground if he is walking upward at a speed of 0.7 m / s relative to the escalator?

A.0 m / s. B. 1.4 m / s. V. 1 m / s.

10. The car drove the first 20 km at 50 km / h, and the next 60 km at 100 km / h. Determine the average speed of the vehicle along the way.

A. 90 km / h. B. 80 km / h. H. 70 km / h.

Uniform movement- this is movement with constant speed, that is, when the speed does not change (v = const) and acceleration or deceleration does not occur (a = 0).

Straight motion Is movement in a straight line, that is, the trajectory of a rectilinear movement is a straight line.

Uniform rectilinear movement- This is a movement in which the body makes the same movements for any equal intervals of time. For example, if we divide some time interval into segments of one second, then with uniform motion the body will move the same distance for each of these segments of time.

The speed of uniform rectilinear movement does not depend on time and at each point of the trajectory is directed in the same way as the movement of the body. That is, the displacement vector coincides in direction with the velocity vector. In this case, the average speed for any period of time is equal to the instantaneous speed:

V cp = v

Distance traveled in rectilinear motion it is equal to the displacement modulus. If the positive direction of the OX axis coincides with the direction of motion, then the projection of the velocity onto the OX axis is equal to the magnitude of the velocity and is positive:

V x = v, that is, v> 0

The projection of displacement on the OX axis is equal to:

S = vt = x - x 0

where x 0 is the initial coordinate of the body, x is the final coordinate of the body (or the coordinate of the body at any time)

Equation of motion, that is, the dependence of the coordinates of the body on time x = x (t) takes the form:

X = x 0 + vt

If the positive direction of the OX axis is opposite to the direction of motion of the body, then the projection of the body's velocity onto the OX axis is negative, the velocity is less than zero (v< 0), и тогда уравнение движения принимает вид:

X = x 0 - vt

Time dependence of speed, coordinates and path

The dependence of the projection of the body's velocity on time is shown in Fig. 1.11. Since the speed is constant (v = const), the graph of the speed is a straight line parallel to the time axis Ot.

Rice. 1.11. Dependence of the projection of the body's velocity on time for uniform rectilinear motion.

The projection of the displacement on the coordinate axis is numerically equal to the area of ​​the OABS rectangle (Fig. 1.12), since the magnitude of the displacement vector is equal to the product of the velocity vector by the time during which the displacement was made.

Rice. 1.12. Dependence of the projection of the movement of the body on time with uniform rectilinear motion.

The graph of movement versus time is shown in Fig. 1.13. It can be seen from the graph that the projection of the speed is

V = s 1 / t 1 = tan α

where α is the angle of inclination of the graph to the time axis. The larger the angle α, the faster the body moves, that is, the greater its speed (the longer the body travels in less time). The tangent of the angle of inclination of the tangent to the plot of the coordinate versus time is equal to the speed:

Tg α = v

Rice. 1.13. Dependence of the projection of the movement of the body on time with uniform rectilinear motion.

The dependence of the coordinate on time is shown in Fig. 1.14. The figure shows that

Tg α 1> tg α 2

therefore, the speed of body 1 is higher than the speed of body 2 (v 1> v 2).

Tg α 3 = v 3< 0

If the body is at rest, then the coordinate graph is a straight line parallel to the time axis, that is

X = x 0

Rice. 1.14. Dependence of the coordinates of the body on time with uniform rectilinear motion.

Physics. Grade 9. Didactic materials. Maron A.E., Maron E.A.

M .: 2014 .-- 128s. M .: 2005 .-- 128s.

This manual includes training tasks, tests for self-control, independent work, control work and examples of solving typical problems. The offered didactic materials are compiled in full accordance with the structure and methodology of the textbook by A.V. Peryshkin, M.E. Gutnik "Physics. Grade 9".

Format: pdf (2014 , 128s.)

The size: 2.8 MB

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Format: pdf (2005 , 128s.)

The size: 6.8 MB

Download: 02 .09.2016, links removed at the request of the Bustard Publishing House (see note)

Foreword 3
TK-1. Path and travel 5
TK-2. Rectilinear uniform motion 6
TK-3. Motion Relativity 8
TK-4. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion 10
TK-5. Newton's Laws 13
TK-6. Free Falling Bodies 16
TK-7. The law of universal gravitation. The movement of the body in a circle. Artificial satellites of the Earth 17
TK-8. Body impulse. Momentum conservation law 19
TK-9. Mechanical vibrations and waves. Sound 20
TK-10. Electromagnetic field 22
TK-11. The structure of the atom and atomic nucleus 24
TS-1. Rectilinear uniform movement 25
TS-2. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated movement 28
TS-3. Newton's Laws 31
TS-4. Free Falling Bodies 34
TS-5. The law of universal gravitation. The movement of the body in a circle. Artificial satellites of the Earth. ... 35
TS 6. Body impulse. The law of conservation of momentum 38
TS-7. Mechanical vibrations 39
TS-8. Mechanical waves. Sound 42
TS-9. Electromagnetic field 45
TS-10. The structure of the atom and the atomic nucleus 48
CP-1. Path and travel 52
CP-2. Rectilinear uniform movement 55
CP-3. Rectilinear uniform movement. Graphical tasks 58
CP-4. Motion relativity 61
CP-5. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion 64
CP-6. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Graphics tasks 66
CP-7. Newton's Laws 71
CP-8. Free Falling Bodies 73
CP-9. The law of universal gravitation. Artificial satellites of the Earth 74
CP-10. Body movement in a circle 75
CP-11. Body impulse. The law of conservation of momentum 77
CP-12. Mechanical vibrations 79
CP-13. Mechanical waves. Sound G 80
CP-14. Electromagnetic field 82
CP-15. The structure of the atom and the atomic nucleus 86
KR-1. Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion 89
KR-2. Newton's Laws 93
KR-3. The law of universal gravitation. The movement of the body in a circle. Artificial satellites of the Earth 97
KR-4. The law of conservation of momentum 101
KR-5. Mechanical vibrations and waves 105
KR-6. Electromagnetic field 109
The laws of interaction and motion of bodies 113
Mechanical vibrations and waves 117
Electromagnetic field 118
Practice tasks 119
Self-check tests 120
Independent work 121
Tests 124
References 126

The manual includes training tasks (TK), tests for self-control (TS), independent work (SR), control work (CR), examples of solving typical problems.
The educational kit provides for the organization of all the main stages of the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard: the application and updating of theoretical knowledge, self-control of the quality of assimilation of the material, the use of problem solving algorithms, the implementation of independent and control and assessment work.
Training tasks (TK 1-11) for all sections of the 9th grade physics course contain a set of high-quality, experimental and graphic tasks focused on the formation of leading concepts and basic laws of the course. The tasks are selected in such a way that they give the student the opportunity to comprehend the essential features of the concept, to consider a physical phenomenon at the level of facts, physical quantities and physical laws. The authors strove to compose the training tasks as a small problem book, complementing the system of typical exercises of the textbook and allowing to organize differentiated classroom and homework.
Tests for self-control (TS 1-10) with a choice of answer are designed for operational, lesson-based thematic control and self-control of knowledge. Depending on the specific conditions (class preparation, organization of multi-level teaching, etc.), the teacher can vary the set of test tasks and determine the time for their completion.
Independent work (SR 1-15) contains 10 options and is designed for about 20 minutes each. In order to differentiate training, it is recommended for more prepared students to combine options 7 and 8; 9 and 10.

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