Home Mushrooms Types of water in the body water balance. Water balance of the body - how to drink water correctly? Human body temperature depends on age

Types of water in the body water balance. Water balance of the body - how to drink water correctly? Human body temperature depends on age

In order for our body to function normally, a complex set of internal processes is involved. Maintaining normal water-salt metabolism is one of them. When it is in order, a person does not experience health problems, but its violation leads to complex and noticeable deviations. So what is the water-salt balance? Violation, its symptoms will also be considered.

general information

The water-salt balance is considered to be the processes of water and salt intake interacting with each other, their assimilation and distribution in internal organs and tissues, as well as methods of their excretion.

Everyone knows that more than half of a person consists of water, the amount of which in the body can be different. It depends on many factors, such as fat mass and age. A newborn is 77% water, in adult men this figure is 61%, and in women - 54%. Such a small amount of fluid in the female body is due to the presence of numerous fat cells. With age, this figure becomes even lower.

How is water distributed in the human body?

The distribution of liquid is carried out in this way:

  • 2/3 of the total falls on the intracellular fluid;
  • 1/3 of the total is represented by extracellular fluid.

In the human body, water is in a free state, it is retained by colloids or it participates in the formation and breakdown of molecules of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Compared with the intercellular fluid and blood plasma, tissue fluid in cells is characterized by a higher concentration of magnesium, potassium and phosphate ions and a low content of chloride, sodium, calcium and bicarbonate ions. This difference is explained by the fact that the capillary wall for proteins has a low permeability. Normal in a healthy person contributes to the maintenance of not only a constant composition, but also the volume of fluid.

Regulation of water-salt balance by the kidneys and urinary system

The kidneys are necessary to maintain constant processes. They are responsible for ion exchange, remove excess cations and anions from the body by reabsorption and excretion of sodium, potassium and water. The role of the kidneys is extremely important, because thanks to them, the necessary volume of intercellular fluid and the optimal amount of substances dissolved in it are preserved.

A person should consume 2.5 liters of fluid per day. About 2 liters comes through drinking and food, and the rest is formed in the body due to metabolic processes. The kidneys excrete 1.5 liters, the intestines - 100 ml, the skin and lungs - 900 ml. Thus, it is not one organ that regulates the water-salt balance, but their combination.

The amount of fluid excreted by the kidneys depends on the needs and condition of the body. The maximum amount of urine that this organ is able to excrete per day is 15 liters of fluid, and with antidiuresis it is 250 ml.

Such different indicators depend on the nature and intensity of tubular reabsorption.

Why is the balance of water and salt in the body disturbed?

Violation of the water-salt balance occurs in the following cases:

  • The accumulation of fluid in the body in large quantities and slowing down its excretion. It accumulates in the intercellular space, its volume inside the cells increases, resulting in swelling of the latter. If nerve cells are involved in the process, nerve centers are excited, which contribute to the occurrence of seizures.
  • Also, completely opposite processes can occur in the body. Due to excessive removal of fluid from the body, blood begins to thicken, the risk of blood clots increases, and blood flow in organs and tissues is disturbed. If the water deficit is more than 20% - a person dies.

Violation of the water-salt balance of the body leads to weight loss, dry skin and cornea. In the case of a severe moisture deficiency, the subcutaneous fatty tissue begins to resemble dough in consistency, the eyes sink, and the volume of circulating blood decreases. In addition, facial features become sharp, cyanosis of the nails and lips occurs, hypofunction of the kidneys, blood pressure decreases, the pulse quickens and weakens, and due to a violation of protein metabolism, the concentration of nitrogenous bases increases. A person starts

In addition, imbalance can occur due to equal loss of water and salts. This usually occurs in acute poisoning, when fluid and electrolytes are lost through vomiting and diarrhea.

Why is there a lack and excess of water in the body?

Most often, such a pathological process occurs due to external loss of fluid and its redistribution in the body.

A decrease in the level of calcium in the blood occurs:

  • with diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • when using radioactive iodine preparations;
  • with pseudohypoparathyroidism.

Sodium decreases as a result of long-term diseases in which urine is very poorly excreted; after operation; due to self-medication and uncontrolled intake of diuretics.

To reduce potassium lead to:

  • its movement within cells;
  • alkalosis;
  • corticosteroid therapy;
  • liver pathology;
  • insulin injections;
  • aldosteronism;
  • alcoholism;
  • surgery on the small intestine;
  • hypothyroidism.

Symptoms of imbalance of water and salt in the body

If the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed, then symptoms such as vomiting, severe thirst, swelling, and diarrhea occur. The acid-base balance begins to change, blood pressure decreases, arrhythmia appears. In no case should such symptoms be ignored, since a progressive pathology can lead to cardiac arrest and death.

Calcium deficiency is dangerous by the occurrence of spasms of smooth muscles, especially if there is a spasm of the larynx. If, on the contrary, there is a lot of this element in the body, there is a strong thirst, pain in the stomach, vomiting, and frequent urination.

With potassium deficiency, alkalosis, chronic renal failure, atony, intestinal obstruction, heart, and brain pathology occur. With its increase, vomiting, nausea, ascending paralysis appear. This condition is dangerous because ventricular fibrillation occurs very quickly, leading to atrial arrest.

An excess amount of magnesium appears due to kidney dysfunction and the abuse of antacids. In this case, nausea occurs, reaching vomiting, body temperature rises, and the heart rate slows down.

How to restore the water-salt balance in the body?

It is quite difficult to independently determine the presence of such a pathology, and in case of suspicious symptoms, you should consult a doctor. He can suggest the following treatments to restore the water-salt balance:

  • medication;
  • outpatient;
  • chemical;
  • diet.

Medical method of treatment

This method consists in the fact that the patient must take mineral or vitamin-mineral complexes containing calcium, sodium, silicon, magnesium, potassium, i.e. such elements that are responsible for the water-salt balance in the body.

These drugs include:

  • "Duovit";
  • "Vitrum";
  • Biotech Vitabolik.

The course of treatment is a month, then take a break of several weeks.

Chemical method of treatment

In this case, you need to take a special solution. In any pharmacy, you can buy special packages containing various salts. Similar funds were previously used for poisoning, cholera, dysentery, which are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, resulting in a rapid and such a saline solution contributes to water retention in the body.

Before using such a remedy, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because it is contraindicated in:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • renal failure;
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • liver diseases.

How to restore the water-salt balance in a similar way? To do this, you need to drink a week course of such a remedy. The saline solution should be taken one hour after a meal, and the next dose is carried out no earlier than 1.5 hours later. During treatment, it is worth refusing to use salt.

Outpatient treatment

Very rarely, but such a situation happens that the patient has to be hospitalized due to a violation of the water-salt balance. In this case, the patient takes saline solutions and special mineral preparations under the supervision of a physician. In addition, a strict drinking regimen is recommended, and food is prepared according to the needs of the patient. In extreme cases, droppers are prescribed with


To normalize the water-salt balance, it is not necessary to take medications for this. In this case, the patient is prescribed a special diet with the calculation of the amount of salt. It should be limited to 7 g per day.

  • instead of table salt, it is better to use sea salt, since it contains more useful minerals;
  • if it is not possible to use sea salt, you can add iodized table salt to dishes;
  • do not salt "by eye", but use a spoon for this (5 g of salt is placed in a teaspoon, and 7 g in a dining room).

In addition, it is necessary to consume water, depending on body weight. There are 30 g of water per 1 kg of mass.


Thus, the water-salt balance can be brought back to normal on its own, but before that, you still need to see a doctor and pass all the necessary tests. You should not prescribe various mineral and vitamin complexes or salt packs to yourself, it is better to follow a special diet and useful recommendations.

Do you drink water? Human water balance. Benefits of water for the human body. How much water to drink? What water to drink? Drink little water. Harm to the body.

The need for water for the human body is explained at least by the fact that the person himself is 80% water [we all remember this from the school biology course]. Water is a source of vitality, its lack leads to circulatory disorders, the functioning of the organs of hearing and vision, and the digestive tract. Without water, a person would not be able to blink, swallow, speak, and would be able to live no longer than 10 days in ideal conditions (only lying down and at a comfortable temperature), but in reality no more than three.

How much water to drink? Water balance

The human body needs to consume 30-40 ml of water for every kilogram of weight, This will keep the water balance in the body. Over the course of life, the amount of water in us also changes: in a newborn, the body consists of 80% water. During life, this figure decreases, and is about 75% in children, about 65-70% in adults and drops to 55-60% in the elderly. Hence the problems with dry skin, wrinkles, the body simply dries out.

Scientists contradict themselves: at one time it was considered useful to drink 3 liters of water a day, then one and a half, while juices, tea, soup were not included in this, only pure water. Opinions change constantly and this is due to the fact that organisms are individual, circumstances change. For example, the daily requirement may increase due to the summer heat, the presence of colds, lactation.

You can follow the following water intake schedule:

  • glass - on an empty stomach,
  • one more - half an hour before each meal,
  • the next - 2.5 hours after each meal,
  • 1 hour before bedtime - the last glass of liquid for today.

Drink little water. Harm to the body.

Water is vital for the human body, because. participates in all biological processes, cleanses the body, improves well-being and rejuvenates the body at the cellular level. We do not think about whether we drink enough water, whether our body has enough fluid, or whether it experiences “water starvation”.

If the body does not receive liquid from the outside, it will begin to compensate for this with liquid from itself, take it from the cells and blood, this is the way to dehydration of the body. And here the problem will be not only in dry skin, but also in the work of such important organs as: the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Fatigue, headache will appear, attentiveness will decrease, immunity will worsen, it will be more difficult for the body to resist the harmful effects of the environment.

Drink a glass of clean water once every two hours and many problems can be avoided, you will maintain good health and appearance.

Benefits of water for the body

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of water for a person, in ancient times, doctors were engaged in hydrotherapy, modern medicine still recommends drinking more liquid during a cold. What are the benefits of drinking water in moderation?

  1. Removes salt. Regular intake of water helps to remove salts, toxins and waste products that accumulate in cells and cause harm. Water can stabilize the work of the kidneys, which are precisely involved in the removal of any byaka from the body. For example, a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach is better than anything else to cleanse the mucous membranes of accumulated toxins and safely start the digestive tract.
  2. Helps in the fight against excess weight. The less water in the body, the easier it is to gain weight. The benefits of water for weight loss are manifested in the fact that it is the only product that does not contain calories. It turns out something like a trick for the stomach, we artificially create a feeling of fullness for it, and it no longer howls heart-rendingly, we do not overeat and keep the figure.
  3. Normalizes the gastrointestinal tract. Water is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system, reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases.
  4. Improves the condition of the joints. Being a natural lubricant for the joints, water prevents the appearance of fragility of the joints, reduces pain, and prevents damage. Drinking in moderation can help prevent arthritis, reduce back pain, and even strengthen your spine, which is 3/4 water.
  5. Water is an excellent thermostat. When the human body is very hot, the water acts as a "cold compress". Therefore, after sports, the beach or at high temperatures, it is recommended to increase water intake. Regular intake of water on an empty stomach is a good prevention of heart disease. Cardiologists are confident that a person who consumes a sufficient amount of H2O per day reduces the risk of a heart attack to a minimum.
  6. Water makes skin healthy. As mentioned above, the water you drink saturates the skin cells with fluid and the process of skin aging slows down, the skin looks young and healthy longer.

Can you drink filtered water?

The maximum benefit has a glass of water drunk on an empty stomach. During sleep, the body loses moisture and needs to be replenished as soon as possible in the morning. Therefore, drinking water on an empty stomach is one of the best habits. You can also add lemon / lime and a spoonful of honey to the water. Such a drink will strengthen the immune system, and give a charge of vivacity for the whole day!

But what matters is what we drink. Water should be drunk either bottled [from a reliable supplier] or filtered with a household filter [but be sure to change the filter element in time, otherwise the filtration will be harmful]. Boiled water will not give a healing effect, in fairy tales such water was called “dead”, of course it will not bring harm, but there will be no benefit either.

Drink water and be healthy.

Debunking myths about drinking water

Every day you need to drink 2 liters of water. Is this a myth or true? We tell you how much water each of us really needs, why maintain water balance and how it affects our well-being and appearance.

We all know very well that the human body is mostly water (if we are talking about an adult, the proportion of water is about 60%). Based on this, it is not difficult to understand why drinking water is vital. We must maintain the amount of water in the body necessary for vital activity - that is, maintain the water balance. This, however, is not easy for everyone - many people find it difficult to drink large amounts of water in a day. In addition, some prefer other drinks and drink little pure water. What to do in such a situation?

1. Understand how much water the body really needs. The statement that everyone should drink at least 2 liters of water daily is considered almost an axiom. In fact, as experts have been saying for years, this is a myth. There is a version that it spread after the publication of the recommendation of the National Council on Food and Nutrition of the United States in 1945, which stated that, according to the norm, adults should drink 2.5 liters of water per day. However, there is no scientific justification behind this figure - there are still no studies that would confirm that exactly 2.5 liters (or the same 2 liters) of water per day is the norm. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the needs of organisms may vary depending on the age of a person, his weight, his lifestyle, and so on.

Thus, it is more expedient to calculate the individual rate of daily water consumption. How? Very simple! It is believed that women need 30 ml of water for every kg of weight, men - 35 ml. Thus, you just need to multiply your weight by a suitable indicator. The resulting number as a whole will reflect your need for water.

The calculation, however, will be more accurate if you also take into account your daily activity. This is possible using another formula (weight - in kg, activity - in hours):

(weight x 0.03) + (daily activity x 0.4) = norm for women

(weight x 0.04) + (daily activity x 0.6) = norm for men

2. Find out what, besides drinking pure water, helps to maintain water balance. These are, firstly, such healthy drinks as tea, milk and kefir, natural smoothies and juices - they all contain water and contribute to the replenishment of water reserves in the body. Secondly, solid foods can also saturate the body with moisture. It turns out that many of them are more than half water. These are some vegetables (for example, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin), fruits (orange, grapefruit, apples), rice and other cereals.

But since it is almost impossible to control how much water enters the body with food and various drinks, it is better not to forget to drink pure water. It’s okay if you can’t always fulfill your personal norm. The main thing is to listen to your body, which will always let you know that it needs water. Are you thirsty? Drink some water! Pour yourself a glass when you have a free moment - it will refresh and help prevent the feeling of thirst.

To make it even easier for you to keep your water balance day after day, follow a few simple tips:

Make sure you have water in front of you and at your fingertips. To the bottle, which is a few centimeters from you on the desktop, you will probably reach out yourself.

Drink water through a straw. Thanks to this, the sips you take will be larger, and you will empty your bottle much faster.

If you do not like the bland taste of water, throw a slice of lemon, lime or orange, mint leaf into a glass.

To get used to drinking water, try betting with friends and colleagues who can stick to their water intake for longer.

Install an application on your smartphone or tablet that helps you keep track of your water balance.

There can be no doubt that water is life. Each of us needs water to stay hydrated, but we must not go to extremes in this pursuit and let the myths fool us. Drink water and be healthy!

February 19, 2016, 11:12 2016-02-19

1.Water balance of the body - balance between the amount of water entering the body and what is excreted. The average amount of water consumed per day is up to 2.5 liters.

2. Water exchange is under the control of neuro-hormonal regulation. The intake of water is controlled by the feeling of thirst. Thirst occurs when the water content in the body decreases even by a few percent.

3. The hormone vasopressin (antidiuretic) is produced by the hypothalamus. With the formation of an excess of electrolytes (with an increase in osmotic pressure), more antidiuretic hormone is released, under the influence of which the kidneys produce less urine. Conversely, if the osmotic pressure of the blood decreases, less antidiuretic hormone is released. In addition, the volume of blood flowing through the kidneys is simultaneously regulated. With a decrease in this volume, more of the hormone aldosterone is produced and released. Aldosterone inhibits the normal excretion of salts through the kidneys, under its influence there is a feeling of thirst,

4. The release of water from the body is stimulated by thyroid hormone - thyroxine. With an excess of this hormone, the excretion of water by the skin increases.

For what purpose, when checking the state of health, the patient is offered to do a urine test? What can a specialist detect in the urine if the patient has inflammation of the kidneys? Give at least two examples.

Urinalysis is a laboratory examination of urine, which is carried out for diagnostic purposes.

1. Leukocytes in the urine indicate that there is inflammation in the kidneys or urinary tract, often this is an indicator of a chronic infection.

2. In a healthy person, there is no protein in the urine or its concentration is insignificant, with inflammation, the protein concentration increases.

31. In the experiment, the experimental animal was fed only food containing proteins and not containing carbohydrates. After the death of the animal, glycogen was found in its liver. What is glycogen? Explain its origin.

1. Glycogen is a polysaccharide formed by glucose residues, the main reserve carbohydrate of animals. Glycogen forms an energy reserve that can be quickly mobilized if necessary to compensate for a sudden lack of glucose. Only the glycogen stored in the liver cells can be converted into glucose to feed the entire body.

2. In the process of metabolism, carbohydrates can be formed from proteins, which happened with the experimental animal, which was fed only protein food. This happens with people who eat mainly animal food, for example, among the peoples of the north.

Name two diseases of the digestive system. Give reasons for each of them.

1.Gastritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach wall. Causes: non-compliance with the diet, poor nutrition, dry food, on the go, alcohol abuse, smoking.
2) A stomach ulcer is a disease in which there is a violation of the integrity of the tissues of the gastric walls from the inside, as a result of which they are corroded by gastric juice, which, in turn, forms a characteristic lesion, that is, an ulcer. Causes: prolonged negative emotions and stress, alcohol abuse, smoking

3) Cirrhosis of the liver - a disease in which liver cells degenerate into another tissue. Causes: poor nutrition, lack of proteins and vitamins, poisoning with chemicals and drugs, alcoholism, substance abuse, drug addiction

What changes in the processes of digestion in the small intestine are caused by alcohol? List at least two changes.

1. Alcohol causes a very strong decrease in the motor activity of the digestive tract, and especially the small intestine. Accordingly, this leads to a deterioration in the absorption of proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates,

2. Under the influence of alcohol, the walls of the small intestine change their structure at the cellular level. As a result, the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine stops, which leads to the exhaustion of the body.

3. There is an increase in the permeability of the intestinal walls, through which toxic substances and underdigested protein compounds enter the bloodstream. Some of these are classic allergens, which is why many people develop allergic reactions like hives when drinking alcohol.

Many people are interested in how the process of determining the water balance takes place? But not everyone knows that you just need to listen to your body. The general state of human health depends on the normal water balance in the body. If it is disturbed, then the functioning of many organs fails.


When there is a lack of water in the human body, the density of the blood increases, as a result of which the metabolic process is disrupted. Cells receive less useful substances, and the removal of toxic elements is difficult. Symptoms of water imbalance include:

  • problems in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • vomit;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • migraine;
  • pain in the back;
  • allergic skin rashes;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

In the process of treating any disease, it is important not only to eat right, but also to establish a drinking regimen. Sometimes drinking water is enough to make you feel better. Water is the key to good health.

How to determine fluid imbalance?

There are a number of symptoms, with the appearance of which it is possible to determine the violation of the water balance. If one of the symptoms occurs, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive study, since the presence of one of the signs may indicate the development of a serious illness. Determining the water balance is also possible at home. Among the main signs of water imbalance are the following phenomena:

  • strong thirst;
  • dry skin;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • saliva is practically not allocated;
  • plaque on the tongue;
  • allergy;
  • spasms;
  • joint pain;
  • problems with bowel movements;
  • diarrhea.

The main symptom of diabetes is dry mouth and a feeling of thirst, so this does not always indicate an impaired water balance. It is imperative to carry out laboratory and instrumental studies so that the doctor accurately diagnoses and prescribes treatment.

Determining the color of urine

The color of urine can determine the water balance. If a person drinks enough water, then the urine is light in color (almost colorless). A dark yellow hue indicates that a person is dehydrated.

How to restore the water balance in the body?

To restore the water balance, you must follow the doctor's recommendations. These include:

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of purified water per day. If a person is actively training, then it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed.
  2. With the help of a sports drink and coconut juice, electrolytes that a person loses during exercise can be restored in the blood.
  3. In the process of restoring water balance, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, since they contain water. It's important to watch your weight. There is no need to rejoice if you have lost a few kilograms in a short period of time. This may be the cause of dehydration.
  4. When following a diet, you must drink enough fluids.
  5. In the process of performing physical exercises, it is important to pay attention to the work of the muscles. If you feel very tired, you need to drink water.
  6. Even if there is a slight thirst it is necessary to drink water.
  7. It's important to take care of your skin. Dryness indicates that the water balance is disturbed.

If a person feels thirsty systematically, it is necessary to consult a therapist and undergo a comprehensive study. Medical workers diagnose the patient using a special algorithm for determining the water balance.

What water to drink?

You should know that mineral water is medicinal and table. It is undesirable to buy table water in dubious stores, since fakes are often sold there. Medicinal waters should not be drunk regularly, as they disrupt the body's water balance. In this case, a person may experience problems in the functioning of the joints.

  • read product licenses in the store;
  • dial the hotline phone number and clarify whether the goods were produced;
  • test water in the laboratory.

You should be aware that carbonated water can be harmful to health, as the body is saturated with excess carbon dioxide. To get rid of it, the body spends time and loses fluid. Therefore, it can lead to dehydration. To find out if dehydration is present, you need to listen to the doctor and remember the rules for determining the water balance.

Why can't you drink sparkling water?

Doctors are of the opinion that it irritates the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is forbidden to drink it to those people who have problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Dentists claim that soda destroys tooth enamel. Carbonated drinks lead to the formation of cellulite.

Before buying bottled water, you need to find out where it comes from, otherwise you can harm your health. Some manufacturers add various substances to the water for the purpose of purification. In some cases, a flavor enhancer is added. As a conclusion, it can be concluded that it is important not only to drink enough water, but also to pay attention to the quality of the water we drink. You should know that the algorithm for determining the water balance is to:

  1. Collect urine throughout the day.
  2. Measure the volume of urine in one trip to the toilet.
  3. Record the amount of fluid you drink.

Using the formula, the doctor will determine the water balance.

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