Home natural farming Design of a nursery with a roll-out bed. Functional bedroom with baby cot in the parent's room. Color solutions and design

Design of a nursery with a roll-out bed. Functional bedroom with baby cot in the parent's room. Color solutions and design

In many cases, there are no problems with choosing a bed for a child. But if we are talking about apartments with small sizes, then in this case the selection of a children's bed becomes problematic. Another question arises, how to maintain a free area for the child and at the same time establish his bed. And if the child is not alone, then the problem is even more aggravated. And here a roll-out bed for several people comes to the rescue, which does not take up much space and fits in almost any room.

Advantages and disadvantages

In a roll-out bed, like in other similar things, there are pros and cons. The pluses include the following:

  1. This bed is very functional, as two children can sleep on it at the same time.
  2. It is very easy to use, you will not need to collect and hide the bedding when folding it.
  3. Practicality (it does not take up much space, in addition, it can be equipped with additional drawers in which it is good to store toys or children's things).
  4. Safety (firstly, the roll-out bed is low, which allows you not to worry about the fall of the child; and secondly, it is equipped with small walls that will prevent the child from falling out).
  5. The roll-out bed is very convenient, when unfolded, you get a full-fledged bed, on which there are no various kinks and depressions.

As for the cons, they are also present:

  1. If the lower tier is not fully extended, then the child can get his head or his limbs into the gap between the upper and lower tiers.
  2. If the child is small, then in some cases it is difficult to plant him from the second floor, if necessary, to the toilet. In this case, you will have to move the lower tier completely, and not half.

How to choose a roll-out bed

With the above advantages of this bed, we can conclude that it will be an excellent solution for a small apartment. In addition, this type of furniture can be equipped with additional elements, such as shelves and bedside tables. This will allow you to save more space and make more free space for the kids. To really be in a winning situation, you need to choose the right design. Here are some tips to help you with this:

  • Going shopping, first of all, you need to establish the exact dimensions of the children's room, so as not to be mistaken in the size of the bed. In addition, it must match the design of the room. This item will not make you much trouble, as the manufacturers of these beds offer a huge selection, both in shape and in color. You can tastefully decorate, and for boys.
  • When inspecting a roll-out bed, pay attention to its quality, as this is primarily important for the health of your baby. Check the structure for defects, any flaws, etc. The design must be strong and strong, all elements must be tightly screwed. Another important element is the protective walls. Firstly, they should be on a roll-out bed, since the child will simply fall out of the bed. And secondly, they must be firmly fixed.
  • Check the operation of the retractable mechanism, with which you can roll out the lower tier. If the child is not very small, then take him with you when shopping so that he can try to roll out the lower bunk of the bed.
  • Not unimportant is the material of this product. It is best to choose a bed made of wood, as it is durable and safe. And of course, it is better to refrain from buying a bed in suspicious stores.

Photo examples of such beds

All parents try to create the most comfortable environment in the children's room. This room should be not only functional, contain game, bedroom, « cabinet”, but also be comfortable and beautiful. If the room is under children's large and one child lives there, then it is quite simple to equip it. But if there are two children, and the room is small, then the task becomes more complicated. However, there is a solution, for example, a compact model beds for two children. Such furniture allows not only to significantly save the space of the room, but also to make it unusual.

Functionality to the max

The simplest and most common version of a compact bed for two children is bunk bed. But such a solution may not be applicable in all situations and not for all families. If the difference in the age of the children is insignificant, then disagreements and even quarrels may arise over the choice of a tier, and it is quite difficult for kids 3-5 years old to climb up, and there is a risk of falling from there.

The ideal sleeping arrangement for two children the small room will have a pull out bed. In a narrow long room, it can be placed along a longitudinal or transverse wall, while it will take up a minimum of space.

At night, the lower tier is rolled out using a special mechanism. The design is simple and durable, as it is made with active use in mind. Even small children can sleep on such a bed, since the height of the bed plane is small and the risk of falling and injury during sleep is reduced to nothing.

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Two children in a family is considered the golden mean, but there is usually not enough room for each child.
And in the conditions of one room for each of the children, you need to create a cozy atmosphere for the correct and harmonious development of the individual.

Factors for choosing the design of a children's room

When designing a children's room, we use three important factors:

  1. layout
  2. Finishing
  3. Materials.

When choosing a layout, it is necessary to divide the space into three zones: for games, study and sleep.
You can divide the zones constructively using furniture or textile composition.

Remember that the kids are growing, and it may be necessary to rearrange the furniture, so think in advance where the desk will be located, where the closet. We pay attention to the shape of the room, the height of the ceiling and the degree of illumination, the number of doors and windows.

Often there is only one window in the nursery and therefore zoning with the help of various decorative structures is rather difficult, but there are other zoning options, for example, textiles. The photo shows a common room for a boy and a girl.

When planning space, you need to pay attention to storage areas. There should be a lot of such places, use the places under the beds, window space.

In the color scheme, light shades are preferred. A prerequisite for the choice should be the amount of light.

There should be a lot of it: lamps, table lamps, a good chandelier, an open window.

When choosing furniture for a children's room, we take into account convenience and safety.

The most environmentally friendly furniture is solid wood furniture, then from MDF, if you use chipboard, then know that class E1 chipboard is used for living quarters.

For decoration, it is better to use paint.

Firstly, there are many paint options without dangerous additives, and secondly, the needs of children are constantly changing and it will be faster and cheaper to repaint walls than to replace wallpaper.

If you have children of different sexes, then it is advisable for each child to allocate, in addition to personal space, also the opportunity to choose a color scheme.

Bedding options for a boy and a girl

Let's see how to allocate personal space to each child in the conditions of one room.

Use of catwalks

This option is suitable for a small space. A roll-out bed is built into the podium.
Often the place under the podium, which is not occupied by sleeping places, is used as storage space.

Parallel arrangement of beds

For narrow rooms use a parallel arrangement of beds. This maintains the basic shape of the room.

Children's room for boys is made in a single color scheme.

An interior variant with parallel sleeping places and a working window area.

This option is good for parents. After all, not the elder. no younger child loses sight of them.

Head-to-head bed arrangement

If the location of the beds is head to head, then, on the recommendation of psychologists, you need to delimit the furniture with a cabinet, chest of drawers or other furniture.

Bright room interior with a divided sleeping area. The divider is a chest of drawers and shelves.

A very correct solution for long and narrow spaces.

Use of bunk beds

When choosing a bunk bed, consider the following factors:

  • so that there is a side on the upper berth, choose high sides, because. mattress height can be 18-20 cm,
  • interesting compositions with bunk combinations and built-in cabinets,
  • the corners were smoothed, and there was a shockproof piping on the edges of the bed.

Bright interior with plenty of storage space.

An interesting interior in a marine style for same-sex children.

Storage spaces are organically inscribed in the photo. There is room for two guys here. Light shades make the interior fresh and cozy.

An interesting option with a spacious side cabinet.

Pay attention to how conveniently the wardrobe is located.

Perpendicular arrangement of beds

Perpendicular arrangement of beds is beneficial for rooms with large roomy corners.

Between the headboards, a wood-decorated shelving organically fits in.

An interesting option for arranging beds of different levels in a small bedroom. Under them, a place for boxes is functionally used.

Very compactly arranged storage space in the form of drawers.

Roll-out bed

To save space, I use beds with a roll-out mattress. it can be moved in any direction.

The photo shows the option for a third family member or guests.

This option is convenient for an unplanned visit of relatives.

Using the window area in a room for two children

But this is my dream! Using the windowsill as a workplace, where a place is allocated for each child. There you can conveniently arrange tables, cabinets, shelves or two small cabinets in the corners.

If the room is small, then it is preferable to use a bunk bed, if it is medium and large in size, then the options for arranging beds along the wall or parallel to each other are interesting.

Arranging the interior of a children's room for two children is, frankly, not an easy task, especially if the children are also of different sexes. But, nevertheless, if you approach the issue creatively, there are a lot of options. The main thing to pay attention to here is sleeping places for children, which can be in the form of ordinary beds or bunk beds, or can be in the form of roll-out modules or chair beds.

bunk beds

This type of bed is perhaps the most relevant in a room for two children. Bunk beds save space and look great in terms of design. The only point that must be taken into account with a two-story version of furniture is the height of the ceilings, which should not be less than 2.6 meters. Otherwise, it will be very stuffy for the child to sleep on the second floor.

And for those who have a spacious home with high ceilings, there are a lot of options for bunk beds. Beds, for example, can be with a podium. This is done by raising the level of the floor using a special design. Thus, an elevation is formed in a separate part of the room, which is called by designers as a podium. Its height can be different, so the podium can be used in different ways. For example, if the height is 30 cm, the podium will serve perfectly as a bed, and the space under it can be perfectly used for storing bed linen, pillows and blankets. In principle, you can store anything in general in a box, up to toys or textbooks and books. The only thing that should be purchased for the podium bed is an orthopedic mattress, which will make the bed much more comfortable.

Location in the children's room of two beds

If the option of bunk beds categorically does not suit you, then you can purchase two regular beds, especially since there are many ways to arrange them:

  • the traditional way - parallel arrangement - the most suitable option for square rooms, in which the beds, like in a kindergarten, are side by side, this allows children to communicate better, however, in a conflict situation, there will be nowhere to find salvation from each other;

  • arrange the beds along the wall - this method is ideal for elongated rooms, because. beds are placed one after another along one wall, if desired, a wardrobe or cabinet can be placed between them, or zoning can be done using a partition;

  • head-to-head arrangement of beds - wonderfully saves space, because. beds are placed in one corner of the room, and in case of conflicts, you can always shift the pillows to the other end of the bed;

  • the location of the beds at different angles, or rather, on opposite walls - to maximize the expansion of the space between two beds, in case the children are not very friendly with each other

Planning and zoning of the children's room

In this matter, it all depends on the age of the children. And also, in accordance with the recommendations of psychologists, in a joint children's room, each child must have his own personal space. In this connection, the desired area of ​​​​the premises is at least 20 square meters. m. Of course, not everyone can afford such a luxury, then you should start from the fact that for the children's room it is necessary to allocate the largest room in the apartment.

After that, you need to decide on zoning, or rather, with the zones that you need to organize in the room. If newborn children, first of all, need a sleeping area, a baby care area (changing table), as well as a play area (playpen, rug, bedside table with toys, etc.), one should not forget about the rest and feeding area chest (table and comfortable chair).

If the children are of preschool age, the alignment is already different. In this case, you also need a sleep zone, a work zone or a creative zone (tables, chairs and all the items necessary for classes), a play zone, only already large, you can organize a sports zone (sports corner). For schoolchildren, in principle, the same set is needed with the only difference being that the work area has more stringent requirements.

For teenage children in the room there is also a sleeping area, working and sports. Only a play area is missing, instead of which you can organize a recreation area consisting of a coffee table, a comfortable sofa or armchairs and a TV.

By the way, zoning a children's room can be done in two main ways:

  • highlight common functional areas for two children - this is when the children's beds are nearby, however, like other things (tables, drawers for storing various items);
  • allocate two separate large personal zones for each child, while each personal zone has several of its own functional sub-zones, for example, a bedroom, a workplace, etc. - with this option, each child has their own sleeping and working areas, as well as their own places to store the necessary things

Areas for games, sports and recreation, of course, in any case remain common. I must say that each option is good in its own way. Here one should proceed from the following - if the children are same-sex, then zoning can be done on common functional areas, because. this would suit them better. And if, on the contrary, children of different sexes, in which case they will like their personal possessions more, which are also nice to highlight in color.

Furniture - transformer in the children's room

Transforming furniture sometimes helps a lot when decorating the interior of a children's room, and in some cases it is simply irreplaceable. After all, you see, it is very convenient when a folding sofa almost does not take up space during the day, and at night it turns into a spacious sleeping place. Also, a folding or reclining table for two for preparing lessons will not be out of place. And you can, for example, purchase furniture systems where the beds are pulled out and just as decently save space in the room.


The bed always takes up a lot of space in the interior, no matter how elegant it looks. It can be quite difficult to plan the design of a room with such an imposing object in the center.

And if you, dear visitors of the site about small interiors, had the opportunity to hide the bed somewhere at the moment when it is not in use?

Many of you will surely be happy to know that designers have found a solution to this problem. Let's look at a few examples to better understand how it works.

Before us is the living room, which has a small seating area, organized on the corner podium. Now, when we see what is hidden inside the platform, it becomes clear why it was built.

Two full-fledged pieces of furniture that can be used simultaneously or separately take up just one space.

It's hard to deny that the platform itself is quite large. Let's look at other options for placing retractable systems. Partially hidden under the podium, the bed turns into a sofa, and if necessary, it can be pushed in completely.

In these small apartments, it was difficult to organize a living room that would serve as a bedroom at the same time. There simply would not be any free space left.

Designers designed the interior of the room in such a way that its space was divided into two parts located at different levels. Now a spacious bed is completely discreetly located under the higher half of the living room.

Podiums with pull-out beds can be useful not only in small apartments where there is no space for a separate bedroom. A small platform under the window, adorned with a charming bench, hides the children's bed, and the entire floor surface is left free for play.

It is not necessary to build a special podium in order to be able to remove the bed under it. Here is such a cozy sofa with a secret, made to order, will decorate the reading nook near the window.

In this interior, two pull-out beds are hidden under the workplaces at once. A very good option for a room shared by two school-age children.

Before us is a more complex intellectual system, consisting of a bed, a bookcase and a box for bed linen. completely hidden behind a stylish and attractive sliding module.

Special designs

There are some more intricate ways to free up space in the living room. You can not engage in the construction of the podium, but simply hang the bed under the ceiling. In this case, she certainly will not hurt anyone. But will anyone dare to be below?

We are already familiar with the examples of sleeping arrangements under the seating area, and now it's time to look at another living room, which is completely hidden in a niche in the floor under a huge elevating platform with a bed installed on it.

And in this case, the platform does not go down to the very floor and is neatly connected to the sofa, standing against the wall of the living room. The coffee table doesn't even have to be removed.

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