Home natural farming Ready-made business plan for the development of a wind turbine. Payback of wind power plants in the conditions of central Russia. Vertical wind generator: price, dimensions, installation

Ready-made business plan for the development of a wind turbine. Payback of wind power plants in the conditions of central Russia. Vertical wind generator: price, dimensions, installation

Serial production of wind turbines, exceeding 50 units per month, in Russia and the CIS countries has not yet been established due to the lack of mass demand for them, and only a few manufacturers in our country produce windmills.

EnergyWind was one of the first companies in 2003 to start wind farm production own design

This allowed us to take an advantageous competitive position along with foreign manufacturers. We became the first in Russia to manufacture modern models of hand-assembled low-speed wind turbines with a capacity of 1 to 10 kW.

In 2005, the experimental production workshop began to develop its own radio-electronic component of wind farms. Throughout the year, experiments were carried out in which the development, testing and improvement of their own controller was carried out. Then we began to develop other technological products ourselves. All this made it possible to reduce costs by 2-3 times both for production and for the final cost of wind turbines. And now we offer wind turbines at a cost 2 times cheaper than our foreign competitors from developed countries.

By 2007, we had thoroughly studied the directions of consumer demand and were able to form "basic" sets of equipment with the possibility of modifying them for each specific consumer. These options are presented in the Wind Solutions ».

From 2009 to the present, our customers have the opportunity to purchase Russian-made wind turbines, which have the following advantages compared to imported counterparts:

  • significantly lower in cost;
  • high quality components, unlike Chinese ones;
  • fulfillment of warranty obligations to the consumer;
  • are able to provide consumers with electricity even during calm periods due to battery power;
  • manual assembly.

Wind generators made in Russia are quite successful, because due to the absence of electromagnetic and infrasonic vibrations they do not cause discomfort to people, with a sufficiently long service life they do not need maintenance and are able to work in any climatic conditions.

Despite the large number of alternative energy sources that exist in Russia, including those offered by us, the production of wind turbines has remained the heart of our company since those very old times. Gradually, our company "overgrown" with an impressive "shell" of sales, logistics, procurement and other structural units associated with its growth, many of which separated into separate and subsidiaries, and since 2010 we have become a group of companies ... but the "heart" everything remains the same - this is our own production, consisting of several dozen highly qualified professionals. All our specialists have many years of experience in the production processes for which they are responsible.

Unlike Chinese enterprises, where the production of wind power plants is carried out in thousands of copies, our wind turbines are produced in limited quantities, therefore, the quality of each station is at the highest level.

In 2011, well-known public and private companies of the country have already become our customers for wind turbines:

  • the largest Russian mobile operator O.A.O. "MTS"
  • "Weather Russia".

The choice of such giants of the Russian market was already the best proof of our professionalism and experience accumulated over the years of our company's work at that time.

Since 2014, we have combined the commercial and engineering efforts of our companies with the Moscow plant for the production of inverters and power electronics.

This allowed us to significantly expand the range of products offered by our companies. We have successfully entered markets such as solar power plants and uninterruptible power systems.

By 2018, our group of companies has taken a leading position in many markets, but the real pride for us is not even the fact that we did this mainly with products of our own and domestic production ...

And the fact that despite all the crises and the situation in the country in previous years, we managed not only to maintain, but also to increase the main thing for us, our “roots” - the production of wind turbines ... that very “heart” is now common for our group of companies.

Experts of the Russian Association of the Wind Industry (RAWI) estimated the potential of the wind power equipment market in Russia at more than €6 billion. This is explained by the fact that by the next decade it is planned to commission wind farms with a capacity of up to 3.6 thousand MW, subject to the mandatory localization of equipment by 65% ​​in 2016. Such terms, according to the association, will push Russian producers to create foreign joint ventures. At the same time, RAWI hopes that there will be no obstacles to the transfer of Western technologies due to political events.

In 2013, the government limited the use of foreign equipment to ensure investment in Russian wind energy. According to the resolution, it is necessary to localize the production of wind turbines by 55% in 2015 and by 65% ​​in 2016-2020. During this period, it is planned to commission wind farms with a capacity of up to 3.6 thousand MW. As a result, the market for manufacturers of wind turbines and their components may now exceed €6 billion, according to RAWI.

“Since the modern wind energy market in Russia is only gaining momentum, there are no enterprises producing entirely megawatt-class wind turbines yet. But due to the legislative requirement for a high degree of localization, Russian power engineering, shipbuilding, metalworking industrial enterprises have a chance to enter a new market with the production of components for global manufacturers of wind turbines,” said Igor Bryzgunov, President of RAWI.

According to the association, such enterprises as SSM-Tyazhmash LLC, Zenit-Khimmash LLC, Togliatti Transformer LLC, Kazan Motor-Building Production Association OJSC and Alfa-Tech LLC are now showing interest in the production of equipment. At the same time, the RAWI emphasizes that the deadlines for localizing equipment will push Russian companies to create foreign joint ventures, and hope that the aggravation of Russia's political relations with the countries of the European Union and the United States will not be an obstacle.

“Of course, political events affect the markets. Communication with partners has somewhat slowed down, because this is a big energy, albeit renewable. Western partners are weighing their decisions, but the trend towards strengthening renewable energy is global, so we are optimistic about the development of this market in Russia. Wind power systems are not dual-use systems in any way. Therefore, we hope that there will be no obstacles to the transfer of such technologies by Western companies to a new high-potential market,” Mr. Bryzgunov believes.

It should be noted that the design of wind farms began in 2009, and sites for their construction in the amount of more than 2,500 MW are already ready. Among the developers: LLC VES, LLC Vetropark, CJSC VetroOGK, CJSC Windlife Arctic Power (Netherlands), LLC ALTEN, LLC VES-Mirny, LLC VES-Oktyabrsky, LLC VETROEN - YUG-G”, LLC “Wind Generation Company”, LLC “ComplexIndustriya”, LLC “Vent Rus”, LLC “Kurganskaya VES”, LLC “DVVES” and JSC “RusHydro”.

In 2013, ATS (Administrator of the Trading System of the Wholesale Electricity Market) conducted the first selection of RES, as a result of which ComplexIndustriya will commission 105 MW of wind farms in the Astrakhan, Orenburg and Ulyanovsk regions in 2016-2017. Based on the results of the 2014 selection, ALTEN will launch the first stage of the Priyutnenskaya WPP with a capacity of 51 MW in the Republic of Kalmykia by 2015.

According to NP Market Council, contracts will be signed for selected projects that provide investors with guaranteed cost recovery for 15 years with a base yield of 14% per annum (the current yield depends on the yield of long-term federal loan bonds). Until 2020, the volume of investments in the development of renewable energy will amount to 561 billion rubles, said the head of the Ministry of Energy Alexander Novak.

The corporation plans to build wind farms in regions where strong winds often blow: in the North-West, the Far East, Siberia and the South of Russia.

Now, according to the corporation, Russia's share in the production of wind energy is negligible - there are separate wind power plants in the country, the productivity of the most powerful of which reaches about 5 MW per year. At the same time, wind energy production is constantly increasing all over the world. China is planning to increase the generation of energy from wind by 20 GW per year, the annual increase in Europe reaches about 10 GW, around 40 GW of wind energy generating capacities are commissioned annually around the world, which, roughly speaking, corresponds to the capacity of 40 nuclear power units.

The main problem in the production of windmills is generators, according to Rosatom. Suitable ones are not produced in Russia, and the installation of powerful foreign ones turns out to be economically inefficient due to their large weight and cost.

As explained to Izvestia by the head of the Rosatom project "Russian Superconductor", director of CJSC Science and Innovations Viktor Pantsirny, A breakthrough to the wind energy market will be helped by the development of a fundamentally new generator based on high-temperature superconductors.

“The new generator will have an advantage over existing energy sources due to the fact that it will weigh 4 times less than the devices currently used. It is much easier and cheaper to lift and mount at a height of 250 m a unit weighing 80 tons, and not 300, - explains Pantsirny.

The corporation is ready to pay 168 million rubles for the development of a prototype of such a device. According to the terms of reference, the power of the sample should be 1 MVA, frequency 150 rpm, and the superconducting elements of the generator should be cooled using a cryogenic system (at the same time, in addition to the generator, according to the terms of reference, researchers will have to invent an electric motor, a kinetic energy storage device and a test bench for all these products operating on high-temperature superconductors).

But the industrial production of the main element of a wind power mill - a light generator is still in question - there are no necessary high-temperature superconductors of suitable quality for the production of our own high-temperature superconductors. Rosatom has already bought the technology for the production of this material from the German company Bruker HTS for about 2 billion rubles. But the technology turned out to be imperfect. The production of ultra-temperature conductors needs to be improved and additional scientific research is needed. In generators, high-temperature superconductors, after working for about a month, begin to degrade. Until this problem is solved, it will not be possible to establish industrial production of competitive windmills.

As soon as the degradation problem is solved, Science and Innovations CJSC plans to start producing superconductors on an industrial scale. It is planned to introduce seven or eight production lines that will be able to produce up to 7 thousand km of superconductors per year. This will be enough to produce generators not only for the needs of the wind energy industry in Russia, but also for deliveries abroad, the developer expects.

Payback of wind power plants in the conditions of central Russia

Most pressing question in the field of wind energy in Russia today - how to recoup the costs of purchasing and operating a wind generator in conditions of weak winds in central Russia.

Based on our operating experience wind turbines , there are some tips that will help you get a real help in the household, and not an expensive and useless toy, when choosing an Alternative Energy Source today...

According to the experience of working with the winds of central Russia, from the Wind Generator it turns out to get, at best, up to 10% of the power of the WU nominal value in summer and 25 - 30% in winter winds.

For example:The consumer, having installed a windmill in the central part of the Russian Federation, with a nominal power of 5 kW, will receive a real power of 0.5 kW in summer and 1.5 kW in winter.

The obvious solution to the performance problem of windmills when operating in "weak" winds is the addition of solar panels. Hybrid systems (Wind generator + Solar battery = wind solar power plant) help increase the capacity of the Alternative Power Plant, especially in summer conditions. However, the topic of the article is to increase the payback of the wind power plant itself, and adding additional elements to the system does not contribute to this.

But back to the problem of payback for wind farms, there are two directions for this:

1. Reducing capital and operating costs for wind farms.

2. Increasing the productivity of the wind farm.

However, considering the problem of the payback of Alternative Energy, it is better for us to combine these areas in the discussion into one general topic, because. they mutually intersect with each other, complementing and reinforcing themselves.

The first thing we would pay attention to is the installation of not one powerful Wind Generator, but several small wind turbines. This is dictated by the following characteristics of wind turbines:

- powerful wind turbines are equipped with multipliers (gearboxes), electric drives to turn "to the wind", disc brake systems, liquid cooling systems and computer-controlled electronic control systems

/ small windmills have three - a maximum of four bearings and a mechanical system of "storm" braking (usually due to the folding of the "tail");

- powerful wind turbines have large and heavy blades with a large diameter, which can be untwisted by a good wind

/ small models have light blades, sometimes more than three, and start to rotate from a wind of 1.5 m / s, in a word - small windmills are more productive than large wind turbines;

- powerful wind turbines require a significant amount of construction work, which is explained by a large foundation, the use of special equipment and a team of professionals / small wind turbines are installed by several workers or by a winch. Sometimes using a car or tractor, but heavier models using a hydraulic cylinder.

- powerful wind turbines are just expensive. At the same time, they can not only exceed the cost of several small systems (equal to the total capacity - Wind Farm), powerful WUs are expensive in transportation, installation and commissioning, and in operation - in maintenance and repair / small wind turbines due to their simplicity, cheap and not require virtually no maintenance.

- expensive and powerful models, even of famous manufacturers, break easily and in case of failure of one, but powerful Wind Generator, you can lose everything / repair of small models falls under the rule: “The smaller the part, the cheaper it is as a spare part”, and of course, the failure of one unit, out of two/five/ten WUs of a single Wind Power System or Wind Farm, will not stop the power supply of the facility.

Second refer to consumers who have at least some kind of connection to the networks, but are not satisfied with its quality or allocated power - thisNetwork Alternative energy systems .

network kit = Wind generator (VU + SB or SB) + network controller + network inverter, designed to work in an existing network (220 or 380 V) of the supply facility. Network equipment, receiving energy unsuitable for direct use from Alternative sources, tunes to the frequency of the network and starts supplying it, processing wind (and / or solar) energy into the usual 220 or 380 volts AC, "free" and supplying the consumer with high quality.This kit does not require a rechargeable battery and means of its control and recharging. This significantly reduces the cost of the Alternative Energy System and its operation, which significantly reduces the payback period of the system.

At the same time, offered by TERMODYNAMICA LLC network kits , have additional opportunities for organizing leased lines and connecting any number of batteries, in case it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted power at the facility ... Although such a complication of the system pushes back the payback period for years.

And third . Oddly enough, in this case, we suggest using a more expensive Wind power equipment , but originally prepared for operation in light winds.

That is - we offer, instead of "inexpensive" horizontal wind turbines, expensive vertical wind generators VAWT with a rotary wing, but with a lower performance rating for each specific case.

Taking into account the fact that these models, in conditions of weak winds in the central part of the Russian Federation, generate 40% of the rated power in summer and 70% in winter, where a 50 kW horizontal Wind Turbine is required, only one VAWT with adjustable blades with a power of 15 kW will be required.

And despite the fact that the new type vertical wind turbine VAWT is twice as expensive as a conventional horizontal Wind Turbine, when comparing rated power models, it (VAWT) is one third cheaper than conventional wind turbines when calculating equipment for actually received kilowatts.

The only drawback of this, in all respects, "perfect" model of the Vertical Wind Turbine is the need for periodic maintenance (lubrication) of the rotary mechanism of the blades.

Let's summarize our conversation: is it possible today to get a payback wind farm operating in the conditions of "weak" winds.

Let's calculate: For example, if the average annual wind speed is 4 m/s, a modern horizontal semi-industrial wind turbine with a capacity of 10 kW will produce about 800 - 900 kWh per month. For a year of operation of the equipment, the output will be 10200 kWh. To generate the same amount of energy, we need seven household kilowatt windmills (125 kWh x 7 per month) or one three kilowatt wind turbine VAWT of a new type. Now consider the average cost of 10200 kWh per year (at 4 m/s) in the form of various types of turnkey equipment packages:

Grid wind farm based on a horizontal WU 10 kW:RUB 900,000.00

Grid wind farm based on horizontal wind turbines 1 kW in the amount of 7* pcs:RUB 90,000.00** x 7

Network wind farm based on a vertical WU 3 kW with rotary blades:RUB 580,000.00 .

At the same time, the cost of 1 kWh (for MO) today is, on average, 3.00 rubles. per kWh. Consider...

The conclusion is obvious:today, with a wind turbine resource of 20 years, the second and third options are paid off , and under certain conditions - cost-effective:

- we are considering the worst case for the operation of the wind turbine - the average wind speed is 4 m/s. Already at a speed of 5 m / s, all configuration options for wind farms become not only profitable, but also begin to make a profit. The same will happen with an increase in electricity prices - at the cost of 1 kWh = 4.00 rubles. costs pay off for all options, and at a cost of 5.00 rubles. per kWh, even the first option becomes profitable;

- electricity will only rise in price, and the production of household and semi-industrial wind turbines in the world is growing, with the advent of new, more productive and lighter models of wind turbines, and therefore cheaper ones.


* - one or another number of VU is selected taking into account the customer's specifications, by calculating all possible options;

** - excluding installation work, for VU with a power of up to 1 kW (inclusive) installation work can be performed by the customer independently, in view of their ease.

Vertical wind generator: price, dimensions, installation

When purchasing a wind turbine with a vertical axis of rotation, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • - initial, nominal and maximum wind speed;
  • - rated and maximum power;
  • - dimensions of parts (blades, mast, rotor);
  • - total weight.

The largest wind turbine in the world is the horizontal Enercon E-126. It was first installed in Germany in 2007. Its total height is 198 m, the rotor diameter is 127 m, the weight is 6000 tons, and the power is 7.58 MW! Now in Europe several dozens of such models are used.

Vertical windmills for non-industrial purposes with a mast height of 5 m have a rotor diameter of 3 m, a weight of 120 kg, and at an average wind speed of 5-8 km/h, they generate energy from 4,000 to 10,000 kWh per year.

It is permissible to install a vertical type wind generator, including in urban areas with dense buildings. Compact models can be installed on the roofs of buildings up to 6 m high. On high-rise skyscrapers, the height of the mast can reach 15 m. The wind wheel needs to be securely fastened. When installing, you should take into account its diameter and weight, which are set by the required power. The base of the structure must be strong and massive, because. it is under significant stress. Installation of a wind turbine with vertical rotation, unlike horizontal, is possible in any area.

How to make a wind generator yourself

For the purpose of self-manufacturing a windmill at home it is necessary, first of all, to assemble the turbine itself. Depending on the chosen design of the blades, you will need plywood (for ribs and stringers) and aluminum sheets for sheathing (can be replaced with PVC) or ABS plastic for making blades on the upper and lower supports. A galvanized pipe is suitable as an axis.

Generator installation- the most important stage. There are independent, but very time-consuming ways to assemble the generator. In this case, neodymium magnets are used for the rotor and inductors for the stator. The stator bracket is made of durable material such as steel plates. It can be cut with waterjet or laser cutting.

In addition, in various sources there are tips to use generators for home-made windmills - engines from cars or washing machines. And Internet resources contain many detailed schemes for assembling such systems at home.

A wind turbine is a complex mechanism, and before proceeding with the implementation of plans for its assembly, it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons. After all, to create a windmill that is reliable in long-term operation, you will need to make accurate calculations. It is also necessary to have equipment such as a welding machine, a machine for cutting metal and other consumables and tools (carbonate fiber, fiberglass, epoxy, corners, bearings, and much more).

It is imperative to take into account the difficulties when balancing a home-made structure - this is a rather complicated process. Therefore, home-made windmills are not recommended to be installed at a height of more than one and a half meters.

As an alternative, you can consider the option of assembling a wind generator from ready-made components specially designed for such work. When attempting to self-assemble, remember that this will require certain skills, be quite expensive and take a lot of time. And in any case, you will have to purchase an inverter. It is desirable with the function of a charge controller and voltage stabilization.

Vertical wind generators. Price

Prices vary depending on features. The average cost of non-industrial models is approximately 2000 c.u.:

  • - power 50 W, diameter of the wind wheel (rotor) 1 m, height 0.6 m, the price depends on the manufacturer - around 1 thousand USD;
  • - power 10 kW, rotor diameter 8 m, height - 6 m, price about 3.5 thousand USD

LLC "Thermodynamics"

Osadchuk O.Yu.


Wind generators are special electrical devices that are able to generate energy under the influence of wind force. The product is an asynchronous electric motor with additional equipment installed. Due to the rotation of the blades, the generator shaft is set in motion, which activates the brushes and contributes to the generation of electricity.

In the domestic space, the topic of autonomous electrification is gaining quite a lot of popularity, so these generators will be in stable demand. Unlike an ordinary electric motor, a wind turbine is able to develop more power at a relatively lower speed. For the production of these products, you will need special stands and tools. It is also important to attract qualified specialists in the field of electronics.

A room for the assembly of generators.

To organize an effective enterprise for the manufacture of autonomous generators, a room is required. The average size of the area should be at least 400 squares, while the total space will have to be divided into a warehouse, production and assembly room.

There will be people working in each department, as well as technical equipment. It is best to rent an industrial building, where there is a connection of all necessary communications, in particular water, electricity and heating. To save on rent, it is recommended to rent objects that are located outside the city limits, but no further than 25 km from the city, as in the future there may be problems with the delivery of raw materials and finished products. For example, when organizing a business in Moscow, the average cost per square meter is 8,400 rubles per year, taking into account the location of the facility in an industrial zone.

The total cost of renting space for organizing an enterprise: 400 (total area) x 8,400 = 3,360,000 rubles per line year. The calculated figures do not include tax expenses.

Tools and units for the production of generators.

Autonomous electrical generators are a fairly complex system that contains many electronic devices. These devices must be serviced and assembled to run the device. Therefore, the company will definitely need a set of serious tools and equipment. It is possible to purchase units through a dealer network, where the probability of buying a fake is minimal. By buying from an official manufacturer, you can completely avoid problems with the maintenance and repair of units.

Approximate list of working equipment:

Stand for settings and tests - 210,000 rubles;
- drilling machine - 31,000 rubles;
- a machine for winding coils - 52,000 rubles;
- contact tester (set of 10 pieces) - 45,000 rubles;
- machine for checking the device - 94,000 rubles;
- small tools - 12,000 rubles.

General approximate financial investments for the purchase of industrial types of units for further production: 210,000 + 31,000 + 52,000 + 45,000 + 94,000 + 12,000 = 444,000 rubles. Transportation, setup and other costs are not taken into account.

Attracting specialists to the enterprise.

Specialists are needed to organize an efficient conveyor production line. Without trained personnel with experience it is impossible to equip the enterprise. The staff can consist of 5 main specialties, in particular: engineer, electrician, CNC technician, assembler and loader. Each of the workers must have the appropriate experience and skills, as the speed of production depends on it.

General salary rates:

Engineer (shop manager) - 63,000 rubles;
- electrician (5th category) - 52,000 rubles;
- a technician with CNC experience - 46,000 rubles;
- collector - 31,000 rubles;
- loader of finished products - 25,000 rubles.

All payroll calculations are carried out taking into account 1 month of work of specialists at the enterprise. The total costs of the enterprise: 63,000 + 52,000 + 46,000 + 31,000 + 25,000 = 217,000 rubles. For the entire production year of work in production: 217,000 x 12 = 2,604,000 rubles.

Correct and timely promotion of products will allow the business to adapt to the market as quickly as possible and get the first potential customers. To organize advertising at a relatively low cost, you can use the services of various companies. It is also quite realistic to arrange promotion on your own, using the Internet, the press, radio and the free distribution of leaflets. The approximate cost of promoting and advertising this enterprise will be 450,000 rubles. Cost indicators may vary depending on the specific region where the enterprise for the production of autonomous generator systems is located.

Implementation of autonomous generators and the payback period of all investments.

You can sell ready-made autonomous generators on the domestic market to a domestic buyer or companies that install autonomous energy systems for the home.

The cost of one unit is about 45,000 rubles, while if you sell about 50 pieces in 1 month, then the total profit will be - 45,000 x 50 \u003d 2,250,000 rubles, and for the year \u003d 2,250,000 x 12 \u003d 27,000,000 rubles, which is quite beneficial for this area. With all costs, the payback period for active work will be - 6 - 7 months.

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