Home natural farming The true place of women in the system. Purpose of the Woman. Be a Woman. What it's like to be a woman

The true place of women in the system. Purpose of the Woman. Be a Woman. What it's like to be a woman

Dear, lovely women, I dedicate this article to you. I hope it will touch your heart, and you will follow the right path for you, as the topic is relevant for everyone.

Purpose (life purpose) is a life path assigned to a person even before his birth. Previously, destiny was understood simply and unequivocally, as a social destiny, as your life path, which is prescribed for you by your family and environment.

If it is simpler "before" - "appointment" - that is, something assigned before something. A task assigned to the soul at the moment preceding its incarnation.

I personally understand Destiny as certain tasks, tasks of the soul in the human body, after which self-development and self-knowledge take place, and helping others through some kind of activity is also in the purpose.

Oleg Gadetsky, relying on Vedic knowledge, says that 3 levels of destination can be distinguished:

  • The first level is connected with our body.

Each of us is born either male or female. Men and women have different roles. He transforms reality by active actions. And her main instrument of influencing the world is feelings and the ability to inspire a man. If a woman does not want to realize herself in the context of female nature, she will certainly face certain difficulties. Following your natural nature is normal, good and a priori successful. Look at yourself dear, what body do you see in the mirror? A female figure, a braid and a charming smile - then forward to accomplishments. But not external accomplishments, then the destiny of a man, but to internal, to domestic, to sensual.

Many people are now writing about a woman, if not all and sundry. They write because it is relevant, because the era is like that. Previously, our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, due to circumstances, politics, war, social order (communism), were forced to perform male functions and tasks and were so accustomed to doing this that they could not be etched with sticks. After all, these "skills" are passed on from generation to generation. It is sad when you see these generic programs in the family, which really interfere with a happy and successful life with a husband and children in a family and harmony. As a family psychologist, I set myself the task of helping girls and women and removing this scenario from life, creating a new one - where a woman is, first of all, a Wife, then a Mother, a housewife, and then a worker. You can also work in different ways, because. everyone's situations are different. You can work for your uncle in a decent company in a position you like more or less and at the same time have some kind of regular income that will allow you to feed your family and clothe the child. And you can work for your own pleasure, and others for joy and help, to bring good to the world. That is, in fact, a woman sits at home, she is not attached to any place of work, she is a housewife, she takes care of the house, her husband, children, relatives, loved ones, animals - believe me, this is also the kind of work that sometimes is so exhausting that it remains to quickly put the children to bed and stay side by side on the same pillow until the morning. Well, it means work, at the same time, a woman has a place where she goes not for 8-10 hours a day, but perhaps 10-12 hours a week, she always goes there as if on a holiday, to relax and help other people who not part of her actual family. There are quite a lot of such examples, and now this direction is very developed among us, dear ones. Someone writes articles, books, someone conducts culinary Vedic courses, someone prepares for childbirth, some sew eco-friendly pillows on which to sleep is a pleasure, and someone makes useful cosmetics from natural products (that's all, by the way , from my acquaintances girls, i.e. I list real examples). In a word, each of us, of you, is busy loving the same way as a family and doing it with pleasure and even gets money for it (a kind of salary), as a rule, it is small, but sufficient, because I remind you and myself that the breadwinner in the family is still a man (husband).

And the more and sincerely a woman fulfills her primary female destiny, the closer she will be to the next stage - her destiny in society.

  • The second level has to do with our professional activities.

Even 200 years ago there was no concept of "hobby". Hobbies and work are one and the same. Those who liked to sew - sewed, those who liked sawing wood became carpenters.

If we turn to the same Vedas, maybe ours, maybe Indian, we will come across some descriptions of modern professions. There are 4 directions of human activity, and earlier they were listed as establishing the goodness of the world.


  1. Scientists(in Russia they were called magi, and in India - brahmins). These are teachers, doctors, priests, ministers of science. Their mission is to impart knowledge.
  2. Leaders( in Russia they are knights, and in India they are kshatriyas). This includes directors, bosses, warriors, leaders. Their calling is to lead. And so it is very important that they lead in the right direction. A real leader cares about his employees, delves into their problems, helps them.
  3. Merchants(in Russia they were called merchants, and in India vaishyas). Their calling is to make money. They can easily do it, see profitable projects, feel the profit of the idea. The most important thing for them is to understand that the increase in the state is necessary not only for themselves.
  4. Creators(masters and artisans in Russia and sudras in India). These are people who create with their own hands. They know how to create things, fill the world with beautiful crafts and creations made from the gifts of nature. It is they who grow fruits and vegetables, weave and sew clothes, create furniture and utensils. If they know how to do all this with love, then everything done becomes priceless.

Sources of wisdom of millennia tell us that our deep professional destiny does not need to be sought under the influence of external circumstances, since it is already embedded within us, it just needs to be remembered.

Now is the time when there are various ways to help us remember, recognize and realize exactly our destiny and do the thing that will be most useful, effective and joyful for ourselves and for the world. Only I already have two familiar women who deal with this issue. With the help of astrology or calculation by date of birth through arcana, tarot or Bazi (Chinese astrology), they help to find the best occupation and business in society, and for a person personally. Or you can just ask yourself: "What would I continue to do for others, even if no one would pay me for it?" Ask and give him time, later the answer will come. Of course, the inner voice will not name a profession or specialty, but will choose actions and directions that will be closest to your nature.

  • And there is more third level of destination. It refers to our soul, to our subtle energy nature..

We are all children of God. And our purpose here is to remember this. Follow the divine commandments and follow his plan, bringing with him love and gratitude to the world, nature, soul and all that exists. Of course, this topic is very extensive, and in a nutshell it cannot be described or disclosed. The main thing is to understand that if we have not realized the first and second levels of the destination, we won’t be able to jump to the highest one, and it will be much more difficult to do this than cooking Tula stew. After all, what kind of love for God can there be if we do not know how and do not want to serve his children, his manifestations, that is, other people. However, it is worth remembering that if we are not ready to take care of our loved ones, to serve and help our mom, dad, husband and children, then just serving others right away will also not work out well and efficiently. Everything comes gradually, over time, like at school: first the first grade, then the fifth, and then graduation.

In 2013, a planned, conscious son was born to us. His birth story was not very smooth, but, nevertheless, he was born himself, and what he brought with him cannot be expressed in words. It was with his appearance that everything went along some interesting smooth road - it was, is and will be the path to my destiny. When my baby was 7 months old we went to the club's birthday "Under the Heart" I really liked it there, I joined his work, after a short time I was already an administrator, a club teacher and a family psychologist. And I really like all this, I enjoy the process and help. Now I am surrounded by people who are very interesting in character, the content of the inner world and the activities they are engaged in. It turns out that as soon as I myself saw myself in a certain activity, I saw around me such women who are doing their favorite thing, their destiny. For example, Svetlana, who organized the club, conducts childbirth preparation courses and helps pregnant women and mothers. And there are more and more people like her. Everything starts with a woman, I tell you: a family begins with a girl's desire to get married, children begin with a girl's desire to be pregnant and be a mother, happiness begins with a desire to love, care and inspire. Of course, not everything entirely depends and revolves around us, there are also men. However, it is much easier for us, women, to do this than for them, simply because we were born as women, and it’s all laid in us from childhood, with milk and love, and to whom, no matter how we pass it all and materialize.

For two years now I have been living with the idea that life is beautiful and amazing, and with trepidation and excitement I am waiting for further events. The wave of my destiny carries me into an amazing reality, into a beautiful world that we create ourselves, of course, not without the help of God.

To clarify my purpose, I turned to an astrologer for help. She helped me by describing some provisions and recommendations, as a result of which the concept came to me internally, instinctively. Now I know and try to follow my destiny.

Always and everywhere there are exceptions to the rules: no one has canceled the conditions and environment, the tasks of a particular incarnation and the experience of the soul. Therefore, how, where, in what way and what you will do is your choice, but if you find it, then do it qualitatively, with love and kindness, and, if possible, help others to find, understand and follow this destiny.

Dear women, girls, those who doubt or do not know where to go and what to do, this story and words are for you. Let's make the world a better, cleaner, brighter, fairer and happier place with our mission. First, this world is made within oneself, then within the family, then - within the city, country, planet, world, and so on. Let's become that cell that carries a particle of universal love, light, care and gratitude.

We all have the same ultimate goal, but the paths are different, each has its own individual and unique.

I wish you all a successful search! And finally, a few useful points from Max Simon .

14 signs that you are doing business in accordance with your destiny:

  • You are just doing your tasks. Very fast. If you follow your destiny and live to the fullest, your ability to be creative, focused and productive is at its peak. A brilliant result literally pours out of you. And you do not even consider such an option as postponing something for later.
  • People are asking you to help them do what you are doing or have already done. When you have found the purpose of your life, people look at you as a special person, and they really want you to teach them the same, they are willing to pay for it. And this is not as a result of the fact that you are trying to convince them of something. They just see you as an amazing model of what's possible and want to create the same result in their lives.
  • Money comes into your life even when you don't think about it. Lately, I've been a big believer in focusing on everything, including money and wealth, because it helps develop a healthy relationship with them. But I have noticed that the more we follow our destiny, the less we focus on money or worry about it. Almost every week new people express their desire to work with us, encourage us, do something else that brings us money. So I concluded that the more you follow your destiny, the more money will come to you.
  • You wake up with new ideas almost every day. This is both a blessing and a curse. In fact, I often drive my team crazy. But it's true. As you find your purpose, you begin to see more and more opportunities to expand your vision even further and make an impact on the world. It’s like you become an idea factory that is constantly coming up with new ways to grow and expand. To some extent, you can no longer stop her work.
  • You feel fully prepared to deal with all the problems and challenges that come your way. When you are on the path to your destiny, you begin to solve problems and tasks much faster instead of dwelling on them, complaining or regretting that you did not see them sooner. You just solve them.
  • You see yourself getting better and better at your craft. No one ever becomes a Master overnight. This takes time. First you realize your destiny, and then you start to practice, continue, try, manifest. Then slowly, over time, you suddenly find that you have become the best in this world. And suddenly everyone starts to see it.
  • High level people ask how they can help you. When you follow your destiny, other famous people and leaders are the first to offer you their help. This may shock you a little at first. But you will get used to it. And then it will become a powerful beacon indicating to you that you are moving in the right direction.
  • You strive to become healthier and more alive because you know that energy will help you be a better leader. When you follow your destiny, you simply do not allow yourself to waste any time or energy. In fact, the highest level of the state of your mind, body and energy will become your priority. Because your mission in the world is too important to allow yourself to do something not up to par.
  • You feel happy and lucky just because you live like that. There are millions and millions of people in the world who hate what they do. But when you follow your destiny, you may be shocked by the fact that people themselves want to pay you for what you do. In fact, you may even wonder: "I can't believe I'm getting paid for this."
  • People are promoting your services or products even if you don't ask them to. Because when you follow your destiny, the quality and content of your products and services is incredible. And when you create something so great, people start sharing.
  • You feel proud of what you create. When you find the purpose of your life, you create a lot of stuff. You are constantly testing what you have created, you are not afraid to try new things. And although not everything you come up with will be exceptional, you will still feel proud of what you create.
  • Your work has changed people's lives. You get letters from fans out of nowhere. People come to your pages in social networks to tell you about how you have changed their lives. You know that what you do is very valuable for the world. The realization of your destiny will always affect the lives of other people, no matter what you do.
  • The people around you will not let you go astray. Whether it's your team, your clients, or your fans, there are people around you who will inspire you to keep going, keep growing, showing up, even if it's going to be very hard for you (and you're going to be hard). Following your purpose is not easy. But when other people push you to keep going, you know you're on the right track.
  • When you find your purpose, all doubts will disappear. Because at this moment in your life there will be a subtle, barely noticeable, but the deepest presence that will whisper to you: "Keep walking." As I said, finding your purpose is not something that happens overnight. In fact, I've been working on this for decades because "finding a purpose" is not an event, it's more of a process. But I do know that every time I tried to do something other than what I'm doing, I always heard a voice inside me reminding me to keep going. Perhaps your outer life does not yet reflect the greatness that is inside you. But this does not mean that this greatness does not exist. It takes time to build something deep. So listen to your inner wisdom which will always tell you if you are moving in the right direction. I repeat: finding your purpose is not an event. This is a process.

The true meaning of this myth is easier to understand, coming to the conclusion that women should show care - and they do show it - they get it on their own.

The purpose of a woman is to support and complement a man. There is one way to support the purpose of a man, which is available to everyone - these are our dreams. But since everyone knows the futility of unfulfilled desires, we need to learn to dream in order to achieve a certain goal. When we talk about dreaming, we don't mean building castles in the air, but dreams in action. But even when acting, one should not forget that an action leading to nothing not only does not bring any dividends, but also turns out to be completely meaningless.

This is well known to every woman. This inner knowing comes from the fact that in the depths of her being a woman feels that the dividends she wants to receive can come from a man who has claimed power. Consequently, all the actions of a woman are aimed at supporting the aspirations of a man to claim his rights to power. And these actions embody her dreams - after all, every woman dreams of being picked up by a knight in sparkling armor, prancing on a snow-white horse. However, this innermost dream is the deepest secret of every woman.

People may try to challenge this idea, but there is nothing more powerful on Earth than a belief. The Wright brothers took to the skies in an airplane because they believed it was possible. People performed all kinds of miracles, believing that it was possible. And every man, having a woman next to him, looking at him like a knight in shining armor, tries to grow up to this image, unless, of course, he is a complete nonentity who wants to use this idea of ​​his own person only in order to use it.

That is why, when a real woman dreams, she projects the image of an ideal man onto reality and, having done this, begins to imperceptibly, and therefore very effectively manipulate him, directing her towards the materialization of this image. But if she is a real woman, she will not strive to become a "mother" for a man in her practice of dreams, but will shape her dreams in accordance with the purpose of a man. Instead of imposing her will on him, managing his fate at her own discretion, a woman projects into reality her dream of a brilliant knight, true to her goal, her destiny, her feat, and understands that she is destined to get off the ground, being in the arms of this knight. But here it is necessary to show wisdom and understanding that she should take care of a man, and not coddle with him, because only his strength, not weakness, needs to be nurtured.

If a woman wants to support a man and his destiny, she needs to take a backseat. This does not mean giving up one's own individuality or independence, but it does mean that a woman, wishing to support a man's destiny, must treat that destiny as her own. At the same time, the woman makes it clear to the man that she believes in him and completely trusts him. This, firstly, allows a man to claim his rights to power, and, secondly, allows a woman to prove herself as a woman, and not as a mother.

It is only because the woman refuses to coddle the man and recedes into the background that the latter can claim his right to power. Moreover, from now on, a man begins to look at a woman as a partner, and not his "mother" and begins to do everything in his power in order not to destroy the idea of ​​him that the woman created in her imagination.

But we will not contradict ourselves if we remember that the mother also belongs to the feminine and she also has an important role to play. The art of a real woman is that she is able to decide when she should be a mother, and when - just a woman. If a man forgot that he should be an example and acted like an "orphan" by tumbling into a bar with his friends, he certainly needs a "mommy" who will not allow him to loosen up. No man has yet lost his masculinity because he "received a beating" from his wife. On the contrary, a weighty slap in the face brought more than one man to his senses, and the order to "pack your things and get out" often led men into such a rage that they immediately grew up and hurried to prove to everyone that they were real men.

In this regard, it is worth noting that a real woman is never upset when she receives an angry rebuff from a man. The angry reaction of a man is a completely natural and inevitable consequence of her maternal guardianship. And what kind of man would like it if they let him know that they consider him a weakling? And yet, sometimes it is necessary to do this so that, seeing himself in this light, a man changes his behavior.

A woman's support of a man in his destiny is an integral part of her care for him. At the same time, she is completely involved in his life. The lack of this "engagement" can have serious consequences. How often women are perplexed by the fact that their husbands, returning from work and kissing them on the cheek, immediately bury their nose in the newspaper or watch TV without interruption until nightfall. These women failed to understand that there can be nothing worse for a man than not being able to share. Like a hunter who gladly shares his prey with his household, a man loves to share his victories and defeats, hopes and fears, joys and sorrows. Giving for a man means living. But forced to passively sit in one place and receive, a man begins to feel out of place, which ultimately leads him to realize himself as a loser. To understand how this ends, let's look at a typical example.

Sergey had a hot day at work: although he eventually managed to conclude a good deal, the negotiations were extremely difficult and more than once threatened to fail. Tired but satisfied, Sergei dreamed of how, when he returned home, he would uncork a bottle of wine and tell his wife about all this over a glass. But at home, Sergei finds his wife, Svetlana, talking with a friend in the kitchen. Svetlana, kissing Sergey in passing, immediately informs him that her friend, Tatyana, had an engagement yesterday and that she wants her to stay with them for dinner and tell them all about her plans!

That night, when Svetlana curls up next to him, yawns and falls asleep, Sergei tosses and turns from side to side for a long time. Finally, he is alone: ​​and alone, he goes over in his head all the events of the day, rolling further and further away from Svetlana. Angry and ashamed of his anger, feeling sorry for himself and annoyed at his weakness, the unhappy and upset Sergei finally falls asleep.

The next morning, Svetlana could feel the estrangement that has arisen in her relationship with Sergei, but she is too busy getting ready for work to make any sense of it. Preening herself in front of the mirror, she again starts talking about Tatyana's upcoming wedding, and then she is sincerely surprised when Sergey leaves the apartment without saying goodbye and slamming the door. In bewilderment, she mutters to herself: “I will never be able to understand a man,” without stopping powdering her nose and thinking intently in which dress she should appear at Tatyana’s wedding and in which suit Sergey should wear for this occasion.

When Sergey calls Svetlana from work to warn that he will be late with colleagues to drink a bottle or two, she is very happy about this and suggests not to rush home - then she will have enough time to communicate with Tatyana and they will be able to discuss the upcoming event in all details . Sergei, by this time, feels that the insult is losing its sharpness, leaving only an unpleasant aftertaste in his soul. When he notices that the bright-eyed girl who joined his company a month ago is still single, and is now ready to join their company, the insult is completely forgotten and he begins to dream. A little later, finding that the girl smiles sweetly at him, Sergey tells her everything about his recent victory ... and finds in her an attentive and grateful listener. Sergei returns home late and in high spirits, and Svetlana again sees the former Sergei in front of her - the darling, charming Sergei. Only one thing she cannot understand: why the husband is in no hurry to make love to her when they go to bed.

This example is quite eloquent and transparent, and therefore it is hardly worth discussing where such a relationship will eventually lead Sergey and Svetlana. Ideally, both partners should be mature enough and honest with themselves to properly assess the current situation, discuss it and find a way out of it while there is still time.

Remember: a woman herself must decide to become a part of a man's life; he can't force her to do it. Otherwise, it will be an encroachment on the freedom and individuality of a woman. A man should invite a woman to follow him, and it is up to the woman to accept or reject this proposal.

The material was prepared based on the book "Female and Male: Revealing the Mystery of the Feminine" by Théun Mahrez.

male destiny to unleash your power. And the strength of a man is to be a breadwinner, a breadwinner, a protector and achieve a goal. This is his purpose. And it is also difficult for a man to follow him. For one reason or another, a man may not believe in his masculinity. And only a woman can connect a man with his strength.

But for this, a woman needs to agree with her feminine nature, she just needs to step into the background and stop leading a man, babysitting him and being responsible for him. That's why a woman must be weak! Do you understand? Hallelujah! It finally dawned on me. Not to be just weak and passive, but to consciously allow a man to be active and strong. This is what our feminine destiny is. By cultivating and revealing our feminine potential, we reveal the masculine.

Remember, a man does everything for a woman, he doesn’t need anything for himself, a bed and a bedside table are enough for him in life. So, everything he does, he does for the woman. “In a world without women, the following will happen: men will not wash and shave, men will not work. You are the force that encourages you to wake up every morning.” Steve Harvey.

Imagine a dance, such as tango - it is possible only when both partners follow each other. The man leads and the woman obeys. This is beauty and power.

And the woman takes the first step, she agrees to be slave. And thus points the man to his role. But here there can only be full consent to this role; half-measures are indispensable here. The dance will not work if a woman suddenly, like her mother, starts doing something for a man, teaching him how to dance. He himself knows that this is inherent in nature. Our task is to connect it with strength, not with its weakness.

Therefore, we must be patient. A woman should make it clear to a man that she believes in him and trusts him. A woman must show that she needs a protector and a provider. Being needed is one of the basic needs of a man. And if a woman does everything herself or does not fully believe in the abilities of her man, nothing good will come of it.

Yes, many women ask: what about children? But what if a man does not have time to connect with his natural power? Will they go hungry?

First, no one dies. And secondly, the initial stage is the most difficult. But here, as they say, either we move forward, or we stay where we were, with the same results.

Real woman consciously decides to step back and let the man come forward. She becomes "weak" only to connect with her power and fulfill her destiny. Helping a man to open up, she fulfills her feminine destiny.

A woman who believes and trusts male power reveals her inner strength. Behind all this humility, acceptance, trust, "weakness" lies huge strength. It is in submitting to a man and transferring the role of leader to him that a woman finds her true strength. And you know, I'm not afraid of this word, power over a man. Is any man able to leave such a woman?

As soon as a man feels masculinity in himself and begins to reveal his male potential, he will throw everything at your feet. Where should he carry his prey, if not to you? That's when a woman becomes a man Muse and inspiration. But this is the topic of the next article. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss out!

Each of us is born either a man or a woman. And nature has a potential in us, that is, strength - male or female. This is the law. We always have a choice: go against or obey these laws and get the most out of it.

Now do you understand why a woman who has revealed her destiny gets everything in life easily and simply?

Leave comments, press the "like" buttons and be sure to share what you've learned with your girlfriends.

Tatyana Dzutseva

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Good day, dear reader!

... The angel descended, smiling, stroked her hair. She no longer cried, only sniffed, into all tear-stained eyes, looking at the white shining miracle. She was not afraid, on the contrary - it became somehow easy and calm.

- Honey, I heard you and came. Tell me what's bothering you, child?

It was like a marvelous dream, when it doesn't matter who and where... when you enjoy the very fact of being in it.

“I'm crying because I don't know what to do.” Her voice trembled a little. Is it wise to cry for several hours! - I probably want too much ... Everything is somehow awry - I am not happy with my life ... Everyone expects something from me, demands something ... but I just want ... I don’t know what I want ... I only know what I want be happy! But I don't know what it takes.

The angel leaned over and picked up a flower that had come from somewhere.

- How do you think? - he asked. What does this flower need to be happy?

She was a little taken aback by the unexpected question.

- Well ... the soil ...

- Right. Your soil is your family. It gives you confidence in your strength.

- More water...

- Right. Water is sincere words of recognition and gratitude. A woman blossoms when she is loved and is reminded of it.

- The sun?

- Yes. The sun is your man. It gives you meaning and motivation to grow. He is your spiritual guide. Your destiny is to serve him.

- But how is that! Surprise at what he heard was replaced by irritation. - Be a slave?

The angel laughed, loud and clear. And irritation, only flashing, immediately dissolved. I also wanted to laugh and be happy.

- Well, what are you! Do you consider yourself a slave when you take care of your body? But you serve him in every sense. Or do you consider yourself a slave when you go shopping? You serve your emotional satisfaction. Look how many times during the day you serve... Another thing is that you did it unconsciously.

In turn, what you serve serves you. And the more sincere and unconditional your service is, the more sincere and unconditional they serve you. This is the law of similarity, as you call it. He acts no matter what. It lies at the foundation of the universe.

- Well, if a man doesn't care, what do I do for him? And he doesn't love me back?

The world always reciprocates. What you sow is what you reap. The Law of Similarity operates on all planes of existence. It is versatile and effective. Maybe it's because of how you do it!

I will tell you the real story of one of my charges. This woman could not find a common language with her man. They constantly quarreled over trifles, did not want to give in to each other. And even when a man was looking for a way to get her approval, praise, he wanted the usual kindness, out of habit she answered him sharply, believing that she was absolutely right and, at best, they simply continued to silently go about their business.

This went on for a long time, until the woman was pointed out by her little son, who was a silent observer of this performance.

The woman was doused with boiling water - she saw "a log sticking out of her eye." She changed her behavior, began to listen to the man, she began to give him what he needed - warmth and affection, to serve him!

Yes, at first everything continued out of habit - the man froze and grumbled. And she was just silent at such moments and instead of quarreling kissed him on the cheek. At first he was taken aback, and later changed beyond recognition, he began to hear her and ... serve her!

This is the most important thing - to be able, despite your fears, expectations, desires, to hear each other.

Understand that like attracts like. Break out of the vicious circle and continue climbing the spiral of development. Develop relationships, making them cleaner, sincere and truly happy.

It turns out that women do not have enough patience to achieve results?

- Yes, directing your attention to injustice, you do not see the manifestation of justice and accuracy in everything! The whole world is a perfect mechanism. Each of us plays a role in it, each has its own purpose.

The purpose of a woman is to give a man the strength to realize the Light that he passes through himself. And if a woman begins to serve a man - sincerely, lovingly, without demanding anything in return, he miraculously turns from a monster into a handsome prince! A woman develops, improves herself, and a man has no choice but to match her!

This is the greatest secret! It is as simple as it is forgotten by people.

- It turns out that everything depends on the woman? But why?

- The fact is that a woman is a mistress on Earth. This is her planet. The man is a guest here. He adapts to the conditions that exist. And on Earth, these conditions are created by a woman.

Therefore, it is very important that a woman realize her destiny and follow it - after all, she can only be happy in this way. There are no other paths to happiness. And happiness will give her a man! He will make her happy and will give her joy if she helps him open up - to become himself.

Now it is believed that the man is the stronger sex. But look at history! Always next to a great man is a strong and wise woman! She gives him strength. The man, in turn, fills it with meaning. Opens her eyes to the world. He is her spiritual mentor. And he can become one when he has enough strength to reveal himself. Woman is Power. Man is Will. And only by uniting can they reach Heaven.

- I feel like it's true! Oh, Angel, how come! After all, we are so confused that we do the opposite ...

That's why I'm here, sweet child, to remind you. New time comes into force. And how it will be for all of you depends on the women and those men who have found the strength to understand the very essence ...

In our time, the purpose of a woman is almost forgotten. The image of a mature, loving, merciful and self-sufficient woman has been lost somewhere in the centuries. His place was taken by infantile youngsters, businesswomen, mother hens, men in skirts and other "non-female" roles.

If a woman plays one of these roles, she loses herself, her strength, she loses the true purpose of a woman.

Therefore, now it is important for us, women, to realize what it means to be a Woman, what our mission is and what prevents us from realizing it, in order to feel happy and full of strength.

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with what I have noticed in modern women's behavior.

7 Destructive Women's Behavior Programs

1. No inner rod

The inner core of a person- this is an understanding of who I am, why I am here, what I want. If an inner core is built in the family of the mother and father, then it can be built in the child, this happens at the age of five.

Since most of our parents did not build this core, it is not surprising that we have some difficulties with this.

Growing up, such girls:

  • They do not know how to listen to themselves, their soul, but they listen to everyone. Therefore, they do not know what they themselves want from life.
  • They don’t want to learn something new, because curiosity has been replaced with stereotyped thinking.
  • Constantly comparing themselves to other women and even men,
  • In everything they follow the example of the majority, for them the opinion of others is very important.
  • Be afraid to express your opinion.
  • They strive to prove something to someone, to become better than others.
  • They do not know how to independently reveal and show their creative abilities.
  • They deny themselves what they want and do what they don't want to.
  • Just exist, instead of consciously living each day.

It is not necessary that all this is present in your behavior, but perhaps in some of the points you recognized yourself.

  1. Learn to love and respect yourself for who you are at this moment in life.
  2. Stop comparing yourself to others, recognize your uniqueness.
  3. Start to re-examine yourself, not looking back at someone else's opinion. If you don't know what you want to do, start trying different activities from the ground up. At the same time, listen to yourself, as far as you are interested.
  4. Remember what you liked as a child, what you were like, what you wanted, what you dreamed about.

What manifests itself:

  • In not built personal boundaries.
  • In the desire to please everyone, even if inside you want to say no.
  • In the desire to do everything at the behest of mom, dad, husband, etc. As a result, fulfilling the dreams and desires of loved ones.
  • In the desire to do everything right, without mistakes, the best.
  • In the desire to receive praise, so that other people will notice and appreciate how good you are.
  • In a constant sense of "duty" to loved ones.
  • In a sense of guilt when refusing a man, relatives, acquaintances, etc.
How to fix:
  1. Learn to build personal boundaries, say no. If: you do not like the people with whom you communicate, do not communicate with them; If you don’t want to do what you are asked, explain to the person why you have no desire and don’t do it.
  2. Let other people be responsible for their feelings. Don't blame yourself if you don't like a man who decides to express his sympathy to you.
  3. Allow yourself to make mistakes, because mistakes are your invaluable experience.
  4. Love yourself for who you are. Strive to be better for yourself, not for others.
  5. Understand that you can never please everyone in everything, and even one particular person.
  6. Find for yourself another way of self-affirmation and replenishment of personal strength, without constantly using the gratitude of other people.
  7. Stop forcing yourself to do things you don't want to. If you don’t want to eat what you cooked yesterday, then don’t eat, don’t live according to the principle “so as not to be lost”. Same with clothes, don't wear what you don't like, even if it's new or well kept. In such cases, you can simply find another solution: give food to animals, clothes to other people. There is always a way out, just don't force yourself.
  8. Write a list beginning with "I should" for each person in your life. Analyze it: do I really owe all this to someone, or can I delegate something, remove something, and transfer something to the “I want” list?

3. Inability to build personal boundaries

This paragraph applies only to relationships with men.

If a woman does NOT have boundaries, she:

  • Allows men he does not plan to marry to kiss himself, hold his hand, touch his body. All this makes it accessible in the eyes of men.
  • Accepts the courtship of a man if he is not interested in her as a life partner, thereby giving hope for more. This can provoke a man to do things that are unpleasant for her.
  • Allows men to humiliate themselves, use themselves, commit moral and physical violence.
How to fix:
  1. Learn to say "no" to a man. If a man begins to show persistent signs of attention to you, and inside you don’t know what you want, then he will feel it and will continue to insist on his own.
  2. Do not let men have too much in relation to you. Understand that you are a princess for one single man. Any touch of one person to another is always an exchange of energy for levels of self (aura). Touching your skin for a man, even if it is your palm, means admission to the whole body. After that, don't be surprised if a man pesters you and counts on an intimate relationship.
  3. If you love and respect yourself, then a man will never humiliate you. As a rule, what is inside, so is outside.
  4. Learn to distinguish the manifestations of a man's care from courtship. Do not use men, appreciate and take care of their attitude towards you, be honest with them. Talk directly about what you do not see in a man as your companion.

This behavior is expressed in:

  • Uncertainty in yourself, your beauty,. As a result, such a girl singles out men according to the principle “I will go for anyone who has done good with attention.” Accepts signs of attention from men who are completely uninteresting to her. For an ordinary trip to a restaurant, or a movie, she can spend the night with a man.
Correction methods:
  1. Love yourself for who you are right now. Realize what manifestations are in you and why you need them, if you do not like them, then how do you want to act differently.

It is worth highlighting and considering this item separately, since a lot of women's programs of behavior are associated with it.

What manifests itself:

  • In fear that I'm not like everyone else. Still a virgin, wearing the wrong clothes, doing the wrong things, raising my kid the wrong way.
  • In fear of not having time, that I am already 20, 40 (insert your own version), and I still have not built a career, not married, not given birth, etc.
  • In imitation of others. All my girlfriends date guys, so I should too. The same thing is drinking, smoking, swearing, etc.
  • In the unconscious living of life, when you do not think about what, why and for what you are doing.
  • In the feeling of inner loneliness and the desire to fill it through other people, to earn their praise.
  • In ignorance of yourself and your desires.
How to fix:
  1. Build your inner core.
  2. Recognize your value. Realize that no one knows you better than yourself.
  3. Learn to live consciously.
  4. Make friends with time, stop rushing somewhere and chasing for some reason.
  5. Learn to highlight the main thing in your life, build your goals.

Imagine a person's life crystal with many facets. From the outside, any other person sees only one facet, and only the owner himself is able to see the whole crystal.

Only you can decide which way of life you should go, and even a good psychic will be able to show you only that facet that he sees, but this does not mean that your life will turn out in this way.

Therefore, when you try to follow the path of your relatives, friends and other people, trying on completely thoughtlessly their way of thinking You are not helping yourself, you are only hurting yourself.

What does it express:

  • In the desire to impose my opinion on everyone for good purposes, that I know better what you need.
  • In the desire to become the best, always stand out.
  • In disrespect for the opinions of other people, inability to listen to other people.
  • In on other people.
  • Gossiping and judging other people.
How to fix:
  1. Learn to listen to other people, do not go to them with your advice, if they do not ask.
  2. Respect other people's choices to live the way they want.
  3. Learn to cooperate with other people.
  4. Learn to accept other people's opinions.

Many girls fall into this program of behavior to one degree or another.

Causes of occurrence:

  • The girl's mother prefers the male type of behavior and does everything herself. In this case, the father is either not around, or he is, but is no longer a responsible independent man. A woman dominates in such families, even if she does it not openly, controlling a man through manipulation.
  • If a girl was offended in childhood, constantly criticized, demanded some achievements from her. As a result, she either closed and turned into a “victim” of everyone and everything, or made a decision: “I will prove to mom, dad, etc. that I can do it myself .....”, and already this decision turned into the following: “I I can handle everything myself."
Correction methods:
  1. Allow yourself to relax, stop proving something to someone, trust your loved ones. Understand that no one will do your job exactly like you, the other person will always do their own thing.
  2. Learn to delegate your affairs, ask for help from loved ones. Between children, you can distribute care for loved ones in household chores, but in such a way that everyone would be pleased to do their own thing. Husband to delegate everything that is connected with the outside world: payment of bills (rent, electricity, gas, etc.), communication with government agencies (school, clinic, etc.), the main income.
  3. Learn to accept other people's concern for you.
  4. Let other people make mistakes, learn to accept their mistakes, without the desire to fix everything and do everything yourself.

It is very difficult for a man to be close to a woman who does not allow him to realize himself, to take care of her. Let the man next to you open up, show what he is capable of for you.

This composition Alexei Vorobyov "Please be weaker" is a call to us, women, to try to understand men, trust them and believe in them.

As you have noticed, all 7 points are closely intertwined with each other. The development of at least one can have a significant impact on the rest. Starting to change, do not expect instant changes, everything will happen gradually.

Remember that you are originally a goddess everything is already laid in you by God. You just have to discover all these qualities and learn how to manifest them.

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