Home Natural farming How can I find out where a photo was taken? How to find out exactly where you were filming and hide your location

How can I find out where a photo was taken? How to find out exactly where you were filming and hide your location

After a vacation, sometimes you want to remember all the places you managed to visit. Function Places, implemented in the Photos application on iPhone and iPad, will do this perfectly. In this material we will tell you how to view photos and videos linked to a location on the map directly on your iOS device.

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How to make photos and videos linked to a location (to a map) on iPhone

When traveling, the first thing you need to do is mandatory- make sure that location services are enabled on your iPhone or iPad, and - most importantly - they have permission to use Cameras. To check this, go to Settings of your device and go to the " Confidentiality". Select " Location Services", make sure the slider is active (i.e. green).

There, click on “ Camera", then to the inscription " When using the program«.

Now photos and videos will be tagged by location. The preliminary preparations have been made, now you can proceed to the main thing.

1 . Open the app on your device Photo and go to the tab Albums;

2 . Find an album with photos and videos called Places;

3 . This album is divided into two sections: Maps and Grid.

  • Maps accordingly opens Apple Maps. All your geotagged photos will be placed on the corresponding points on the map. You can zoom in on the map and view photos and videos by simply tapping them.
  • In the Grid section, photos and videos are organized by geographic location, relative to specific dates.

Ready! Now you can easily look at your photos and videos on a map and purely visually determine where you were and what you did in Lately. If geotags have not been activated previously, do not worry - by at least, now your iGadget has all the necessary settings, and in the future it will definitely delight you with geocollections of your favorite pictures.

Friends, after reading this article, you can easily find out where this or that photo was taken, the time and date of shooting, the name of the attraction captured on it, and much more. It's very simple, but many will consider you just a wizard! :)

To begin with, I’ll tell you the backstory of what prompted me to write this material... A week ago, my neighbor sent me a couple of photos of beautiful boletus mushrooms via Skype. He wrote that he found mushrooms nearby in the forest, and that I would never guess where exactly.

You can’t imagine what his surprise was when literally five minutes later I told him not only the one nearby from that very forest locality, but also marked with a flag on the Google map the place where exactly he found these mushrooms. :) How did I do this?

The vast majority of modern mobile phone models are equipped with a GPS module. By default, when you take a photo with a smartphone, the technical information about the photo ( EXIF data) in addition to a large set of all sorts of parameters fit in and geographical coordinates shooting locations. Analyzing them is not difficult.

One of the best and most visual EXIF ​​data viewing services is pic2map. I’ll say right away that there are quite a lot of services of this kind, but personally, I like this one better both in terms of the method of presenting data and in terms of their accuracy.

To upload a photo for analysis, click on the “Select Photo Files” button. Check the “Keep photos private” option if you do not want your uploaded photos to be indexed by search engines and/or appear in the service gallery. This way you can maintain the confidentiality of your data, which is important for some users.

Based on the EXIF ​​data, the service will mark on the mapGoogleMaps the exact location where the photo was taken, and will also give Additional information:

  • Smartphone model
  • Date of shooting, day and exact time
  • Country, city, address
  • GPS latitude and longitude coordinates
Scrolling down the page, you will find a whole list of extended data:
  • Shutter speed, ISO, aperture, using flash when taking photographs
  • Size, weight, file resolution, etc.

If the picture was taken inside a building, the service will give not only its exact address indicating the street name and house number, but also the postal code (see above in the screenshot)!

As I already mentioned, the above method is applicable if the smartphone or digital camera The GPS module is working. Well, how can you find out a place from a photograph if it was taken on a regular digital point-and-shoot camera?

In this case, you can use the function image search fromGoogle or Yandex. However, the method has one limitation: the photo must contain some recognizable place or landmark. For example, I took this image from my personal photo archive:

If the photo shows, for example, a birch tree in a field or a girl with a flower, then this method Of course, it won’t work - there’s simply nothing for a Yandex or Google image analyzer to “catch onto.” In other cases it works well.

Any modern digital camera records additional information about the photo in the photo file - EXIF ​​data: the model of the camera that took the photo, shutter speed, aperture, focal length, ISO sensitivity, time and date of shooting, etc.

When you upload a photo to Yandex.Photos, this information is saved. To open it, on the photo viewing page, click the More icon and select Show EXIF.

Why don't some photos have EXIF?

If a photo is taken with a film camera and then scanned, it cannot have EXIF ​​data because it is assigned to the photo when the file is created digital camera.

Graphic editor(for example, Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) may delete EXIF ​​data with certain file saving settings.

Also, some mobile phones do not leave EXIF ​​data.

How can I find out the model of the camera that took the photo and see other photos taken with this camera?

  1. On the photo viewing page, tap the More icon.
  2. Select Show EXIF.
  3. Click the link pictures taken with this device.

You will be taken to a page with photographs of other authors whose works were taken by this camera model and posted on Yandex.Photos.

How to find out where a photo was taken?

Each photo on Yandex.Photos can be linked to a map. If the photo is already linked to a map, to find out its location, click the On map link, which is located on the photo viewing page.

If the photo is not linked to the map, but you know where it was taken, you can offer the author of the photo your option for placement on the map. To do this, click the link Link to map under the photo.

You will be taken to a map page where you can enter the location of the photo. If the author agrees with your proposal, you will receive a message by mail.

How to properly view photos with geotags April 19th, 2013

Recently I was puzzled - how to look at photos that have geotags? For those who are not in the know, the properties of a photo can contain not only the date-time and information about the camera, but also the exact geographic coordinates of the image. Some advanced cameras have a GPS receiver, and immediately record the coordinates of the place where the “masterpiece” button is pressed. I even have one like this.

But, as it turned out, you can’t just take it and see where this picture was taken. The result of research, installation of a bunch of programs (I tried to choose free ones), and a sleepless night is the following: Picasa copes best with a visual display of a map with an image. If you know a better recipe, please share.

Google Photo Viewer displays images like this:

If there is a red icon next to the photo, then the photo has a geotag. Only the photographer or his camera knows whether the photograph is accurately linked to the area or not.

If suddenly you don’t have a card, then:
1. Add a folder with pictures to Albums (File - Add folder to Picasa)
2. Click the button with the red geotag icon in the right corner of the screen.

And yet, from Picasa you can export the entire album (or individual photos) directly to your albums. Geotags, of course, are saved (to do this, check the " " box in the album properties). Then in the right corner there will be a map with the point where the photo was taken.

As a visual aid to textbook, especially for you, I filmed an example of a depressive spring directly from the center of my hometown. As an experiment, I’ll try this format, look.

For starters, I’m posting a photo:

The sculpture "Broken Brotherhood", installed in memory of fallen internationalist soldiers and local conflicts.

Made in mourning and mourning style. It seems that heroic images have not been placed on monuments to our soldiers for 20-30 years; the style has long been maintained approximately the same as in the photo. Why is this so?

I’ll tell you one way to deal with goons who don’t disclose secret places where they fish or pick mushrooms. I’ll say right away that there’s nothing smart about this method, but it works. I’m even sure that many people know about this, so today’s story will be for those who have never thought about it.

It’s simple, every person has a desire to brag, this is a fact (I can already “hear” a friend’s shout behind me, they say, Chernyakov, they don’t judge others by themselves). Almost all fishermen and mushroom pickers love to photograph their trophies and post their photos on the Internet. So, ask such a person to send you the original photo. For what? Well, you can lie, they say, I liked the photo so much that I want to set it as a screensaver on my Windows desktop.

It's simple. Almost everyone today takes photographs in nature with their mobile phones. Almost every cell phone has GPS. Almost every mobile phone has the option to put coordinates in a photo, and by default no one disables it. And if there are coordinates, then they can be seen. How? - simpler than steamed turnips. Now I’ll show you using this photo as an example.

Digital photos have this thing called EXIF. I won’t go into details now, I’ll just say that this is additional information about the photo recorded in the file of the photo itself. There is a lot of interesting information there, for example: when the photo was taken, with what camera, and what is most interesting for us is where it was taken. Geographic coordinates are written there, and extremely accurate ones at that.

If the photo has already been downloaded to your computer, right-click on it, then select “Properties” from the menu. In the window that opens, select the “Details” tab, and just below you will see the GPS coordinates. As I said, very accurate (and we will return to this picture again at the end of the article, remember it).

If you don't know what to do with these numbers, you can use, for example, Google's Picasa program. If the photo has coordinates, Picasa will show a red pin. Click on it and you will see a map.

As you understand, the Internet is already full of such services that show a map from a photograph. Just upload such a photo to the site or provide a link to it. I won’t even be lazy, I’ll explain how to “take a link to a photo.” For example, if you use Firefox, then everything is simple, right-click on the photo and click on “Copy Image Location”.

IN Internet Explorer a little more confused. Right-click on the photo, select “Properties”, in the window that opens, select the link with the mouse, right-click on the selected text and select “Copy”.

Here's the way. The main thing is to ask for a photograph.

And now information for new residents of Winnipeg who want to know exactly where mushrooms grow nearby. Over the weekend I was in a forest park. While riding a bicycle, I noticed an aspen boletus near the road. Since I was not going to pick mushrooms, I just photographed the mushroom and moved on, without cutting it.

Here it is, a real untouched boletus, and if you need it, find the place yourself. By the way, not far from the city.

Okay, as you understand, “redneck” is true, it’s all nonsense. This is not the purpose of this article. I just want you to understand how terrible it is when technology falls into the hands of amateurs. And what a horror it is when criminals abuse the ignorance of amateurs. This is both a way to find where to steal something, and a way to find a person who is not guaranteed to be happy to meet you.

As far as I understand, when a photo is uploaded to Facebook or Odnoklassniki or (forgive me, gentlemen) on VKontakte, the system itself erases the coordinates for you. I also couldn’t get the coordinates from Instagram, but I read where it says that there is even an application for mobile phone, which from an Instagram photo shows a photo with Google Maps Street View, and address. But what about it?

I don’t know, I can’t check it myself. What do other Internet resources do with photographs? – we also just have to guess. But you understand that it is better not to guess, but to trust in your own head.

Now the obvious conclusions. Yes, we know that mobile phones by default enter GPS coordinates into a photo. And it's wonderful, yes! Especially when you bring a bunch of photos from a long trip, and then you don’t remember where it all was. And then one day, they found it.

But this is great for personal use. If you want to take a photo from your phone and send it to someone, but don’t want them to see the coordinates, every smartphone has an option in the settings not to include GPS coordinates in the photo file. Turn it off and take pictures. If you need to, turn it back on. Business?

If the photo is on a computer, it’s even easier. Before sending a photo, make a copy of it, and then, as I said above, right-click on the photo, then select “Properties” from the menu. In the window that opens, select the “Details” tab, and at the very bottom click on “Remove Properties and Personal Information”.

By the way, on my website, when I publish photos, I almost never erase the coordinates. Firstly, nothing personal, and secondly, perhaps you yourself are interested in knowing where the places that I photographed are located. And once, yes, I was greedy, but this is the same “secret” clearing.

In general, let's summarize. If we already use technology, we use it consciously so as not to be a monkey with a grenade. And there are plenty of all sorts of tricky technologies. For example, as I noticed, great amount owners of Android phones do not even suspect the existence of such a useful (and dangerous) site https://maps.google.com/locationhistory/ And this is not the limit.

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