Home Berries The karmic code of your life is an enchanted soul. - the number of harmony. You are purposeful, active and optimistic. You are in good, friendly relations with a huge number of people. But still talk less and learn to hide your drinks from others.

The karmic code of your life is an enchanted soul. - the number of harmony. You are purposeful, active and optimistic. You are in good, friendly relations with a huge number of people. But still talk less and learn to hide your drinks from others.

Numerologists claim that karma, and hence the fate of a person, can be calculated using the most ordinary numbers.

And it's very simple ...

It is very simple to do this - add up all the numbers of your date of birth in sequence.

For example, if you were born on December 11, 1982, then you have to add the numbers as follows: 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 = 25. But the final figure does not need to be reduced to a prime number. 25 is your fateful number, a kind of karmic code.

Numbers 10-19

You are in the first stage of development. Your task is to contemplate the world without changing anything in it. You should focus on the development of your personality, cultivate willpower, improve your body and spirit.

10 - lucky sign... You are confident in yourself. Your life path is bright and auspicious, and the future is cloudless. Your life is not foreseen special problems... By career ladder you will be climbing effortlessly. Personal life, health, offspring ... everyone will bring you joy.
- You have good karma, past life you were a farmer and did not commit any crimes.

11 is a complex number. Warns about hidden danger, tests. You are too gullible, you easily succumb to persuasion. Until old age, you will change partners in search of the ideal. But is it possible to find something that does not exist in nature? Several marriages. Lots of kids.
- In a past life, you were a traitor or a criminal.

12 - a symbol of suffering and anxiety. You are easily vulnerable, naive and defenseless. Every now and then you become a victim of scammers and schemers. Constantly worry and worry, even if there is no cause for concern. In love, you are forced to adjust to your partner, please him and obey.
- In a past life, you were a conspirator, terrorist or revolutionary.

13 - a symbol of change, change of plans, move. You will never be bored. After all, your whole life is a constant change of scenery and participation in an attraction called "Roller Coaster". Change will haunt you all the time. And, alas, they will not always be positive.
- In a past life, you were a prisoner or captive (slave) who dreamed of freedom all his life.

14 - warns a person about the danger from natural disasters: wind, fire, water and air. Along with this, it favors transactions, business, career growth. You need to keep your ears on top of your head all your life, be careful, do not get carried away extreme species sports. Be vigilant on the water, always prefer rail over air. Do not climb high in the mountains, do not rest on the islands.
- In a past life, you were a sailor or a military man. But they were killed or died in an accident.

15 - the number of charm. You have a bright temperament and natural magnetism, which you often use to achieve your goals. You are undoubtedly a wonderful artist, actor or musician who cannot imagine life without art. The number 15 bodes well, but makes people resort to deception and betrayal for their own ends.
- In a past life, you sold your body and talent for money.

16 - a messenger of impending catastrophes and collapse of plans. This number warns of evil fate that constantly hovers over you. Make any decisions carefully and deliberately to avoid sad consequences... Make the words “Measure seven times, cut once” as the motto of your life.
- In a past life, you were a reigning person or a person close to her. They were distinguished by a tough disposition, bathed in luxury, but did not differ in a special mind.

17 - a number that brings happiness in personal life. In relationships with the opposite sex, you will always be lucky. Joint projects, be it a business or a family, will bring a lot of joy and allow you to look to the future with confidence.
- In a past life, you were a man with a sick heart. They suffered a lot, died in poverty and loneliness.

18 - the number of destruction. People of this number are cruel - they are family rowdy and despots, brawlers, oppositionists, revolutionaries who believe that the end always justifies the means. They are successful in business, but only in crime. At the end of life, violent death or accident.
- In a past life, you were a witch.

19 - the number of recognition and veneration. In life, you will succeed in everything that you have conceived, but you will find your happiness in children. They will idolize you and continue the business you started. It is possible that you will become the founder of a famous dynasty.
- In a past life, you were a shepherd or a traveler. They died at a ripe old age, surrounded by numerous relatives.

Numbers 20-29

Your task is to work off your karma and not repeat the mistakes of the past in the present.

20 - a call to action, the implementation of ambitious plans. You are a strategist and a great figure who does not think of your existence without any goal. The only pity is that obstacles always arise and will arise on your way. Develop your spirituality, give people good, and there will be fewer obstacles.

In a past life, you were a banker.

21 - the number of honor and victory. Your life is like a battlefield, battles go on one after another, and almost always you are victorious. And all because 21 is very lucky number... It promises success in all your endeavors. The main thing is not to sit still. After all, your only enemy is boredom.

In a past life, you were a blacksmith and enjoyed unlimited respect.

22 - the number of the dreamer. You are a kind, gullible person with a bag of mistakes on your shoulders. Your favourite hobby- to dream, and therefore you are now and then mistaken and live in the captivity of illusions. You stick your head out of the shell and turn on real life only at the moment of danger.

In a past life, you were a petty thief.

23 - possesses magical effect... Whatever you do in life, you will be under the auspices higher powers, and therefore you will always be successful. Help in business, career and personal life will come immediately, at your first request.

In a past life, you were a seamstress.

24 - lucky number. Success and support in all matters, as well as luck in love, are guaranteed to you. The future will be cloudless, but only if you do not do evil and do bad deeds that burden karma.

In a past life, you were an icon painter.

25 - education. In the first half of your life, because of your character, you are unlikely to be happy. You will make a lot of mistakes, but catch yourself in time and begin to correct them. After that, heaven will replace anger with mercy, and you will live the second half of your life in harmony with yourself and the world.

In a past life, you were a royal person, traveled a lot and lived in the East.

26 - danger warning. Your intuition is very well developed. You are capable of anticipating many troubles. And this is good, because you literally at every step await danger, deception and disappointment. Be careful. Trust your inner voice.

In a past life, you were a doctor.

27 - good sign... You will definitely receive a reward for your righteous life, hard work, selflessness, and good heart... The second half of life will be much happier than the first.

In a past life, you were a scientist (mathematician, astrologer or philosopher). And they were incredibly happy in their marriage.

28 - a sign of contradictions. You have great abilities and talents, but law and morality are not for you. Rather, you have your own ideas about the norms of behavior and ethics. You are a rebel by nature and a fighter against injustice. Your future cannot be called bright and prosperous.

In a past life, you were suicidal.

29 - the number of deception. Insincerity and even betrayal from others will constantly accompany you. Every now and then you will have to face difficult trials and betrayals. If you do not find a kindred spirit, then in the future you will be completely disappointed in people and become a hermit.

In a past life, you were a wealthy merchant who did not disdain anything for the sake of enrichment.

Numbers 30-39

The third level of development is the level of people capable of influencing others. If you are on the third level of embodiment, then your calling in this life is to teach others wisdom and correct attitude to life.

30 - the number of superiority. In mind and intellect, you are much superior to those around you. But instead of looking for harmony and serving people, constantly pursue fame and money. If you get a little distracted from this race, you will find true happiness.

In a past life, you were a poet or writer.

31 - the number of loneliness. You are self-absorbed, withdrawn and alone. Any company prefer a book or conversation with a philosopher like you. An unsettled personal life does not bother you at all, as well as the lack of money and domestic disorder. After all, you know better than others that all this is not the main thing.

In a past life, you were a good actor, comedian. They changed women like gloves. They had many illegitimate children.

32 - the number of harmony. You are purposeful, active and optimistic. Be in the good, friendly relations with a huge number of people. But still talk less and learn to hide your Napoleonic plans from others. Otherwise, they will not come true.

In a past life, you were a traveler who did not have a wife or children.

33 - a lucky number that guarantees success and support in all endeavors, good luck in love. Your future will be bright and cloudless, especially if you begin to develop the gift of a teacher, educator, mentor, inherent in you by nature.

In a past life, you were a court magician and influenced the fate of the greatest rulers in the world.

34 - reward. Your path in life began with difficulties, but luck will await in the second half. After thirty-five, you are guaranteed a happy personal life, good financial position, love from children. Up to thirty-five there are a lot of difficulties and hardships.

In a past life, you were a knight who died in your prime.

35 - mortal danger in the future. Alas, there will be a lot of deception and disappointment in your life: betrayal by a loved one, difficulties with children due to their addiction to drugs or alcohol, financial problems ...

In a past life, you were a singer with a difficult fate and a failed personal life.

36 - hard labor. This number is a sign that you will achieve everything in your life with your own labor. There will be no help from anyone. Personal life is unlikely to work out well. Those you like will reject you. Your spouse will live with you for money or position.

In a past life, you were a criminal exiled for grave sins to hard labor.

37 - a sign of goodness, happy love and friendship. Promises good luck in any endeavors and promises happiness in family life.

In a past life, you were a religious leader or a hermit.

38 - the number of deception. Alas, insincerity, deception and betrayal on the part of others will literally haunt you. Don't trust anyone, especially business partners.

In a past life you were woman lung behavior.

39 - a sign of the mind. You smart man and a great intellectual, but you have a significant drawback - you always envy everyone. It eats away your karma, causes disease, and makes you addicted to drugs and alcohol.

In a past life, you were a gambler and a gambler.

Numbers 40-48

The highest level of consciousness, outstanding intellectual, philosopher, teacher. Your task is to cognize the highest meaning of being and the foundations of the universe.

40 - the number of the hermit. In life, you are a loner. They are eternally immersed in themselves and are completely incomprehensible to others. They are unlucky in money, in family life they are selfish. However, neither one nor the other bothers you. After all, you have a completely different purpose.

In a past life, you were a writer.

41 - a sign of a magnet. You are incredibly emotional and attractive, although you may not possess special beauty. There are always a lot of fans, friends and just friends around you. You cannot imagine your life without an entourage ... If you look more closely, it turns out that you are secretive, selfish and for the sake of profit are capable of deceiving.

In a past life, you were a beautiful poet and turned the head of more than one man.

42 - lucky number. You have a sober mind and a practical approach to life. Therefore, you are guaranteed success in any business, and you can not be afraid for your future.

In a past life, you were a brewer and lived in Germany.

43 - test sign. The blows of fate will now and then begin to pour on you. Conflicts will arise both at work and in family life.

In a past life, you were a royal person. You were executed for treason to your husband.

44 - danger warning. All your life you will walk as if on a razor's edge. Dangers and disasters lie in wait for you literally everywhere. Be careful and discreet.

In a past life, you were a tyrant who ruined more than one life.

45 - number of awards. Thanks to their productive thinking, creative work and high intellectual abilities you will definitely receive a reward. And after forty years you will not need anything. There are many disappointments and losses early in life.

In a past life, you were a doctor who saved more than one life.

46 - a sign of happy love and friendship. Harmony in relationships with the opposite sex and success in joint projects are guaranteed to you. Everything in your life will be fine if you marry (marry) for love and mutual respect. A marriage of coercion or of convenience will not bring happiness.

In a past life, they were a military leader, commander and died on the battlefield.

47 - the number of insincerity. You love parties and friendly gatherings. But not all of your friends are sincere and honest with you. Therefore, every now and then you will have to face deception and even betrayal from others.

In a past life, you were an alchemist or sectarian, leading an extremely solitary life.

48 - a sign of a warrior. It says that you have a huge potential as a leader hidden in you. Assumes an unexpected career. Good for the military, athletes and political leaders.

- In a past life, you were a gunsmith, fanatically dedicated to your work.

According to numerologists, a person can find out his future thanks to ordinary numbers. Your personal karmic code will help you solve the riddle of fate and find out what surprises life has prepared for you.

Human life is the most big riddle in the Universe. Fate is given to us from the moment of birth, and our task is to find out what awaits us in the future and what mistakes can be prevented in order to avoid serious troubles. Numerologists claim that numbers have great value than we think. With their help, a person can find out about what awaits him and what he will have to face during his life. By calculating your karmic code, you can find out what fate has prepared for you. All you need is desire and basic mathematical knowledge.

How to calculate your karmic code

At first glance, a karmic code is an ordinary number. However, he possesses special meaning... Many are hidden under this number cipher, and now you can find out what awaits you. First of all, you should stock up on paper, a pen and a calculator. It is not difficult to find out your karmic code, the most important thing is not to make a mistake in the calculations.

First, write down your date of birth in full, for example: 03/09/1989.

Then add up all the numbers for your date of birth: 9 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 39. The amount received is your personal karmic code.

Now, using the karmic code, you can find out its meaning and your further destiny.

The meaning of karmic codes

After you have calculated your karmic code, you need to find out its meaning. In this way, you can look into the future and avoid serious mistakes in advance.

10 - good luck will accompany you. From birth and helps you achieve success. You will be able to move up the career ladder and even take leadership position... Do not forget to engage in self-development and strive to achieve more, even if on life path difficulties arise.

11 - from time to time you will have to face difficulties. You are too gullible, which means that in the future you risk becoming a victim of deceivers. You have committed a serious crime in the past, and soon you will have to pay for it. Be patient, your happiness is only in your hands.

12 - you will have to suffer because of your own naivety. You will often get frustrated over trifles, which will lead to low self-esteem and uncertainty about your success. In a past life, you participated in conspiracies against other people, and this will negatively affect your future.

13 - a lot of things will happen in your life interesting moments... In the future, you will experience ups and downs, but one day you will find the meaning of life and find your own. life purpose... Once upon a time you were addicted person, but constantly strived for freedom and, perhaps, achieved it.

14 - danger awaits you in the future. You should be careful to avoid serious consequences. Your life is full of difficulties, but by overcoming them, you can find true happiness. The professions of a psychologist or astrologer are perfect for you, it is in these areas of activity that you can express yourself.

15 - you will never be deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. Not only looks, but also yours inner world attracts people. You will have difficulty choosing a life partner, but ultimately you will be able to make the final decision. Avoid contact with untrustworthy people.

16 - past life is the cause of your failures. Perhaps you have harmed people, and now life itself tests you for strength. You will have to endure a lot of destruction in order to find happiness. Never resort to the help of magicians and psychics, otherwise you may become a victim of scammers.

17 - you have a great relationship with the opposite sex. You easily find mutual language even with the most intolerable people. You will be able to create happy family and keep calm and harmony in the family nest.

18 - you can become a victim of struggle and violence. Cases like these will push you into rash decisions. In addition, you run the risk of becoming a member of fraud and gangster organizations. You need to work on yourself to avoid tragic consequences.

19 - you can become a loving spouse and a good parent, but first you need to meet a worthy life partner. You can create harmony in your home and make the person happy who decides to create a strong union with you.

20 - if you set goals, you always achieve them. You can handle any challenge, especially if it comes about your future. Sometimes you are so busy with work that you forget about your personal life, and one day it can become the reason for your loneliness.

21 - Fortune helps you reach heights, but in the future you must stop relying on luck. Make your efforts to achieve more, and then you can live your dreams and understand what true happiness is.

22 - Calmness helps you cope with difficulties. You know how to assess any situation soberly and thanks to this you always make the right decisions. However, sometimes you need to show your emotions, otherwise others may take your restraint for coldness and indifference.

23 - your talent and creative potential help you realize yourself in creative detail. Good luck is on your heels, and fate itself gives you signs of upcoming changes. Learn to correctly interpret the prompts of the Universe, and then you can achieve your goals much faster.

24 - you are lucky in all spheres of life. This applies to love, career, and hobbies. Never harm others, otherwise fortune will immediately turn away from you.

25 - you may have made many mistakes in the past, and you will have to pay for this. However, the black streak will not last long in your life. The other half of your life will pass easy and carefree for you. As you mature, you will be able to recognize your mistakes and understand what the meaning of your life is.

26 - intuition is your main weapon in the fight against difficulties. With the help of your inner voice, you can avoid serious dangers. The only thing you lack in life is love. However, you can find a worthy companion if you work hard on yourself.

27 - one day you will have to choose between a career and a family. Take your time with a decision, as your future depends on it. Any of your choices will be correct, it all depends on your priorities. Either you want to be a loving spouse and caring parent, or a successful careerist and influential leader.

28 - you have amazing abilities... One day it will help you realize yourself in the creative field. You will have to overcome difficulties before you succeed. But then you will not regret the time spent and the efforts made.

29 - life has prepared many difficulties for you, and they all relate to relationships with other people. You will have to face traitors, deceivers, scammers, but over time you will understand who from your environment deserves trust and love.

30 financial well-being- your the main objective in life. It is not surprising that one day you will stop noticing the attention and love of loved ones. Everyone dreams of reaching the top of a career, but one should not forget about family and personal life.

31 - you love loneliness and strive for solitude. Being alone with yourself makes you feel comfortable. However, in the future, you will have to get out of your shell, otherwise you will condemn yourself to a carefree, but lonely old age.

32 - you have well-developed communication skills, and luck is always with you. You will be able to prove yourself in the fields of trade, politics and journalism. However, try not to say too much, especially about yourself, otherwise personal information about you may become the subject of rumors and discussions.

33 - you are definitely lucky with your friends. They will always help you overcome obstacles and give a helping hand when needed. Even when you are at the peak of your career, do not forget to pay attention to loved ones. Your success is due in part to theirs.

34 - v certain time life you will have to overcome a streak of failures. However, after 35, you will be surprised at how your life will change. Success awaits you.

35 - in the past you have committed many sins, so now Fortune bypasses you. Your task is to prove that you have changed in better side... Do good deeds, help others and do not be afraid to sacrifice yourself for the sake of loved ones. Only kindness and self-sacrifice will help you get rid of failure.

36 - you will work hard, but you will not receive the well-deserved reward. By nature, you are a humble hard worker. You give your best, but no one notices. To be successful, you will have to overcome your humility and shyness.

37 - your karmic number promises you a long and carefree life. Perseverance is your key to success. It is with its help that you get everything you want.

38 - one day you will have to go through a betrayal that will make you disappointed in people. For a long time you will be alone, but one day a person will appear in your life who will give you happiness.

39 - you do not know how to rejoice for the success of other people, because you yourself do not strive to achieve more. In life, you will always feel like you have everything you deserve. However, it is not. Try to be interested only in your life, as envy can destroy you at any moment.

40 - you are too closed in yourself, afraid of success, and you often have to face financial difficulties. You can solve all your problems at once, but for this you have to change your worldview. Work on yourself and change the way you think about a successful life.

41 - you are too narcissistic, and sometimes it alienates those around you. You are focused only on yourself, so you will have difficulty finding a soul mate. You can stabilize your personal life if you learn to pay attention not only to yourself, but also to those around you.

42 - you are a materialist. Your main dream is to make a lot of money. Your desire can make you a participant in criminal activities or financial fraud. To avoid this, learn to pay attention not only to material values, but also to spiritual ones.

43 - you have very happy destiny... Nothing will stop you from achieving your goals and achieving success.

44 - you often have to face troubles and threats. You may have committed many wrongdoings in a past life. Only good deeds will help you atone for the sins of the past.

45 - in order to achieve success, try to develop spiritually. Money should not be your goal. Everything you do should benefit you and help you grow. It is the knowledge gained that will become your true wealth.

Karmic code Of your life

Numerologists claim that karma, and hence the fate of a person, can be calculated using the most ordinary numbers.
It is very simple to do this - add up all the numbers of your date of birth in sequence.
For example, if you were born on December 11, 1982, then you have to add the numbers as follows: 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 = 25. But the final figure does not need to be reduced to a prime number. 25 is your fateful number, a kind of karmic code.

Numbers 10-19

You are in the first stage of development. Your task is to contemplate the world without changing anything in it. You should focus on the development of your personality, cultivate willpower, improve your body and spirit.

10 is a lucky sign. You are confident in yourself. Your life path is bright and auspicious, and the future is cloudless. You will not have any special problems in your life. You will climb the career ladder playfully. Personal life, health, offspring ... everyone will bring you joy.

- You have good karma, in your past life you were a farmer and did not commit any crimes.

- You shouldn't do magic, you have a different purpose - to accomplish real, earthly affairs.

11 is a complex number. Warns about hidden danger, tests. You are too gullible, you easily succumb to persuasion. Until old age, you will change partners in search of the ideal. But is it possible to find something that does not exist in nature? Several marriages. Lots of kids.

- In a past life, you were a traitor or a criminal.

“The occult sciences can be dealt with with great care.

12 - a symbol of suffering and anxiety. You are easily vulnerable, naive and defenseless. Every now and then you become a victim of scammers and schemers. Constantly worry and worry, even if there is no cause for concern. In love, you are forced to adjust to your partner, please him and obey.
- In a past life, you were a conspirator, terrorist or revolutionary.

- You can practice magic only if there is a wise and experienced teacher nearby.

13 - a symbol of change, change of plans, move. You will never be bored. After all, your whole life is a constant change of scenery and participation in an attraction called "Roller Coaster". Change will haunt you all the time. And, alas, they will not always be positive.

- In a past life, you were a prisoner or captive (slave) who dreamed of freedom all his life.

14 - warns a person about the danger from natural disasters: wind, fire, water and air. Along with this, it favors transactions, business, career growth. You need to keep your ears on top of your head all your life, be careful not to get involved in extreme sports. Be vigilant on the water, always prefer rail over air. Do not climb high in the mountains, do not rest on the islands.

- In a past life, you were a sailor or a military man. But they were killed or died in an accident.

- Dive deep into magic practices not worth it, but you can do fortune telling and astrology.

15 is the number of charm. You have a bright temperament and natural magnetism, which you often use to achieve your goals. You are undoubtedly a wonderful artist, actor or musician who cannot imagine life without art. The number 15 bodes well, but makes people resort to deception and betrayal for their own ends.

- In a past life, you sold your body and talent for money.

- You cannot engage in esotericism, since only a black magician can turn out of you.

16 is a messenger of impending catastrophes and collapse of plans. This number warns of evil fate that constantly hovers over you. Make any decisions carefully and deliberately to avoid unfortunate consequences. Make the words “Measure seven times, cut once” as the motto of your life.

- In a past life, you were a reigning person or a person close to her. They were distinguished by a tough disposition, bathed in luxury, but did not differ in a special mind.

- Practicing magic is fraught mental illness... It's not worth the risk.
17 is the number that brings happiness in your personal life. In relationships with the opposite sex, you will always be lucky. Joint projects, be it a business or a family, will bring a lot of joy and allow you to look to the future with confidence.

- In a past life, you were a man with a sick heart. They suffered a lot, died in poverty and loneliness.

- Such people can turn to magic only through a misunderstanding, they simply do not need it.

18 - the number of destruction. People of this number are cruel - they are family rowdy and despots, brawlers, oppositionists, revolutionaries who believe that the end always justifies the means. They are successful in business, but only in crime. At the end of life, violent death or accident.

- In a past life, you were a witch.

- It makes no sense to do magic. There is no contact with higher powers.

19 is the number of recognition and veneration. In life, you will succeed in everything that you have conceived, but you will find your happiness in children. They will idolize you and continue the business you started. It is possible that you will become the founder of a famous dynasty.
- In a past life, you were a shepherd or a traveler. They died at a ripe old age, surrounded by numerous relatives.

- If you do, then only the magic of the druids.

Numbers 20-29

Your task is to work off your karma and not repeat the mistakes of the past in the present.

20 - a call to action, the implementation of ambitious plans. You are a strategist and a great figure who does not think of your existence without any goal. The only pity is that obstacles always arise and will arise on your way. Develop your spirituality, give people good, and there will be fewer obstacles.

- In a past life, you were a banker.

- You will be forced to practice magic or constantly seek support from magicians.
21 is the number of honor and victory. Your life is like a battlefield, battles go on one after another, and almost always you are victorious. This is because 21 is a very lucky number. It promises success in all your endeavors. The main thing is not to sit still. After all, your only enemy is boredom.

- In a past life, you were a blacksmith and enjoyed unlimited respect.

“Such people can do magic only in a team.

22 is the number of the dreamer. You are a kind, gullible person with a bag of mistakes on your shoulders. Your favorite pastime is to dream, and therefore you are now and then mistaken and live in the captivity of illusions. You stick your head out of the shell and only enter real life at the moment of danger.

- In a past life, you were a petty thief.

- Magic can only be practiced after a long training cycle. But the results will be good.

23 - has a magical effect. Whatever you do in life, you will be under the auspices of higher powers, and therefore you will always be successful. Help in business, career and personal life will come immediately, at your first request.

- In a past life, you were a seamstress.

- Magic can and should be dealt with.

24 is a lucky number. Success and support in all matters, as well as luck in love, are guaranteed to you. The future will be cloudless, but only if you do not do evil and do bad deeds that burden karma.
- In a past life, you were an icon painter.

- You can become a very good clairvoyant. Predictions are your strong point.
25 - training. In the first half of your life, because of your character, you are unlikely to be happy. You will make a lot of mistakes, but catch yourself in time and begin to correct them. After that, heaven will replace anger with mercy, and you will live the second half of your life in harmony with yourself and the world.

- In a past life you were a royal person, traveled a lot and lived in the East.

- Phenomenal success in magic.
26 - warning about danger. Your intuition is very well developed. You are capable of anticipating many troubles. And this is good, because you literally at every step await danger, deception and disappointment. Be careful. Trust your inner voice.
- In a past life, you were a doctor.

- You are subject to love magic.

27 is a good sign. You will definitely be rewarded for your righteous life, hard work, selflessness, and kind heart. The second half of life will be much happier than the first.

- In a past life, you were a scientist (mathematician, astrologer or philosopher). And they were incredibly happy in their marriage.

- You are subject to money magic.
28 is a sign of contradictions. You have great abilities and talents, but law and morality are not for you. Rather, you have your own ideas about the norms of behavior and ethics. You are a rebel by nature and a fighter against injustice. Your future cannot be called bright and prosperous.

- In a past life, you were suicidal.

“You’ll only make a black magician.

29 is the number of deception. Insincerity and even betrayal from others will constantly accompany you. Every now and then you will have to face difficult trials and betrayals. If you do not find a kindred spirit, then in the future you will be completely disappointed in people and become a hermit.

- In a past life, you were a rich merchant who did not disdain anything for the sake of enrichment.

- You can do magic, but do not count on special successes.

Numbers 30-39
The third level of development is the level of people capable of influencing others. If you are on the third level of embodiment, then your calling in this life is to teach others wisdom and the right attitude to life.
30 is the number of superiority. In mind and intellect, you are much superior to those around you. But instead of looking for harmony and serving people, constantly pursue fame and money. If you get a little distracted from this race, you will find true happiness.

- In a past life, you were a poet or writer.

“There will be good results in magic.

- In a past life, you were a good actor, comedian. They changed women like gloves. They had many illegitimate children.

- In magic to achieve good results, you must have a powerful incentive. If it is not there, you will not be able to finish what you started.

32 is the number of harmony. You are purposeful, active and optimistic. You are in good, friendly relations with a huge number of people. But still talk less and learn to hide your Napoleonic plans from others. Otherwise, they will not come true.

- In a past life, you were a traveler who did not have either a wife or children.

“You will make a good fortuneteller.

33 is a lucky number that guarantees success and support in all endeavors, good luck in love. Your future will be bright and cloudless, especially if you begin to develop the gift of a teacher, educator, mentor, inherent in you by nature.

- In a past life, you were a court magician and influenced the fate of the greatest rulers of the world.

- You can become a very famous magician, the author of your own, revolutionary method.

34 - reward. Your path in life began with difficulties, but luck will await in the second half. After thirty-five, you are guaranteed a happy personal life, good financial position, love from your children. Up to thirty-five there are a lot of difficulties and hardships.

- In a past life, you were a knight who died in your prime.

- Magic can only be practiced after 35 years.

35 is a mortal danger in the future. Alas, there will be a lot of deception and disappointment in your life: betrayal by a loved one, difficulties with children due to their addiction to drugs or alcohol, financial problems ...

- In a past life, you were a singer with a difficult fate and a failed personal life.

- You can do magic, but only for your own protection.

36 - hard labor. This number is a sign that you will achieve everything in your life with your own labor. There will be no help from anyone. Personal life is unlikely to work out well. Those you like will reject you. Your spouse will live with you for money or position.

- In a past life, you were a criminal exiled for grave sins to hard labor.

- Business magic will bring good luck.

37 is a sign of goodness, happy love and friendship. Promises good luck in any endeavors and promises happiness in family life.

- In a past life, you were a religious leader or a hermit.

- Slavic magic is up to you.

38 is the number of deception. Alas, insincerity, deception and betrayal on the part of others will literally haunt you. Don't trust anyone, especially business partners.

- In a past life, you were a woman of easy virtue.

- Magic is not worth doing.

39 is a sign of the mind. You are a smart person and a great intellectual, but you have a significant drawback - you always envy everyone. It eats away your karma, causes disease, and makes you addicted to drugs and alcohol.

- In a past life, you were a gambler and a gamer.

Runic magic- your strong point.

Numbers 40-49

The highest level of consciousness, outstanding intellectual, philosopher, teacher. Your task is to cognize the highest meaning of being and the foundations of the universe.

40 is the number of the hermit. In life, you are a loner. They are eternally immersed in themselves and are completely incomprehensible to others. They are unlucky in money, in family life they are selfish. However, neither one nor the other bothers you. After all, you have a completely different purpose.

- In a past life, you were a writer.

- Sooner or later you will come to the practice of magic, but you are unlikely to achieve success.

41 is a sign of a magnet. You are incredibly emotional and attractive, although you may not possess special beauty. There are always a lot of fans, friends and just friends around you. You cannot imagine your life without an entourage ... If you look more closely, it turns out that you are secretive, selfish and for the sake of profit are capable of deceiving.

- In a past life, you were a beautiful poet and turned the head of more than one man.

- You can do fortune telling or astrology, but only for yourself.

42 is a lucky number. You have a sober mind and a practical approach to life. Therefore, you are guaranteed success in any business, and you can not be afraid for your future.

- In a past life, you were a brewer and lived in Germany.

“Alas, there is no ability for magic.

43 is a sign of trials. The blows of fate will now and then begin to pour on you. Conflicts will arise both at work and in family life.

- In a past life, you were a royal person. You were executed for treason to your husband.

- Magic is contraindicated. You can do a lot of harm to yourself and your clients.

44 - warning about the danger. All your life you will walk as if on a razor's edge. Dangers and disasters lie in wait for you literally everywhere. Be careful and discreet.

- In a past life, you were a tyrant who ruined more than one life.

- It's better not to do magic. The danger of mental trauma is great.

45 is the number of the award. With your productive mindset, creative work, and high intellectual ability, you are sure to receive a reward. And after forty years you will not need anything. There are many disappointments and losses early in life.

- In a past life, you were a doctor who saved more than one life.

“You’re not going to get anywhere in magic.

46 is a sign of happy love and friendship. Harmony in relationships with the opposite sex and success in joint projects are guaranteed to you. Everything in your life will be fine if you marry (marry) for love and mutual respect. A marriage of coercion or of convenience will not bring happiness.

- In a past life, you were a military leader, a commander and died on the battlefield.

- Your strong point is numerology. By doing it, you will achieve a lot.

47 is the number of insincerity. You love parties and friendly gatherings. But not all of your friends are sincere and honest with you. Therefore, every now and then you will have to face deception and even betrayal from others.

- In a past life, you were an alchemist or sectarian, leading an extremely solitary life.

-If you do not want to lose your health, you are strictly prohibited from doing magic.

48 is a sign of a warrior. It says that you have a huge potential as a leader hidden in you. Assumes an unexpected career. Good for the military, athletes and political leaders.

- In a past life, you were a gunsmith, fanatically dedicated to your work.

“People like you don’t practice magic — they consider it quackery and a waste of time.

Many people seem to live righteously, do no harm to others, observe the commandments of Christ to the best of their ability, work with full dedication, but something is not in a hurry for them, their life is full of difficult trials, problems that roll like snow avalanche.

These people more and more often ask themselves the question: "Why do I need all this?" If a question is asked, an answer will come. Everything more people begin to ask themselves the question: “Why do I live on Earth? Is it really to eat, drink, work, have fun? " And this is great! People who ask themselves this question have already "grown out of short pants" have switched to new step its development. More and more people want to know about the purpose of a person, they want to fulfill the tasks of this incarnation, so as not to waste their lives. And that's great too! It remains only to understand and catch your destiny by the tail. It's time to start living consciously.
the main task, which is set before us in every incarnation on Earth, is to continue our development, gain new positive experience, get rid of our vices. This common task incarnations for all people. But this task is very extensive, therefore, so that people are not scattered, each has a main task that must be dedicated to most time and a few additional tasks. The main task is determined by our karmic debts and its solution is urgent. Our soul knows these tasks, but the trouble is, we are so carried away by the delights of material wealth that we lost sensitivity to subtle energies and stopped hearing the voice of our soul. How to find out your karmic task?
There are many signs that can help us understand the purpose of a person: the signs of the zodiac under which we were born, the analysis of the talents and aspirations given to us in this life, the construction of a psychogram according to the method of Pythagoras, and others. Today I want to introduce you to the method of digital analysis of our date of birth. There are many secrets hidden in the date of birth. Let's try to open the veil over this secret, and find the code of our destiny. This knowledge was presented to us by the Spiritual Teacher and Mentor Kut Humi.
But I promise we will continue to search for ways to our destination and look at other tips one by one. After all, the question of purpose is the most important in our life. Only by going the right way, you can find true happiness, joy of life, success and love in all its manifestations. Follow the publications, or even better subscribe to them, so as not to miss something important to you.

Karmic task by date of birth.
Let's write down the date of our birth, starting with the year, month and ending with the day.
For example: 1965, 05 month and 15 day (19650515).
The last digit is 5 and there is the code of your karmic task, the remaining digits of the date of birth show the codes by which you have already developed qualities in past incarnations. For the harmonious development of a personality in this life, they should not pay much attention, but poorly developed or not at all developed qualities will have to pay a lot of attention. Their numeric codes we will calculate the missing digits from 0 to 9 and write them down in descending order. V this example it will look like this: 8, 7, 4, 3, 2. These numbers show us the codes of tasks that will also have to be solved in this life along with the main karmic task. The fewer missing digits in the task code, the closer to harmonious development there is a person.
When a life program was drawn up for each person, situations were laid that, precisely by code numbers, would be perceived by us as problems that we must learn to solve. And until we learn to solve them correctly, and we do not bring the correctness of their solution to automatism, they will be repeated in different options and with in varying degrees difficulties. Therefore, the difficulties that arise in life should not be viewed as problems. These are just tasks for our training and development. Moreover, tasks are given to each person such that he is able to solve. The higher the level of human development, the more difficult the tasks are.
The tasks and lessons of life will with enviable constancy disturb our peace of mind, creating those very notorious black streaks of life. But this is if you let life take its course. If you start to live consciously, accept this knowledge and use it in your life, you can avoid many troubles. You can more consciously choose a profession, albeit not fashionable and highly paid, but corresponding to your tasks. You can consciously start development in your weak directions, develop those talents that are given, and not those that are not. Then you can turn your life into an amazing adventure full of the joy of victory, success and happiness.
For example, a person is given the ability to teach or heal people, but the salaries in these industries are small and the person decides to go into business. This is where the lessons of life begin. The business will fall apart, there will be no income, although other, more stupid businesses will be successful. If a person does not understand these lessons and persists, diseases will begin. In addition, a person will have a pain in his soul, he will feel dissatisfaction with his life and is unlikely to be happy. While at work, according to your purpose, you can gain fame, honor, success and live in harmony with your soul, but she will find a way to make life successful and self-sufficient.
Interpretation of numeric codes.
9. Working out the tasks will be associated with the development and opening of the first chakra (read here). A person must learn to overcome all the difficulties of life with joy and love, without anger and search for the guilty, without fear and excitement. His motto should be the words: "I overcome all difficulties with joy and love in my soul." These people need to constantly overcome resistance, be very active, develop physical strength, willpower, comprehend the mechanism of self-restraint in the family, at work, in society. They will have to learn to take care of others, develop a sense of duty to society and people, develop discipline and responsibility. A person needs to develop control over animal instincts, learn to control them, and not vice versa.
In choosing a profession, preference should be given to such jobs where you need to put your hands on change and improvement material world where there is a lot of movement, where strength and endurance are needed: sports, martial arts, dancing, geology, any form manual labor, surgery, traumatology, massage. Humanitarian activities will bring many difficulties to their lives. They should not engage in spiritual practices, work with subtle energies.
8. Working out goes along the second chakra (read here). Creating a family, the ability to build relationships with parents, relatives, spouses, children are their main tasks. Mastering the mechanism of sacrifice in relation to close people, wisdom, patience, sensitivity to the people around. Creation is welcomed a large family... The development of the sexual chakra goes through the disclosure of the sexual aspect of love. These people need to learn to control their passions and desires, to subordinate them to reason. It is also necessary to understand that sexual energy can be directed to the needs of development, and not just spent on sexual pleasures... Streamline your sex life. Professions should be chosen such that will help to develop such qualities as sacrifice, patience, mercy. These are: pedagogy, educators, staff in hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics. You can find yourself in professions related to nature, ecology. You should not strive to lead large teams, it is permissible to lead small teams with the development of family-type relations in them. Tantra is suitable for spiritual practices.
7. The study of this task goes on the third chakra (read here). The most important thing for these people is to learn to control their emotions, to understand that control over them will provide stable development in many aspects of Being. If you give free rein to your emotions, then a BEAT will begin with various unfavorable situations and life problems... These people need to seriously start developing mental body(read here). They need to learn to be guided in life not by emotions, but by a logical analysis of events and situations. These people need to understand and realize that their material well-being and success depends on a stable emotional state.
It is also necessary to understand the difference between creative activity and destructive and make your activity constructive. People with a missing seven will have to learn how to make money in this life, learn to value it, and be able to spend it rationally. They need to understand and master the laws of cash flows, learn to subdue this energy for their own good and live comfortably and happily in cash flow... When choosing a profession, one must take into account its focus on creating something. This is any production activity in all industries National economy from worker to leader, folk crafts and crafts, trade. These people can be leaders large teams but to this they must come through labor and merit. Making a career in any way will be a violation for them with subsequent life lessons.
6. Working out this task is related to the development and opening of the fourth heart chakra (read here). The problems that these people will have to solve are similar to the problems of the eight, but more complex and multifaceted. Passions and emotions no longer interfere here, therefore there is an active and conscious accumulation of such qualities as mercy, compassion, empathy. But here the horizons of the application of these qualities from family and relatives, to large groups people. Moreover, these qualities are no longer revealed at the level of emotions and feelings, but consciously, at the level of the soul. A person must open his heart to people and the world, accept, realize the beauty and harmony of the world and bring it to other people. These people must learn the laws of love, the stages of development of love and constantly expand the circle unconditional love v different aspects Being.
Well if professional activity will be related to medicine (therapy, neurology), psychology, pedagogy, narcology, work with difficult adolescents and other activities related to the problems of the soul. These people understand beauty and art, but they cannot be engaged in this professionally, since emotions and illusions rule the ball there, which can knock off the right direction... It is undesirable for these people to choose professions related to technology and exact sciences.
5. Working out this task is directly related to the development and opening of the fifth throat chakra (read here). The main direction here is related to knowledge and creativity. The main goal of these people is to comprehend the knowledge of love, beauty and harmony of the world, and then transfer this knowledge to people through creativity or teaching. In addition, these people need to establish for themselves the rule of "golden mean" in all aspects of Being and not break it under any circumstances of life. These people should learn to build relationships with all people, without exception, on the basis of mutual understanding and respect. These people need to define their talent in this direction and develop it to perfection. You cannot bury your talent for the sake of some false idea and illusion.
The professions of these people are often associated with art: painters, writers, singers, artists, art critics and many others. You can also recommend them such professions as diplomacy, translators, professions related to travel, pedagogy is also good, but not at school, but at a university.
4. Here we are already working on the sixth chakra (read here). This chakra is responsible for clairvoyance and through many different tasks and situations a person will have to learn to see the cause of what is happening, get rid of all illusions. Everything that happens to him must be linked as a consequence of some reason, which must be found and realized. This will allow a person to reach the level of a stable and prosperous life. Otherwise, fate will throw a person "out of the fire, but into the wormwood."
You can choose any profession, as long as they are not associated with monotonous and monotonous work. It’s very good to work in public organizations, volunteer movements, work related to the creation of labor and creative teams is encouraged.
3. Here, working off is associated with the highest crown chakra. These people will have to learn how to fulfill law and order in everything. Moreover, they will have to cognize not only social, but also Divine laws, and they can be cognized and accepted only at the level of the Soul. It is impossible to comprehend them with the material mind. Therefore, these people have to improve their mental body (read here) no longer at the level of personality, as was the case with people with a seven in the tasks of incarnation, but at the level of the Soul. This is a more difficult task. To solve it, these people will be lifted restrictions in obtaining any knowledge, including from primary sources. They will have a constant craving for new knowledge. But the more is given, the more is asked. Their task is to comprehend hidden knowledge and convey it to humanity without distortion and their own delusions. From them there will be a strict demand for non-observance of Divine laws and distortion of information.
Considering their connection with the information field of the Universe (to the extent that their level of development allows), they will always have enough knowledge to master any professions in which they can prove themselves worthy. But it is best for them to opt for mathematics, astrology, physics, they can successfully study scientific activities... It is not a bad idea for them to take up jurisprudence, social and legislative activities. But the main thing for them is to be law-abiding and not to disturb the order and harmony of the world.
Digits 0, 1, 2 already belong to Divine energies and represent the help that people receive to achieve their goals.
0 - help goes along the ray of Will and Power. The ray requires constant renewal from people, then it plays a positive role in the life of these people. If this does not happen, he begins a powerful cleansing of physical and mental toxins. The ray teaches a person to accept the blows of fate with humility, to be able to read their signs and prevent the blows of fate. Teaches sacrifice. Man must recognize God, his strength and power. If a person does not do this and does not change, then a tough upbringing begins: the loss of work, loved ones, loved ones, health.
1 - help follows the ray of love and wisdom. This ray manifests its activity only when a person has a firm conviction that the source of strength is in himself. When he opens his heart to meet people, he communicates with them honestly, without deception. When an inner transformation takes place in a person. Otherwise, this ray thickens the fog of illusion, self-deception, and a person often finds himself in vague and incomprehensible situations. It stimulates internal transformation, getting rid of self-deception, returning to reality.
2 - The help of the beam of Active cognition is activated. If a person strives for knowledge, the ray gives knowledge, through illumination helps to make discoveries, gives energy for vigorous activity. The ray teaches you to take seriously any little things that happen in a person's life. For any little thing can spoil the fate of these people so much that it will not seem a little. This person must learn and recognize the existence of energy laws.
Therefore, if the date of birth contains these numbers, then there is additional help for one or another ray. But remember, having access to Divine energies, attention to you increases and the demand for violations increases. For example, the date of birth 06 means that the main karmic task goes along the number 6, and along the ray of Will and Power comes help or lessons to solve this problem.
If the karmic task (birthday) consists only of these numbers: 01,02,10,11,12,20,21,22,
such people should know that they are the Chosen and that there will be a special demand from them. These are either people who have come with a specific mission for the benefit of humanity, or with great debts in matters of spirituality. Perhaps in their previous lives they did not cope with the high mission entrusted to them, their Spirit submitted to the flesh, because of which it fell, and appeared karmic debts that need to be corrected.
Until the age of 33, these people differ little from others, except for the ease and luck with which everything is given to them. Then the program of working off debts or the fulfillment of the mission turns on, and here their life depends on whether they fulfill their tasks or are carried away material goods using their strength and power to satisfy personal interests. Many politicians and diplomats belong to this category, if they take the path of using their power for personal purposes, then they will face serious tests according to the digital code.
These people need in their actions and theories to correspond to that religious movement within which they were born. It is an irreparable sin for them to change their religion. Their energy is adjusted to the dominant religion in the region of their residence. From her they receive a powerful energy boost. These people will bring many problems to life as complete denial the foundations of the spiritual structure of the world, and participation in various false teachings, in sects, engaging in magic, various fortune-telling... Deep down, these people are aware of their situation and often experience inexplicable melancholy, anxiety and a sense of loss. I hope you understood that these people should fully serve God and bring his ideas to people.

According to numerologists, a person can find out his future thanks to ordinary numbers. Your personal karmic code will help you solve the riddle of fate and find out what surprises life has prepared for you.

Human life is the biggest mystery in the universe. Fate is given to us from the moment of birth, and our task is to find out what awaits us in the future and what mistakes can be prevented in order to avoid serious troubles. Numerologists argue that numbers have more meaning than we think. With their help, a person can find out about what awaits him and what he will have to face during his life. By calculating your karmic code, you can find out what fate has prepared for you. All you need is desire and basic mathematical knowledge.

How to calculate your karmic code

At first glance, a karmic code is an ordinary number. However, it has a special meaning. Many secrets of our future are hidden under this numerical code, and now you can find out what awaits you. First of all, you should stock up on paper, a pen and a calculator. It is not difficult to find out your karmic code, the most important thing is not to make a mistake in the calculations.

First, write down your date of birth in full, for example: 03/09/1989.

Then add up all the numbers for your date of birth: 9 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 39. The amount received is your personal karmic code.

Now, using the karmic code, you can find out its meaning and your further destiny.

The meaning of karmic codes

After you have calculated your karmic code, you need to find out its meaning. In this way, you can look into the future and avoid serious mistakes in advance.

10 - luck will accompany you. Since birth, Fortune has been on your side and helps you achieve success. You will be able to move up the career ladder and even take up a leadership position. Do not forget to engage in self-development and strive to achieve more, even if difficulties arise along the path of life.

11 - periodically you will have to face difficulties. You are too gullible, which means that in the future you risk becoming a victim of deceivers. You have committed a serious crime in the past, and soon you will have to pay for it. Be patient, your happiness is only in your hands.

12 - you will have to suffer because of your own naivety. You will often get frustrated over trifles, which will lead to low self-esteem and uncertainty about your success. In a past life, you participated in conspiracies against other people, and this will negatively affect your future.

13 - a lot of interesting moments will happen in your life. In the future, you will experience ups and downs, but one day you will find the meaning of life and find your life purpose. Once you were an addicted person, but constantly strived for freedom and, perhaps, achieved it.

14 - danger awaits you in the future. You should be careful to avoid serious consequences. Your life is full of difficulties, but by overcoming them, you can find true happiness. The professions of a psychologist or astrologer are perfect for you, it is in these areas of activity that you can express yourself.

15 - you will never be deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. Not only appearance, but also your inner world attracts people. You will have difficulty choosing a life partner, but ultimately you will be able to make the final decision. Avoid contact with untrustworthy people.

16 - past life is the reason for your failures. Perhaps you have harmed people, and now life itself tests you for strength. You will have to endure a lot of destruction in order to find happiness. Never resort to the help of magicians and psychics, otherwise you may become a victim of scammers.

17 - you have a great relationship with the opposite sex. You easily find a common language even with the most unbearable people. You will be able to create a happy family and keep calm and harmony in the family nest.

18 - you can become a victim of strife and violence. Cases like these will push you into rash decisions. In addition, you run the risk of becoming a member of fraud and gangster organizations. You need to work on yourself to avoid tragic consequences.

19 - you can become a loving spouse and a good parent, but first you need to meet a worthy life partner. You can create harmony in your home and make the person happy who decides to create a strong union with you.

20 - if you set goals, you always achieve them. You can handle any challenge, especially when it comes to your future. Sometimes you are so busy with work that you forget about your personal life, and one day it can become the reason for your loneliness.

21 - Fortune helps you reach heights, but in the future you must stop relying on luck. Make your efforts to achieve more, and then you can live your dreams and understand what true happiness is.

22 - Calmness helps you cope with difficulties. You know how to assess any situation soberly and thanks to this you always make the right decisions. However, sometimes you need to show your emotions, otherwise others may take your restraint for coldness and indifference.

23 - your talent and creativity will help you realize yourself in creative detail. Good luck is on your heels, and fate itself gives you signs of upcoming changes. Learn to correctly interpret the prompts of the Universe, and then you can achieve your goals much faster.

24 - you are lucky in all areas of life. This applies to love, career, and hobbies. Never harm others, otherwise fortune will immediately turn away from you.

25 - you may have made many mistakes in the past, and you will have to pay for this. However, the black streak will not last long in your life. The second half of your life will be easy and carefree for you. As you mature, you will be able to recognize your mistakes and understand what the meaning of your life is.

26 - intuition is your main weapon in dealing with difficulties. With the help of your inner voice, you can avoid serious dangers. The only thing you lack in life is love. However, you can find a worthy companion if you work hard on yourself.

27 - one day you will have to choose between a career and a family. Take your time with a decision, as your future depends on it. Any of your choices will be correct, it all depends on your priorities. Either you want to be a loving spouse and caring parent, or a successful careerist and influential leader.

28 - you have amazing abilities. One day it will help you realize yourself in the creative field. You will have to overcome difficulties before you succeed. But then you will not regret the time spent and the efforts made.

29 - life has prepared many difficulties for you, and they all relate to relationships with other people. You will have to face traitors, deceivers, scammers, but over time you will understand who from your environment deserves trust and love.

30 - Financial well-being is your main goal in life. It is not surprising that one day you will stop noticing the attention and love of loved ones. Everyone dreams of reaching the top of a career, but one should not forget about family and personal life.

31 - you love loneliness and strive for solitude. Being alone with yourself makes you feel comfortable. However, in the future, you will have to get out of your shell, otherwise you will condemn yourself to a carefree, but lonely old age.

32 - you have well-developed communication skills, and luck is always by your side. You will be able to prove yourself in the fields of trade, politics and journalism. However, try not to say too much, especially about yourself, otherwise personal information about you may become the subject of rumors and discussions.

33 - you are definitely lucky with your friends. They will always help you overcome obstacles and give a helping hand when needed. Even when you are at the peak of your career, do not forget to pay attention to loved ones. Your success is due in part to theirs.

34 - at a certain time in your life, you will have to overcome a losing streak. However, after 35, you will be surprised at how your life will change. Success awaits you.

35 - in the past you have committed many sins, so now Fortune bypasses you. Your task is to prove that you have changed for the better. Do good deeds, help others and do not be afraid to sacrifice yourself for the sake of loved ones. Only kindness and self-sacrifice will help you get rid of failure.

36 - you will work hard, but you will not receive the well-deserved reward. By nature, you are a humble hard worker. You give your best, but no one notices. To be successful, you will have to overcome your humility and shyness.

37 - your karmic number promises you a long and carefree life. Perseverance is your key to success. It is with its help that you get everything you want.

38 - one day you will have to go through a betrayal that will make you disappointed in people. For a long time you will be alone, but one day a person will appear in your life who will give you happiness.

39 - you do not know how to rejoice for the success of other people, because you yourself do not strive to achieve more. In life, you will always feel like you have everything you deserve. However, it is not. Try to be interested only in your life, as envy can destroy you at any moment.

40 - you are too closed in yourself, afraid of success, and you often have to face financial difficulties. You can solve all your problems at once, but for this you have to change your worldview. Work on yourself and change the way you think about a successful life.

41 - you are too narcissistic, and sometimes it alienates those around you. You are focused only on yourself, so you will have difficulty finding a soul mate. You can stabilize your personal life if you learn to pay attention not only to yourself, but also to those around you.

42 - you are a materialist. Your main dream is to make a lot of money. Your desire can make you a participant in criminal activities or financial fraud. To avoid this, learn to pay attention not only to material values, but also to spiritual ones.

43 - you have a very happy fate. Nothing will stop you from achieving your goals and achieving success.

44 - you often have to face troubles and threats. You may have committed many wrongdoings in a past life. Only good deeds will help you atone for the sins of the past.

45 - in order to achieve success, try to develop spiritually. Money should not be your goal. Everything you do should benefit you and help you grow. It is the knowledge gained that will become your true wealth.

46 - fate will provide you Difficult choice- money or love. Your future will depend on the decision. In the first case, you will become a successful, wealthy, but lonely person. Having chosen love, you will not live in wealth, but in difficult situations you can always rely on the support of a loved one.

47 - you like to be in noisy companies, but often become a victim of liars and traitors. So that only the faithful and devoted people try to be more selective. Remember, people are not always who they say they are.

48 - your karmic number symbolizes the struggle. You can become a successful leader or an active politician, but you will have to fight hard for your success and glory.

V modern world it is very difficult to meet a soul mate. However, even if it worked out, it is not a fact that the relationship will have a positive outcome. Unfavorable karmic connections can ruin your life, and you should get rid of them as soon as possible.

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