Home Diseases and pests Places of interest on google earth coordinates. Secret coordinates and secret places in Google Maps

Places of interest on google earth coordinates. Secret coordinates and secret places in Google Maps

Creative approach to work - distinctive feature Google... Even on Google maps there are unusual and funny places, and much more interesting.

Surprises await users in different corners planets - a virtual walk through your own or a neighboring city will turn into an exciting journey if you make it with maps from a popular search engine. Several secret and interesting objects let's take a walk right now.

Wasteland Guardian

In late fall 2006, Lynn Hickox was looking at Google Maps and accidentally discovered unusual place... The woman was surprised by the resemblance of the relief to the head of an Indian. It seemed that the aborigine was wearing a national headdress, and an earpiece was inserted into his ear.

In reality, the find turned out to be a geological formation in one of the provinces of Canada. The soils in this area are soft and clayey. They long time- for at least a hundred years - were exposed to winds, erosion, as a result of which the image appeared. What users mistake for a wired earpiece is just the road to the oil rig and the oil well itself.

The dimensions of the "head" are impressive - its length and width are the same, being 255 meters. Its coordinates are 50 ° 00′38 ″ s. NS. 110 ° 06′48 ″ W etc.

Heart lake

This amazing place can only be seen from above or on Google maps. It is on a private landowner in Ohio, next to Columbia Station.

The heart-shaped lake is filled with clear turquoise water. Romantics and lovers are happy to pay for flights and aerial photography to admire this beauty.

The owner of the land makes good money on such air excursions.


Since we are already talking about hearts, we need to remember one of the most interesting places on a Google map discovered in 2008. This is the Croatian island of Galešnjak - a place of pilgrimage for lovers from all over the world.

Why is it so attractive for couples? First of all, the shape of the heart. It is symbolic that an Internet user found this amazing place on the eve of For lovers. The community instantly dubbed Galshnyak “the island of love”.

Until that moment, the uninhabited part of the land became the center of tourism. The local community took advantage of the situation by organizing engagements in the center of the heart. The first to celebrate their engagement here was a Moscow couple.


Its shape resembles a black sausage, and this island became famous when scientists officially recognized it as non-existent. Everything in order. Unknown island in Pacific discovered by the Australians. It was located in the northwest direction from New Caledonia and covered an area of ​​about 60 km 2.

In 2012, a few months after the discovery of the new island, Google put it on their maps. And in November of the same year, a group of scientists went there to investigate Sandy in detail.

Imagine the surprise of the scientists when they saw ocean waters... In the spring next year Sandy Island was officially declared a "mistake" with the explanation that Australian travelers mistook the pumice accumulation for dry land.

Blood red pond

Weird places on google maps don't always have official explanations. Illustrative example- a bloody pond near the city of Sadr in Iraq.

An unusual pond was discovered in 2007, its coordinates are 33.396157 ° N. NS. and 44.486926 ° E. There was no official explanation for the red water, but dozens of unofficial versions were circulated.

The townsfolk said that the blood of animals was drained into the reservoir by local slaughterhouses, others explained the bloody shade by waste or bacteria living in the water. Over time, the redness disappeared - the water in the lake acquired a normal shade.

Labyrinth as an imprint

Anyone can see this amazing place if they come to British Brighton. Hove City Park is home to a fingerprint labyrinth.

The walls of the building were made of limestone slabs in 2006. And Internet users found the labyrinth using Google maps.

German cross

Users noticed the swastika on Google maps in the same 2006. The building, shaped like a German cross, is operated by the US Navy.

Users were outraged by the similarity with fascist symbols and demanded clarification. The command of the Navy apologized for the unpleasant situation and explained that the similarities were found during the construction process.

A year later, work began on the installation of solar panels - in such a non-standard way, the owners decided to change the shape of the building.

Overgrown ship

The ship captured a satellite near Sydney. The ship was moored at the mouth of the Parramatta River and was overgrown with trees. Later, his story became known.

It turns out that the SS Ayrfield went on its maiden voyage in 1911. It was in operation until 1972, after which it was decommissioned. Since then SS Ayrfield has stood motionless on the river.

American planes also have a graveyard. Its coordinates are 32 08'59.96 ° N. NS. and 110 50'09.03 ° E. d., area - 10 km 2. The air cemetery is located at the closed US military base "Davis-Monten".

The only way to see this place is to use Google service Earth. Several thousand decommissioned aircraft and spaceships, there are also legends among them. According to unofficial data, the total cost of scrap metal is estimated at $ 35 billion.

Desert circles

Two spirals radiate from the center. One spiral consists of cones, the farther from the center, the wider they are. The second spiral consists of indentations, set according to the same principle as the cones. From a height, the sculpture looks like circles. And everything would be fine if not for its location.

The sculpture is located in the Sahara - it was built by employees of TO D.A.S.T. back in 1997. They hoped that in a few years, under the influence of wind and erosion, nothing would remain at the site of the composition. More than 20 years have passed, and the strange circles are still in place today, they are perfectly visible from space.

Darfur lips, kiss of the Earth - whatever they call them. Indeed, it is not every day that giant lips are found in the middle of the desert. Their proportions are close to ideal: length - 2.5 km, width - 1 km. And even the color from a height seems pink-red.

The lips are not an art object, but natural hills in the Darfur plateau in Sudan. You can view and appreciate their perfect beauty only from the air. On the Internet, unusual hills are often the reason for jokes and witty comments.

Strange places on Google maps

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Google Maps is the most popular mapping service that was developed in 2005. But we will not delve into the history of its creation, advantages, etc. We will talk about what secret places there are in Google Maps. Interested? Then read this article.

What is Google Maps?

As you might have already figured out, in this article we will take a look at the secret places in Google Maps. But first, for those who are not in the know, it is worth briefly explaining what Google Maps is. In fact, this is a map that covers the entire Earth (for those who are not enough, you can additionally look at the map of Mars and the Moon). Thanks to high-tech satellites from Google, such a map very accurately and clearly displays even the most remote corners of the planet.

But let's get back to our rams. Want to know where the secret places in Google Maps are? Read this article!

As you know, those merry fellows work at Google. Developers are constantly adding some chips, easter eggs, secrets to their software. For example, did you know that if you type the phrase "google gravity" in a Google search box and open the first link, you can see how the links, icons and pages of your browser work.

And this is just one of thousands of examples. Google developers constantly insert some funny features into their creations. The mapping service from this company is no exception. The developers have added so-called secret places to Google Maps. classified and interesting locations that are marked on the map. In this article, we'll talk about how to find them.

Secret places in Google Maps: coordinates and their descriptions

Well, let's not pull rubber, and immediately rush off the bat. Below we take a look at the weirdest places in Google Maps.

Entering the coordinates 66.266667, 179.250000, you can observe an unknown area of ​​Siberia, located not far from Alaska. What's in there? This question excites the minds of many people in Russia.

Having scored the coordinates 37.7908, 122.3229 in Google Maps, one can observe a real plane crash. The map shows a plane broken in two. It is not known for certain whether this is a real disaster or an ordinary production.

At the coordinates 36.949346,122.065383, a skeleton of quite impressive size can be observed. It's scary to even imagine which animal these bones belong to.

If you are a fan of conspiracies, the following place is sure to pique your interest. By entering the coordinates 32.664162, 111.487119, you can see secret base BBC, which is located in the United States of America. What they do on this base is not known for certain, but if you wish, you can find a lot of the most fantastic theories on this matter.

Typing in the coordinates 54 28 "6.32", 64 47 "48.20", you can observe a rather interesting picture. At this location, the inscription "Lenin is 100 years old" is clearly visible, which consists of trees.

Sci-fi lovers should type in Google Maps 19 56 "56.76" S, 69 38 "2.08" W. At these coordinates, there is a drawing that strongly resembles an alien. Is it really the tricks of an extraterrestrial civilization?

Well, since this is the case, let's not stray too far from the topic of aliens. At coordinates 45.70333,21.301831 you can see a real UFO, which is hiding among the trees.

Entering the coordinates 45.408166, 123.008118, you can observe the plane, which "parked" in the middle of the trees.

Remember how in childhood, playing on the beach with a shovel and a bucket, parents told us something like: "Wow, what a deep hole, just a little more, and you will dig to China!" We took it for a joke, but apparently it was a very real warning. Don't believe me? Then type in Google Maps coordinates 38.85878007241521,111.6031789407134 and see a giant hole right in the middle of China!

At the coordinates 44 14 "39.45", 7 46 "10.32" you can see a huge pink hare. It's scary to imagine a "little" girl playing with him.

We've all probably heard and read about the notorious Zone 52. By typing coordinates 37.401437, 116.86773 in Google Maps, you can also look at this top-secret base.

Did Google Maps help solve the murder?

There is also one interesting story, which should be given special attention. At the coordinates 52.376552, 5.198308, you can see the reservoir of the city of Almer. Pier, trees, beautiful landscape- everything would be fine if not for one detail. In the photo, you can see a man dragging a corpse to the lake. The Google satellite captured a small dock, several figures and a suspicious trail that could be mistaken for blood. But everything is not as it seems at first glance. In fact, there was no murder.

As one reputable publisher later found out, the map depicted the retriever Rama, who went for a walk with his owner, Jacqueline Kenen. The dog just jumped into the water, and then ran to its owner, who was standing on a wooden pier. The frame left a wet trail behind it, which Internet users mistook for a bloody one.

Shedding light on this "murder" helped the owner of the dog, who saw the photo on the Internet.


You have probably used the Google maps service at least a few times. What about Google earth?

Google earth is a virtual globe with a map and geographic information... With the help of high-precision satellite images, you can examine every corner of our planet in great detail, having previously pointed at it with the mouse cursor.

But in order not to waste time in vain, check out 50 little-known, interesting and most mysterious places that can be found in the vastness of Google Earth.

1. Airplane graveyard
32 08'59.96 "N, 110 50'09.03" W
Tucson, Arizona

2 mysterious spots in the desert
27 ° 22 "50.10" N, 33 ° 37 "54.62" E
Red Sea, Egypt

3. Swastika-shaped building
32 ° 40 "34.19" N 117 ° 9 "27.58" W
Coronado, California, USA

4. A herd of buffaloes
4 ° 17'21.49 ″ S 31 ° 23'46.46 ″ E

5. Giant triangle
33.747252, -112,633853
Wittmann, Arizona, USA

6. Shipwreck SS Ayrfield, overgrown with trees
-33,836379, 151,080506
Sydney, Australia

7. Guardians of the Badlands
50 ° 0 "38.20" N 110 ° 6 "48.32" W
Alberta, Canada

8. Parking lot for fighters
33.927911, -118,38069
State of California, USA

9. Firefox logo
45 ° 7 "25.87" N 123 ° 6 "48.97" W
Dayton, Oregon, USA

10. Tree planting in the shape of a guitar
-33,867886, -63,987
Cordoba, Argentina

The forest is made of 7000 cypresses and eucalyptus trees, planted by Pedro Martin Ureta in memory of his wife.

11. Heart-shaped lake
41.303921, -81.901693
Ohio, USA

12. Strange desert stripes
40.452107, 93.742118

13. Huge target
37.563936, -116,85123
Nevada, USA

14. The world's largest pool
33.350534, -71,653268
Valparaiso, Chile

The pool is 1013 meters long and total area is 8 hectares.

15. Jesus Loves You
43.645074, -115,993081
Idaho, USA

16. The Lion King
51.848637, -0,55462
United Kingdom

17. Turkish flag
35.282902, 33.376891
Kyrenia, Cyprus

18. Fort in the shape of a star

19. Potash ponds
38 ° 29 "0.16" N 109 ° 40 "52.80" W
Utah, USA

20. Mystical figures
37.629562, -116.849556
Nevada, USA

21. Shopping center boat-shaped
22 ° 18 "14.15" N, 114 ° 11 "24.66" E
Hong Kong

22. Russell's Square
London, Great Britain

23. Coca-Cola logo
-18,529211, -70,249941

24. Concentric circles
39.623119, -107,635353
Colorado, USA

25 island in the lake on the island in the lake
69.793 ° N, 108.241 ° W
Northern Canada

26 Upside Down Car
51 ° 19 "18.13" N, 6 ° 34 "35.64" E
Krefeld, Germany

27. Strange Symbol
37.401573, -116,867808
Nevada, USA

28. Monkey Face
65.476721, -173,511416

29. Large swimming pool
52 ° 29 "52.24" N 13 ° 27 "13.67" E
Berlin, Germany

30. Largest phallic structure
41,84201, -89,485937
Dixon, Illinois, USA

31. Big and kind giant
19 ° 56 "56.96" S 69 ° 38 "1.83" W
Huara, Tarapacá, Chile

32. Another "parked" fighter
48.825183, 2.1985795

33. A few more desert mysterious stripes
40.458148, 93.393145

34. Shipwreck
30.541634, 47.825445
Basra, Iraq

35. Multiple landing strips in the desert
32.663367, -111,487618
Eloy, Arizona, USA

36. Oil Fields
37 ° 39 "16.06" S 68 ° 10 "16.42" W
Rio Negro, Argentina

37. Mattel logo
33.921277, -118,391674
El Segundo, California

38. Uluru / Ayers Rock
-25,344375, 131,034401
Northern Territory, Australia

39.1: 20 scale model of the disputed border region
between India and China
38.265652, 105.9517
Yong Ning Xian, Yinchuan, Ningxia, China

40 UTA Flight 772 Desert Memorial
16.864841, 11.953808
Sahara Desert

41. Heart Shaped Earth Formation
20 ° 56 "15.47" S, 164 ° 39 "30.56" E
New Caledonia

42. Rainbow Plane
Katie Terrace Englewood Rocks, New Jersey, USA

43. Barringer Meteorite Crater
35.027185, -111,022388
Winslow, Arizona

44. Come to the city center and play
35.141533, -90,052695
Memphis, Tennessee, USA

45. Pool of hippos
6 ° 53 "53.00" S 31 ° 11 "15.40" E
Katavi, Tanzania

46. ​​Solar field
34.871778, -116,834192
Daggett, California

47. Giant USA Flag
7300 Airport Boulevard, Houston, TX 77061, USA

48. Big red lips in the desert
12 ° 22 "13.32" N, 23 ° 19 "20.18" E

49. Great Prismatic Spring
44.525049, -110,83819
Yellowstone national park, Wyoming, USA

50. Batman Symbol
26.357896, 127.783809
Okinawa, Japan

Looking at photographs of our planet taken from space, you can find a lot of intriguing and sometimes inexplicable things, especially if you use your imagination while viewing.

Bright Side collected mysterious objects and places that users found on google maps.

Wasteland Guardian

In November 2006, Lynn Hickox discovered on Google maps a geological formation located in the Canadian province of Alberta that resembles the head of an Indian with an earpiece. This image appeared as a result of prolonged soil erosion, and the wire from the earphone and ear is the road leading to the oil rig, and the rig itself.

Bloody lake in Iraq

In 2007, near the Iraqi city of Sadr was discovered blood red lake... The versions of the origin of the anomaly were very different - from Wastewater to the waste of a nearby slaughterhouse. But the reason for this color of water has not been established. Today the lake looks just like the others.

Heart shaped island

Galshnyak island , belonging to Croatia, was discovered on satellite maps in 2009. The island quickly became popular, not only on the Internet, but also among travelers - before that, an uninhabited part of the land had turned into a place of pilgrimage for lovers from all over the world.

Fingerprint maze

A labyrinth in the shape of a human fingerprint, laid out of limestone tiles, is located in Hove Park in Brighton, UK. It was created in 2006 after a sketch by artist Chris Drury.

"Murder scene" on the lake in the city of Almere, the Netherlands

Satellite image taken in 2009 in the Netherlands was discovered by one of the users of the Reddit website. The scene looked like a murder, and a heated discussion arose on the site about what it really was.

However, no bloody crime was recorded in this picture. Almere resident Jacqueline Kenen identified the cruel "killer" as her golden retriever, who, according to her, loves to swim. And what was taken for traces of blood, in fact, is just water, which is glass from the dog's fur.

Swastika building

The swastika-shaped building is owned by the US Navy and was noticed by Google users in 2006. The command of the Navy said that the resemblance to this figure was found only at the construction stage, when it was no longer possible to change anything.

In 2007 $ 600 thousand were allocated to change the landscape and install solar panels so that they hide the shape of the building. As of 2017, thanks to solar panels, the building no longer resembles a Nazi symbol.

Dove masked people

This street shot was taken in the Japanese town of Musashino in March 2013. This "composition" was built on purpose - the users and the team of the site Daily portal z after learning that the streets will be photographed for Google, decided to immortalize herself on the map.

A ship overgrown with trees

This abandoned and tree-covered ship was captured by satellite on the Parramatta River near Sydney, Australia. The ship called SS Ayrfield was launched in 1911. In 1972, it was decommissioned, and since then the ship has been moored at the mouth of the river.

UFO in Romania

An object similar to the shape of a UFO from science fiction films was discovered on one of the abandoned farms near the Romanian city of Timisoara. The find gave rise to a lot of rumors about a visit to Earth alien ship... In fact, a flying saucer is abandoned pumping station which used to supply Timisoara with water.

Breath of the desert

Strange circles in the Sahara desert were created in 1997 by the hands of people who are members of the D.A.S.T. The sculpture is made of two spirals emanating from the center, one of which is made of cones expanding as they move away from the beginning, and the second is made of recesses built according to the same principle.

As conceived by the creators, the spiral should disappear over time under the influence of erosion. However, even now, 20 years later, it is perfectly visible even from space.

Military aircraft graveyard

Airbase "Davis-Monten"is located near the city of Tucson in the United States and is possibly the world's largest aircraft conservation site - about 4,400 aircraft and 40 spaceships are docked here. Every year about 400 pieces of equipment arrive here and the same amount is sold or destroyed.

Strange creature from Loch Ness

Jason Cook, 25, while looking at satellite images of Loch Ness, noticed a creature swimming in its waters. And although there is no reliable evidence of the existence of the famous monster, many believed that it was the Google satellite that captured it.

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