Home Fertilizers Download Explorer 9 Russian version. We update the Internet Explorer browser to the current version

Download Explorer 9 Russian version. We update the Internet Explorer browser to the current version

Internet Explorer 9 is Microsoft's attempt to reach out to competitors that have already run away. In this version, IE has become similar to popular browsers such as, and. A number of features have been copied from different browsers... Tabbed interface, visual bookmarks, fast typing of site addresses - all of this finally appeared in IE.

An interesting feature of Internet Explorer 9 is the search for site addresses as the user types them. That is, the search is carried out not in the history of visited sites, but on the Internet. As a result, it turns out that the browser often gives you the address even before you wrote it, and this is convenient. This feature was borrowed from Google Chrome.

There is, however, one feature that none of the major popular browsers have. This is pinning a bookmark to the Windows taskbar. If you need constant access to a page, you can launch it directly from the taskbar, and it will open in Internet Explorer. IE does not have the ability to lock tabs on the tab bar (like Firefox and Chrome), but it does have an original feature. What's more convenient is up to you.

Internet Explorer 9 offers protection against malicious sites, graphics hardware acceleration, and support for all the latest standards.

Key features and functions

  • Hardware acceleration of text, video and graphics. Internet Explorer 9 includes a cross-site scripting filter that detects and disables malicious scripting. The feature is enabled by default.
  • Highlighting a domain name: One of the ways to avoid getting to suspicious sites, provided by an updated browser, is highlighting a domain name. Internet Explorer 9 lets you see the true web address at a glance by highlighting the domain name in the address bar, making it easier to determine the security of the sites you visit.

Special Requirements

  • Processor 233 MHz or higher (Pentium processor recommended);
  • 32 / 64 -bit Windows 7 - 512 MB;
  • 32/64-bit Windows Server 2008 - 512 MB;

Despite the fact that Internet Explorer can now be called a modern browser, many users remain distrustful of it. Microsoft has never been a leader in this field, and IE was popular only because it is included in the operating system... And now the situation has not changed. The latest bailout attempt in version 9 is unlikely to greatly increase the number of IE users. This is already so obvious that even the company itself spoke about the possibility of including not IE, but Firefox in Windows! I think there is nothing more to talk about ...

After extensive testing Microsoft Corporation has released the final version of its free Internet browser - 9. This version, due to its full integration with the Windows 7 operating system, allows you to browse the web with ease and comfort. One of the features of this issue is a simple and intuitive interface that allows the user not to be distracted by various additional panels and completely focus their attention on the content of Internet pages. It is also worth noting the following Internet functions Explorer 9: Hardware acceleration for graphics and text, dramatically speeding up your browsing experience. improved work with tabs; multifunctional address bar; unobtrusive notification panel; download manager; Chakra - new jvascript handler; full support for HTML5, SVG, CSS3, ECMAScript5 and DOM; developer tools - function F12. And although the number of users using Internet Explorer in recent times is decreasing due to an increase in the audience of users of other browsers - and, perhaps, this version of IE will regain its lost positions.

Key features of Internet Explorer 9:

- Hardware acceleration for graphics and text
Internet Explorer 9 uses hardware acceleration to display text, video, and graphics on web pages, making a website as fast as a regular Windows application installed directly on your computer, while delivering smooth high-definition video playback. image display bigger size and make the website as a whole more responsive when interacting with the user. A new JavaScript engine that can leverage multiple cores from today's multi-core processors also improves the speed of Internet Explorer 9, which, combined with the powerful graphics capabilities of Windows 7, will give you a completely new experience of surfing the web.
- Simple and intuitive interface
Very often, sites are full-fledged web applications with their own navigation, search functionality, new content notifications, and it is these elements, rather than browser controls, that users are used to relying on. As a result, the user interface for Internet Explorer 9 has been simplified and improved to improve the user experience of websites. Navigation controls between browser web pages are streamlined and streamlined based on frequency of use. The back button has become larger, the address bar and search field are combined into one common address bar, and several menus from previous versions of Internet Explorer are combined into one menu. The result in the browser window will display only what is needed to browse the Internet now.
- Integration with Windows 7
Thanks to full integration into Windows environment 7 Internet Explorer 9 browser allows users to make the most of this OS for comfortable web browsing. So with the help of the "pin" function, the user can access their favorite websites directly from the Windows taskbar, without opening the browser in advance. In addition to being able to pin any website to the taskbar, Internet Explorer 9 provides the ability to integrate websites into Windows through Jump Lists and Thumbnail Controls preview... Jump Lists allow you to jump to the sites you visit every day without having to open your browser first. To use this feature, simply right-click on the Internet Explorer icon in the taskbar. In the menu that opens, you will see the pinned websites, as well as those sites that you visit most often. In addition, from this menu, you can start a browser session in InPrivate privacy mode, open an empty browser tab, or close the browser window.
- New tab page
The new tab page in Internet Explorer 9 now displays the most popular websites and provides instant access to them. In addition, a special indicator shows how often the user has visited this site. For easy identification, the icon and the main color of the site itself are used. New tab page can also be reopened recently closed tabs browser session, reset your attendance indicators, or switch to InPrivate privacy mode.
- Improved tabbed browsing
In Internet Explorer 9, by default, tabs are displayed to the right of the address bar. To display the tabs separately under the address bar, right-click in the free field to the right of the New tab button and select the Show tabs under the address bar command. When working with tabs, the user can move them for grouping, both within one window and between windows. With many tabs open, you can waste a lot of time and effort, especially if you need to go back and find websites that are already open. In Internet Explorer 9, linked tabs are color coded so you can easily keep your browsing organized a large number web pages. If for execution a specific task you need to browse several web pages at the same time, you can use movable tabs together with the Snap function. This is a great way to view multiple web pages at the same time.
- Multifunctional address bar
Search and navigation features are bundled in Internet Explorer 9 as an address bar titled One box... To carry out a search, it is enough to enter a query directly into the address bar, and visual cues will appear. At the bottom of the drop-down menu of the address bar are the settings with which you can switch between different search engines on the Internet or add new ones. To protect confidential information in Internet Explorer provides the ability for the user to choose what information will be transmitted to search engines. In the drop-down menu of the address bar, you can enable or disable the feature of suggesting search suggestions. When enabled, text will be sent to an Internet search engine as you type.
- Unobtrusive notification bar
All service messages that appear in the course of Internet Explorer 9 are now displayed in the most unobtrusive form in a specially designated area located at the bottom of the browser window. These messages, for example, the question of the need to save a password or download a file, are formulated very clearly and simple language... In addition, the user does not have to perform any action in order to continue browsing the site. The notification line becomes visible only when it is necessary to attract the user's attention, and does not in any way interfere with the movement of the web pages.
- Download manager
Internet Explorer 9 is equipped with a built-in tool for accessing, monitoring and working with downloads - the download manager. This is a single program that allows you to view the status of downloads, display information about their possible potential danger, provide full security check of uploaded files, and also show the location of uploaded files.
- Chakra - new jvascript handler
A new jvascript handler called Chakra is optimized to work on multi-core processors... Executing jvascript code in interpretation mode in one processor core, it simultaneously compiles another piece of this code on the second core into background... After that, Chakra switches to executing compiled code, which is much faster. Background compilation and other innovations have resulted in Internet Explorer 9 performing well on popular jvascript benchmarks such as WebKit.
- Full HTML5, SVG, CSS3, ECMAScript5 and DOM support
Full support for HTML5, SVG, CSS3, ECMAScript5 and DOM provides web developers with a single set of tools to create compatible web pages that will display and function exactly the same in any modern browser... Support for all these standards is built into new browser Internet Explorer 9. Combining the results of all previous work to embed the capabilities of HTML5 in, the new version of the browser complements them with a number of new functions. For example, support for the new Video and Audio elements allows a web page to play video and audio without using an additional plugin. In other words, a developer can insert a video or sound clip into a web page as easily as a regular image. Another new item, Canvas, is designed for displaying dynamic graphics using hardware acceleration through Windows and a video card. Finally, support for programmatic functions for handling selected text snippets and improved HTML parsing engines make it easier to write HTML pages.
- Developer tools - function F12
Internet Explorer 9 contains built-in developer tools that make it easier to prototype, test, and debug web pages by making changes to their code and viewing the result directly in the browser itself. In the new Internet versions Explorer includes a user agent switching feature, a network traffic inspector, an improved jvascript profiler, and built-in support for new web standards. To access this toolkit, just press the F12 key.
Internet Explorer 9 can only be installed on operating systems Windows Vista and 7. If you need a version for Windows XP, use.

Internet Explorer browser already long time is the most widely used web browser in the world. Internet Explorer 8 and 9 provide flexible tools parental control, comprehensive technical support and impressive speed.

However, a large percentage of IE use makes it a target for hackers and cyber thieves.

Internet Explorer browser encounters a large number vulnerabilities than most of its competitors, and overall IE usage does not necessarily mean it is superior - the browser still lags behind other major competitors in terms of security.

However, the latest version of the internet browser includes effective security updates. Its use of sandboxing and other techniques greatly reduces various web threats.

In addition, IE 8 and 9 remain fast and extremely user-friendly, with rich pragmatic features and a user-friendly interface.

TO key features Internet Explorer 8 and 9

IE has one window for searching and for entering the address of websites, and full integration with Windows 7. You can pin the list of the most frequently visited websites to the browser taskbar. Alternatively, you can select individual tabs and pin them to the toolbar.

For maximum privacy, Internet Explorer provides a private browsing option. You can browse the web without saving history, cookies or temporary internet files. The internet browser does not have an integrated download manager - the download still appears in a pop-up window.

The program also provides many add-ons for improved customization. There are four different categories of add-ons: security, screen saver, viewing, and entertainment. In each category you will find each of them with a description and the number of downloads. Most add-ons are free, but some you have to buy.


One thing that Internet Explorer can boast about over many competing browsers is parental controls. You can manage content when your children are accessing the Internet, and use integrated tools to get reporting and monitoring of their activities.

The internet browser also does Good work to protect your computer from spyware, viruses and phishing. A cross-site scripting filter is used to prevent attacks from fraudulent websites trying to steal your personal and financial information.

Internet Explorer also uses sandboxing, a security technique in which all browser tabs function as independent processes. This prevents the entire browser from crashing as a result of any single tab crashing.

Speed ​​and compatibility

Internet Explorer's speed is very competitive. It's not the fastest internet browser, but launching applications and navigating between pages is fast enough.

In addition, there are no compatibility issues as the browser supports all existing and new web standards.

Ease of use

Like all top-notch Internet browsers, Internet Explorer is clean and easy to use. The browser's basic web navigation is intuitive.

Instead of dialog boxes opening in separate window, all notifications are combined into a notification bar located at the very bottom of the window. You don't have to respond to notifications right away, they stay in the bar until you decide on them.

Help and support

IE 8 and 9 has much better help and support among internet browsers.

On the manufacturer's website you can find detailed documentation, tutorials and frequently asked questions. You can search for Internet resources by keywords.

Internet Explorer is also one of the few Internet browsers that is complemented by direct technical support Microsoft, and personalized assistance is provided by e-mail and telephone.

Updated to 9 Final!

Internet Explorer Is the next version of the most widely used web browser in the world, designed for the convenience of users on the Internet. IE is faster, easier, and safer to use, and optimizes the experience for developers and users when working with web services. In addition, new functionality Internet Explorer offer faster, simpler and safe ways navigation through web pages.

Browser improvements Internet Explorer concern both visible and invisible components. Browser Internet Explorer 9 has a simplified design, more intuitive navigation, and many new features to speed up web browsing. In addition, you will need to open fewer dialog boxes to perform an action. Pinned site-like functionality lets you pin your favorite website to the taskbar and access it with one click. Other features, such as hardware acceleration, provide an overall faster web browsing experience. When using a browser Internet Explorer 9 websites are becoming more like programs used on computers every day.

The main advantages of IE9 are as follows:

* Simplified design
* Pinned sites
* Download manager
* Improved tabs
* New tab page
* Search in the address bar
* Notification panel
* Add-on performance advisor
* Hardware acceleration
* Tracking protection
* ActiveX filtering

Internet Explorer 9: Five New Features
1. HTML5
2. Web orientation
3. Increased productivity
4. Pinned sites
5. Tear-off tabs

HTML5. Internet Explorer 9 created with the expectation of supporting the modern version of the HTML5 language. In an effort to enable developers to use the same markup on the web, we have added many new features based on HTML5, CSS3, DOM L2 and L3, SVG, ECMAScript5, and more that are hardware accelerated and standards compliant. In addition, we have submitted many new tests for HTML5, CSS3 and DOM to the W3C and are actively involved in the standardization work.

New hardware accelerated HTML5 features include support for video and audio elements, which allow embedded video and audio content to be played without the need to install add-ons. The canvas element provides dynamic graphics rendering through hardware acceleration Windows tools and a graphics card. Several new CSS3 modules push the boundaries of creativity for web designers, and the DOM API means more flexibility for website developers.

New navigation bar Internet Explorer 9 greatly simplifies the perception of sites. The browser frame is not overloaded with navigation elements and, compared to other browsers, leaves more room for the site itself.

Navigation aids Internet Explorer 9 created with frequently used functions in mind and also simplified. Back to button previous page has become larger, the address bar and the search field are combined into one address bar, which protects the user's personal data, and the numerous menus present in previous versions Internet Explorer, combined into one. Now the user sees only what is needed for navigation.

Performance. New graphics and improved performance Internet Explorer 9 create the basis for a rich and realistic experience. Text, video, and images are hardware accelerated, making websites run as fast as programs installed on your computer.

HD video plays smoothly, graphics are crisper and lag-free, colors are lifelike, and sites are more interactive than ever.

With subsystem enhancements such as the new Chakra Engine, websites and applications load faster and respond faster to user input.

Pinned sites. You can navigate to pinned sites directly from the Windows taskbar without opening Internet Explorer... You can pin a site in seconds: click the pin icon in the address bar, or click the site icon in a new tab and drag it to the taskbar. That's all. If the site is pinned, it displays its own icon, separate from Internet Explorer... Now you are only one click away from your favorite site.

This feature puts the site in the spotlight, not the browser. Pinned sites are seamlessly integrated into the Windows 7 navigation system. For each such site, there is a preview on the taskbar and a jump list. Thus, working with such sites is as easy and familiar as with other Windows applications.

Tear-off tabs and Windows Aero Snap. Often times, you have to open multiple web pages or windows to complete a task. Advanced tabs combined with Windows function Aero Snap allows you to quickly display two sites or two pages at once. To do this, simply drag the pages to different edges of the screen, and the sites will be displayed next to each other. This does not interfere with the playback of website content and videos.

Operating system: Windows® 7 x86
Interface language: Russian
Released: 2011
The size(exe): 17.8 MB
Medicine: Not required

The default Internet Explorer browser is included with every Windows operating system, making it one of the most popular browsers in the world. However, the computer usually has outdated version Internet Explorer. This is due to the fact that the version that is current at the time of the release of the operating system is installed on the computer and users do not always download the recommended Windows updates in automatic mode.

Using an outdated browser is extremely dangerous as it is vulnerable to viruses and does not support new features. Thus, modern sites will not display correctly on it.

In this article, you will learn how to update your Internet Explorer browser to the latest version and make it update automatically.

For various operating rooms Windows systems different versions of Internet Explorer are available. For Windows XP, the latest supported version is Internet Epxlorer 8, for Windows Vista - Internet Explorer 9, for Windows 7 and older - Internet Eplorer 11.

To find out what version of IE browser you have on your computer, open Intrernet Explorer and click “ Service"(Or a key combination ALT + X) and click “ About the program". A window will pop up in which your version of Windows will be written.

In my case, the Internet Explorer 10 browser is installed on Windows 7 and as it was written above, latest version version 11 is for this operating system, so it needs to be updated. By the way, by selecting the checkbox " Install new versions automatically“, Internet Explorer will automatically update itself if the computer is configured to install Windows updates. But back to the topic of the update.

To update the Internet Explorer browser, go to the IE download page on the Microsoft website and click Download Internet Explorer 11 (for operating system users below, Windows 7 will offer version 9 or 8 of the browser.

After downloading the installer, run it. The installation of the latest version available for your version will begin. Windows browser Internet Explorer. In my case, this is Internet Explorer 11.

If you have Windows 7 and the program could not update to version 11, most likely you are missing global renewal Service Pack 1 for Windows 7.

Go to the menu StartControl Panelsystem and safetyWindows Updatechecking for updates... Install any required updates after finding them. Then try installing Internet Explorer again.

At the end of the installation, you will be prompted to restart your computer.

This completes the Internet Explorer update.

If you still have questions, be sure to ask them in the comments to the article.

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