Home Useful properties of fruits How to see the password for wifi on android. How do I find out the password for "Wi-Fi" on the phone? WiFi password on mobile phone

How to see the password for wifi on android. How do I find out the password for "Wi-Fi" on the phone? WiFi password on mobile phone

The first time you connect the device to a WiFi network, you will be prompted for a password. In the future, the connection will occur automatically as soon as you are within the radius of this point. But there are different situations, you wanted to connect a new device to WiFi, but forgot the password. The question immediately arises of how to view the WiFi password on an Android phone.

The simplest thing is to go into the settings of the router and see the set password. But what if we don't have access to the router?

The phone will help us find out the password for the Wifi network. Since the password is not stored in the public domain and it is encrypted, here you have to sweat and dig deeper into the system files to get the password. I must say right away that it will be difficult without root rights, but really. There are two options, root rights or connect the gadget to a PC and use the special ADB tools.

But there are exceptions, in some devices the password from the file is stored in the public domain and you do not need to do various manipulations. These phones include Xiaomi, which can show a password in the form of a QR code.

Let's start with the easiest method and which requires root rights. To get the password, we don't need anything else, we just need to know where the password file is stored. And the password is stored in the configuration file wpa_supplicant.conf located in the system folder / data / misc / wifi /.

To get into the system folder, you need a special file manager for example ES Explorer or RootBrowser which can be downloaded from Google Play.

Using these managers, go to the above path and find the wpa_supplicant.conf file

The file stores the networks to which we connected. The SSID is the network name and PSK is the connection password.

For Xiaomi device users

Users of Xiaomi devices do not need to bother at all, root rights are not required. Devices can be shared with wifi access with other users without knowing the password. But only if you are already connected to this point. But the password is not displayed in open form, but a QR code.

Receiving a password through an access point

This method also does not require root rights, but the chances that you will receive a password are minimal.

Go to the settings and find the "Access Point" section there.

Click in the "Password" field on the eye to display the password

If you have never used a device as a modem and the field is empty, then this method is not for you. By and large, the WLAN hotspot password has nothing to do with the Wi-Fi password, but in some models, the Wi-Fi key can be automatically registered as the default password for the hotspot.

Obtaining a Wi-Fi password using special utilities

Now let's try a more complex version using special programs. There are a lot of such programs in the Google Play app store, and almost all of them require root rights to work. We will review the program WiFi Key Recovery as the most simple and convenient to use. After launching and giving it root rights, you will see a list of the set, by clicking on the desired one, the password from this network will be displayed.

Alternatively, you can use the app Wifi Password, it's just as easy to use.

Via computer, ADB and FastBoot

There is another way that does not require root rights. For this method, we need a computer. In the settings on the phone, turn on the developer mode. To do this, go to the settings, open the "About phone" (About the tablet) section and click on the build number six to seven times in a row. In this case, you will receive a notification that you have become a developer, and a new section "For Developers" will appear in the device settings. Go into it, find the "USB Debugging (ADB)" setting there and enable it.

The next step is to install a minimal ADB and Fastboot package and ADB drivers on the computer. Download drivers from the site adbdriver.com/downloads, the Minimal ADB and Fastboot package can be taken from the resource Xda Developers on the page forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2317790... Also, which is more acceptable, you can use the installer utility ADB Installer(androidp1.ru/ustanovshhik-adb-na-kompyuter), allowing you to selectively install ADB and Fastboot without the hassle.

After the required software is installed, open the command line from the administrator's name, go to the location of the installed ADB package and run the command adb servisec(or adb help).

If you see a list of keys, then you did everything right and everything is ready to receive a password from the Wi-Fi. We connect the device to the computer via USB, confirm, if prompted, permission to use debugging and run the following command in the command line:

adb pull /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf C: \ wifi_pass

This command will unload the configuration file with network passwords and save it to a previously created folder wifi_pass on disk C. After that, open the file in notepad, look for the name (SSID) of the network of interest and see its security key, that is, the password. Here's how you can find out the Wi-Fi password on Android without having superuser rights. The necessary software is very lightweight, distributed free of charge, does not need additional settings, so it will not be difficult to deal with it.

To access the Internet, modern mobile devices use a WiFi module. One connection to the access point is enough to use it regularly. However, sometimes you need to reconnect to the network from another device, when the password has already been forgotten, or was previously entered by someone other than the owner of the device.

However, the function is not available in every smartphone, and therefore it will be further considered, how to find out the password fromWiFi on the phone to which it is connected.

Obtaining a key to an access point

If the above function is not available or the router is configured by a third-party specialist, you can check the network password from a mobile device in one of the following ways:

  • install the file manager with "superuser" rights;
  • use a special application that shows detailed information about the network to which the device is connected;
  • try and see the password from the wi-fi there.

Rooted file manager

Superuser or root rights open access to the hidden functionality of a mobile device. To obtain them, you should use the instructions, of which there are many on the Internet. Only the owner of the device is responsible for all actions, since this procedure often deprives him of the right to contact service centers under warranty.

If root rights have been obtained, then you need to download a special file manager (Root Explorer) from the application store. After that:

  1. Run the program.
  2. Using the explorer, go to the data / misc / wifi directory.
  3. Open the wpa_supplicat.conf file with any text editor.
  4. The SSID strings contain the names of the networks, and the PSK strings are the keys to these networks.

Viewing the password in the wpa_supplicat.conf file

Special applications

Wi-Fi IP and password Explorer is one of the applications that reads information about the network to which the phone is connected. It is enough to launch it and select the desired network. The necessary information will be displayed in the window that opens.

View the wi-fi password for android through the program "Wi-Fi IP and password Explorer"

Such applications operate according to the same principle, but do not work without root access, since the essence of the procedure they carry out is to automatically read information from the mentioned file.

Viewing the password in the router settings

To do this, you need to open any browser on the phone connected to the wi-fi, the password from which you need to find out, and try to enter the following addresses in the address bar in turn:


After entering one of them, you should be prompted to enter your username / password.

This is usually a combination admin / admin or root / admin.

Similarly, it is carried out from a computer or laptop.

Depending on the model of the router, viewing the wi-fi password may be located in different places in its settings. Here are some examples:

Viewing the network security key in the tp-link router settings

View Wi-Fi password on an asus router


The procedures described above will help you quickly recover a forgotten password. It is also worth knowing about alternative applications, a prime example of which is "WiFi Map". This software is synchronized with the navigation maps of the device, displaying the nearest available free access points to the Internet. Knowing the WiFi geography of his city and other settlements, the user will be able to access the network whenever he wants.

WiFi Map program showing all available Wi-Fi points

The app store will also offer a variety of software for hacking closed access points. It is important to know the following about such software: it is illegal and mostly inoperable. Use the right software. Thank you for the attention!

You may have already come across how to find out WiFi password on an Android and Symbian phone. There are times when your phone is already connected to the network and a new device needs to be added to the network, but you do not have access to the router that distributes the Internet (in it you can find out the password for WiFi). Here are the articles that can help you see the password in the router: "" or "". But since the phone is already connected to the network, there must be a way to find out the network key through it. Of course, it is, and I'll tell you about it now.

For those who are looking for easy money, namely to find out quickly the password from WiFi, then to my and to your regret in this article you will not find easy ways. All claims against the developers of these operating systems. First, we will talk about the popular Android system, and then we will figure out how to do this in Symbian.

For Android phones

Before starting the process of finding out the network password, you need to gain access to the phone's firmware as an administrator (so-called root access). To do this, go to http://www.kingoapp.com/android-root.htm from your computer and download the free Kingo Android Root app.

ATTENTION! I do not recommend doing these procedures if you have little understanding of the technique at all. According to some reports, after this procedure, you lose your phone warranty, so I ask you to be careful and understand that all responsibility will rest with you, not me. In turn, I will perform this procedure on my phone in order to write an article + to be sure that I will not miss any step in working with the program! Be sure to read the entire article, and only then manipulate your phone and computer.

Install the application on your computer. Here are the steps to install the program:

  • Click "Next";
  • Check the box "I accept the agreement", click "Next";
  • Leave everything as default, click “Next”, “Next”, “Next”, “Install”;
  • After copying the files to the computer, a window will appear in which you leave a check mark (run the program) and click "Finish".

In the phone settings, in the "For Developers" section, check the "USB debugging" checkbox. Then you can connect your phone to your computer. After a few seconds, the Kingo Root program will ask you to disconnect the phone from the computer, which you do - disconnect the USB cable from the computer. After that, the installation of the necessary drivers will begin, you do nothing, just wait for the installation to complete.

You must wait for the following message to appear in the program:

So, if all the steps described have been completed, then connect your phone to a computer or laptop via USB.

Now just click the "Root Again" button in the program and, if necessary, agree to any pop-up requests that may appear on the computer (antiviruses and the like).

Now you have to wait for the program to do all the necessary actions. Then the phone will reboot. You now have Root rights.

This program is universal for this procedure, but difficulties can arise. To solve the problem or find out how to get Root rights on your phone or tablet, you can visit the site w3bsit3-dns.com, where you can find a description for your device.

Here is an example of instructions for obtaining rights on one of the tablets, which is published on this site:

Now you can go to the WiFi folder and open the file that contains the data of interest to us /data/misc/WiFi/wpa_supplicant.conf. In order not to do this procedure manually, you can use special applications, for example, WiFi Key Recovery. Install this program on your phone, run it, and you will see the names of access points and passwords to them.

You can also install the application. Select the Lite version. Run the installed application.

Open this file in any text editor and find the line "network" in it.

There may be several of them in the file if you connected to several networks. By the ssid value (the name of the network from which you need to find out the password), select the required connection and pay attention to the line "psk". It is in it, after the "=" sign, that the WiFi access key is written.

In principle, there is nothing difficult, the main thing is to deal with root rights, and only then manually or through a special application to spy on the password.

If you have a Symbian phone

I will write about the Symbian system briefly and without screenshots, but I think this instruction will help you understand how and what to do. As with Android phones, first we need to get full access to system files and folders. On a very popular forum there is a solid instruction that you can get acquainted with from the person who did this procedure. Here . I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with other information, you may not need to get root rights, here.

After gaining full access, you need to go to Drive C through any file manager, for example Xplore, open the Private folder in it, go to the 10202be9 pack in it, and then to the persists folder. Find the cccccc00.cre file and open it with a text editor. Similar to the above method, find the required connection by ssid and the password from this network will be written next to it. I described the most common case, but the variety of firmware and phone models with Symbian operating system, this procedure may differ. For example, the required password file can be located in C: \ Private \ 100012a5 \ DBS_102072E9_eapol.dat.

If you did not find the file you need, then use the search on the forum, the link was given above. It is possible that this issue has already been discussed and you can get by with a little blood;).

As you can see, it takes a lot of time to find out the password for a connected access point, so before you wonder how to find out the password for WiFi on your phone, try to remember it or ask the owner of the wireless hotspot if you are not one. But, as a last resort, you can go to the router settings and find the section where the WiFi password is indicated.

Let's say that your device is connected to a Wi-Fi point, but you don't know the password and want to find out. Is this possible when it comes to a phone or tablet based on the Android operating system?

We answer: perhaps, however, with one prerequisite - the root-rights should have been installed on the device. If they are missing and you cannot install root, nothing will work. But if there are root-rights, then carefully read our instructions.

The first way

We need a file manager. So, you can use ES Explorer, thanks to which our example is shown. It is distributed free of charge, you can download it on Google Play.

So, the file manager is installed. We launch it and grant the application superuser rights.

You will see a large number of folders in front of you. Among them there is one that we need, and it is called data. Click.

Now find the misc folder and click on it.

We are looking for another folder, this time called wifi. We tap on it.

There are only a few files in this folder. We are only interested in one of them: it is called wpa_supplicant.conf.

This file stores the entire history of connections to Wi-Fi networks to which the device has ever connected, together with passwords. Remember, the word ssid is the name of the access point, and psk is the password for it.

Second way

If you know for sure that your phone or tablet is rooted, but you don’t understand or just don’t want to scour the folders, you can do much easier. Go to Google Play and download an app called WiFi Key Recovery. This application will do everything for you: it will find the wpa_supplicant.conf file and display the names of the networks, passwords, encryption keys, etc.

True, Internet users write that sometimes the program issues encrypted passwords. In this case, you will have to use the first method.

To connect the mobile to the network, you only need to specify access once, then it is saved and Wi-Fi is activated automatically as soon as the device is within range. Sometimes there is a situation when you need to remember the code, but you do not remember it. You can view the Wi-Fi password through the file system, browser or special programs.

Find out the password using the file system

The mobile system has the ability to view the network connection data. They also include the password for Wi-Fi, if the phone was already connected to the router (router) once.

Devices based on the Android operating system have two types of rights - user and root (developer access). Only when you turn on the second mode will you be able to get access from your Wi-Fi

The algorithm of actions after obtaining root rights is as follows:

  1. Open your phone explorer. Better to use ES File Explorer or Total File Commander. They are capable of displaying all types of data (any file extension) that are in the device's memory.
  2. After starting the explorer, click on the line "Built-in phone memory". Please note that this is not an SD card.
  3. Open the folders along the following path: data, then misc and wifi.
  4. Find a document called wpa_supplicant.conf. On older versions of Android, the file may have a different name, for example, it may consist only of numbers. In this case, just open several documents until you find with the required data.
  5. The configuration file contains data on the parameters of the network connection. You need to find the line with the abbreviation PSK - this is the password. You will need data for the WLAN-P6 network.
  6. The wpa_supplicant.conf document contains information about all Wi-Fi connections on the phone. You can find out the required network by name.

Via browser

This method can be used without extended user rights. You can find out the password for your Wi-Fi if you have access to the Internet and an Internet browser. The algorithm of actions on the phone repeats the version with a personal computer. You can find out the password through the browser using the following instructions:

  1. Connect to the Wi-Fi network to which you forgot access.
  2. Launch a browser (Firefox, Chrome), they can open access to the router settings.
  3. Dial or (numbers only) in the address bar. The difference in the address of the router is associated with the settings of different models, enter each of the options one by one until a window appears for entering a login and password.
  4. If you have not personally changed the access to the router, then you need to enter the word admin in both fields. If a pair of data did not fit, then you can find out them by turning the router over (they are written on the back of the device).
  5. If authorization is successful, the settings window should appear. You need to open the "Security" tab. The access to the network is indicated here, it can be viewed or changed.

With the help of special programs

For phones running Android or iOS, special applications have been developed that will help you find out the password for your Wi-Fi connection

All of them are distributed free of charge through the official software stores - PlayMarket and AppStore. You can use the following utilities:

  1. WiFi Key Recovery. Created for Android phones, downloaded from the official store. After starting, you must provide superuser rights. The application will display a list of all networks to which the smartphone has ever connected. The PSK string is responsible for the password information.
  2. Wi-Fi Unlocker. The application has several translations, helps to find security keys and restore factory codes. The interface is simple and straightforward, it works quickly. Sometimes you have to connect to Wi-Fi several times to collect data.
  3. WiFi Map Pro. A utility has been developed for OS Android, but it is used in a slightly different way. It helps to guess the password for public networks based on the data left by other users. For example, you were in a restaurant, found out the password, added it to the program and other users will be able to connect to Wi-Fi based on your data.
  4. iWep pro. The application is developed for iOS and is distributed through the AppStore. Generates passwords for wireless networks if you don't know it. The program is paid, the cost is about 80 rubles.
  5. NetworkList. This application is also designed for Apple phones. The program runs in the background and remembers all passwords that have been entered. The application stores this data and you can view it if you want. The utility is distributed free of charge through the AppStore.

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