Home Natural farming What a holiday for doctors today. A holiday of people saving lives - International Doctor's Day. Other dates in honor of doctors

What a holiday for doctors today. A holiday of people saving lives - International Doctor's Day. Other dates in honor of doctors

There are professions without which the existence of humanity itself would be practically impossible - at least in modern conditions. These specialties include the profession of a doctor. It is to the doctor that we turn to in case of malfunctions in our body. Of course, representatives of such an important specialty have a professional holiday. It is called the International Doctor's Day and is celebrated annually on the first Monday of October, which falls on the 1st day in 2018.

Holiday information International Doctor's Day

The English name of the celebration is International Doctor's Day. International Doctor's Day was created on the initiative of two of the world's most authoritative medical organizations: the humanitarian association "Médecins Sans Frontières" and the World Health Organization. The purpose of the celebration was to develop and promote the solidarity of doctors around the globe. Members of the medical association "Médecins sans Frontières" today make every effort to ensure that their actions are consistent with the achievement of the goal set before the holiday. They provide assistance to the sick, regardless of what religion the victims of ailments profess or what nationality they belong to.

Employees of a humanitarian organization become guardian angels for persons whose health has been damaged by natural disasters, man-made disasters, armed conflicts, and epidemics. The Médecins Sans Frontières association operates in different countries. Every year, about a thousand medical workers lend a helping hand to people who have received a crushing blow to their health due to unfavorable circumstances. Volunteers are engaged in educational work and implementation of preventive measures, especially in relation to HIV, AIDS, cancer.

International Doctor's Day is a professional holiday, first and foremost, for the staff of Médecins Sans Frontières and organizations like this one. It is also worth mentioning the workers of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. But in general, all doctors, regardless of where they live and work, can consider the October celebration their own, if only they are doctors at the behest of the soul, by vocation. It should be noted that at present such medical workers are becoming less and less. One of the reasons for such an unfavorable situation is the need to pay for education when receiving education in the corresponding higher educational institution, because for many truly talented people endowed with the talent and sensitivity of a doctor by nature, this is too expensive a pleasure.

International Physician Day has no fixed date. As mentioned above, the holiday falls on the first Monday in October.

Specialty doctor

On International Doctor's Day, let’s pay a little attention to the specialty of the doctor.

The specialty "doctor" is rooted in antiquity. Their doctors still existed in primitive society. In principle, the functions of a physician were performed by almost every member of the community with at least a little experience in the field of first aid. Such skills were required to prevent death from injuries sustained by victims during the hunt and in everyday life. Our primitive ancestors quickly found contact with Mother Nature: they learned to recognize medicinal plants and even "design" primitive medical instruments. There is historical evidence that Neanderthals had no problem stitching wounds, trying to fight dental diseases, and eliminating abscesses.

In the future, healers stood out in a separate caste. They began to be treated like magicians - with awe and awe. Yes, they were associated with a kind of magic, because often the function of a doctor was performed by shamans and healers, who had good observation and powerful intuition. The profession of a doctor has become a vocation, a specialty for the chosen ones by the Higher Forces.

The most famous healer of antiquity is Hippocrates. This ancient healer, who used a scientific approach in his work, is now called the "father of medicine". He worked for the benefit of human health in the 4th century. BC. The time of birth of Hippocrates is 460 BC, the place of birth is the island of Kos. The healer practically revolutionized the minds of people, because thanks to his actions, the stereotype of the connection of diseases with religion that had existed for a long time was destroyed - the latter replaced the rational approach. Hippocrates owns a description of many diseases and their symptoms.

The Greek physician Galen made a significant contribution to the development of medicine. His name is known to a smaller circle of people, but the merits were very significant. This researcher was engaged in the study of animal and human anatomy and wrote the first textbook on this discipline, which became very popular.

It is impossible not to mention the greatest physician of the East - Avicenna. He was born near Bukhara on August 16, 980, was not only a healer, but also a philosopher. Peru Avicenna owns hundreds of works in dozens of scientific disciplines. Speaking directly about medicine, in this area he created the "Book of Healings", "Canon of Medicine", volumes "Medicines", "Treatise on the Pulse", "Blood vessels for bloodletting", etc.

It is also worth saying a few words about a doctor who lived at a later time - about Michel de Nostrdam. Today we know about him as Nostradamus. This wonderful astrologer and alchemist, it turns out, was, among other things, an excellent physician, pharmacist. Michel did a lot to fight the plague that claimed the lives of his family.

Without the aforementioned and many other outstanding minds, modern medicine would hardly have become the way we know it, and even more so it would not have been able to accumulate a huge potential that opens further ways of its progressive development.

What to give to a doctor?

What to give for International Doctor's Day? This question is asked by those who have relatives, friends, a loved one with a medical education, and those who feel gratitude to some doctor for the timely assistance provided or for the work done competently, professionally. At the same time, it is best to surprise the doctor on the International Day of the Doctor - this way you will demonstrate not only your gratitude and love, but sincere, deep respect for a particular person.

You should not go the easiest way and give a medical professional a banal box of chocolates, coffee, cognac or champagne. If the person to be honored is a representative of the fair sex, it is appropriate to present a beautiful bouquet of flowers for the holiday. Any doctor will very favorably accept the presentation of a gift that will help him relax and take a break from the hustle and bustle. It can be a miniature fountain or fireplace, a panel or a picture on the wall. As for the latter, show originality: hand the hero of the occasion a canvas by a little-known artist, whose plot is really imbued with inspiration, light and awakens all the best and the most beautiful in the soul. Another option: present the doctor with your own embroidered picture or tapestry woven by you.

We sincerely congratulate the doctors on their holiday, on the International Doctor's Day!

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Date in 2019: October 7, Monday.

We unconditionally trust doctors and thank them for their help. And although saving lives is a medical duty and a profession, their tireless selfless work deserves more. The whole world congratulates doctors on their holiday professional day, which we will celebrate in October.

In difficult moments of life, the man in the street seeks help from his family and friends. But sometimes, to solve global problems, especially those related to health, the advice of an amateur is not enough and we rush to the doctor. After all, this is the only person who will always find a way out of a difficult situation and tell you how to maintain health, and sometimes life. Therefore, the doctor deservedly accepts words of gratitude, and once a year, congratulations, when the whole world celebrates Doctor's Day.

Who is celebrating?

The cruel truth says that a person begins to die from the moment he was born. And there really were times when a man at the age of 35-40 was considered a deep old man. Humanity, which did not know antibiotics, basic rules of hygiene, anesthesia and targeted drugs, was shaken by epidemics and cataclysms.

But from the very beginning of its existence, society, people were looking for ways to get rid of diseases and ways to prolong life. The first doctors aroused respect and fear. And many healers were even considered magicians or sorcerers.

The origin of the Russian word doctor has Old Slavic roots and means "vrati". Of course, today's sound is pretty unpresentable. But the true meaning of the word was "to mumble" or "to speak quietly."

Indeed, healers who did not know the scientific foundations of medicine saved people with improvised means. They prepared decoctions, tinctures, rubbing, and also used conspiracies for healing. Therefore, doctors were often called "brewer".

It cannot be said that the experience of traditional healers did not leave a trace in modern medicine. Many effective preparations are made using herbal ingredients. Self-taught physicians have become pioneers in medical research. And the eastern ancient practices are still valued for their effectiveness and are used as an alternative treatment no less often than the methods of official therapy.

Today, physicians possess a rich arsenal of knowledge that they inherited both from their ancestors and received through modern research. Doctors help patients find the causes of ailments and develop a recovery program.

A physician is the first to meet a little man who has come to this world, and throughout his life he comes to the rescue in order to get rid of an elementary cold and runny nose or to solve global life-threatening problems.

Such once fatal diseases as smallpox, consumption, plague have long ceased to threaten humanity. And the emergence of antibiotics was a revolutionary breakthrough in the fight against dangerous diseases. Modern doctors have learned to transplant organs, to carry out laparoscopic operations. They are subject to computer and nano-technology.

It is these selfless people who do not know the refusal of people and we will congratulate on Doctor's Day. On this holiday we will remember all family doctors and great surgeons, pediatricians and specialized specialists.

Congratulations will be received by retired doctors, because there are no former doctors, scientists who have devoted their lives to medicine. The medical students who deliberately chose such a complex and responsible profession are also worthy of congratulations.

Find out in advance when Doctor's Day is in 2016, what date, since the holiday does not have a fixed date and is not an official holiday. It is celebrated at the very beginning of October on the first Mondays every year.

history of the holiday

It would be simply unfair if people of such a wonderful profession were left without a professional holiday. The World Health Organization took care of this. It was WHO that initiated the establishment of a profile celebration, which was named International Doctor's Day.

The purpose of this action was to draw public attention to the activities of the organization "Médecins Sans Frontières". This association has embraced physicians from various countries and continents. Selfless and courageous people have dedicated their lives to helping those in an emergency.

Employees of this organization can be found in all hot spots of the planet. Their humanitarian activities are deployed in places of military conflicts, countries affected by natural disasters. Epidemics, outbreaks of dangerous diseases do not frighten these fearless doctors.

They rush to missions where people are left without medical care and countries affected by terrorists. They are not deterred by borders, language barriers or nationality. Such a manifestation of humanity and solidarity is subject only to the most courageous, responsible people.

But we must not forget on Doctor's Day the international call for attention to the problems and heroism of all doctors. After all, it is precisely the daily painstaking work of district doctors, employees of hospitals and clinics, specialists standing at surgical tables that many patients owe their health and life.

In Russia, doctors receive congratulations twice. Because the Russian Day of the Medical Worker is also celebrated in June. The holiday falls on the third Sunday of the month.

About the profession

In childhood, the profession of a doctor seems to us romantic and noble. And the kids are happy to give injections, give out pills. But not every childhood dream is destined to come true.

To become a doctor, it is not enough just to have a desire. The profession requires a special mindset and the presence of certain character traits. People who have deliberately chosen such a profession understand that only years of study and practice are capable of making an experienced specialist out of an amateur.

In addition to knowledge of physiology and anatomy, chemistry and biology, pharmacology and medicine, specialized disciplines, a physician must have a special flair and simply human qualities.

A physician should not only be a good diagnostician or surgeon, understand the intricacies of his specialization, but he should also be able to compassion, be able to sympathize and be imbued with someone else's problem. A real doctor will never harm a patient.

And the reason for this, to a greater extent, is personal responsibility than the oath that doctors take when they are initiated into the profession.

The world knows the stories and fates of doctors, whose activities have radically changed the future of medicine. And some extraordinary personalities tested their inventions even on themselves.

So, an incredible operation to insert a catheter into the atrium through the ulnar vein was performed by a surgeon from Germany, Werner Forsman. The doctor made it in 1929, and for himself personally, and even without anesthesia.

To verify the efficacy of his anti-snake serum, Swiss doctor Jacques Ponto resorted to "field trials." The viper bit him three times.

Fyodor Talyzin - Soviet physician, studying the actions of helminths, purposefully contracted a bovine tapeworm. The worms in his body have reached 9.8 meters.

Frenchman Alain Bombard spent 65 days in the open ocean on a rubber boat to understand the reasons for the deaths of shipwreck victims.

And the act of Nicholas Minotsi, in general, borders on insanity. The French doctor himself got into the noose to describe the stages of suffocation.


Dear doctors! We are proud of your achievements and everyday feats. Your knowledge and experience is akin to the gift of God that gives a failure to heal. So let there be no difficult and hopeless cases in your practice, there will be no place for fuss and fatigue in your daily work, and there will be enough time in your personal life for simple human happiness.

Today is your holiday, hard worker,

Forget about everything soon.

Accept congratulations and reward

And hurry to the table.

On this day we run to visit

We should all hurry.

Let it be without a record, but simply

Give flowers to the doctor.

Larisa, August 29, 2016.

International Doctor's Day is celebrated on the first Monday in October

Every year on the first Monday in many countries they celebrate (International Doctor's Day), which is considered the day of solidarity and active action of doctors around the world. After all, the main goal of a doctor of any nationality is to improve and preserve the health of patients.

The initiators of the creation of this holiday were the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Medical Humanitarian Organization "Médecins sans frontières" (MSF). It is this independent, non-governmental organization "Doctors Without Borders" that fully implements the tasks of today. Its employees do not discriminate in the nationality or religious affiliation of people, but help all those in need, provide assistance to victims of natural disasters, various epidemics, social and armed conflicts.

Every year, about a thousand doctors from this organization help people in different countries (including in hot spots), providing medical assistance to everyone in an emergency, without any discrimination or distinction. Also, the organization's volunteers are engaged in preventive and educational work aimed at combating AIDS and drug addiction.

And on the International Day of the Doctor, first of all, it is they who receive their well-deserved congratulations and words of gratitude. However, today all representatives of the medical community are not forgotten, who, following the Hippocratic oath, provide medical care to all those in need. This is a holiday of people who have chosen the most humane profession in the world, whose importance is difficult to overestimate, because medical workers save human lives every day and treat all kinds of diseases and ailments.

And it doesn't matter whether the doctor works in the office or in the field, this does not detract from his merits, because every life he saved is valuable. And as mentioned above, it is not for nothing that today's Day is called the Day of Solidarity of Doctors from all over the world, because regardless of the nationality, age, citizenship and religious affiliation of doctors, they all unite to save human lives. In addition, they have another common "feature" - the language of Latin.

In addition, the profession of a doctor is one of the oldest on the planet. Having appeared at the dawn of humanity itself, she has always been valued and respected. The experience gained by doctors and healers was recorded on paper for future generations. And although at first doctors in the arsenal had medicinal herbs, ointments, minerals and various rituals, and the healing itself was considered witchcraft or mysticism, but even then this profession was very revered. Centuries passed, and with them medicine, becoming a science, advanced far ahead. People have learned to conquer such terrible diseases as cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis, anthrax ... All this made it possible to significantly increase the average life expectancy of a person and alleviate the suffering of many people.

Modern doctors rely in their work on a huge amount of knowledge and colossal experience of doctors of all times. Therefore, a doctor today is a very difficult and responsible work, because in his hands are human lives, the most valuable thing in the world. And yet - and very popular. Any modern person has visited a doctor at least once in his life and it is difficult for him to imagine his daily life without them. The doctors themselves and all healthcare workers celebrate their professional holiday - International Doctor's Day - with various festive and educational events. On this day, it is customary to conduct various seminars, informative lectures about the medical profession, exhibitions and presentations. By the way, in our country, in some Russian regions, the summing up of the results of the competition in the healthcare system with the identification of the "Best" in different areas of medicine is timed to this holiday.

I must say that in Russia it is more famous and popular, which is celebrated on the third Sunday.

We are nowhere without doctors:
We go to them when trouble,
We trust them with our lives.
We respect their work very much.

On the iVrach website published a calendar of significant dates for doctors and patients.

It will be useful to many colleagues in planning events, and will remind patients of their health.



6 February - International Day of Intolerance against the practice of female genital mutilation


Second Thursday in March - World Kidney Day


The second Saturday in April is the day of beautician and beauty

April 7 - World Health Day, Day of Ratification of the Charter and the beginning
functioning of the World Health Organization (WHO)

April 8 - International Day against the Spread and Use of Genetically Modified Foods and Organisms


The second Saturday in May is World Hypertension Day.

The third Sunday in May is the Day of Remembrance for those who died from AIDS.

May 19 - International Hepatitis B Day (OR International Hepatitis Day).


The third Sunday in June is the Medic's Day.



The second Saturday in August - Athlete's Day

August 9 - Day of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon - the patron saint of all doctors and healer of the sick.


The first Saturday of September is the Day of the Cosmetologist in Ukraine.

The second Saturday in September is World First Aid Day.

The last Sunday in September is International Day of the Deaf and Dumb. World heart day


The first Monday in October is International Doctor's Day.

The second Friday in October is World Egg Day.

The second Saturday in October is the Day of Russian Homeopathy. International Hospice Day.

Second Sunday of October - Day of workers of the state sanitary and epidemiological service in Ukraine


Third Wednesday of November - World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Day

First Saturday of November - Health Day in Turkmenistan

Third Sunday in November - World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

November 18 - World Day Against Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (or the third Wednesday of November).


The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates argued that three professions of all available on earth are given by God: judge, teacher and doctor. According to the sage, these people receive their gift from above. at all times in any society was on a special account - as the most honorable and respected. A huge responsibility is placed on the shoulders of doctors, because human life can be the price of their mistake.

Internationally established by the WHO United Nations, - only a fraction of gratitude to the representatives of this humane and noble profession. The holiday is celebrated annually on the first Monday in October.

The meaning of the holiday

International is undoubtedly of global importance, because it is celebrated by all people of the world, regardless of nationality, citizenship, religious beliefs. In some states, it is carried out on a grand scale, timed to this date with solemn ceremonies and awarding of outstanding representatives of the profession, in others, the Day of the Doctor is still very modestly celebrated.

The number of countries where the holiday takes on a truly national significance is growing from year to year. Any one unites all people, erases the boundaries of cultural differences and gives positive emotions, and Doctor's Day is no exception, because only this profession has neither citizenship nor nationality when it comes to saving human lives.

Unity of all doctors in the world

But it is not so much the International Day of the Doctor as professional duty and a deep sense of responsibility for the health and lives of people that unite medical workers all over the world. The profession of a doctor does not know any ethnic hatred. In the difficult days of trials that fall on the lot of humanity, doctors from all countries of the world unite their efforts to provide assistance to those affected by disasters, epidemics, natural disasters, and armed conflicts.

An example of this is the international nongovernmental organization Médecins Sans Frontières, founded in 1971, which annually sends thousands of volunteer doctors to the planet. In addition, the organization's volunteers conduct educational and preventive activities to combat AIDS and drug addiction. The importance of their activities is difficult to overestimate. On the International Day of the Doctor, they are the first among those who deserve the most sincere gratitude and bow to the ground.

Day of medical workers in our country

In our country, the Day of the Medic is more popular - a professional holiday for Russian healthcare workers. On this day, according to the already established tradition, the results of the competition "The Best Doctor of the Year" are summed up in medical institutions, solemn and entertainment events are held. But Russia is also honoring the International Day of the Doctor. 2013, for example, was marked by the presentation of the Vocation Prize in several nominations. Medical workers received well-deserved awards for the highest professionalism, selfless work and loyalty to medical duty. On this holiday, we must thank those doctors who are nearby for their work and invaluable help, empathy, participation and kind heart.

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