Home natural farming Examples of messages to a guy when you are worried. Romantic phrases for men. What to write to a guy to make him happy. On a date, it is difficult to recognize hints

Examples of messages to a guy when you are worried. Romantic phrases for men. What to write to a guy to make him happy. On a date, it is difficult to recognize hints

What to write to a person to make him smile? Showing attention with the help of pleasant messages gives positive emotions not only to girls, but also to young people. Even if they carefully hide it, trying to appear serious.

A warm message can express sympathy or love for a guy, as well as support him. However, some subtleties of writing such messages should be taken into account. Using the examples below, you will learn what to write to a guy to make him smile, and thereby cheer up not only him, but also yourself.


Guys, just like girls, are pleased to know that they are attractive. Therefore, do not skimp on compliments to a man, noticing the merits of appearance:

  • "What a good cut you got. Just don't take your eyes off,
  • “Often I remember your beautiful eyes when you are not around,”
  • “I love it when you are in a good mood. You have such an infectious laugh."

Pay attention to his leadership qualities and organizational skills. Your trust will be highly appreciated and will make even the most serious guy smile:

  • “I can follow you even to the ends of the world, can I start getting ready?”

Text a guy about the degree of his influence on you to make him smile. Young people love to impress their chosen ones. Don't hide your feelings by being honest about how you feel in his presence:

  • “Next to you, all the words disappear, and I probably look stupid,”
  • “When you look at me like that, I get embarrassed and blush.”

Remember, the text of the message, first of all, should reflect the dignity of your chosen one and be sincere.

Words of support

Words of support and your faith in a man, written on the eve of an important event, will give him confidence and will certainly bring a smile to his face:

  • “I believe that you will succeed. You are very talented and goal oriented. I'm telling you this as an expert."
  • “Don’t worry, you will definitely succeed… If I help you.”
  • "Don't worry about the little things, any employer would be happy to have employees like you."

If you are on friendly terms, write that any girl would dream of a friend like him. Be sure to focus on the exclusivity of the guy.

Appropriate jokes

What to write to a friend to make him smile? Of course, a good joke that you remember. People tend to share positive emotions, because nothing cheers up like the joy shared with friends and loved ones. It can be a funny anecdote or a funny story that happened to you during the day. You can choose a funny picture for your message that reflects your mood, or take a photo with a funny grimace. What can be written:

  • “Hey, do you want to tell you a joke? Then run to me and walk,
  • "Hi handsome. I'm already losing my temper... From impatience! Even I'm not going that long."

The message should be positive, so do not make fun of any of your mutual acquaintances in it. And also do not send vulgar jokes to a young man if you are not in close relations with him.

Words of gratitude

Words of gratitude can inspire guys to new achievements. Go beyond a simple “thank you”, be creative, specifying each good deed of a young person:

  • “Darling, thank you for the wonderful breakfast. You are my real chef,
  • “What a fine fellow you are, that you fixed (specify what exactly). I can't even imagine what I would do without you? Probably, she would sit all helpless and alone. So the next task...
  • “I love your concern. Only next to you I feel protected, as with someone big, reliable, kind and affectionate.

Romantic messages before bed
What to write to your loved one to make him smile? Of course, a tender wish for a good sleep. It should be beautiful and sincere so that the guy feels the warmth of your words from a distance. Do not use poems from the Internet. They do not reflect your emotions as they are written by other people. It is best to write a prosaic message that is suitable only for him alone:

  • "Good night, (affectionate form of a young man's name). I lie and remember your velvety voice, caressing your ears, your strong hugs and tender kisses. I love you more than anything in the world, my sunshine. Know that",
  • “My dear, good night to you and pleasant dreams. I often remember how you sleep next to me when I look at your place in our bed. I want to hug and kiss you."

Tell about your feelings via SMS

Some women are naturally shy, so sending a frank message about your feelings to a guy is a real salvation for them. If you are one of these girls, think about what exactly causes quivering feelings in your mind towards a young man. Clearly formulate your thoughts before writing anything to him.

Let it be a short message reflecting your attitude:

  • “I have long wanted to tell you that I think about you all the time. Time drags on painfully when you're not around. Looks like I'm in love with you"
  • “We spend so much time together, but more and more I notice in myself the desire to touch you. I'm probably crazy, but I'm jealous of you even to friends. May they all fail!
  • “I firmly believe that people like you don’t exist anymore. And you are the only one. For me! It's clear?".

After reading such a message, the young man will not only smile, but may also tell you that he did not dare to confess his feelings.

What phrases should be avoided

Do you remember the famous poem “Words can kill, words can save”? So that your message does not cause a backlash in a young person, get acquainted with what should not be written to young people:

  1. Do not write baby talk. Men don't like cuddling. Therefore, do not try to be a little girl or a caring mother for your boyfriend, even in words.
  2. Do not joke with his relatives or friends. It is unlikely that you yourself would like such an attitude towards your surroundings.
  3. Do not use general phrases and avoid long texts. All representatives of the stronger sex prefer specifics to lengthy descriptions. Your task is only to make him smile. Therefore, you should not compose poems and odes about your feelings.
  4. Don't be rude with your jokes. Don't use negative words. This makes a repulsive impression on all people. But don't seem like a frivolous laugher.
  5. Do not be offended if the chosen one does not respond to the message for a long time, and do not write after him the following SMS in large print. Most likely, he is busy at this moment, and when he is free, he will be annoyed by your impatience and capriciousness.

Always remember that our life consists of little things. And, if you value your relationship with a guy, always try to be attentive to him. It doesn't matter if it's your friend or young man. However, having learned what exactly to write to a guy to make him smile, do not rush to overwhelm him with messages. Do this at the behest of your heart, then your sincere messages will not bother him and will not go unanswered.

It doesn’t matter if you just met or have been dating for more than one month, SMS is useful only in two cases: for entertainment or for organizational purposes.

With organizational goals, in general, everything is clear. For example: you are late; or the cafe where you agreed to meet is closed on Sundays; the president has arrived in the city, and the street you need is blocked; your house is on fire and you need to reschedule a meeting - these are all obvious reasons to send an SMS.

Another reason is to create intrigue, interest, and value. Your messages should be bold, playful and funny. Let them demonstrate your wit and sense of humor or even tempt a man. Let's say you can send him a message: "I was watching a movie here, and it just dawned on me that you are very reminiscent of Bruce Willis ..." But don't say what exactly. When he asks about it himself (and he will), mention one common detail, for example: he also raises his eyebrows, or he has the same gaze, or they are both men who suit jackets, or both show composure in a stressful situation. Your goal is to give a light compliment. But don't make it too explicit (for example, don't write: "Because you are both very sexy"). Don't hint and be offensive. The best option is a compliment joke.

Or send an SMS, which will be equivalent to a friendly poke on the shoulder. This is enough to get his attention and makes him respond in kind. After the date, you can write something like: “I think you should know this: last night I saw that there were a lot of Whitney Houston songs on your iPod. Should I be worried about this?..” Or play it another way and mention something you like: “I've never seen a man with so much 80s music in his player. Very impressed…” This works great, because he gets the impression that he, without knowing it, passed some kind of exam.


SMS are communication fuses designed to arouse his interest, not intermediaries for endless idle chatter and not a substitute for real conversation. The trick with SMS exchange is to keep the correspondence moderate but effective. There is no room for long essays and the exchange of everyday news. Save such topics for personal meetings. Hours of SMS exchange with a man can give you the feeling that you are building a mutual understanding, but this is an illusion. If the element of intimacy and confession is too strong in your messages (and forget about correspondence under the influence of alcohol!), then at the next personal meeting your interaction will be somewhat constrained, because now an element of personal contact and intimacy will appear in your SMS relationships, which not in real life.

SMS that cannot be sent

Just as our conversations can get boring, sometimes people send SMS on autopilot. One of the worst texts that can be sent to a man according to the rules of SMS correspondence: “I'm dying of boredom! What are you doing?"

This text is a real depressant. He tells the man that you are bored, and therefore you will have to be entertained. In addition, it gives him almost no opportunity to flirt, flirt, tease, or write something cheeky. Receiving a message from you, a man should feel a slight emotional upsurge. It can be just fun because you wrote something funny, or interest, or a desire to smile because you are flirting a little - in short, anything will do, just don’t burden him with the routine duty of describing your day in SMS. If you do not know what to write, ask him for his opinion on some issue. For example: “My friends and I are going to watch a horror movie today, but I never watch horror movies. Do you recommend anything?"

Provocative message

What if you met a man, you had a wonderful conversation, you exchanged numbers, but several days have passed, and you have not heard from him yet?

The reason may be that he has lost interest in you, but never guess on this topic. Maybe he really is up to his neck in work and this week is not able to think about the love of his life. If you clearly see that “love has passed, the tomatoes have withered”, then you can erase this guy from your memory. But there is one message that you can send him: it will allow you to dispel all doubts.

The rule of SMS correspondence with a man: send this message at about nine o'clock in the evening. Why such precision? Because you already have plans for this evening: you are going to a party, to a pub, to a concert, an exhibition opening, a bowling tournament, etc. You need to send him when it is too late for him to rush off and meet you ; the whole trick is precisely in the fact that the moment was chosen unreasonably. And then you send him the following text: “I'm at the Jazz Bar. They play great, be sure to come!”

You tell him where you are and why it's so great there, and end with the words "be sure to come."

“Be sure to come” are words that breathe confidence. They show how confident you are. The point of this message is to give him a chance to do something. You completely transfer the initiative to him. You communicate that you are no longer at home and are having a good time in the company of other people, so this message does not give the feeling that you are desperate. But at the same time, you hint that you would be pleased if he was there with you. But here's the thing: you don't really expect him to show up. That is why you invite him when it is already quite late, as if this thought came to your mind at the last moment. Why? Because in this case, if he cannot come now, but still wants to see you, he will send you a response SMS with an offer to meet another time. Or, if he does decide to come, you are already having a good time and he can just join you. You win in both cases and, even if he is not interested at all, you still have nothing to lose. You remain in the same position as before, and do not substitute, asking him on a date. However, it is worth sending such a message only when you are really having fun somewhere. Don't sit there sulking, thinking that he won't come anyway! If he likes you, there is a chance he will!

Use the affirmative form

It is often much more effective to use statements during SMS correspondence than questions. If you send a man an SMS with the text: “Tonight we are going to a new restaurant with the whole company. Come have dinner!” - this speaks of a level of confidence that men are not used to seeing in women. It's like saying, "I'm going to a great place with great people and you should come with us." If he likes you, all he has to do is say yes. And if he cannot escape this evening, let him simply reschedule the meeting for another time, that is, in this case, you are shifting the organization of your date to him. The move is perfect because it is elegant.

Adalind Koss

Today's communication is becoming easier and more natural than before. This makes the problem of starting and maintaining communication easier. Today, one does not have to wait weeks or months for a response to a letter. Communication is accelerated, as well as the decision-making process in relationships. In other words, now in just a couple of minutes there is a chance to get a response from an interesting person, as well as certain actions. For this reason, be bold, which one you like first. Today, this does not surprise anyone, it is not considered reprehensible, since today's girls are in most cases bolder.

Simple ways to get a guy interested

So, consider simple ways to interest a member of the opposite sex:

the easiest option is to let him know that you want to get to know him. All representatives of the stronger sex are polygamous, so even if a guy has already found that one, he will definitely answer a message with a proposal for an acquaintance from a beautiful lady. At first it will be, but further communication is completely dependent on you;

if you mean a specifically unfamiliar man (with whom you want to get acquainted), then the main path is cunning. It is she who is not able to unravel even the most intelligent representatives of the stronger sex. Ask if he has a sister who went to some school. Or say that he looks too much like the brother of a friend you can't find. A man will certainly fall for such a reception. Of course, he will say that you were mistaken, but he has no sister. But this is not important, the main thing is that the conversation has begun. Then write about your own inattention, and also repent of a stupid mistake. Further correspondence will go by itself;

there is another effective method. Of course, it is not suitable for Vkontakte, but if you know the man's email address, then use this chance. Propose a meeting, specify the time and place. The man will definitely be shocked. When he passes the stupor from such a message, he will certainly answer. The next step is to act according to the situation. If he asks who wrote it, answer. If he says that this is unknown to him, say that he is pretending. After being surprised, he will understand that you mixed up the address, and will report this fact. But here again it is important to imagine the "unfortunate" girl who mixed up the address.

The girls are sure that the phrase “Hi. How are you?" unoriginal and banal that the current guys do not peck at this. But this is wrong. This is about the same if you write that you want to make an acquaintance. And all men, as already mentioned, are polygamous, and a simple “Hello” is not ignored. Perhaps out of curiosity, or perhaps to amuse himself. They are all selfish.

Such simple ways will help to get acquainted with a guy in correspondence. Then everything depends on you. But remember that in no situation is it worth remembering tact, not becoming intrusive. Don't make stupid spelling mistakes. While guys aren't usually the epitome of literacy, it's not worth the risk.

What to write to a man in SMS so that he answers

It is also important to know what to write to a man in SMS in order to encourage him to respond. But it is worth noting right away that it is too difficult to interest a stranger with one message. Many girls want to know the answer to just such a question. But there is only one way to get a man to respond to the first message. And this method is not the most decent, so we do not take it into account.

So, you got your lover's number (it doesn't matter how you got it). How to properly use this opportunity? Calling, of course, is scary. But this is not surprising, because you need to think about what to write in the message in order to encourage him to respond. The best option is "wrong number". It’s easier to do this with a phone, because just one wrong number - and the SMS will come just in time to the right addressee. There are many ways to adjust the dialogue:

propose a meeting, ask if he is going to a lecture on higher mathematics, whether he will share notes from the lecture, whether he will pick you up before work, etc. Turn on your fantasy, just ahead of time come up with a conversation plan, your own and his answers;
inform that the number was given to you by a friend that you want to chat with him. Only immediately, after his answer, take the conversation in a different direction, so that suddenly he is not interested in that “girlfriend”, and not your conversation;

another option is to send a smiley. This is an efficient and uncomplicated way. If a man is not a bore, he will certainly send a smiley in response. And you send him a new one, in accordance with what he answered. After a couple of such messages, he himself will ask something.

But limit yourself to neutral faces, do not send a variety of kisses or hugs. For initial communication, ordinary emoticons with a smile will suffice.

Acquaintance Vkontakte. What to text a guy

In the modern world, social networks are gaining great popularity. Getting to know Vkontakte makes you think about what to write to a guy in order to become interesting to him, to get an answer. Write the usual "Hi". He will most likely answer the same, because he will become curious about what you will do next.

Keep in mind that before writing to a stranger for the first time, it is important to clean up your own page. Delete all photos with ex-boyfriends, all bad shots and pretty girls. A potential boyfriend will first go to examine your personal information on the page in detail.

Another point, by all means, the avatar should have your photo, and not a picture from the Web. The man's interest immediately disappears. They certainly love the mystery, but not to that extent. He will wonder why you hide your face. And here there will be doubts about your attractiveness.

If you send a picture with meaning to a man on the Vkontakte wall, then most likely he will ask what you meant, ask you to help solve it. Do not send too original or intricate pictures, otherwise, the guy will be scared. Men do not like "misunderstandings", which is why they consider the female gender to be inhabitants of another planet. What is a subtle and understandable hint for women, for a man is a complex rebus.

What to text a guy after a fight

Then the question arises of what to write to a guy after a quarrel in order to make peace and get an answer. So let's look at some options:

send him kind words. For smoothing, it is worth writing ordinary messages like: “I think about you all the time”, “I miss you very much”, “Let's meet”. But this will not help if the man is offended by you strongly;
option with the message "Let's meet. We need to talk” is suitable if it is difficult to forget the problem that has arisen. In other words, when passions have passed, but the problem needs to be clarified;
if you are not concentrating on the question of who is to blame and who is right, then write like this: “Stupid situation. You are very dear to me. Can we reconcile?" or “I miss you so much. Let's meet and take a walk." These options are the best. They will show that it is important for you to maintain a relationship with a man, and not to sort it out.

If you write to a man after a quarrel, then both of you must be in a sober mind. Do not conduct such conversations on the negative, with the heat of emotions. It will be possible to make peace only when you finally calm down, therefore it is worth having patience.

What to write to an ex boyfriend to get an answer

The question of what to write to an ex-boyfriend is quite complicated. Here the main problem is to understand whether he should write at all. First of all, it is worth remembering your breakup, who took the initiative, why it happened. Maybe you should not write anything to him at all, because a broken vase cannot be glued together. But if you decide to take this step, stepping over your own principles and pride, then listen to these tips:

Don't text right after a breakup. Let him think. Even if you want to return it again, then this is done unobtrusively and carefully. It’s better to write the usual after a few weeks/months: “Hi. What's up? We haven't corresponded for a long time." By this you will demonstrate that you do not remember grievances (even if the situation is exactly the opposite), you will not beg him to return;
in addition, if in the past you are both, and the guy is not the worst person, then he will certainly answer you. After that, write that everything is fine with you, tell the news about mutual acquaintances. In other words, defuse the situation from the very beginning. It turns out that you will not go on the offensive right away.

If you feel that a man only unsubscribes with on-duty offers, is not interested in you, does not ask about anything, then there is no place for you in his fate, another one has taken him. Do not threaten him or be intrusive, as do too "smart" girls. This is not the way. In fact, he is not the last guy on the planet, if you broke up, then it was necessary. Lucky someone else. Stay proud, appreciate yourself, your own dignity.

Typical female mistakes. What not to write

There are typical mistakes of women in correspondence with men:


If he is not interested in your message, do not be annoying, do not write the same thing 150 times, do not beat the guy. Behave like a woman, pretend that it doesn't matter to you at all. A man will not be interested if you pursue him. The next letter should be written only if he answers. Don't send a bunch of emails at once.

Messages like: "Why aren't you answering?", "Where are you??", "Why are you missing again?" forget at all. Men are not interested in them.


Write messages correctly. A person cannot see you, he will appreciate your writing style, accuracy.


You should not immediately call a man gentle words like “Kolenka”, “bunny”, “sun”. This creates the wrong impression right away. Also, don't come up with joking nicknames. What seems funny and cute to you can easily offend a person.

Do not lisp, do not write snotty messages to him. You are not his mother, such excessive care repels guys. Take an interest in his affairs without excessive aspiration, but with interest.

Do not create false opinions about yourself from the first message, they will disappear at the first meeting. Stay sincere. It is the right choice for every situation.

Focus on one's own person.

Do not talk only about yourself and do not write long messages. In each letter, ask him a few questions, and also comment on the answers. Men need a sincere interest in them. Constant “But I ...” will not lead to constructive and fruitful communication.

There are many options to interest a guy and start communication. The main thing is to properly take advantage of the chance and not goof off. All in your hands. Follow simple tips, and you will certainly meet the man you like, become interesting to him.

March 3, 2014, 10:45 am

Ask questions about his hobbies. Think of things you know he's interested in and steer the conversation in that direction. This way, he will have a chance to show you who he really is, and this will allow you to build communication on a deeper level. Remember to keep the tone of the conversation light and playful so you don't feel too serious.

  • If, for example, you know that he likes sports, you can ask him what are his favorite teams, what are their successes this year. Ask how long and why he likes these teams so much.
  • You can start asking him about pets, favorite TV shows, about lessons and activities, about where he happened to be.
  • Show where you agree by saying something like: "Yes, I feel the same way!" for that;)"
  • To keep a guy on his toes, tease him a little. A lot of guys love the idea of ​​a "challenge," so teasing will make him want your approval even more. Be witty and funny to keep the guy interested and get him excited about what you'll say next.

    • For example, if he is going to play basketball with his friends, you can say something like: "Try to hit the basket this time! :P"
    • If you are sitting next to each other at lunch, you can write to him a little later: "I saw that today you brought a cooked lunch with you! This time it looked edible..;)"
    • Make fun of him only in minor things. Don't tease him about his family, looks, political views, or other personal topics, especially if you're just getting to know each other.
  • Talk about what you do in your free time. You want to show that you are interested in his life, but do not focus only on him! Mention yourself as well to interest him and get him to ask you questions.

    • Show the guy that you have your own life - this will make you even more interesting and mysterious in his eyes.
    • For example, if a guy tells you about a pet, you could say, "I've never had a dog, and I feel like I'm a 100% cat person... Though maybe I could change my mind ;)"
  • Don't get carried away with emoticons and exclamation marks. Sending a guy too many emojis and exclamation marks makes you seem too expressive and maybe even aggressive. It's okay to insert different emoji into messages from time to time, but try not to send more than one emoji and exclamation mark in the same message.

    • Once you understand what style this guy is used to communicating in, you can send him a little more emoji and behave more emotionally. But at the beginning of communication, behave with restraint.
    • If you feel like you're overdoing it a little, you probably are. Even if you're not sure about it, it's best to be a little calmer so you don't overdo it.
    • You can also occasionally send the guy funny pictures or Gifs, but again, don't overdo it! These cute additions are great fun, but in small amounts!
  • Do not analyze his short messages for too long. Even if you get a very restrained response like "ok" - don't panic! There can be many reasons why a guy couldn't send you a longer message (or couldn't reply at all), so stay calm! Put your phone away for a while and do something else to distract yourself.

    • Some guys take longer to respond to a message, so try to control your emotions and expectations until you realize how quickly he is used to responding to messages.
    • When he finally answers you, don't ask him why he took so long to answer you, or you'll look like you need a relationship. Show him that you are not embarrassed, that you are relaxed and feel great; continue the conversation as if nothing had happened.
    • Guys are attracted to confident girls, so the best thing you can do is be yourself!
    • Remember, no matter how perfect the conversation is, nothing will work out between you if you are different.
  • You do not know, what to say to a guy to make him fall in love? So this article is for you. Some girls are used to complaining about the lack of attention and love from their boyfriends. However, the question is, what do these girls do for their boyfriends to keep them interested and make them feel comfortable in a relationship? There is one golden rule: if you want to get something, you must give it in return. According to this, it is obvious that both partners need to work on their relationship!

    Do you want to be on your boyfriend's mind all the time? Do you want him to be happy with you? Do you want your loved one to always be in a good mood? Don't know what to say to cheer him up? The solution to all problems related to your boyfriend's bad mood and lack of attention is to say a few words to him so that he smiles and falls in love with you even more!

    How to say nice things to a guy

    Most importantly, the words must come from the heart. When you don't stress out talking about your feelings. You express them. It's captivating right away. A man will feel that you are not afraid of him. Don't be afraid to open up. Show your real self. It immediately evokes feelings.

    On the other hand, you should not overwhelm your loved one with compliments. It is best to say something at the most opportune moment. When he is emotionally ready for it. In this case, it will work the most. One cute phrase will make your heart beat faster, make it a day, and help create an atmosphere of love between you.

    What to say to a guy to make him fall in love - phrases

    #2 Every time you do little surprises for me, I think how cool you are. With you, every day is unpredictable and amazing.

    #3 Relationships full of romance and love last a lifetime. Even if your boyfriend knows how much you love and cherish him, sending a romantic message won't be redundant.

    #4 One cute text will make your heart beat faster, fill your day with positive and help create a loving atmosphere between you and your significant other.

    #5 You owe me a pack of sleeping pills. Do you know why? Ever since I saw you, I have lost sleep.

    #6 Magic is not in fairy tales, magic is between our hearts and souls.

    #7 Even on a cloudy day, your smile can make my day bright and happy. You are my sun.

    #8 I fell in love with you when you took my hand for the first time. It was the first time I experienced such a strong feeling.

    #9 When you feel lonely, look at the sky: our hearts are connected by an invisible thread that helps you feel my love even from a distance.

    #10 I think that a new synonym for "love" should appear in dictionaries, this synonym is your name.

    #11 Three things in life I can watch forever: when the fire burns, the water flows and how you sleep. You are wonderful.

    #12 The secret of my happiness is my love for you, it charges me with vital energy.

    #13 You destroyed all my ideas about love, brought chaos to my heart and happiness to my life. I am very glad that this happened.

    #14 With you, I feel like a princess, and I feel sorry for other girls, because I have the best man.

    #15 We don't need words to communicate, our souls speak. I love you with all my heart.

    #16 That evening, when we were walking under the stars, and you covered my shoulders with your jacket, I realized that I fell in love with you completely and irrevocably.

    #17 Your kisses intoxicate more than wine, and I forget about everything.

    #18 I used to think that I couldn't live without chocolate, good music and beautiful flowers. But when I met you, I realized that I can't live without you.

    #19 You created heaven on earth for me. You my angel.

    #20 The happiest moment of my life was when we kissed and hugged in the rain. Nothing else mattered except this moment and us in it.

    Now you know what to say to a guy to make him fall in love. You can also come up with your own original phrases that best suit your state of mind. Good luck!

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