Home natural farming Layer with base stations for google earth. Google Earth - travel tips and tricks. This feature includes

Layer with base stations for google earth. Google Earth - travel tips and tricks. This feature includes

Earth, or Google Planet Earth, service is enough
known. At the same time, it is more often perceived as purely entertaining,
staying in the shadow of the standard maps
Google . Indeed, for, let's say,
social life, ordinary maps are much more convenient: here are places, and routes, and
travel planning, and more. However,
Google Earth There are many unique tools
to which many curious people simply do not reach their hands. Time to fix this
injustice and figure out how to get the most out of the service. We are not
let's get stuck on general information about
Google Earth , and immediately go to the most
interesting tools and use cases. Well, little tricks -
what about without them.

This service is still
now clearly imprisoned for work on "personal computers". Both web service and local
clients in their functionality are much stronger than mobile versions. By the way,
I'll tell you a little trick right away. As is known, Google Earth relies on constant
Internet connection. However, you can work without the Network. The fact is that
the program can cache up to 2 GB of its data on the local computer. Cache
changes dynamically so that
Google Earth a simple trick works quite well,
familiar to all users of standard maps
Google : open the location we need when
live Internet, we walk a little around the district, turn on the necessary display options.
All relevant data is uploaded correctly. Later, when the network is
unavailable, it will be possible to work with the downloaded information.

Key purpose Google Earth , if it is characterized by one
in a word, research. Everyday tasks are better solved with the help of ordinary
kart. But to analyze data, learn interesting facts and discover
oneself new about the Earth is better precisely in
Google Earth . This is not just an interactive map.

Because Google Earth essentially a virtual globe, an important
part of the job is easy navigation. There are many receivers here. Try it
for example, move the map with the right mouse button pressed or play with the compass
in the upper right corner of the map. You can orient the map to the north by pressing the key
N " on keyboard.
Rotate the map with the mouse wheel while holding the button
ctrl . Losing orientation, you can always
return to the standard view by double-clicking on the "Main database" item
in the Layers sidebar. The map switches to the standard view when
search activation.

Useful to customize
starting location, which will be the starting point of the map each time
opening the program, and will also be used when laying routes. For
To do this, open the desired location on the map and select the menu item "View" item "Make
my starting point." Such custom points are saved as a list on
the Tags panel.

Interestingly done
a tool for measuring distances. The ruler bar shows the distance in
different units of measurement both on the map and on the real surface of the Earth, and
See also the direction from the origin in degrees. The most interesting is the creation
way. The corresponding options are collected on the panel tab of the same name
ruler tool. The laid routes are saved in the user
section. Then right-clicking on the saved path and selecting "Properties"
you can get acquainted with the profile of the elevation difference along the road, look at the panel
"Photoguide" examples of pictures of the area along the selected path. It's already quite
useful and practical information when planning, for example, a hiking trip.

original mode
map view - flight simulator. You can choose a conditionally jet fighter
or a light piston aircraft, a starting point and a few other settings, after
why go on a virtual flight. As with any simulator,
Having a joystick helps a lot. Management, though not hardcore-realistic,
but quite strict. So that you do not waste time looking for help, immediately
I will say that the roll and pitch control is carried out with the arrow keys.
By adding to them Shift , we get the course control. You can step on the gas with the key Page up.

most powerful and
wonderful tool Google Planet Earth is layers. They are different from those
which can be seen in simple maps
Google . The sooner you get comfortable with them,
the more pleasure you will get from working with
Google Earth . Applying different layers completely
changes the perception of the picture and gives a lot of information for analysis, because
data for layers is loaded in real time from a set
sources. Available layers are collected on the panel of the same name. At the same time you can
include as many layers as you like, as long as the computer and the network pull the display
the required amount of data.

Perhaps the most
known layers Google Earth These are photographs and three-dimensional models of buildings. First of
they are familiar to all users of conventional Google maps: these are photographs that have
georeferenced to the area you are currently viewing
moment. 3D building models are an original feature. They are built like
automatically, based on the analysis of satellite and other images, and manually.
Models, though low-poly, but quite recognizable and funny. IN
As a result, for example, you can feel like an architect and appreciate one or
a different city in terms of the compatibility of buildings, harmony of views and features
layouts. Or just take a virtual walk. As opposed to viewing
streets on maps
Google , here you can change the angle of view, scale and use
other functions specific to 3D models. Due
automating the creation of models based on high-altitude images, the service succeeded
"build up" a lot more settlements than it was a few years ago
back. Known objects are modeled separately, with greater accuracy and better detail.
Google Earth there are a large number of virtual tours of such
recreated in 3
D attractions.

In addition to the standard
"Photos" has several additional, clarifying layers. For example,
layers Panoramio and 360 Cities containing, among other things, highly detailed
panorama shots. Layers
Gigapxl and Gigapan provide access to filmed on special cameras in
really high resolution photos of sights and nature
Canada and USA. Layers
Panoramio and 360 Cities also contain large panorama shots, but already
covering all corners of the globe. Layers are not limited to cities and
attractions. How do you like, for example, layers with webcam broadcasts or
a whole selection of layers related to various global problems? drop by
in the Gallery section of the Layers panel. Just do it in your spare time
since the risk of hanging out studying it for a long time, believe me, is very high.

Special mention
deserve layers updated in real time. synoptic layer
"Weather" will give information about the temperature, show cloudiness and visualize
weather radar data. Data is dynamically loaded both on the layers of transport and
road traffic.

One of the most
interesting types of layers are mashups. For example, Lit trips links together maps and places,
mentioned in various literary works. A number of
"brand" layers made by organizations. Very interesting to watch
layers from
National Geographic and NASA . There is a layer connecting points on
map with related Wikipedia articles. There are mashups with relevant
economic and social data.

Historical mashups Google Earth This is a truly unique instrument.
With their help, you can turn the service into a virtual time machine. Is not
only educational, but also practical. The fact is that
Google Earth stores not only current
satellite images and ground-based photographs of a certain area, but also
materials relating to their state in the past. This is the important
different from regular maps that show only the latest data,
replacing the previous ones. If you collapse the photo guide tape, it becomes visible
a small modest button with dates for which pictures are available open in
this moment of the area. Somewhere you can rewind back a couple of years, somewhere
counting for decades. You can manage dates using the slider. Interesting
observe construction and destruction, changes in terrain and changing times
of the year. Studies of regions are especially illustrative and instructive.
natural disasters and hostilities. If desired, in blogs dedicated to
civic and independent journalism, you can find guides to transcribing
and cross-checking such information from the Google service.

History lovers
You'll also like the Ramsey Historical Maps layer. This is a vast collection
digitized maps made in XVII - early XX century and superimposed on models Google Earth . There are present as whole cards
regions, such as Asia in
XVIII century, as well as maps of individual cities, and in different
century. If such a historical map is available for a locality, it
the corresponding icon is displayed.

Separate operating mode
Google Planet
Earth - "Tours". In fact, these are travel videos that consistently
introduce us to a certain area or sights. Finished
there are quite a lot of tours, they are allocated in a separate catalog-collection. In such
mode, for example, you can get acquainted with the world's most famous skyscrapers,
mountain peaks and many other objects. A similar tour can be made and
on your own: since this is just a recorded video, there are no special skills
required, it is enough to have an interesting idea, a common artistic
taste and sense of proportion. So if you suddenly want to capture in the Google database
Earth hometown or neighborhood of your favorite country shed,
find the necessary coordinates on the map, think over the scenario and click on the button
"Record Video Tour", which is located on the top toolbar of Google
Planet Earth. Then move around the map in accordance with your scenario and
a sense of beauty. The video can be supplemented with an audio recording, preferably with a story about
given area or object.

Another possibility with
pleasure and benefit to do homework inside Google Earth – making your own three-dimensional
object models that are not yet represented in the service database. As already said,
many 3D objects are built automatically, by extrusion, based on
pictures from above. Naturally, the quality of such generated models is not very good.
high. Often there are errors and distortions of proportions. Rectify the situation
you can do it yourself by making the desired model and sending it to the database
Google Earth . This will require a set
snapshots of the selected object, they will be used as textures, and
free app
Google SketchUp , in which the actual
three-dimensional model. In principle, other editors can also be used. IN
as a shaping basis, the coordinates found in
Google Earth high-altitude photographs of the object.
Sent to
Google models are reviewed by experts and, if done
carefully, are added to the public 3D layer with a link to the author and
information about the software used.

Within Google Planet Earth can be created and
own maps, save them in the format
kml and share with others
users. True, they are not as practical in everyday life as
custom work in regular maps
Google . Drawing tools and padding
there's not much to go here. Make your cards for
Google Earth makes sense only if
unique features and layers of this service are used. In particular, they
great for mashups and projects where 3D objects are important and

In conclusion, I note
what Google Earth is a live project that is constantly updated with new
data. So new discoveries are possible literally the next after
last visit day. It is no coincidence that there are several projects and blogs,
keeping track of all sorts of curiosities associated with
Google Earth.

Every traveler knows that without a map it is impossible to build your route correctly. And without an on-line map, it is difficult to prepare for future travel.

Today's review is dedicated to a handy tool - Google Earth or Google Earth.

This is a program that is installed on your PC and runs under the operating system Windows, Mac and even Linux. That is, you can install this handy travel tool on any computer.

The most important and popular questions about working with Google Earth:

1. How to download the Russian version of Google Earth for free?

By the way, you can download Google Earth PRO version - this is an improved version of Planet Earth with additional bonuses that a simple program does not offer.

What is the difference between Google Earth and Google Earth PRO PRO is additional tools, new layers, high resolution printing and work with geo-information systems. See the screenshot as Google explains it.

2. How to download Google Earth PRO for free?

3. How much does Google Earth cost?

And the best news is that you don't have to pay for Google Earth. This is a free Google product.

4. How to change or get Google Earth in Russian?

All you need is to switch to the required interface language - menu Tools - Settings - General tab - Language settings - select Russian in the drop-down list.

If you have an English version of Google Earth - go to the menu - Tools - General- Languages ​​​​- Russian

5. How to get GPS coordinates in Planet Earth?

In order to take the coordinates, you can add the necessary marker to the map. Thus, you "kill several birds with one stone." You get the coordinates and you can save a label to remember it on future trips.

How it's done?

When you select a yellow marker and place it on the map, the coordinates will dynamically change in the new open window if you want to move the marker.

In addition to GPS coordinates, you can add additional information to your marker - a photo, a link, and even change the format of a visual marker. All settings are stored in tabs (tabs) of the drop-down window.

Well, then you will save markers in the Google Earth properties to quickly go to the place you need. I think it's very convenient and fast!

To somehow structure your labels, I recommend using thematic folders. For example, if I go to a country, I create a folder with its name and put the labels I need there.

6. How to create a folder in Google Earth?

Go to the labels section and press the right mouse button. Then from the drop-down menu Add - Folder

By the way, you do not have to flip through the pages of the program. You can use the search for objects to quickly find the desired area. For example, if you need Lake Balaton - just type in the name. Google Earth will do the rest for you. It will set a label, move the map and show the necessary information, and even save the folder and label to the partition.

To clean up the labels you can use drag and drop or drag and drop. To move a label, simply select it and, without releasing the mouse, drag it to the required folder. Then release the mouse button.

7. How to measure distance in Google Earth?

Use the ruler tool.

Specify a line that will measure the required distance. Click the mouse to set the start point of the line and with the second click specify the second point where the measurement line will end.

In the drop-down box, you can select the required units of measurement - for example, from cm to km or even feet, yards.

If you need to measure the area of ​​a selected object and use more complex calculations, I recommend setting yourself Google Earth PRO.

First, it's free

Secondly, you get access to most of the exclusive features that Google has to offer.

For example, if you need to measure the area of ​​a selected object, you can use a polygon.

Video instruction for using Google Earth

How else is Planet Earth useful for tourists and travelers?

The ability to bind the weather to the place you are viewing.

This is done through the inclusion of an additional layer in the program - "Weather"

By the way, this is a useful thing for predicting the weather for all the countries where you are going to go. If you "rise" a little above the planet, you will be able to see the movement of the fronts. Therefore, you can already stock up on an umbrella and a raincoat if atmospheric fronts hang over the country.

It will help you visually get acquainted with the map from different sources in different dimensions: panoramas, tracks and other additional information.

Another quick way to get familiar with the area you're heading to is to explore the map from the photos of the people who uploaded and tied them to the desired point.

This option of preliminary acquaintance helped me more than once when preparing for a trip if I could not find a detailed map of what is around. The people themselves helped me and showed me all the details of the route through the photo. This is especially critical if we are talking about areas where Google-mobile did not reach to make a 3D map.

A very handy feature is the ability to "rotate" the Google Earth map 360 degrees. This is very useful for presenting your route. This is done through special controls that are placed in the upper right corner of the map.


I don't write off Yandex maps And Google Maps. They should also be in your travel bag.

but Google Earth- this is another additional tool that expands the horizons for those who want to prepare thoughtfully and in detail for the trip and find out the place where they will go.

In addition, this is a Google product that is tightly integrated with other related resources, which gives you unlimited access to additional sources, such as photos, videos, diagrams, maps, stats, weather, and a lot of useful information for tourists.

Definitely install on your PC!

It can show us in all details practically any point of the Earth. We can visit any continent, wander through the streets of cities. Using , we can look at the world not only from above, but also at an angle, and get closer to the surface so that even human figures are visible.

But by downloading the Google Earth program, you will get even more opportunities. You will be able to dive to the bottom of the oceans, visit the Moon and Mars, go back in time, and see what our cities looked like before. You can travel to space, and even create your own universe.

These new features will be discussed.

First you need to download the Google Earth program.

Go to this link, click on the button Download Google Earth , download and install the program. A shortcut to the program appears on the desktop. You can also find it via the button Start - All Programs - Google Earth , and run from there, or, if necessary, delete.

When you run this program, you will see the globe in the workspace, which can be rotated by grabbing it with the left mouse button. You can zoom in or out by scrolling the mouse wheel.

Pressing a key ctrl, you can use the left mouse button to turn yourself relative to the Earth, so that not the Earth, but space will be visible: stars and nebulae. And with the key Shift You first fix a point on the surface of the Earth and then rotate the Earth around that point.

You can also rotate the planet, as well as change the scale, using the slider on the right, and the buttons above the slider.

Below are the pictures: they are constantly changing, depending on which part of the Earth you are looking at, and how close to the surface you are.

Using the mouse wheel, you can approach objects as close as possible, and then, while holding down the ctrl, turn around themselves in any direction, and continue to move further in the chosen direction. By turning the wheel, or by grabbing the screen with the left mouse button, you move forward and backward. Using ctrl, you unfold, and using Shift, You can move around the selected point. It turns out a complete illusion of movement in three-dimensional space. When you perform such manipulations, sometimes a button appears at the top: Exiting Ground Level View , that is, you are on the surface of the Earth, and not above it. That is, figuratively speaking, you are stuck to its surface, and you cannot rise above it. To go back to view from a height, you will have to click on this button at the top.

So you are interested in visiting the mountains, above the cities, and even under water, at the bottom of the sea or ocean. At the same time, the coordinates of the place on the map where the cursor is located will be constantly visible in the lower part of the map: latitude and longitude, as well as height above sea level. It will also be written from what height you survey the surroundings.

When approaching the surface of the Earth, a figure of a little man appears above the scale slider. This means that you can drag it to the map and put it on the site that interests you. This will take you to the ground level view. You can exit this mode by pressing the button at the top. Sometimes when you move a little man, you get not just to the surface of the Earth, but to street view, where you can move around the streets and look in any direction you like. To go to another location, click on it to turn around, grab the screen with the left mouse button, and use the wheel to move forward and backward. To exit this view mode, click on the button at the top close street view .

To find the object you need, you can use the search, which is located at the top of the menu. Enter the name of the area, country, city, street where you want to visit in the search box and press the button Search. Menu items can be collapsed and expanded by clicking on the triangles in front of the item names.

You can click the link Get directions , and set the start and end points of the route. You can choose between car, public transport, walking and cycling. And you will see the best route, distance and estimated time to overcome. After that, you can click on the cross at the bottom, and delete the result.

One of the most interesting features of the Google Earth program is the ability to use labels. Labels are located in the left menu below the item Search. There are default labels called Sightseeing Tour in the folder My tags. Having opened them, you can get to any of the attractions in the list by double-clicking on its name. You can also select an entire folder Sightseeing tour and click on the icon at the bottom right Play video tour .

You can make your marks so that you can quickly get to the places of the Earth you need. To do this, click on the icon Add label , which is located above the map and looks like a yellow hairpin with a plus sign. Choose a place for the label, and write its name. The label appears at the point Tags in the left menu. If desired, you can change the folder in which the label is located using a simple drag and drop. Now, by double-clicking on this mark, you immediately get to the right place on Earth.

To the left of the icons Add label icon is located Hide/Show Sidebar . By clicking on this icon, you can hide or show the left menu again.

This, of course, is not all the possibilities of the wonderful Google Earth program. The following articles will continue the review, in particular. You will learn how to use this program and also look into the past.

Video on how to work with Google Earth

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