Home perennial flowers Diet drinking day vegetable drinking fruit. Favorite diet: essence, rules, menu for the week. Allowed and prohibited products

Diet drinking day vegetable drinking fruit. Favorite diet: essence, rules, menu for the week. Allowed and prohibited products

The apple diet is recognized as the most effective and economical, because it allows you to lose extra pounds in a few days without any special financial costs. In addition, a large amount of fruit consumed will nourish the body with useful microelements, the deficiency of which can form with prolonged use of other methods.

However, only those who are really ready to show restraint for the sake of a slender figure will be able to master this kind of test. Any mono-diet seems difficult due to the lack of nutritional diversity.

Menu for 7 days

The principle of operation of this system is very simple: if you eat only apples for 7 days, the body will receive a limited amount of kilocalories and, accordingly, lose weight.

Calorie content of apples depending on the size

The difficulty lies in the fact that these fruits cause appetite . Against the background of food monotony, such a factor serves as an additional test, which not everyone can endure.

That is why nutritionists do not prohibit drinking a day about 2 liters of water and interrupt cravings for food with a handful unsweetened crackers.

The indicated amount of fruit must be divided into 3 or 4 servings and eaten in several doses.

Apple diet for weight loss for 7 days is as follows:

  • Monday:

The norm for the entire period is a kilogram of apples and, if desired, several cups of green tea. Sugar is strictly prohibited. If, without habit, hunger becomes unbearable, it is not forbidden to satisfy it with a couple of small crackers.

  • Tuesday:

The number of apples can be increased up to 1.5 kg. Tea and crackers are allowed to be supplemented with water.

  • Wednesday and Thursday:

Crackers and tea are not allowed, but apples - 2 kg each.

  • Friday:

Apples - 1.5 kg, tea and water.

  • Saturday:

Everything is like on Monday - 1 kilogram of apples, tea, water, but without crackers.

  • Sunday:

A kilogram of apples and "control scales".

If all the rules of the diet are followed, by the weekend it will be possible to reset 7 kg . The color of the apples doesn't matter. The main thing is to like the fruits themselves and not be too sour.

Menu for 3 days

Exists two alternative types apple diets calculated for 3 days:
  1. It is allowed to eat 1.5 kg of fruit daily in six doses and drink 1.5 liters of water. If hunger becomes unbearable, you can supplement the menu with rye crackers.
  2. The second method of losing weight is less complicated, because it allows five meals a day using other products.

First day

Second day

Third day

  1. Apple, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, bread;
  2. Prepare a drink from grated apple, cinnamon, lemon juice and kefir (150 gr.);
  3. For boiled chicken (100 gr.), Serve a sauce for taste, which includes a chopped apple and bell pepper, as well as 2 tsp. sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon, salt and some water;
  4. An Apple;
  5. For a salad of apple, raisins, 2 carrots and a slice of cheese, prepare an unsweetened milk sauce.

For lovers of baked apples

This method is great for those who want to lose weight, but can not last a week using only fresh fruit. For them, nutritionists have developed three weight loss options. on baked apples:
  1. For 7 days, you can eat only this delicacy and drink water. The task seems difficult, but given that fruits are allowed to be cooked in the oven with various fillers (raisins, dried apricots, honey, cinnamon, nuts), then exposure should be enough;
  2. A kilogram of baked apples during the day should be washed down with unsweetened milk drinks;
  3. If the first two options seem overwhelming, use the third. In the morning you can afford boiled vegetables and chicken, and then only apples and water.

You can use this system once every 2 or 3 months. Subject to the rules, in 5 or a maximum of 7 days it will be possible to reset up to 5 kg.

It is better to start with the third option, gradually moving to the first. The method is also useful in that it favorably affects the work of the heart, as well as the digestive tract.

Apples on a diet - is it possible?

Apple fasting is one of the most popular weight loss methods. The excellent taste and richness of useful trace elements make it possible to include these fruits in the menu of a wide variety of diets. However, the abundance of acids does not have the best effect on the well-being of people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For them, baked apples are suitable.

Do not welcome this kind of diet and dentists. In their opinion, the same fruit acid adversely affects the integrity tooth enamel. It is also not necessary to “rescue yourself” by immediately brushing your teeth after taking fruit, because this will only worsen the problem. But there is a way out. After eating, it is enough to rinse the mouth with plain warm water or finish an apple breakfast with a small piece of cheese.

In general, it is better to get acquainted with such nuances from a doctor who has a dilemma: “Can I eat apples on a diet?” will help you decide based on the individual characteristics of your body.

Unloading on water and apples

No more than twice a week, you can practice a diet of apples and water. This method allows you to lose up to 5 kg within a month, but it requires a lot of endurance. An approximate diagram looks like this:

Alternative option: menu for the week

The apple diet is unique in that it helps to fill the body with the maximum amount of useful pectin and lose weight. Nutritionists have developed many techniques to solve both of these problems.

One of the ways will interest those who are ready to gather their will into a fist for weight loss per 10 kg . The system assumes three meals a day. According to experts, with its help you can lose weight up to 2 kg per day .

During the week, you can drink water, herbal infusions and green tea. In severe hunger, it is allowed to eat an additional amount of fruit.

  • Monday

  • Tuesday
  1. Together with apples (3 pcs.), it is allowed to eat unsalted rice porridge without oil;
  2. Rice should be seasoned with applesauce;
  3. Some rice (1/2 plate).
  • Wednesday
  1. Apples (2 pcs.) and ½ cup of cottage cheese;
  2. Straws chopped apples are soaked in lemon juice and added to cottage cheese. For taste, you can put some nuts and honey on the plate;
  3. Cottage cheese (50 gr.).
  • Thursday

  • Friday
  1. A mixture of carrots and beets. Vegetables need to be cooked;
  2. In a plate with hercules, put boiled beets and a hard-boiled egg;
  3. Grated carrots (unlimited), seasoned with honey.
  • Saturday:

Monday menu.

  • Sunday:

Now in the world there are many fruit diets, but the apple one is the most widespread.

The duration of the diet is 7 days, the effectiveness is up to minus seven kilograms.

Diet in a short period of time brings back to normal metabolism of nutrients.

Apples contain almost all minerals, vitamins, folic acid, iron, sugar, pectin. They give the body energy, strength.

Previously, apples were used to treat atherosclerosis, rheumatism, gout, eczema, and skin diseases.

Apples help to strengthen nails, hair, improve eyesight.

The apple contains substances who help It is good for the body to absorb iron from other foods.

If every day you eat at least one an Apple , you extend yourself life, rejuvenate your body. Indeed, an apple contains polyphenol epicatechin - a special element that improves the process of blood circulation, normalizes the work of the heart, boosting immunity preventing development of a stroke, heart attack, and other heart diseases.

help you lose weight fast. According to the diet, we only eat apples (they can be combined with other products - cottage cheese, cereals, eggs). With the observance of simple recommendations, you can quickly lose weight.

Advantages and disadvantages apple diet


    An apple contains vitamin A, vitamins of groups B, H, PP, C, minerals - potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine, plus fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines and remove toxins. As well as glucose and fructose, providing a feeling of satiety.

    Apple has diuretic properties, remove excess water from the body, accumulating in the form of edema.

    Eating apples improves of cardio-vascular system .

    Apples are available all year round, it is desirable to eat apples growing in our latitudes.

    With the help of apples fast lose weight - in ten days you can throw off ten - twelve kilograms.

    apple diet helps get rid of certain diseases: kidney disease ( eat grated sweet an Apple two days), hypertension (within two days we eat one and a half kilograms fresh apples per day), with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, the presence edema, we follow the witch-apple diet within five days.


    Diet is not balanced, i.e.. limited quantity nutrients (fats, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins). Therefore, with the appearance of any ailment, weakness - stop dieting.

    If the diet lasts more than three days, you need to drink vitamins.

    It's better not to eat apples people with stomach ulcers, high acidity. After all, they irritate the mucous membrane.

    During compliance apple diet cannot be used for ofe. The combination of these products may develop astritis.

Instead of a block diet, you can observe fasting days on apples several times a week.

But, remember: sour apples should not be eaten with diseases of the duodenum and stomach.

Unloading days on apples

This is a short term diet. lasts one day. She cleans the body from toxins, helps to lose weight - up to one and a half kilograms. To bring the metabolism back to normal, weight loss must be observed fasting days several times a week.

There are several in options unloading days:

1. We eat a couple of kilograms of apples a day.

2. We eat no more per day one and a half kilograms apples, drink clean water, green tea.

3. Eat an apple every two hours and drink ½ glass kefir.

4. We eat as many apples as we can drink up to three liters water.

Who is the diet for?

    For people suffering from constipation - an apple weakens,

    People who smoke, because it dulls addiction to nicotine.

Apple diet - menu

Apple diet - menu

Day 1 - 1 kg of apples, a couple of glasses of unsweetened green tea, a couple of crackers.

Day 2 - 1.5 kg I block, tea, a couple of crackers, water.

Days 3, 4 - 2 kg I block, up to two liters of water,

Day 5 - 1.5 kg apples, up to two liters water , a couple glasses of unsweetened greens tea .

Day 6 - 1 kg of apples, a couple of glasses of unsweetened green tea I, up to two liters water .

Day 7 is the same.

Exit from the diet: gradual.

The diet can be repeated after three months.

3 day apple diet

We drink in a day one and a half liters of water s, eat one and a half kilograms apples. But, there and another version of this diet (sparing):

Day 1:

Breakfast order: apple, twenty grams cottage cheese, rye bread.

2-th breakfast: rye bread, apple.

Dinner we eat: salad (fish, apple, orange, celery, dressing - lemon juice).

We have a snack: apple, twenty grams cottage cheese.

Dinner we eat: apple, cucumber, thirty grams of hard cheese.

Day 2:

Breakfast order: thirty grams m yusli from oatmeal, grated apple, half a glass of milk.

2-th breakfast: apple.

Dinner we eat: about the boat (one egg, 5 tablespoons of milk, twenty five grams flour, apple).

We have a snack: apple, half glass natural yogurt.

Dinner we eat: an apple, half a banana, 3 tbsp. boiled rice.

Day 3:

Breakfast we eat: forty grams of cottage cheese, an apple.

2-th breakfast: with approx one apple, half a glass of low fat kefir.

Dinner order: one hundred grams of boiled chicken, sauce (grated apple + lemon juice).

Snack: apple.

Dinner we eat: with alat (apple, carrot, raisins, twenty grams of cheese).

The diet is strict. While complying, you can feel unwell.

Efficiency - up to minus eight kilograms per week.

You can’t go in for sports while dieting - this is a big burden on the body!

You can drink: water, unsweetened green tea .


Day 1, Day 7: Eat on a kilogram of apples; days 2 - 6 - eat up to two kilograms of apples a day.

Apple-kefir diet for 7 days

Efficiency - up to minus six k ilogram.

Diet: ten apples a day + a liter of kefir.

We alternate meals: we eat two apples, and an hour later, half a glass of kefir.

You can drink: water, unsweetened green tea.

Apple-kefir diet for 9 days

The diet is strict, but effective - up to minus ten kilograms of excess weight.


Days 1, 2, 3 - one and a half liters of kefir every day;

Days 3, 4, 5 - one and a half kilograms fresh apples per day;

Days 6 - 9 - one and a half liters of kefir every day.

Side effects of the diet: worsening health, dizziness, stomach pain (in this case, stop dieting and go to the doctor).

You can’t go in for sports while dieting - this is a big burden on the body!

Kefir-apple diet

Helps not only to lose weight, but also to improve impaired health (during a difficult environmental situation in the region, when working in a dangerous work - for example, a welder, with recent illness (which caused severe immunosuppression) with long term intake antibiotics, etc.

The duration of the diet is 7 days, efficiency - up to minus six k ilogram.

Diet: up to one and a half kilogram of green apples per day.

For breakfast, 2nd breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, two hours before bedtime we eat 1 apple and after 30 minutes we drink it 1/2 glasses of low-fat kefir. Can be skipped any of the meals without damage.

You can drink: unsweetened green tea, non-carbonated mineral water.

Apple-buckwheat diet

Duration - from five to seven days.

There are the following options for this diet:

1. Boil porridge from a glass of buckwheat, divide it into two meals (breakfast, dinner). Eat a kilo throughout the day apples.

2. Cook porridge from a glass of buckwheat, divide it into three meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), add to portion grated apple.

3. The above portion of porridge and apples alternate throughout day.

You can’t go in for sports while dieting - this is a big burden on the body!

Cottage cheese-apple diet for weight loss

The diet is not balanced.

The duration of the diet is 7 days, the effectiveness is up to minus four kilograms.

You can repeat the diet after at least two months.

Diet: per day 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, two kilograms of green apples.

You can drink: water, unsweetened green tea.

You can’t go in for sports while dieting - this is a big burden on the body!

Carrot-apple diet

Cleanses the intestines from toxins, toxins.

Diet contraindications: inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines.

You can’t go in for sports while dieting - this is a big burden on the body!

Diet: four carrots, eight apples per day, from which you can make a salad.

Diet: every two hours.

You can drink: water (up to two liters per day), unsweetened green tea.

Rice-Apple Diet

Suitable for treatment diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder ( as unloading). Cleanses the body, reduces the load on diseased internal organs.

Diet: and from 1/2 cup of rice, cook liquid porridge in milk (without adding sugar, salt), divide it into two portions breakfast, dinner).

All day long we drink unsweetened compote (three hundred grams of apples, one and a half liters of water).

Egg-apple diet

The duration of the diet is a couple of days, the effectiveness is up to minus 2.5 kilograms.

Meaning diets: an egg is a Nutritious, but low-calorie product, which contains many useful substances.

Ration per day: five soft-boiled eggs, a kilogram of apples, a glass of unsweetened coffee, water.

oatmeal apple diet

The duration of the diet is five to seven days.

Pour a glass of oatmeal with a couple of glasses of boiling water, insist 12 hours. We divide into four servings: breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner.

In breaks eating between meals apples (a kilogram per day), we drink tea without sugar, water.

We cook about syanka in water or milk, diluted 1: 1 with water.

apple cider vinegar diet

We prepare apple cider vinegar ourselves and use it after each meal (4 of them) 2 tbsp.

At the same time, we limit consumption: fried, fatty.

We eat: fish, boiled meat, vegetables, fruits.

Making apple cider vinegar:

Apple three m on a grater, pour a liter of warm water (eight hundred grams of puree). Add one hundred grams of honey, ten grams of yeast.

A week can be stored container in a warm place, without a lid. Then liquid must be filtered pour, cover with gauze, and you can store for another couple of months.

Weight will decrease gradually it will be noticeable 2 months later.

apple juice diet

The diet cleanses the kidneys of sand. Squeeze juice before use, drink in fifteen minutes. In the morning we will drink a glass of juice, then every two hours we drink a couple of glasses of apple cider. juice for two days. On the 3rd day, half an hour after the 1st serving of juice, we drink 4 tbsp. olive oil, a glass of juice diluted 1:1 with water. This scheme is repeated without changes.

Diet contraindications: inflammation of the pancreas, gastritis, ulcer.

applesauce diet

Diet duration - five days efficiency - minus four - five kilograms.

Preparing for a diet: for several days, with a gradual decrease in the amount of food consumed.

Diet: two hundred grams applesauce, sixty grams hard cheese, a slice of black bread, a couple of cherries.

P after the end of the diet overeat to avoid coming back lost kilograms.

apple diet for pregnant women

This is a fasting day on apples - applied according to doctor's prescription (for toxicosis, a tendency to edema, speed dialing weight .

Diet: five hundred grams cottage cheese, up to a kilogram of apples.

Exit the apple diet

Gradual. Over the course of a week, increase the caloric content of the diet by 150 kcal every day.

We remove from the diet: fatty, heavy food .

To satisfy hunger, before each meal we eat an apple, drink a glass of water.

Contraindications to the apple diet

- Gastritis with increased secretion

- Biliary dyskinesia

Gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer

– Anemia

- Avitaminosis

- Diabetes

- Acute infectious diseases.

Apple diet - reviews

If you follow a diet for a long time - appear: migraine, sharp pain in the abdomen. This may be due to personal intolerance to a large number of apples, the presence of hidden internal diseases.

If you stay on a diet for seven to ten days - the result of losing weight will please you. They will leave: excess weight, excess hips, excess waist.

But, if you do not limit your diet after the end of the diet, then the weight lost will quickly return..

At the heart of the apple diet - fragrant and tasty dietary fruit . For lovers of apples, a mono-diet based on them will seem tempting. By eating your favorite fruits, you also get a slim figure and lose weight .

Nutritionists have several varieties of apple diets. Some of them are based on raw apples , eat baked apple menu .

Whether an apple-based diet is right for you is a purely individual matter. Read, think, consult with nutritionists.

The principle of operation and the positive properties of apples

The diet of apple diets is supposed to consist mainly of, in some types of diets, kefir or low calorie foods .

An important aspect - with a high content of fiber apples are low in calories . A low calorie diet to weight loss , and the presence of fiber - cleansing the body .

So what are these fragrant fruits good for?

  • Concentrated fruit acids that come with apples stimulate intestinal motility, thereby cleansing the intestines of toxins.
  • Antioxidants in apples slow down the aging process, improve skin condition.
  • Eating apples lowers cholesterol levels, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Apples also include an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as an increase in the immune system.
  • Strengthening gums.
  • Improve digestion and eliminate constipation.

Fresh apple contains:


Fiber 1 - 0.8 g.


Iodine 80 mcg

Choosing apples

Your garden apples will not cause you any fears. When buying apples for a diet, you must be sure of their quality. Consider skin, taste, color: thin-skinned or thick-skinned, sweet or sour, green or bright reds and oranges.

Choose the right variety of apples that is right for you:

  • Sweet and sour varieties not recommended for people with cardiovascular disease.
  • Sour varieties can exacerbate a stomach ulcer, in which case you need to choose sweet varieties of apples or bake apples.
  • With low acidity, you need to choose apples sour varieties.
  • Red and bright orange apples can cause allergies.

Of course, the advice of a doctor will not hurt.

Yellow and red apples have more carotene.

in green applesless:

  • Sahara,
  • dyes.


  • gland,
  • vitamins,
  • acids.

Fasting days

Before choosing a rigid diet based on apples, it is worth trying to spend fasting days. This approach to the diet will allow you to understand whether the apple diet is suitable for you in principle. On fasting days, only apples are in the diet, they are carried out 1-2 times a week, or after the holidays. Several ways to spend a fasting day:

4 ways of fasting day

  1. 1st . There are apples during the day (no more than 1.5 kilograms), if desired, some of the apples can be baked. Divide the apples into 5 - 6 doses, with an interval of 2 - 3 hours. Drink at will.
  2. 2nd . During the day, you need to eat up to 1.5 kilograms of apples. You can bake them if you wish. But in this case it is necessary to do without the use of water. Saturate with the juice contained in apples. Choose juicy apples.
  3. 3rd . This fasting day method does not limit the number of apples and fluids you drink. It is better to drink herbal decoctions, non-carbonated mineral water, tea (without sugar).
  4. 4th . It is necessary to take 1.5 - 2 kilograms of apples and divide them into 5 - 6 receptions. 30 g of honey, eat in the morning and at lunchtime, 3 hours before bedtime. Drink plenty of water, prefer mineral water.

    Apples with kefir - a variant of the combined diet

    In general, the apple diet may seem simple, in fact it is not easy to sustain. It is noticed that apples increase appetite, in connection with this it will be difficult to resist the desire to eat something. Even one day of fasting day can be a big test. In such cases, nutritionists may recommend a combination diet.

    The kefir-apple diet can be classified as a rigid diet.

    You will need:

    • large apples 5 - 6 pieces;
    • kefir 1% - 1 liter.

    Divide apples into 5 - 6 receptions. Drink kefir (1/2 cup) not earlier than 30 minutes (preferably 1 hour) after eating an apple. After 2 - 3 hours, eat an apple again and drink kefir. Drink water (still) and green tea (no sugar). Start the morning with a glass of water.

    It is not recommended to stick to such a diet for a long time. Focus on your well-being, a possible maximum - up to 5 - 7 days.

    apple diet for 3 days

    The three-day diet involves the exclusion of many foods. Apples occupy a dominant place in this diet.

    The effectiveness of the diet involves losing 2.5 - 3 kilograms of weight in three days. One of the options for using this diet is as a fasting day.

    The fiber in apples helps cleanse the intestines and improves the digestive system.

    Set yourself up for 3 days of restricted low-calorie eating.

    You can drink mineral water without gas, plain water, green tea without sugar or herbal infusions.

    1st day

    • Breakfast . One apple, low-fat cottage cheese - 130-150 grams, a slice of rye bread or replace it with bran toast. Drink water, green or herbal teas.

    After two hours after breakfast, eat one apple.

    • Dinner. Boil low-fat fish - 110 - 130 grams, cut an apple, orange, celery. Mix everything and season with low-fat yogurt (about 100 grams). Do not salt.
    • Dinner . For dinner, you can eat a fresh cucumber, 1/2 apple, 2 slices of bread, 2 slices of hard cheese. You can make sandwiches from this composition of products.

    2nd day

    • Breakfast . We take 30 grams of oatmeal, one tablespoon of raisins, rub an apple and all this is poured with low-fat milk (150 ml). Wait a little while the flakes are soaked.

    Two hours after breakfast, eat 2 small apples.

    • Dinner . For lunch, you can make a pancake from 1 heaping tablespoon of wheat flour, 6 tablespoons of low-fat milk, 1 egg. The filling will be sliced ​​​​or grated apple. To make the pancake sweet, add a sugar substitute, a little cinnamon.

    After lunch, 2 hours later, eat 1/2 apple and 100 grams of fat-free yogurt.

    • Dinner . For dinner, cook rice - 50 grams, add one chopped apple and a banana.

    3rd day

    • Breakfast . Low-fat cottage cheese 2 - 3 tablespoons, 1 large apple and a slice of rye bread.

    An hour after breakfast, another apple and 150 grams of low-fat yogurt or kefir 1 cup.

    • Dinner . Boiled chicken fillet (100 grams) with sauce. Chop a sweet bell pepper, one large apple, add 3 tablespoons of water and 1 teaspoon lemon juice, plus 2 teaspoons of sugar. Boil for 8 minutes, pepper, salt and season with vinegar.

    Eat one apple an hour or two after dinner.

    • Dinner . Prepare a carrot and apple salad, put one teaspoon of raisins and hard cheese.

    Dinner: Vitamin salad: from one apple, two carrots, one teaspoon of raisins, two pieces of hard cheese (50 grams, chopped), as a sauce - 2 teaspoons of milk and low-fat cream in the same amount, sugar substitute.

    Menu for 7 days

    On a note: Any variety of apples can be used. But keep in mind that sour apples irritate the gastric mucosa, and excessive consumption of them in their pure form can harm the gastrointestinal tract. Nutritionists do not recommend sitting on an apple diet for more than 9 days, as the body does not receive the necessary vitamins, amino acids, micro and macro elements in sufficient quantities. Your daily diet should be enriched with healthy foods as much as possible.


    Breakfast. Cottage cheese casserole with apples, herbal tea.
    Dinner. Apple salad with a bunch of celery, 150 g of low-fat fish seasoned with two tablespoons of low-fat yogurt and lemon juice.
    afternoon tea. Applesauce from baked apples with grated walnuts - 200 g.
    Dinner. 200 g chicken fillet.


    Breakfast. Baked apple with a spoonful of honey, 250 ml of kefir.
    Dinner. 200 g baked low-fat fish, apple pancakes.
    afternoon tea. 4 tablespoons of oatmeal with applesauce.
    Dinner. Cottage cheese casserole with raisins - 200 g.


    Breakfast. Apple and oatmeal fritters, green tea.
    Dinner. 1 egg, 200 g oatmeal.
    afternoon tea. Smoothie made in a blender from low-fat kefir, an apple and a spoonful of lemon juice.
    Dinner. 200 g boiled lean fish.


    Breakfast. Baked sweet apples with cottage cheese and nuts, 200 ml of kefir or yogurt.
    Dinner. 100 g boiled chicken fillet, baked apple.
    afternoon tea. Cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes - 200 g.
    Dinner. Pancakes with apples.


    Breakfast. Grated carrot and apple salad dressed with a tablespoon of fat-free yogurt and a spoonful of raisins, herbal tea.
    Dinner. 200 g oatmeal, 1 egg.
    afternoon tea. Apple fritters.
    Dinner. Baked apples with rice, carrots and egg.


    Breakfast. A piece of dark bread, a salad of half an apple and a spoonful of fat-free cottage cheese.
    Dinner. 100 g of buckwheat porridge on the water, 100 g of boiled lean meat.
    afternoon tea. Salad of grated baked apples, 1 beetroot and 1 carrot. Grate carrots, apples, beets (raw). Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice. You can add some walnuts.

  5. The diet of the apple diet is mostly low in fat and protein, so at the slightest indisposition, it should be abandoned.

Apples are one of the most popular weight loss foods. These fruits are allowed to be used on almost all diets, with the exception of purely protein ones. For lovers of these fruits, the apple diet is perfect, especially since it is presented in several versions.

An apple is not only delicious, but also a very healthy product. The fiber and pectins contained in it contribute to the effective cleansing of the body, the presence of a large assortment of vitamins strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of the skin and hair, and the presence of iodine is a prevention of the development of thyroid diseases.

Apples contain a lot of iron, they must be included in the diet of people with iron deficiency anemia. The pulp of fruits contains a lot of fructose and glucose, therefore, with regular use of fruits, blood sugar levels remain stable. Thanks to this, losing weight will be easier to overcome cravings for sweet foods.

Apples can be consumed by almost everyone, this fruit is a hypoallergenic product. The only exception is diseases of the digestive tract, but in this case, apples do not need to be excluded, they are simply recommended to be eaten not raw, but baked. In addition, you will need to choose non-acidic varieties.

In order for the apple diet for weight loss to be the most effective and beneficial to the body, it is advisable to use apples grown in the area of ​​​​residence. It is better not to buy imported beautiful fruits with a wax film on the peel.

What kind of apples should you choose? There are no special restrictions, you can buy the one that tastes better. If you plan to eat apples for several days in a row, then you can buy different varieties so that the food is more varied.


The easiest way to lose weight on apples is a fasting day. It is advisable not to peel the apples, since the beneficial substances are contained in the highest concentration directly under the peel.

There are several options for unloading:

  • Rigid apple mono-diet. In addition to apples throughout the day, you can not eat anything, even water. Therefore, for this weight loss option, you need to choose juicy varieties of fruits;

  • Apples and drink. In this option, in addition to apples, you can also drink water, unsweetened tea;
  • On juices. This unloading is carried out on freshly squeezed juices, you need to prepare the juice yourself, purchased from weight loss packages will not work. It is necessary to drink a glass of juice immediately after waking up, and then drink two glasses of a freshly prepared drink every two hours. In the evening at 20 o'clock you should drink one glass of juice and nothing else to drink or eat.
  • During the day, it will be possible to eat only two named products, alternating them. For example, eat an apple in the morning, drink a glass of kefir in a couple of hours, and so on.

The results of the fasting day can be seen the next morning, the scales will show 1.0-1.5 kilograms less than before.

Read also: Diet for pyelonephritis will make you feel better

Features of unloading on apples during pregnancy

If the expectant mother has gained a lot of weight, then the doctor may recommend that she periodically arrange unloading. Apples will help not only lose weight, but also remove excess fluid, which is necessary for edema.

What is the best apple diet during pregnancy? Doctors recommend that pregnant women choose exclusively green apples for fasting days. You can use any of the unloading options above, but in no case should you arrange two unloadings in a row. In addition, unloading can only be carried out starting from the 30th week of pregnancy. By this time, the fetus is already fully formed, and small and short-term nutritional restrictions will not harm its development.

Three Day Option

If there is little time left before a significant event, and the prepared dress is difficult to fasten, you should go on a short-term apple diet, which will take only 3 days.

The diet is very tough, it is suitable only for purposeful people. Consider what you can eat on such a diet. The diet is not rich and consists of only three products:

  • apples;
  • unsweetened tea, preferably green;
  • rye crackers.

The number of apples on the first day is 1 kilogram, on the second - 1.5 kilos, and on the third - a whole 2 kilograms. Tea can be drunk without limiting the volume, but crackers will need to be eaten no more than three pieces a day.

Five Day Diet

A five-day apple diet is very effective, as you can lose up to a kilogram a day on it. But this way of losing weight is very tough and quite hungry.

Read also: Cheese diet for weight loss

Nutrition on the first, third and fifth day of the diet should be as follows:

  • 100 grams of cottage cheese mixed with grated fresh apple;
  • baked apple, rye cracker and tea;
  • 100 grams of boiled fish (weight is given in finished form), salad made from one orange and one apple;
  • fresh or baked apple, half a glass of kefir;
  • 50 grams of low-fat cheese, a couple of apples.

Nutrition for the second and fourth days of the diet:

  • oatmeal or buckwheat porridge on water (serving weight 100 grams), apple;
  • carrot and apple salad;
  • boiled chicken (portion 150 grams), apple;
  • grated apple with cottage cheese (cottage cheese 100 grams);
  • two apples - fresh or baked.

Unsweetened tea, apple compote brewed without sugar, water can be drunk without restrictions.

Weekly option

An effective apple diet for a week will allow you to lose weight by 6-7 kilograms. It is important to strictly adhere to the recommendations for choosing products, you can not eat anything that is not on the list of allowed foods for the day.

The diet menu for 7 days should be as follows:

  • first apple day. In the morning, a salad of two chopped apples and 30 grams of nuts (walnuts or almonds). For lunch, a salad consisting of a boiled egg, a couple of apples and a bunch of green onions. Products are rubbed on a grater, the greens are finely chopped. For dinner - only apples, no more than three pieces.
  • The second day is rice. In the morning, 150 grams of ready-made rice porridge in water without salt and three apples (you can grate them and mix with porridge). At lunch - the same thing, but apples should not be used fresh, but baked. For dinner - only rice without salt and oil, serving size - 100 grams.
  • The third day is cottage cheese. In the morning and in the afternoon we eat 100 grams of cottage cheese and a couple of apples. In a mixture of cottage cheese and apples, you can add some nuts and half a teaspoon of honey. For dinner - cottage cheese without additives.
  • The fourth day is carrot. Breakfast and lunch consists of a salad made from grated carrots and apples. Salad can be flavored with lemon zest, add 30 grams of raisins. For dinner - grated carrots without additives.
  • The fifth day is beetroot. In the morning - a salad of grated boiled beets and an apple, in the afternoon we cook oatmeal (150 grams per serving), one boiled egg and a salad of grated beets. Dinner - two baked apples.
  • The sixth day is rice. We repeat the menu of the second day.
  • The seventh day is apple day. The menu is similar to the first day.

The apple-egg diet is designed for those who cannot stand a mono-diet on fruits, but want to get rid of extra pounds in a radical way. In fact, it is a derivative of the well-known grapefruit unloading. Supporters of such weight loss believe that the acid contained in fruits helps the proteins and fats of eggs to be absorbed. Well, losing weight from this gets only pluses - the calorie content is low, digestion is without problems, kilograms go away, and swelling too. However, not all so simple. Doctors still recommend this diet only as a relief. Is it worth following their recommendations, or do you need to eat apples with eggs “until victorious”?

Menu apple-egg diet

According to the first version, it is worth eating apples in unlimited quantities, and eggs - no more than 5 pieces a day. You need to eat this way until you lose weight. However, there are more rational versions - we keep a diet for 2-3 days, then we switch to a healthy low-calorie diet for 7 days, and then we return to strict restrictions again.

The second menu option provides that you will eat 6 apples and 5 egg whites per day. In this case, in the morning after waking up, you need to drink a glass of water, and after half an hour - eat protein. Then - after 2 hours - an apple, then protein again, and so it should be alternated until the evening. You can drink mineral water without gas, green tea without sugar and lemon on this diet. But in no case should you drink food - it is recommended to drink liquid half an hour after eating. So you get a more complete absorption of nutrients.

The third menu option is eggs in any form and apple juice. You need to eat 2 eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and wash down the meal with a glass of apple juice without sugar. Allegedly, the juice has fat-burning properties, although, in fact, weight loss is due to an exceptionally low calorie diet.

Apple-egg diet - pros and cons

Often, among the advantages of this weight loss scheme, there are:

1. Cheapness of products;

2. High protein content;

3. Significant content of dietary fiber;

4. Ability to easily obtain a daily dose of magnesium, iron and calcium;

5. Developing the habit of eating small portions at regular intervals;

6. The ability to lead to rapid weight loss.

The disadvantages of the diet are also quite obvious:

1. It is not suitable for long-term use;

2. A strict diet, poor in complex carbohydrates, can provoke overeating and even eating disorders;

3. Such a diet can significantly reduce muscle mass and slow down the metabolism, because even 5 eggs contain too little protein for the normal functioning of your metabolism;

4. The diet is rich in cholesterol, and therefore not suitable for those who suffer from atherosclerosis;

5. The diet does not develop the skills of a healthy balanced diet, including the ability to choose in everyday life those dishes that are good for health and do not spoil the figure;

6. Severe allergy to egg white albumin is possible, especially if it is consumed in excess.

If you decide to try this diet, your best bet is to go with protein and limited fruit. If you eat apples in kilograms, instead of the magical effect of pectin, and reduce your appetite, you risk stretching your stomach and getting used to constant chewing. In addition, there have been cases when a couple of kilograms of apples and five eggs helped a person gain quite adequate calories and, after several days of a monotonous diet, not lose a single kilogram. So be prudent and use such diets only as fasting days.

Important: before you go on an apple-egg diet, consult your doctor.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

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