Home perennial flowers Event in the library on the culture of speech. Extra-curricular event in the Russian language. It was held as part of the Russian Language Week, dedicated to the culture of speech of the modern schoolchild. All these collected words

Event in the library on the culture of speech. Extra-curricular event in the Russian language. It was held as part of the Russian Language Week, dedicated to the culture of speech of the modern schoolchild. All these collected words

Sukmanovsky branch of MBOU Shpikulovskaya secondary school

extracurricular activity

In Russian

“We will save you, Russian speech, the great Russian word!”


teacher of Russian language

and literature

Evseevicheva T.Yu.

S. Sukmanovka, 2015

Extra-curricular event in the Russian language:“We will save you, Russian speech, the great Russian word!”


1) To give students an idea of ​​the positive and negative phenomena in the modern Russian language; improve the efficiency of work on the development of speech.

2) Develop logical thinking, interest in a deep study of the language, words, speech.

3) To form a respectful and careful attitude to the native language; to improve the culture of speech of students, to cultivate love for the Motherland.

Equipment: presentation, computer, screen, projector.

Event progress:

Reader. I can't imagine myself without Russia (slides 2-4)

I can't imagine myself without Russia,
Without her birches and poplars,
Without her unweeping blue,
Without its snow-covered fields.
Without her worker and god -
A person with left-handed experience,
Without her Yesenin and Blok,
Without her prophetic soul.
I can't imagine myself without Russia,
Without a native land, where everything is mine,
Where lay on my heart for the first time
The song is her lullaby.
Without her legends and prophetic tales,
Mountain winds, bitter as wormwood.
Without her transformed women
From unknown Cinderellas to goddesses.
Without her iron commissars,
Falling with a song on their lips
Without her cosmic Icarus
At their unthinkable positions.
Without her immeasurable strength,
Without her open seas...
I can't imagine myself without Russia,
Without her love and without mine!

(M. Lisyansky)


Dear friends! We opened our meeting with a poem about the Motherland. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Motherland is not only a huge territory and natural wealth, but also our native language, the great Russian word that distinguishes us as a nation among millions of people on the planet. A word with magical power and extraordinary power.

READER.(slides 5-7)

Our language is both modest and rich.

There is a wonderful treasure hidden in every word.

Say the word "high" -

And imagine immediately the sky is blue.

You say: "All around white-white" -

And you will see the winter village,

White snow hangs from the white roofs,

Can't see the rivers under the white snow.

Remember the adverb "light" -

And you will see: the sun has risen,

If you say the word "dark"

At once the evening will look out the window.

If you say "fragrant", you

Immediately remember lily of the valley flowers.

Well, if you say "beautiful"

Before you - all of Russia at once!

2 host: The Russian language is the most valuable asset and the greatest achievement of the Russian nation. (slide 8) “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, it is a treasure, it is a property handed down to us by our predecessors!” - the words of the well-known Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. And today we want to talk about how to preserve our great Russian language, what needs to be done for this. Preserving your language means studying it deeply, thoughtfully, striving to speak in a pure, correct, literary language; read as many books as possible, write correctly, constantly monitor your speech and the speech of your comrades. A wise and kind word brings joy, a stupid and evil, thoughtless and tactless brings trouble.

1leader:(slide 9) Socrates believed that man is the creator of himself. Ideas about Socrates as a synonym for wisdom, courage of thought have survived to our time. They say that when a man was brought to Socrates, about whom he had to express his opinion. The sage looked at him for a long time, and then exclaimed: Yes, you will finally speak, so that I can recognize you!

2leader: Even with the skill of oratory, it is not always easy to express your thoughts clearly, accurately and figuratively. This must be learned, studied hard and patiently. The writer Tolstoy noted that to deal with the language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurately, approximately, incorrectly. The meaning of language, speech, words is noted by Russian proverbs and sayings:

- From a kind word, the tongue will not dry out;

-What is the mind, such are the speeches;

-The wind destroys the mountains, raises the word of the people;

What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.

1 host: The fabulist Aesop claimed that there is nothing better than language in the world, and that language is the worst thing in the world. Listen please:

Student: The famous fabulist of Ancient Greece, Aesop, was a slave of the philosopher Xanthus Once Xanthus wanted to invite guests and ordered Aesop to cook the best. Aesop bought the tongues and made three dishes out of them. Xanthus asked why Aesop only gave languages. Aesop replied: “You ordered to buy the best. And what could be better than language! With the help of language, cities are built, the culture of peoples develops. With the help of language, we study sciences and gain knowledge; with the help of language, people can communicate with each other, solve various issues, ask, greet, put up, give, receive, fulfill requests. Inspire to great deeds. Express joy, affection, declare love. Therefore, one must think that there is nothing better than language.

Such reasoning pleased Xanthus and his guests.

On another occasion, Xanthus ordered that Aesop acquire the worst.

Aesop went to buy languages ​​again. Everyone was surprised by this.

Then Aesop began to explain to Xanthus: “You told me to find the worst. And what in the world is worse than language? Through language people upset and disappoint each other, through language one can be hypocritical. Lie, deceive, cheat, quarrel. Language can make people enemies, it can cause war, it orders the destruction of cities and even entire states, it can bring grief and evil into our lives, betray, insult. Can there be anything worse than language?!”

Tradition says that not all guests were pleased to hear this answer from Aesop.

2 host: We must always remember that our speech is our calling card.

1 host: After all, it was not by chance that Socrates said: “Speak up, that I finally recognized you!”.

2 host: So let's now offer to view a few thumbnails for recognition:

(Scene 1) (slide 10)

Sasha and Vova come out towards each other

Sasha: Hello, Vova!

Vova (carelessly). Salute, tree!

Sasha (bewildered). Oh, where is the tree?

Vova (explains). It's you, buddy.

Sasha. I'm not a root, I'm a guy ... Vova, I actually wanted to ask, do you like our new classmate Sveta?

Vova. Otpad!

Sasha. What???

Vova. Well, nishtyak!

Sasha. Oh, what is it?

Vova. This means that her outfit is cool!

Sasha. What is she thinking and who is she pecking at?

Vova. Well, killer dude.

Sasha (frightened). Did she kill someone? Is she a killer? You have to, but you can’t say right away!

Vova (dreamy) No! I mean, hang out with her.

Sasha. What is this, playing cards?

Vova. Not! It's to take time off from the laces and hobble on the disk

Sasha (looks at his shoes). What kind of laces do you have, since you need to ask them for time off?

Vova. I have iron laces, when necessary, grandmothers give.

Sasha. You have a good grandmother, you say, she gives pies?

Vova (wearily). Listen, you're kind of purple today.

Sasha. I must have messed up my hand.

Vova. Not at all! I say, when there are no shoelaces in a glass, then you can gather with washcloths in my hut.

Sasha. With washcloths on the hut? (Confused) Is it in the sponge bath?

Vova. You are a fool, aren't you?

Sasha. No, I'm not deaf.

Vova (shouting). You don't move in, what am I grinding?

Sasha. I didn't go to the mill. Why do I need it?

Vova. Open your ears. Something you, dude, sausages today ...

Sasha. I ate sausage in the morning, that's right.

Vova. Are you stubborn?

Sasha (indignantly). I didn't get anything because I don't steal.

Vova. ABOUT! (Grabs his head) You just killed me with your stupidity.

Sveta enters.

Vova. Light-coin. In kind, the world hanger. Hey baby!

Light (surprised). Hello Vova.

Vova. Shall we go to the cinema? You can eat at the buffet there.

Light (backs away). I don't understand you, Vova, are you sick?

Vova. No, you just have a cute tambourine.

Sveta (uncomprehendingly) Who is sweaty?

Vova. No, you're really great.

Sveta. And I left the class a long time ago.

Vova. Well, since we're going to the cinema, shall we?

Sasha. Light, don't be afraid. I will translate for you. I think I have already learned to understand this foreign language. Vova says “do not refuse courtesy, beautiful girl, come with me to the cinema”!

Sveta. I will go to the cinema, but not with you, Vova, but with you, Sasha. (Takes Sasha by the arm)

Vova looks enviously as Sasha walks with Sveta.

Vova. I understood. Not everyone likes my language. He's really weird...

1 leader.Language is necessary for people to communicate. But how sometimes in communication we lack the necessary words, and we “writhe without language”, trying to find the only necessary, correct, exact word. And if your speech lacks words, it becomes incomprehensible to the listeners. Here is how the children's poetess A. L. Barto talks about this in her cheerful poem “Strong Cinema”:
In advance, everything was decided in advance
Schoolchildren have a meeting, then they have a movie.
My elder brother will come home
He will tell me everything
He will explain to me what's what,
And I'm big! I will understand
And so he began his story
- They crawl, and he them - once!
And just then she crawled,
And how he will give him from evil!
They to her - once! She told them - once!
But then he saved her,
He was with her at the same time.
Wow, great movie!
No, apparently I'm still small:
I do not understand.

2 leading. Why didn't the sister understand the brother's story? Yes, the brother is trying to talk about the film, about the actions of the characters for whom he is worried, but he lacks the right words.
Surely many of our friends recognized themselves in these characters. And here is another miniature. And what Pushkin would say if he heard how that “young, unfamiliar tribe” speaks about his novel “Eugene Onegin”. (slide 11)

Scene 2

Student and student.

Dimka, well, did you read it?

I read it.

Cool or creepy?

Cool. Listen. In short, one pontovy chela got life. Himself in order, green to the eyebrows. And he cares about everything. Dropped into the village. He became like a collective farmer. I found myself a friend, Lensky. They sit in the evening, grinding for life. A village girl fell for the boy, nothing like that, cool. But Onegin is not happy. He told her culturally: “Learn, girl, to rule yourself, not everyone, like me, will understand you.”

Here's the lol!

And then, damn it, the holidays. Well, Onegin rolled up to his friend's girlfriend. The one for the stem.


It didn't work out well. Blood spilled. Kid on the run... In short... In short, Lena, you know, I played the role of my contemporary. And I felt somehow bad both from these manners and from this language.

1leader: We hope that such "verbal garbage" does not clog your speech too much. The disease of slang is still a childhood disease, which means it should pass quickly, unless, of course, a person strives to become not only an adult, but also a cultural one. One feels like saying: “Forgive us, Alexander Sergeevich, for our attitude towards the language that you gave us.”

2 host: Recently, the problem of the purity of the Russian language has become acute. Many scientists are sounding the alarm about the impending catastrophe - the extinction of the Russian language.

2 host: Imagine such a situation. A person needs to briefly and clearly state his thought, and he begins to insert extra words. There is no laughing matter here.


Extra words ”(A. Haight) (slide 12)

Somehow a citizen sees

That the barn is on fire.

He calls on "zero one"

Promptly says:

I don't know how to start

But, as they say,

I'm calling you, so to speak

In general, it means that

Here is the thing...

Can you hang up the phone

Everything has burned down

How to get to the station? -

I asked on the tram.

One passenger said

What he knows very well

In general, somewhere, so to speak,

It's very close.

Just a stone's throw away

In short.

I mean to you at the same time

Let me explain friendly...

You drove a long time ago

Need to return.

The cat impudently climbed onto the table,

Reaches for the cutlet.

Here the owner came

And the cat noticed:

You, Vasily, are not the one

You know, come on.

Not for you for one

There will be guests!

In general, I wanted to say

What I can't stand...

The cat has eaten a cutlet for a long time,

Got the sour cream.

2 host: It also happens that a person’s speech is oversaturated with inappropriately used vocabulary, as in a joke story "Employee of the Institute of Synonyms".

(scene 3) (slide 13)

The scene is played by three actors.

Roles: narrator, Mikhailov, Sidorchuk.

A middle-aged man entered the office of the chief (let's call him in the old fashioned way) of the ZhEK.

And mine is Sidorchuk, said the head of the housing office.

I work as a senior research fellow at the Institute of Synonyms.

Synonyms are words that are close in meaning, meaning ...

So what?

Now I will state the essence, essence, essence, content of the matter ... Not

you have to rush me, drive me, goad me, whip me up, spur me on ...

Comrade Mikhailov, I would like to...

To want, to do, to desire, to strive, does not mean to do, to accomplish, to produce, to create ...

But what should I do? What? - exploded Sidorchuk.

No need to yell at me, yell, bark! Now I will explain everything, I will explain, I will explain, I will explain. I ask you to give, hand in, give out, give me a certificate that I really, really, really live at 10 Motornaya Street.

Finally you said what it was. Only ... here is such a reference I

I can't give out. They are issued by the passport officer Maria Ivanovna Kukushkina.

But you are also not zero, not a trifle, not a pawn, not an empty place, not the fifth spoke in a chariot...

But there is subordination, - Sidorchuk began, but, seeing that Mikhailov was going to issue another volley of synonyms, he ran out of the office.

Here, take it,” he said, re-entering the office. “Only, please, go away, go out, retire, retreat, hide, disappear…

Coming out of the office with a certificate, Mikhailov read the announcements on the door: "Due to the illness of the passport officer, certificates are temporarily not issued."

Who would have thought that my knowledge of synonyms could come in handy in everyday life, come in handy, find a use for myself.

And at this time, the head of the housing office, sitting in his office, also smiled: “But I didn’t put a stamp on him. So he will still have to come to Kukushkina, go in, jump, slap, stomp ... "

2 host: All the tricks and funny situations that our heroes got into could have been avoided by skillfully using the rules of the Russian language. Yes, then beautiful Russian speech would sound.

1 host: Also, friends, I would like to talk with you about such a serious problem in our speech as foul language.

1 host: Does it need to be said out loud? Is it dangerous to spread foul language?

2 host: Yes, because it covered almost all ages; Illiterate, incoherent, rude speech, foul language have become our daily occurrence, with which, perhaps, everyone has already got used to. In any case, no one, as a rule, makes remarks to boors for their words in public places. For a long time, girls no longer blush from bad words spoken in their presence. Therefore, there is an urgent need to solve this problem.

1 host: Cursing becomes a disease. A person can no longer build an elementary sentence without using bad words. The permissiveness of speech turns into a disease of the intellect, consciousness.

READER (slide 14)

I saw a savage today
And even talked to him
But, frankly,
You can't say everything about him.

Let the savage lexicon be empty, -
But as flowery speech:
What a step, then a mate flies from the mouth
Such a "step-matist".

We can only say that from the face
And he is not a savage at all:
He doesn't wear nose rings
He does not wear coins in his ears.

Savage in the square. He's glad
become a special master
To make a three-story mat
Scabrous skyscraper.

Describe his clothes
You can also use words:
He is on clothes, so to speak,
Looks like all of us.

And the savages around are spared,
Bypass the side
As if speech in the squares
Should become a platform.

But pass his tongue
The poet is not entitled to:
In that case, my verse
It was full of dots.

And you need, whatever you say,
Stop their scolding first -
Stop while the savages
Not wild at all!

You guessed it: it's
Again about mat and matik,
About the speech he is making
Similar "mathematician".

2 leading: You should not replace swear words with words like a Christmas tree-stick, damn it, Japanese policeman. We laugh when we hear them, correctly guessing the subtext of these phrases. Cultural swearing is no better or cleaner than usual.

1 leading: And what about those who swear?

2 host: Of course, we cannot fix society as a whole, but it is possible to stop foul language in the family and in the classroom. Even in the most terrible environment, there are people to whom dirt does not stick.

1 host: How to keep the purity of speech while you are in school? There are no reliable recipes. But we hope our tips will help you make your speech better, richer, cleaner.

2 host:- Do not copy others, do not speak like everyone else, do not try to be like someone else, keep your originality.

1 leader. Do not say bad words yourself. Sometimes it’s hard to resist, you don’t want to stand out, to be a black sheep, because ridicule is unpleasant, offensive, we are afraid to be alone. In such a situation, close friends, family, favorite hobbies, and studies will always come to the rescue.

1 presenter- Do not use jargon and vulgar words in conversation. From them, our speech loses such qualities as euphony, accuracy, clarity and accessibility.

2 host: Many great people teach us to love the Russian language and treat it with care. So let's heed the advice of the wise.

    The Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (slide 15)

    Language is a heritage received from ancestors and left to posterity, a heritage that must be treated with fear and respect, as something sacred, invaluable and inaccessible to insult. Friedrich Nietzsche(slide 16)

    In fact, for an intelligent person, speaking badly should be considered as indecent as not being able to read and write. . Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (slide 17)

    Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind, our ability not to succumb to the influences of the environment, if it drags on. Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev. (slide 18)

    There are no such sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would be no exact expression in our language. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (slide 19)

    The Russian people created the Russian language, bright as a rainbow after a spring shower, as accurate as arrows, melodious and rich, sincere as a song over a cradle. Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy (slide 20)

    Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, it is a property handed down to us by our predecessors! Treat this mighty weapon with respect; in the hands of the skilful, it is able to perform miracles. .. Take care of the purity of the language, like a shrine! Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. (slide 21)

2 Vedas: In order to be a worthy citizen of your country, to preserve its culture and traditions, you must be fluent in your native word.

1 led: Let us cherish and love our Russian word, because our Motherland begins with it.


He is so powerful and so beautiful

Severe Russian is our language!

The world is conquered by a single phrase,

With whom our man fought.

When he smashed the damned Nazis,

And went to attack the enemy.

And the RUSSIAN soldiers sang,

When there are three steps to death,


And it was a hundred times easier.

And the insidious enemy listened to the song,

In the hands of squeezing the machine.

Our Yesenin to the sounds of tango,

Or dancing a waltz, a foxtrot,

Loved by a beautiful foreigner

Whisper a couple of lines in RUSSIAN.

When they burst into space with a storm

We are on an iron trotter

Heard the world: Yuri Gagarin

Gave a start in RUSSIAN!

We hear native speech from childhood,

In RUSSIAN we write, we speak.

Olympics RUSSIAN Misha

He conquered all the countries of the world.

Our RUSSIAN is so diverse,

Graceful, modest and strong.

But for the enemy he is so dangerous,

He is so gentle in love.

Leave, my friend, your doubts,

And the honor of the native language

Bring it worthy to generations

For all ages to come!


1.G.I. Gorskaya. Oral journal "My language is my friend";

2.K. Chukovsky. Live like life. 1963

3.S.F.Ivanova. Education of speech culture skills among schoolchildren. M. Enlightenment, 1964

KVN in Russian

Prepared by: Kamyak E.V., primary school teacher of the State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 212 in Minsk.

Extra-curricular event in the Russian language. It was held as part of the Russian Language Week, dedicated to the culture of speech of the modern schoolchild.


  • develop cognitive interest in the Russian language;

  • consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom;

  • - improve the general language culture;

  • - work on enriching the vocabulary of students with phraseological units;

  • - help students expand and consolidate their knowledge of the Russian language,

  • - stimulate the desire to read books

  • computer, multimedia presentations

  • emblems for each team member,

  • large emblem of each team,

  • phrase cards

  • word cards for correcting errors
Game progress:

The melody “We start KVN” sounds. Leaders come out. The multimedia presentation is turned on. (Slide1)


Friends! Today our stage

We provide Ka-Ve-En! 2nd leader.

KVNs have many roads...

Ours has one way.

Today we have KVN for those who are inquisitive!

Today we have KVN not only entertaining!


So, KVN begins.

Dedicated to the great and mighty Russian language!

Readers come out to the music.

The charter of our KVN contains commandments: (slides 2-3)

1. You have to be cheerful,

You have to be resourceful.

2. First think - then speak,

Otherwise, do not expect mercy from the jury!

3. I lost - do not be upset.

You'll win next time!

4. Won - do not flatter yourself:

You will lose next time.

5. Give nothing to the enemy

Except for your admiration.

6. Do not dig a hole for another - let them work themselves.

7. Let's start! Let's start our favorite KVN!

We expect, we expect hot fights, bright scenes!

And we are sure personally

Ka-Ve-en will be great!


We invite teams to the stage! (KVN music sounds) Teams, introduce yourself!

1st command "Search".

Our motto: "Never lose heart, explore everything, find out everything!"

2nd team "Connoisseurs"

Our motto is "We always want to know everything, compose and think"

3rd Team "Wise Men"

Our motto is “We guys are great! There are wise men in our school!”

4th team "Academicians»

Our motto is "Joke, learn and seek, learn more new things!"

(Captains give large team emblems to the jury) Emblems can be something like this:

Presenter: We give the WORD TO THE TEAMS!

1st team.
We answer together
And here there is no doubt.
Today there will be friendship
The mistress of victories.
And let the struggle boil sharper
Stronger competition
Success is not fate
But only our knowledge.

2nd team
2. We are funny guys
And we don't like to be bored
Happy today
We will play KVN.

And, competing with you,
We will remain friends.
Let the fight rage on
And our friendship grows stronger with her.

3rd team.
KVN loves our friendly class,
And announce the meeting now.
Here are the fans, and here is the jury.
The path to victory is difficult.

Whatever you say.
We are trusted with you
Have a successful fight
To check resourcefulness and knowledge.
You are great, native language,
You are our friend
And we will all believe in this.

4th team

Don't look like that guys

We don't get excited.

We will learn from the glory and compete.

We are not afraid of any commas,

And we are not afraid of dots and dashes

Write any words correctly

And we will win today in the game!


Everything is ready for battle.

I give the leader the floor,

present the formidable jury!


The jury, as you can see, we have

worthy of respect!

They had to - and more than once -

rate the battle!

Today our game is being judged: (represent the jury)

Teams together: We trust the jury - we entrust our fate!

Jury member:

We believe it will be a good game.

We wish the teams:

"Break a leg!"

Teams respond: To hell. (Leave to get ready)


Fans are warned

That the meeting will be hot!


And we sincerely wish them

Get sick without calling a doctor!

Competition number 1. ALPHABET - THE WISDOM OF THE STEP.

Speech by the team "Academics". Multimedia presentation #2.

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.

Teacher. Hello guys! I will tell you about the origin of the alphabet and about the great Slavic enlighteners. And their names were Cyril and Methodius. (Presentation No. 2. Slide 1)

  • The creators of the Slavic alphabet Cyril and Methodius came from the Byzantine city of Thessalonica (now Thessaloniki in Greece)
(Presentation. Slide2)

  • Cyril, who knew well not only Greek, but also the language of the Slavs, was sent to Bulgaria on an educational mission.

  • But the enlightenment of the Slavs turned out to be impossible without books in their native language. Therefore, Cyril set about creating the Slavic alphabet.
(Presentation. Slide 3)

  • Cyril's first assistant was the elder brother Methodius. He mastered the new alphabet, compiled by his brother, and set about translating church books into the language of the Slavs.
(Presentation. Slide 4)

  • Initial letters - capital letters of the Slavic alphabet
(Presentation. Slide 5)

  • And the letters were read like this Az, beeches, lead, verb ... The alphabet was called CYRILLIC.
(Children spin, do not obey). Oh well, let's turn the wheel of history back and see how Cyril and Methodius came up with the rules.

(Cyril and Methodius exit from one side, the Tsar from the other).

C: Hello, Cyril. Hello Methodius.

Kim: Hello, tsar-father.

TO: Why are you so unhappy? Al sickness happened?

C: Well no. Here he was at school. Yes, I see the youths are naughty. Completely out of hand. They don't have enough lessons. Apart from labor and physical education and classes, there is none. Come up with a science for them, but more difficult!

And this subject will be called Russian ... a fist? No! RUSSIAN LANGUAGE!

TO: Okay, Father King. We will arrange a sweet life for children.

M: And let ZHI SHI be written with the letter I. Cool LIFE, WRITE. (laughs)

TO: And then let CHA SHA with the letter A be written, and CHU SCHU with U.

C: Few! The kids will get the hang of it! easy!

M: And let them write easily with a G in the middle. easily!

TO: Oh, die. Then let the sun be with L. Sun. (laughs)

TO: And let's think of punctuation marks. DOT, COMMA.

M: And together, a semicolon. (laughs)

C: I love it, I love it. What else?

TO: And also QUOTATION marks!

C: Oh, quotation marks. Well done!

M: And then let these Quotes open and close! (laughs)

C: Wow!!!

Kim: . Be careful, quotes open! Be careful, quotes are closed!

Tsar.(Laughs) Well, finish me off with your humor!

TO: And then let's every year let the notebooks be signed in a new way.

Tsar: What is it like?

TO: And let city ​​of Minsk sometimes they write in one line, then in two !!!

Tsar: That's love!

M: And then let teachers sign magazines differently every year, so that they don’t get used to it! (Everyone laughs)

Cyril, Methodius: Let them also wear changeable shoes to school!

Cyril, Methodius and the Tsar: In linen bags!

(Wheel turns back)

All participants:

We are not afraid of education excesses

We believe in knowledge, as in the Holy Mother of God.

Thanks to Cyril for the Cyrillic alphabet,
Thank you Methodius for the method!

Leading: Thanks guys for the great performances!

Presenter: And now it's time for the first assessments. Word to the esteemed jury.

(jury presentation)

Competition number 2. Warm up

Presentation #1 (Slide 6)

Presenter: Do you know, Ales, what Leo Tolstoy said about the Russian language? Listen: "The Russian people created the Russian language - bright, like a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate, like arrows, melodious and sincere, like a song over a cradle."

Slide (on click 6)

Leading: Agree. “The Russian language is real, strong. Where necessary - strict, serious, where necessary - passionate, where necessary - lively and lively.

presenter: So we will check how the guys know the stable turns of the Russian language.

(Slide 7) Contest No. 2. Warm up.

4 people from each team are invited to the stage. Participants will need to add phraseological units. To do this, in the left column you need to put a number that corresponds to the beginning of the phraseological unit.

(Appendix 1. Correct answers are marked in red.)

In the meantime, the teams are working - we invite the fans to remember phraseological units with the word language. Attention to the screen!

(Slides 8-15). Parable

Xanth arranged a treat for the students, sent Aesop to the market: “Buy us all the best that is in the world!” Guests came - Aesop serves only languages: fried, boiled, salted. "What does it mean?" “But isn’t language the best thing in the world? People negotiate with language, establish laws, talk about wise things - there is nothing better than language!” - "Well, for tomorrow, buy us all the worst that is in the world!" The next day, Aesop again gives only tongues: “What does this mean?” “Isn’t language the worst thing in the world? With language, people deceive each other, start disputes, strife, war - there is nothing worse than language! Xanth was angry, but could not find fault.

Remember phraseological units with the word LANGUAGE.

(Teams perform the task - give the jury). The jury is summing up.

(Slide 16)

Time for us to get some rest. Fizkultminutka. Dance teacher.

Competition number 3. Captain's.


The writer Maxim Gorky believed:

"In order to write well, one must know one's native language well."


Team captains are invited to the stage.

Presenter: In 3 minutes you have to correct the mistakes in the text. How many mistakes you correct - so many points and bring your team.

(Slides 18-20. Appendix 2)


Let's try to solve riddles about fairy-tale characters.
He got leeches
I sold Karabas
The whole smell of marsh mud,
His name was ... (Pinocchio - Duremar).
He lived in Prostokvashino

And he was friends with Matroskin.

He was a little simple.

The dog's name was ... (Totoshka - Sharik).

He walked boldly through the forest,
But the fox ate the hero.
At parting, the poor thing sang.
His name was ... (Cheburashka - Kolobok).
Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

He is looking for a magic key.

He has a terrible look

This is a doctor ... (Aibolit - Karabas).

And beautiful and sweet
Only very small
slender figurine,
And the name is ... (Snow Maiden - Thumbelina).
For many days he was on the road,
To find your wife
And the ball helped him,
His name was ... (Kolobok - Ivan Tsarevich).
Everyone knows, peeps
It hinders and hurts everyone.
She only cares about the rat,
And her name is ... (Yaga - Shapoklyak).

He's a big naughty and comedian
He has a house on the roof.
Boastful and arrogant,
And his name is ... (Dunno - Carlson).

He somehow lost his tail,
But the guests brought him back.
He's grumpy like an old man

This sad ... (Piglet - donkey Eeyore).

With blue hair
And big eyes
This doll is an actress
And her name is ... (Alice - Malvina).
Competition No. 4 Homework. What a charm these fairy tales are!


We have approached the final competition "What a charm these fairy tales are."


Four presentations will be given to your attention. Greet the participants with applause!

Performance of the team "Academicians" 3 "G" class


(Journalists run out. Microphones, newspapers in their hands)

2. The Internet replaces live communication! Fairy-tale heroes are in crisis!

3. Carlson takes jam to Russia!

4. Baba Yaga has gone into a fashion model!

5. Koschei opened his own bank!

6. Guard!!! Save fairy tales!!!

Olga's student

Tired of these tales about people and about animals,
About the magic tips of all kinds of gnomes and fairies!
Show me the frog, what a beauty it was!
Where will you find a hut to spin like a top?
Grandma didn’t fly in a mortar, the goblin didn’t brew a potion,
Nightingale once heard - it was not a robber!

Cyril (scientist cat)

Imagine for a moment
How would we live without books?
If everything disappeared at once,
What was written for children:
From magical good tales
To funny stories? ..

Tired of these tales about swan princesses,
These fantasy coloring pages for kindergarten kids!

(Slams the book on the ground. Melody "Visiting a fairy tale")

Where did I get? I don't understand anything...

What is there to understand? I threw the book on the floor, you don’t like fairy tales, you don’t read. Here it landed where it should.

And where should it go?

Somewhere, clucked like a hen with a golden egg! You got into a fairy tale - for re-education. Tales on the shelves stale and the heroes fled! You can return home only when you return fairy-tale characters back to their fairy tales!

Are eyeing.

Near the seaside there is a green oak.

There is Internet on oak tom

and a gingerbread man with a fox

counter is played day after day.

Olya: Koshchey writes SMS there.

Yaga is looking for something on Google.

The princess is languishing there IN CONTACT.

And there is no smell of fairy tales here!

(The music of "Baby Yaga" gr. Combination sounds)

Oh, give me back the year
I would like to model...
Yaga would not be now.
In general, life did not work out.

Olya: You see, Grandmother Yaga. And in a fairy tale you are very needed!

(A bun comes out to the music. Behind him are the Fox and the Storyteller.)

I don't believe my eyes! My God! After all, he is in front of me!
How funny, no arms, no legs, well, you can immediately see, Gingerbread Man!


I am a baked gingerbread man, chilled in the breeze,
I am a modern guy, I have an excellent recipe.
I am absolutely fresh, diligent from all sides.
You do not see that I am small, but I am tasty and daring.


Everyone is familiar with this old fairy tale,
she's cuter than a lot of stories.
The fox choked on a bun,
when you find out how many calories it has!

(The fox pushes the kolobok. Olya takes him by the hand, sentences)

Olya: Roll, roll, you are our hero, home to your native fairy tale.
Without stopping, day and night, hurry away from the forest.

(Music sounds. "Nihilist" of the Lyapis Trubetskoy group. Two guards come out, then the banker Koschey)

Guard 1
Mouth open wide
Everyone who came here
All sparkles with diamonds
And the huge hall sparkles!
Guard 2
And Koschey is now a banker

Famous all over the world.

In a bright red jacket
And with a cell phone in hand

Hello gentlemen,
How long did you go, where?
And what kind of wind
Have you all been brought here?

I am a young gypsy

Let me tell you!

Your bank will soon go bankrupt

it will burst and evaporate. (Guard looks at each other and leaves)

So say goodbye to business

Return to the fairy tale!

Koschey. (Looks around. There is no security! He is frightened.)

Guard! Faster to the fairy tale! There I am Immortal, I'm not afraid of anything !!! (Runs away)

Cyril: So they returned the heroes to their fairy tales, it's time for us to go home!

But before returning home
I want to wish the guys:
Once again, plunge into a fairy tale,
And good books to read! (Music: Verka Serduchka "Everything will be fine." All the characters run onto the stage)

ALL: be afraid children of laziness,

like a bad habit.

And read a day

you at least on the page!

(Music: Verka Serduchka "Everything will be fine." All the characters run away from the stage)

Host: Teams - on stage! Let the anthem of KVN sound!!!

To the music of E. Shainsky “You, yes I, yes we are with you”, everyone sings the anthem.

You, me, and we...
You, me, and we...
We now have a great team.
We will joke and laugh

Give you songs, smile,

Just don't judge us too harshly!

You, me, and we...
You, me, and we...
No one will ever separate us.

Even if we grow up
Then we will become an adult team,
KVN will always live in the world

The word for summing up the game is given to the jury.

Teams are awarded diplomas.

teams are awarded diplomas.ge/3/m LANGUAGE. with one hand, sentences) Materials used:


3. http://aphorism-citation.ru/inde


Pouting like ... on grits



Take ... by the horns



Watch how ... at the new gate


a fish

Write like ... with a paw






Stuffed like ... in a barrel



Buy ... in a bag



Sit on your favorite...



Sharing the skin of the unkilled……..



.nose will not undermine



It teems like ... a nest



Pours ... tears






It's like…



Hear how ... fly by








Find and fix bugs.

Friends of nature

Prerod must be protected. Druk does not spoil the vlisu direvya,

does not cut the punishment, does not break the branches, does not trample the flowers. A good man does not destroy bird nests, does not ruin anthills.

True friends of nature help birds and animals. they birigut Native fox and pale

Protecting nature means protecting your homeland!

State budgetary educational institution

middle School of General education

from. Red Settlement of the Elkhovsky municipal district

Samara region

"Formation of speech etiquette skills

in junior schoolchildren (Grade 4) in extracurricular activities»


primary school teacher

Uvarova Galina Anatolievna

from. Red Settlement

Topic of the extracurricular activity "Culture of speech, behavior and communication"

Description of the work: the lesson contains exercises in the use of polite words, small dramatizations illustrating the importance of "magic words", children are invited to analyze situations and find out how to act politely.

This lesson is intended for the implementation of extracurricular activities of the social, scientific and cognitive direction in accordance with GEF IEO; the material of the lesson is aimed at developing communication skills in younger students.

Goals: the formation of students' speech culture skills through acquaintance with the words of greeting and farewell;

To educate through the game sensitivity, kindness, mutual understanding, love for loved ones and respect for elders.

Develop interest in the Russian language.


Tutorials: learn to use various means of expressing politeness; to acquaint with etiquette expressions of the request; to teach how to choose the appropriate means of expressing a request for a given situation; use intonation as a means of polite request.
Developing: develop children's speech, thinking, vocabulary.
Educators: to cultivate a culture of communication, a culture of behavior in society, the rallying of the children's team, to form a sense of camaraderie.Lesson type: combined.

Class technology: gaming, collective interaction

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation (the content of the slides is indicated during the lesson)

Formation of UUD:
Personal UUD:
1) formation of readiness and ability of students for self-development
2) formation of motivation for learning and cognition
3) formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature
4) the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion

Regulatory UUD:
1) mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, search for means of its implementation
2) mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature
3) the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure
4) mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection
5) mastering the initial information about the essence and features of objects, processes and phenomena of reality
Cognitive UUD:
1) awareness of the integrity of the surrounding world, the elementary rules of moral behavior in the world and people.
2) the formation of the ability to adequately, consciously and arbitrarily build a speech statement in oral speech
3) establishing cause-and-effect relationships, building a logical chain of reasoning, proof
Communicative UUD:
1) the formation of the ability to build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks of communication and compose texts orally
2) the formation of the ability to use speech means and means to solve communicative and cognitive tasks
3) the formation of the ability to listen and engage in dialogue.

Lesson progress

Introductory speech of the teacher

The culture of a person is manifested in his clothes, in his actions, in his attitude towards adults, in his love for Russia. And yet the culture of a person is very clearly manifested in his speech, in the way a person speaks. The theme of our lesson is the culture of speech. By the way a person speaks, what words he uses in speech, it is already possible to assume whether he is cultural or not.

If a person says: “My ears hurt”, “Give me back my briefcase”, “What time is it?”, It is already clear that a person is not distinguished by a great culture. What is the culture of speech?

(Children's answers are heard)

Under the culture of speech, we mean the ability to correctly, clearly, clearly, accurately and briefly express one's thoughts. And this is a very difficult thing - to speak clearly, clearly, understandably to everyone. This is what you guys are taught at school, primarily in the lessons of the Russian language, literary reading and other subjects.

A bit of history

Have you ever thought about the importance of the Russian language in the life of the people?

Throughout the history of our people, the mighty Russian word has united people, led them to fight for independence, for the strengthening of our state.

Our language

There are many large countries in the world

And there are many small

And for all nationalities

Your language is an honor.

You have the right to be proud, Frenchman,


You always say

In your own language.

Chinese, Turkish, Serbian or Czech

Of course, you are dearer than all

One mother tongue.

And I thank fate

I have no higher happiness

What do I say in Russian

I have been for eight years now.

Calm, cheerful and melodious,

Ridiculous and harsh

And merciless, and mighty,

And formidable to enemies.

Suvorov approved of the soldiers

In Russian

The immortal Pushkin composed

In Russian!

Mendeleev gave the law

In Russian!

"Down with the king!" - the people said

In Russian!

N. Boyko

The Russian language is the most valuable asset and the greatest achievement of the Russian nation. Russian writers, collecting and studying all the riches of the national language, drew wonderful pictures of their native nature.

The brilliance and richness of Russian speech are well shown in F. Tyutchev's poem.

Blushed cherry and plum,

The golden rye poured.

And like the sea, the field worries,

Linden smells of fragrant honey,

And the forest is full of darkness.

What does it mean to love your language? (Children's answers.)

This means studying it deeply, thoughtfully, striving to speak in a pure, correct, literary language; read as many books as possible, learn to write correctly, constantly monitor your speech and the speech of your comrades.

About the culture of speech

To master literary pronunciation, one must carefully listen to the speech of artists, radio and television announcers, and read more books. You have to pay attention to the stress in the words. That's what the wrong placement of stress can lead to. Let's listen to the story of the schoolbag about the boy Petya, who does not put stress on words.

Meet: Petya is my neighbor

He is already twelve years old.

But he still says

Not a corridor, but a corridor.

The director enters the office,

The magician is closedbut zine for lunch.

The hostess washes the glasss ,

Cuts beets, bakes pancakes.

And it's my turn:

he briefcaseabout calls rtfel.

But I do not in vain "Native speech"

Fate entrusted to protect.

And I came up with no joke.

Let his name be PeteI .

-Peter! - rushes from the yard-

It's time for you to go home!

Don't touch the baby, PetI ,

After all, you are big, not a child!

petI offended by the guys

Tell me what am I guilty of?

I did not swear, I did not be rude

And he didn't offend anyone.

Why in broad daylight

They took away my name?

How can you help Pete guys? (Children's statements.)

Yes, all words need to be stressed correctly. It is very difficult to speak accurately, expressing your thoughts, often, standing at the blackboard, you experience difficulty in choosing the right word. It is even more difficult to find such a word when the lesson is poorly learned. This is where weed words appear in our speech: means, so to speak, this.

We must all treat the Russian language with care. Otherwise, you may develop a disease, as Petya Krutilkin was ill.


Doctor. What are you complaining about young man?

Peter. I'm a little sick, doctor. The only business is that something swells in the company and tears up the throat.

Doctor. In your mouth you say? Now let's see (puts a thermometer). What grade are you in, young man?

Peter. In the third "Would".

Doctor. In the third "Would"? I don't know this class. Do you live together in your class?

Peter. Terribly friendly. We always have a lot of fun.

Doctor. Creepy and fun?! Hm! And how do you learn?

Peter. Order! Iron! The girls are especially tight. Their teacher praises to the nines.

Doctor. Order! Iron! (Takes a thermometer from Petya.) Well, open your mouth. I knew it. You have a serious tongue problem. And the doctor can't help you. You can heal yourself. I'll give you a good recipe (he extracts from the table and shows the grammar of the Russian language). From it you will learn how to speak.

Some students monitor their speech only at school. But as soon as they leave the classroom, unnecessary words appear, and even rude expressions.

And how unpleasant it is to hear when the guys call each other Valerka, Sashka, Dimka, Tanka. Where did these nicknames come from? It was earlier that the master, wanting to emphasize his superiority over the peasants, called them with disdain:

Parsley! You are always with a new thing - with a torn elbow.

You, Filka, you are a straight chump.

And you guys live in a society where there are no servants or landowners, so you need to forget about such names. Those who do not respect their friends are spoken of in this poem.

He was not used to speaking.

A simple "sorry"

Did not overcome his tongue.

Alyosha, Vitya, Vanya, Tolya.

He only calls his friends

It also makes a very unpleasant impression when, talking to each other, you call not a name, but nicknames, often very offensive. The poet S. Mikhalkov has a good poem "A Funny Surname".

What surnames are missing:

Pyaterkin, Dvoikin, Supov,

Slyuntyaev, Tropkin - Darmoed,

Pupkov and Perepupov.

In the names of various persons,

Sometimes we know

The names of fish and birds sound

Animals and insects.

Lisichkin, Rakov, Turkeys,

Selyodkin, Myshkin, Pchelkin,

Mokritsyn, Volkov, Motylkov,

Bobrov and Perepelkin.

But maybe some Komarov

Have a leonine character

And some Tigers or Lions

Umishko mosquito.

It happens that Korshunov is different

Sinichkina is afraid.

What is the conclusion? It's not about the last name and nickname, but what kind of person.

Let's read the nine basic rules for the culture of speech.

Rules "Culture of speech"


The culture of speech is the use of polite words. Let's repeat them.

Hello! -

You tell the person.
- Hi! -

He smiles back.
And probably
Won't go to the pharmacy

And will be healthy for many years!

Guys, what do we wish a person when we say “Hello!”?

In the old days in Russia, all people were polite, always greeted each other with a bow and the words: hello, good health, are you healthy?

How do they say hello in other countries?

Good morning...

Bon jour…

Good morning …

Hello …

What gestures help to say hello?

Indians: fold their arms and press them to their chest

Chinese people shake hands

Hispanics: hugging

Laplanders: rub their noses

Japanese: bow

Russians, British, Americans: shake hands

How to say goodbye depends on the time of day, who is saying goodbye, and also on the situation.

In any situation, the farewell formula "Goodbye!"

When they say goodbye, knowing that there will be a meeting soon, they say “See you!”

Parting for a long time usually say "Goodbye!"

Going to bed, people wish each other "Good night!"

Among well-known people they say “Total!”, “Bye!”, “Happily!”

How do they say goodbye in other countries?

Goodbye! …

Zai Zen! …

Sayo nara! …

Aufiderzein! …

Arevoir! …

Arrividerci! …

Usually, before saying goodbye, people refer to the need to leave ("I have to leave", "I'm sorry, but I have to go", "I have to go")

And now we will check whether you know polite words well, let's play rhymes:

… thanks!

… good afternoon!

… thanks!

… goodbye!

Two people met, said hello, one asked the other how things were going, he replied that everything was fine. Can I end the conversation? Yes, you can.

And if the answer was that things are bad? Can I finish the conversation? Of course not. If a person feels bad and complains about his affairs, you should continue the conversation, ask what happened.


How much depends on the people around us! A good mood depends on goodwill, friendliness, a bad mood - on irritation, anger. Offended by someone, we say: “An ill-mannered person, an uncivilized person.” Eastern wisdom says: “Treat people the way you would like them to treat you ...” If everyone would follow this advice, how much easier it would be for people communicate with each other.

You are still younger students, but not kids anymore. You need to cultivate the habit of caring for others, being responsive, attentive. For example, do not slam the door when you leave the entrance, do not shout on the stairs. After all, in some apartment there may be a sick person. Or maybe someone's dad or mom is resting after a night shift? Maybe they didn't sleep all night, bake you a delicious bun for breakfast. You scream, and behind the wall, a mother has just lulled her baby to sleep, or someone is hard at work at a desk.

Don't consider yourself the center of the universe. Remember those who are close to you. Even in ancient Greece they said: a cultured person does not speak loudly. Loud speech is annoying. Interferes with others, irritates them. Remember in the song, it is possible to hear a person's heart only in silence ...

And now let's try to uncover the concept of "educated person". Guys often tease fat or thin children, tall or short, come up with insulting nicknames for their comrades, not realizing that by doing so they deeply offend their human dignity. All this is incompatible with the concept of "educated person".

Watching you, I concluded: your quarrels often begin because of a trifle: pushed, snatched, hurt. What do you think is easier: to quarrel or to put up? Why? I offer you such a moral task. You brought a stamp album to school to show to a friend. Suddenly, one of the guys snatches the album from your hands and does not want to give it back. How will you do it? Condition: the album must be received peacefully, without fights, quarrels, tears.

(Role-play training: two children act out a skit, as they could do.)

I would like to remind you of the words: “The power of my fists ends at the nose of my neighbor” (poster). How do you understand them? "My body is my territory, someone else's body is someone else's territory, I have no right to invade someone else's territory."

Scientists and doctors tried to answer the question of whether rudeness affects human health. It turns out that it can have serious consequences. Experienced resentment, insult make a person closed, distrustful. Half of all heart grievances, diseases are the result of rudeness, rudeness, indifference.

What do you think, is it necessary to be educated in situations where no one sees you? Or can you afford to relax? (Children's statements.)

What is upbringing? ( Politeness, culture, courtesy.)

The rules of a well-mannered person must always be followed when you are in public and when no one sees you. By the way you behave at home, at school, on the street, they judge your family, your parents, school. So try not to drop the honor of your home, school. Always think about it. But one external culture is not enough, an internal culture is needed. Is the essence of good manners to smile politely and say “thank you”? You can learn all the rules of good manners, know how to behave in any situation, you can have excellent manners and still remain an uncultured, ill-mannered person if your behavior is devoid of tact.

What is tact?

Tact in Greek means light touch. They say one person is tactful and the other is tactless. Tact is inner sensitivity, it is the ability to behave correctly in any situation so as not to hurt a person, not to offend him, it is a light touch on the thoughts, feelings, heart of a person, this is the ability to understand what a person needs at the moment: sympathy, pity, attention.

Some people pride themselves on always telling the truth. But if you think about it, this does not always characterize a person on the positive side. It immediately appears to be a sharp, tactless person. Therefore, before saying something unpleasant to others, you need to weigh whether it is worth saying, think about how you can say it, choose the right moment. Of course, this does not apply to those cases when it is necessary to put a rude and scoundrel in their place. It is unpleasant to pass for a tactless person. To prevent this from happening, it is worth remembering some useful recommendations more often. Tactful person:

-does not brag


The word is a very powerful weapon. It happens that an accidentally thrown word turns a person’s whole life upside down, they remember it all their lives and cause a lot of suffering.

View presentation content
"A culture of speech"

Polite Dolphins

"Culture of speech, behavior and communication".

Lesson objectives:

Formation of students' speech culture skills through acquaintance with the words of greeting and farewell;

To educate through the game sensitivity, kindness, mutual understanding, love for loved ones and respect for elders. - develop interest in the Russian language.

GBOU secondary school, village of Krasnoe Settlement, Elkhovsky district

Uvarova Galina Anatolyevna,

primary school teacher


Tutorials: learn to use various means of expressing politeness; to acquaint with etiquette expressions of the request; to teach how to choose the appropriate means of expressing a request for a given situation; use intonation as a means of polite request. Developing: develop children's speech, thinking, vocabulary. Educators: to cultivate a culture of communication, a culture of behavior in society, the rallying of the children's team, to form a sense of camaraderie.

Blushed cherry and plum,

The golden rye poured.

And like the sea, the field worries,

And in the grass in the meadows you will not pass.

The sun is high above the vault

Scorched above the vault of heaven.

Linden smells of fragrant honey,

And the forest is full of darkness.

F. Tyutchev

. "Thank you", "hello", "sorry"

He was not used to speaking.

A simple "sorry"

Did not overcome his tongue.

He will not tell his school friends:

Alyosha, Vitya, Vanya, Tolya.

He only calls his friends

Alyoshka, Vitka, Vanka, Tolka.

What surnames are missing:

Pyaterkin, Dvoikin, Supov,

Slyuntyaev, Tropkin - Darmoed,

Pupkov and Perepupov.

In the names of various persons,

Sometimes we know

The names of fish and birds sound

Animals and insects.

Lisichkin, Rakov, Turkeys,

Selyodkin, Myshkin, Pchelkin,

Mokritsyn, Volkov, Motylkov,

Bobrov and Perepelkin.

But maybe some Komarov

Have a leonine character

And some Tigers or Lions

Umishko mosquito.

It happens that Korshunov is different

Sinichkina is afraid.

S. Mikhalkov

Rules of "Culture of Speech"

1. Try to speak correctly, do not use rude expressions in conversation.

2. Talk only about what you know. Remember that "talking without thinking is like shooting without aiming."

3. Do not rush to express your thoughts.

4. Don't be verbose. In conversation, choose the words that express your idea better than others.

5. When talking, do not wave your arms. Thought must be expressed in words, not gestures.

6. Do not speak quickly, do not swallow words.

7. Do not try to shout down the interlocutor if he speaks too loudly. Start talking quietly - the interlocutor will also stop screaming.

8. Be affectionate and friendly in conversation with the kids.

9. Do not give nicknames to your comrades.

tactful person

-does not brag

-does not sort things out in the presence of strangers;

- will not put another person in an awkward position, will pretend that he did not notice the oversight;

- tolerant of the shortcomings and weaknesses of other people;

- never tells other people's secrets;

- in a conversation with people who have a defect, avoids everything that could remind them of this;

-does not read other people's letters, does not look into other people's windows.

Hello! -

You tell the person. - Hi! -

He smiles back. And probably won't go to the pharmacy,

And will be healthy for many years!

  • Guys, what do we wish a person when we say “Hello!”?
  • In the old days in Russia, all people were polite, always greeted each other with a bow and the words: hello, good health, are you healthy?

How do they say hello in other countries?

Good morning...

Bon jour…

Good morning …

Hello …

What gestures help to say hello?

  • Indians:

fold your arms and press them to your chest

  • Chinese people shake hands
  • Samoans: Sniff each other when greeting
  • Hispanics: hugging
  • Laplanders: rub their noses
  • Japanese: bow
  • Tibetans: remove headgear with right hand and stick out tongue
  • Russians, British, Americans:

shake hands

  • How to say goodbye depends on the time of day, who is saying goodbye, and also on the situation.
  • In any situation, the farewell formula "Goodbye!"
  • When they say goodbye, knowing that there will be a meeting soon, they say “See you!”
  • Parting for a long time usually say "Goodbye!"
  • Going to bed, people wish each other "Good night!"
  • Among well-known people they say “Total!”, “Bye!”, “Happily!”

How do they say goodbye in other countries?

Goodbye! …

Zai Zen! …

Sayo nara! …

Aufiderzein! …

Arevoir! …

Arrividerci! …

  • Usually, before saying goodbye, people refer to the need to leave ("I have to leave", "I'm sorry, but I have to go", "I have to go")
  • Before saying a farewell phrase, people usually thank for communication, apologize for the time taken from the interlocutor.
  • Usually, they wish all the best to the departing guest, invite them to come again, express their friendly attitude, conveying greetings to his relatives.

polite words

  • An ice block will melt from the word warm ...

… thanks!

  • The old stump will turn green when it hears ...

… good afternoon!

  • If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ...

… thanks!

  • And in Russia, Belarus and Denmark they say goodbye ...

… goodbye!

1 - tour. Topic: "Culture of communication".

one . What words do we use when we meet?

  • Bye!
  • Great!
  • Hey!
  • Hello!
  • Goodbye!
  • Good morning!

  • Call Sasha.
  • Hello, please call Sasha.
  • Hello, call Sasha.
  • Hello, excuse me, is Sasha at home?

3. You are late for the lesson and want to enter the class. How will you do it?

  • May I enter?
  • Will I come in?
  • Exuse me, may I come in?

  • I would help a person to cross the carriageway of the street.
  • I would go my own way.
  • I would stand and watch a man cross the street.

  • I'll promise my mom to do the errand next time.
  • I will apologize to the guys and fulfill my mother's request.
  • I'll pretend that I forgot about my mother's request, and I'll go play with my friends.

  • I will treat the whole family with sweets.
  • I'll hide the candy away.
  • I will put some of the sweets in a vase and put it on the table.

  • I would have laughed too.
  • Helped Vanya to get up.
  • I would wait until Vanya himself rises.

3 - TOUR (winners play).

  • Name polite words.

  • - The word is a very powerful weapon. It happens that an accidentally thrown word turns a person’s whole life upside down, they remember it all their lives and cause a lot of suffering.
  • Pay attention to the posture of people, their facial expressions, gestures, they often speak about the internal state of a person more than words. Look into people's eyes more often, because the eyes are a mirror of the soul, they can tell a lot about the state of a person: they can express joy, sadness, a plea for help, pain, despair ... More sympathy for the people around you.

Extra-curricular activity: "In pure, Russian language." Scenario for grades 7-9

Extra-curricular activity: "In pure, Russian language."

Equipment: Summary of the event, video “Yeralash: Why do we say so”, presentation, cards for the draw, cards with tasks for teams (a list of slang words and a poem for staging), 2 drawing paper, scissors, glue, colored pencils and felt-tip pens, rulers, pictures for wall newspaper design, reference materials, individual cards for reflection.

Event progress:

Hello guys, I'm glad to see you.

You know, in my childhood, and to be honest, even now I really liked the Yeralash program. Do you know such a show? Have you ever watched her? Just this morning, when I was going to visit you, I accidentally stumbled upon one of his series. Looking at it, I smiled, but also thought at the same time. I was not too lazy to download this video, and I would like to show it to you. The action takes place there in 1974, when neither you nor I were yet. 40 years have passed, and how things are in our time. You will tell me about this after watching. Slide 1 (video clip "Yeralash" - Why do we say that?)

What is the main idea of ​​the video? That's right, that's exactly what we're going to talk about today. And how are things currently? Do older people always understand your speech? Could the same situation happen in our time? The boy's vocabulary, of course, would change a little, but the adult would still not understand it.

There is a saying: “They meet according to their clothes, but they see them off according to their mind.” But how do people learn about the mind, because you are not forced to take an IQ test every time you meet new people, or something like that. Is it possible to determine his mental abilities by the speech of a person, by the way he speaks?

Slide 3.

And now the slang words. Here are the examples that I found. slide 6.

The next task will be different for each group, we have already said that slang is words that have equivalents in the literary language. Often, people who use slang in their speech believe that they can abandon it at any time and switch to a normal literary language. And let's check if it's so easy to do this, you have a sheet of slang words in front of you - and you have to find synonyms for them, convey the meaning of the word with another expression.
1. Estimate -
2. Nishtyak -
3. Havchik -
4. Bazaar -
5. Outfit -
6. Hang out -
7. Ancestors -
8. Bro -
9. Nerd -
10. Battle -
11. Syapki -
12. Mouth off
13. Purple -
14. To stir up -
15. Glitch -
16. Shukher-
17. Kulno -
18. Go -
19. Fake -
20. Nice -

1. - How to get to the station? -
I asked on the tram.
One passenger said
What he knows very well
2. - In general, somewhere, so to speak,
It's very close.
Just a stone's throw away
In short.
I mean to you at the same time
Let me explain friendly...
You drove a long time ago
Need to return.

1. The cat cheekily climbed onto the table,
Reaches for the cutlet.
Here the owner came
And the cat noticed:
2. - You, Vasily, are not the one
You know, come on.
Not for you for one
There will be guests!
Basically, I wanted to say
What I can't stand...
1. The cat has long eaten a cutlet,
Got the sour cream.

Today we are working so actively and creatively, you are probably already a little tired? Do you want me to teach you how to just a couple of movements, and knowing a few points to learn how to activate the brain, get rid of irritation, improve mood and much more?

To do this, you and I first need to get up, straighten our shoulders and relax. Warm up your hands. To get rid of mental fatigue and feel a surge of strength, you need to find and massage clockwise Slide 7

2 points on the sides of the little finger nail, lightly pressed and massaged.
We looked at the thumb and forefinger, found the place where your bones converge, massage with light pressure in a clockwise direction.
We found a small depression on the back of the head and massaged it, again in a clockwise direction.

To relieve stress: Slide 8.

2 protruding bones just below the neck.
Point on the wrist from the side of the little finger. When performing a massage, breathe deeply and evenly.

Well, so that everything is always in order with your mood, there are also several points: Slide 9

dot on forehead between eyebrows
point at the wings of the nose (moving up and down)
3 points above the upper lip, under the lower lip and on the chin.

And so that the information that you learned today is better remembered for you, and so that not only you, but also students of other classes can get acquainted with it, let's make a kind of newspaper in which we clearly and concisely reflect the main theses of our today's event. You have everything you need for this on the tables, and you see the scheme by which you will make a wall newspaper on the screen. slide 13

Let's hang our wall newspapers on the board.

To summarize, each of you has a small table in which you must evaluate whether this event was interesting for you, how you worked during it, and what happened in the end. The score sheet may not be signed.

Thank you very much, I was very pleased to work with you, I hope you also enjoyed our time together.

Russian language grade 8. Scenario of an extracurricular event on the topic: "Many words on earth ..." (class hour dedicated to the culture of speech)

27.09.2014 2381 0


Informing about the impact of such words on humans, animals, plants, as well as the origins of foul language.

Many words on earth. There are daily words

The blue of the spring sky shines through them.

There are words - like wounds, words - like judgment -

They do not surrender with them and do not take prisoners.

Words can kill, words can save.

In a word, you can lead the shelves behind you.

In a word, you can sell, and betray, and buy.

The word can be poured into smashing lead.


Host -1: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this property handed down by our predecessors” - I.S. Turgenev.

What does it mean to "keep your tongue"?

From whom to protect it?

Does language have enemies?

Listening to how politicians, actors, and journalists talk today not only on the streets, but also on TV screens, you understand that the Russian language is now more than ever in great danger. Inarticulate speech and foul language are cultivated from the lips of people who must carry culture to the masses.

We are now, as it were, all stupid,

Everyone began, as it were, to forget

That, as it were, we do not even know how

Without "as if" a couple of words to connect.

Good would be, as it were, in business,

Even if, as it were, at random.

And then, as it were, clumsily

And more often, as it were, out of place.

Host -1: Now let's talk about slang. Does everyone know what slang is? The same as jargon is literally corrupted language. Those guys who want to emphasize their independence, independence, and stand out among their peers flaunt slang. Let's imagine that with the help of a time machine from the past, a person came to us who cannot understand the speech of a modern person. Let's help him?

  1. I'm addicted to this song - I like it.
  2. I catch a buzz - I get pleasure.
  3. Pontovo - enjoy.
  4. Funny is a joke.
  5. Waste is wonderful.
  6. To drag - to be delighted.
  7. To stand out - to behave defiantly.

We hope that such "verbal garbage" does not clog your speech too much. The disease of slang is still a childhood disease, which means it should pass quickly, unless, of course, a person strives to become not only an adult, but also a cultural one.

Interlude "Let's Talk"

Characters: boy and adult

How are you?

Wow, power! One wick froze it! He rolls up to the box: “Let me drive the bike!” Sat down and scratched. And then the teacher ... And he let's show off. Broke the mitten. Yes, how shaky. Himself with a black eye. The teacher almost went off the rails, but the bike hooted. In rzhachka!

What, was there a horse?

What horse?

Well, let's start over.

Well, let's. What didn't you understand? So one wick...

Without a candle?

And what is this wick?

Well, a long guy rolled up to the box ...

What did he ride, on a bike?

No, the bike is at the shket ...

Which kit?

Well, you know him, he walks around with such a schnobel.

With whom, with whom?

Yes, not with whom, but with what. His nose is so ... Well, here it is. He says give me a big one. Sat down and scratched.

Did he have something itchy?

No, he wanted to ride, he got a kick in the head. He began to roam. He opened his mitten and twitched.


Do you guys understand everything in this dialogue?

Host - 2: But perhaps the most terrible enemy of our language is swearing. Just like alcoholism and smoking, foul language at first, when you can still stop, not to say, not to pronounce, is certainly a vice. Then, gradually, imperceptibly, foul language becomes a disease. A person can no longer build an elementary sentence without using bad words.

Host - 3: The sin of foul language was condemned at the Council of Carthage (rule 71): “With indecent words, they offend the honor of the mothers of families and the chastity of others. A foul-mouthed person is likened to a monster when before the word “mother” he sets himself the concept only of fornication, mocks, being himself born and raised by a mother. A foul-mouthed blasphemer."

Host -1: Do you know what is the history of the origin of swear words? Unfortunately, they have native Russian roots. In ancient Russia, mat was nothing more than a spell, a formula against evil spirits. Through swearing, people entered into communication with evil spirits, as if tuning in to their wave, calling them into their lives. But everyone knew that children should not be scolded, they would be tormented by demons. You can’t swear at home: demons will live in this dwelling. It was also impossible to swear in the forest - the goblin may be offended, on the banks of a river or lake - a water one will be offended. Where could a person swear, throw out all the anger out of himself. There was only one place left - the field. Hence the expression - "battlefield".

Host -2: If you look at the history of the origin and meaning of the word "mate" in its original version, then it means "scream", a loud voice in the meaning of onomatopoeia. And the imitation was the sounds of animals during the mating season. In Ancient Russia, it was considered indecent to become like cattle and yell with a good obscenity about what belonged to the sphere of intimate relationships. Mat is an echo of a ritual witchcraft curse, the opposite of prayer.

Host -3: In Russia, until the middle of the 19th century, not only was swearing not widespread, but for a very long time it was a criminal offense. Later, the foul-mouthed person was publicly flogged. Under Peter 1, the book “The Honest Mirror of Youth” was published, where it was written that decent behavior of people can only be recognized with complete abstinence from swearing.

Host -1: A bad word is a black energy that brings destruction. There is no doubt that this is so, because scientists have repeatedly proved the detrimental effect of foul language on the condition of plants, animals, and humans.

At the end of the 20th century, an employee of the Institute for Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, biologist Pyotr Garyaev, the author of many controversial theories from the point of view of official science, took up scientific proof. He created an apparatus that translated human words into electromagnetic waves, and then investigated how these waves affect the molecules of heredity - DNA. With the help of a miracle technique, the scientist decided to check how evil and kind words are reflected in a living organism.

Host -2: It turned out that some words are worse than mines: they "explode" in the human genetic apparatus, distort his hereditary programs, cause mutations and eventually lead to degeneration. During foul language, chromosomes are torn and torn. Experimenting on people, subjecting them to prolonged abuse, is too cruel, so they conducted experiments on the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant. For several weeks, a tape recorder in their vicinity would regularly "recite" rude phrases. As a result, most of the seeds died, and the survivors became genetic freaks. But when the same tape recorder played warm, kind words, the device recorded changes in the structure of DNA molecules. The broken spirals grew together, the seeds came to life and sprouted, and in the control group they remained dead.

Host -3: It would seem that there is a huge difference from plants to people, but studies have shown that the genetic apparatus of all living beings work according to some universal yet unsolved laws.

Offensive barbed remarks deeply hurt a person. Resentment leads to stress, stress - to nervous disorders, and those - to very specific diseases: eczema, stomach ulcers, anorexia or bulimia, up to a heart attack or stroke.

Host -1: So, we are convinced that swearing is dangerous for health, it not only contributes to a decrease in intelligence, provokes crimes, creates the illusion of permissiveness, robs us spiritually, humiliates and insults, but also cripple people's destinies, leads to early aging and premature death.

Now let's see how things are going with us with foul language. You were asked to answer honestly to several questions on the survey. And here's how you answered them.

1. Swearing?

2. How often?

Constantly in the circle of peers - 50%,

only in hearts - 50%

3. When did you learn?

5-10 years -25%,

10-15 years -25%

stopped -50%

4. From whom did you learn?

Company of peers -25%,

other -47%,

5. Do your parents use foul language?

6. Is foul language a good thing?

7. Why are you using foul language?

There is nothing wrong with that - 48%,

everyone does it - 2%,

I strive not to differ from the company -25%,

did not answer - 25%

8. Is it necessary to fight mass foul language?

9. Do you rate profanity as a negative characteristic?

10. Do you feel uncomfortable when you can't use foul language?

Conclusion: Let's watch our speech, let's not destroy ourselves and our future. Remember the words of I.S. Turgenev:

“Keep the purity of the language as sacred. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us.”

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