Home perennial flowers Molrop invites you to participate in the formation of the state youth policy of Russia. Participation in the project will provide an opportunity

Molrop invites you to participate in the formation of the state youth policy of Russia. Participation in the project will provide an opportunity

During the session, representatives from different countries made presentations on a number of development areas: technologies of the future, ecology, aviation of the future, new media, economics for the future development, health, civil development platform, designing the future, global politics, future sciences and education, industries of the future, the world railway network, the creation of a "team of the future".

XIX World Festival of Youth and Students takes place in Russia from 14 to 22 October. On the first day, an international parade-carnival of students took place in Moscow, and the main events are held in the Sochi Olympic Park from October 15 to 22. More than 29 thousand people from more than 180 countries took part in the festival.

V.Putin: Good afternoon dear friends! Ladies and gentlemen!

When I was driving here, I naturally thought about what to tell you, and in the end I realized that it is hardly necessary to set myself the task of telling you something interesting. Firstly, because everyone has their own interests, and secondly, you are all young people, and the younger the person, the more firmly he is convinced that he knows everything better than anyone and more than anyone. Therefore, you should not set yourself the task of surprising you with something.

Just like your colleagues who are on the podium, on this stage, I will just say a few words that I, having listened to your colleagues, consider important, just share my thoughts on what I think you need to keep in mind when you will realize your wonderful and grandiose plans.

I'll start with the simplest. First, these plans, if they are not, of course, plans in the field of fundamental science, must be applied, they must be realizable, proceeding not only from tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but also from today.

Well, let's say, in the field of environmental protection. Our wonderful girl, a beauty from Finland, talked about waste incineration enterprises. Yes, there are already many such enterprises in the world, but you cannot but know that, first of all, when burning waste, they use the energy that is obtained from this burning. But almost all over the world, this energy is subsidized, that is, for the time being, it is not competitive today. If we want these technologies to become widespread and have a real impact on the preservation of the environment, then it is necessary, using all the possibilities of today's technologies and tomorrow's, to make this energy competitive. As long as we subsidize it from the budget, I tell you as a person who does this professionally, this will not be widespread.

The same is true in aviation. Do you remember, in the Soviet Union there was such a Tu-144 aircraft? There was a supersonic aircraft in Europe as well. Where are they now? Only in combat aviation there are supersonic aircraft, but in civil aviation there are none. Why? Expensive.

Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin, we had such a prime minister of the government of the Soviet Union, he was asked: “How much does the Soviet supersonic civil aircraft Tu-144 cost?” Do you know what he answered? He replied: “Only one person knows about this - me. But I won't tell anyone." As long as this situation continues, it will be difficult for us to introduce modern technology.

I recently met with Russian young people, I said that one can imagine, and not only imagine, these are the realities of today, from the western point of the Russian Federation, from Kaliningrad, to get to the easternmost point, to Vladivostok, not in eight or nine hours, like today, by plane, but with the help of space technology in 20 minutes. After all, the rocket is flying at such a speed. Can I use them? Can. But will it be used today? No, it's very expensive. Space tourism is developed, it costs 20 million to fly into space. Can anyone here afford it? Unlikely. But we need to ensure that this is all introduced into widespread practice. Can it be done? Absolutely, it's possible. But for this it is necessary to effectively use new technologies and introduce them. And we were just talking about it here today.

In order to do this effectively, you need to pay attention to the thing that I consider one of the key things - education, we also talked about this here. And it's great that we managed to hold this event in Russia - this event has not yet ended, but, however, the festival is coming to an end. It's great that we managed to hold such a meeting, such a meeting, and I'll tell you why. Because today's education is also becoming completely different, just like technology.

Firstly, it is quite obvious that those people who not only have a set of interesting and important knowledge, but who today are called soft skills, who have creative, planned, and other types of thinking, will gain competitive advantages. When a person develops for himself a whole route of acquiring new and new knowledge for himself, because the world is constantly changing, and education must follow it further, and a person must follow this further. Absolute competitive advantages will be gained by those who can not only think in a modern way, but those who accumulate knowledge from completely different fields of knowledge and different fields of science, can combine them and effectively apply them to solve the problems facing us all.

Another circumstance is also extremely important, and again the example of the festival is very good. This circumstance is called the ability to communicate with other people, the ability, if not to suppress, but to manage your emotions, to work in a team is an extremely important quality. I would very much like to hope that the festival, returning to this once again, supports and develops these qualities in you, and you will go through life with them.

Finally, the third very important circumstance for all of us, regardless of what we do or will do in the future. Do you know what it is? This is the moral and moral component of our business, any. We talked about biology and medicine here. A girl from India is engaged in a specific job, she works in an ambulance. But here they also talked about biology. Many here specialize in it and know what it is. Many are addicted to other things and are not very immersed yet. I will just note a few things.

Genetic engineering, which will certainly give us amazing opportunities in the field of pharmacology, new drugs, changing the human code if a person suffers from genetic diseases. It's great, it's so good. But there is another part of this process. What does it mean? This means that a person acquires the ability to fit into the genetic code created either by nature, or, people with religious views say, by the Lord God. What are the practical implications of this? This means that it is already possible to imagine it, even not very theoretically, it is already possible to practically imagine that a person can create a person with given characteristics. It can be a brilliant mathematician, it can be a brilliant musician, but it can also be a military man - a person who can fight without fear and without a sense of compassion, regret and without pain.

You understand that humanity can enter and, most likely, will enter in the near future a very difficult and very responsible period of its development and existence. And what I just said can be worse than a nuclear bomb.

When we do something, and no matter what we do, I want to repeat this thought once again, we should never forget about the moral and ethical foundations of our work. Everything we do should benefit people, strengthen a person, and not destroy him. This is exactly what I want to wish you.

Thank you very much.


"YOUTH 2030: The future of Russia through the eyes of youth"

The youth branch of the Russian Society of Political Scientists invites young people and experts to contribute to the future of their country by taking part in the formation of the Declaration of the Russian Youth.

Project scope:

  • 85 subjects of the Russian Federation
  • Thousands of active young people
  • 5 thematic areas
  • Dozens of round tables, debates, plenary sessions
  • Hundreds of resolutions
  • 5 stages
  • More than 40 largest youth organizations
  • Hundreds of speakers across the country

The result will be the adoption of the Declaration of Russian Youth.

During the entire duration of the project, from November 1, 2017 to February 16, 2018, Russian youth will have a unique opportunity to contribute not only to the development of the modern youth policy of the Russian Federation, but also to form an image of the future of Russia - what kind of youth wants to see our country in 2030 year. During the project, young people will learn about the opportunities to participate in the socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural life of Russian society. The project will take place in three stages.

1. Regional stage

Holding a series of events in the form of round tables, seminars and debates, which will result in the adoption of regional resolutions that include current problems and proposals of young people on youth policy issues.

2. Conference "Youth 2030: The future of Russia through the eyes of the younger generation"

The conference, which will be held in Moscow for 5 days. Discussions within 5 sections will be offered on the following topics:

  • Youth in the political processes of modern Russia;
  • Youth entrepreneurship as a factor in the development of the Russian economy;
  • The role and importance of youth in the structure of civil society;
  • The role of youth diplomacy in the implementation of Russia's national interests;
  • Spiritual and moral education and cultural values ​​of modern Russian youth.

The result of the conference will be the adoption of the Final Resolution, which accumulates requests, and also forms a list of proposals and topical issues of modern Russian youth.

3. Final conference and preparation of the Declaration

Within the framework of the Final Conference, the participants will be given the opportunity to discuss the resolutions adopted during the regional stage, as well as develop their proposals for inclusion in the Final Resolution. The resolution will form the basis of the final document - the Declaration of the Russian Youth, which is a document with a list of wishes, proposals and solutions to the most important problems in various areas of state policy on behalf of the youth of Russia within the framework of the Russia-2030 Strategy.

The final resolution will be submitted for discussion at the All-Russian Assembly of Young Politicians and Political Scientists in the winter of 2018, following which it will be adopted

4. All-Russian Assembly of Young Politicians

An event that will bring together the youth scientific community, practicing young politicians, public opinion leaders, young entrepreneurs, creative youth from all over the country. During the discussions and discussions, the Declaration of the Russian Youth will be adopted, which will become the main result of the project and will be a comprehensive document containing a list of wishes, specific proposals and solutions to important problems in various areas of the state policy of the Russian Federation, which will be sent to the state authorities of the Russian Federation .

OThe organizer of the project “Youth 2030: The Future of Russia through the Eyes of the Young Generation” is the Russian Society of Political Scientists, a non-governmental organization that unites the Russian expert community in the field of political science; The society includes leading political scientists and statesmen of Russia.


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Take part in the formation of the state youth policy


At the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students, students from different countries shared their vision of the development of the world on the horizon until 2030 with the President of Russia. This meeting was preceded by a series of foresights conducted by Konstantin Vishnevsky, Head of the Digital Economy Research Department at ISSEK, Ozcan Saritas, ISSEK Professor and Editor-in-Chief of the British Foresight magazine, and Yury Simachev, Director of Economic Policy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

The results of the weekly work, in which HSE students also took part, in particular students of the ISSEK master's program "Governance in the field of science, technology and innovation", were presented by ICEF student Alexander Li at the session "Youth 2030. Image of the Future", which was attended by the President of Russia .

Presentation by Alexander Lee from 14.40 minutes.

During the session, representatives from different countries made presentations on a number of development areas: technologies of the future, ecology, aviation of the future, new media, economics for the future development, health, civil development platform, designing the future, global politics, future sciences and education, industries of the future, the world railway network, the creation of a "team of the future".

ICEF HSE student Alexander Li presented the main results of the session participants in the presentation "Economics for Future Development".

“One of the main areas that we discussed is that people will be the center of the economy, not in the traditional way, being a factor of production, but as a leading force in order to make the economy more personalized,” Alexander said. - 42% of students in a panel discussion voted that the most important economic area of ​​the future is human modification, so we will see a change in our skills and capabilities through bioengineering and, possibly, the introduction of a new education system. Also, digital transformation and the rapid growth of the transport system will make the world even smaller, and then we will move to a new economic structure and see a more mobile workforce, people will work in a wider range of areas throughout their lives. Moreover, there will be a more efficient outsourcing model of the economy, where distance will no longer be an obstacle. Summarizing all of the above, we are moving towards a decentralized, personalized economy, where the person will be its center.

Vladimir Putin wished the festival participants to realize their “wonderful and grandiose plans” and shared with them his thoughts on what should be kept in mind. The head of state noted that, firstly, it is necessary to remember that these plans should be of an applied nature (if we are not talking about fundamental science). Secondly, the introduction of new technologies is impossible without educated people, and we are talking not only about “a set of interesting and important knowledge”, but also about creative thinking, the ability to communicate with other people and work in a team. Finally, “whatever we do, we must never forget about the moral, ethical foundations of our business. Everything that we do should benefit people, strengthen a person, and not destroy him," the President emphasized.

Last year, the HSE Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge initiated the National Youth Foresight project to study the scientific and innovative potential of Russian youth and involve them in the process of shaping the country's future.

During the session
representatives of different countries made presentations on a number of topics
development: technologies of the future, ecology, aviation of the future, new media,
economics for future development, health, civil development platform,
designing the future, global politics, future sciences and education,
industries of the future, the global railway network, the creation of a “team of the future”.

XIX World Festival of Youth and Students
takes place in Russia from 14 to 22 October. On the first day, an international parade-carnival of students took place in Moscow, and the main
events are held in the Sochi Olympic Park
from 15 to 22 October. More than
29 thousand people from more than 180 countries.

V.Putin: Good afternoon dear friends! Dear
Ladies and Gentlemen!

When I was driving here
thought, of course, what to say to you, and in the end I realized that it was hardly necessary
challenge yourself to tell you something interesting. First, because
everyone has their own interests, secondly, you are all young people, and the younger the person,
the more firmly he is convinced that he knows everything better than anyone and more than anyone. So
you should not set yourself the task of surprising you with something.

Just like yours
colleagues who are on the podium, on this stage, I will just say
a few words that I, having listened to your colleagues, consider important, just
share my thoughts on what I think should be kept in mind,
when you realize your wonderful and grandiose plans.

I'll start with the simplest. First, these
plans, unless, of course, they are plans in the field of fundamental science, should be
applied, they must be realizable, proceeding not only from tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but also from today.

Well, let's say, in the field of environmental protection. Our wonderful girl, a beauty from Finland, talked about waste incineration enterprises. Yes, such
there are already many enterprises in the world, but you cannot help but know that, first of all, when
waste incineration uses the energy that is obtained from this incineration. But almost all over the world this energy is subsidized, that is, for now, today it
uncompetitive. If we want these technologies to become mainstream
character and that we have a real impact on the preservation of the environment, it is necessary,
using all the possibilities of today's technologies and tomorrow's, maybe, after all
make this energy competitive. As long as we subsidize it from the budget,
I'm telling you as a person who does this professionally, it will not be widespread.

The same is true in aviation. Do you remember, in the Soviet Union there was such a Tu-144 aircraft? Was
supersonic aircraft in Europe. Where are they now? Only in combat
aviation has supersonic aircraft, but civil aviation does not.
Why? Expensive.

Alexey Nikolaevich
Kosygin, we had such a prime minister of the government of the Soviet Union, his
asked: “How much does the Soviet supersonic civil aircraft Tu-144 cost?”
Do you know what he answered? He replied: “Only one knows about it.
man is me. But I won't tell anyone." As long as this situation continues, it will be difficult for us to introduce modern technology.

I met with Russian young people, I said that it was possible
imagine, and not only imagine, these are the realities of today, from the western point of the Russian Federation, from Kaliningrad, to get to the very
east, to Vladivostok, not in eight or nine hours, as today, by plane,
and with the help of space technology in 20 minutes. After all, the rocket is flying at such a speed. Can I use them? Can. But it will be
used today? No, it's very expensive. Space tourism is developed,
20 million costs to fly into space. Can anyone afford it
of those present here? Unlikely. But we need to make sure that
everything was put into practice. Can it be done? Absolutely, it's possible.
But for this it is necessary to effectively use new technologies and introduce them.
And we were just talking about it here today.

In order for this
to do it effectively, you need to pay attention to the thing that I consider one of the key things - education, we also talked about this here. And very
It's great that we managed to hold it in Russia - this event has not yet ended, but, however, the festival is coming to an end. It's great that
I managed to hold such a meeting, such a meeting, I will tell you why. because
today's education is also becoming completely different, as is technology.

it is quite obvious that those people who not only have a set of interesting and important knowledge, but who have what today
are called soft skills, possess both creative, planned, and other types of
thinking. When a person develops a whole route for himself through life
the acquisition of new and new knowledge, because the world is constantly changing, and education must follow it further, and a person must follow this further.
Absolute competitive advantages will be gained by those who can not only think
in a modern way, but those who accumulate knowledge from completely different areas
knowledge and different fields of science, can combine them and effectively apply
to meet the challenges facing us all.

extremely important
there is also another circumstance, and again the example of the festival is very good.
This circumstance is called the ability to communicate with other people, the ability
if not suppress, but manage your emotions, work in a team -
extremely important quality. I would very much like to hope that the festival,
returning to this once again, these qualities are supported and developed in you, and you
you will go through life with them.

Finally, the third
a very important circumstance for all of us, regardless of what we
do or will do in the future. Do you know what it is? This
the moral and moral component of our business, any. We talked about biology and medicine here. A girl from India is engaged in a specific job, she works in an ambulance. But here they also talked about biology. Many are here
specialize in it and know what it is. Many are addicted to others
things and are not yet very immersed. I will just note a few things.

genetic engineering, which
will certainly give us tremendous opportunities in the field of pharmacology, new
drugs, changes in the human code, if a person suffers from genetic
diseases. It's great, it's so good. But there is another component
this process. What does it mean? This means that a person gets the opportunity
get into the genetic code created either by nature, or, people with religious
with their eyes they say, the Lord God. The practical implications of which
can come? This means that you can already imagine it, not even very
theoretically, it is already possible to practically imagine that a person can create
a person with given characteristics. It may be a brilliant mathematician, it is
there may be a brilliant musician, but there may also be a military man - a person who
can fight without fear and without compassion, regret and without pain.

You understand,
humanity can enter and most likely will enter in the near future in a very
difficult and very responsible period of its development and existence.
And what I just said can be worse than a nuclear bomb.

When we are something
do and whatever we do, I want to repeat this thought again, we never
we must not forget about the moral, ethical foundations of our business. All that we
what we do should benefit people, strengthen a person, and not destroy him.
This is exactly what I want to wish you.

Vladimir Putin took part in the Youth 2030. Vision of the Future session held as part of the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students.

During the session, representatives from different countries made presentations on a number of development areas: technologies of the future, ecology, aviation of the future, new media, economics for the future development, health, civil development platform, designing the future, global politics, future sciences and education, industries of the future, the world railway network, the creation of the "Team of the Future".

XIX World Festival of Youth and Students takes place in Russia from 14 to 22 October. On the first day, an international parade-carnival of students took place in Moscow, and the main events are held in the Sochi Olympic Park from October 15 to 22. More than 29 thousand people from more than 180 countries took part in the festival.

V.Putin: Good afternoon dear friends! Ladies and gentlemen!

When I was driving here, I naturally thought about what to tell you, and in the end I realized that it is hardly necessary to set myself the task of telling you something interesting. Firstly, because everyone has their own interests, and secondly, you are all young people, and the younger the person, the more firmly he is convinced that he knows everything better than anyone and more than anyone. Therefore, you should not set yourself the task of surprising you with something.

Just like your colleagues who are on the podium, on this stage, I will just say a few words that I, having listened to your colleagues, consider important, just share my thoughts on what I think should be kept in mind, when you realize your wonderful and grandiose plans.

I'll start with the simplest. First, these plans, if they are not, of course, plans in the field of fundamental science, must be applied, they must be realizable, proceeding not only from tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but also from today.

Well, let's say, in the field of environmental protection. Our wonderful girl, a beauty from Finland, talked about waste incineration enterprises. Yes, there are already many such enterprises in the world, but you cannot but know that, first of all, when burning waste, they use the energy that is obtained from this burning. But almost all over the world, this energy is subsidized, that is, for the time being, it is not competitive today. If we want these technologies to become widespread and to have a real impact on the preservation of the environment, then it is necessary, using all the possibilities of today's technologies, and tomorrow's, perhaps, to still make this energy competitive. As long as we subsidize it from the budget, I tell you as a person who does this professionally, it will not be widely used.

To be continued.

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