Home Perennial flowers Muscle man content php. Imbuilding is the development of the intimate muscles of a man. Kegel exercises for intimate health

Muscle man content php. Imbuilding is the development of the intimate muscles of a man. Kegel exercises for intimate health

If your goal is to increase overall functionality, then home workouts for men will do as well, but gaining mass without a gym is almost impossible. Going to the gym should be a mature and deliberate decision, you will have to work hard, but you will not regret it.

Below is a training program for beginners in the gym focused on training men. Being engaged in this complex, beginners will be able to adapt their muscles to physical work. Your body will get used to strength training and prepare for more challenging exercises and workouts. The beginner's program will help improve the tone of the entire body of a novice bodybuilder and prepare for work with split schemes.

Gym program for beginners

This training scheme for a gym for beginners is designed for classes 2 - 3 times a week in the same complex.

When the muscles, ligaments and joints are stronger and ready for more difficult and difficult workouts, you will need to switch to split programs - this is when the program is composed for different muscle groups. For example, Monday is chest and back, Wednesday is legs, Friday is biceps and delts. Such schemes are used for deeper pumping of each individual muscle, by reducing the time spent in the gym.

This complex can be used to return to training after a long break and lack of physical activity or a very rare visit to the gym (once a week or less).

You need to train on this program for at least 3 - 4 weeks. Each training program should be applied for at least a month. They say that you need to change programs often because the body gets used to the stress. And this is a serious mistake.

It is necessary to ensure that the body, that is, the muscles, ligaments, joints, and the central nervous system, get used to the stress. So the body will understand that you are not experiencing a short-term increase in loads, but a serious change that requires more additional strength and muscle mass (depending on the chosen training style and diet). In response to this, the body will begin to build new muscle structures and you will become stronger.

But in the end, you will have a training plateau and you will need to change the training program or the principle of periodization of loads.

My advice to you: you can train according to one program for at least a whole year, the main thing is that you have constant progress in the growth of mass and strength. But the optimal time for one training period (the training complex should be built on the principle of periodization: 1 - gaining strength; 2 - gaining mass; 3 - work on relief or functional training) is from 5 to 12 weeks. Sometimes the training cycle can last 17 weeks - mostly these are complex strength cycles designed to reach their "maximum".

That is, you do not need to change the program while you are progressing, and when progress has stopped, then it's time to draw up a new program.

A beginner bodybuilding gym training program should consist of basic multi-joint exercises that focus on training the entire body.

And here's your first beginner training program.

Before starting a workout, you need to warm up for 5-10 minutes, until the body warms up and light sweat comes out.

Training program for beginners

Exercises Sets x Reps
Hanging leg raises 2x15
Twisting 2x15
Oblique twists 2x15
Bench press from the chest lying 2-3x10
Breeding dumbbells lying 2x12
Seated Dumbbell Press 2-3x10
Standing dumbbell breeding 2x12
Wide grip vertical row 2-3x12
Horizontal row in a block trainer 2x12
Hyperextension 2x15
Seated Leg Extension 2x15
Leg press 2-3x10
Lying Leg Curl 2x12
Standing Calf Raises (Standing Calf) 2x15
Lifting the bar for biceps while standing 2x10
Triceps on the block down 2x12

When you're ready for the next step in your workout, try any

Before starting to draw up any program, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the goals that the future program should achieve. Both physical body parameters (strength, endurance) and external (muscle mass, relief, weight loss, etc.) can act as training goals. At the same time, physical parameters are trained mainly due to strength exercises, and external parameters require not only a special training regimen, but also adherence to the correct diet. This is their key difference. It is a misconception that only with the help of training programs can you increase muscle mass, improve relief, or ensure effective burning of excess fat.

At the beginning of training, your training goals will not really matter, but after completing the basic training stage, you will have an idea of ​​what programs to use and to improve which parameters to work. Therefore, the stage of setting training goals is key.

Base for beginner training men

To achieve the result, it is not enough to have a gym membership. People who are starting to work on themselves need a basic scheme. This is a set of activities that form the foundation for muscle development, allowing you to gradually adapt to stress. Don't try to take on a lot of weight from your first gym visits. The central nervous system, joints, ligaments should not get stress from sports. As you become accustomed to the weight, gradually increase it. The period for beginners varies from one month to six months, taking into account the initial training of the athlete. Rely on someone with experience to come up with a work plan for your gym. Relying on a professional will help you achieve your goal faster. This will help accelerate the growth of muscle structures.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

The main parameters of the program:

o Classes 3 times a week

o Work on the whole body (form the foundation)

o Doing basic exercises

o Smooth progression of weight gain

o Balanced diet

Male set of exercises in the gym for weight loss

If for some reason you did not like the above exercises, then you can use another set for classes. Do not forget that for a beginner, the main thing is regular training (you cannot skip and be lazy). Otherwise, all your efforts will not lead to the desired result. If you want to use the proposed set of exercises for weight loss, you should consult with a dietitian and limit fatty and spicy foods in your diet.

This set of exercises in the gym is also designed for beginners. The term of its use is the first 2-3 months of classes. Be sure to warm up before starting your workout.

The complex itself (workout plan for weight loss) in the gym consists of the gym:

· Squats of different types;

· Deadlift on one leg;

Barbell press (lying in several versions);

· In a sitting position, pulling the block to the belt;

· Various pull-ups on the horizontal bar;

• power barbell press and biceps curls;

· Exercises for legs on simulators;

· Exercise "plank".

A variant of the complex with the predominant development of the strength of the muscles of the lower extremities:
1. Standing, turns to the sides with a light (30-40 kg) barbell on the shoulders.

2. Squats with a barbell / dumbbells on the shoulders (step under the heels ~ 4-5 cm high).

3. Standing in a "split", a barbell weighing up to 30 kg on the shoulders behind the head. Springy wiggle.

4. Sitting on a high bench, alternately straightening the legs at the knees, the dumbbells are firmly fixed to the feet.

5. From a position lying with your chest on a bench, lowering your legs back with dumbbells tied to your feet.

6. Lying down, raising the legs to an angle of 180 ° with dumbbells tied to the feet.

7. Sitting on an incline bench, holding a disc / dumbbell 10-15 kg in the "behind the head" position, lifting the body.

8. Standing on a bench, kettlebells in lowered, slightly bent arms. Perform squats until the kettlebells directly touch the floor surface. Do not tilt the body, but keep your back straight.

9. Squats on one leg.

10. Standing in a semi-squat with a light barbell (about 20-30 kg) on ​​the shoulders / chest, jumping out.

An example of a set of exercises for the muscles of the upper body:

1. Standing, barbell / dumbbell press from the chest / shoulders.

2. Raising the arms through the sides up (dumbbells, barbell discs).

3. Pulling up on the bar until it touches the back of the head, using a wide grip.

4. The same, until the chest touches the bar.

5. Standing, lifting the bar to the biceps, medium grip.

6. Pull-up on the crossbar (for biceps), the grip is narrow.

7. Triceps flexion and extension in support on the uneven bars.

8. Lying on a horizontal / incline bench, press the bar / dumbbell.

9. Sitting at an angle of 45 °, press the bar, wide grip.

10. Standing, lowering the barbell behind the head, without bending the elbows, ie, triceps ("French") press, narrow grip.

A set of exercises for men in the gym

Exercising in the gym is not easy. It requires maximum dedication, not only physically, but also psychologically. People quit training for a variety of reasons. Often it all starts with the fact that there is laziness and repeated absenteeism, which is unacceptable for the gym. You need to immediately tune yourself to the importance and necessity of these trainings.

Every sane person understands that such exercises are very useful for the whole organism, they will certainly improve their health and help to acquire a beautiful figure. A person who has been practicing for several years knows what is what and performs more complex physical exercises.

For those who have just decided to start practicing, the situation is a little different. For them, there are specially designed programs that help to get involved in a normal training regime.

First of all, this is due to the preparation of the main muscle groups and the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system. Untrained muscles cannot handle heavy weights without injury or strains. This is important to remember and know.

If your coach insists on joining the fight right away, do not agree, as this can harm your health and will not bring maximum results.

In this article, we will try to convey as accurately as possible where and how to start exercising in the gym. So, you signed up for the gym. Classes in the hall should be held 3-4 times a week. The first 3 days you need to work harder, and the last day of classes will be unloading and restorative.

Gym workout program

Any lesson always starts with a warm-up. If you remember, even at school at physical education, there was a warm-up first, and then the basic standards. First of all, a warm-up is necessary in order to avoid injury during the lesson.

When warming up, you can use any simulators with negligible weights, or you can independently perform simple inclinations, squats, etc. After warming up, you should feel that your muscles are fully warmed up and you can start the main exercises.

You constantly need to increase the number of repetitions in approaches, as well as the level of working weights. This is necessary for normal muscle development and training.

That, in principle, is the whole range of exercises for those who have just decided to start classes in the gym. It is this set of exercises that allows you to develop and strengthen the main muscle groups. If you do everything correctly, then literally within 6-7 weeks it will be possible to start more difficult training programs.

The most common newbie mistakes in the gym

Often, beginners do not want to work with small weights, as they believe that they are capable of more. As a rule, they will soon be seriously injured.

A negligent attitude towards the correct technique of execution also threatens future injuries. Do the exercises under the guidance of an instructor.

Do all your exercises correctly, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. All this will help you develop faster and become stronger literally every day.

Stay tuned for updates

03. Male muscles and the ideal man

The muscles of the male genitals work during urination (the female muscles work in a similar way in this case), from the beginning to the state of full erection (in this intermediate state, the muscles can cause the most tangible movements), during ejaculation. In sexology, the male penis in a resting state is called the penis, and in the erigated state, the phallus. Accordingly, the controlled muscles in both cases will be abbreviated as cougars and fumas. Due to the fact that there is no special term for the intermediate state (transformation of softness into hardness), and it is still not suitable for anything, we will conventionally consider it still a penis.

Any man, remembering the popular humor ("No matter how much you shake your penis, but the last drop in your pants will be"), gives an energetic shake to his penis after urinating, trying to get rid of this last drop. In youth, this is more or less successful, but by old age this drop (often more than one!) Still ends up in the pants. There are a lot of anecdotes, very faithfully reflecting reality, where the inability of a man to urinate normally is ridiculed: he will wet his shoes, then he will even drench his knees. All this is due to the weakening, detraining of the muscles that compress the bladder and urethra. These functional muscles need to be kept in good working order. The well-known exercises for this purpose (kegels) do not take much time and effort, but they will help a man to avoid trouble. The same is recommended for women. In addition to this task, the execution of kegels produces an energetic massage not only of muscle tissues, but also of blood vessels, which, of course, contributes to a good quality of erection.

In the literature, examples of the unique abilities of yogis are given: not to mention controlled ejaculation (this is an elementary skill for them), some can suck back sperm from the vagina due to the vacuum created by the muscular expansion of the bladder. Some can only move the phallus to throw off, "brush away" rather heavy objects from the table, and some "craftsmen" manage to turn the pages of a book, etc. For ordinary men, this belongs to the realm of fantasy and is perceived as magic tricks from the circus repertoire. In everyday life, this is difficult to achieve, and it is not necessary. But to avoid troubles in old age and to increase your rating with a woman, to come closer physiologically to an ideal man - every man strives for (or should strive) for this.

It is relatively easy to develop and learn to control the muscles of the penis, that is, turn them into cougars. To begin with, stand naked in front of a mirror and try to squeeze your muscles, as you do after urinating. You see, in some of them the penis "moves" perceptibly, in others this movement is hardly distinguishable, and in some, no "movements" are observed at all. If we analyze all three cases, then in the first version we can really talk about the last drop, but the last one coincides with anecdotes. It has long been recommended: to repeatedly interrupt urination, and as you continue, you need to strive to make the stream more powerful; the pressure weakens - stop; inhale, exhale - gained strength and again powerfully. If such an act is made habitual, then troubles will not arise by old age. The same is recommended for women. The next step in training is to achieve the ability to work the cougars and the anus muscles separately. Now this is happening at the same time. But if you relax, concentrate and try to move your penis slightly, you can only feel these muscles, the anal ones do not work. Gradually, by working these muscles apart, you can learn these actions. It is also very beneficial for the quality of erection and bowel movements.

In the following exercises, we will use the numbers on the clock face: 6 - the penis is at the bottom, 9 - the penis is horizontal, 12 - this is already the phallus! Fantasize about a sexual theme or "play" with the penis, even better - use the help of a partner. Bring him to a state of 7-8. Now sharply "throw" it up with the muscles, do not help the pelvis. Exercise until you slap yourself on the stomach. If the partner has overdone it and he is close to 12, then now the cotton will not work, "punish" the partner or cool down in another way. The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to evoke "thunderous applause" for them, to perform 10–20 claps in a row. More is possible. If your partner is following your achievements with interest, then you can go further. Take position 12 or close to it. Does the stomach interfere? Pull it in, or rather, lose weight by 15–20 kg. Tighten it strongly - an increase in the size of the head should be observed. Perform several (many) times before falling off.

Exercise with weights: attach to the head of the phallus, for example, with a bandage or a specially sewn bag with straps (in no case tie a knot or noose!) A container, for example, a can, a can. Pour water into the container (for the gifted - lead shot) until the weight is lowered to 10. Now, repeatedly with muscle tension, lift the weight to position 12. gradually increase the number of lifts and the weight of the load. You can use the help of a partner. Which is stronger? Her left hand or your fums? You can create a similar load yourself with your hand. But in these cases, the result of training is not visible, there is no quantitative assessment, as it was a month ago - and as it is now. Having achieved some success, you can sometimes do this during coitus. The main thing is to choose such a position (posture) so that it is pleasurable and pleasant for your partner. If a man learns to "lift" his partner, it will distract him from the influx of feelings, prolong, prolong the act. In general, pair training (more on this later) is much more effective than single sessions. During these exercises, you need to observe safety: do not bring the matter to the point of absurdity, in which you can get a "dislocation", tear tissue, blood vessels. It is necessary to observe the measure, to react to painful sensations. As the fumas develop, it is possible to achieve such results that strong muscle tension will relieve the pre-ejaculatory state. A man with muscle tension will be able to prolong coitus without being distracted from the process. Unfortunately, there are no known cases when cougars are used to create an erection without arousal. But its quality undoubtedly improves with the development of cougars and fums. In addition, the partner will be grateful to such a partner for the incredibly pleasant sensations caused by the work of the fums inside her.

We have already moved on to the physiological interaction of partners, so we will try to create an ideal couple in this regard, and then move on to an ideal man. Like everything in nature, man and woman have their opposites: courage and softness, strength and tenderness, protrusion and depression. A man always wants, but not always can; a woman, on the contrary, can always (if you do not take into account lubrication secretions), but does not always want to. In order for life to become more harmonious, you need to smooth out this difference. Taoism solved this problem in relation to men, regulating the number of ejaculations. There are many coitus, and ejaculation is only within the limits of the body's capabilities. Almost no doctrines were involved in women. But maintaining sexual arousal (activity) is part of its raison d'être. In addition to her own efforts, a man should (must) inspire her to do this and constantly do it. In a sexual ideal, the picture is the same: a woman should reach orgasm as quickly and often as possible, a man more slowly and less often. Only in this case can we talk about the sexual health of the couple, about the ideal couple. If Nature in a number of cases makes a woman ideal from birth, rewards her with an appropriate temperament, then in other cases a man should help a friend get closer to the ideal. In addition, a man must educate himself (the nature of this feature did not give anyone) self-control over ejaculation, learn to control this action. Sexual literacy of a man and his sexual culture are also important; his desire to get to know his girlfriend, excellent awareness of the partner's capabilities, up to erotic fantasies.

A woman's abilities, of course, primarily depend on her, but, repeating itself, a partner, a man, is a powerful incentive. The success of a woman largely depends on him. She constantly needs support, encouragement, admiration from her partner. And for her beloved, she will do a lot. If the relationship has developed in such a way that the partner helps with training female muscles (as she helped him), talks about her increasing (as she succeeds) pleasure, feelings of gratitude, etc., then the woman's enthusiasm is inexhaustible. A man should always remember that a woman needs the participation of a partner (especially a permanent one), thanks to him she can turn into an ideal.

The desire of a man (and a woman) to be loved is constant and inherent in his subconscious, he longs to be "the best" for his partner. Most men are capable of sexual altruism. Even in a criminal and vulgar environment, this is not alien: for example, "balls are rolled in", that is, balls and other objects are implanted into the foreskin or the head of the penis. This creates unusual female sensations, she reaches orgasm faster, there is a prolonged male act due to the arising discomfort, and sometimes pain from implanted objects. These sensations delay ejaculation. The custom of "circumcision" is also a very wise ancient decision. In this case, in addition to hygienic considerations, the sensitivity of the head is significantly lost. In some men, the skin on the head is so rough that it looks like a calloused one. Naturally, to achieve ejaculation in this case, more stimulation will be required, more frictions, the act becomes prolonged. This is understood not only by the religious bearers of this tradition, in America, almost all boys at birth undergo this operation. However, European religions and morality deny the obvious effectiveness of "circumcision".

Humanity has been engaged in lowering the sensitivity of the phallus erogenous zones since ancient times. But, unfortunately, like much in sexual life, the relay almost stopped at getters, a widespread taboo began. Only a few contemporaries, often on an intuitive level, continue this tradition, preventing premature ejaculation. Some altruistic men rub the most sensitive areas up to pain, "bloody mazol". Sometimes their partners help them in this, turning their men into "sex giants" (in the sense of prolongation). With developed introital and anal muscles, especially in conditions of insufficient or absent lubrication, strong friction occurs, and the erogenous zones of the phallus also coarse. Some couples remove vaginal lubrication with tampons for the same purpose. Some couples begin to do it so purposefully that the opposite effect occurs: the skin from the penis comes off with a "stocking", and everything must be started from scratch. But in terms of AIDS and other gifts from Venus, this is dangerous (see chapter 9).

Male altruism should extend not only to prolongation, but also to positive disharmony. This is especially important with constant connections. A man should be capable of self-esteem that is not entirely pleasant for himself. In this, male pride should be suppressed by reason, reason. There is no need to accumulate the dissatisfaction of your wife, girlfriend. There are sex shops where you can find a “helper”, and not just one, not only for foreplay, but also for coitus. For example, the newest patent is "orgasmic belt". Such "helpers" allow you to create orgasmic "holidays" for the wife. Their abundance in the home collection will add variety, the ideal man will not allow routine, monotony. Massage, especially erotic massage, also helps a lot. In principle, everyone should own this, but in case of disharmony, this becomes mandatory for the partner and, preferably, on a professional level. The main thing is not to "get hung up" on your size, but to gain experience, knowledge, skills. You need to try to give her such an orgasm from time to time that she was on the verge of fainting. If this has not happened to her, teach, train. Sexological literature has enough information, in addition to the physiological ones under consideration, so that the wife does not have a desire to look for living helpers. You need to be so skillful that the experience "on the side" seemed to her colorless and unattractive. Particular attention should be paid to the practice of older men ("gladiators"), where not only individual experience is concentrated, but also knowledge, volume of a lived life.

Thus, briefly, the ideal qualities of a man in physiological terms are altruism, that is, the ability for a prolonged act, and the desire to deliver maximum sensations to his girlfriend by all available methods and means within the limits of acceptability for her, constant concern for expanding these boundaries (preferably before the implementation of the female erotic fantasy) and the realization of the hidden capabilities of the body associated with the development of anal-genital muscles. Naturally, attracting the richest sexual experience of mankind, in addition to the physiological one, is a guarantee of the highest quality of life.

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The pubococcygeal muscle in men is often underestimated at its true worth. But it is she who is responsible for the rhythmic contractions during intercourse and orgasm. It is located between the testicles and the anus, that is, between the pubis and the coccyx. Hence its other name, abbreviated - LK muscle. You can also often find the name pubococcygeal muscle.

Study of the PC muscle

The development of studies of the coccygeal muscle began relatively recently thanks to the scientist A. Kegel, who was the first to describe where the muscle is located, its functions, the effect on sexual intercourse, the size of the penis, and most importantly, exercises on how to pump up the pubococcygeal muscle. But during the study, Kegel found out that the muscles of the pubococcygeal region can positively affect the reproductive system of men.

However, the importance of the PC muscle was known long before medical research. Even in Taoist texts and practices, the importance of developing this part of the body for spiritual balance, development, longevity was described and how muscle tone affects intimate life, as well as the size of the penis.

Recent studies of this zone were carried out by a group of Australian scientists who directly linked the formation of the PC muscle with the body's stress resistance and brain activity. I regularly train the intimate area with the help of popular Taoist exercises or the Kegel complex, you can "turn off" some groups of cells that provoke a stressful state of the body as a whole. Thanks to this, new areas are activated that help a man to increase his efficiency.

The benefits of training

It is useful to train and pump the pubococcygeal muscle. The main benefits for men will be prolongation of intercourse and strengthening of the penis. However, there are many more positive aspects of such exercises:

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  • Prevention of various pathologies of the pelvic organs. A person exercising the PC muscle improves blood circulation in this place and prevents the possibility of stagnation, which can often provoke the development of prostate diseases, hemorrhoids, and incontinence.
  • The hormonal background is stabilized. By improving blood circulation, the production of hormones in the testes is more stable, testosterone enters the body more evenly.
  • Improving potency. The positive effect is observed again due to active blood circulation in the pelvic organs. During an erection, the filling of the penis with blood occurs completely, which makes the erection noticeably harder. It is also common to notice that an erect penis changes the angle of inclination.
  • Change in the quality of orgasm. The PC muscle is directly responsible for orgasmic contractions, therefore, the more developed it is, the brighter and longer the orgasm will be.
  • ... Most often, this is the reason that prompts men to use a developmental set of exercises for paintwork. The control of the pelvic muscles directly affects the duration of intercourse. The ability to voluntarily relax the pubococcygeal muscle helps a man to significantly prolong the act. Certain techniques help to experience multiple orgasms, often described in Taoist teachings.

How to find the PC muscle

Most often, contractions of this area occur involuntarily and subconsciously. However, in order to learn how to control these contractions, you need to know exactly what to work with and which area to train. To understand exactly how a muscle contracts and where it should be located, there are two ways.

The most popular is interruption of urination. To hold and interrupt the jet, it is the PC muscle that is used and strained. To detect this muscle, during urination, it is necessary to place a finger between the anus and the testicles, interrupting the stream, you will notice that the area located between them is tense. This is the same pubic-coccygeal muscle.

Another way to detect the PC muscle is during an erection. It is enough to try to lift the penis, the notorious muscle is also responsible for this movement.

How to do the exercises correctly

It is very important to pay attention not only to the quantity, but also to the quality of the workouts performed, as well as to control their intensity. Do not exhaust yourself from the very beginning with long exercises and multiple approaches. A trained body itself will let you know how intense training it needs. There are also several basic rules that will help you achieve quick results:

  • Regularity. It is very important to exercise on a daily basis. It will be enough to give them 15 minutes in the morning and in the evening, before going to bed, so that the result is not long in coming. If you train haphazardly, then such an activity will not bring any result.
  • Training frequency. It is necessary to fit the exercises into your daily routine so that several approaches are performed several times a day.
  • Correct breathing. Any physical exercise requires proper breathing to achieve maximum results as quickly as possible. Training for the pubococcygeal muscle is no exception. All inhalation and exhalation should be tied to some phase of the exercise (tension or relaxation). It is important to understand exactly how to work more conveniently and adhere to such a training regimen.
  • Muscle isolation. In order for the PC muscle to develop rapidly, it is necessary to "isolate" it from the rest of the body. In other words, if the PC muscle is tense, then all other muscles should not participate in the process. This is necessary for the development of maximum control over the muscles of the small pelvis.
  • Another mandatory item for quality training should be a properly selected set of exercises. There are several such training systems. It is important to choose the one that does not cause any discomfort during execution.

Main types of exercises

Even the most basic techniques for the development of the male PC muscle can be divided into two groups: basic and additional. First, you need to master the basic, and then move on to additional, which are a more complex variation.

First of all, it is necessary to consider stopping the jet during urination as a way of developing the pelvic muscles. This exercise can be done several times throughout the day, with each trip to the bathroom. It is enough to stop the stream 2-3 times during one urination. If the first time caused minor pain, this indicates a weak development of this muscle group and is absolutely normal. This exercise is necessary in order to learn how to strain the PC muscle in isolation.

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The male genitals are divided into external and internal. Many authors refer to the external genital organs only the penis and the scrotum, and to the internal ones - the testicles, epididymis, vas deferens, paraurethral and bulbourethral glands, prostate gland and seminal vesicles. From our point of view, the most reasonable in this case would be the division of the location of the genitals relative to the pelvic cavity. The external will include the penis, scrotum, testicles and their appendages, the internal - the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. The vas deferens and the urethra with the paraurethral and bulbourethral glands then occupy an intermediate position, located partly inside and partly outside the pelvic cavity.

The penis (Penis) consists of a head, trunk and root, which is attached by ligaments in front and below the pubis to the symphysis area. The trunk and root of the penis are formed from the two cavernous bodies. The corpus spongiosum surrounds the urethra passing through the penis and forms a head in the distal part. The edge of the head grows together with the cavernous bodies, forming a thickening - the corolla, behind which the coronal groove is located. The shaft of the penis is covered with thin, easily displaceable skin, which forms a fold (foreskin) in the area of ​​the coronal sulcus, covering the glans and forming a preputial sac. A large number of sebaceous glands are located on the inner layer of the foreskin. In the lower part, the foreskin is attached to the scrotum by a frenulum. The size of the penis is very variable and ranges from 5-7 cm to 10-15 cm or more. The penis is saturated with a large number of nerve endings. Blood supply is carried out through two parallel arteries of the penis (a. Penis), which are divided into the bulbous, urethral, ​​deep and superficial arteries. Venous outflow occurs through the superficial and deep veins of the penis. Innervation involves the lower hypogastric plexus, the thoracolumbar and sacral parts of the spinal cord, as well as the higher nerve centers of the spinal cortex.

From the fourth month of intrauterine development, differentiation of the external genital organs begins. Under the action of androgens, the head of the penis and the cavernous bodies are formed from the genital tubercle. With congenital underdevelopment of the spongy part of the urethra, its external opening can be located at the level of the frenum, the shaft of the penis, or even the scrotum (hypospadias). If part of the upper wall of the urethra is underdeveloped or missing, it can open on the dorsal surface of the penis (epispadias). In all these cases, the anatomical and physiological structure of the penis is disrupted. It is also possible the formation of a micropenis or its absence, as well as a hidden penis (in the absence of its own skin, the penis is located under the skin of the pubis, scrotum, perineum or thigh).

The main functions of the penis are to ensure sexual intercourse with the introduction of ejaculate into the woman's vagina, as well as the excretion of urine through the urethra.

The introduction of the penis into the vagina is determined by its ability to produce an erection. By increasing the flow of blood through the arteries and limiting its outflow, the cavernous bodies are filled with blood and a sufficiently high pressure is created in them to maintain them in a tense state. The glans of the penis also hardens slightly. If the tension of the corpora cavernosa provides an introitus (i.e., the introduction of the penis into the vagina), then the head of the penis is a kind of shock absorber that prevents injury to the female genital organs. The ability of the skin to move along the shaft of the penis also facilitates the introitus and prevents trauma to the vagina.

In the preputial sac, formed between the glans penis and the foreskin, secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands, exfoliated epithelium, drops of urine with salt crystals, discharge from the urethra, which form a whitish-grayish curd mass - smegma, accumulate. The physiological significance of smegma is as follows:

1. "sticking" of the skin of the head and foreskin and their atraumatic sliding relative to each other is prevented;

2. a sharp specific smell of smegma, probably, from a biological point of view, acts in an attractive way on the female;

3. with the introduction of the penis into the vagina, the foreskin is shifted and partially inverted, while smegma forms additional lubrication of the glans and distal part of the shaft of the penis.

Anatomical and physiological problems of this zone are:

1. The possibility of forming a too narrow outer ring (hole) of the foreskin, preventing or hindering its displacement and exposure of the head of the penis, especially in a state of erection (phimosis);

2. When the head is exposed, tears of the frenum and outer ring of the foreskin may occur, giving a pronounced pain syndrome and making it difficult to conduct coitus;

3. The thinnest skin on a man's body is the skin of the head and inner layer of the foreskin. Even a slight contamination (smegma) leads to irritation, an increase in the number of microorganisms on the surface and their introduction into the skin with the development of point inflammatory processes with a tendency to progression.

4. Prolonged stagnation of smegma in the preputial sac leads to severe irritation of the scalp and foreskin. In the future, purulent melting of smegma with a pronounced inflammatory process on the head and inner leaf of the foreskin (balanoposthitis) may occur.

5. Sometimes the narrowed foreskin during intercourse, masturbation, edema (with balanoposthitis) shifts to the level of the coronal sulcus, tightly covers the head, disrupting the outflow and blood supply, leading to its infringement (paraphimosis) up to necrosis.

6. The extreme degree of stenosis of the outer ring of the foreskin can even lead to impaired passage of urine, up to an excessive increase in pressure in the bladder, reflux of urine through the ureters and the development of various pathological conditions of the kidneys and bladder.

When performing excision of the foreskin (circumcision) for social or drug indications, the skin of the glans penis becomes denser, smegma plaque does not form on it, the development of inflammatory processes as a result of this becomes impossible. In this case, there is no obvious deterioration in the sensitivity of the head. There is still debate about the legality and usefulness of excision of the foreskin in childhood from the point of view of the prevention of diseases of this zone in adulthood. From our point of view, if there are religious or national requirements, circumcision is quite possible. Screening operations without indications are an unjustified inappropriate intervention in the human body.

The urinary canal is a slit-like tube of muscular-elastic elements, lined from the inside by a mucous membrane, consists of 4 sections: intravesical (0.5 - 0.6 cm), prostate (3 - 3.5 cm), membranous (1.5 - 2 cm) and spongy (17 - 20 cm), divided into bulbous and hanging parts.

The urethra is used to drain urine during urination, as well as to remove ejaculate during ejaculation.

The intravesical section is surrounded by a muscle pulp - the sphincter of the bladder. It regulates the flow of urine from the bladder to the urethra.

In the prostate part, on the back wall, there is an elevation - a seminal tubercle (seminal mound, male uterus), on which two mouths of the ejaculatory ducts open. On the sides there are multiple openings of the excretory ducts of the prostate gland. In the bulbous part of the spongy section, the mouths of two bulbourethral (bulbous-urethral, ​​Cooper) glands open. Along the entire length of the urethra in the mucosa, there are multiple ducts of the paraurethral (Littre) glands.

Violation of urine flow through the urethra is most often associated with a narrowing of the diameter of its opening due to inflammatory processes, trauma, tumor growths, etc. Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland and the prostatic part of the urethra can disrupt the obturator function of the bladder sphincter. In case of violation of the sequence of muscle contractions during ejaculation, it is possible to throw the ejaculate into the bladder (retrograde ejaculation).

In the process of formation, partial or complete absence of the lower wall of the urethra is possible with the opening of the urethra not on the head, but on the dorsal surface of the penis. In case of underdevelopment of the upper wall, it is possible to open the urethra on the ventral side of the penis.

The PROSTATE Gland is a glandular-muscular organ that encompasses the urethra just below the bladder and its sphincters. The seminal vesicles are adjacent to the prostate gland behind and above, and the seminal ducts are medial to them. The enlarged part of the vas deferens merges with the excretory duct of the seminal vesicle, forming the ejaculatory ducts that pass through the back of the prostate gland and open with two holes in the seminal tubercle. The prostate itself consists of 30-50 tubular alveolar glands with a large number of smooth muscle fibers between them. The glands open with 20-30 excretory ducts around the seminal tubercle. The prostate gland produces a slightly alkaline opalescent secretion that makes up 25-35% of the semen volume during ejaculation. The secret of the prostate gland has a complex biochemical composition and takes part in the dilution of the ejaculate, has a buffer and enzymatic effect on the ejaculate as a whole, activates the movement of spermatozoa, and has an antimicrobial effect.

The prostate gland also performs a barrier function, preventing the penetration of microorganisms from the urethra into the upper urinary tract. The performance of this function is ensured by the zinc-peptide complex contained in the secretion of the gland, lysozyme, factors of cellular immunity, IgA, IgG and IgM.

The glandular tissue of the prostate gland develops during puberty and degenerates in the elderly.

Seminal Vesicles - a paired glandular spindle-shaped organ is a highly convoluted tube with multiple protrusions, approximately 5x2x1 cm in size, located above the prostate gland laterally from the vas deferens and flowing into the ejaculatory duct. The walls of the seminal vesicles include muscle (longitudinal and circular) fibers, lined with mucous from the inside. The secretion of the seminal vesicles consists of a whitish-gray gelatin-like substance that makes up 50-60% of the seminal fluid and liquefies within a few minutes after ejaculation. The most important function of the seminal vesicles is the secretion of fructose, which is a source of energy, metabolism and maintenance of sperm motility. The seminal vesicles are capable of resorption of liquid components, and lysis of spermatozoa by macrophages also occurs in them.

BULBURETRAL GLANDS - a paired glandular organ about 1 cm in diameter, spherical. The ducts from the alveoli merge into larger ones and turn into a common excretory duct 3-6 cm long, ending in two slit-like openings in the bulbous part of the urethra. The secret of these glands is a colorless, transparent, odorless mucus with an alkaline reaction, secreted into the lumen of the urethra during sexual arousal due to the contraction of the muscles of the perineum. When passing through the urethra, the secret neutralizes the acidic reaction of the remaining urine in it and, standing out from the external opening of the urethra, provides the introduction of the penis into the vagina. In old age, glandular hypotrophy is noted.

PARAURETHRAL GLANDS - small cluster-shaped tubular-alveolar glands are located in the submucosal layer of the urethra along its entire length, secrete a mucous secret, the amount of which increases with sexual arousal. Like the secretion of the bulbourethral glands, it moistens the urethra, maintaining an alkaline environment in it.

SCREW is a musculocutaneous receptacle, divided by a vertical septum into two sections, in each of which there is a testicle with an epididymis and a scrotal section of the spermatic cord. The skin of the scrotum is pigmented, covered with sparse hair and contains a significant amount of sweat and sebaceous glands, the secret of which has a specific odor. Under the skin is the dartos, which contains a large number of elastic and muscle fibers. When they contract, the skin becomes folded, the volume of the scrotum decreases, its contents are pulled up to the inguinal rings.

Due to the fact that spermatogenesis normally proceeds at a temperature 2-40 lower than body temperature, the scrotum performs two main functions - creating an optimal temperature regime for the testicles and protecting the organs of the scrotum from mechanical trauma. Thus, with a reduction in the volume of the scrotum, its thermoregulatory and protective functions are carried out.

With the accumulation of fluid between the membranes, the formation of dropsy (one-sided or two-sided) is possible.

The testicle is a paired rounded glandular organ, 4-5 cm long and 2.5-3.5 cm wide, which produces sperm and sex hormones. The testicle is located in the scrotum, the posterior-upper edge is attached to the lower end of the spermatic cord. On the posterior edge, the epididymis tightly adjoins the testicle. The testicle is covered with a white (fibrous) membrane, which along the posterior edge forms a wedge-shaped thickening (maxillary body, testicular mediastinum), protruding with its sharp edge into the organ. Fibrous septa radiate from it, dividing the testicular parenchyma into 250-300 lobules. Each lobule contains 2-3 or more convoluted seminiferous tubules 0.2-0.3 mm in diameter and 30-45 cm long. Approaching the mediastinum and in the mediastinum itself, the tubules unite and form 12-15 efferent tubules extending into the head of the epididymis. The place of sperm formation is the convoluted tubules, the own membrane of which is lined with sustenocytes (Sertoli cells) and the embryonic epithelium, from which, in fact, spermatozoa develop. In the interstitial tissue between the convoluted tubules are connective tissue elements, vessels, nerves, as well as interstitial endocrinocytes (glandulocytes, Leydig cells) that produce male sex hormones: androgens (among which testosterone is the main one) and estrogens (mainly estradiol). Under the influence of testosterone, masculinization of both the whole organism and the genitals occurs, their development according to the male type.

The main volume of the testicle is the tubular system of the parenchyma, in which the process of spermatogenesis is carried out. On the walls of the tubules, undifferentiated primary germ cells (spermatogonia) multiply within 74 days and, passing through a series of divisions (1st order spermatocytes, 2nd order spermatocytes or prespermatids, spermatids that already have a haploid set of chromosomes), turn into mature spermatozoa. Sustenocytes lining the membrane of the seminiferous tubules provide spermatogenic cells with the products of their secretory activity, perform a phagocytic function with respect to the remnants of the spermatogenesis process, synthesize an estrogen-like substance - inhibin - secrete an androgen-binding protein that promotes the transfer of testosterone and dehydrotestosterone into the germ cells, where they are fixed in the nucleus. As the cells of the spermatogenic epithelium mature, they move from the basement membrane to the lumen of the tubule between the cytoplasmic processes of the sustenocytes, gradually transforming into spermatozoa during division.

In the embryonic epithelium of the testicles, the enzyme hyaluronidase is formed, which is localized mainly in the heads of spermatozoa (which later dissolves cervical mucus and separates the cells of the radiant crown of the egg). Another secretion product is prostaglandins, which provide contraction of the smooth muscles of the female genital tract and increase the rate of passage of the egg to meet the sperm.

The tubular basement membrane creates a blood-testicular barrier that prevents the immune system from recognizing the presence of antigens on the surface of generative cells and inhibiting the process of spermatogenesis due to autoimmune damage to these cells by antibodies. In addition, the basement membrane reduces the level of damage to spermatogenesis in inflammatory diseases, intoxications, etc.

Hormonal regulation of testicular function is carried out through the ratio of hormones produced in the hypothalamus, pituitary and testes according to the principles of direct and feedback.

The appendage of the testicle is a paired oblong organ located vertically on the postero-medial surface of the testicle. Its dimensions are 5-6 x 1-1.5 x 0.6-0.8 cm.In its larger upper part (the head of the epididymis) 12-15 tubules penetrate from the mediastinum of the testicle, in the middle part (the body of the epididymis) they begin to unite and one common vas deferens emerges from the lower part (tail of the epididymis). In the epididymis, under the influence of androgens, the final morphological, biochemical and physiological maturation of spermatozoa occurs (lasting 14 days). In the epididymis, spermatozoa are freed from the cytoplasmic droplet, enveloped in a protective protein shell, acquire a negative charge, saturated with a number of substances (fats, cholesterol, phosphates, cornitine, etc.), a number of ultrastructural and cytochemical transformations of the acrosome take place. Low oxygen tension and lack of fructose inhibit sperm activation. The tail of the epididymis is their repository. With sexual abstinence, old forms can be lysed by spermiophages, preventing overflow and destruction of the tubular system of the testicles during obstructive aspermia.

The spermatic cord is a paired formation in the form of a strand 15-20 cm long, which suspends the testicle to the external opening of the inguinal canal. The spermatic cord includes the vas deferens, arteries and veins, lymphatic vessels, the muscle that lifts the testicle, a thin fibrous cord - the obliterated remnant of the vaginal process of the peritoneum and fascia, partially passing to the testicle.

The sperm-carrying duct is a thin tubular paired organ, up to 40-50 cm long, 0.4-0.5 cm in diameter, and a lumen width of 0.2-0.5 cm, emerges from the tail of the epididymis and as part of the spermatic cord, rises through the inguinal the canal obliquely upward and laterally to its inner opening, reaches the wall of the bladder and, moving downward, connects to the bottom of the seminal vesicle, forming the ejaculatory duct. The vas deferens is used to transport sperm from the epididymis. Their accumulation occurs in the distal part and ampulla of the vas deferens; with abstinence, they are partially discharged through the ejaculatory duct into the seminal vesicles, where they are lysed. During ejaculation, the longitudinal muscle fibers of the vas deferens contract, the spermatozoa from the ampoule and the end section enter the vas deferens and are "washed off" by the contents of the seminal vesicles into the urethra. In trauma, surgery, inflammatory processes, the patency of the vas deferens (unilateral or bilateral) can be impaired with the formation of obstructive aspermia.

SEED DISCHARGE - a paired tubular organ 2-3 cm long, formed when the ampulla of the vas deferens and seminal vesicles merge and opens in the region of the uterus of the seminal tubercle.

HYDATIDES OF THE TESTIC, the appendage of the testicle, the deviating ducts, the giralds ORGAN - medium-sized formations of a round or elongated shape on a pedicle or tightly attached to the testis or epididymis, which are the remnants of various formations of the process of embryogenesis.

AFO of the male reproductive system.

Lecture plan:

1. Internal male genital organs.

1.1. Testicle.

1.2 Seed-bearing pathways.

1.3. Prostate.

1.4 Bulbourethral gland.

2. External male genital organs.

2.1 Scrotum.

2.2. Penis.

2.3. Male urethra.

2.4. Sperm.

The genitals are subdivided into male and female ... The most essential part of them are the sex glands: ovaries in women and testes in men.

The genitals are also divided according to their location into external and internal.

The system of the male genital organs.

In men, to internal the genitals include the sex glands - the testes with their appendages, the vas deferens and ejaculatory ducts, the seminal vesicles, the prostate and bulbourethral (Cooper) glands; To external genitals - the scrotum and penis.

Sectional view of male genital organs (scheme).

1 - vas deferens; 2 - seminal vesicle; 3 - the cavity of the bladder; 4 - pubic union; 5 - urethra; 6 - cavernous body of the urethra; 7 - the cavernous body of the penis; 8 - the head of the penis; 9 - foreskin; 10 - expansion of the urethra (scaphoid fossa); 11 - scrotum; 12 - testicle; 13 - epididymis; 14 - bulb of the cavernous body of the urethra; 15 - bulbourethral (Cooper's) gland; 16 - prostate gland; 17 - ejaculatory duct.

Internal male genital organs:


Testicle(testis) is a paired seminal gland with an average length of 4 cm, weighing 20-30 g of an ovoid shape. In the testicle, there are upper and lower ends, lateral and medial surfaces, anterior and posterior edges. Attached to the posterior edge is the epididymis, in which the head, body and tail are isolated. The testicle of the embryo is laid in the abdominal cavity and then descends through the inguinal canal. By the time of birth, both testicles are usually in the scrotum. The absence of testicles in the scrotum is called cryptorchidism.

Testicular structure... The testicle is covered with a dense white membrane forming a seal along its posterior edge - testicular mediastinum from which they depart into the substance partitions testicles dividing the gland into 150-200 lobules... Each slice contains 2-3 convoluted seminiferous tubules... In the convoluted tubules of the testicles of adults, spermatogenesis - the formation of male germ cells - sperm and production sex hormones.

Epididymis consists of excretory tubules that emerge from the testicular network and form epididymis duct testicle that goes into vas deferens... Sperm maturation occurs in the epididymis.

The vas deferens. The vas deferens extratestinal tract includes:

1.the vas deferens,

2.seminal vesicles with their excretory ducts,

3. ejaculatory ducts.

Testicle structure. A - the scrotum was opened; B - arrangement of tubules; B - cross section of the spermatic cord; 1 - testis (testis); 2 - the epididymis; 3 - upper end; 4 - lower end; 5 - leading edge; 6 - the head of the epididymis; 7 - the body of the epididymis; 8 - the tail of the epididymis; 9 - convoluted seminiferous tubules; 10 - straight seminiferous tubules; 11 - testicular reticulum; 12 - efferent tubules of the testicle; 13 - segments of the epididymis; 14 - duct of the epididymis; 15 - vas deferens; 16 - artery; 17 - muscle lifting the testicle.

Vas deferens paired, is a continuation of the duct of the epididymis. It is a thin tube with a diameter of about 2.5 mm and a length of 40-45 cm. Wall vas deferens consists of a muscular membrane of considerable thickness, from the inside the duct is lined with a mucous membrane. As part of the spermatic cord, it rises to the inguinal canal. Having passed through the canal into the abdominal cavity, the duct is separated from the spermatic cord and descends into the small pelvis. Near the bottom of the bladder, the duct expands to form an ampulla and receives the excretory duct of the seminal vesicle. Therefore, hereinafter it is called ejaculatory duct ... The latter pierces the prostate gland and opens into the prostate urethra. With each ejaculation, about 200 million sperm are expelled.

Seminal vesicles- Paired organs, they develop as protrusions of the vas deferens, are located behind the bladder and open into the vas deferens. These are glands with thin walls and a tortuous lumen, which is filled with a transparent, colorless secretion containing spermatozoa accumulating here. Each vesicle is about 5 cm long. The seminal vesicle produces a fluid that dilutes the semen.

Spermatic cord consists of the vas deferens, arteries and veins of the testicle, lymphatic vessels and nerves, covered with membranes. It has the shape of a cord as thick as the little finger, going from the posterior edge of the testicle to the inner ring of the inguinal canal, where the vessels and the vas deferens diverge. The spermatic cord is formed after the testicle descends from the abdominal cavity, where it originally develops, into the scrotum.

There are no certain external signs that would allow you to unmistakably choose or assume the organ you need from a person. So, the widespread opinion among the peoples that the size of a man's penis can be judged by the size of the nose, and the width and length of the female vagina by the size of a woman's mouth or the width of the palm is not JUSTIFIED.
My (Professor of Medicine KINESSA (Poland)) more than half a century of gynecological and urological practice has shown that
a narrow or wide vagina occurs equally often in women with both small and large mouths. The same can be said about men. Quite often there are men with a large nose, but a small penis, and vice versa. So I can assure you that there are no external signs that allow one to accurately judge the size of the genitals of men and women. However, there are certain indications to this in other weighty factors, which sometimes no one pays attention to. For example, by type
human physique. What a pity that young people underestimate this before getting married or making friends. I assure you, there would be much less sexual misunderstandings if, before choosing a friend or girlfriend, a person correctly assessed himself and the body type of his future partner.
Leonardo da Vinci, A. Vesalius advised men to choose wives like this:
"If you want to choose a good wife for yourself from a magnificent multitude of women, then do this:
The first commandment: Do not get carried away by women with thin and long legs, thin bodies, narrow backs, no matter how attractive they may be on the face. Do not look at such, but when you see, say: "Such a woman in bed will give you little joy, but she will demand a lot, because she has an insatiable womb."
Basically, the commandment is just. In thin and tall women with a narrow pelvis and thin legs, it is most natural to assume the presence of Drupes, an infaltile genital organ. Long thin legs can quite definitely speak of a long vagina. This is confirmed in the gynecological chair. An experienced gynecologist, even without seating a woman for examination, already recognizes by physique what type of vulva he meets in this case.
The second commandment: "Stop your gaze on a woman who is firmly built, but below average height, with plump legs and hips, a wide pelvis. She is suitable for bed. She has what a normal man needs - a passionate body, a beautiful, well-developed genital organ. , you can easily reach the uterus from her. So, you like her, now take care of her soul. "
It is almost impossible to allow a fat woman with a wide pelvis to have an underdeveloped penis. Isolated infantilism of the female genital area is extremely rare. Most often, a woman's sexual infantilism is combined with her general infantilism. The law of proportionality of physical development extends to her organs without exception, so it is completely useless to look for "Princess", for example, in women who are skinny with a narrow pelvis. She, like "Ladushka", is found in obese women. However, if the Jacobson classification of vulvae described above at the beginning of the chapter and the present explanations were familiar to a wide range of men, then the harm from this could not be calculated.
The price for a certain type of vulva, for example, for "Princess" would become fantastic, it would be achieved by extreme measures, for example, by violence, and the rest of the women would be left without husbands.
Fortunately, such manuals are rare (perhaps even the only one, since Jacobson did not have time to publish it), inaccessible to the general reader, and the feelings of love and sympathy in people are so complex that this does not happen.
And only we, sexologists, are sometimes offended for the cruelty of someone's fate. A woman with a magnificently beautifully sensitive sexual organ sometimes remains without male attention, while, say, a drupe woman is lucky: she will get married and live and have regular sexual intercourse, which is the dream of every woman. And you will think: how many caresses a soulful woman-princess could give to a man! And vice versa, what a pity for a man living in torment with a "Drupe" belonging to an evil, disrespectful woman. But it is not accepted to complain about fate in our century: complain, friend, about yourself, since you yourself choose a life friend. And sometimes the thought arises that if men knew in a woman all the dependencies that I have revealed here, then nothing, perhaps, would have changed. Intoxicated with love, even a prepared man, probably, would not take all this seriously. It's a pity!
How different types of vulva behave during intercourse.
Only an experienced man can distinguish sexual intercourse with "Princess" from sexual intercourse with "Drupe". This is understandable. If a man lives with only one woman, then he will not be able to draw any definite conclusions, of course. Let's answer the questions: how much better is the sexual intercourse with the "Princess" than with the "Drupe" and why?
Because in the first case, the aesthetic side is at its best (the man literally revels in the beauty of the vulva) and the four components of sexual intercourse proceed in a more energetic form: sexual desire, orgasm, ejaculation, since the combination of conditions in the vagina of the first type is much more favorable to the male penis than in the second type.
However, we have taken an ideal case. In fact, there are many paradoxes going on. With a certain amount of effort, even the worst of the vulva can match the best in making a man's sweetness. This is achieved by the gambling work of the hips and pelvis.
And vice versa, a woman with a beautiful sexual organ and body, clearly created for love, can rob both herself and a man with a low technique of sexual intercourse, and do not give a man copious affection.
But there are special sexual caresses in the world of intimate life, which remove or nullify any imbalances in the structure and size of the genitals. These caresses bring great sweetness to the organs of men and women, and give a tremendous orgasmic effect.
If you know how to caress, then for you the differences in the structure of the genitals will disappear forever. Everything will happen according to the principle: "Drupe is not a problem, frigidity is not a problem, they simply do not play any role anymore!"

In contact with

The pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle) is a muscle located between the pubic bone and the coccyx (between the testicles and anus) and is responsible for rhythmic contractions during orgasm.

Rice. 1 - The location of the pubic-coccygeal muscle in men (source Mantek Chia "Taoist secrets of love").

Even the ancient Taoists, practicing Sexual Kung Fu, knew how important it is to train the PC muscle and gave it a special place in their sexual practices. But the Taoist culture was, if not forgotten, then not much in demand in most of the world, and the significance of this important muscle was lost.

The modern history of the discovery of the therapeutic effect of strengthening the pubococcygeal muscle begins with Dr. Arnold Kegel. In the mid-20th century, Kegel developed a set of exercises for women aimed at combating urinary incontinence. Subsequently, a lot of positive effects are revealed regarding the prevention and therapeutic effect of these exercises in other areas. As it turned out later, such exercises have no less strengthening effect on men.

What are the benefits of training the pubococcygeal muscle?

  • Prevention of a wide range of diseases. The main reason for the development of pathologies of the pelvic organs is blood stagnation, leading to diseases such as prostatitis, prostate adenoma, urethritis, hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence, etc. Regular training of the PC muscle prevents blood stasis in this area and has a therapeutic effect.
  • Strengthening potency. Due to the fact that blood circulation in the genital area improves, this contributes to a more pronounced and stronger erection. The filling of the penis with blood becomes fuller, which contributes to a firm erection. There may also be an increase in the angle of inclination of the erect penis.
  • Strengthening orgasmic sensations. The PC muscle is responsible for rhythmic contractions in the pelvic region during orgasm. The development of the pubococcygeal muscles helps to enhance the sensation of orgasm: it becomes brighter and lasts longer. This is noted by all men who practice special exercises.
  • Improving hormonal levels. Since training the PC muscle improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, it also improves the activity of the sex hormone factories - the testes. As a result, you can count on an improvement in the synthesis of such an important hormone for men as testosterone.
  • Control of ejaculation. There are techniques for controlling the pubic-coccygeal muscle that can teach a man to prolong intercourse. But in order to learn such a technique, it is necessary, firstly, to have a well-trained PC muscle, and secondly, to have knowledge of the technology that allows a man to experience multiple orgasms. You can read about this in detail in the book by Mantek Chia "Taoist Secrets of Love". There is also a theory that excessive tension of the PC muscle during sex provokes premature ejaculation. You can find advice to relax the pubic-coccygeal muscle as much as possible during sexual intercourse.

How to find the pubococcygeal muscle?

Method number 1. One of the easiest ways to detect the pubococcygeal muscle is to hold the jet while urinating: place your fingers between the testicles and the anus, and interrupt the jet for a while. At the moment of interruption, the PC muscle is tense and remains tense while urination is delayed.

Method number 2. During an erection, make bouncing movements of the penis, trying to lift it up. The PC muscle is responsible for this movement.

Pubic-coccygeal muscle training

Exercises for the PC muscle are divided into two modules: main and additional. It is necessary to start execution from the main module. The main set of exercises is self-sufficient, since tension and relaxation of the pubococcygeal muscle is the main principle of its training. The rest of the exercises are based on this principle, which are only a variation of the exercise "Tension of the PC muscle".

Exercise is performed 2-3 times a day (preferably in the morning and evening). The advantage of exercises aimed at squeezing the PC muscle is that they can be performed anywhere and in any position (but still more comfortable while sitting): in public transport, at work without leaving the workplace, in a queue, etc. ...

The main set of exercises

Exercise 1: Stopping the Jet

The easiest way to train the PC muscle is to stop the jet while urinating. You can do this every time you go to the toilet, or several times a day. The inability to stop the stream at about the middle of urination, and then resume it, indicates the weakness of the pubococcygeal muscles.

Stopping urination the first few times may cause some pain, which is normal. After a while, this should go away. If after prolonged practice (several weeks) the pain persists, you may need to see a doctor.

Perform 2-3 stops at a time. The Exercise "Stopping the jet" is a basic exercise and can be used at the beginning of the training path, or as an additional practice to more serious exercises. After reviewing and consolidating this exercise, move on to more powerful PC muscle training techniques.

When the first exercise is mastered, and you have learned to feel your pubococcygeal muscle so that you can strain it in isolation, proceed to the main exercise, directly training the PC muscle.

Exercise: Tense and relax the pubococcygeal muscle as much as possible. Try to achieve an isolated tension of the PC muscle without straining other parts of the body, especially the pelvic muscles. In the technique of performing the exercise, quality is important, that is, the strength of muscle contraction, not quantity.

Do 1-3 sets of 10 times. Increase your squeeze and reps over time.

In addition to the main complex, pay attention to the set of exercises to increase potency.

Additional set of exercises

Exercise 3: "Maintaining the tension of the PC muscle"

Exercise: Hold the tension in the PC muscle for 3 seconds, then relax it for 3 seconds. As in the previous exercise, compression strength plays a key role here, not the duration and number of repetitions. As you exercise, increase the time you hold the PC muscle tension. At the same time, the rest time is equal to the time of the working approach, that is, if the tension lasted 5 seconds, then the relaxation will last the same.

Do 1 approach 10 times. Increase the strength and duration of the contraction over time.

Exercise 4: "Velocity tension of the PC muscle"

Exercise: Tense and relax the pubococcygeal muscle as quickly as possible. Here, as in other exercises, the quality of tension is important, not speed or quantity.

Perform 1-3 sets of 20 times.

Exercise 5: "Weight lifting with the PC muscle"

An alternative exercise that allows you to train your PC muscle with weights. The exercise is performed with an erect penis, for this they put a towel on it and perform, as it were, bouncing movements, trying to raise the towel as high as possible. As you train, you need to increase the weight of the weights, for example, you can wet a towel, etc.

Do 1-3 sets of 10 times.

  • Voltage quality. Pay attention to the quality of the PC muscle tension, not the number of repetitions. Here the rule is relevant: it is better to have less and better quality than more and less quality.
  • Isolation voltage. When doing the exercises, try to strain only the PC muscle, without straining other muscle groups.
  • Breath. Observe the breathing pattern during the exercise. Inhale and exhale should be tied to tension and relaxation. Check which breathing pattern suits you best and use it. For example, inhale - relaxation, exhale - tension, or vice versa.
  • Training mode. Build your PC muscle workout into your daily schedule (for example, wake-up and post-bed workouts) so that you get exercise on a regular basis.
  • Training frequency. Do the exercises every day, 2 times a day. Only in this case, the effect of such intimate gymnastics will not be long in coming.
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