Home Perennial flowers Simple hood. Installation of a kitchen hood in a private house. What do you do with old furniture

Simple hood. Installation of a kitchen hood in a private house. What do you do with old furniture

In this article, you can learn how to make your own kitchen hood in a few not the most difficult stages.

Materials and tools used by the author to create a kitchen hood:
- thin furniture plywood 4 mm thick
- wooden blocks with square, rectangular and round sections
- baguette and corner strips
-decorative wooden lattice
-PVA glue
- putty and primer for wood
- construction serpyanka
- self-tapping screws
- grout and tile adhesive
-painting matt white
- electric jigsaw
- screwdriver
-drills for wood
-various sandpaper
- joinery clamps
-brushes and paint roller
-large steel square
- construction stapler
- Phillips screwdriver

A detailed description of the manufacture of a kitchen hood:

The author faced the following problem: when ordering a new kitchen unit, the space for the hood was calculated disproportionately to it. One could buy a new hood, but basically they all have standardized sizes and turned out to be either a little larger or a little smaller than necessary. But the biggest disadvantage is that even if you find a hood of the right size, it is not a fact that it will look harmonious with the rest of the kitchen set.

Therefore, it was decided to make a cooker hood on our own. Thus, immediately solving the problem with the non-standard size and design of the hood for the new kitchen.

A Czech-made cooker hood was used as the main components for parts of a home-made kitchen hood. Its body is pyramid-shaped and has an unsightly design, so it was decided to make a new body for it.

Step one: sketching.

Before creating the body for the new hood, the author made a few sketches of how it should look.

Searching for various solutions for assembling the hood:

Step two: base for the hood.

When all the basic technological solutions for creating and assembling a new kitchen hood were found, the author immediately proceeded to work on it. Due to the fact that it was necessary to work under normal conditions, and not in a workshop where various special machines and equipment could be used, the work went on for a rather long time and painstakingly.

To begin with, the base for the hood was assembled, its portal.

Then the portal was framed by the purchased baguette and corner strips, respectively.

Step three: create the wireframe of the hood.

In order to give the hood the shape of an unusual design, which the author conceived, he made a carpentry frame according to the sketches given earlier.

Step four: cutting and preparing the walls.

Then templates were made for the wall of the future hood. For their manufacture, thin cardboard was used.

After that, according to the templates obtained, the walls themselves for the hood were cut out of plywood.

They have been carefully sanded and primed.

Step five: installing the walls.

Further, the joints of the walls were glued with a serpyanka, the surfaces were putty and sanded for their further painting.

Step six: decorating the outer part of the hood and installing it.

After that, the hood was ready, all that remained was to install it in its rightful place. Tiles were laid under the selected attachment point for the hood. Then the author attached the hood to the wall.

The hood for the kitchen is a must. It helps to get rid of unpleasant odors, remove excess steam that occurs during cooking. Of course, it becomes an integral part of the interior. In the process of repairing or refurbishing a kitchen, many are faced with the problem of choosing a hood. Often this part simply does not fit in size, appearance or other parameters. But in reality, the problem can be solved very simply. A do-it-yourself kitchen hood will have the necessary dimensions and be unique. It is not difficult to make it.

Hood types

Before considering the question of how and from what, to make a cooker hood for the kitchen, you should first understand a little about the principle of operation of this device and the available types. Such an inalienable attribute differs not only in design, installation method, but also in the principle of operation. Today, the following types of kitchen hoods are distinguished:

  • domed - they are mounted directly above the gas stove. Basically, they are all of the same type, having a conical shape with an air pipe.
  • flat - have a very compact size. They do not have a built-in air duct and work due to built-in replaceable filters. The flat suspended kitchen hood is ideal for rooms with a small area. These small devices look very stylish and modern, yet they are efficient enough to work with and very mobile. These hoods are the easiest to install.
  • built-in - they are mounted inside the kitchen unit, do not take up much space and fit into any interior. These devices can be of the following types: modular and telescopic. The first option has small dimensions, but the telescopic hood for the kitchen has an exhaust panel and is built into the kitchen cabinet. Both options work by means of replaceable filters.

In addition to the types, the principle of operation of the hoods should also be highlighted:

The disadvantage of this principle of operation is the frequent filter change. These models are often fitted with special charcoal filters. Of course, they clean the air well, and most importantly, eliminate unpleasant odors, but they also have a short service life. Therefore, these systems are distinguished by a lower cost than flow-through ones and also by lower operating efficiency.

It is worth adding that most models are connected to the network to improve performance efficiency. The cooker hood must be connected to a separate grounded outlet.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that in terms of performance, devices with an active type air duct (with forced air outflow, due to the built-in electric motor) are the most functional and efficient option.

So, when you decide on the type of hood, you can consider the idea of ​​how to make a hood for the kitchen with your own hands.

If you have a ventilation system, then you can easily build a device with passive ventilation through an air duct. If there is no such system in your house or it is not provided for the kitchen, then you can consider the option of creating a device with your own hands and active ventilation using a built-in electric motor.

The simplest and most inexpensive option for making a device for purifying the air in the kitchen is a model made of plasterboard. What you need to make this device:

  1. Plasterboard sheets, preferably a brand with increased moisture resistance.
  2. Metal profiles.
  3. Metal corners.
  4. Corrugated pipe for air duct device.
  5. Materials for finishing the dome hood (paint, putty).
  6. Material for the air pipe insulation device.

The step-by-step manufacturing instructions are as follows.

  1. Initially, marking work is carried out. Be sure to keep in mind that on the wall you will have not only the device itself, but also an air duct to it. It is desirable to hide it inside the plasterboard structure. The appearance will be much more aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Next, a frame for the duct is made.
  • A pipe box must be attached to the wall using a building level. The top bar is installed first. If you decide to make a curved box, then do not forget to cut and bend it before attaching the profile, giving it the shape you need.
  • After installing the starting profile, the vertical elements are lowered down.
  • Vertical fragments are fixed with a lower bar from the same profile. Do not forget to attach the transverse strips to it, which are necessary for attaching the walls of plasterboard.

The rigid frame of the box is also assembled from the existing galvanized profile. To simplify the work, immediately before assembly, it is necessary to make a detailed drawing and calculate the hood for the kitchen. All dimensions should be applied to the drawing so as not to be mistaken in the manufacturing process.

When making the frame, be sure to pay attention to the additional transverse jumpers. They are usually attached to the side. Jumpers are necessary in order to provide rigidity to the structure.

Before sheathing the box, you must first connect the corrugated pipe duct to the ventilation hole. Before connecting, make sure that the exhaust port is working and that there is a draft.

Box finishing

For the kitchen, it can have a wide variety of shapes. Galvanized profile and drywall allow you to create a wide variety of shapes. And, of course, the finish will add even more uniqueness to your device.

The easiest and most efficient way is:

  • the frame sheathed with plasterboard, reinforced with metal corners;
  • putty, special attention, paying attention to the joints of the sheets and the places of screwing in screws or screws;
  • paint, whitewash or finish with tiles or decorative panels. Here, only your imagination is able to come up with the design you need.

Materials (edit)

Of course, when creating a hood with your own hands, the problem arises, what materials to use? Here, in addition to drywall, you can also use plywood or MDF. In order for the air duct not to make much noise, the pipe is usually wrapped with sound-insulating material, and a galvanized profile is ideal for the frame of the decorative box.

To save money and for decoration, you can use wooden moldings, staining them with a stain to the desired color. Polyurethane decorative skirting boards can be used. And even fiberboard sheets are suitable for the box.

Thus, you can create a simply unique work of art in the kitchen, and if you have an ordinary standard device that works quite well, then you can build a new box for it.

A do-it-yourself kitchen hood will help you use the kitchen space more functionally, even if you have a compact filter-based device installed.

Such a compact device can be built into a homemade rectangular cabinet. For the cabinet, you can build a small outer shelf with a ledge and finish with materials that fit the overall interior. Thus, a new usable space appears. And a disguised hood looks much more aesthetically pleasing than a separate device installed above the stove. With the right approach and low cost, you can create a truly unique fume hood option.

Each housewife will agree that the presence of a hood in the kitchen is an indisputable convenience and even a necessity. It helps to get rid of the smells of cooked food in time, to normalize the temperature in the room. However, is it that difficult to make a cooker hood with your own hands? In this article, I will tell you how to save your family budget by building this important kitchen attribute yourself.

Preparatory work

The principle of operation of the cooker hood consists in two actions: the outflow of exhaust air and the inflow of fresh air. Installation of the hood does not make sense if the ventilation is broken in the apartment. Therefore, the first step in installing a kitchen hood will be to check the draft of the ventilation duct. A lit match is a popular test. Bring a match to the vent and observe the behavior of the flame. If the tongue tilts towards the pipe, then the ventilation is in order, the direct position of the flame indicates problems with ventilation, the slope from the pipe indicates reverse draft. However, professionals do not advise using an open flame to check the ventilation draft. The fact is that the accumulation of flammable gases is possible inside the pipe. Failure to do so can lead to dangerous situations, so use a small piece of paper or tracing paper to check it yourself.

If you have any ventilation problems, deal with them first. Cleaning pipes from an apartment is possible only superficially, it is safer to call a specialist for this work. When the ventilation is restored, proceed with the installation of the kitchen hood. Before starting construction, decide on the type of kitchen hood that you are going to install:

  • Passive cooker hood. It works with an ascending thrust, it is advisable in the absence of problems with ventilation.
  • Active cooker hood. Forced removal of exhaust air using an electric fan.

Hood installation

Start by drawing up a drawing of a kitchen hood and calculating the required amount of materials. The choice of materials for a cooker hood is individual, depending on preferences, but the general list is unchanged. You will need a metal profile and sheets of drywall for the hood frame, finishing materials, a corrugated pipe for the air duct and consumables. Let's take a closer look at the construction of a hood with our own hands.

  • Using the drawing, mark the location of the future hood on the wall. Use the following dimensions: the width and depth of the hood is equal to the width and depth of the hob, the height above the induction and electric cooker is 65-70 cm, above the gas cooker - 75-80 cm. Do not forget to leave room for the ventilation pipe.
  • To create the frame of the hood, start from the top level from the metal profile. Use anchors to attach the profile around the ventilation hole. Lower the vertical members and cross-arcs. Connect to the lower level.

  • Connect the air duct to the ventilation opening using a corrugated pipe. Try to avoid bends in the pipe, with each bend, the thrust efficiency is reduced by 10%. To reduce the noise during operation of the hood, wrap the pipe with sound insulating material.
  • Sheathe the frame with drywall and finish off with a final finish that matches the style and color of the kitchen.

It is easy to convert the resulting passive hood into an active one: install filters and an electric motor with a fan inside the frame.

Before starting work, read the advice of the repair specialists to avoid mistakes during installation.

  • The fastest and easiest way to finish the exterior is drywall, putty in the corners and final painting or whitewashing. Depending on the style of the kitchen set, replace drywall with plywood, add decorations with a wooden molding or polyurethane skirting board.
  • Carry out the marking of the hood with the kitchen installed in place. This method will help to avoid calculation errors.
  • If you place the box inside one of the kitchen drawers, the hood will be hidden from prying eyes, no careful finishing is required.
  • The cord from the active hood should not sag or be in the immediate vicinity of the gas stove. The best and safest solution is to prepare the cable in advance.

The do-it-yourself cooker hood is ready. Do not forget to open and clean the inside of the box every six months from settled grease, dust and unnecessary debris.

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In order for a private house to receive an inflow of fresh air, as well as to remove already polluted air, it is necessary to install a ventilation system - an exhaust hood, which can be natural, forced or combined. But regardless of the choice, ventilation will perform its function only if preliminary calculations are made that take into account the size of the room and the features of the future system.

Natural ventilation

At the design stage of the house, a natural ventilation scheme is compiled without fail. Its principle of operation is to ventilate the house due to the natural circulation of the air mass. In order for the system to perform its function properly, the supply of fresh air and the removal of already humid air must be carried out through different rooms. Usually, the space through which air enters is called dry, and the outgoing room is called humid.

You can ventilate your home in four ways:

  • ducted, when the house is equipped with vertically located ducts.
  • channelless. This method can be used for residential buildings, but it is more suitable for industrial buildings.
  • permanent. In this case, the premises are provided with a significant inflow of air, which enters through the air ducts.
  • periodic, when "new" air is supplied at regular intervals.

To increase the level of air exchange in the house, special fans are mounted on the exhaust ducts, which can work both constantly and at a set time. Accordingly, such equipment requires a mains connection.


According to the principle of work, it is divided into:

  • supply and exhaust, carried out using special equipment. Also, a variation of this method is the installation of recirculation equipment. In this case, the exhaust air passes through the filters, partially mixes with the outside air, and then the purified air is returned to the room;
  • supply air with the possibility of heating. For the system to work according to this principle, a recuperator is required, which uses exhaust, but already heated air;
  • supply air with cooling. An air conditioner must be installed here;
  • supply and exhaust. The most common system for private houses. The circulation of air masses is provided by the installed equipment in combination with elements of natural circulation. This air exchange scheme is relatively easy to install and quite effective.

However, the work of the forced system is carried out by connecting its devices to the power supply network. In addition, the design and calculations of the system are carried out at the stage of drawing up a plan for the construction of a house. All components of forced ventilation perform different functions, but the main and only task of all elements is the supply of fresh air to the premises and the output of the already used air to the street.

The compulsory system includes the following elements and equipment:

  • grilles to protect ventilation ducts from rodents, insects and debris;
  • filters that prevent dust and pollen from entering the house;
  • air valves that regulate the flow of air into the house. In winter, they protect the system from icy gusts of wind;
  • fans, used to create a continuous flow in the ventilation ducts;
  • sound absorbers, ensuring silent operation of the system;
  • air heaters that heat the incoming air;
  • ventilation ducts for air movement.

How to properly install the hood in the kitchen in a private house

Hood manufacturers provide consumers with three main device modifications:

  • suspended;
  • built-in;
  • dome or fireplace.

Also, according to the method of purifying the air, they are divided into devices that remove exhaust air to the street, and models operating in recirculation mode.

But regardless of the material of manufacture and cross-section, the diameter of the duct must match the inlet of the hood. With a smaller pipe size, the cooker hood will work in an increased mode, which will lead to early engine damage.

The installed air duct should not completely block the opening of the natural ventilation shaft. For this, a special grill is purchased and installed, the valve of which closes when the hood is turned on, and opens after the end of the device. This mode of operation makes it possible to fully operate the natural air circulation system.

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

The task of the installed ventilation in the bathroom comes down to cleaning this room from various odors and eliminating high humidity.

Since the operation of a natural hood completely depends on external climatic factors, it will not always be able to cope with its task. In addition, the absence of special grilles on the outside of the ventilation ducts makes it possible for small rodents and insects to enter the house. However, the system of natural air circulation has its advantages, which are simplicity of design and relatively low price. The absence of complex mechanical elements in a natural hood predicts a long and trouble-free operation of it.

Forced exhaust fans installed in the bathroom can operate either from a light switch or have a separate power point. Also, device manufacturers offer fans with built-in humidity sensors. In this case, the system starts working when the humidity in the room reaches a certain level. There are also models that are equipped with motion sensors that allow you to activate air circulation when a person enters the room.

According to the material of manufacture, decorative designs are:

  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • steel;
  • made of MDF, chipboard or drywall.

However, when installing the box, it is taken into account that it will constantly be exposed to burning, fat and other by-products that arise during cooking. It follows that the structure should be well washed and cleaned. Only in this case the decorative box will fit into the overall design of the room.

Video: how to install an extractor hood and ventilation through the wall in a private (including wooden) house with your own hands

Ventilation, both forced and natural, will perform its function only if the entire system is organized correctly. And for this, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room and the climatic conditions in which the system will operate.

Quite often, in the course of kitchen remodeling, we are faced with a problem: the kitchen hood either does not fit in size with our headset, or does not fit at all into the kitchen design. The way out in this situation can be a home-made hood for the kitchen - and even if its creation will require much more time from us than installing a factory hood, but as a result, we will get a device that ideally meets all our requirements!

In this article, we will tell you how to make your own cooker hood in the kitchen, and give two fairly detailed instructions for making it yourself.

General information about cooker hoods

Before proceeding to the consideration of the proposed options for the manufacture of devices for removing "exhaust" air from the kitchen, it is necessary to understand the very principle of the hood operation.

As the name implies, a kitchen hood with an effort "pulls" hot polluted air from the kitchen - or rather, from the space above the stove, and then removes it from the room.

As a rule, air is removed into the ventilation ducts of the building - that is why, when buying or manufacturing a hood, you must first of all take care of the proper condition of the ventilation of the house. If there is no draft in the system (and this happens when the ventilation has not been cleaned for a long time), then the efficiency of the hood will be extremely low.

In order for the air to be removed as efficiently as possible, it is necessary, along with proper ventilation, to ensure its sufficient flow into the room.

If you have metal-plastic windows with a high level of tightness, you may observe some problems in the operation of the hood - therefore, experts recommend either using the micro-ventilation function, or installing supply ventilation valves on the windows.

The modern home appliance market offers us many models of hoods, but by and large they can be divided into two large groups:

  • Passive - dome-type hoods that remove air exclusively due to the ascending draft. There are no electric motors and fans inside these devices, but such a hood will work only if the ventilation ducts of the building or a high ventilation pipe are in good condition.
  • Active - hoods, the operation of which is provided by an electric motor installed inside. Such devices work more stably, but consume a lot of electricity.

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