Home Potato Hematite chemical formula. Hematite - healing and magical possibilities. General characteristics of the stone

Hematite chemical formula. Hematite - healing and magical possibilities. General characteristics of the stone

Hematite (from Greek haimatos) in literal translation means "blood", "similar to blood". The fact that the mineral acquires a characteristic bloody hue, if it is rubbed with an effort, was first noticed by Theophrastus (315 BC), a philosopher and naturalist who lived in Ancient Greece. However, it has been successfully used much earlier. There is evidence of the use of hematite in ancient Egypt and even Mesopotamia.

You can also come across the names “red ironstone”, “bloodstone”, “specularite”, “sanguine”, which are not only synonymous with the word “hematite”, but also mean one or another of its varieties. For example, iron mica is layered scales, clusters with a tarnish effect are called esmalte, a mineral mass is called iron ore, and unusual combinations of flattened crystals are called iron roses.

In jewelry, colors with a semi-metallic or metallic sheen are often used due to their aesthetic properties. However, there are specimens of a brownish-red color, in which hematite (stone) can be naturally colored. The photos clearly demonstrate this.

Physical Qualities

The composition of this mineral is iron ore. Moreover, the stone is quite common, so a person with almost any income can buy it. Majestic, futuristic, finally stylish - this is how many connoisseurs of the fashion world describe hematite stone. Who is the mineral suitable for?

First of all, it is considered a talisman of warriors, defenders, that is, a truly masculine decoration. In ancient times, it was worn as an amulet around the neck, sewn into clothes, put under the soles of shoes. Going to war, the soldiers did not neglect this method of "defense". Not a single ritual could do without this mineral. The alchemists also did not neglect it, highly appreciating its amazing properties.

  1. The stone stimulates the production of blood cells. strengthening the organs involved in cleansing the body (kidneys, liver, spleen) - all this is affected by the mineral.
  2. Hematite is iron, so astrologers often compare it to protective armor. There is an opinion that he is able to protect the owner from both physical and astral attacks. In addition, the mineral can contribute to the discovery of the world from new, previously unknown sides, as well as assist in unraveling the universe.
  3. It is able to enhance martial qualities: courage, courage, courage, therefore, most often the stone is recommended for men.
  4. It is recommended to wear it with caution - an abundance of jewelry can lower or increase pressure (on average by 10-15 units), and it becomes more in the first half of the lunar cycle, lower - in the second. The stone can be successfully used to improve blood circulation. To do this, just put it on the desired part of the body. Nursing mothers should pay attention to hematite in the form of a pendant. It is believed that the talisman helps to increase the volume of breast milk.
  5. Hematite is a mineral that balances hormones, reduces the effects of stress, and improves sleep. There are cases when, with the help of it, stones formed in the bladder were dissolved and removed.
  6. Able to alleviate the condition of patients suffering from anemia and anemia, reduce tumors, promote bone marrow restoration.

Despite the fact that hematite is a “masculine” stone, women can also wear it. It will help in the beginning of a complex enterprise, in career advancement and in training.

It is recommended to wear it "solo", but if this option does not suit you, then you can choose a frame in the form of silver. Other metals are not compatible with it. Perhaps the exception is copper. In this embodiment, the mineral is used only for witchcraft rites. Hematite will bring happiness if worn on the index finger of the left hand (for men - on the right).

The pendant helps to awaken the inner voice and enhance intuition. A bracelet made of hematite, the properties of which can enhance the wearer's hearing, is recommended for older people or those who have hearing problems. Beads can replace blueberries, which improves eyesight.

In any case, wearing hematite is useful, as it enhances the energy of the owner, keeps the body in good shape, gives more strength and energy.

Hematite (stone): properties, who suits

The properties of the stone are in conflict. It is a powerful source of energy power, so it is often worn by magicians and sorcerers. In order to know exactly the answer to the question: “Who is hematite stone most suitable for?”, you need to take into account the sign of the Zodiac, the elements and features of the mineral.

The element of stone is Fire. However, it is by no means suitable for the fiery signs of the zodiac. Cancers, Scorpios, Aquarius and Capricorns are advised to wear it (first of all, those born under the signs of Gemini, Virgo and Pisces are strictly forbidden to acquire amulets. Those who were born under other signs should also be treated with caution. Its use should be temporary, for example , during meditations aimed at spiritual perfection, with the exception of practicing magicians who know how to use

Obviously, the most "difficult" mineral of all existing is Who is this mineral suitable for? If we compare the stone with the rest, then its “character” is not carried by all the signs of the Zodiac, so not everyone should buy jewelry.

Influence on Cancers and Scorpios

Cancers, by nature very emotional, secretive and suspicious, the mineral will help to gain self-confidence, allow them to control their emotions and direct their thoughts in the right direction, without dissolving in a creative flight.

Hematite stone for Scorpio, characterized by a passionate and irrepressible disposition, will provide protection from negativity, excessive irritability and enemies, which he has plenty of.

The mineral will give the rest of the signs. They, by nature, and so swift and strong-willed, will show even greater stubbornness.

How to wear?

  • Useful for those who practice magical rituals to protect themselves from otherworldly forces.
  • The stone can protect the owner and bring him benefits in the right situation, but they must be able to manage. Weak, soft-bodied people can simply be "crushed" by powerful energy.
  • It is not recommended to wear thoughtlessly as a simple decoration. You should choose your stone based on the sign of the Zodiac and your own characteristics.
  • The properties of hematite are such that thoughts and desires can materialize, so you should be careful when wearing it.
  • It is possible to increase karma if you manage to uncover the secrets of such a mysterious mineral as hematite stone. Whoever suits - they immediately feel it, and those who do not have a "relationship" after a while remove the jewelry themselves.
  • Hematite attracts energy, both good and bad. Especially at the beginning, be careful, as the stone may not distinguish the type of energy.
  • Listen to yourself, your inner voice. Choose a stone only if it "calls" you, if you feel the need for it and its power.

How to choose and store?

Distinguishing a ceramic fake is easy - swipe the decoration over uneven glass. If reddish traces remain, it is certainly a real stone, otherwise it is a fake. You can often find a fake - a ceramic stone painted black. It is lighter in weight than the real one. There is also a synthetic analogue - hematin. It has a greater attraction to the magnet than real hematite (stone). The photos clearly illustrate what hematite looks like. Look at them and remember the structure of the stone. Then it will be easier for you to recognize the mineral.

Store jewelry carefully, avoiding friction and shock. Do not wear on naked body in hot weather - it heats up easily and can injure the skin.

Lithotherapists advise against wearing tiaras and headbands interspersed with hematite. The fact that the stone has magnetic properties has been scientifically proven, so it is better not to buy head jewelry from this mineral.

Origin of name: The name of the mineral hematite comes from the Greek haimatites - "like blood", because of the bright red color of hematite, crushed into powder.

Other names (synonyms):

Anhydroferrite, Alaska diamond, iron kidney, iron rose, iron mica, iron sour cream, iron anatase, iron eye, iron red glitter, mirror ore, red ore, red iron ore, red ocher iron ore, bloodstone, bloodstone, sanguine, specularite, black diamond

Varieties of the mineral:

Specularite (iron sheen), red glass head.
Depending on the impurities of certain chemical elements, titanohematite, aluminohematite, and hydrohematite are distinguished.
Martite is a pseudomorph of hematite after magnetite.

Sample photos


Syngony: Trigonal

Composition (formula): Fe2O3


Red, grey, black

Dash color (powder color): cherry red

Transparency: Opaque

Cleavage: None (very imperfect)

Fracture: Rough, Conchoidal

Gloss: Matte, Metallic

Hardness: 5.5-6.5

Specific gravity, g / cm 3: 4,9-5,3

Special properties:

Sometimes the mineral hematite has a rainbow tint.

Selection form

The mineral hematite forms thick and thin tabular crystals, oolites, solid and earthy masses, film dendrites.
Fine-grained accumulations of the mineral hematite - red iron ore.
Thin-flake, greasy to the touch hematite - iron sour cream.
Fine- and coarse-lamellar masses of hematite - iron luster.
Zone-concentric, kidney-shaped, sintered aggregates of hematite with a shiny surface - a red glass head.
There are known pseudomorphs of the mineral hematite after the minerals magnetite and pyrite in the form of dodecahedral or octahedral crystals (martite).


The mineral hematite can be igneous, hydrothermal, sedimentary, metamorphic, paragenesis is different.
The mineral hematite of red color is a pigment of many slags in sedimentary rocks. Contact-metasomatic hematite occurs in skarns, in metamorphosed banded iron ores. During oxidation and weathering, hematite is formed in iron-bearing minerals (magnetite, limonite, siderite).

Deposits / manifestations

Magnificent crystals of the mineral hematite have been found: Brumado, Bahia, Brazil; Wessels, Kuruman, South Africa; Rio Marina, Elba, Italy. "Iron roses" are found in Switzerland. Tabular crystals of the mineral hematite are known in Algeria. In the Czech Republic and Great Britain - grape-like aggregates of hematite. Sedimentary iron ores form deposits in Ukraine, USA, Russia. Findings of hematite crystals are known in Siberia, Russia.


The mineral hematite is an important source of iron. Dense hematite (bloodstone) is used to make jewelry.

Long ago, before the Deucalion Flood, the Olympian gods were at war with the titans and terrible monsters. Monsters of Darkness rose up against Zeus, his divine brothers and sisters - hundred-armed hecatoncheir giants, hydras, cyclops and hordes of other creatures of Tartarus.

This epic battle is reflected in many myths under the general name of Gigantomachy (γιγαντομαχία). Vivid episodes of the collision of destructive cosmic forces have come down to us in the magnificent dramatic descriptions of Homer, Apollodorus, Hyginus.

The war of the gods was so significant among the Greeks that it was even reflected in the bas-reliefs on the marble friezes of the Pergamon Altar, one of the wonders of the ancient world.

The Greeks believed that the blood of the gods and titans, which dripped from the heavenly stadium to the earth, was petrified. Bloody drops turned into the mineral hematite, and where the most bloody battles took place, entire deposits of hematite, a blood-colored mineral, formed. The impression is reinforced by black spots resembling gore.

One of the first scientific descriptions of hematite belongs to the Greek scientist Theophrastus (IV century BC).

Immutable Association

In Greek, “hemo” is “blood” (compare, for example, with the word “hemoglobin”, which means “blood balls”).

The hot-tempered gods quarreled all over the world. In the legends of the Australians and Slavs, the Chinese and Africans, the Celts and the Aztecs, everything is told about the same thing - about the ancient heavenly battle, in which a lot of blood of gods, demons, dragons was shed.

It is not surprising that the associative names of the mineral are also unchanged among peoples on all continents. Everywhere it is called "bloody". It just sounds different.

Hematite: the foundation of the Iron Age

Bloodstone can indeed be called a gift from the ancient gods. This heavy mineral is red iron ore, the very ore that marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of mankind - the Iron Age.

Today, hematite is the main ore for iron and steel smelting. In the world it is mined in millions of tons annually.

Since ancient times, clay deposits of iron hydrate have been used to make yellow and reddish paint - ocher.

What is hematite stone?

Hematite is opaque. However, its thin sections are capable of transmitting dull red light. In terms of crystal structure, this mineral is similar to, but bloodstone crystals are not so tightly connected. Most often they form scattered plates or scales, so the mineral is quite fragile. Under the microscope, the structure of the mineral is usually powdery.

There is an interesting form of the mineral with large curved scales superimposed on each other like petals. Collectors hunt for such specimens, they are called "iron roses".

Buffy yellowish inclusions of mineral aggregates (geologists call them "marsh ores") impart lemon shades to fragments of hematite. By the way, the official name of swamp ores is limonite.

Even rarer are concretions with well-formed crystals. Such unique items adorn the collections of the largest mineralogical museums in the world.

Deposits and varieties of hematite

In Russia Kursk anomaly is rich in hematite, there are its deposits accompanying gold placers in the Urals (Bertevsky mine, Tagil).

In Kazakhstan there is a unique deposit with bluish hematite. Its surface is also distinguished by a relief pattern.

Extremely rich extensive Krivoy Rog hematite deposit in Ukraine. Here are several decorative varieties of the mineral. In addition, Krivoy Rog hematite impregnates other rocks, giving them an unusually beautiful color. In alliance with hematite, for example, elegant red stripes with parallel or wavy colored stripes are formed - carmine, wax, red, gray, black, dark green. Such ferruginous quartzites resemble, they are called jaspilites (Jasper in English means "jasper").

A very beautiful variety of hematite, mined in Brazil. The mineral has its own name - Rainbow hematite ("Rainbow hematite"). Its surface is reminiscent of the pattern of fabric for mattresses or beach chairs: wide parallel stripes of brown, greenish and bluish color alternate on it, generously strewn with festively sparkling quartz crystals.

Large deposits of hematite are located:

  • Canada
  • Britannia
  • Germany
  • Brazil

Jewelry incarnations of hematite

Hematite is a recognized ornamental mineral and is in high demand in the jewelry industry. Hematite set in silver is especially good.

But few people know that paste-like hematite powder (it is called " crocus") - the best old tool for polishing gold. Silver, bronze, platinum and crystal are polished with hematite crocus. Products acquire a beautiful radiance with a reddish sheen.

martian hematite

Hematite is found even in space. Iron meteorites falling to the Earth have long ago “reported” that this metal is not uncommon in the Universe.

Mars research by NASA mobile laboratory robots has shown that the red-brown surface of the fourth planet from the Sun consists of iron oxides and a special, Martian variety of hematite. This iron oxide coincides with terrestrial hematite in chemical composition, but Martian hematite has magnetic qualities: its crystal lattice is "copied" from magnetite.

Cosmogeologists named the Martian rock maghemite (from the names "magnetite" and "hematite").

Only a few years separate us from the next space breakthrough - the colonization of Mars. Metallurgy scientists have already proposed several technologies for smelting steel from Martian hematite, which will allow the colonists to make their own metal in the future.

Bloodstone Magic

Even ancient spellcasters knew that hematite has magical properties. For Greek sorcerers, the connection of the mineral with divine blood was obvious.

Greek magicians even tried to specify the origin of various varieties of hematite. Red and cherry stones were considered the blood of Apollo, Athena, Hephaestus and other "light" gods. Inclusions of black color were determined as the blood of hydras and other monsters. Often the mineral contains well-defined quartz. The Greeks considered it "stardust".

Thus, the magicians of Hellas found out who this or that hematite suits. One stone was suitable for black magic, the other for white.

But the roots of the use of the magical properties of hematite reach even more distant times, when the first civilizations appeared in Mesopotamia.

In the deciphered cuneiform tablets of the Akkadians, Babylonians, Sumerians and Assyrians, there are magical texts that tell about the properties of the hematite bloodstone. In Babylon, he was associated with the great god Marduk, in Akkad and Ugarit, with the goddess Ishtar. She was depicted as an eight-pointed star. Applied to a polished bloodstone amulet, this ancient magical mark transforms it into a powerful magical artifact.

Clay tablets also contain magical spells that should accompany rituals with bloodstone-hematite. But no one knows what the language spoken by the ancient magicians sounded like. Therefore, it is impossible to cast spells. In addition, the semantic meanings of magic words are not defined.

Magic mirrors

In magic, hematite is especially in demand, in which quartz is present. These crystals amplify the wave manifestations of subtle energy fields. It is said that such artifacts are capable of generating visual fata morgans - hologram-like images of cities that disappeared in the distant past or the ghosts of long-dead people.

Magicians knew how to make magic mirrors from hematite, in which they saw what was happening hundreds of kilometers away.

Ancient Russian chronicles mention a strange artifact that looks like such a magic mirror. It was in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. However, during the invasion of the Mongols (1242), the cathedral was robbed and half destroyed, and the mysterious mirror disappeared.

Jewelry and amulets

Polished hematite is similar to morion (black), (volcanic glass), black flint.

The shades of the mineral from different deposits vary within the dark red range:

  • cherry
  • bluish red
  • like a renclod plum
  • purple
  • red-brown

Hematite stone owes these shades to microscopic quartz crystals. From similar minerals, hematite is distinguished by a pronounced metallic sheen.

Polished balls of iron-black hematite with their velvety sheen are like the rarest black pearls.

Hematite gemma

In the collection of gems collected in the Hermitage, one can admire carved miniatures made by Iranian craftsmen on hematite.

Hematite and Zodiac

Hematite beads

But such a beneficial effect of hematite is not available to everyone. Some horoscopes warn born under the sign and from the acquisition of hematite. Signs incompatible with this mineral include and.

Medicinal properties

In the miraculously preserved Egyptian papyrus scrolls dedicated to medicine, hematite powder is recommended as a reliable healing agent that can stop heavy bleeding. Arab healers removed tumors from bruises by applying whole pieces of the mineral to them.

Using the knowledge accumulated over the centuries, modern lithotherapists use hematite healing stones for many procedures.

Hematite suppresses abscesses on the skin and gums, helps cleanse blood vessels from dangerous blockages (blood clots).

How to determine the authenticity of a stone

It is not difficult to distinguish genuine hematite from a fake. Gemologists have developed a simple stroke test.

For testing, you will need a white ceramic tile (only without glaze), a faience or porcelain cup, any other unglazed white ceramic.

Determining the Authenticity of Hematite

Press down on it with a corner of the stone. If the red line remains, you have real hematite in your hands.

Hematite is the most common variant of iron ore. For its characteristic appearance, this rock is also called red iron ore (and in the last century the name “iron sheen” was widely used). The formula of red iron ore is constant - iron oxide (III), i.e. Fe2O3.

The chemical formula of hematite shows that this ore is rich in iron, so the metal is mainly obtained from red iron ore. In appearance, the rock has gray, dark, metallic, steel shades, often interspersed with brown. Therefore, the word "hematite" from ancient Greek is translated as "blood red".

Formula and morphological features of hematite

The above chemical formula of hematite reflects the content of the main substance. Actually impurities are also present - titanium oxide, aluminum oxide. Iron ore also contains up to 8% water (in a chemically bound state).

The stable chemical formula of hematite is due to the fact that the main component of the ore (Fe 2 O 3) is a product of the transformation of oxidized iron. The metal is bonded to oxygen, so it doesn't corrode further.

The most important morphological features of red iron ore include:

  • the shape of the crystal is lamellar or tabular;
  • outlines in the form of rhombic polyhedra - rhombohedrons predominate;
  • often the crystals grow together along the planes and form a kind of petals that are planted on top of each other ("iron rose").

The red sands of Mars are predominantly composed of maghemite, a mineral with the same chemical composition as hematite. It is interesting that maghemite turns into red iron ore already at a slight heating (+200 o C). However, it has differences in structure - it repeats the crystal structuremagnetite, the closest "relative" of red iron ore.

Properties of hematite (video)


Depending on the appearance and features of the structure There are several types of hematite:

  1. Iron mica - the mineral consists of flakes with a distinct metallic luster.
  2. Specularite also shines well in the light, its color is closer to silvery and gray shades.
  3. The red glass head, which is also called the bloodstone, is a stone of brown, bloody hues.
  4. Iron rose really resembles this flower due to its unusual structure.
  5. Red iron ore is painted only in brown tones. The crystal is quite heavy due to its high density.

Physical Properties

Physical properties of red iron ore:

  • colors - mostly dark, metallic shades, gray, steel, silver, red, brown, brick;
  • gloss - metallic or muted (matte);
  • hardness on the Mohs scale - about 5.5-6.5;
  • density - about 5.0-5.3 g / cm 3;
  • the syngony is trigonal.

Hematite has weak magnetic properties, since the main component ismineral substanceFe 2 O 3 not magnetized. Thus, the mineral reacts only tomoststrong magnets.

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Diagnostic signs

This term is understood as a set of external features, as well as physical properties (density, ability to respond to the action of a magnet), by which one mineral can be distinguished from another. In the case of red iron ore, these features include the following:

  1. In appearance it looks like black flint, volcanic glass (obsidian), jet. However, it differs from them in a higher density. Even a small piece of hematite has a noticeable weight.
  2. The rock is hard, but at the same time quite fragile. If you run a piece of bloody ironstone over porcelain, a red mark will remain.
  3. The dash color is red. This name refers to the color that the mineral will leave if you draw it with a sharp edge over a ceramic plate (biscuit). Determining the color in this way is necessary because, in the normal state, the shades of the mineral often depend on its impurities. That is, the color of the line gives an idea of ​​the true color of the stone (or rock).
  4. Red iron ore, similar in appearance to magnetite, can be distinguished by the action of a magnet. Magnetite will attract very well, hematite weakly (or not at all).

Experienced mineralogists can easily distinguish hematite from similar stones. Despite the fact that the mineral is rarely faked in jewelry (the ore is quite common), it is useful to know that hematite has a high density, and its closest analogues weigh little. Therefore, you can just hold a piece in your hands - it will be like a weight.

Deposits and features of production

Iron ore is widely distributed in nature. For example, in Russia such a deposit as the Kursk magnetic anomaly is known, in which about 30 billion tons of proven ore reserves have been discovered. BUT the following deposits are also known:

  1. Grengesberg (Sweden).
  2. Algarrobo (Chile).
  3. Snarum (Norway).
  4. Shepherd (Missouri, USA).
  5. Azegur (Morocco).
  6. San Christoph (Saxony, Germany) and others.

Ore is mined by an open (quarry) method. The technology includes such basic steps

  1. Equipment is brought to the field, the necessary installations are mounted.
  2. The upper part of the rocks is removed (to a depth of 0.5 km).
  3. Then, with the help of blasting, these rocks are crushed and transported to processing plants.

If the ore lies deep enough (more than 0.6 km), it is mined by the mine method. Otherwise, the technology is exactly the same - the processing of the rock, obtaining raw materials from it is carried out not at the place of extraction, but at special processing enterprises.

History of research and commercial operation of the mine

Interestingly, active mining of hematite began in Russia at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. In Karelia, on the left bank of the Kollasjoki River, local peasants discovered rock deposits. Subsequently, there appeared Rogozersky hematite mine. For a long time, the authorities found it difficult to say how profitable it is to organize full-scale mining here.

The final decision to start work was made only in 1896. However, the revolution prevented plans for further development. As a result, they returned to the field already in the 1930s. At that time, about 20 deep wells were drilled there, but geologists estimated hematite reserves at no more than 900,000 tons. As a result, the deposit was mothballed. Today the mine has remained a mining monument of the Republic of Karelia.

External features of hematite (video)

Processing and scope

Rocks of red iron ore are processed using different methods:

  • pressurized water jets;
  • flotation - the removal of iron components upwards, with the help of air bubbles;
  • separation of valuable components using powerful electromagnets;
  • transferring the mixture into suspension and separating by settling (due to the difference in densities).

Thanks to these methods of beneficiation of the ore, it is possible to separate it into its constituent components. The choice of a specific method depends on the genesis (origin) of the rock and its chemical composition. Hematite is used as a source of iron - cast iron is smelted from it. It is used as a natural dye, as well as in the manufacture of jewelry.

Hematite is one of the main varieties of iron ores. This mineral has been known for several thousand years. It is used in our time as well.

The accumulation of minerals in the layers of the earth, which are located at different depths, is called ore. This mineral includes compounds of minerals and metals: iron, zinc, copper, tin, which are used in the national economy after processing. One of the valuable useful ores is the iron mineral, which is called red iron ore or hematite. The mineral red ironstone has the formula Fe2O3. The iron compounds form large clusters and give the ore its red color.

Hematite has a constant formula and is the most common type of iron ore. The chemical composition of the mineral informs that the metal is obtained by processing red iron ore. Hematite stone is of volcanic origin and is formed in the layers of the earth as a result of magmatic compounds under the influence of temperature and high pressure in an oxidizing environment.

Appearance and physical properties

Hematite in the last century was called "iron luster" because of the steel color. Lamellar crystals have a metallic sheen and brown blotches. The mineral has an amazing property: when the rock is ground into powder and water is added, the liquid turns bright red. At the same time, in the solid state, dark and gray shades predominate in the ore.

This is an opaque stone, a class - minerals with a density of 5.25 g / cm 3, is not radioactive, dissolves slowly in hydrochloric acid, is not magnetic.

Legends and beliefs

Ancient myths about the mineral tell that red and brown marks on ore crystals symbolize the blood of Christ, which flowed down to the ground and remained there in the form of petrified brown drops accumulated in the layers of ore.

The inhabitants of Egypt and Ancient Rome believed that items and amulets made from hematite contained divine blood and were able to protect and protect their owners in battles and battles. According to legend, the goddess Isis and her priestesses often descended to Earth to talk with people, and they always had amulets for earthly women who could protect their femininity and give the joy of motherhood.

In ancient times, oriental healers used hematite for healing.. It was widely used for bleeding, inflammation and to facilitate childbirth. Jewelry was also considered a powerful sedative.

The Indians used a mixture of mineral coloring pigment with animal fat for drawings on the face and body, believing that the bloody powder would protect their tribes from enemies.

In Russia, figurines made of hematite were often hung over the cradles of babies to protect babies from the evil eye and evil spirits. Until now, many magical properties have been assigned to jewelry made from this mineral.

Scientists are sure that hematite ore is one of the constituent parts of the surface of Mars. The presence of iron on the Red Planet explains the brown color of the Martian sand, which was examined using a laser spectrograph.

The largest deposits of iron ore were discovered in North America in the state of Alabama, near Birmingham, in Russia, Brazil, Ukraine . The use of red iron ore has been known since ancient times:

Hematite jewelry helps only those people who have good intentions. If the owner of the stone is planning to commit an evil deed, the amulet will not assist him in this.

Bloodstone in astrology

The opinions of astrologers about which zodiac signs are helped by hematite stone vary:

  1. In one case, these are Pisces, who, due to their indecisive nature, are incapable of confident and noble deeds and need the influence of a talisman on their fate. The gem is able to activate hidden energy and move the representative of a doubting and insecure sign to achieve their goals.
  2. Other astrologers claim that hematite suits the fiery and aggressive signs of the zodiac: Aries, Scorpions, Cancers. In this case, the stone restrains the impetuous disposition of its wards and has a positive effect on their nervous system.

Red iron ore, bloodstone, iron ore, hematite - all these names are used by a mineral that is created by the forces of nature and without which humanity would have lost many benefits. Planet Earth is rich in deposits of iron ore, so products and jewelry made from this mineral are of low cost and are available to all segments of the population.

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