Home Potato How to learn to guess with playing cards yourself. Fortune telling with simple cards for beginners. What awaits you in the near future

How to learn to guess with playing cards yourself. Fortune telling with simple cards for beginners. What awaits you in the near future

Fortune telling on cards is a popular method of free fortune telling that every person can learn. This is a very ancient art of fortune telling by cards; it was perhaps discovered by the ancient sages and priests of ancient Egypt.

It was believed that anyone who mastered fortune telling with cards could use cards in an amazing way to learn many secret things and thus foresee and influence the life around them. Anyone who “looks at the cards” correctly can foresee events and the very fate of a person - many people believe in this to one degree or another. This surprises them, and from time to time questions arise: What can the cards tell? Can everyone really tell fortunes with cards? Should such a person have some special qualities? Or is it perhaps deception or secret tricks that make the impossible possible? However, this opinion has sunk into oblivion, because now we firmly know that cards have magical properties and with the help of fortune telling on cards, you can not only tell fortunes about love, but also look into the future.

Fortune telling with cards for beginners

The basic rules of fortune telling with cards for beginners are the ability to correctly add up a set of facts that the cards show. To do this, you first need to know the meaning of individual cards, paired cards and groups of several cards.

It should also be remembered that the master of fortune telling is not a seer or a predictor at all, he simply understands the language of the cards and, formulating the extracted information, passes it on to the person who came to tell fortunes.

Do not forget that a card reader is not obliged to reveal the whole truth to another person - if it can significantly affect his psyche. Moreover, for a novice card reader, there is a high probability of error, so you should be prudent in the initial stages.

In addition, a card reader must master many esoteric sciences and have a good understanding of people and human psychology. He must try to understand the client’s life situation and help him understand himself. To begin the fortune-telling ritual correctly, you should formulate a problem and a question. Because the more precise the question, the more accurate the cards’ answer will be.

It is recommended that a novice map fortuneteller try to concentrate all his attention on the essence of the issue. - You need to calmly listen and perceive the question being asked and identify it with your person - that is, accept the person’s problem as your own.

You should guess when you have full feelings of your own fortitude and self-confidence - and in no case should you start guessing on a bad rainy day, when everything falls out of hand and nothing comes of it.

Fortune telling with cards is not at all a trick or a trick that can be done at any time with a guaranteed positive result. Fortune telling with cards is the lot of professionals, but before you become one, you should start somewhere.

When the time comes and you become a good enough fortuneteller, do not forget that cards always mean the help that one person provides to another. Over time, one glance at the cards will be enough to correctly compare the facts and assess the situation with a competent answer. But at the same time, you need to be careful that excess emotions do not spill out.

It is not recommended to repeatedly ask cards when doing fortune telling with the same question or the same problem. An ancient Chinese rule says: “With the help of the first oracle, I give you advice.” Ask a second or third time and your doubts will increase.

Occasionally, you can lay out cards for yourself, but do not lose heart regardless of any answer: these same cards will later help you develop the correct structure of behavior.

A real fortune teller has her favorite techniques and her own personal cards, which she lays out to answer questions. Your goal - after all, you want to become a fortune teller - is to master the techniques of fortune telling for the good purpose of helping yourself, your family and your friends.

Cards come in two colors - red and black.
Each color appears in two suits.
Reds are hearts and diamonds.
Black ones are clubs and spades. The colors of the cards have their own specific meaning, which dominates and appears when one color predominates in the entire layout of the cards.
If the color of the cards is Red, it means, in general, a favorable forecast.
If the color of the cards is Black, as you should have guessed, it means an unfavorable forecast.

Regarding individual card suits, they have the following meanings.

Worms - love, tenderness, warmth of feelings, salvation, friendship, marriage.
Diamonds - money, power, material and social, professional success, pleasure, achievements (business).
Clubs - litigation, difficulties, travel, separation, sadness, care, tears.
Peaks - failures in business and love, deprivation, loss, mourning.

True, this is just a general overview, which is only suitable for a first acquaintance with cards for beginners. If the color red predominates in the layout, this creates an overall favorable impression. If all four aces lie down immediately, this means the true truth of fortune telling (since the fortuneteller correctly interpreted the remaining cards).

Applicability of cards for beginners

For whom what card?

The center of the layout of the cards is the personality of the person for whom fortune telling is being done on the cards. Therefore, at the beginning of fortune telling, you should put his personal card, the so-called his portrait. This can be a king or a queen, depending on whether it is a man or a woman.

The King of Diamonds can be assigned to a young and free person (unmarried), a cheerful person.
The King of Hearts can be given to a person who is married.
The King of Clubs can be assigned to a respectable, deeply respected person in authority who opposes your desires.
The king of spades can be placed - if a widower or an elderly man came to tell fortunes on the cards.

The Queen of Tambourines - is placed similar to the description above - for an unmarried woman, including a divorcee, that is, a free, cheerful young lady.
The Queen of Hearts is a married woman.
The Queen of Clubs is like the King of Clubs: an authoritative, powerful woman.
Queen of peaks - Widow, elderly woman.

It should also be noted that if you guess on the cards for yourself, then the queen of diamonds is put on the table first. If you are telling fortunes for an acquaintance or, say, a friend, brother or other unmarried person, you need to display the king of diamonds.

For your mother you will play the queen of hearts, and for your father you will play the king of hearts. The teacher, teacher or boss will receive a king or queen of clubs as a personal card.

If you have a special question regarding certain life circumstances, you should put a card that is suitable in its meaning in the central place. These meanings are explained below. This card will be called a question.

And now it would be useful to familiarize yourself and repeat the meanings of personal cards for close relatives and friends.

mother is the queen of hearts;
father is the king of hearts;
teacher, boss - king of clubs;
teacher, boss - queen of clubs;
grandfather - king of spades;
grandmother - queen of spades;
friend - lady of tambourine;
friend - king of diamonds

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment - an example for beginners

Having slightly learned to tell fortunes on cards, sometimes you may need to tell your fortune by wish. To do this you will need a full deck of cards. While mixing the deck well, you should think about your desire. Randomly (without choosing) they place the card in three piles. Having laid out all the cards, first pull out the bottom one from each pile, then from the middle and finally the top one (you get nine cards). Lay them out the way you took them - three bottom, three middle and three top. They look to see what is more: “people” (queens, kings, jacks), small ones (sixes, sevens, eights, nines, tens) or aces.

If all the aces fall out, or two aces and two of the “people” fall in a row, the wish will come true.
-One ace and one “person” - and the rest are small - this means complications in the family, troubles.
-Two aces, - two “people” and a little thing - your spouse is not faithful to you.
-Three aces, - one “person” - you will have or already have strong enemies.
-Four ladies - love is under threat.
-Four kings - success.
-Four Jacks - running around, troubles, stupid work.
-Ace, king, queen, jack and change - ordinary life.
-One little thing - failure, the desire is unrealizable.

Gypsy fortune telling on cards

If you urgently need to tell fortunes on a person, find out what is happening with them? Where is he? What are you doing right at this moment? Is he alive? What does your loved one think about you?, then you can use the method of gypsy fortune telling with cards.

In this case, you should concentrate on this request - Concentrate, formulate the question with the greatest probability, imagine this person - feel free to pull cards out of the deck at random.

You can pull out three cards twice, and the seventh and last one under the “curtain”. If the cards do not give a clear answer, you must pull out three more cards, but no more.

If the answer is still not clear to you, it is possible that you made a mistake when performing the fortune-telling ritual, or the answer to the question posed is not yet ready. You can find the meanings of the cards in the interpreter of cards and suits.

Fortune telling with playing cards. Past, present and future.

Not long ago you were captivated by a beautiful stranger, to whom you sincerely became attached and were sure that she also had the same feelings for you. And only thanks to devoted friends you managed to avoid serious disappointment and shock, since you were already ready to propose to her.

But you learned in time that she doesn’t need anything from you except money and social status. You, of course, were shocked by her cunning and hypocrisy and decided in your heart that you would never be so blind and trusting of people again.

Your past life is a continuous series of failures and disappointments. And all this is only because of your temperament, your character, which did not give you, and still does not give you, peace for a minute.

You were constantly afraid of something, afraid of something; It seemed to you that everyone was only thinking about how to cause you some kind of trouble, you imagined enemies everywhere.

Although you had some reasons for such assumptions - you had high hopes for one close friend who could not justify them.

Fortune telling and fortune telling on cards

Fortune telling on cards is done as follows: take a regular full new deck of cards, shuffle them thoroughly, then remove them with your left hand towards you, and then spread the cards out in a fan, face down. Then ask a question with full concentration on it, and take it out from the card. As you can see, this is a very simple type of divination on cards, but it is important to know the meaning of the card itself and the meaning of its suit, which can be viewed at the link provided.

Fortune telling on cards for the month

It becomes possible to tell fortunes on cards for the next month in the last days of the current calendar month - in this way you can find out what awaits you in the next month. To do this, you need to shuffle the cards well and randomly pull out nine cards, the interpretation of which is given below.

If all nine cards are of the diamond suit, you are lucky; you can expect a profit in money.
-Nine of spades is a bad card, woe.
-Nine clubs - vanity, theft.
-Nine of hearts - excellent, family well-being.
-Four aces - you will go down in history.
-Four kings - successful business.
-Four ladies are a bad sign, especially if they are telling fortunes to the female gender.
-Four jacks - worries, need for money.
-Four tens - fulfillment of a wish.
-Four nines - surprise.
-Four eights are a bleak time.
-Four sevens - separation, melancholy.
-Four sixes - defenselessness.
King, queen, jack, ace, nine, eight, seven, six - your husband has a mistress, and he is constantly at her house.
When one little thing happens, you will be bored and nervous all month, and tears are possible. Two queens, two kings, jack, ten, ace and six - guests will come to you or you will have a good month in the company of friends.

Fortune telling on cards for the current year

Fortune telling for good luck or a successful year is carried out on your birthday, and this must be done before lunch. It is better if the fortuneteller is alone. They shuffle a deck of cards and pull out one card from different places in the deck, seven in total. Lay them out in front of you and determine the date or fate by deciphering the meaning of the cards.

Ace of spades - a difficult year, government affairs. Ace of diamonds - improvement of affairs, this year there will be fewer problems.
-Ace of hearts - family year, for singles, marriage ties.
-Ace of clubs - illness. The king of spades is a strong enemy, envious people.
-King of Diamonds - reliable partnership, success.
-King of Hearts - they will love you and seek your favor.
-King of clubs - failures in the family, betrayal is possible.
-The Queen of Spades is a disease, a cunning woman near you.
-Lady of Tambourine - friend’s loyalty, support.
-The queen of hearts is a strong position in the family.
-Queen of clubs - you will have a theft.
-Jack of spades - illness of your children, grandchildren or their personal troubles.
-Jack of diamonds - the health of your children and grandchildren.
-Knave of hearts - good luck in work and study. Jack of Clubs - empty troubles in business.
-Ten of spades - the person next to you is annoying you.
-Ten of diamonds - a blow from a loved one, ingratitude.
-Ten of hearts - what they want from you is not reciprocity, but material benefits.
-Ten of clubs - unexpected joyful interest, a reliable feeling.
-Nine of peaks - illness, but the outcome will be good. Major quarrels with relatives are possible.
-Nine of diamonds - one prominent person really likes you.
-Nine of hearts - next to you is not the person you need in your life.
-Nine of clubs - troubles associated with jealousy.
-Eight of Spades - be afraid to walk late in the evening.
-Eight of diamonds - get hit through the feast.
-Eight of Hearts - all your sorrows will be a thing of the past, but new ones will come.
-Eight of clubs - a family man will love you.
-Seven of spades - tears will be a companion of your life for some time.
-Seven of Diamonds - a message on paper, anxiety and sadness.
-Seven of hearts - loss of money.
-Seven of Clubs - remorse for one’s actions.
-Six of spades - a black loss or separation will fall on the heart.
-Six of diamonds - you will lose what you have won over the years.
-Six of hearts - unexpected happiness.
-Six of clubs - loss of a state-owned house, change of place of work.
-All seven cards of spades - ace, nine and seven among them portend imminent death.
-Ace, queen and six of spades - a huge loss, the collapse of everything.

Among the seven cards drawn, four cards are:

Ace - a successful year;
-four kings are enemies;
-four ladies - gossip;
- four jacks - anxiety for the elderly and young, revelry;
-four tens - it doesn’t get any better;
-four nines - you are loved and respected;
- four eights - you will be left alone;
- four sevens - take care of children;
-four sixes - news from afar.

Fortune telling on cards for the future

A very interesting fortune telling with cards for the future can be done using a simple deck of 36 gypsy cards. It must be remembered that the cards should not be for playing, but only for fortune-telling. Before starting fortune telling, mentally focus on the issues that concern you.

When you start fortune telling, hold the cards face down. Shuffle the fortune telling cards, remove them with your left hand towards you and, opening three cards at a time, find yours. For unmarried and unmarried people, the King of Diamonds and the Queen of Diamonds are considered “theirs”; for married people - king and queen of hearts; for widowed or elderly people - the king and queen of the cross. Pay attention to the cards that fell in the top three along with yours - perhaps they will give you some kind of sign.

Leave your card on the table in front of you, and shuffle the rest again. Then place the top card face down on yours. This will be the most important card for answering your question, because it lies “on your heart”, closest to your card. The card indicates the people who are most interesting to you at the time of fortune telling. or events related to them.

Lay out the remaining cards as follows:

Without shuffling the cards any more, distribute them into four approximately equal piles, on four sides of your card, each time leaving the bottom of the deck in the next pile: on top of your card (at the head), below (at the feet), to the left and, finally, to the right (see Fig. 1)

After this, the most difficult part of the layout begins.

Take the top stack (from the head) in your hands, remove the top 2 cards, and, opening them, put them in their original place. Leave the remaining cards in your hand. Place the second stack (at the feet) on top of the remaining cards in your hand, open the top 2 and return them to the table, under your card (at the feet). Do the same with the third and fourth piles. There will be 8 cards on the table around your card. Next, from the cards remaining in your hand, without shuffling the deck, place 2 cards sequentially in the upper left corner, in the lower left corner, in the upper right corner, in the lower right corner. There are 16 cards around your card on the table.

Shuffle the cards that remain in your hand well again, discard the top 3 to the side, and place the fourth on yours. Discard 3 again, put the fourth on yours... Do this a total of 4 times. As a result, there will be a total of 5 cards on your card (see Fig. 2)

Fortune telling on cards for the future begins with the interpretation of the 4 cards that you last put on your card. Consider them. They represent those events and people in the future that will be most important to you. If your heart contains mostly heart cards, this is a very good sign. Hearts always mean future good news and happiness. On the contrary, spades cards on the heart are an alarming sign. Small cards of spades (except figures) are harbingers of troubles, illnesses and disappointment. The peak pictures will show from whom you should expect possible troubles. If there is another figure between your card and the peaks, then the peaks will, to a greater extent, relate to it, only indirectly touching you.

Two cards lying above yours, as well as 3 pairs of cards to the right, speak of the near future. This is something that will come true in the near future: one or two weeks, maximum, a month. Two cards underfoot - something that is transitory, that is, something that will pass without a trace. For example, cards predicting illness and lying at the feet indicate a short-term and not severe course of the disease. It’s bad when the card of a person you consider close lies at your feet: most likely, this person will leave your life sooner or later.

The two cards on the left speak about the past or the present.
The two cards in the upper left corner are what is happening away from you.
The two cards in the lower right corner are very distant future.

The last card to look at in the layout is the one that lies “on the heart” of the fortuneteller.

If your fortune telling for the future includes:

All 9 heart cards - great happiness awaits you
All 9 diamond cards - future wealth and financial well-being
All 9 peak cards - cards portend great sorrow
All 4 Aces - the fulfillment of a cherished desire. If all 4 Tens also fall out, this is evidence of boundless happiness. This is the luckiest possible combination of cards that appears during fortune telling.
All 4 Kings - great success in business, high position in society
All 4 Ladies are not very good for fortune-telling for a woman, this is evidence of gossip and envy. In fortune telling for a man, 4 Ladies means his popularity with women.
All 4 Jacks are big worries and troubles. If one of the Jacks lies on the heart, whether these worries are heavy or joyful depends on the color of the suit.
The Jack of Hearts negates the bad meaning of spades if it lies with the King of Hearts, indicating his thoughts and intentions.
All 4 Tens are the fulfillment of a cherished desire, but not a heartfelt one. Tens are usually business cards, so a large number of them in a layout is evidence of a good and stable state of your affairs.
All 4 Nines are a big surprise; whether it’s joyful or not, you need to look at the Nine closest to your card and at all the cards in the layout.
All 4 Eights or 4 Sevens - these cards are not very significant. But it is worth noting that their presence in the scenario speaks of the vanity and stupid actions of the fortuneteller, the habit of wasting time, empty talk, and sometimes intrigues behind his back.
All 4 Sixes are wish fulfillment.

In general, the more large cards you get when fortune telling for the future, the more interesting and eventful your life will be. the more secure and stable the financial situation is.

If, having started fortune telling with cards for the future, you are not sure of the meaning of the cards, then you can look at how the cards of the gypsy deck are usually interpreted.

Free online fortune telling with cards

Fortune telling with playing cards is one of the most famous and traditional types of predicting the future, penetrating the secrets that keep the present and past. The general principle used in this case is to lay out the deck in one way or another, following certain rules. Each card has its own meaning, which can be either autonomous or dependent on a combination with others that fall nearby. There are traditional, basic meanings of cards that are repeated from combination to combination, but depending on the layout they can change and change emphasis. There are a large number of layouts (including those carried out online on a computer) with their own specialization - for the future, for love and relationships, for the fulfillment of desires, but many layouts are universal, that is, we can say that they are done for everything at once. Both a beginner and a professional will definitely find among them something suitable for themselves in terms of level of complexity, time spent, purpose, etc. However, we should remember: despite the fact that we have the opportunity to tell fortunes on cards for free and quickly, we should not treat this simply as simple and affordable entertainment.

The origin of card fortune telling

Maps are an ancient invention and shrouded in many secrets and legends, including those related to their origin. It is generally accepted that their homeland is China; in the ancient dictionary of Ching Tsze Tung there is an indication of the 1120th as the year of the appearance of the first deck of 52 cards (according to the number of weeks in the year), relating to four suits that personified the seasons. Playing cards is mentioned in connection with an earlier period - the 9th century, but then they looked more like dominoes, which forced other researchers to put forward a version of a different - ancient Egyptian - origin.

The cards came to Europe much later, and there are also different versions regarding the route of penetration. According to the first mention in written sources, they became widespread on the European continent no later than the 14th century. Some associate their appearance with Tarot cards, others talk about their independent origin. There are versions that attribute the credit for introducing Europeans to cards to the famous traveler Marco Polo, and also explain the entry of playing cards into European territory through Muslim countries.

Be that as it may, representatives of different social strata happily became addicted to the new game, and the decks were used not only directly for games, but also for playing solitaire - and, of course, fortune telling! It is believed that the gypsies first began to use them in this capacity. The rise of the greatest popularity of fortune telling with playing cards began in the 18th century. Around the same time, it branched into three directions - continental (on 32 maps), island (52 maps) and Russian (36 maps), each of which began to develop in its own way and found its fans in certain countries. We invite you to learn how to tell fortunes using ordinary 36 cards - a deck that most of us have long been accustomed to.

One of the most popular methods of fortune telling

Fortune telling with playing cards is one of the most popular methods of fortune telling among people. Like fortune telling with dice, fortune telling with cards came to us from ancient times. And today he has many fans among a variety of people. Free fortune telling with playing cards has a number of advantages over the expensive services of esotericists. Firstly, it is more accessible; secondly, you do not need to trust information about yourself and your loved ones to a stranger with unknown occult abilities.

Over time, this type of fortune telling only becomes more accessible to people. Today you can do fortune telling with playing cards for free online. You don’t even have to buy a separate deck of cards and understand complex fortune-telling schemes and interpretations. Guessing has become easier and more accessible than ever before.

All free fortune telling with simple cards online is based on real card fortune telling and is brought to automaticity. Therefore, the result of fortune telling is quite accurate, and it is quite easy to correctly interpret it even for a novice fortune teller. In addition, online card fortune telling eliminates the error of incorrect card layout and accidental influence on the fate of the fortuneteller.

Virtual fortune telling on playing cards is as varied as real ones. Among them you can find such fortune-telling as, black rose, fortune-telling for a person’s name, gypsy fortune-telling, cross of fate, butterfly, seven destinies, fortune-telling by desire and many others. Each person must choose the method that gives him the most confidence and is most suitable for his life situation. And for this you don’t have to dig through mountains of dusty magic books; all the information about various methods of fortune telling is on the website.

Free fortune telling with playing cards is a simple and affordable way to get answers to your questions. It will help you sort out what has already happened and decide what to expect in the future. Knowing what lies ahead makes it possible to make the right choice, indicates things and events that require special attention, helps to prepare for unexpected situations and avoid mistakes.

Almost all his life a person is in search of answers to his own questions. And, oddly enough, as life goes on, they become more and more numerous. The circle is quite wide: these are questions related to purpose, and questions regarding the forecast for the day or year ahead, these are also smaller questions that arise with enviable regularity, such as: “Does he love me?”, “What about me?” expects?”, “What should I do best?”, as well as all sorts of predictions regarding work, health and situations. The list, as you can see, is not small, and it is very difficult to call it exhaustive.

But while the questions are more or less clear, the answers are not entirely clear. Where can I get them? It’s good if you have developed intuition, and all the answers are immediately presented to you on a platter. It’s even better if you have the skills of astral travel and draw all the information you are looking for from a parallel reality. Or maybe some of you are much luckier, and you see prophetic dreams every night. No? Is all of the above not about you? Alas... We are very sorry.

But what then remains to be done? Of course, look for a way out. After all, it exists, moreover, there are several ways out. The first way out (traditional and long outdated) is to find a fortune teller, clairvoyant, witch (or something like that) and go to see her. But there are pros and cons here. The “disadvantages” include the time that you will have to spend on all this “kitchen”. As a rule, it won’t be possible to tell your fortune right now, because “everyone wants it” and the fortune teller has a turn. Thus, you will have to wait for some time for the appointed day, you will need to spend time on the road. The next “minus” is the financial costs (and sometimes considerable ones). The third “minus” is the negative that can be grabbed from the notorious fortune teller. So, for example, you come to a medium, and she (or he – it doesn’t matter) not only makes a reading for you, but also says that you have a thousand and one damages, a hundred crowns of celibacy and who knows what. But, of course, there is a way out! You are incredibly lucky! Because she and only she can help you get rid of all this “good”. Naturally not for pretty eyes. And so you leave, realizing that something is wrong with you, but you have no money for “treatment”. Thoughts about “damage done on the grave soil” or about a “mega-ancestral curse” do not give you peace. You are looking for those who can “cure” you, so that the “treatment” is cheaper and closer to home. You go through all the circles of hell. As a result, your pocket is empty, and you yourself are exhausted, and you have completely forgotten why you initially went to this fortune teller, who, by the way, told you “a hundred miles to heaven and all through the forest.” Nothing came together, nothing came true. The bottom line is sadness. The “advantages” of this “fortune teller-client” interaction include only visual-auditory contact. You are sitting all so beautiful and elegant at the reception, and the surroundings around you only add to the mystery. However, some “prophets” are not at all bothered by creating some kind of surroundings. This is where the “pros” generally end.

The second way out is to go to any site you like and tell fortunes online for free. The obvious “advantages” here include the following: you don’t spend a penny, no one “burdens” you with the fact that you urgently need to treat the notorious damage or remove some kind of “crown” or curse. You can try to “try on” any fortune-telling, of which there are literally tons of them on the above-mentioned sites. You can hang out on the site from morning until evening, the timing is limited only by the options of your tariff, and nothing more. If the site suddenly disappoints you, you can always close it and go to another one. The accuracy of the forecast with online fortune telling will be no less than with face-to-face fortune telling. To summarize: there are a huge number of “advantages” to online fortune telling. Cons? Perhaps the only thing is that there is no so-called “contact with the mysterious,” which some strive for. There is no component for which many are accustomed to travel or run to the ends of the world, wasting money.

And finally, the third way out is to learn to guess on your own. We think you know all the “advantages” of this skill yourself. There is only one “minus” - it takes time to learn to “hear” or, if you like, “talk” to the cards. Our articles are dedicated to those who want to learn how to guess on their own.

Independent fortune telling with playing cards

Let's discuss the following questions:

  1. How to choose a deck of playing cards?
  2. What else, besides cards, is needed for fortune telling?
  3. When is the best time to guess with playing cards?
  4. How to most effectively build interaction with your deck of cards?
  5. What is the traditional meaning of card suits?

Any business begins with the choice of tools. So, for example, to learn to draw, a person, at a minimum, buys paper, brushes and paints or pencils. Those who have decided to learn how to guess with playing cards on their own need to decide on a deck. Some may be surprised by this call. “After all, there is only one deck of playing cards,” they will say, and they will be wrong.” There are a great many decks of playing cards, like Tarot decks.

You can learn how to choose a deck by watching a short video:

Summarizing what we saw, we can say that the most correct choice will be the one made on the basis of one’s own feelings. In order to start guessing on your own, any deck of playing cards you like or have available will suit you, the main thing is that it is yours and only yours.

The next important condition is that the deck of cards with which you tell fortunes should under no circumstances be used for the game. Those. This deck is only for fortune telling and nothing else!

The integral attributes of fortune telling are two things: a burning candle and a scarf (or another piece of fabric on which you will make the reading).

The question naturally arises: “Why”?

Well, firstly, fire is perhaps the most effective and powerful element, with the help of which you can clean both the person himself (or the space where he lives) and a deck of cards. Before starting any fortune-telling, it is extremely important to “wash off” or “burn” everything unnecessary, everything unnecessary from it. To do this, it is enough to turn to Fire with a request to help you. You can do this in your own words, the main thing is that the words come from the heart. You need to hold the deck over a lit candle (twist, twirl), imagining how everything alien burns in the flame. Once this is done and the deck has been properly shuffled, it is ready to be used.

It will be great if you have several decks of cards in your possession. While you are guessing on one, the other is “resting”.

A scarf (or a piece of fabric) is needed in order to create a kind of “broadcast field” on which the sacrament will take place. In other words, the scarf is a kind of portal; by spreading it, you, as it were, open this portal. Of course, if you don’t have a scarf or a piece of fabric, it’s not scary, and even more so, it’s not a reason to give up fortune-telling, however, it’s still better to acquire this useful magical “tool”. Plates can only be used for fortune telling. It cannot be worn on the head, however, nor can it be used in any other way except for the above.

It is also worth noting some other important points:

  • you shouldn’t guess on the table, especially the dining table (without a scarf),
  • You shouldn’t guess (even with a scarf) on the sofa or bed where you sleep.
  • cards should have their place. It is not recommended to throw them wherever you have to.

An equally important component is your internal state and your attitudes. In order to get an answer to an exciting question, it is extremely important to concentrate as much as possible on the question. Almost half of the success depends on this.

It is traditionally believed that the best time for fortune telling is either the Christmas holidays (this is the range between the seventh and nineteenth of January) or the thirteenth. Ideally, Friday is the thirteenth. To tell the truth, you can guess almost any day if you urgently need to find the answer to your question. It all depends on your faith. It is not for nothing that it is said: “According to your faith, may it be for you...”.

However, some sources claim that there are still days when it is better not to take cards. We will not argue with this position, because it also has a right to exist.

So, in the classics of the genre, the most unsuitable days for fortune telling are:

  1. the period of critical days (especially the first and second days), which is actually easily explained - the girl/woman these days is vulnerable, she seems to be open and not protected;
  2. period of illness (this is also understandable - energy is already weakened);
  3. any Monday (to be honest, we couldn’t find a clear explanation for the question “why” anywhere);
  4. periods of full moons and new moons. Everything is explained here. These days are not simple, from the point of view of those energies and the processes that occur with the Moon.

Some sources also provide a list of days that exist in every month without exception when you cannot guess. Why exactly these days and not any other days? - no information. Sources containing this information offer to take it on faith, without giving any explanation. This position seems strange to us. Therefore, we do not list “days when you can’t guess,” but you, if you wish, can easily find them on the World Wide Web.

Summarizing the above, we can come to the following conclusion: if you believe in something, it works, if you really doubt something, it also works great, and, as a result, your cards will not tell you anything, simply because You supposedly knew “that you can’t guess today, but you did it anyway.” In the end, the decision is yours.

It is also worth noting a very important point. Beginners often encounter this phenomenon. The cards, having “received” the question, begin to struggle. From the outside it may seem that they do not want to answer. In a sense, this is true. Cards, regardless of the deck, are a living substance. Yes, indeed, sometimes they can be “silent”. This happens in situations where “there is no answer yet” (the scales have not yet swung in one direction or another) or in a situation where “it is too early for a person to know the answer to this question.”

What to do if you encounter this kind of phenomenon? The fortune telling session should be stopped by turning to the cards later, for example, on another day. Or, as an option, try to rephrase the question, making it as specific as possible. If in this case there is no answer, it is better to ask your question at another time.

You should not (especially for beginners) plan for a long time. It will be positive if you learn to look at the situation for the near future, for example, a week or two. And then - a month or two. It is not recommended for experienced fortune tellers to look into deeper layers.

And of course, you shouldn’t look for answers to questions that affect global topics, for example, questions of “life and death.”

If we talk about the meaning of playing cards, by the way, a detailed classifier of the meanings of playing cards can be found on ours, then they are as follows:

To consolidate the material covered, we suggest that you, together with the author of the video, make a schedule for the development of the situation. Thanks to this master class, you will learn to find answers related to work issues, as well as relationship issues.

Which of us is not attracted by the desire to know the future or quickly understand this or that life issue? Often, such urges lead a person to a fortune teller, who answers the questions in detail using a deck of cards. However, what if you also want to start guessing? Is it possible for every person to do this, and how can one learn to tell fortunes with cards? These and other questions will be discussed further in the article.

Fortune telling using cards was popular several centuries ago.

Fortune telling with cards gained its popularity several centuries ago and continues to be popular to this day. Therefore, more and more people are interested in this method to find out the future and prevent themselves from problems. You can learn the method of fortune telling on your own, but be prepared that you will need restraint and a strong desire to learn magic.

What do you need to know before starting fortune telling?

Any beginner needs to decide on a deck of cards. It could be like a playing deck of 36, or it could be a Tarot deck. In this case, it is better to give preference to playing cards, because they are a more simplified version of professional fortune telling cards.

Once the deck has been selected and purchased, it's time to start learning the meanings. This stage is the most serious, because the interpretation of the resulting layouts depends on it.

You can guess correctly taking into account the rules and recommendations from real professionals.

  1. Do not start fortune telling if your physical well-being is unsatisfactory and your emotional background is disturbed. You also cannot learn to guess with playing cards while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
  2. Maps will not help you if the purpose of learning is to prove your skills to someone. The process of fortune telling is so subtle that the slightest hypocrisy on the part of the fortuneteller will be revealed.
  3. As a rule, fortune telling requires a special atmosphere. Have you noticed that the offices of professional fortune tellers always create the impression of another, magical world, a place where there is no count of time. You don't need to buy a ton of attributes and dedicate a whole room for it. It is enough to find a secluded corner in the house where no one will disturb your studies.
  4. Write down the meanings of each card in a separate notebook.
  5. Be prepared for psychological shocks and unexpected situations. A fortuneteller must have serious moral preparation, because when learning new information about oneself or other people, it is important to correctly accept and interpret it. In addition, many negative forecasts often put the newcomer into a state of shock. The overall outcome depends on the positive attitude of the fortuneteller.
  6. Start studying special esoteric literature.
  7. You should not talk to strangers about your desire to learn to guess, because it is not understandable to everyone.
  8. Prepare for the fact that you may begin to be judged and dissuaded.
  9. The best day for fortune telling is Friday and the 13th of the month; Monday and Sunday are considered the worst.

Practical knowledge of fortune telling

When a new deck of cards has been purchased, and the energetic mood has been “established”, and your firm “I want to guess” has not evaporated, it’s time to take active action. At first, you may feel nervous and drop cards from your hands. Do not rush to get angry or stop the procedure.

As experts say, the dropped cards are a kind of message to the person. In order to tell fortunes for yourself or a loved one, you need to shuffle the cards with your left hand, then “remove” a couple of cards and put them under the deck. The procedures performed prepare you for the beginning of fortune telling and eliminate errors in interpretation.

Any person who knows what certain cards and their suits mean can learn to tell fortunes using ordinary cards. The fortuneteller needs to take into account all the details, from the position of the suit to its proximity to others.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the suits, because each of them is a symbol of a certain element and represents the person for whom the fortune telling is taking place. What does each suit mean?

  1. The peaks are cards of Air and show all phenomena associated with misfortunes and failures. Spades suits are symbols of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
  2. Clubs - are responsible for the element of Fire and speak about the financial condition, power, and position of a person. The cards represent Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
  3. Worms are considered representatives of the water element and symbolize Cancers, Scorpios, and Pisces. Cards are associated with sensuality, emotionality, relationships.
  4. The suit of diamonds belongs to the element of Earth and is associated with any type of activity or lifestyle. Taurus, Virgo,
  5. Capricorns are representatives of the Diamond suit.

Capricorns are representatives of the Diamond suit

It happens that suits are associated with certain qualities and traits of a person. The suit of clubs characterizes a clever, cunning adventurer, the suit of hearts represents a loving, open, cheerful person, the suit of diamonds speaks of a business person, and the suit of spades can be compared to a gloomy and gloomy person.

What methods of fortune telling are there?

Having learned to understand the suits, you can move on to studying methods of fortune telling, each of which is important and worthy of attention. Let's learn to guess using the following layouts:

  • layout on “What happened, what will happen?”;
  • fortune telling to find out the near future;
  • schedule for a specific month or year;
  • fortune telling on cards for love;
  • layout for the betrothed;
  • fortune telling on four volts;
  • alignment according to desire;
  • fortune telling to find out your fate.

Each of the layouts requires detailed study, so before choosing the one you like, read the details on how to guess. It is not difficult to learn to tell fortunes on cards if you have the desire.

Cards and magic will be favorable to you if you come to them with a pure soul and thoughts. Having studied simple tips and recommendations, the process of fortune telling will become a truly fascinating and extraordinary pastime for you.

Using a regular deck of 36 playing cards, you can predict events for the near future and find out the answer to your question. It doesn't take much time to learn fortune telling. There are simple ways that even a beginner can do. Most girls prefer to predict their future at Christmas and Christmastide, because it is during this period that fortune telling is the most accurate and truthful. The forces of evil and good come to Earth, the line between reality and other dimensions becomes thinner.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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      Simple layouts

      There are many interesting Christmas and Epiphany fortune telling. The simplest layout is on three playing cards. You need to draw them from the deck (arbitrary) and lay them out from left to right: the first card is what happened in the past, the second is real time, the third is events of the future. The values ​​are shown below.

      • Another option for easy fortune telling is a quick spread of 9. You need to mentally formulate any question that may concern both the fortuneteller and another person. Draw any three cards from the deck. Their meaning will be the answer to the question. Come up with two more questions and lay out three more cards. The interpretation of the dropped symbols can be read below.

        Choosing your card

        In order to get the most accurate prediction, you need to choose a suitable card that represents the fortuneteller, as shown in the figure below:

    1. 1. the suit of diamonds is chosen by young people under 25 years old;
    2. 2. worms - if the fortuneteller/fortuneteller is from 25 to 50 years old;
    3. 3. queen and king of clubs - woman and man over 50 years old;
    4. 4. Spades usually represent rivals or enemies.

    Choosing the right card

    For a specific event in the future

    Fortune telling with playing cards for the event:

    1. 1. Thoroughly shuffle the deck of cards and place the card that will represent the fortuneteller in the center of the table.
    2. 2. Make a wish for an event (it could be a wedding, childbirth, a holiday, the arrival of guests, moving to another city, etc.).
    3. 3. You need to remove three cards from the deck, placing them above, below and on your card.
    • 1 - own card;
    • 2, 5, 8 - how the event will take place;
    • 3, 6, 9 - the result, how it will all end;
    • 4, 7, 10 - what will interfere with achieving the goal.

    The interpretation of the cards from the layout is located below.

    For a relationship with your loved one

    Card fortune telling for lovers' relationships:

    1. 1. Choose a card that is suitable for the fortuneteller and place it in the center of the table.
    2. 2. Place under your card the two that are on top of the deck.
    3. 3. Then you should carefully shuffle the card deck and place three cards on top and bottom of your card.

    Layout diagram (order - by numbers).

    • 1 - own card;
    • 2, 3 - what’s on the heart (thoughts);
    • 4, 5, 6 - future (connected with a lover);
    • 7, 8, 9 - causes of events.

    For the present, past and future

    You need to guess after dark - in the evening or at night.


    1. 1. The cards should be shuffled well.
    2. 2. Remove the upper fingers of your left hand.
    3. 3. Lay out the first five cards from the deck from left to right.
    4. 4. Place 5 more cards on top of them, one for each.
    5. 5. Repeat again.
    6. 6. Set aside one card in the sixth pile.

    The result should be five parts of three cards and one piece to the side, as shown in the picture below.

    • 1 - about the fortuneteller herself;
    • 2 - what’s on the heart;
    • 3 - about loved ones and relatives;
    • 4 - past;
    • 5 - future;
    • 6 is the most important card - how the heart will calm down.

    The meaning of the drawn cards can be found below.

    Wish come true

    This method of fortune telling will help you find out whether your secret dream will come true or remain unrealistic. Rules:

    1. 1. You need to lay out the entire deck of 7 pieces into 5 parts, face down.
    2. 2. You should make a wish on the suit of the last card (36th).
    3. 3. Open the first stack. Remove all cards that do not match the chosen suit, then remove pairs (if any).
    4. 4. Similar actions should be done with all parts.
    5. 5. The rest of the card deck should be divided into 4 parts, face down. Discard inappropriate suits and pairs one by one.
    6. 6. Divide the remaining cards first into three, then into two parts. At the very end you need one piece left.
    7. 7. See what cards are left in it - if all are large, then your plan will come true very soon. If there are others, then the wish will not come true soon.

    You should not lay out cards for desire several times in a row; if the end result does not suit the person, they can “lie” subsequent times.

    Schedule for the year

    Scheme of the layout for the bastard.

    “For the coming year” - for this fortune-telling you will need a standard card deck of 36. First you need to select a card that corresponds to the person for whom the fortune-telling is being carried out. Place it face down in the middle of the table and, having thoroughly shuffled the deck, lay out 16 pieces face down in four rows, from left to right and from bottom to top. These cards symbolize the future 6 months. You need to put another card of any kind above the rows - it will mean a certain person (event) who will have an impact in these six months.

    Then you need to lay out 16 cards from the bottom of the queen or king from left to right and from top to bottom - these are symbols that will reveal future events in the remaining six months. Place the last two cards at the very bottom: the first is what will leave the person forever, the second is the cause of all his troubles in the future.

    Deciphering the symbols should begin with the card combination, and then move on to individual meanings.

    The meaning of each card and their combinations

    Paired cards:

    • Two aces - you should make an informed decision and not repeat previous mistakes. Three - a high probability of making a fatal mistake. Four is a useless pastime; you should correctly assess your capabilities and set life priorities in order to achieve great success.
    • Two kings - everything planned will become reality. Three - you shouldn’t hesitate, you could miss a fateful chance. Four - stunning success, luck, luck.
    • Two ladies - a person’s naivety and gullibility; these character traits will bring him a lot of problems. Three - female cunning, the deceit of friends, gossip, conspiracies. Four are rivals in love relationships, competitors in business.
    • Two jacks - financial stability. Three - deep disappointment, loss of reputation due to slander of a stranger, betrayal of loved ones. Four - large material losses, serious problems with money.
    • A couple of tens - you need to analyze the information well before making a choice, positive thinking will help you achieve success. Three dozen - large debts, squandering, large losses up to complete ruin. Four - you should seek friendly support and ask your family for advice.
    • Two nines or eights - cold calculation and a reasonable approach will help to implement plans. Three - there is a big risk of making a mistake in professional activities, you need to be more careful. Four - disagreements in the family, clarification of relationships with a loved one, alienation.
    • A pair of sevens is a joyful event, good news. Three sevens - big profit, easy money. Four - a long road, a romantic trip or a business trip abroad.
    • Two sixes - you need to show restraint and patience. Three - the patronage of a very intelligent and influential representative of the opposite sex. Four - hypocrisy, betrayal, deep sadness, loneliness.

    Interpretation of individual cards of different suits with a full description of the combination of cards.


    • Six - a long trip will not bring the desired result. If there is a seven of diamonds nearby, hard, painstaking work is expected, which will be well paid. The Eight of Hearts is nearby - a favorable period will come soon. The king of clubs promises the patronage of an influential person.
    • Seven - slander and falsehood. If there is an ace of hearts nearby - great joy. Jack of spades - big financial losses. Ten of clubs - there will be huge disappointments and losses in life.
    • Eight - a strong resentment towards a relative or disappointment in a loved one. The ten of hearts is nearby - good news. The King of Spades is a long-awaited retribution for the person who offended. Eight of Clubs - significant losses.
    • Nine - illness, emotional stress, poor health, moral decline. The jack of diamonds is nearby - your services will be well paid. Six of hearts - good news from distant relatives.
    • Ten - major troubles in the business sphere. The eight of diamonds next to the ten of spades - you should not go into debt, it will be very difficult to pay them back. Six of hearts - soon the situation will improve significantly. Ten of Clubs - improved health.
    • Jack - bad news, sad events. If the queen of clubs is standing nearby, you should not be frank with strangers in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
    • The lady is an elderly envious woman. Nearby is the nine of hearts - unrequited feelings, mental torment. The Seven of Spades is a huge scandal, family discord. The King of Clubs is friendly support in a difficult situation.
    • The king is an influential and very rich man. If there is a ten of spades, a seven of clubs or a nine of diamonds nearby - an unsuccessful life period.


    • Six - plans are not destined to come true, broken dreams and vain expectations. A seven of hearts next to a six is ​​a pleasant encounter. Jack of spades - heartfelt feelings, resentment.
    • Seven - successful business negotiations. Next to the nine of diamonds is a very good deal. Six of Hearts - life will soon change for the better. Jack of spades - difficult financial situation.
    • Eight - tears, severe stress, emotional shock. The ace of hearts is nearby - an unpleasant conversation will take place with your lover. The ten of spades is a warning about possible injuries and serious illness.
    • Nine - successful completion of an important task. The ten of diamonds promises the fulfillment of all innermost desires, the jack of spades - ill-wishers will no longer plot intrigues.
    • Ten - creative victory, rapid career growth. Seven of diamonds - financial prosperity, the emergence of a stable source of income. Ten of Hearts - life will be easy and carefree, filled with bright events and unforgettable impressions. Six of clubs - failures at work.
    • Jack - the appearance of a messenger with bad news. Ten of Diamonds - loved ones will always come to the rescue. Ten of Hearts - breakup of a love relationship, betrayal of a loved one. Ten of spades - there is a high probability of an accident.
    • Lady - an unpleasant middle-aged lady spreads gossip about a person; false information can cause great harm. The Ace of Spades next to the Queen is chronic bad luck in love and professional activity. A ten of clubs is useless trouble, a waste of time.
    • King - success in love relationships. Seven of Hearts - luck accompanies a person in all endeavors. Jack of spades - loss of a lover, forced separation. Nine of Clubs - a fun pastime, peace of mind, inner harmony.
    • Ace is a government house. A ten of spades next to an ace is a warning about a lengthy trial.


    • Six - family well-being, a pleasant gift from a loved one. An ace of diamonds next to a six means receiving a sum of money. Seven of Hearts - a long-awaited date or meeting will take place soon. Ten of Spades - the gala event will end in great disappointment.
    • Seven - a romantic date. The Seven of Spades - a problem that has been tormenting a person for a long time, will soon be resolved. The king of clubs is an unexpected joy.
    • Eight - sincere conversation. The ace of hearts nearby means great and mutual love. Queen of Spades - an unpleasant conversation will take place, which will end in a big scandal.
    • Nine - an imminent wedding or an invitation to a significant event. The Queen of Diamonds promises tears and deep sadness, and the Ace of Spades promises betrayal of a lover. Jack of clubs - pleasant chores, household chores.
    • Ten is an expensive gift. The Queen of Hearts is nearby - a loved one is devoted and honest with his chosen one. The nine of spades portends an imminent separation, and the ten of clubs portends stunning success among members of the opposite sex, love adventures.
    • Jack - the wish will come true soon. Queen of Diamonds - guests are on the doorstep. The ace of hearts is fantastic luck. The cross nine is a profitable financial investment.
    • The lady is a married and very attractive person. Nine of Hearts is a new hobby. The eight of clubs is a series of unpleasant incidents.
    • The king is a handsome young man who is married. A ten of hearts nearby is great luck. Ten of spades - major problems in all areas of life.
    • Ace - stability and harmony are expected in love relationships. Six of Clubs - a very successful business trip is expected, which will help you get a long-awaited promotion.


    • Six - a short-term business trip. The seven of hearts is nearby - a magnificent wedding ceremony is just around the corner. The Seven of Spades is a warning about an unpleasant incident that may happen during a trip. Ten of clubs - a young lady will soon receive an invitation to a romantic date.
    • Seven - financial problems, big waste. Seven of Hearts - you should be more careful and use your finances more rationally so as not to become bankrupt. Queen of Spades - monetary obligations to the state, a large loan. Ten of clubs - a brilliant offer will soon arrive that will bring huge profits.
    • Eight - neglect of family values ​​for the sake of material wealth. Ace of diamonds - valuable loss, material problems. The six of clubs is a dubious event, an unjustified risk.
    • Nine - easy money, receiving an inheritance. The King of Hearts is nearby - a loved one will make an expensive gift, it could be a vehicle or real estate. Jack of clubs - to get a large sum of money, you need to be patient.
    • Ten - job change or rapid career growth, salary increase. The Seven of Spades nearby means temporary material problems. Ten of clubs - material prosperity, abundance.
    • Jack is a troublesome event, fuss over money. Nine of Spades - a major quarrel with a lover is planned over money. Seven of clubs - failure in business, love failures.
    • The lady is a young girl with blond hair. The Ace of Diamonds is nearby - engagement, marriage proposal. The Seven of Spades is melancholy, causeless sadness. Seven of clubs - what you started will not be crowned with success.
    • The king is a single and handsome man. The seven of diamonds is nearby - the man is very rich and generous. Eight of Hearts - a young man will give a real fairy tale and make a young lady’s cherished dream come true.
    • Ace - big money, an unexpected gift. Ten of Clubs - you need to be more careful to avoid making mistakes when preparing a financial report. Eight of Spades - an unfavorable period, financial losses, family quarrels and misunderstandings.

If you are at a crossroads or you are faced with an unsolvable task, there is no need to run to a fortune teller, you yourself can figure out your problems just as well as any sorceress, fortune telling on simple cards will help you with this. If you do not yet have experience in fortune telling, it is better to use the simplest option, so you will not get confused in the intricacies of complex card layouts. Below is a version of fortune telling using simple cards without a layout. You will need a regular deck of thirty-six cards.

Fortune telling on simple cards without a layout

This fortune telling will not take much of your time, it is extremely simple and, perhaps, due to its simplicity, it is as truthful as possible. It's very simple, you need to shuffle the deck nine times and remove some of the cards with your left hand towards you. Now just draw three cards at random and see their meaning.

The meaning of the cards

AceYou are loved, wait for a dateAn unpleasant letter from a loved one, but everything will turn out well.Your wish will not come true, you need to wait a little.You are mistaken! Analyze the situation.
KingA favorable period for love has come in your life.There is a secret enemy in your environment. Take a closer look at the dark-haired ones.There is a high probability of deception. There is an enemy in your close circle!Wait for help from a friend, you can trust him!
LadyHide your feelings, there is a high probability of gossip and chatter behind your back. Danger from the lady of the cross.Your wish will come true. You will get everything you want and more!Avoid old acquaintances - you will be insulted.Wait for the reward! Even your enemies recognize your merits.
JackYour love is mutual. They remember you and are waiting for you.Empty troubles. Don't worry, everything will pass!Profit and money worries. With bad cards, a quarrel with your loved one is possible.Good luck in all matters. Be active and profits will follow.
TenRepeat fortune telling with simple cards!Great happiness, but with bad cards it means illness.Gift or winnings.Big money, possible inheritance.
NineYou are loved, the meeting will take place soon.A serious conversation with your boss or with a person above you in position or age.Delays in business, be more active!Sad news from a loved one. Be careful!
EightYour situation will be resolved thanks to the intervention of an outsider. Possible news from the blond.Black line. Be careful and avoid quarrels.Good news from home.Illnesses of loved ones.
SevenThere is a danger of getting into other people's networks! Don't look for dubious connections!Discord with a friend, be wiser!Perhaps they will cheat on you. Don't worry, your time hasn't come yet!Unpleasant news from the government house. Trouble and minor troubles are possible.
SixA dangerous situation is possible, especially in the evening.Danger on the road. It's better to stay home.Travel and pleasant acquaintances that will be useful later.Don't hit the road! Drive through the day without benefit, and at night you will get into trouble.

This method of fortune telling can be used daily. Such simple fortune telling with playing cards is, as a rule, extremely truthful, so if you are not satisfied with the result, there is no need to guess again until you get the desired answer. It will be false, and the cards will lie to you for a very long time. Remember one thing - fortune telling with simple cards is nothing more than fun! Don’t focus on a negative forecast, and nothing will happen to you, but take favorable predictions seriously, and everything will be fine!

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