Home Potato What a position to please her husband. How to give a woman true pleasure? Belly and chest

What a position to please her husband. How to give a woman true pleasure? Belly and chest

And to achieve this, believe me, is not so difficult. There are several ways to awaken sexuality in a man ...

I love you any?

The quality of sexual relations depends not only on the temperament and skill of the partners. As they say, a man chooses only among those women who made him understand - act! How? A smile, a look, a gesture and even a bright defiant make-up. Representatives of the stronger sex are ready to take any of your even unconscious signs as an invitation. But even if you charmed a man, do not relax! Jumping into bed does not mean the beginning of a long love story. You also need to keep a man, make sure that he is constantly drawn to you. So, your intimate relationship should give him pleasure, and not strain, annoy, cool. However, any woman is simply obliged to have in her arsenal a couple of tricks that allow her to tightly keep her partner “on the hook”.

Be beautiful. It is known that a man "loves with his eyes." So, in you, he must see the ideal woman - well-groomed and beautiful. Even if you're out of shape (tired, sick, stressed, etc.), meet your partner head-on. No uncombed and unwashed hair, carelessly pinned up or carelessly loose. Do not be too lazy to make at least a semblance of a hairstyle, but better - to style your hair more seductively. Make-up - fresh, better discreet (you can accentuate lips a little with lipstick). Manicure and pedicure - perfect, no peeling varnish and dirty nails. And of course, remove all unnecessary hair on the body (overgrown armpits are considered sexy by only 3% of men).

Believe me, the male gaze notices even such seemingly trifles. Sloppiness repels a man - and sometimes he can’t really explain why he didn’t like an intimate evening with you, just the feeling “this woman is somehow not good” will remain in his memory for a long time ...

Do you want to give a man pleasure in bed?

Add erotica! 80% of the representatives of the stronger sex are excited by the visual image of the “seductress woman”. And for this it is not at all necessary to purchase a super-short peignoir. "Furious mini", according to psychologists, in the matter of seduction is by no means in the first place. It turns out that most men lose their heads from ... maxi. But! Necessarily with a long slit in front, as if by chance exposing female legs. Such "intrigue" has a strong exciting effect.

But underwear, of course, it is desirable to choose the most exposing your charms. Color - optional. But as experts again suggest, men consider traditional red to be the most exciting color.

Seductive scents. This time-tested tool is used by the vast majority of women. Strongly attract men, clouding their heads with passion, fruity smells, especially with a citrus note. However, when preparing for an intimate date, do not overdo it with fragrances. Think about the prose of life: what if your beloved suffers from some kind of broncho-pulmonary ailments? An attack of illness provoked by a strong smell will easily negate all your efforts to be as desirable as possible.

In addition, they say that the natural smell of a clean body excites men even more than the smells of perfumes, aromatic oils, etc.

Prepare a drink of passion. The seduction of a man with the help of a "love potion" has been known since antiquity. If you want to inflame the passion of your loved one - treat him, for example, with fragrant tea with thyme (thyme) or coffee with cinnamon. You can taste these active "passion provocateurs" right in bed.

Attention! Some herbs can be strong enough to give your partner a headache or allergy. There will be no passion here...

Be a sweet cat. It is a mistake to think that men only want sex. According to experts, the representatives of the stronger sex, no less than women, love being stroked, caressed, hugged. Therefore, try to offer your beloved a massage (you can also erotic). Use special stimulating creams, aromatic oils, and lay beautiful linens on the bed. It is unlikely that your man will refuse such a tempting offer. Massage in general ideally relieves tension and stress, and in this case it will certainly increase the sensuality of relationships ...

Take the initiative. The vast majority of women believe that it is the man who is responsible for the quality of sexual life. And the representatives of the fair half obey his whims and requirements. Most often, this happens, but experts say: men secretly expect initiative from a woman in intimate relationships. For them, this is the best proof that they are loved and desired. However, remember - be seductive, not promiscuous, otherwise a man may have an idea: how many partners did you have if you are so active and skillful in a love game? And it is unlikely that this will be credited to you as a plus ...

Don't lead. Some women, having listened to the advice of sexologists that a man needs to be prompted exactly how to please you, understand this literally. Almost every minute instructions fall upon the beloved - do this and that, do not do this, touch here, but do not touch this. The man begins to feel like a kind of inexperienced puppy, who has only one desire in his head - to quickly get away from the trainer. Therefore, leave all possible wishes for later - even if your intimate meeting did not bring you the expected pleasure. The process of grinding partners in can be quite lengthy - and there is nothing abnormal in this.

React. The game of love is the game of partners, don't forget that. No man will like it if his beloved manifests herself in this game as an “insensitive log”. By the way, this is one of the most common reasons for a man to cool down after a couple of intimate meetings. "Noise" support of the process is very desirable - but, again, without fanaticism. Too loud moans, too noisy breathing can give a man a reason to doubt the truth of your feelings. And distrust is by no means conducive to inciting passion.

Don't disturb your partner. Every woman loves to talk. However, in bed, you should not tire your partner with conversations, even if you really, really want to tell him something or find out something from him. A man who tunes in to a love game will simply not be able to connect to the conversation. At best, he will mutter something unintelligible, and at worst, he will lose interest in the process. This is how the representatives of the stronger sex are arranged - at the moment they can only do one thing.

Be grateful. Many men are waiting for your assessment of their sexual prowess - even if they do not admit it. By the way, the flight of a partner immediately, as soon as the arms were unclenched, many of them regard the shower as an indirect recognition of your displeasure. Sexologists say that a man is very pleased when he is kissed, hugged, whispered in his ear words of gratitude for the moments of experienced passion. So do not make your loved one worry, especially if your goal is to please a man in bed. Believe me, he will certainly appreciate it - and you will be the most desirable and seductive for him.

We hasten to assure you: we will not consider too extravagant methods using the ears or armpits for other than their intended purpose. Originality is, after all, the ability to play with familiar places, poses and ideas in a new way, and not the vulgarization of everything that catches your eye. Therefore, we invite everyone who is “for” small experiments to read!

0. Beautiful wrapper

Yes, this is not a method yet, but direct preparation for each of the methods of seduction. A man can say as much as he likes that he loves and wants any of you - but in sexy lingerie, stockings, with a beautiful manicure and light styling, you will look much more interesting. Although, be sure to adjust this "tip number zero" in accordance with the tastes of your man: some still prefer sports underwear to lace and bows in all places. The same story with manicures (some do not like bright varnishes and too long nails) and hairstyles (most men prefer loose hair to complex styling). In general, the key message: be well-groomed and smell good. Everything else will come with experience.

1. Work with your hands...

But not yet in the way I was just thinking. Surreptitiously replace bright fluorescent light bulbs in a chandelier or wall lamp with subdued yellow ones. And when "X time" comes, do not turn off the lights. Firstly, visual images turn on a man much more than tactile or sound ones - give him the opportunity to admire the excited you. Secondly, a little lifehack with subdued light will give you confidence, because soft lighting hides minor flaws that many women are so embarrassed about.

2. Add ice to the relationship

But not emotional, but ordinary, in cubes. Freeze clean water in advance, pour the cubes into a small container and hide it near the bed just before the start of caresses. And then use it at your own discretion: ice can be driven over the body of a man, causing pleasant tingling; you can cool your hands in it so that touching the genitals causes a storm of emotions; you can please your loved one with a “solo part”, drawing with a melting ice on your breasts or lower abdomen.

3. Use the cowgirl position in bed

Even if in your life you only rode a pony once in your deep childhood, this is not a reason to deny a man the pleasure of seeing a daring rider next to you. Hot kisses, clothes scattered on the floor, a minimum of foreplay - and now you are on top. Move the way you want it, caress yourself, moan - a man will lose his head in no time. By the way, this method is suitable if the partner needs to be excited quickly and also quickly reach a climax. For example, you will not find a more ideal method for extreme situations like sex five minutes before the arrival of guests - and you will get pleasure, and your hair will not suffer.

4. Try unusual recipes

Although scientists have long proven that some foods are the strongest male aphrodisiacs, today we will not talk about cooking. Intimate "kitchen" knows many more interesting ideas. For example, before caressing a man's dignity with your hands, sprinkle it with baby talcum powder - a man will like the softness of sensations. If you want to give your partner oral pleasure, it is not necessary to swallow his organ as deeply as possible with your mouth or try to comprehend the techniques of professional stars of "adult" cinema. Just take a mint candy in your mouth - and a slight tingle, coolness and menthol will give an unforgettable pleasure to your partner.

Massage can also be diversified: instead of hands, move along the torso of your beloved with your chest or tongue, press your naked body against him, wrap your legs around him.

5. Give him anal pleasure

It’s not worth getting close to his prostate (unless, of course, the man himself asks to do it), but it’s quite possible to please him with yours. Or at least not raise a yelp when he wants to do everything himself. Relax and trust your partner - after all, he has tender feelings for you, so he does not intend to hurt you.

6. Please his ear

Compliments in the process are not particularly appropriate - they distract from the sensations and make the man feel like in a lesson at school, where the teacher praised for due efforts. Moans, screams, sighs sound much more pleasant for your boyfriend - all that is a natural indicator of pleasure. You shouldn't pretend - just stop being shy and show how you react to real pleasure. To please a man in bed is actually not difficult: be yourself, do not be shy about your and his desires, be open to experiments. After all, it is not in vain that there is an opinion that the highest pleasure lies not in the body, but in the head.

To get started, run your fingers along the back of your partner's head, play with the curls of his hair. Run your hand deeper into his hair. And immediately you will feel with what gratitude the partner will perceive this gesture. Sliding through the hair, hold the palm of your hand in the hole just under the back of the head. Few people know - two very sensitive points are hidden here. And a gentle touch that appears as if from nowhere can arouse the most acute desire in a man. In your sensitive hands, the partner will become pliable, like wax, and gentle, like a Persian cat. And do not forget: even the most courageous and impregnable are completely defenseless at the moment of excitement ...

Bite on the ear

Knowing a lot about love, the East tenderly sang of such a part of the body in a man as ... an ear. Masters of erotic massage know: earlobes are very sensitive. Try running the tip of your tongue over them. Hold the lobe in your mouth, biting it lightly. A sophisticated woman will find the right moment to add a grain of pain to a cocktail of pleasure.

Sprinkle your nipples with cinnamon

Do you think only a woman loves to have her breasts caressed? Male nipples and the circles around them are actually just as receptive. Please yourself and him - lick with the tip of your tongue. If the man is frozen in anticipation, continue the game. You can also add fingers. An experiment for gourmets - smear nipples with jam. Someone, you see, will choose and hotter! There are cases when men asked to drop on the nipples ... mustard. They say that even fragrant cinnamon is especially popular with hot natures.

Melt the ice on his back

Forget the manic nature of Sharon Stone's character in Basic Instinct. Fish ice cubes from a bucket of champagne in front of your partner. This icy little thing in skillful hands (and lips) can work wonders. Ask your partner to lie on their stomach and run a scalding piece of ice across their bare back. Top down. Along the very line of the spine. Give the man a piece of ice from mouth to mouth during the kiss. This game is sure to please both.

Caress his little finger

Men love to have their feet massaged. Use any massage oil. First, rub his heels, then start with his fingers - they are very sensitive, especially the little finger. From these unearthly caresses, your partner will flutter into seventh heaven with happiness.

Use your tongue

The “path of bliss” is called the “pigtail”, starting from the male navel and leading below ... You can gently walk along the “path” with your palm. You can try the "spiral tactics" - circular movements with your fingers electrify the nerve endings and increase excitement.

Slap him on the buttocks

Are you still able to contain your impatience? Amazing. It's time to think about a very erotic slides of muscles below the waist. We are talking about the buttocks. To begin with, massage them with light movements. Without thinking twice, move on to a more energetic massage. You can even spank a little.

A man is always ready to give this part of the body into gentle and affectionate hands. Perhaps your partner is one of those who react violently to anal stimulation as well. But this point is very sensitive to any sudden impact, so be careful. If the partner doesn't like it, it's better not to break from the back door.

Dear egg...

There are a lot of conflicting opinions about how close a lady can approach the saint himself. The testicles are so sensitive that they are even endowed with the ability to "run up". Protective reflex. So be careful with these "twins". Only warm touches can turn into special responsiveness. If the man is gratefully relaxed, use more intimate caresses with the tongue and lips.

Most men at one fine moment begin to ask a very important question for themselves: "How to please a woman in bed?" And how to make it so that she gets an unforgettable experience? This is what will be discussed in this article. One has only to understand that without practice to do something, most likely, will not work.

Erogenous zones

Let's say you're lucky and you meet a girl. The place of acquaintance is not so important, so we will not pay attention to it in this article. So, the acquaintance happened, the craving for each other appeared, and you know that you will spend the evening together. But how to please a woman in bed and not fall face down in the dirt? First of all, you should pay attention to how she reacts to kisses. It should be understood that touching lips or hands in certain places can give a woman special sensations. Such places are called erogenous zones. There are a lot of them on the body, but different women have especially sensitive zones in different places. It is worth talking about this in more detail.

Pay attention to your lips

The first thing to note is the lips. Most guys do not attach much importance to them, but in vain. Kissing can really turn a woman on. Do not forget that the hands must also act. During the kiss, stroke, explore, caress the entire body of a woman, but not the genitals. Let them wait their turn. In order to answer the question of how to give a woman pleasure in bed, you can resort to light biting on the earlobes. Do not forget about kisses on the neck, about touching the back between the shoulder blades. All this can make a girl even stronger.

Caress her body with your hands and lips

After that, you need to start caressing the chest. Kissing, biting the nipples, caressing - all this will help the girl to relax and begin to enjoy. After the chest, you need to smoothly move to the stomach and continue to caress the body. All this must be done as gently as possible. The inner side of the thighs is also an erogenous zone, so you should not forget about it in the search for a solution to the problem: how to please a woman in bed. In the process, you should monitor the breathing of the partner. The more frequent it is, the greater the desire of your partner. With very strong arousal, the girl begins to release lubricant. But it is worth knowing that in some it is released in very small quantities, so sexual intercourse can be painful. To avoid this, you should purchase a special lubricant in advance at the pharmacy.

If you don't mind oral sex

If you are positive about oral sex, then the answer to the question of how to please a woman in bed will not be long in coming. It is this kind of sex that can deliver maximum pleasure to a girl. But it should be understood that the genitals should be caressed very gently, as they are sensitive.


All these recommendations can make your girlfriend squirm with pleasure. In this case, she will only want you. And the final touch in finding a solution to the question of how to please a woman in bed will be violent and passionate sex.

For both men and women, an important aspect is the enjoyment of intimate life. But, many girls complain about the lack of orgasm, not satisfaction. There are a large number of theories and opinions about how to satisfy a girl in bed. Not every young person, applying them in practice, achieves the desired result. And all because each representative of the weaker sex is individual. Some start up almost immediately, and do not experience problems in bed. Others require a special approach.

Why does a girl need to have an orgasm?

To learn how to satisfy your wife, the girl in bed, you need to know the nature of orgasm. Why does a girl need him at all? Everything is clear with the male orgasm - it is required for procreation, successful conception of offspring. Once upon a time, scientists argued that in the process of pleasure, a woman produces specific hormones that provoke ovulation.

Today it has been proven that orgasm and ovulation are in no way connected. But, the production of the hormone was preserved. So, in the female body there is a surge of hormones prolactin, oxytocin, endorphin. They are necessary to normalize the psycho-emotional background, prepare the body for the future bearing of the fetus.

So, from an evolutionary standpoint, the female orgasm is of no use. But, from the point of view of psychology, complete satisfaction in bed is the key to a stable psyche, mutual understanding between partners. We can distinguish the following goals of female pleasure:

  • Mood enhancement;
  • Elimination of stress;
  • Analgesic effect;
  • Elimination of headache;
  • Increasing work capacity;
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Restoring the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

How to satisfy a woman: general provisions

To please your beloved, to give her pleasure, do not neglect the foreplay. This is especially true for couples who have been married for many years. Like it or not, but passion, animal instinct is fading. You can warm up the relationship with the help of such preludes:

  • Relaxing massage;
  • Bath in aromatic oils;
  • Romantic dinner with a glass of champagne;
  • Watching a romantic, erotic film.

These initial actions will help a woman relax, tune in the right way. This greatly increases the chances of a man that his beloved will be satisfied. Further, the transition to the bedroom can be accompanied by light, relaxing music. It is better to give preference to romantic songs performed by men.

After this attitude, you can get down to business. It all starts with kisses. Explore the female body. Only in this way you can find those zones and points that will bring maximum pleasure to your passion. A woman should feel desired, loved. After all, the right emotional and psychological attitude is the key to success.

In order to increase blood flow, which will increase the sensitivity of the genital organs of both women and men, you can grab a couple of glasses of red wine or champagne in the bedroom. It is important to remember that you cannot immediately proceed to close proximity. If a woman is not at the peak of arousal, she will not be able to enjoy after penetration. If you know the desires and whims of your wife, you will have no problems in bed.

Since the foreplay involves kissing, we'll start with them. You need to start from top to bottom. For most women, obvious erogenous points are the earlobes and neck. Next, move on to the shoulders, chest, and belly. Such a sequence will relax the representative of the weaker sex. The main thing is not to rush, to do everything systematically, gradually. If the couple does not have stiffness and prejudice, you can resort to oral sex. This guarantees the desired result.

The girl will be able to be satisfied if the spouse stimulates the clitoris during foreplay. A man will understand that the passion is already at the peak of excitement. Only now it is possible to start penetration. Also, you can engage in clitoral stimulation during direct intercourse. It is enough to choose the poses that are comfortable for this.

In a fit of passion, you can lightly bite the girl's nipples, her lips or neck. It is worth experimenting to understand what brings her pleasure. Also, whisper gentle words in your ear, say that she is desired here and now. Do not forget the classic, missionary pose. In this case, the woman will have the opportunity to kiss you, look into your eyes, which will certainly turn you on.

All women like light touches. A man can lightly run his hand along the inside of the thigh. This zone has a large number of nerve endings, which will allow you to have a wife. There are a number of effective poses that bring maximum pleasure, as the G-spot is stimulated:

  • Dogi style;
  • Jockey;
  • Armchair;
  • Soldier;
  • Scorpion;
  • Dawn;
  • Acrobat;
  • Hostage;
  • Picnic.

How to bring pleasure to a woman if a weak erection?

Sooner or later, all men begin to experience problems in bed. This physiological feature cannot be avoided. In addition, a decrease in potency occurs in healthy, young people. This is due to banal overwork, stress, fatigue. But what if a girl wants to spend an unforgettable night, but her erection failed?

Don't focus on the problem. If a man is not confident in his abilities, a woman will not be able to relax and get better. You need to make eye contact. While caressing, look your partner in the eyes, kiss on the lips. Arm yourself with all the tricks of foreplay, and invent new ones along the way.

Also, during the prelude, it is necessary to establish tactile contact, namely touching:

  • chest;
  • head;
  • stomach;
  • Hips;
  • footsteps.

This can be done both with the help of hands and with the help of the tongue. It is worth noting that oral sex can give a woman much more pleasure than direct penetration. And with the correct execution of the technique, the partner will receive a full-fledged orgasm. Therefore, during good sex, not only the penis is involved.

To ensure your partner never forgets a night with you, here are some helpful tips. For a girl, details are important, and not the whole image as a whole. If you have a first intimacy with this passion, do everything at the highest level. It's about the bed. Bed linen is better to use silk. Believe me, the lady will appreciate this gesture.

Flavors are also important. Experts have proven that some smells can increase the level of libido, excite. So, in the bedroom, the smells of strawberries and cucumbers should prevail. A woman will also receive satisfaction when you skillfully increase and decrease the rate of frictions. Increase the pace until the moment of practical orgasm, and immediately reduce.

There are many books, videos, free online tutorials that detail how to perform various postures. These manuals can be studied both by yourself and together with a partner. Girls also like such moments:

  • Dry, rough kisses on the lips;
  • Active search on her body;
  • Slow, gradual entry of the penis;
  • When the partner carries her in his arms to the bed;
  • Clean male hair;
  • Straight talk about how sexy she is;
  • Light pulls on the hair.

And no quick sex, no foreplay. Having mastered elementary knowledge in female physiology, it will not be difficult for a man to give her maximum pleasure and pleasure.

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