Home Potato Master class on modeling from balls. Snowman. Snowman from threads: photos, ideas and master classes DIY snowman from yarn and balls

Master class on modeling from balls. Snowman. Snowman from threads: photos, ideas and master classes DIY snowman from yarn and balls

Many people repeated this cute snowman, this year we propose to make another version of the snowman - this is a no less cute snowman made of threads, the design is not expensive and repeats very well, but it looks just great!

What we need to create a snowman from threads:

  • Thick cotton white thread (also black and orange optional) or another suitable one, for example, latex or waxed;
  • Balloons, 2-3 pieces, it is desirable that they be round;
  • PVA glue;
  • A couple of branches for the hands of a snowman;
  • Several buttons of different colors and calibers;
  • Colorful paper ribbon or fabric as a scarf;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scotch;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue gun for hot glue;
  • Marker or black paint with a brush (if you draw eyes on paper).

How to make a snowman out of thread, step by step instructions:

Inflate balloons, you can use two pieces if the snowman is small or if you want to make it taller and standard, then inflate three balloons so that they differ in size, inflate a small balloon for the head or inflate not completely and just tighten the knot higher if in If you have balloons of the same size, the middle balloon for the body should be larger than for the head, and inflate the bottom one completely or take the largest balloon.

Attach the balls to each other with tails and glue them together with adhesive tape.

Moisten the white thread in PVA glue, and start wrapping it around the balls starting from the neck so that the tip is hidden in the end, wind the thread randomly around both balls but so that the turns go in a different direction each time and so that there are no clusters of turns in one place. Wind until you are satisfied with the result, you do not need to try to wrap it completely like a mummy, you need to leave gaps so that you can see that the snowman is empty, and the threads seem to be kept in the air.

After winding the threads on the balls, leave the glue to dry for about a day and a half.

When the glue dries, poke the balls with a sharp object or just a fingernail and pull them out through the largest hole in the snowman.

Make hands of a snowman out of wooden branches and glue them with hot glue, hands can also be made the same way as we did the snowman itself, that is, make two small balls of thread and glue them on the sides of the body. The nose of a snowman can also be made of orange or red threads; cardboard rolled up in the form of a carrot can serve as a support for them while winding the threads soaked in PVA glue.

As a mouth, you can also glue a small piece of thick woolen thread in red or black. You can also make it from buttons, you can also use them for the eyes, or cut out two circles or ovals and draw the pupils of a snowman on them in black.

We can also make a headdress in the form of a cylinder for our snowman from threads, for this print out this template.

Stick it on cardboard and cut it out, then glue it and put the finished hat on our snowman, decorate it with a beautiful ribbon of golden paper or fabric as well. And for the neck, also make a scarf out of fabric, decorating it with stars and other decorations cut out of paper or buying them ready-made in the store.

That's it, a snowman made of threads made with your own hands is ready! You can now decorate his place with artificial Christmas tree branches, toys, artificial snow and wait for the New Year holidays and guests who will surely appreciate this wonderful snowman made of threads.

What could be nicer than receiving a handmade toy as a gift?

On the eve of the New Year holidays, you do not need to run around the shops, stand in long lines and spend a lot of money. It is enough to make a little effort and time, and you will receive a wonderful gift.

If you're ready, then get to work!

  • 3-5 balloons;
  • white and orange yarn;
  • PVA glue;
  • beads for the eyes;
  • cling film and thick paper;
  • clear acrylic lacquer;
  • needle and scissors.

Making a toy

Step 1

Let's make the body of the snowman first.

  1. Inflate 3 balloons to the size you need.
  2. Each ball should be slightly larger than the previous one.
  3. Tie their "tails" with a thread.
  4. Next, grease the balls with something greasy, such as oil or cream.

Step 2

  1. Apply glue to white yarn. The better the yarn is smeared, the stronger your snowman will be.
  2. Slowly wrap the balls with yarn. The thread tension should be medium so that the yarn holds and the ball does not burst. Avoid large gaps between the threads and their large accumulation in one place.
  3. Leave the yarn to dry overnight.

Step 3

After it dries, it is necessary to free the threads from the balls.

  1. Take a blunt and hard object (such as an ice cream stick or the other end of a spoon) and carefully peel the threads off the latex.
  2. Deflate the balls and remove from the product without damaging it.

Step 4

The torso is ready, let's start creating the nose.

  1. Roll a paper bag and wrap it with cling film.
  2. Wrap the bag with orange yarn in glue, just like the balls.
  3. Once the glue is dry, simply remove the nose of the bag.

Step 5

It remains to collect the parts of the toy together.

  1. Sew with white thread and a needle the nose of the snowman to the smallest ball of yarn. And don't forget the beaded eyes.
  2. Sew the balloons together in increasing order.
  3. At the top, make a loop of thread so that you can hang the toy on the Christmas tree.
  4. Apply varnish to the finished snowman.

The toy is ready!

When you give such an unusual and interesting gift to your loved ones, remember their happy and grateful faces. Let them warm you even in the most severe frost.

New Year is a long-awaited celebration for children and also for adults. And what would this day be without a snowman? Of course not!
We advise you to make this craft with your children, this unique activity is easy to make. The snowman will decorate the New Year's interior of the apartment, office and will please everyone with his presence.
The size of the snowman will be approximately 60 cm in height.

In order to make a New Year's snowman from threads, we need:
one skein of white thread (not too thin, made of cotton);
balloons (five pieces);
PVA glue (one jar);
cotton wool

We make the body of a snowman.
First you need to inflate the balls, we need them for the torso (three different sizes) and arms (two identical).

Then thread a needle and pierce a bottle of PVA glue with it. The thread becomes saturated with glue, we remove the needle to the side, we will need it later.

Coat each inflated balloon with vegetable oil so that the thread does not stick. With a thread soaked in glue, wrap the balls in a chaotic manner.
Balls should be wrapped so that there are no gaps. Then hang them in a warm and dry place until the threads are completely dry (best for 24 hours). It's worth being patient! The balls should become hard.

When everything is dry, take each ball sharply pierce with a needle and pull out the remnants by the tail of the ball.

For greater stability, the bottom ball should be glued inside with cotton wool, and we glue a paper disk (preferably from cardboard) lubricated with PVA glue to the bottom.

Then connect all parts of the snowman, first make a recess in the body. We take a spray gun and spray the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe junction, carefully make a recess in a moist place. Then we sew the parts together with a needle and white thread. For better fixing, it is worth smearing the stitching points with glue. Leave the future snowman to dry completely.
As the body of our New Year's guest is ready, let's take care of our hands. Glue two small balls to the middle ball at the same height.

Decorate the snowman.

Then we glue the eyes with super-glue "Moment". The nose, mouth and buttons can be made from colored paper or fabric.

We put on a scarf, a hat and the final touch - brown the snowman. A small blush will not interfere with the snowman, but only decorate it. Blush can be applied with a cosmetic brush and regular blush, which all women have in their cosmetic bag.

So, our snow hero is ready, the kids will be happy to have such a guest for the New Year!

A snowman can be made in all sorts of sizes and even colors. It can acquire an individual shape at your discretion, show your imagination!
Good luck!

Winter, New Year, falling snow... So you want to immerse yourself in this unique atmosphere and create a winter fairy tale at home. The process of creating winter-themed crafts for decorating a Christmas tree or decorating an interior can help with this.

But what if you haven’t mastered the basic types of needlework, such as crocheting or beading, but you still want to make your own creation? Make a cute and completely uncomplicated a snowman made of thread. It will be a great option for crafts for kindergarten or school. In addition, children themselves will be able to take an active part in its creation.

So to create a snowman made of thread, we will need tools and materials :

  • White or blue threads (preferably cotton or viscose, but woolen, acrylic or other knitting threads can be used).
  • Small balloons.
  • PVA glue.
  • Clay Moment or Dragon.
  • Materials for the eye (2 black beads or beads, you can use ready-made eyes).
  • A piece of orange polymer clay for a carrot nose (can be replaced with felt or cardboard).
  • A rectangle of cardboard or felt for a snowman's headdress.
  • Needle with a large eye (No. 13-24).

Do-it-yourself snowman from threads (method 1)

How to make a snowman out of thread? Connect to its manufacture and soon see for yourself that this process is quite simple.

Snowman headwear options

Here your imagination can manifest itself in any way! Types of hats can be very different: a top hat, a bucket, a winter knitted hat. Again, they are made using different techniques, depending on which type of needlework is closer to whom.

All: snowman made of threads on balls with their own hands ready!

Snowman from threads in the form of pompons (method 2)

Another view thread snowman, which can be made even by those who are not familiar with the basics of the main types of needlework. You just need to learn how to make pom-poms.

We will need:

  • Knitting threads of a color suitable for a snowman (preferably thick, fluffy).
  • Cardboard for templates.
  • Large eye needle.
  • Compass.
  • Accessories for eyes and nose.
  • Headwear materials (cardboard, felt, knitwear).

How to make a snowman from threads with your own hands in the form of pompoms

If your snowman is not intended to decorate the Christmas tree, then he can become the center of the New Year's composition. Put it in the lid of a shoe box, cover the surface with padding polyester, scatter snowflakes, confetti, pieces of tinsel, the remains of beads, sequins around, complete the landscape with a Christmas tree. Your creation is ready!

Choose the craft option that you like best and start creating with your children. We hope that the creative process will be unique and exciting for you, and the finished work will help take you into a real winter atmosphere.

A table or what to give to family and friends? Do not despair, we will help you, we will make with our own hands one of the main, integral symbols of the upcoming holiday - a snowman made of thread, about 50 centimeters high. This will be a great decoration. The main material in the manufacture will be threads. We wish you good luck in your work, use the step-by-step instructions with a photo, described in detail below.

To work you need:

  • PVA glue (or Moment)
  • needle
  • vegetable oil
  • balloons (3, and hands are made of wire; 5, if hands are also made of balloons)
  • skein of white thread (cotton)
  • wire (if hands from it will be)
  • red thick thread (if hands are made of wire)
  • blush
  • fabric (or scarf ready)
  • colored paper (orange, white, black, blue)
  • sprayer (any regular sprayer)

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Let's start making our snowman. Let's take balls. If you make the snowman's arms round, then we inflate two identical, small-sized balls. Then we inflate three balls of different sizes, each larger than the previous one, but the very first one should be larger than for hands. The first is the head, then even more is the torso, the last is the lower part (it is the largest).

  1. We take a needle, thread. Pass the end of the thread into the needle. We pierce our bottle with PVA glue with a needle through and through, preferably as low as possible (so that the glue does not have time to run out during work). We pass a thread through the glue with a needle, and it will pass through the glue base, keep its shape when it dries. After we have passed the thread through the bottle of glue, remove the needle.
  2. We take all the inflated balls and coat each one completely in vegetable oil. Then our glue thread will not stick and stick to the ball. Then we wrap the entire surface with a thread in the direction you like (you can wrap it randomly, you can use a certain tactic and approach).
  3. It is desirable to wind the balls to such an extent with a thread until there are no gaps and gaps. Then let them dry. If you make hands from circles, then you need to wrap all 5 balls, from wire, then only three. It is best to leave them in a dry and warm place for the whole night to dry, you can use a hairdryer, turn on warm air and blow on them until the glue is completely dry.
  4. And so, we got our balls of thread, they should eventually become solid. Then we will get rid of the multi-colored balls inside, for this we take a needle and pierce the balls. Now, carefully, by the ponytails, we pull out the colored balls from the final filament balls. This must be done with minimal damage to the threads.
  5. In order for our lower (main and largest) ball to be more stable, it is advisable to glue it inside with cotton wool. We also attach a cardboard plate to its bottom with glue so that our snowman does not fall.
  6. Now we need to connect all the balls to make a snowman, for this we must first work on a medium ball (medium volume). We take a spray bottle or any sprayer (you can use wet hands, but do it very carefully) and wet the ball, on the one hand, so that it softens a little. Then we make a small indentation on the prepared surface. You need to do this action from two opposite sides, not much pushing inward. Take a needle and a white thread, sew on the recess, on the one hand, a smaller ball, on the other, a larger one. We also recommend that you grease the recesses with glue before stitching so that our snowman is strong. Let's leave the snowman alone until it dries completely after the work is completed.
  7. If you decide to make wire handles, then follow this step. We take the wire, bend its ends in the form of mittens and then wrap the end along the base. You will get blanks, as shown in the figure below. We need to make 2 of them.
  8. Now we take a needle, string a red thread (preferably thick) on it and gradually wrap the top of the wire that we made ourselves (our mittens) completely. Wire arms are ready. Instead of our balls of thread, you can use them.
  9. If you decide to make hands out of thread, go to this step. We take the two remaining prepared balls, as in paragraph 7, but the recess must be made on the one hand. Attach to the sides of the middle ball.
  10. Now cut out a small orange triangle from colored paper, fold it into a cone shape and glue it in this position. Install to the snowman also with glue.
  11. Cut out six circles - two large white ones, two smaller blue ones, the smallest black ones. Install on the snowman in the form of eyes. First we glue the white ones, then, on them - blue, inside - black.
  12. For decoration, you can cut out more buttons, a mouth. We put a scarf around our snowman's neck, you can also put on a hat. We apply blush on the cheeks with a regular brush.

Our snowman is ready! You can use threads of different colors, complement it with your own details, use balls of different sizes, it all depends on the imagination, the flight of creativity! We wish you good luck in making this beautiful craft! It will decorate your interior, will look great at the Christmas tree, festive table and on it. Present to relatives and friends or rejoice in this miracle yourself.

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