Home Potato Can I get pregnant in a stressful situation. Stress and conception. Cell Encounter and Optimal Conditions for Fusion

Can I get pregnant in a stressful situation. Stress and conception. Cell Encounter and Optimal Conditions for Fusion

Most women are aware that stressful situations can prevent conception. Many perceive this with distrust, but some see this as the reason for the inability to get pregnant.

stress and conception

In itself, stress is a useful thing, it is necessary to stimulate the mental and even physical activity of any person. The danger arises if stressful situations become permanent, then the human body ceases to benefit from them and no longer resists them.

Many women know that stress can cause the menstrual cycle to shift and delay or not ovulate at all. Accordingly, this affects conception, which may not occur if ovulation does not occur in this cycle. How can stress affect this process?

Hormonal disruptions

One hypothesis states that during stressful situations, the body produces large amounts of prolactin, a hormone that negatively affects the production of hormones important for successful ovulation. This can affect both the timing of egg maturation and the thickness of the endometrium, as estrogen production is reduced. Due to the insufficient thickness of the endometrium, the fertilized egg cannot attach to the walls of the uterus.

Hormonal abnormalities in men can reduce testosterone levels, which affect potency and spermatogenesis. Stress in men leads to a disruption in the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which leads to the production of abnormal spermatozoa with inferior development and a decrease in other sperm characteristics. All of the above does not lead to successful conception. Stress and conception are not the best tandem.

Disorders in the nervous system

Stressful situations affect conception at nerve damage. The reproductive organs are connected to the brain by nerve fibers. Under stress, they can receive impulses that reduce smooth muscles. These contractions can cause spasm in the fallopian tubes and hypertonicity of the uterus, which means that the reproductive organs of a woman will not be able to perform a transport function and the movement of the egg will be difficult. In men, the sex drive decreases. Ejaculation disorders may appear, expressed in the absence of sperm or its movement in the opposite direction.

According to other theories, spasms of muscle fibers occur due to the production of the so-called "stress enzyme" or in other words alpha-amylase, in large quantities. Cortisol, the “stress hormone,” has a negative effect on the ovaries, which produce sex hormones. This can cause ovulation and menstrual irregularities. From all of the above, it is clear that stress and conception are incompatible things.

Can the negative impact of stress be reduced?

Tip one - get out of a state of constant stressful pressure. It is necessary to find its root cause and try not to get rid of it partially or completely. Stress can have several causes - overstrain at work, domestic troubles, failures in trying to conceive a child. You may be helped by relaxation classes using special techniques. After such classes, women increase stress resistance. According to statistics, 35% of women who used relaxation techniques experienced a long-awaited pregnancy.

Allies in the fight against stressful situations can be yoga, swimming, spa treatments, massage, fitness.

Of course, stress affects the timing of ovulation, but it does not completely prevent conception. The link "stress and conception" certainly affects future pregnancy, but this effect is indirect. The birth of life, in itself, is a burden for the female body. Therefore, do not increase it yourself, avoid stressful situations.

Endless tests and studies, and doctors still say that you are healthy and there are no obstacles to conception. Ovulation tests, measurement of basal temperature and ... again a negative pregnancy test. If you have gone through all this in an attempt to fulfill your dream of having a child, then the main thing for you now is not to turn pregnancy into an obsession. When you wait months or years for the coveted two stripes, and they are not there, disappointment usually sets in. And if friends and relatives pester with unnecessary questions “Well, when, when?”, And peers have long had children ...

The main thing in this situation is not to drive yourself into stress. Because in fact, many are waiting for conception in the first month, in extreme cases - in the second. And experts consider conception within a year to be the norm. However, women who are tuned in to pregnancy, in a few months of waiting, bring themselves to stress. And stress, paradoxically, is often the main cause of problems with conception. Our body is more prudent than we are, and during a period of stress it prevents pregnancy, as it “thinks” that now is not the time to have offspring.

Can't get pregnant? The reasons for this are closely related to stress.

Chronic stress causes the body to produce large amounts of the hormone cortisol. It mobilizes forces under stress, promotes blood flow to the muscles and increases muscle tone. The uterus and fallopian tubes are also in good shape, since they also consist of muscle fibers. In this state, it is difficult for the uterus and fallopian tubes to perform their function so that pregnancy occurs.

With chronic or even single stress, the hormonal background changes - the level of estrogen in the female body drops. It is responsible for the formation of the endometrium in the uterus. The lack of estrogen leads to thinning of the endometrium, and with a thin endometrium, it is difficult for a fertilized egg to gain a foothold.

But much more often, the inability to conceive a child occurs because the level of prolactin increases with stress. Prolactin suppresses the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. These hormones are needed for normal ovulation. With their lack, the eggs do not mature on time and the menstrual cycle fails. In addition, prolactin prevents the egg from attaching to the walls of the uterus.

According to statistics, an increased level of prolactin leads to problems with conception in 25-40% of cases. The drug will help to gently lower the level of prolactin and normalize the menstrual cycle. It is designed specifically to prepare the female body for conception. The composition includes substances that help to recover after taking contraceptives, eliminate the lack of vitamins and minerals that play an important role in the reproductive system and are necessary for the onset of conception.

Contains sacred vitex extract - this plant component is used to normalize prolactin levels. not only reduces prolactin, but normalizes its content: if this hormone is normal, then its amount will not decrease.

Also included are folic acid, selenium, zinc, magnesium, vitamins B6, C and E, as well as L-arginine. The amino acid L-arginine improves the blood supply to the pelvic organs, which is often disturbed in women during sedentary work or with little physical activity.

You need to start taking three months before the intended conception. Take once a day by dissolving the contents of the sachet in a glass of water.

Men get nervous too

You should not treat a man as a "terminator" with iron nerves and no feelings. Men are also worried and very strongly, especially if the decision about the child was made jointly. And stress also affects male fertility. Increased muscle tone leads to problems with potency and ejaculation, hormonal disruptions have a bad effect on sperm production processes. In addition, according to psychologists, many men often suffer from the fact that a woman ceases to see them as a person, and begins to perceive them exclusively as a “carrier of spermatozoa”. By the way, this is one of the reasons for the cooling of relations between spouses after the birth of a child.

To neutralize the effects of stress, men can be advised. It improves the quality of sperm: the number of healthy spermatozoa increases in the ejaculate, their mobility and ability to fertilize improve.

Stress is the enemy of a healthy lifestyle

Hormonal disorders are only part of the problems that stress creates for us. Experiencing constant emotional turmoil, we often forget about a healthy lifestyle, which is so important in preparing for pregnancy. As a result:

1. Sleep too little or too much.

2. We eat what we want, not what is healthy.

3. We drink more coffee.

4. Relieve stress with alcohol.

5. We stop playing sports.

6. We start smoking.

7. We lose interest in sexual activity.

Even one or two of these conditions can be detrimental to health and adversely affect fertility for both women and men.

How to deal with stress and its effects

You need to start by looking for the cause of stress. Paradoxically, but very often it is not problems at work or financial difficulties. Many women experience emotional stress precisely because they cannot get pregnant. As a result, they “drive” themselves into a vicious circle. To get out of it, we are advised to let go of the situation. Stop thinking about pregnancy and don't make it an obsession. Try to treat sex as a pleasure, not an obligatory event.

Of course, it is easier to give such advice than to follow it. But remember the cases in which a woman managed to get pregnant when she changed the situation, went on a trip with her husband, or adopted a child from an orphanage. She forgot about the need for conception and that she could not realize her maternal instinct.

You need to relieve stress that prevents you from getting pregnant in much the same way as any other stress: master the relaxation technique, sign up for yoga, take a massage course, buy a subscription to a SPA salon, go on a trip, visit a psychologist ... There are many options, and every married couple chooses the one that is attractive to her.

Do not forget that if your tests are in perfect order, then getting rid of stress is completely in your hands. Eat right, spend more time together, take fertility supplements, and keep the weather nice at home.

So you will do everything in your power to create a small miracle - to conceive a long-awaited and healthy child.

Conceiving a child in some cases is a serious problem. For some, this happens as the most natural process, while others need to make some effort, and sometimes great effort, for pregnancy to occur. Many factors influence the process of conceiving a child. Stress and conception have some relationship. Prolonged stress and emotional overstrain generally negatively affect the body, both women and men. And, as you know, both future parents should be equally fertile, otherwise the process may be complicated.

Impact on women

As for women, long-term stressful situations can lead to menstrual irregularities. Ovulation as a result of such violations is delayed, therefore, if a woman wants to become pregnant, it is necessary to monitor ovulation with the help of special tests.

Also, stress can cause hormonal imbalance in the body. This is a rather serious deviation that needs timely diagnosis. As a result of hormonal disorders in the body of a woman, the process of ovulation is disrupted. In addition, a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen provokes the depletion of the endometrial layer, which can lead to difficulties in attaching a fertilized egg to the uterine wall.

Impact on men

Long-term stress also has a sharply negative effect on men. A decrease in libido and a deterioration in potency are the consequences of prolonged stressful situations and nervous strains for a man.

In addition, the quality of sperm is significantly reduced. Hormonal disruptions occur under the influence of stress in the body of a man. Sperm quality and quantity can be significantly reduced. In some cases, the selection of sperm may not be carried out at all. Retrograde ejaculation occurs (ejection of semen into the bladder). Thus, stress on men has a strong negative impact.

What to do?

Stress and conception can be compatible if the negative effects of stressful situations are properly neutralized. Both partners need to learn how to relax. The constant fixation on trying to conceive also leads to stress, which reduces the chances of pregnancy.

There are various relaxation techniques for men and women. People planning a pregnancy can choose their option. The most effective and popular are:

  • yoga;
  • playing sports (swimming, for example);
  • meditation;
  • massage aimed at relaxation;
  • rest at nature;
  • travel to new places and countries, fresh impressions;
  • training in stress management techniques;
  • medical stress relief;
  • consultations with a psychotherapist.
  • Doing what you love, a calm environment will positively affect the emotional state of a person. If you can’t cope with stress on your own, then you may need the help of a psychotherapist. In any case, his advice will not be superfluous.

    A positive trend was noted towards the rapid conception of a child on vacation, in a calm environment. Therefore, many couples are helped by vacation trips and travel. The general condition of the body as a whole also improves.


    Effect of stress on conception

    Can stress interfere with pregnancy? If I've been stressed all the time lately, can that decrease my chances of getting pregnant? Is there a connection between stress and conception?

    One thing is for sure: stress does interfere with conception to some extent. Therefore, if you have some difficulties when trying to get pregnant, then you can remember the phrase: “Just relax and everything will work out!” Although it sounds a little ridiculous, there is a grain of truth in it.

    This is because stress affects the functioning of the hypothalamus, the gland in the brain that regulates emotions and appetite, as well as the hormones that send your ovaries a “signal” to release an egg. Therefore, if you are nervous, then your ovulation may shift a little, and not happen in the middle of the cycle, but a little later. In such cases, having sex on the 14th day of the cycle will not bring the desired result, and you may miss your chance to conceive this month.

    It is important to distinguish between constant stress and sudden stress. The body often gets used to constant, daily stresses so that your ovulation becomes fairly consistent for each cycle and is not affected by such stresses. But sudden stress, such as a death in the family, an accident, a divorce, can greatly disrupt your cycle and delay ovulation.

    Of course, it all depends on the body of each individual woman. So, for example, in some women, even a banal trip out of town can delay ovulation. Others, on the contrary, even after a strong stress shock do not note any disturbances in their cycle.

    It is also important to remember that the stress state of the body is a reaction not only to something negative. Positive stress can also affect your cycle, causing you to ovulate late or not at all. Brides often report various strange menstrual irregularities related to the joy they feel in anticipation of the upcoming wedding. Therefore, regardless of the cause (good or bad), stress can lead to disruption of the ovulatory cycle.

    If you're trying to conceive but are feeling stressed at the same time, then your cervical mucus may "warn" you that something is wrong. You, instead of noticing an increase in the amount and consistency (higher moisture) of cervical fluid as your ovulation day approaches, you may notice that days of intense flow alternate with "dry" days - as if your body is trying to ovulate, but your The tension keeps him from doing it.

    You can more or less accurately calculate your ovulation day by tracking your basal body temperature. You should note a steady increase in temperature about a day after ovulation, that is, between the 12th and 16th days of the cycle.

    The good news for women is that "delaying" ovulation simply lengthens the entire menstrual cycle. That is, the luteal phase is not reduced, as a rule, lasting from 12 to 16 days after ovulation (that is, until the start of the next monthly cycle). This is very important, as short luteal phases lead to the threat of an early miscarriage.

    To summarize: although stress can affect the day of ovulation, it does not completely prevent the possibility of conception! Since ovulation most often just shifts by a few days, but in fact it still occurs in most cases! Therefore, the connection stress and conception Although it is an unfavorable factor for pregnancy, nevertheless, the effect of stress on the process of conception itself is more indirect than direct. But still, try not to be nervous!

    How to get pregnant if stress interferes

    How the stress hormone interferes with conceiving a child

    Many girls cannot get pregnant for various reasons, but no one guessed that one of them was stress. Scientists at Oxford University conducted a test on how adrenaline and cortisol interfere with pregnancy. Studies have proven the theory of the harmful effects of these hormones on the female body. To check the level of stress, saliva was taken from women for analysis. It turned out that the higher the level of alpha-amylase, the less likely a girl is to conceive a child. Of the 500 perfectly healthy couples who took part, 13% were not lucky enough to conceive within a year. This made it possible to argue about the dangers of the enzyme on the female body.

    It is not so easy to bring down the menstrual cycle, but all girls know what can lead to this. Experienced unexpected severe stress can disrupt the cycle, which shifts the time of ovulation. You can simply miss the moment when you can conceive a child, and all because of hormonal failure in the body. Strong experiences that produce the hormones adrenaline and cortisol in the body affect the psyche. The impossibility of conception may simply be a protection against troubles in life. In the case of regular minor stresses, the body gets used to it - it is real to conceive a child. But in the event of a great grief experienced (as a result of which a hormonal storm appears in the body), the woman undergoes changes that interfere with fertilization.

    What to do when stress prevents you from getting pregnant

    There is an expression "relax, and everything will work out." Surprisingly, this is the only thing that can help. Stress is a psychological problem, and if it prevents you from getting pregnant, you need to look for the cause of its occurrence. Only a successful solution to problems can put your body in order and establish hormonal balance. If the problem cannot be solved (for example, death in the family or severe trauma), you should contact a psychologist for professional help. Only by understanding yourself can you overcome depression. It is not good to conceive a child under the influence of stress, so it is advisable to resolve all serious problems even during pregnancy planning.

    To find peace, the best option is to travel with your lover to romantic places. Relax, unwind, leave all your troubles and problems at home, and take only your husband and a good mood on a trip. A couple of days spent with your husband with love, understanding and support will help restore your peace of mind and, as a result, improve your hormonal balance. In such an environment (if you are completely healthy), forgetting about all the problems, you can get pregnant. It is necessary to visit a doctor when planning a pregnancy if depression and stress interfere with conception. Under the influence of negative factors before pregnancy, you should visit the doctor more often when you conceive a child. Throughout pregnancy, you need to remain completely calm - no nerves.


    Effect of stress on conception

    10/11/2014 Conception A lot of people have heard the opinion that. That because of stress, pregnancy cannot occur. Some laugh at such an opinion, while others take everything too seriously and attribute this reason to themselves.

    Possible links between stress and conception

    It is worth noting the fact that stress is simply necessary for every person in order for some organs to function normally, and also for there to be no problems with mental and physical activity. But when a person lives in constant severe stress, then his body simply ceases to cope with it, and then the benefit from it disappears.

    The theory that stress can affect conception is quite realistic. Moreover, many women say that during nervous tension or a prolonged stressful situation they noticed a delay in menstruation or the absence of ovulation on time. And then it is worth concluding that if ovulation does not pass, then conception will also not occur.

    How can stress affect ovulation?

    Hormonal reasons. The main version is that during stress, too much of the hormone prolactin is released in the body, and it is very negatively displayed on LH and FSH, which are simply indispensable for ovulation to occur. The amount of the hormone estrogen may also decrease, which will lead to a decrease in the thickness of the endometrium, and this will allow the fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus.

    Also, do not forget about men in whom these hormones are responsible not only for potency, but also for the formation of sperm. Therefore, if the amount of LH and FSH hormones is disturbed, then the spermatozoa will be defective, and this will significantly worsen the quality of the seminal fluid.

    Nerve and muscle disorders

    It is believed that stress, even at a nervous level, can affect conception. This is because the reproductive organs, like any other associated with the brain. Therefore, during stress, they also receive impulses that cause smooth muscle contractions. This can cause spasm of the fallopian tubes or uterine hypertonicity. This will make it very difficult for the egg to move towards the uterus. If we consider the male body, then his sexual desire and potency can significantly decrease in this way. Very rarely, there are problems with ejaculation disorders, when during orgasm sperm ceases to be released or its outflow goes in the opposite direction and enters the bladder.

    Sometimes, with frequent contraction of muscle fibers in the body, alpha-amylase is produced, which is also called the stress enzyme. And this also does not have a very positive effect on the reproductive system.

    How to reduce the harmful effects of stress?

    The main advice here can only be that you need to immediately get rid of severe and constant stress. Too much harm from it, and almost no benefit. To do this, you must first find out the cause of stress and its source. And only then try to reduce it to a minimum or even remove it altogether. Sometimes it happens that stress comes from constant stress at work and from prolonged attempts to conceive a child. If you have stress of this nature, then you need to try to relax, perhaps change the situation. This will help break the vicious circle and give you a lot of positive emotions. For example, the relaxation technique helps well in such cases. When the effect of stress on conception was studied and this technique was used as a medicine, within six months, 34% of the women who participated in the study were able to become pregnant. Massage, spa treatments, aromatherapy and so on also have a good effect.

    Getting pregnant with stress: what prevents conception

    When it comes to listing factors that can affect your chances of getting pregnant, the list seems endless. Fertility problems are an incredibly broad topic, but they are closely related to increased stress levels anyway. If your doctor says stress has affected your chances of getting pregnant, it shouldn't come as a surprise to you.

    Anything from financial burdens, lifestyle changes, personal conflicts, illness, or work troubles can prevent pregnancy under stress. There are many factors that affect the normal structure of sleep and nutrition. Not surprisingly, stress cannot but have serious consequences for the possibility of conception.

    Does stress reduce the chances of getting pregnant?

    An increase in stress levels leads to disruption of lifestyle and bad habits. If you stick to unhealthy behaviors for a long time, your fertility can be affected. Here's what people do when they're stressed:

  • Sleep too much or too little.
  • Drink alcoholic beverages.
  • They give up physical education.
  • Lose interest in sexual activity.
  • They smoke excessively.
  • Drinking too much tea or coffee.
  • Overeating or refusing to eat.
  • Studies show that it becomes very difficult for women to stop to understand when she is overweight.

    When you diet too tightly, you can get anorexic. In the case of anorexia, a woman is almost guaranteed to have a menstrual cycle disorder, which means the absence of ovulation. If there is no ovulation, it is impossible to get pregnant.

    You must evaluate your carbohydrates and junk food. Consuming too many unhealthy foods that are associated with poor sperm health is putting yourself at risk of not conceiving a child.

    All of the activities mentioned above can affect your chances of getting pregnant under stress.

    How to reduce the impact of stress on pregnancy:

    Here are some practical ways you can try to reduce stress and increase your chances of getting pregnant:

    1. Rethink your relationship:

  • Acknowledge your pessimistic attitude and think positively.
  • Set realistic plans for yourself.
  • Believe in yourself and try to be less rigid.
  • 2. Sexual activity:

    When getting pregnant becomes your only life goal, this tension tends to increase your stress and, conversely, interfere with intimate relationships. Try to do what you both love:

  • Joint cultural program.
  • Joint cooking.
  • Watching "special" adult movies to stimulate your brain and release chemicals.
  • 3. Try to relax:

    Relaxation is an art. Take time to close your eyes and think about a mini-vacation. Relaxation is a good way to lower blood pressure and heart rate.

    Some relaxation techniques you can try:

  • Meditation
  • progressive muscle relaxation
  • 4. Support each other:

    Doctors suggest that women need empathy when they are trying to conceive. Both partners can:

    • Consult a psychologist to relieve stress, get rid of depression, anxiety and feelings of confusion.
    • If you feel isolated, special, because of your inability to conceive, you can find the relief you want in support groups or specialized forums.
    • 5. Physical activity:

    • Physical exercise is important for anyone.
    • Physical activity such as jogging stimulates good health through the release of hormones.
    • Studies show that too much stress reduces the role of the hormone that helps in ovulation.

      Stress delays your ovulation cycle, causing you to miss ovulation during your cycle.

      Does stress interfere with pregnancy: conclusions

      Despite the obvious link between the effects of stress and fertility, not all experts believe that stress interferes with pregnancy. For example, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine argues that there is no direct link between pregnancy and stress — it just creates a vicious circle where a woman has trouble conceiving, they increase their stress levels, which can eventually lead to a wider range of fertility problems. .

      If you feel that you are drained physically and emotionally, it makes sense for you to seek help from doctors. Start with a GP, no need to think that people with gaps in education work in district clinics - your doctor can be consulted about the widest range of your questions and problems. He can offer you the best solutions to make your life easier or refer you to another, narrower specialist.

      The main thing is not to worry and remember that you are not alone. Worrying will only make the situation worse for you. Share with the readers of our portal about your pregnancy problems through the comment form below. After checking by a moderator, your opinion will be published.

      Disclaimer: The information provided in this article on stress and fertility is intended to inform the reader only. It cannot be a substitute for the advice of a health professional.

      In order for a little man to be born, two cells must meet: the male - the sperm and the female - the egg. And for this meeting to take place, in the body of the future mother and father, many events must happen that coincide in time. The time of onset of pregnancy largely depends on their synchrony.

      Favorable moment for conceiving a child

      Every month, a woman's ovary develops a follicle that contains an egg. Under the influence of female hormones, it develops and bursts in the middle of the menstrual cycle, releasing the egg. This process is called ovulation. After leaving the ovary, the egg is “captured” by the fallopian tube and, thanks to its contractions, moves towards the uterus. She retains her ability to fertilize for an average of 24 hours. For fertilization, the most favorable moment is when ovulation is about to begin - then the spermatozoa will have enough time to get to the fallopian tubes, where they will meet with the female sex cell. With a regular sexual life and a normal menstrual cycle, there is no need to specifically calculate this moment.

      However, there are times when calculating the exact date of ovulation helps to quickly achieve the desired result. The easiest and most accurate method is to use special test strips to determine ovulation. In addition, you can find out about the release of the egg by ultrasound, a change in basal body temperature, using a special device according to the pattern of saliva crystallization, using the calendar method.

      Ovulation disorders and what is "wartime infertility"?

      Ovulation disorders can be observed for a variety of reasons: for example, with diseases of the pituitary gland (with an excess of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates lactation), the thyroid gland (with a decrease in its function), ovaries (cysts, polycystic, inflammation), adrenal glands (with an excess of male sex hormones ).

      Overweight and underweight, as well as rapid weight loss, can also be causes. Excessive physical activity temporarily blocks this process. Yes, and stress negatively affects the ability to conceive. Its effect on reproduction was first described as "wartime sterility". Such a psychological impact is associated with the fact that in critical situations the instinct of self-preservation is much stronger than the instinct of procreation. An organism that is fighting for survival blocks all secondary functions, including reproduction. Isn't that why our grandmothers advised women who wanted a child to lead a quiet life, play with children more often, sew beautiful children's things, read children's books? All this "tunes" the body to conception.

      Sperm: what causes male infertility?

      Spermatozoa are produced in the paired male gonads, the testicles. The cycle of their formation is 70–75 days. During sexual intercourse, 3-5 ml of semen enters the woman's vagina, which contains 300-500 million spermatozoa. Before reaching the egg, the spermatozoa have to cross the uterine cavity and enter the fallopian tube, while not all participants in the race reach the goal. They make this path in 2-2.5 hours, and retain their fertilizing ability in the fallopian tube, according to various sources, from 2 to 7 days. In order for fertilization to occur, the spermatozoon must overcome the barrier of the cells of the radiant crown (follicular cells surrounding the egg) and the shell of the egg. For this, the “forces” of one spermatozoon are not enough, an “attack” is needed from 100 to 400 thousand of its fellows, although only one of them will penetrate the egg! A sufficient number of motile spermatozoa in the ejaculate and their ability to fertilize the egg is the key to a quick pregnancy.

      Of course, the likelihood of conception depends on the quality of the sperm. But the connection between potency and infertility is a myth. In reality, a man with a very weak potency can have good sperm for conception, and a “sexual giant” can suffer from infertility. The fact is that spermatozoa appear in the male body during puberty, when the immune system is already formed. In some men, spermatozoa are perceived by her as foreign to her own body, which leads to the formation of antisperm antibodies that worsen the quality of the seminal fluid. The most common causes of such resistance are the following diseases: testicular injury, cryptorchidism, varicocele (dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord), obstruction of the vas deferens, chronic infection of the genitourinary system and sexually transmitted diseases.

      If a man is healthy, then the main guarantee of sperm quality is his Lifestyle. So, physical inactivity, sedentary work, excess weight and smoking can lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs and inflammation. Spermatogenesis, like the female menstrual cycle, is regulated by the hormonal system of the body. Therefore, if a man takes anabolic steroids, then the natural balance of hormones in the body is disturbed, which can lead to.

      There is another, characteristic only for men, factor that affects reproduction. This overheating. The number of sperm produced in the testicles increases at temperatures slightly below general body temperature. No wonder the northern peoples often used the bathhouse as a method of contraception. For the same reason, a man who wants to become a father should not go to the sauna often, wear tight synthetic underwear and tight trousers, as this can increase the temperature of the testicles. Any febrile condition also leads to a deterioration in the quality of sperm. Moreover, the fertilizing ability can be reduced within 3 months after the temperature rise, since this is how long the maturation of each spermatozoon in the testicles continues.

      Another common and rather dangerous risk factor for the development of infertility in men is chronic stress. From a biological point of view, offspring should be born in the most favorable environmental conditions. Such regulation is ensured by the close relationship between the sexual and all other systems of the body, primarily the nervous system.

      Where and how does fertilization take place?

      The possibility of fertilization depends on the health of the partners. Before the male sex cell meets the female in the fallopian tube, it takes from 3 to 6 hours. During the first 12 hours after fertilization, the genetic material combines to form a zygote (single-cell embryo), which will remain in the fallopian tube for another 7 days and only then descend into the uterus, where it will begin to “look after” a place for attachment. Therefore, the condition of the fallopian tubes often becomes a factor determining conception, because it is here that the meeting and the first days of a new life take place. The tubal factor is one of the main causes of female infertility. Obstruction of the tubes most often occurs after acute or chronic inflammation of the genital organs and leads to the impossibility of meeting the egg and sperm. But, fortunately, such infertility is reversible. It can be cured with tubal plastic reconstructive surgery or overcome with assisted reproductive technology (IVF).

      Choosing a position for fertilization

      Another important point for the “meeting” of the sperm and the egg is the posture during intercourse. Note that the correct position can increase the likelihood of conception, since it depends on which part of the vagina the sperm enters. In some positions (for example, a woman on top or a standing position), some of the sperm will simply be lost. The position "man on top" or "man behind" will be optimal. It is better if 20-30 minutes after intercourse a woman lies on her back with raised legs.

      Do I need to have more sex to get pregnant?

      Many couples believe that the more often they are, the faster the pregnancy will come. But this is not entirely true. Thus, the likelihood of conception during repeated sexual intercourse is reduced due to the fact that the second portion of sperm contains fewer full-fledged spermatozoa, and excess volume leads to its leakage from the vagina. When intimate relationships happen at long intervals, this is also bad. It is not so much the number of spermatozoa that decreases, but their mobility - they no longer rush to the goal so quickly. Optimal for the full maturation of spermatozoa is the rhythm of sexual activity every other day (3 times a week) during the period of probable ovulation with the desired abstinence 4-5 days the day before.

      contraception and conception

      The best method of contraception at the stage of pregnancy planning is a barrier method, it does not affect the ability to conceive in any way. Other contraceptive methods for some time after their cancellation may make it difficult to fertilize. In particular, the use of intrauterine devices can adversely affect the function of the fallopian tubes and uterus. After removal of the spiral, it is recommended to refrain from conception for 2-3 cycles to restore their work and reduce the risk of spontaneous miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. In the first months after the abolition of any hormonal contraceptives, a situation may arise when an immature egg is released from the ovary, unable to conceive, or, conversely, the egg matures, but never leaves the ovary. Therefore, it is recommended to stop their use also 2-3 months before the planned conception.

      Is the balance correct?

      The normal environment in the vagina, uterine cavity and fallopian tubes ensures the active movement of spermatozoa. Do not use vaginal lubricants if you want to get pregnant. Lubricants sometimes contain substances that change the acid-base environment of the vagina and destroy sperm. Any infection in a woman's genital tract, as well as the use of various vaginal medications, antibacterial and flavored hygiene products, douching also disrupts the acid-base balance in the vagina, which reduces the chances of pregnancy.

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