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News about the confrontation between State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya and director Alexei Uchitel is on everyone's lips almost every day. The deputy is relentless: she continues to assert that the picture, which tells about the love of Nicholas II and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, is an insult to the royal family and the feelings of believers. The ex-prosecutor of Crimea has been fighting Matilda for a whole year.

In social networks, they are no longer even jokingly, but seriously discussing whether Natalya Poklonskaya is sick. At the request of Life, psychologists and psychiatrists analyzed the public speeches of Natalia Poklonskaya and explained why she needed all this.

Without religious fanaticism

Natalya Poklonskaya does not look like a religious fanatic, experts are sure. People who are obsessed with a religious cult are usually more emotional, aggressive, unrestrained.

The fanatic is ready to do anything. He will not just oppose some elements of art, publicly say "I am against it." A fanatic will go to war, to fight. For example, set fire to cars (they, by the way, are set on fire by the opponents of Matilda. - Note. Life). Judging by her behavior, she is not capable of it. She has other motives, - explained the psychologist Artur Garaganov.

Psychiatrist Andrei Berezantsev noted that "p Poklonskaya's behavior at different times was different.

In Crimea, she positioned herself as a fighter for law and justice. She performed practically at the forefront, was not afraid of responsibility. Calling her a person who chased scandals was difficult, he said. - And then she changed jobs (became a State Duma deputy. - Approx. life) and became such an odious person. This is a certain dissonance, which suggests that her behavior now, in the framework of the Matilda scandal, is very similar to the desire to attract attention to herself in order to remain heard. PR campaign, perhaps not the most competent.

In search of the electorate and patrons

According to Artur Garaganov, everything that Poklonskaya does as part of the scandal around the sensational film (appeals to the court and the prosecutor's office, public accusations against the film crew, organizing, in fact, rallies against Matilda) is a large set of tools that can be considered quite effective in terms of PR.

Poklonskaya has a higher education, one way or another understands politics and diplomacy. This suggests that all her steps are most likely verified and conscious, - said the expert. - With her love for the last emperor, reverence for religious values, she gathers around her a certain social group, followers who are also close to such values. Basically, these are monarchists, whom no one remembered for a long time, they lived in oblivion, and then suddenly they had such a leader.

According to the psychologist, the so-called "group effect" worked - when people automatically support someone who actively broadcasts their ideas, speaks about their needs.

As a result, Natalia Poklonskaya has established herself as a politician and, possibly, as a person, Garaganov believes.

In addition to her audience, Poklonskaya also sought to please the authorities, says psychologist Olga Makhovskaya.

Natalya Poklonskaya is a careerist, she said. - And as a career person, obviously, in many ways she wanted to please the current government. Her behavior (words about love for the king, upholding his honor) - as proof that power is everything for her. True, it is not known how much this will help her in her career in the future.

"Poor Girl"

Even if we assume that Poklonskaya is really promoting herself on the Matilda scandal, personal experiences are still behind this, psychologists say. In part, it is difficult for her because of her rapid career take-off.

She has a sharp elevation behind her shoulders (from a simple employee of the prosecutor's office in Ukraine to the chief prosecutor of the Crimea, and then a State Duma deputy. - Approx. life), while lacking a number of important skills for such a career. She does not know how to behave in public, she is often accused of incompetence and so on (for example, when Poklonskaya announced that the bust of Nicholas II was streaming myrrh. - Approx. life), - says the psychologist Makhovskaya.

Natalya Poklonskaya "by the will of fate was in the center of events - if not for the Crimean campaign, so many people would hardly have known about her," the psychologist noted.

All this psychologically turned her into a naive infantile child - she simply did not have time to master the necessary skills for such serious public work that fell on her, - said Olga Makhovskaya. - O often behaves in a very childish manner. I even explain her predilection for the emperor by her being stuck in that infantile phase when the child fantasizes: for example, how great it would be if he had a different life, if he were born in another family, say, the imperial one, then everything would work out according to -other. Perhaps behind this lies personal trouble and the lack of warm and strong relationships in the family.

"I'm not like everyone else" - such a thought haunts Poklonskaya, experts suggest. After a resounding success, she does not want to lose her popularity. And, perhaps, will achieve it at any cost.

She seeks publicity everywhere, sometimes creating ridiculous informational occasions around herself, - says Olga Makhovskaya. - This thirst for attention is insatiable. Criticism towards Poklonskaya is huge, she cannot but notice this. But she can't stop now.

The premiere of "Matilda" will take place on October 6 at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, and the film should be released in wide release on October 25. Alexey Uchitel himself considers it surprising that Poklonskaya opposes the picture without even looking at it.

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