Home Potato various statuses. The best status phrases about different statuses

various statuses. The best status phrases about different statuses

Girls, what's happening to us? We smoke, we drink, we swear, we fight! After all, this is not for us! Let's kick bad habits!

Time puts everything and everyone in its place… Time opens the eyes to people… Time heals. Time helps to forget... But not for everyone, not for everyone...

Real quite realistically interferes in our virtual affairs, regardless of our desires and our opinion!

Love is when it doesn't go away...

There is no sin in being happy.

Money does not spoil a person, but reveals his hidden character traits!!!

And you know that a person is able to kiss your heart with just his presence. Able to resurrect tenderness and warmth ... Even if he is far - far away, and you are no longer with him ... How nice it is!

Do you want your child to breathe fresh air more often? Take your computer to the balcony!

Trust, like the soul, never returns to the place it once left.

If a guy forgives quickly, it means either he loves a lot or he doesn’t care.

Damn, why is there no spray from people? I sprayed it ... and not a single nasty thing will come closer than 3 meters ...

Do you know what is most important in the world? - Do not lose your dignity ... And more often be responsible for your words. And sincerely forgive all insults.

What people won’t tell, thought the Internet.

Over the years, the body hangs like a stone on the wings of the soul ...

Death: I'll come tomorrow at 10. Lexa: Damn, Olya! Change nickname!

People who exercise every morning die a hundred times less than others. You see, because there are a hundred times fewer of them than the rest.

Everything. I decided not to be offended by insults anymore: they called me a bitch - I correspond; called a fool - in general, they untied their hands (the law is not written for fools); sent - I'm going. I will enjoy it... And my nerves will be fine. and people will not be disappointed)))

No virtual sex is worth a real kiss! from communication

We are in a constant struggle with death, although we know that in the end the victory will remain with her.

Choking and drowning is not the one who plunged, but the one who remained under water.

I am very lazy because. Damn, too lazy to post.

More expensive than health is only ... treatment.

Money can buy everything, but you can't buy the most important thing: Honesty and kindness. Money is evil for those who do not know how to properly manage it. But as usual, a large amount of money always leads to waste.

Life was boring and monotonous ... until they came - money on the card

About 90% of people do this at night, in the dark, in a hot room. Yes, they are online.

People make time! What kind of people - such a time!

You will never catch up with us, they said prices and showed salaries a fig !!!

The most valuable thing a person has is time. And the Internet is a pretty villain who steals these jewels ...

God bless those who have WI-FI without a password!

Sometimes it seems to me that the people we love are playing sea battle with us: wounded, wounded, killed ...

The husband comes home from work, the wife sits at the computer and does not turn around: - Dear, do you want something to eat? - Yes, the cable from the Internet!

How I wish the Internet would not only take my time, but also wash for me, clean up and cook dinner!

Unlimited Internet often causes chronic lack of sleep.

I'm sitting on the exam, I don't know how to solve the problem. Got out of the mobile in Asya. Some unfamiliar dude from a kind soul decided to help me. I'm giving up work. The teacher looks at her and says to me: “Listen, I did the exact same task for some dude in ICQ

Dad, why is the Internet called the Web? The father takes a piece of mesh and lowers it into the aquarium. Several fish are stuck in it. Father: And these fish will never be able to get out of it. That's why, son, the Internet is called a network.

Life is too short to afford not to take it seriously.

The more honest a person is, the less he suspects others of dishonesty. The low soul always presupposes the lowest motives for noble deeds.

I was determined to forget the past. So if I owe you money, I'm sorry...

Dom-2 has already become a legend... with elements of horror... The aquarium life of zombies who are paid not for their brains, but for their absence... To quote.

I'm looking for a young man who often bangs his head against the top railing in the subway.

Envy is the lot of the weak.

According to modern rules of etiquette at the table - the spoon should be in the right hand, and the smartphone in the left.

Indifference is a terrible diagnosis ... The soul dies from it

Stop buying things you don't need. Manage your money wisely or it will start to manage you. Don't waste your money on impressing others. Remember, you are valuable in yourself, and things are just your frame.

Every day of man is a night of darkness. Nobody knows what will happen in the next moment, but people go ahead anyway. Because they are gifted with Faith, filled with trust.

Time is a perishable product. Therefore, it is better not to live in the past, otherwise you will quickly become rotten.

I love January 1st and 2nd. you sit, do nothing, your favorite cartoons, films are on TV. the bug remained. and so nothing is desirable. the beauty!

Money can turn a heart of gold into a heart of stone.

Today I'm so lazy

We don't have much time to waste on resentment.

For lovers, as for birds, not only a nest is necessary, but also the sky. 10

Drink my love to the bottom, come to ecstasy in the love bed. You and I have the same fate - you are a sinner, I am a sinner too! 10

The cold also has its advantages. When you are cold, someone can hug you and you will freeze together) 10

Kiss me!.. kiss me with warm lips and cold cheek when it snows, snow on my hair, on your eyelashes.. And then kiss me =* 9

My beautiful spring is carried away somewhere in the past, and I will sigh, and I will be sad that only autumn brings rain ... 11

What did it fly by? - This is six months, they quickly fly by ... 10

Paranoia Level 1: Did I close the door to my apartment?
Paranoia Level 2: I closed the door. But can I trust myself? 10

In three thousand years, archaeologists will dig up a solarium and think that we roasted people. 10

Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. You can swing until the end of your life, but you won’t go far on it. 10

The Internet is a great thing. You can break into someone's life and break the fuck up there because you have a smartphone and a few minutes. 10

My advice: find someone you feel safe with. Being with someone just for love is not a big deal. 10

You either come into my life or get out of it. But do not stand, please, on the threshold - it's cold. 10

Sometimes you want to collect everything in a bundle and go into the fog. 10

Who takes - fills the palms, who gives - fills the heart. 10

Always like this. As soon as I, with great difficulty, put things in order in my Universe and start living in it, it explodes, again crumbling to smithereens. 11

I really have to go, I'm about to have my nervous breakdown. 10

People who sleep little and drink a lot of coffee often have the same nightmare. As if their own heart comes into their room and says: Is it okay that I don't knock? 10

Don't expect a book to accidentally fall into your hands that will open your eyes. Don't wait for someone to come along and change your life. It is better to look for yourself - otherwise it is possible, they are also waiting. 10

Sometimes it seems that life is difficult, but remember one thing: after every, even the darkest night, there comes a day. 10

Never say - surrender. Always repeat: I can. And I will keep trying until I win. 11

Why is simple human happiness always so fragile, quivering, anxious, why does it strive to disappear like water in sand, to dissolve like fog at the dawn of a new day?! 10

When a person hurts us, then most likely he himself is deeply unhappy. Happy people don’t be rude in lines, don’t swear on public transport, don’t gossip about colleagues. Happy people in another reality. It is of no use to them. 10

One day you will meet a young man. And in the end, he wants to find out everything. How you eat, how you dance, how you feel every moment of this day. What does your face look like without makeup. How you love chocolate, how crazy you can be from time to time, how some games, songs and shows make you happy. How you will act up to get something, how tired you are, how you complain about being overweight, how you think you look bad in all your photos. He will know everything about you. And you know what? He will still love you. 10

There are no ideal relationships. There is female wisdom not to notice male stupidity. There is a man's strength to forgive women's weaknesses. And ideality ... Leave it to the series. 10

Eat, pray, love and post it all on Instagram. 9

Life has given me a lot: I learned to lie so that I myself believe what I say. 10

I'll throw salt into a puddle - there will be a sea! Small but mine 🙂 It's a pity that there are no brains for sale - such a good gift would come out for some! There will be two hits in the Battle, first I will hit, and then you will hit the ground!!!

This section contains different statuses - cool and not so cool.

I'll throw salt into a puddle - there will be a sea! Small but mine 🙂

It is a pity that there are no brains for sale - such a good gift would come out for some!

There will be two hits in the Battle, first I will hit, and then you will hit the ground!!!

The best friend is a book: it doesn’t force you, it doesn’t ask you to eat, it doesn’t shoot cigarettes.

When I eat, I am deaf and dumb, cunning and quick, and devilishly smart ...

Sewerage! — that's what unites us.

A rare beast is looking for a sophisticated bitch for joint discussions.

I'm constantly haunted by smart thoughts, but I'm faster...

By the end of the tale, good has won over reason.

It is a sin to indulge in despondency when there are other sins!

You can't give everything to everyone. Because there are many, and only few.

I have been waiting for something for my prince for a long time, maybe his horse is broken?! :)

My cheekbones with vexation reduces, it seems to me for many years that where I am, life passes there, and where I am not, it goes on.

"Take a step and the road will appear by itself" - Steve Jobs

…there is a dream, run to it!! If you can't run, crawl!!! You can’t crawl-lie down towards the dream))) ...

Mom is not a horse. The horse gets tired, but the mother does not!

If you have money? live on Yalta If you have no money? sit at home look at the map

Whom I want, I do not know. Whom I know, I do not want 🙂

The severity of your fracture depends on the rudeness of the words you said to me.

God chose to brag by creating me

A person only needs 3 words: friend, family contact:D

Why does everyone start to be stupid at the very moment when I got high?!?

Beauty rules the world - well, you can’t put such a responsibility on me

Even on the highest throne IS ASS

You can't spoil friendship with sex, you can strengthen friendship with sex :-)

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