Home Preparations for the winter Potato dishes for children 1 year old. Baby Baked Potatoes. Stuffed boiled potatoes

Potato dishes for children 1 year old. Baby Baked Potatoes. Stuffed boiled potatoes

It just so happened that potatoes became the king of the table at all times for children and adults. This vegetable can be prepared in different ways and with different ingredients added to it. It is important that the result is a healthy and tasty product.

And one of these potato dishes, for the child’s body, is considered to be potatoes baked in the oven. Let's figure out the benefits of this vegetable and how to prepare baked potatoes so that this dish becomes a favorite in your baby's diet.

Potatoes - benefits for the child's body

Let's look at the properties of potatoes to find out how oven-baked potatoes are beneficial for a child.

  • Potatoes are the main source of potassium, necessary for the muscles of the heart and normalization of water-salt balance in the body.
  • It contains a large amount of starch, a carbohydrate, which makes it a very nutritious meal for an actively growing body.
  • Potatoes contain vitamin C, folic acid, vitamins E and K, as well as phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, copper, fluorine, iron, iodine, zinc, etc. Thanks to this composition, potato dishes are useful for normalizing a child’s digestion.
  • This vegetable also contains a large amount of fiber, which cleanses the body of toxins and normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It has been proven that potatoes have anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties due to the presence of antibacterial substances in them.
  • Potatoes are the leader among all vegetables in selenium content, necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, bone and immune systems.

Of course, the benefits of baked potatoes for a growing body are obvious.

Introduction to diet

For the first time, a child gets acquainted with this healthy vegetable, immediately after meeting zucchini, cabbage and carrots. As a rule, already at 6-8 months, the baby is given vegetable soups and purees, which include potatoes.

By the age of 3, baked potatoes are perfect for a child, because he is already able to chew food on his own, and it is this method of processing that retains the greatest amount of nutrients in the finished dish. You can cook baked potatoes in a sleeve or in foil and add vegetables and meat products that your baby eats.

Approaches to choosing potatoes for baking

  • Buy potatoes from trusted individuals who guarantee quality. Only a high-quality and fresh product will benefit the child’s body.
  • It is also advised to choose small potatoes, they are tastier and healthier.
  • In appearance, it should be uniformly colored, without sprouts and black inclusions, elastic and easy to cut.
  • The smell of potatoes should not be sour, nor should there be a moldy smell, otherwise the product will be spoiled.

Important! If the potatoes have green spots and sprouts or the cooked potatoes have a bitter taste, this indicates that the amount of solanine in this product has been increased. This is a toxic substance that can cause poisoning in large quantities. This product should not be given to a child.

Cooking approaches

  • The healthiest and most suitable potato dish for a child is considered to be young potatoes baked in the oven, since young potatoes contain the largest amount of vitamins and elements compared to potatoes that have survived the winter.
  • It is recommended to bake potatoes with their skins on; to do this, you need to wash and dry them well, because... Dry product must be placed in the oven.
  • It is best to bake it on a wire rack on the middle shelf of the oven.
  • This vegetable is universal; it goes well with meat, fish and vegetable dishes as a side dish, so you can easily diversify your child’s table. For example, if a child loves dairy products, he will definitely like potatoes baked in the oven in slices with cheese or sour cream.

Potatoes contain complex carbohydrates, which are converted into sugars in our body, and for this reason, experts do not recommend eating potatoes with meat products at the same time. Because meat is animal protein, and the simultaneous entry of potatoes and meat into the stomach disrupts the absorption of nutrients from these products and increases the fermentation process. Therefore, it is not recommended to often spoil your child with potatoes baked with meat.

  • It is also necessary to say that many pediatricians prohibit the use of mushrooms in a child’s diet until at least 10-12 years of age. Research shows that this product is also useful, but at the same time, mushrooms contain chitin - a stable substance that is not digested in the body, even in adults. Therefore, with such a dish as potatoes baked with mushrooms, you should wait and not give it to a child, especially at the age of 3 years.

Baked potatoes in the oven - recipe

Today we will tell you how to cook delicious potatoes baked in the oven with sour cream.


  • potatoes – 500 g;
  • greens - to taste;
  • sour cream – 100-150 g;
  • salt - to taste.

We offer you several recipes for baked potato dishes that will appeal to both adults and children.

1) Baked potatoes with pickled cucumbers and sour cream


Large potatoes – 4-5 pcs.
Hard cheese – 100 g
Sour cream – 100 gr
Butter – 70 g
Pickled cucumbers – 70 gr
Salt, pepper, fresh herbs

Wrap each potato in foil, place on a baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to maximum temperature until soft (about an hour). At this time, prepare the filling - grate the cheese. Finely chop the cucumbers and mix with sour cream. When the potatoes are cooked, take them out of the oven while hot, carefully cut them lengthwise into two pieces directly in the foil, add a little grated cheese and butter. Then you need to beat the potato pulp from the two halves and the cheese and butter well into a fluffy mass. Top with cucumbers and sour cream and serve immediately. Sprinkle with chopped herbs to taste. Both one-year-old children and older children will like these potatoes.

2) Crispy baked wedges

Older children will appreciate this dish. Invite your child to organize McDonald's at home! Blend the milkshake with ice cream and milk in a blender. And make crispy baked potato wedges in the oven - a great alternative to fast food fries. Simple, fast, delicious! And most importantly – it’s useful!

You will only need 3 large well-washed potatoes, a quarter cup of sunflower oil, salt and pepper.

Preheat the oven to 240 C. Cut the potatoes into thin slices and place them in a bowl of water. Pour sunflower oil into a deep baking pan. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top. Transfer the potato wedges from the bowl of water to the baking sheet (in a single layer) and cover with foil. Bake in this form for 5 minutes, and another 20 minutes without foil, until the underside of the slices is toasted. Then you need to take out the baking sheet, turn the slices over and bake for about 10 minutes. Transfer the finished wedges to a plate lined with a paper towel to absorb excess fat. Sprinkle the wedges with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Bon appetit!

3) Potatoes baked with cheese

You will need:
potatoes (new) - 6 pcs.
processed cream cheese - 125g
salt, parsley and basil - to taste
sesame - 1 tsp

Wash the potatoes and, if necessary, cut off the skins. Young potatoes have thin skin, so there is no need to peel the tubers. Cut the potatoes: cut large tubers into quarters, small ones into halves. Grease a frying pan or baking dish with butter, add potatoes, sprinkle with salt and stir. Spoon all the cream cheese onto the potatoes and sprinkle with chopped parsley, basil and sesame seeds. Cover with foil and bake in the oven at 200 C degrees. A few minutes before it’s ready, open the foil and bake until golden brown. Transfer the hot potatoes to a plate and serve. Potatoes with cheese can be given even to six-month-old children.

4) Potato boats

Children will really like these baked potato boats. Especially if you stick small flags into them - you can attach squares of paper to toothpicks, on which you can draw funny pictures or sign the names of children (a great idea for a children's birthday!) and stick such “flags” into our “boats”.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, prick the skins in several places to prevent them from bursting, then wrap in foil and bake in the oven until done, about 40-50 minutes. After the potatoes have cooled a little, cut them lengthwise into two halves and carefully scoop out the pulp with a spoon.
The next step is filling the baked potatoes with filling. For filling you can use:
Finely chopped crab sticks mixed with grated cheese, sour cream and herbs
Fried minced meat with mushrooms, grated cheese, herbs
Finely chopped ham, tomatoes, herbs

5) Potato “caterpillars” If boys are delighted with potato “boats”, then girls will appreciate potato “caterpillars”.

To prepare this simple, tasty and unusual dish you will need:

potatoes - 1 kg. carrots - 3 pcs.,
butter - 50-60 g,
vegetable oil, herbs for decoration, food foil.

Wash and peel the potatoes and carrots well. Chop the carrots into thin slices up to 2 mm thick. Cut each potato crosswise with a knife every 5-6 mm without cutting all the way through so that it does not fall into pieces and add salt. Place one carrot slice into the slits - if they are thick, they will not fit into each cut. Place foil on a baking sheet and pour a little vegetable oil on it. Place the potatoes on a baking sheet. Grease each potato and carrot generously with butter on top - preferably softened. Cover with one layer of food foil. Bake potatoes in the oven in foil for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees. Then remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes until golden brown. Ready-made “caterpillars” can be given “eyes” from olives and antennae from green onions.

Potatoes are one of the cheapest, most accessible and familiar dishes on our table. It is stored for a long time, does not spoil, is easy to prepare, and can be used all year round. Regarding this, moms have a question brewing. When can you give potatoes to your child? Let's figure it out together.

First, let's compare it with other vegetables.

Composition of boiled potatoes without salt compared to boiled zucchini and broccoli

potato zucchini broccoli
Kcal 86 19,8 35
Proteins, g 1,71 0,6 2,38
Fats, g 0,1 0,3 0,41
Carbohydrates, g 20 3,5 7,18
Starch, g 17
Fiber, g 1,8 1 3,3
Organic acids, g 0,1 0,3
Water, g 77,5 92 89,2
Saccharides, g 0,85 1,1 1,39
Calcium, mg 8 14 40
Sodium, mg 5 1,6 41
Potassium, mg 328 206 293
Magnesium, mg 20 8,8 21
Phosphorus, mg 40 12 67
Vit PP, mg 1,31 0,76 0,55
Vit B1, mg 0,098 0,023 0,063
Vit B2, mg 0,019 0,026 0,123
Vit B5, mg 0,51 0,11 0,616
Vit B6, mg 0,27 0,11 0,2
Vit B9, mcg 9 15,2 108
Vit A, mcg 4,9 77
Vit C, mg 7,4 3,26 64,9
Vit E, mg 0,01 0,109 1,45
Beta-carotene, mg 0,002 0,029 0,929
Iron, mg 0,31 0,39 0,67
Zinc, mg 0,27 0,45
Selenium, mg 0,3 1,6
Copper, µg 167 61
Manganese, mg 0,14 0,19

Having studied the table, we see that potatoes are many times higher in calories than broccoli and zucchini. It is also many times higher in carbohydrate content. It contains a lot of starch, it has a lot of magnesium, and contains B vitamins.
Potatoes contain a large amount of potassium, which is good for the heart and blood vessels. According to this indicator, it is superior to other vegetables. It is also ahead of its competitors in selenium content. Which is good for immunity and thyroid function.

  • Potatoes contain a lot of starch (about 17%). But young children do not digest starch well. It can cause increased gas formation, intestinal colic, and constipation. With age, a child's digestive system matures. And starch does not cause these digestive disorders in children.
  • It belongs to the group of high-calorie foods. 100 g of boiled potatoes contains approximately 86 kilocalories. For underweight children, this is good. Introducing potatoes into your diet will help you gain weight. But for overweight children, it is better to give potatoes occasionally 1-2 times a week. Replacing it with lower-calorie vegetables: zucchini, cabbage, carrots, beets, etc.
  • Potatoes belong to the group of products with a moderate degree of allergenicity. That is, it can, although rarely, cause allergies in children. Potato varieties with dark, reddish or pink skin most often cause allergies, less often those with yellow skin.

Green potato skins are not a sign that the product is hypoallergenic, but, on the contrary, a dangerous sign! When exposed to light, the green pigment solanine is formed in potato skins. Which is toxic to humans, and in large quantities life-threatening. Adults can cut off the green areas from the tubers. And it is strictly not recommended to cook such potatoes for yourself, but using greened tubers to cook food for a child.

To reduce the allergenicity of potatoes, their starch content and therefore their calorie content, it is recommended to wash them, peel them and then soak them in cold water for 12 hours, changing the water every 2-3 hours. Soaking potatoes also helps to get rid of the harmful substances they contain: nitrates, traces of chemical fertilizers, etc.

Potatoes for baby as complementary food

  • As we have already found out, they don’t start with it. First, the child is introduced to other vegetables: zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower. And only when the child gets used to them, they begin to add potatoes to the vegetable puree. First, not as an independent dish, but as an integral part. For example, zucchini with potatoes or zucchini with broccoli.

When can you give potatoes to your child?

  • It is given no earlier than 5-6 months. Start with about ½ teaspoon, doubling the amount daily.
  • To put it simply, add a piece of potato to the zucchini before cooking. And they boil the vegetables together under a lid, then puree them in a blender and give them to the child. The next day, add 2 pieces of potatoes to the zucchini, etc. It is recommended that the total volume of potatoes in vegetable puree does not exceed 50% of the volume of the entire vegetable puree.
  • It is recommended to give real mashed potatoes, without adding other vegetables, to children no earlier than 10 months, and preferably 1 year. Since this dish contains predominantly easily digestible carbohydrates and does not have significant nutritional significance for the child. It contains few proteins and fats, and not many vitamins that are needed for the growth and development of a baby in the first year of life.
  • In the diet of children over 10 months old, potatoes should not exceed 50% of the total daily volume of vegetables. That is, in addition to potatoes or mashed potatoes, the children's diet must include other fresh, boiled and stewed vegetables: cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, etc., or salads made from them.
  • From 10 months, boiled potatoes can be given to the baby in the form of small soft pieces so that the baby learns to chew.
  • And from the age of 1.5 years, when he learns to chew well, he can be given potatoes boiled in their skins or baked in the oven, of course, after peeling them first. Also, from 1.5 years old, a child can be given potato casserole.
  • From 2 years old, potato pancakes and potato pancakes.

Fried potatoes, French fries and chips are not considered baby foods. They do not bring any benefit to the child. The less often they are in the child’s diet, the better. But the best option is if the child eats them completely.

Potatoes for a child as medicine

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Potato dishes are allowed for acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
For acute gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended in the form of purees or as part of pureed soups.
Potatoes do not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and have an astringent, enveloping, and anti-inflammatory effect.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system

Potatoes contain a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Most potassium is found under the skin. Therefore, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, potatoes boiled or baked in their skins will be useful. The peel must be removed immediately before eating. Only potatoes from a new harvest (in the summer-autumn period) will be useful. And, in winter and spring it is recommended to cut the potato peel thicker. But, along with the peel, most of the potassium is removed. And such potatoes will be useless for the heart and blood vessels.

For burns

For burns, it is recommended to cut the potato in half and apply the cut side to the burn site for 20-30 minutes. Or grate it and apply the paste to the burned area. Potato juice has analgesic, cooling, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects.

Potato cakes for cough

This is a kind of potato on the chest or back. Its goal is to warm the chest and improve blood circulation in the lungs, bronchi, and trachea. The potatoes are boiled in their skins, mashed warm (to form a flat cake), and wrapped in thick cloth. Then, check for yourself that the cake is not scalding, but pleasantly warm. And apply it on the back between the shoulder blades or on the chest, in the area of ​​the sternum handle. A cellophane film is placed on top and the child is wrapped in a warm scarf or scarf. The compress is applied for 2 hours.
You can repeat the procedure from 1 to 10 times daily or every other day.

Now you know when and how to give potatoes to a child. Stay healthy!

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 1.1k. Published 03/14/2018

Hello, dear blog readers!

You can name a huge number of potato dishes - they have long been present on our tables on weekdays and on holidays. This is the most popular, frequently used and loved product by everyone. Mashed potatoes , stewed potatoes, fried, in the form of zraz and potato pancakes - parents prepare this for themselves. What can you offer the little ones? Should I start feeding my baby potatoes? What are the benefits of it for a child’s body? Let's figure it out.

What are the benefits of potatoes?

If you compare potatoes with other vegetables, they have the highest amount of starch and carbohydrates. Based on this fact, most parents doubt whether it is necessary to feed their baby mashed potatoes. But this root vegetable is ideal for complementary feeding purees, which turn out to be very tender, without a strong taste. A potato dish for lunch can make up a tenth of the required energy supply for the whole day.

As for vitamin C, potatoes contain enough of it to fill the body with the daily requirement. There is also fiber, which contributes to the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Potatoes have the property of enveloping the walls of the digestive organs. The potassium contained in the product strengthens the heart muscle. Selenium – protects the thyroid gland and strengthens the immune system. It is important to note that potatoes are a hypoallergenic vegetable.

Potato damage

The main disadvantage of potatoes is that during long-term storage, solanine begins to form in the fruit. Do not take sprouted potatoes, they contain the highest percentage of this substance. When cooking for children, peel off the thicker layer of the peel - this will protect the body from getting even the smallest dose of a harmful substance.

When can you include potatoes in a child's diet?

For breastfed children, one-ingredient mashed potatoes are allowed from the age of six months, for bottle-fed children - from 5 months. You can combine potatoes with other foods from the age of 9 months.

To make mashed potatoes for an infant, boiled potatoes need to be chopped in a blender, diluted with a small amount of milk and a drop of vegetable oil. There is no need to add salt; salt begins to be added to food when the child is 10 months old. From 8 months they give boiled potatoes, mashed with a fork.

Selecting a product for a children's menu

The ideal option would be potatoes that you grew yourself. But if gardening is not your thing, choose domestic products, so you reduce the risk of buying potatoes that are treated with chemicals or GMOs.

The size of the potatoes should be medium; tubers that are too large or small do not provide much benefit, and their taste is worse. The root vegetable should be firm, without white or black specks on the skin. Be careful when choosing.

How to determine whether potatoes contain nitrates?

When cut, no juice should come out of the root vegetable.

Preparing complementary foods

Before preparing complementary foods, potatoes need to be freed from starch. For this:

  1. Peel the required amount of potatoes.
  2. Cover the potatoes with cool water and leave for a day.
  3. Immediately before cooking, rinse the tubers.

Mashed potatoes: recipe for babies from six months

Boil 2 small potatoes in a saucepan or slow cooker. The process will take 20-25 minutes. Puree the finished potatoes with a blender. For a more delicate and light consistency, dilute the puree with breast milk or the water in which the tubers were boiled. You need to feed your baby warm puree.

Like all complementary foods, potato is started with one teaspoon per day, monitoring the body’s reaction.

Cutlets made from mashed potatoes

This recipe can be prepared for a 1.5 year old child.


  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 50 grams of any hard cheese;
  • 3 medium sized potatoes;
  • 3 tbsp. flour;
  • salt to taste.


Boil the potatoes in salted water. Then you need to puree it and let it cool a little. As soon as you can touch the puree with your hands without burning them, you can start cooking the cutlets.

To do this, beat 1 egg into the puree and mix. Grate the carrots and cheese onto a fine grater. Mix all ingredients into one mass, adding flour.

With wet hands, form into a small patty. Place them in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and fry on both sides until golden brown. You can replace carrots with any other vegetables, and also eliminate flour altogether by rolling the cutlet in breadcrumbs.

Mashed potato recipe with milk


  • 3 potatoes;
  • 80 ml milk;
  • 1 tsp butter;
  • 1 yolk;
  • salt.


Puree the boiled potatoes, add hot milk to it, while stirring the potatoes. Boil the resulting mass. Then add salt, butter and egg yolk, stir until smooth.

Puree goes well with tomato juice (if the baby is not allergic to it), vegetable salads or stewed vegetables.

Potato soup- puree (for children from 1.5 years old)


  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • 100 grams of cauliflower;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 200 grams of hard cheese;
  • 2.5 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • salt to taste.


Cut the potatoes into equal sized pieces. Cauliflower should be divided into small inflorescences. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, cut the onion into cubes. When the water in the pan boils, you can add potatoes and cabbage inflorescences and cook for 25 minutes over medium heat.

Carrots and onions need to be fried in butter. But do not “gild” the onion, it should become simply transparent. Add the frying to the potatoes and cabbage and boil for 7 minutes over low heat.

The next step is pureeing the soup, this can be done using a blender. Add sour cream, salt and some grated cheese to the puree; use the other part when serving, sprinkling the soup on top. Can also be served with fresh herbs and white bread.

Mashed Potato Casserole (For children from 2 years old)

This recipe will add variety to your little one's diet. This dish can be prepared in the oven or in a slow cooker.


  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 300 grams of chicken or beef mince;
  • 1 egg;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 2 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. breadcrumbs.


Boil the potatoes in salted water. Fry the finely chopped onion in a frying pan. Add minced meat and tomato paste to the onion, simmer these products until fully cooked.

Add hot milk and butter to the prepared mashed potatoes, stir and beat in the chicken egg.

Take a medium-sized baking pan and grease it with butter or line it with parchment paper. Place the ingredients in the mold in layers: mashed potatoes, minced meat, the last layer will be mashed potatoes.

Sprinkle the casserole with breadcrumbs and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.


Mashed potatoes and potato dishes can be loved by children if they are tasty prepared and interestingly served. Potatoes add variety to children's menus, and the lack of vitamins in this product can be easily compensated for by combining potatoes with other vegetables, and then your baby's lunch will be even healthier and more satisfying.

Technological map - potatoes baked in sour cream, like in kindergarten.

Technology for preparing potatoes baked in sour cream, just like in kindergarten.

Prepare all the necessary ingredients to prepare potatoes baked in sour cream, just like in kindergarten.

Peel the potato tubers: if the vegetables are old, then cut off the peel with a ribbon, and if they are young, then simply scrape them off with a knife. Rinse the peeled potato tubers in water. And place them in a cauldron or other dish with a non-stick bottom. Fill with hot water and place the container on the stove at maximum heat. Bring the liquid to a boil, add salt and boil the potatoes for 10-15 minutes. The smaller the size of the potatoes, the less time they will need to cook. If desired, when cooking, you can add a couple of bay leaves or other spices to the liquid for flavor.

Drain the water and transfer the potatoes to a deep container. Place sour cream there and mix gently so that the potatoes are all covered in sour cream. If you were preparing a dish from old potatoes, then it is better to pre-cut them into slices. There is no need to chop the young vegetable.

Grease a baking dish with butter and pour the potatoes in sour cream into it. Many cooks lightly sprinkle the pan with breadcrumbs on top of the buttery layer to get a crispy crust.

Place the pan with potatoes in the oven at 250C and bake for about 20-30 minutes until golden brown.

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