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Vladimir Putin proposed indexing the salaries of employees of budgetary organizations not covered by the May decrees. The Ministry of Labor explained to Gazeta.Ru that we are talking about administrative and support staff: economists, lawyers, engineers, programmers, technicians, electricians, locksmiths, plumbers, cleaners, etc. » . Most likely, the new costs will again shift to the regions.

On Wednesday, at a meeting with members of the government, President Vladimir Putin discussed how work is going on in raising the salaries of state employees.

“This is a very significant and sensitive topic for millions of people,” Vladimir Putin stressed. In 2018, it is necessary to reach the set parameters for the “specified” categories of state employees, he recalled.

Putin proposed indexing the salaries of employees of budgetary organizations not covered by the May 2012 decrees.

“The May decrees covered not all public sector employees, not all state employees. For a number of categories of employees of budgetary organizations, wages have not been increased for a long time, for several years, ”Putin said at a meeting with the government and asked the ministers to work out options and submit proposals in this regard.

“I propose to index the wages of just these categories of public sector employees, they are also called “unspecified categories of public sector employees.” Of course, taking into account the real possibilities of both the federal and regional budgets,” the president said.

“And I ask you not to delay, we must discuss this in the near future, bearing in mind that work is now underway to prepare the budget for 2018,” the head of state said.

Categories of employees who will receive a salary increase in 2017

The Ministry of Labor explained to Gazeta.Ru that in the social sphere, the categories of workers who do not receive salary increases in accordance with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation include administrative workers (economists, lawyers, accountants, personnel officers), engineering and technical and support workers serving buildings and equipment (engineers, programmers, technicians, electricians, locksmiths, plumbers, office cleaners), and others.

Putin also noted that there are difficulties in raising the salaries of state employees in some regions, and suggested that everything be done to correct this situation.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev assured that the authorities are making every effort and looking for additional resources to achieve higher wages for Russians, primarily those who work in education, healthcare and culture, which was laid down in the presidential May decrees.

It should be noted that the main burden of implementing the May decrees lies with the regions. In many ways, this led to an increase in the debt of the subjects of the Federation. As Deputy Minister of Finance Leonid Gornin noted in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, in recent years, the growth rate of expenditures of the consolidated budgets of the subjects outpaced the growth rates of their own incomes.

“As a result, since 2012, we have also seen an increase in public debt. Since January 1, 2012, it has increased from 1 trillion 171 billion to 2 trillion 318 billion rubles. as of January 1, 2016. This turned out to be the maximum mark, and the debt of the subjects at the beginning of 2016 amounted to 36.5% of their own income,” he noted.

Of course, the federal budget does not provide funds to help the regions for additional wage increases for state employees. But Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on May 24 that in 2017 there is a positive trend in the excess of regional revenues over expenditures.

“This year, the situation with the income and expenses of the subjects is also not bad. Revenues grew by 9.8% from the beginning of the year to May 15, expenses - by 5.4%, as a result, we now see a significant budget surplus, which, of course, will decrease as the planned commitments are fulfilled,” he said. (quoted from RNS).

It is likely that it was this growth in income that allowed the federal center to speak out in favor of indexing the salaries of “unspecified” state employees. Such a maneuver will add points to the authorities before the upcoming presidential elections in March next year, but is unlikely to ease the debt burden of the regions.

In accordance with the May decrees, published in 2012 following the results of the election campaign, the salary of doctors, teachers and social workers should increase to 200% of the regional average by 2018. And for junior and middle staff - up to 100%. In March, it was reported that this figure had reached 180%.

May decrees were not carried out!

The May decrees in terms of raising the salaries of doctors, teachers and social workers in 2016 were “executed in reverse,” Gazeta.Ru calculated in January, using Rosstat data: salaries not only did not grow, but even decreased in some cases.

The existing gap is unlikely to catch up in 2017, experts say.
Even according to the results of three quarters of 2015, the situation looked better than according to the latest data from Rosstat: over the nine months of last year, the salaries of teachers and doctors decreased relative to the average. In the absence of complete statistics for 2016, Gazeta.Ru compared Rosstat data for three quarters with the same period in 2015 and made sure that there were no positive changes in wages for all key categories of workers.

Rosstat did not publish data on the average salary

The ratio to the average salary in the region - the main marker of the May decrees - Rosstat stopped publishing last year. The last time such data was published at the end of 2015: then the average salary of doctors was 156% of the average salary in Russia.

For the three quarters of 2016, the picture has changed for the worse: the ratio to the average salary in Russia for this period was 137%, Gazeta.Ru calculated. The salaries of teachers and social workers are also not approaching the target indicators of decrees, according to Rosstat.

Based on the 137% achieved in the three quarters of 2016, it turns out that the salaries of doctors for the year - from October 1, 2016 to October 1, 2017 - should show an increase of 63 percentage points against the average salary, which, according to government calculations, will also be grow. Such a gap is too large to consider the implementation of the May decrees possible, experts believe.

Next year, public sector employees will definitely increase their salaries: now the government is already calculating how much money will have to be allocated from the federal budget for these measures. This was announced by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin.

The increase in salaries was provided for by the May decrees of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In 2012, the task was set: to gradually raise the bar for remuneration of state employees, so that by 2018 the same teachers would receive a salary double the average for the region. "There will definitely be an increase: the decrees must be followed," Maxim Topilin emphasized, but he did not give specific figures, citing constantly changing statistics.

Wages in Russia in the last 18 years have been constantly growing in nominal terms, that is, without adjusting for inflation. For example, in 2000, the average payments to all categories of workers amounted to 2,223 rubles, in 2015 - already 34,030 rubles, that is, an increase of 15 times was formally recorded. Since 2014, the increase in wages has slowed down due to a serious drop in oil prices, on which the Russian budget depends.

Nevertheless, according to the results of January-July 2016, on average in the country, employees received 36,525 rubles per month, which is 7.8 percent higher than in the same period in 2015. In real terms, that is, adjusted for inflation, wage growth froze at zero.

And under what conditions can the nominal ruble salary of Russians, which has been growing non-stop since 1998, go into negative territory? “In the current economic situation, this is unlikely. Theoretically, such a situation could occur with a significant increase in the scale of the crisis, a further fall in the cost of oil and the ruble,” says Nina Kozlova, managing partner of the international audit and consulting network FinExpertiza.

“On the other hand, I want to note that all these phenomena, as a rule, lead to acceleration of inflation, higher prices for goods and services, and, as a result, to an increase in the wages of Russians. In general, a decrease in wages in rubles could occur in an economic crisis zero inflation, which is more typical for developed European countries than for Russia," the Rossiyskaya Gazeta interlocutor concludes.

48.9 thousand rubles was the average salary of a doctor with higher education in the first half of this year

According to experts, the most difficult this year is for such socially significant categories of the population as doctors and teachers. Their salaries are gradually increasing, but expenses are increasing faster. According to Rosstat, the average monthly accrued salary of doctors with higher education in the first half of 2016 was 48,946 rubles, and for teachers in educational institutions - 36,828 rubles. A study by the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting of the RANEPA, conducted this spring, showed that households spend more than half of their personal budget on food.

Who is hard to live in Russia

As it turned out, it was relatively harder to live in pre-revolutionary Russia: many categories of workers earned more money, but representatives of the lower and middle levels spent almost everything on food, the Accounts Chamber found out. According to the department, which refers to the calculations of scientists from the journal Science and Life, the average family spent at least 25 rubles on food, which, in terms of current money, ranges from 30,275 to 37,844 rubles.

The low purchasing power of the ruble is clearly seen in the cost of some goods: in current money, one egg cost 45 rubles, a loaf of bread - 60 rubles, a whole chicken - 1060 rubles, and 400 grams of sour cream cost 423 rubles. Sugar was also an expensive pleasure - 400 grams for 181 rubles.

"It was necessary to pay for heating 3-5 rubles (4542-7569 rubles), for lighting - about one more ruble (1513 rubles). It should not be forgotten that the working day lasted ten hours, and holidays in their current sense did not exist" , - noted in the Accounts Chamber.

Employees of public enterprises often have to deal with distorted data. This is due to the fact that at the level of perception, an equal sign is erroneously placed between state employees and civil servants. Let's clarify and clarify these concepts.

The definition of the civil service is contained in Chapter 1 of the Federal Law of May 27, 2003 No. 58-FZ “On the System of the Civil Service of the Russian Federation”. In accordance with it, the civil service involves professional activities in state authorities or other state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Thus, civil servants include officials, as well as employees of tax, border, customs, migration and other services.

State employees do not serve in government agencies, but work in organizations that are also supported by funds from the federal or regional budget. This group includes, first of all, specialists in the field of education, culture, health care.

Salary indexation in 2019

In matters, municipal and state institutions are obliged to follow regulatory legal acts ( Art. 134 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The increase in salaries for state employees is prescribed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated 05/07/2012 No. 597 "On measures for the implementation of state social policy". Shows how the salaries of state employees will change in 2019, the table:

Employees Boost level
Teachers of primary and secondary vocational education institutions Up to the average salary in education in the regions
Employees of cultural institutions Up to the average salary in the regions
Teachers of institutions of higher professional education Up to 200% of the average salary in the region
Researchers Up to 200% of the average salary in the region
Employees of medical organizations with higher medical (pharmaceutical) or other medical education Up to 200% of the average salary in the region
Social workers (including in medical organizations) Up to 100% of the average salary in the region

In May 2017, the president proposed raising the salaries of state employees who were not included in this list, whether it be the salary of the chief accountant of a budgetary organization or its cleaner. The final decision is expected to be made no later than September 2019.

Increase in the minimum wage from 01.01.2018

Installed appropriate. Since 2011, changes regarding the size of the minimum wage have been made to the law annually. In 2017, due to the decrease in the main indicators of the standard of living of the population, changes were made twice. In 2019, the size of the "minimum". As for the minimum wage at the regional level, it is “established taking into account socio-economic conditions and the subsistence level of the able-bodied population” ( Art. 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), but “cannot be lower than the minimum wage established by federal law” (Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

News about expected inflation

By Art. 134 Labor Code of the Russian Federation“Ensuring an increase in the level of the real content of wages includes the indexation of wages in connection with the growth of consumer prices for goods and services.” Thus, wage growth and inflation are closely linked.

The official inflation forecast for the coming years is contained in the document developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia "Forecast of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030". According to him, until 2022 we expect an extremely moderate weakening of the ruble exchange rate, a uniform increase in tariffs and prices for goods.

According to rough estimates, about 33 million state employees work in the Russian Federation. Of the total number of citizens of working age (about 83 million), this is more than a third.

Since there are a huge number of civil servants in the country, the question of when and by how much the salaries of state employees will be increased is relevant for millions of families. Below IQReview will review the situation with current salaries and acquaint you with news about further changes in salaries.

Who are the "state employees"?

Not everyone understands who state employees (or civil servants) are, and how they differ from citizens working in private companies.

State worker is the colloquial name of a citizen who works at a state enterprise.

    Education (except private institutions). Kindergartens, schools, colleges, gymnasiums, universities.

    Medicine (except for private institutions).

    Customs Service.

    Tax office.

    All structures of the law enforcement system (police, army, judiciary).

    Social services.

    Treasury Department.

    Migration Service.

    Administrative apparatus (officials, employees of ministries).

    Cultural institutions (museums, libraries).

The employees of these institutions are paid from state budgets: federal or local.

Working conditions are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition to the main set of laws, each industry has its own set of regulations, which includes more detailed rules.

These conditions define:

    Government of the Russian Federation - for enterprises that are financed from the federal budget.

    Local self-government bodies and authorities in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation - for enterprises that are financed from the treasury of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

FROM The most “serious” castes of civil servants are employees:


    Tax inspection.

    Migration Service.

    Border Service.

    Rosreestr, Rospotrebnadzor.

The level of salaries of employees of these structures is not officially disclosed, it can only be found out from the words of those who work there. In addition to the "bare" salary, for these structures there is a whole network of bonuses, subsidies and bonuses.

Salaries of federal officials

AND An interesting nuance: only in the Russian Federation the salaries in such structures are semi-secret. Only an approximate figure is known: the average income level in 2016 for such workers was 100 thousand rubles. In other countries, everyone has the right to find out what salary any official has.

Of the above number (33 million), about 4 million work in the health sector, about 5.2 million in education, and about 40,000 employees belong to the highest categories of civil servants.

A significant part of civil servants is occupied by officials: in 2013 there were 1.455 million of them (almost 2% of the total workforce). In the Russian Federation, according to approximate estimates, there are 102 officials per 10,000 people.

    248 thousand work in the federal government.

    246 thousand work in regional authorities.

    Almost 500 thousand work in local governments.

    217 thousand work in financial and tax authorities.

    151 thousand work in courts.

The purpose of the salary increase is to motivate employees to improve the quality of their work, as well as to ensure the influx of young personnel. Until recently, applicants often did not consider education and healthcare precisely because of low salaries. Because of this, the shortage of personnel in hospitals and educational institutions has become more acute and aggravated in the country.

What is the average salary?

FROM The average salary of state employees in the Russian Federation for 2016 amounted to 36,500 rubles. For small towns, this figure is greatly overestimated: civil servants in the outback can receive 12-15 thousand.

Speaking of individual specialties:

    Scientific employees - 35-37 thousand.

    Employees of cultural institutions - about 19 thousand.

    Social workers - about 25 thousand.

    Doctors (with higher education) - about 39.5 thousand.

    Nursing staff - about 23 thousand.

    Junior medical staff - about 13-14 thousand.

    Secondary school teachers - about 30 thousand.

    There are about 36 thousand teachers in universities.

    Teachers in kindergartens - about 22 thousand.

How much do government employees get?

According to Rosstat, the highest salaries are for civil servants working in remote northern regions. Get the leastthose who live in the central and western regions.

ABOUT general information about indexing

The government talks about raising the salaries of civil servants every year. The result is also observed: the level of payment of state employees, albeit slowly and unevenly, is increasing.

The most famous in this regard are the “May decrees” of Vladimir Putin, which date back to 2012. Issued during the election campaign, 11 decrees dealt mainly with social issues, including the salaries of civil servants. Then the President announced that by 2018 they would increase the salaries of state employees, primarily teachers and doctors.

According to these decrees, wage indexation for state employees should be carried out in several stages, until 2018. By this period:

    FROM the average salariesmedical staff with higher educationand teachers in universities should be at the level of 200% of the average salaries in the region.

    W the salary of middle and junior medical staff and social workers should not be lower than the average for the region.

Indexing in 2017: latest news

From the latest news:

    In the fall of 2016, the Minister of Labor (M. Topilin) ​​confirmed the existence of a plan to increase salaries for state employees. According to him, the increase itself has already been approved, and now the calculation of expenses from the budget is being carried out.

    December 2016. Deputy Prime Minister O. Golodets said that plans to increase the salaries of civil servants until 2018 remain in force. Finance Minister A. Siluanov also expressed confirmation, but said that its pace was slower than originally planned.

    Beginning of 2017. T. Golikova (head of the Accounts Chamber) said that the salary increase for state employees in 2017 is planned for the second half of the year.

For those who are worried about whether there will be an increase in salaries for state employees, the answer is rather positive. It is possible that the salaries of state employees in 2017 will not grow as quickly and not as much as we would like, but growth will still be.

Growth of salaries of state employees

The last salary increase was in 2016. The salaries of medical workers increased the most over the past year - by 35% on average. It is worth noting that the last increase affected only the salary (“bare” rate) - bonuses and other allowances remained at the same level. That is, in fact, the salary of health workers increased not by a third, but less.

Who gets a pay raise?

The list for the planned salary increase for state employees in 2017 includes 11 categories of employees, including:

    H academic staff.

    Teachers all educational institutions (schools, universities, colleges, colleges, kindergartens).

    Medical staff of all categories.

    R cultural workers.

P According to the plan, higher-skilled staff will receive a larger raise than lower-level staff. Also, when recalculating salaries, the following will be taken into account:



    The quality of performance.

In order to implement the program until 2018, the government has developed a package of acts that will regulate the increase. In particular, it is planned:

    Reforms to improve productivity and work efficiency.

    Strengthening control over budget expenditures.

    Strengthening control over the income of employees in leadership positions.

    The work on the increase is divided into 2 stages: the first - from 2012 to 2014, the second - from 2015 to 2018.

    For 2 (out of 6) years of the program (2014 and 2015), 200 billion rubles were allocated from the state budget, and another 900 billion from the budgets of the subjects (in total).

    Introduced (since January 1, 2017) a fixed limit on the ratio of executive salaries and salaries of ordinary employees.

    A 22x22 tax maneuver was carried out (VAT increased from 18% to 22%, insurance payments decreased from 30% to 22%). It is planned that budgetary organizations will be able to save money at its expense by redirecting them to payments to teachers and doctors. According to preliminary calculations, such a change will lead to a total saving of 230 billion rubles per year.

    A reorganization of the budgets of inefficient institutions is planned.

Salary increases are made every year. The final decision on the amount of indexation is made by different authorities, depending on which particular state institution we are talking about.

In addition to the planned indexation, which covers inflation for the previous year, some categories will receive additional increases. First of all, this concerns:

    University and school teachers.

    Kindergarten employees.

    Employees working in art schools, sports schools.

On the increase in salaries of civil servants (video)

The process of raising the salaries of state employees was launched back in 2012, and, as planned, in 6 years it should have increased by one and a half times. But the economic and financial crisis intervened in this issue. There is very little money in the budget, both local and federal, and the authorities are thinking more about maintaining the current wage system. There is no real possibility to make public sector salaries high. But, at the same time, the authorities cannot completely ignore the solution of this issue. That is why the salary increase for state employees is coming in 2017.

Who are public servants?

In Russian law, there is no clear concept of "public sector employee". There is no document that clearly defines this term. But, you can understand who these state employees are from the regulatory legal acts of state bodies, which describe the procedure for remuneration. It is precisely the fact that the wages of this category of citizens are formed from budgetary funds that classifies them as “state employees”.

The documents that determine the conditions for remuneration of budget employees contain such a concept as a "budget organization". The list of such organizations includes institutions and organizations that are endowed with the functions of executive authorities at all levels:

  • national level;
  • regional level;
  • and municipal level.

All such organizations differ in that the source of their funding is the budget of one of the levels. The unified tariff scale (ETS) determines the payment procedure and salaries of such “state employees”, which are charged from the budget.

Thus, all individuals in Russia who are in labor relations with organizations and institutions financed from the country's budget at any level can be called public sector employees.

As of 2012 in Russia, the total number of state employees was more than fourteen million people:

  1. Most of all, about seven million, worked in municipal budgetary organizations;
  2. About 4 million in local;
  3. All the rest, and this is more than 3.5 million, are in the state.

Federal state employees still rely on certain types of benefits and subsidies from the state.

The level of average wages at the end of 2015 by types of employment in Russia:

Kind of activity Average salary in Russia (rubles)
Finance, loans, banks 67,000 rubles;
Extraction of natural resources 61,500 rubles;
fishing RUB 44,380;
Army and administration of state affairs 39,800 rubles;
Communications, logistics, transport 38,600 rubles;
Real estate, sale and rent 38,200 rubles;
Production of electricity, gas and water 36,500 rubles;
Processing of resources and materials 31,150 rubles;
Provision of services RUB 29,120;
Construction 29,000 rubles;
The medicine 27,500 rubles;
Trade RUB 27,230;
The sphere of education 25,900 rubles;
Catering and hotels 20,300 rubles;
Agricultural sector 18 700 rub.

salary increase process. Latest news

It should be noted that wages in Russia over the past eighteen years have been growing not according to the level of price inflation last year, but nominally. Roughly speaking, by 2015 wages had grown fifteen times compared to 2000. This process slowed down in 2014 due to the crisis. The last increase in salaries for state employees was observed quite a long time ago.

From January 1, 2017, wages will be increased for state employees and civil servants, but this will not affect everyone. Next year, the ban on wage indexation in this area will be lifted. It will affect the following categories of citizens:

  • medical workers (junior and middle staff);
  • teachers of universities and schools;
  • preschool teachers;
  • social workers;
  • coaches of sports schools and schools of arts.

But medical workers who have a higher education are promised to pay a salary 2 times higher than the average in the region of residence.

An increase in wages in the public sector should contribute to an increase in the prestige of such professions. In addition to increasing salaries, it is also planned to attract young and motivated specialists to such positions. But, in addition to wages, demand from employees should increase, the quality of the functions they perform should improve.

Now the remuneration of state employees will depend on the quantity and quality of the tasks performed by the state. For those who work more than the norm, more than others, perform more complex work, the pay will be correspondingly higher.

Thus, the question of whether there will be an increase in salaries for state employees next year can be answered in the affirmative. Despite the crisis processes in the country's economy, the government was able to find funds to improve the well-being of certain, most dependent on the state, categories of workers.

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