Home Preparations for the winter Day hours in the preparatory group. Project in the preparatory group in kindergarten “The amazing world of watches. reading fiction

Day hours in the preparatory group. Project in the preparatory group in kindergarten “The amazing world of watches. reading fiction

Self-education is an integral part of professional growth and improvement of a specialist of any profile. Time does not stand still: new pedagogical trends appear, author's methods, libraries are replenished with modern methodological literature. And a teacher who strives for excellence in his profession cannot stand aside. That is why an important component of the pedagogical process is the self-education of the educator in the preschool educational institution. The younger group, as well as the preparatory group, needs the introduction of modern innovations and pedagogical methods. In our article, we will help the teacher organize work on self-development, note the important components of this process, and offer a list of topics on self-education of the teacher in the younger groups of the kindergarten.

Goals and objectives of self-education of the educator

First of all, you should clearly understand the educator. This is the ability of the teacher to independently acquire new professional knowledge and skills. What is the purpose of such work? This is an improvement of the educational process by increasing the level of theoretical and practical skills of the teacher.

Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution (younger group) involves setting the following pedagogical tasks:

  • assessment of the age characteristics of children, identification of problematic moments in working with babies;
  • familiarization with methodological innovations;
  • the application of modern pedagogical trends in practice, the organization of the educational and educational process, taking into account modern requirements and the use of innovative technologies;
  • improvement and raising the level of professional skills.

How to choose a topic for self-education of a teacher of a younger group?

How to start self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution? The younger group of the kindergarten is kids from two and a half to four years old. Therefore, it is recommended to start the teacher's self-development with an assessment of the capabilities of children in this age category, their psychological and physiological characteristics. It is also important to note the current problems in working with this group of pupils, to determine the prospects for future work. Only after that, several topics can be identified that require professional research and diagnosis.

Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution (younger group): topics of work

As noted above, the topic of pedagogical activity is determined in each case, taking into account the individual characteristics of the children's team and the teacher himself (his priorities, views and methods of work, as well as the relevance of the problem in a particular preschool educational institution). We offer only approximate topics that can be used to plan teacher self-development activities:

  1. The use of interactive methods of teaching and education
  2. Modern methods of early development: forms, types, efficiency.
  3. for children of the younger group: preparation and conduct.

You can choose a topic for self-education within the framework of the annual plan of the preschool educational institution, it is also recommended to consult with the methodologist of the educational institution. It is important that the issue is relevant, consistent with the general focus of the kindergarten.

Forms of work

Self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution (younger group) involves working directly independently, with parents, children and colleagues. It is important to consider the proposed forms of work. So, the independent work of the teacher consists of:

  • analysis of methodological literature;
  • exchange of pedagogical experience;
  • implementation of the received theoretical knowledge in practice;
  • evaluation of performance results;
  • drawing up the results.

In working with parents, you can use such forms of work as consultations, round tables, pedagogical trainings and others.

Differs in variety and work with children. It is possible to carry out activities on the topic chosen by the educator directly during the educational process, as well as during the organization of children's leisure. It is important to take into account the age of the pupils when planning the self-education of the teacher in the preschool educational institution: the 2nd younger group is only a year or even six months older than the first, but the older pupils have already adapted to the kindergarten, managed to get a certain amount of knowledge and skills according to the program. While 1 younger group is only adapting to new conditions.

In order to effectively organize the self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution (1st junior group and 2nd junior group), one should streamline and think over the sequence of work:

  1. Choose a topic.
  2. Set goals and objectives.
  3. Define work patterns.
  4. Prepare a work plan.
  5. To study the theoretical material on the chosen topic.
  6. Analyze teaching experience.
  7. Develop practical activities.
  8. Apply knowledge in practice.
  9. Present the results.

Making a plan for self-education of the educator

How to properly organize the independent activity of a teacher? We offer the following plan as an example:

  1. Title page. The heading is indicated on the first page: “Self-education of the educator in the preschool educational institution (2nd junior group)”, the name of the teacher, education, work experience, length of service, category, and more.
  2. The theme, goals and objectives of the work are indicated.
  3. Forms of work with parents, children, teachers are determined.
  4. A list of literature is being compiled.
  5. The specific practical activity of the teacher on the chosen topic is described with dates indicated.
  6. The accumulated materials are invested: children's crafts, research results, own methodological developments and more.
  7. Forms of presentation of results are specified.

The self-education plan of the teacher of the preschool educational institution in the younger group involves the conduct of cognitive activities, as well as the involvement of parents and other family members of the child in the work.

Registration of work results

The work on the topic "Self-education of the educator in the preschool educational institution" ends with a summing up. 1 junior group can only perform the assigned specific tasks under the guidance of a teacher. While the 2nd younger group can already demonstrate their own crafts and independent work, helping the teacher to collect the necessary practical material. How to formalize the results of the teacher's self-development work? You can apply the following forms:

  • thematic seminar;
  • round table;
  • pedagogical master class;
  • open class;
  • creative marathon;
  • entertaining and educational activities and others.

Unfortunately, teachers do not always realize why it is necessary to draw up a self-education plan for a preschool teacher in the younger group. After all, children of this age category are still very young, is it possible to do something with them in an organized way, experiment, use pedagogical innovations, and explore? In fact, it is not only possible, but also necessary! Since these children are our modern generation. Outdated, familiar to an experienced teacher, educational methods will simply hinder the development of these kids.

In the work it is extremely important to introduce pedagogical innovations, keep up with the times in order to educate a generation that meets the modern requirements of society. In our article, we proposed an approximate plan for the self-education of a preschool teacher (2 junior group and 1 junior group), talked about possible forms of work and organization of activities. But the work of an educator is, first of all, creativity and fantasy. It is important to approach the activity in a non-standard, creative way - only then the work of the teacher will be effective and interesting for the kids.

Hello dear teachers. Tatyana Sukhikh is in touch. Let's talk about what constitutes an essential part of supportive pedagogical development. You, I think, have guessed that it includes a ready-made plan for the self-education of the educator. Such a plan systematizes pedagogical actions and develops future communication with the children. It also contains a program of methodological work for the next year.

The formation of the child's perception of the properties of objects occurs due to their sensory development. The condition for successful mastery of any practical actions is the improvement of sensory in babies 2-3 years old, since this is the period when there is an enhanced mental and physical improvement of babies.

Sensory education is the basis for mental development, the formation of observation, the development of aesthetic sense, fantasy and attention, and contributes to the expansion of the vocabulary, and also affects the improvement of visual, motor, auditory, figurative memory. As a means of sensory education in preschool children, didactic exercises and games, design, drawing are used.

Children who have a culture in the field of sensory distinguish a large palette of sounds and colors, as well as taste sensations. A ready-made plan for self-education of educators in the younger group will allow you, dear teachers, to improve yourself and get to know the needs of the children to an even greater extent.

Educator work plan




Educational process: sensory in preschool children of the younger groupImproving professional awareness, qualifications of teachers

Teaching children the differences in primary colors;

familiarization of children with the shape and size of objects;

formation of skills of individual activity;

raising children's self-esteem and self-confidence;

development of creative abilities, curiosity, observation;

rallying the children's team.


drawing up a ready-made plan for the self-education of a kindergarten teacher;

the existence of a self-education work project;

study of literature and the acquisition of materials on this topic;

processing of materials from the Internet;

development of questionnaires and consultations for parents;

Conducting an observation map for children with the identification of independent development of children at the beginning of the year;

· counseling and questioning of parents on the topic of sensory development of children in preschool.

conducting surveys and counseling of parents;

Obtaining data during a survey on the topic "Familiarization" and identifying knowledge on the sensory formation and education of preschoolers;

· Conducting consultations with mothers and fathers on the topics: "Adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten" and "Education of the sensory of preschool children."

· continuation of the study of literature on this topic: the work of M. Montessori on the development of children from various sources of the Internet;

preparation and conduct of an open review of the educational activity "How to look for a puppy";

Formation of a card file of instructive games, which are aimed at developing the sensory skills of babies;

Instructive games in the card file, materials for these fun;

Consulting with parents on the topic: "What to do on a day off with children?"

Conducting consultations with parents on the topic: “What play materials and toys do children need?”;

Formation of a card file of instructive games that are aimed at developing the sensory skills of babies;

production of game materials;

Instructive games in the card file, materials for these games;

Compilation of a mobile folder for parents on the topic: “Sensory games for babies”.

5. January:

Consulting with parents on the topic: "The first lessons of morality for preschoolers of early age";

compilation of materials for games, the existence of instructive games in the card file;

exercises and fun for the development of smell;

· formation of the developing center "Territory of smells" and carrying out games and exercises;

Continuing to study the literature on this topic.

preparation and holding of an open screening of "We are visiting a hare";

Participation in the teachers' council and review analysis;

experiments with water: "transparency of water", "colorful water";

preparation and conduct of consultations with parents on the topic: "Formation of sensory abilities of young children."

preparation and holding of consultations with parents on the topic: "Educational games and their role for kids";

Creation of a card index of instructive games that are aimed at consolidating and mastering such a concept as a form: “Look for an object of this form”, “Which of these figures is superfluous?”.

Didactic games in the card file, as well as materials for them;

Continuing to study the literature on this topic;

· continuation of the compilation of a mobile folder for parents on the topic: “Sensory games for babies”.

preparation and holding of consultations with parents on the topic: "Whims of children and their stubbornness";

Continuing to study the literature on this topic;

drawing up a card file of instructive games that are aimed at fixing colors: “What colors do you see here?”, “What color does this object have?”, “Let's clarify this color”;

Existence in the card index of instructive games and materials for them;

Compilation of booklets for parents on the topic: "Sensory improvement of preschool children."

9. May(final)

preparation and holding of an open screening of "Butterfly";

Participation and analysis of viewing in the teachers' council;

survey of parents, which will allow you to understand how they evaluate the work in preschool;

Creation of a card file of instructive games and materials for them;

parental counseling




"Sensory development of young children"

for the 2018-2019 academic year

Developed by:

Shavochkina Valentina Akimovna,


Target: increasing pedagogical competence in matters of sensory development of young children.


To improve knowledge about sensory education of young children;

Enrich the developing environment of the sensory development group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (Creation and acquisition of new games with the participation of parents);

To increase the competence of parents on this topic through conversations, consultations, parent-teacher meetings, master classes, joint activities.


The process of knowing a small person is different from the process of knowing an adult. Adults cognize the world with the mind, young children with emotions. The cognitive activity of a child at an early age is expressed, first of all, in the development of perception, the symbolic (sign) function of thinking, and meaningful objective activity. The topic is relevant, because. its implementation allows expanding the horizons of each child on the basis of the immediate environment, creating conditions for the development of independent cognitive activity. Work in this direction will help:

Teach children to distinguish primary colors;

Introduce children to the size and shape of objects;

To form the skills of independent activity;

Increase children's self-esteem, their self-confidence;

Develop creativity, curiosity, observation;

Unite the children's team.

Develop fine motor skills of fingers, hands;

Improve hand movements, developing mental processes (visual and auditory perception, memory, attention, speech).

Expected results:

Increasing the level of pedagogical competence in matters of sensory development of preschoolers; improve knowledge about sensory education of young children;

Systematization of the material on the development of sensory abilities in children 2-3 years old by means of didactic games in accordance with age and individual capabilities.

Formed sensory representations by highlighting the shape, color, and size of objects.

Formed ideas about the varieties of didactic games and the basic methods of playing them.

Cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family on the problem of the formation and development of sensory abilities in young children.

Parents show interest in the further development of children.

Parents have increased the level of knowledge on the sensory development of children. Thanks to this knowledge, parents created conditions at home for the sensory development of the child with the selection of didactic games, toys and materials.

Topic output:

Consultation for parents;

Consultation for teachers;

Stand information;

Parent meeting "Journey to the country of Sensory";

Card file of didactic games on sensory development for young children;

Open NOD;

Presentation of the topic on self-education at the final teachers' council.

Forms of work with parents and children:

- Parents:

* cooperation through:

individual work,


parent meeting,

joint activity,

practical activity.

- Children:

GCD on sensory education;

Sensory development, carried out in the process of learning to draw, sculpt, apply, design;

Didactic games for the development of tactile sensations;

Didactic games and exercises to reinforce the concept of form;

Didactic games and exercises to consolidate the concept of magnitude;

Didactic games and color fixing exercises;

Experimental activity.

The work on the topic of self-education is built in stages.

Stage 1– information-analytical and methodical work.

* collection and analysis of information on this issue,

* study of methodological literature,

* analysis of research by scientists on sensory education of preschoolers,

A selection of didactic games:

Didactic games for the development of tactile and taste sensations:

Didactic games and exercises to consolidate the concept of form:

Didactic games and exercises to reinforce the concept of magnitude.

Didactic games and color fixing exercises

Stage 2- design.

* Development and implementation of a work plan on this topic.

Stage 3- creative.

* Acquisition and creation of didactic games and manuals for the development of sensory skills,

* Creation of a center for sensory development in the group and the design of a file cabinet.

Stage 4- Final.

* Diagnostic examination of children in the process of observation;

* Presentation of the topic on self-education "Sensory development of young children" at the final teachers' council.

Methodical work

Forms of work


Thomas report

Collection and analysis of information, work with methodological and periodical literature

September 2018

List of used literature

Creation of a subject-developing environment on the sensory environment of the child

During the school year

Availability of sensory development games

Conducting a consultation for parents "Development of sensory abilities in young children through didactic games"

Summary of the consultation

Preparing questionnaires for parent surveys

Preparing and holding a parent meeting

Abstract of the parent meeting, photo report on the event

Work with children

Forms of work


Thomas report

Sensory Education GCD

During a year

Cooperative activity

GCD, which uses didactic games and exercises with specially designed aids (inserts and grids, colored sticks)

During a year

Joint, individual, group and subgroup work

Sensory development, carried out in the process of learning to draw, (use of non-traditional drawing techniques)

During a year

Children's work and photo report

Didactic games for the development of tactile sensations:

- "Wonderful bag"

- "Identify by touch"

- "Recognize the figure"

- "Find a couple"

September - November

file cabinet

Didactic games and exercises to reinforce the concept of form.

- "Find the object of the specified form"

- "Find an object of the same shape"

- "Which figure is superfluous?"

December 2018

file cabinet

Didactic games and exercises to reinforce the concept of magnitude.

- "Compare objects by height"

- "The longest, the shortest"

- "Multicolored mugs"

February 2019

file cabinet

Didactic games and color fixing exercises:

- "What color is missing?"

- "What color is the object?"

- "Collect a garland"

- "What colors are used?"

- "Refine color"

file cabinet

Parent survey

self-education report


The implementation of this project is carried out with the participation of parents.

The following will be held with parents: individual conversations: “Games and exercises that promote sensory development and education”, consultations: “The role of sensory education in the development of young children”, “Introduction to sensory standards, methods of examining objects”, “Didactic game as a means of sensory education of children, parent meetings.

For parents, folders will be issued - shifters: "Didactic sensory games for children 2-4 years old", "Homemade toys and manuals according to the Montessori method", albums: "Kuzener's Sticks", "Gyenes' Blocks".

Working with parents

Forms of work


Thomas report

Participation of parents in the production of didactic games and demonstration material.

During a year

Conducting individual consultations and conversations with parents.

During a year

Prepare a consultation for parents "Development of sensory abilities in young children through didactic games"

March 2019


Parent survey

March 2019

Conducting a parent meeting "Journey to the Land of Sensory"

April 2019

Meeting minutes


1. Lykova I. A. Visual activity in kindergarten. Junior group. – Moscow, 2010.

2. L. A. Wenger, E. G. Pilyugina, N. B. Wenger "Education of the child's sensory culture" - M .: "Prosveshchenie", 1988;

3. E. G. Pilyugina "Sensory abilities of the baby" - M .: "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2003;

4. N. F. Gubanova. Development of gaming activity. The system of work in the first junior group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.

5. N. Ya. Mikhailenko, N. A. Korotkova. How to play with a child - M .: Hoop, 2012

6. Didactic games-classes in the preschool educational institution (younger age): A practical guide for educators and methodologists of the preschool educational institution. Compiled by E.

7. E.G. Pilyugin "Sensory abilities of the baby" - M .: "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2003;

8. "Developing games with kids under 3 years old" - Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 1998. Comp. T.V. Galanova

9. Vetrova V. V. “What to play with a child under 3 years old”. TC M. 2011.

10. Davydova O.I. "Working with parents in kindergarten" SC Sphere. 2005.

11. Koldina D.N. "Game classes with children 2 - 3 years old" Shopping Center M. 2011.

12. Pilyugina E.G. "Toddler's sensory abilities. Games for the development of perception of color, shape and size in young children. M., 1996.

13. Pilyugina E.G. Sensory abilities of the baby - Moscow. Mosaic - Synthesis, 2003.

14. Yanushko E.A. Sensory development of young children - Moscow, Mosaic - Sintez, 2011.


"The development of fine motor skills in children 2-3 years old"


Almukhametova Saniya Zinnatovna


2016 - 2017

Target: "Development of fine motor skills of hands in children of the second group of early age in games, exercises and various types of productive activities."


Increase your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature on the development of fine motor skills of children 2-3 years old, visiting DME, self-education.

Develop a long-term plan for working with children.

Prepare diagnostics for the beginning and end of the school year.

Create a curriculum.

Design a corner of sensory development, a file of finger games.

Prepare and conduct a consultation for teachers on the topic: "The role of finger games in the development of fine motor skills in children 2-3 years old", a speech at the pedagogical council on the topic: "The important role of the development of fine motor skills in children from an early age."

Prepare material, a master class for teachers on the topic: "The use of various objects in working with children to develop fine motor skills."

Used Books:

    “Program of preschool education. From birth to school, ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

    "Card index of thematic finger games" compiled by L.N. Kalmykova

    "Origami for kids" N.A. Prosova

    "1000 Funny finger games" O.A. Novikovskaya

    "Children's design. Plasticineography” G.N. Davydov

    « 22 drawing lessons for preschoolers. Non-traditional techniques” G.N. Davydova Moscow Scriptorium 2003 Publishing House, 2014

    V. Tsvyntary "We play with fingers and develop speech" St. Petersburg, 1997


pebble, small toys, cereals.

Individual work "Making a Busyboard"


Learning finger games: “There is a horned goat”,

"Salting cabbage", "Cap".

Modeling with drawing elements: "Kolobok rolls along the path"

Report: "The importance of the development of fine motor skills in children 2-3 years old"

Learning finger gymnastics: “Fingers went out for a walk”, “Family”, “Squirrel”.

Consultation: "The role of finger games in the development of fine motor skills in children 2-3 years old"

Learning finger games: "Winter", "Grandmother", "Herringbone".

Memo "Our finger games"

Learning finger games: "Winter walk", "Grandma".

Learning finger gymnastics: "Our fingers got up"

Consultation: "Didactic game as a means of speech development"

Finger painting: "Bouquet for mom"

Folder-slider: "We draw without a brush"

Open lesson: "Let's draw thorns for a hedgehog."

Invitation of parents to an open lesson


Modeling from salt dough: "The sun is radiant."

Master class "Sensory development at home"

    The manual presents brief summaries of joint activities with young children on a walk. Each abstract contains observations, labor activity, didactic games, outdoor games and individual physical exercises. The appendices contain two detailed notes and a script for the autumn holiday.
    The manual is intended for preschool teachers, and will also be useful to students of pedagogical educational institutions. Parents of young children will find interesting activities and games in the book, which can fill the walks with children in the fresh air.

    When teaching a child music, parents set different goals and objectives. It depends on their attitude towards music and musical professions. However, the main tasks of the musical education of children in the family can be called the same as in a preschool institution, namely:
    Enrich the spiritual world of the child with musical impressions, arouse interest in music, convey the traditions of their people, form the foundations of musical culture;
    · Develop musical and creative abilities in the process of various activities (perception, performance, creativity, musical and educational activities);
    · Promote the overall development of children through music.
    · If the child is musically gifted, it is necessary to lay the foundations for future vocational training already at preschool age.

    Purpose: to clarify and systematize children's knowledge about plants.
    Learn to describe plants more fully, noting the essential features of the appearance of individual parts of plants.
    Introduce children to a new plant - indoor maple.

    Summary of classes for senior preschool age.
    Purpose: to expand ideas about the characteristics of the growth and development of pine and spruce; similarities and differences; show which animals, plants, mushrooms are associated with pine and spruce; to help expand children's understanding of the relationships in nature.
    General developmental: to consolidate children's knowledge about forest-tundra plants; form ideas about the similarities and differences between different types of trees; to systematize knowledge about some features of the structure of plants; develop imagination and logical thinking: develop the ability to "enter" the image of a plant (empathy).
    Speech: activate words such as “deciduous”, “coniferous”, “evergreen”, “saw cuts” in the children's dictionary.

    A long-term plan for the education of safe behavior skills in preschoolers
    The document presents a monthly plan for working with children of preschool age to develop safe behavior skills. The purpose of the plan is to give each child the basic concepts of dangerous situations and the characteristics of behavior in them. The following topics are presented: Child and health, Child and home, Child in nature, etc.

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