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VTK-Trade is an international transport company providing a wide range of logistics and intermediary services. We organize reliable and profitable delivery of cargo from China to Russia, provide assistance in obtaining the necessary documentation, certification, consolidation, storage and customs clearance of goods and other related services.

Cargo transportation from China and other countries of the Asia-Pacific region is carried out by any possible means of transport: air, sea, rail and road. Qualified specialists of VTK-Trade will select for you the best transportation route and the most suitable transportation options, calculate the total cost of imports from China, Japan, South Korea or other countries, and take care of customs clearance. Reception of goods is carried out in warehouses in Suifenhe, Guangzhou, Beijing.

Thanks to many years of experience and successful cooperation with reputable foreign partners, we implement logistics tasks of any complexity. We organize express delivery if the client needs a quick delivery of a consignment of goods. If the customer’s priority is the low cost of wholesale delivery from China, then we will select the most economical options. We work with a variety of types of goods, from oversized items such as machines or bulky equipment, to the smallest batches that can be delivered to the recipient as part of a consolidated cargo.

VTK-Trade also provides its clients with a number of intermediary services. We will help you find worthy suppliers and arrange direct deliveries of goods from China and other Asian countries. Our advantage is a good location in the center of transport routes in the Far East, connecting the border crossings of the Trans-Siberian Railway with the state highway Vladivostok-Khabarovsk and all sea trading ports of Primorye. This allows us to organize the delivery of goods from China as soon as possible.

Our clients can use any cargo transportation services, as well as full logistics outsourcing from VTK-Trade. We will take care of the entire process of international delivery: from placing an order with a supplier, consolidating and storing goods in our foreign warehouses, certification, insurance and declaration, route development, loading and transportation, up to delivery and unloading directly to the customer's warehouse.

We work individually with each customer, implementing not only already proven logistics schemes, but also developing new ones, taking into account all the needs and wishes of the client. Our priorities are the reliability and safety of the cargo, economic feasibility and delivery on time.

If you have any questions, please contact us, our specialists are always open to communication with partners and will provide you with a full consultation on any details of interest!


Hello! In this article, we will tell you what an offer is and how it differs from a regular contract.

Today you will learn:

  • What is an offer;
  • What types of offer are used to offer goods and services;
  • How to make an offer.

What is an offer

Many citizens have heard the mysterious word "offer" but have absolutely no idea what it means. What does offer mean? In fact, everything is very simple and translated from Latin, this is a common sentence.

Offer - this is an alert, thanks to which the client can find out about a profitable offer. You can make an offer to customers both orally and in writing. At the same time, in practice, the second method is in great demand, since the contract specifies all the requirements and conditions of each party.

In simple words, an offer is an invitation to a regular transaction, which is concluded between the seller and the buyer. As a result of the transaction, the seller undertakes to provide a product or service of adequate quality, and the buyer guarantees payment.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the one who makes an offer to draw up an agreement receives the status of an offeror, and to whom such an offer is sent is called an acceptor.

For clarity, a simple example of providing a written offer at an enterprise. In order to profit from the sale of their product, law firms draw up an offer and send it to a partner or potential client. The offer clearly states the cost, delivery time and payment options. You can send an offer both by e-mail and by an exit courier.

The acceptor, having received such an offer, must prepare a response letter in which he either agrees to all the conditions or makes adjustments. It is the final version of the offer that will be the contract, which will spell out the requirements and obligations of each party.

In conclusion, it can be noted once again that the offer is just a proposal, and not a common contract for everyone. The service offer can be used wherever there is supply and demand.

Offer types

We figured out what an offer is, it remains to find out what it is.

The variety of the supplier's offer includes 4 types:

  • public;
  • closed;
  • solid;
  • Free.

If the first two species are more or less clear by name, then with the latter it is not at all clear what they are. Let's consider each type in more detail.

What is a public offer in simple words

It is worth noting that this is the most popular and simple type that many sellers use. A public offer is an offer to draw up an agreement sent to a large number of citizens at once.

A clear example of the terms of an offer is the price tag for a product in a supermarket. The seller sets the price for a particular product. The consumer either agrees and purchases the product, or goes to another store and compares the price. In this case, the cashier's check will be an agreement that is drawn up under an offer between the store and the consumer.

Anyone who is interested in the terms of cooperation can agree to the offer of a public offer. In practice, such proposals can be seen on TV, on the Internet and glossy magazines. For sellers distribute catalogs, arrange various tastings and hand out leaflets in high traffic areas.

It is not an offer and does not offer specific conditions so that the consumer can understand on what terms the deal is being offered. It allows you to get conditions, find out why the advertised product is better than competitors. Thanks to advertising, you can simply increase the chances of signing a contract and attracting a large circle of consumers.

The same can be noted about the advertising of goods on the World Wide Web. The client can carefully study the characteristics of the goods, find out the distinguishing features, but not receive a specific offer, which will spell out the obligations of the buyer and seller.

Closed or irrevocable offer

In this case, it can be said that jewelry work is being carried out, and an offer is made for a specific person or group of people. In most cases, it comes because of confidential information. As an example, we can note a proposal for cellular services indicating the cost of a tariff plan for a VIP client.

Firm offer

This type implies an offer to a specific person. The offer also specifies the exact time frame within which the consumer can agree to the terms and conditions and purchase the offer.

For example, a law firm prepared a commercial offer, in which it indicated that the cost of the goods would be 1,250 rubles, but only until a specific date. If the buyer applies after the specified period, the amount may change not only up, but also down.

As for individuals, a clear example of a firm offer is an offer from a bank. The Bank appreciates regular and decent customers who are offered to use the services on attractive terms.

In this case, we are talking about an individual offer:

  • with higher interest rates;
  • Get a loan or credit card at a reduced interest rate.

In this case, a loan or deposit offer is an offer from a bank, where it is clearly stated: the rate, conditions and validity of the promotion for a particular client. Such proposals are not massive and are isolated. To accept an offer and conclude a contract or not, everyone decides for himself.

Free offer

This is an offer that a company can send to several buyers at once. As a rule, this type of offer is sent specifically to get an accurate answer: whether a product or service will be purchased or not.

The essence of this type of proposal is that it is not limited in time. Having received a free offer, citizens can think, study other offers on the market, and only then make a decision.

In addition to the listed types, do not forget about the oral and written offer. It is clear from the name that in the first case the proposal is made orally, in words.

This can be a regular presentation, in which a company representative not only tells all the advantages of his proposal, but also schematically depicts it on graphs. Presentations are made immediately for a large circle of people. A written offer is presented on paper and is sent to the addressee personally by mail or by courier.

What is the difference between an offer and a contract

It is no secret that for most citizens the concept of an offer and a contract are no different. In fact, they are two completely different concepts. We have already figured out what an offer is and understood that this is a familiar offer to everyone.

As for the contract, this is a civil law agreement, on the basis of which official conditions for cooperation are established. Confirmation that the transaction is concluded will be the signature on the contract from each party.

While the parties are simply discussing working issues and trying to create conditions that will suit both parties, they do not bear any obligations to each other.

It turns out the contract is an official document concluded between the buyer and the seller, which clearly stipulates the obligations and requirements of each party.

As a result, we can conclude that the main difference between the offer of goods and the contract is that it is not an official document and is drawn up for informational purposes only. To make it clear, we give a comparison in the table:

When does an offer become a contract?

The offer is not an official document, it is only necessary for an invitation to conclude it. For example, you come to a hardware store and see a new phone that costs 20,000 rubles. As long as it stands on the counter with the price - this is an offer. But as soon as the client carefully examines the characteristics and decides to buy it, the offer will immediately become a contract.

In this case, it means that agreeing to the terms of the offer means signing the contract. At the same time, any action on the part of the client will be confirmation of acceptance of the terms and conclusion of the contract: payment for goods or registration on the official website of the store in order to make an offer via the Internet. According to the legal term, this is the “acceptance” of the contract.

While in the store, you probably heard phrases like this:

  • By depositing funds into the store's cash desk for a specific product, the client automatically agrees to the terms of the offer agreement;
  • enters into force only after the buyer officially notifies the client about the crediting of funds for the goods or services under the offer. The seller can notify the receipt of funds both by e-mail and by sending a letter with a notification.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the offer will turn into a contract only in one case, if the consumer pays for it. Therefore, everyone decides for himself what to immediately offer the client, an offer or a contract.

Benefits of the offer

Here are the main benefits of the offer:

  1. Lack of edits.

The main advantage of the offer is that it does not include various kinds of changes. To simply make any changes, the offeror must prepare a new offer, in accordance with Art. 443 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If the offer is sent, and the buyer agrees to the terms, then the contract is drawn up on the previously prescribed conditions.

  1. With an offer, you will receive money faster.

When compared with a contract, the advantage of an offer is that it does not need to be signed live. All you need is just to pay for the goods.

Consider a simple example how to get fast money. Let's say Masha recorded a training video for novice programmers, and decided to sell it via the Internet.

With all clients, she decided to work exclusively under the contract. In this case, she can make a profit in the following way. Let's say that 100 people sign up for her video lesson. Maria must ask everyone for personal data and draw up a contract, which the courier will deliver to the specified address. Since the contract was made in two copies, one must be returned to Mary. Total: 100 clients and expenses of about 40,000 rubles, because for courier services you will have to pay at least 400 rubles for one delivery.

But if Masha decides to work under an offer contract, then she will simply post the training course on the World Wide Web and enter payment in real time. A client who is interested in this offer makes a payment on the site and gets access to the video, and Maria, in turn, makes a profit. The benefit is obvious - saving effort, time and the ability to quickly reach the desired income.

  1. The offer protects against risks.

An offer is an official document in which you can prescribe any requirement and condition. For example, if you indicated that you only answer phone calls from 9 am to 7 pm and the client signed it, you can not answer calls that come before or after the specified time.

It is thanks to the offer agreement that one can clearly fix one's rights and obligations: what the seller is obliged to fulfill, and what obligations are assigned to the buyer.

Example. Selling food products online. Ivan decided to open a production and sell pizza with home delivery. On the official website, he indicated that the composition of the pizza may include products that cause allergies. To do this, Ivan prescribed the composition of each pizza so that the buyer, before placing an order, could carefully study it. If a client is allergic to seafood, and he orders a seafood pizza, Ivan will not compensate the client's expenses related to the treatment.

It turns out that thanks to the offer agreement, it is possible to resolve disputes that have arisen between the seller and the buyer.

How to make an offer

You need to know that since there is no single template, you should consider the following points in your proposal:

  • What product or service is the customer buying?
  • How the paid offer will be delivered to the consumer;
  • Price;
  • Possible payment options.

Lawyers argue that all of the above conditions are essential, and without them the offer is illegal. The only problem is that there is no generally accepted form of the offer. Each seller individually makes an offer.

It should be borne in mind that the offer does not need to be notarized. Consider what should be taken into account when drawing up an offer.

Conditions for making an offer:

  1. Salesman.

You must clearly write down all the information about the company that makes the offer.

Be prepared to report:

  • Contact phone for communication:
  • Legal address;
  • Full name of the director or head of the unit;
  • Bank details.

You should not prescribe everything on half a page, it should be clear and concise - this is the first success of a correctly drafted offer.

  1. Customer.

You must clearly identify the circle of people who can agree to your tempting offer:

  • Individuals;
  • large organizations.

But in no case should you make restrictions on nationality, marital status or skin color.

  1. Product.

The purpose of the offer is that the client can immediately understand what kind of goods he can receive as soon as he makes the payment.

You must clearly state all the characteristics of the commercial product:

  • Size;
  • Color;
  • Storage conditions;
  • Guarantee period;
  • Peculiarities;
  • Characteristics;
  • Quality certificate.
  1. Price.

When specifying the price, it is worth taking into account that the client must know what the cost for this offer consists of:

  • Cost of goods;
  • Delivery services;
  • installment payment;
  • Additional Warranty Fee.

If next day delivery costs several times more than delivery after 5 days, then the client should know this. In the offer, everything should be clearly spelled out or, as they say, “sorted out”.

  1. Payment.

You must specify all possible payment methods:

  • Exclusively in cash at the company's office;
  • Bank transfer;
  • Payment to the courier upon receipt and inspection of the goods;
  • Installment payment.
  1. Delivery terms.

The client must clearly understand when and how to receive the goods:

  • By mail;
  • Personally by courier to your home;
  • Self-export.

Therefore, specify in the offer all the options available to the client.

  1. Return.

The seller must necessarily think over all disputed issues and indicate in the offer how the return of the goods takes place if it turned out to be defective. According to the law, the client can refuse the goods within 14 days from the date of payment.

All of the above points must be taken into account when drawing up an offer.

Sample offer

Not a public offer

It is very common to see the phrase "is not a public offer". But what this means, as practice shows, no one knows.

For example, advertising is not an offer, since it is intended solely for the quick sale of a product or service. The main purpose of the commercial is to “sell deliciously” a product or service. Therefore, in the offer of advertising they never talk about the true terms of the contract.

For example, on TV they constantly offer to issue cards with a credit limit at 0%. This, of course, is good, but the client learns about mandatory commissions, fines and conditions when he contacts the bank. But if all the conditions are stipulated in the commercial, then this is already an offer.

Surely, many of you also noticed the following phrase on the banners: "Prices are not a public offer." What does this company statement mean? In fact, everything is simple and the seller just makes digressions.

Thus, summing up, it can be noted once again that an offer is an ordinary invitation in which you can receive an interesting offer at an attractive price.

The main purpose of the offer is to attract a client to purchase the offer. And do not forget that according to the law, you have every right to buy goods in the store at the price indicated on the counter, even if it has changed, and the employees did not have time to change the price tags.

Response to an offer

If you study the rules of business etiquette, then we can conclude that providing a response to an offer is a prerequisite. Receiving an offer is like a formal offer to which you must give a clear answer.

The response is prepared by the potential client and sent to the seller of goods or services. Even if you are not interested in the terms of cooperation or products of the proposed category, do not be afraid to write a refusal.

How to respond to an offer:

  1. If you have received a proposal for an offer, have carefully studied it and wish to purchase a product or service, then a positive response is drawn up. The consumer simply indicates that he is satisfied with all the points, and he is ready to make a payment and close the deal.
  2. However, in practice, you can meet consumers who are interested in the offer, but some items do not suit them. In this case, it is necessary to state in writing all the points that are not satisfactory, and prescribe how they can be corrected. It is better to discuss the terms of cooperation personally and find the so-called "golden mean".
  3. If the offer is irrelevant, then you can simply prepare an answer that the deal will not take place, since this offer is not interesting. In conclusion, you can add when you can send a second offer.

For convenience, all suggestions and answers are sent by e-mail. This not only significantly saves time, but also allows you to get an answer as quickly as possible and agree on a deal.

When a supplier or manufacturer wants to sell a product, he makes an offer to one potential buyer, group or indefinite circle of persons. The last appeal is called a public offer if it obliges the initiator to conclude a deal with anyone who responds to its terms. What are the features of this concept and in what life situations is it used?


The Russian name "offer" comes from the Italian "offero", which translates as "offer". In domestic business usage, the term appeared in the 19th century and has since been used to denote a firm intention to make a deal.

An offer is an official appeal of a legal or natural person who wants to sell a product or provide a service to a certain circle of potential buyers, drawn up on paper or expressed orally. The recipients of an offer are called acceptors.

If potential buyers respond to the expressed initiative with consent (acceptance), the seller will be obliged to sign an agreement with them and deliver the goods (service). The silence of the addressees is not recognized as a desire to conclude an agreement, unless otherwise indicated in the text of the offer.

If buyers (customers) are not fully satisfied with the conditions proposed by the initiator of the transaction, they have the right to apply with a counter offer - a counteroffer. The parties discuss the provisions of the new document and, if an agreement is reached, sign the contract.

Offer - what is it in simple words? This is a deal-making initiative that satisfies the following conditions:

  • the proposal expresses an unequivocal intent to conclude a treaty;
  • all significant conditions for future cooperation are described;
  • all important points for a potential buyer are clearly marked;
  • From the content of the document it is clear to which circle of people it is addressed.

The message to the addressee may include the names of goods or services offered for purchase, their price and quantity, guarantees for the counterparty, the time allotted for the acceptor to make a decision.

An example of an offer is an official letter written by one firm to another with a proposal to purchase a certain number of units of goods at a set price, with a payment deferral for a month. If the recipient responds with a message-consent (acceptance), the transaction will be considered concluded.

Types of offer in business circulation

There are four types of offer:

  1. Free - sent to a wide range of buyers. Its main goal is not to conclude a deal, but to increase brand awareness in the market, to inform about existing offers. For example, a mobile operator sends subscribers information about new tariffs.
  2. Public - an offer addressed to an unlimited circle of persons. With everyone who agrees, the initiator will be obliged to enter into a deal.
  3. Solid - this is an appeal to one specific person. For example, a company supplying crushed stone writes a letter to its counterparty with a proposal to purchase sand on certain conditions.
  4. Irrevocable - directed to a wide range of people. The initiator who submitted the offer does not have the opportunity to refuse it or subsequently change the conditions.

According to the form of preparation of the offer, they are divided into oral and written.

Features of the public offer

In the existing business practice, a public offer is an offer addressed to an unlimited number of persons. The seller "throws the bait" and waits for someone to respond. To each person interested in his conditions, he is obliged to sell a product or provide a service. However, he does not have the right to give priority to one buyer over others.

The offer has three essential characteristics:

  • From the text of the appeal, the intention of the seller is clear.
  • The offer contains all essential conditions of the future transaction.
  • The goods will be sold to everyone who responds.

In modern everyday life, the term "public offer agreement" is often used. This wording is not entirely correct. Contracts are documents signed by the parties at a specific point in time. An offer is just an offer to enter into a deal, its target audience has a choice: to agree or refuse, and there is a set amount of time to think.

According to the provisions of the Civil Code, advertising posters, demonstration of product samples, displaying goods in windows, issuing catalogs and other ways of expressing oneself are recognized as a public offer, unless they directly indicate the opposite.

Other examples include the price tag in a store. The buyer understands what thing and for what amount is sold. If he is an example of a decision to become its owner, it is enough for him to go to the cashier and make a payment, thereby accepting the offer. The seller has no right to refuse a citizen in the transaction.

Another example is an online store website. Its pages contain full information about the offer for the general public, namely:

  • unit price;
  • possible methods of payment and delivery;
  • description and characteristics of goods;
  • guarantees for buyers.

The online store does not have the right to refuse to provide goods or services to those who applied, if they express acceptance by filling out the order form.

If the seller does not want his offer to be an offer, he can directly indicate this on the website (showcase, poster, etc.). You can prescribe that a service or product is available only to a limited circle of people. In this case, the proposal will be considered solely as a call for cooperation.

A public offer is a way for sellers, financial institutions, service providers and other market participants to declare themselves, to find buyers for their goods. The initiator comes up with a proposal in which he indicates the significant conditions of the future transaction, and the target audience decides whether to agree or refuse.

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