Home Blanks for the winter Walnut differently. Why walnuts are walnuts: where does the name come from? History of walnuts

Walnut differently. Why walnuts are walnuts: where does the name come from? History of walnuts

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    Walnut is one of the healthiest foods on our table. Mentions of its various types are found in legends and epics, ancient manuscripts. Even the ancient peoples noted that this product perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger.... In addition, each fruit is enclosed in a shell, which allows it to be stored for a long time and not spoil.

    Each type of nut has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of any of the types of nuts is their high calorie content and a large amount of various vitamins that make up their composition. Below is a list of the most popular nuts.

    There are practically no disadvantages of these fruits. However, it is not recommended to give them in large quantities to children, and it is also not advisable to eat nuts for people suffering from food allergies. Although it has not been established that these fruits can be the cause of an allergic reaction, it can sometimes happen.

    A nut is usually called the fruit of some types of fruit trees or shrubs, which consists of a kernel and a hard shell - a shell.

    In botany, a nut is understood as a fruit that is unbreakable, with a pericarp, inside which there is a kernel or seed. Nuts include hazel, hazelnuts.

    There is also a whole family of Hazelnuts, which are similar to nuts, but from a botanical point of view, they are not nuts. And all other fruits, which are called "nuts", are not.

    The main varieties of nuts include:

    • from the Nut family- walnuts, black, Manchurian, hazel, bitter;
    • from the Berezov family- hazel, hazelnuts, Turkish nuts;
    • from the Bukovy family- chestnut, plane tree, acorn.

    There are other types of nuts, which will be discussed a little below.


    This peanut belongs to the legume family. It is eaten much more often than almost all other types of these fruits.... During the Second World War in the United States, it was peanuts that were one of the main products, thanks to which the food problem in this country was solved.

    The composition of peanuts includes the following substances and elements that are useful for the human body:

    • antioxidants;
    • chemical compounds that increase blood clotting;
    • fats that are part of peanuts and products based on it do not contain "harmful" cholesterol;
    • peanut oil contains polyunsaturated linoleic acid;
    • it also contains vitamins of groups E and B.

    This nut contains more than half of fat, in addition, in contains such macro and microelements: K, P, Fe, Mg, and vitamins A, B. A couple of Brazil nuts contain the daily dose of selenium for an adult.

    It is this nut that is advised to use in order to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, as well as to normalize the level of glucose. Children should eat it to grow better, and nervous - to put in order the nervous system. To give the body vigor, it is enough to eat just one such nut.

    Brazilian nuts are advised in South America to be eaten by married couples to improve their sexual function.

    Water walnut

    This plant is annual. The plant is attached to the bottom with last year's nuts.... If the current becomes stronger, then it tears off the stem of this nut and drags it along until the plant nails again into the shallow water. There, the nut attaches to the bottom and begins to grow further.

    As part of this nut:

    • flavonoids;
    • tannins;
    • triterpenoids;
    • phenol compounds.

    All parts of this aquatic plant are used in folk medicine. They are used in the treatment of dyspepsia, as a diuretic, as well as a sedative and diaphoretic and choleretic agent.

    Fresh juice from the foliage helps in the treatment of certain eye diseases, as an antiseptic in the treatment of stinging insects or snake bites. This nut can also help relieve stress., helps to strengthen the immune system, helps in the fight against viral infections.

    This nut contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the fruitful work of the brain.

    It also contains vitamins of groups A, B, E, C, as well as trace elements such as Fe, Co, Zn, K, Mg, Ca, I, P.

    Thanks to so many different elements and vitamins walnuts are recommended to be eaten in case of anemia, it strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure. It should also be included in the diet of older people, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

    This nut is another healthy high-calorie product that you want to have in your diet. But it should be remembered that because of their calorie content, nuts are best consumed separately from other foods.

    Hazelnuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, various macro and microelements, vitamins of groups B and E... These vitamins support the normal functioning of the central nervous system, help to improve metabolism in the body, and prevent early aging of the body. Hazelnuts also contain vitamin C and niacin.

    The fruits of this shrub should be eaten if you need to recuperate after a serious illness or surgery. A large amount of nutrients contained in these nuts, allows you to cope with anemia, and additional vitamins are supplied to the internal organs.

    Regularly eating hazelnuts can reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol, reduce the risk of varicose veins, cleanse the liver of toxic substances, and remove decay products. In addition, these nuts have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieve anxiety, and improve sleep.

    Although there are many varieties of chestnuts, sweet chestnuts are traditionally eaten. They are baked on coals- this delicacy has been prepared for a long time in many countries of the world, especially at Christmas.

    Chestnuts are not nuts, but for their nutritional value they are ranked among such nuts as walnuts.

    Useful substances are found not only in fruits, but also in leaves, bark, flowers. They contain glycosides, tannins, astragalus, carotenoids, steroids, vitamin C.

    Almost all parts of pine nuts are useful.- from kernels to shells, resin and needles. And they all have a unique set of mineral elements, vitamins and other useful substances, which together give Siberians health.

    Fats, proteins and amino acids included in pine nuts, easily digestible, they promote the growth of the adolescent body, are indispensable in the nutrition of pregnant women.


    Cashew nuts have recently appeared on the shelves of our stores, but have already gained popularity among customers. They are not only used in cooking, but are also used in the treatment of a number of diseases..

    These nuts are low in fat, but there is more fiber and carbohydrates than walnuts, for example. However, vitamins of groups B, E and P, as well as such chemical elements as Zn, Fe, Mg, Na, Ca, K, Mg, Cu, Se, help to establish the work of many internal organs in our body... And saturated fatty acids Omega-3 are able to maintain the youth of the body, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails.


    This nut can perfectly replace animal proteins in the diet., it also contains useful macro and microelements, as well as antioxidants.

    The presence of unsaturated fatty acids in pecans helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

    What is this nut rich in? It contains easily digestible fats, carbohydrates, thiamine, vitamin B6, Fe, Mg, P, K, Zn, Cu. Mg.

    B vitamins allow you to improve the condition of nails and hair, improve the condition of the skin. These vitamins also prevent muscle cramps and make tissues more elastic.

    The substances that make up these nuts give a person a boost of vigor, help fight cancer cells.

    Pistachios are another type of nuts useful for the human body. They contain:

    • oleic, palmitic, stearic amino acids;
    • vitamins A, E, B, P;
    • proteins, carbohydrates, starch;
    • Cu, Mg, Mn, K, Fe, P.

    These nuts satisfy hunger well, give vigor, and also saturate the body with useful amino acids.


    The trees on which these nuts appear can bear fruit for about a hundred years, and, moreover, the yields do not decrease, despite the age of the tree. Fruits ripen for a long time - up to 7 months.

    The fruit of this nut contains vitamins, chemical elements, various acids, dietary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids.

    These nuts have medicinal properties, helping with headaches, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve the condition of the skin, help to restore strength, improve brain function, and removes "harmful" cholesterol. And this is not a complete list of the beneficial properties of macadamia.


    Any of the types of nuts is very valuable for the human body.... Therefore, they should be included in the diet regularly. Moreover, you can eat each of the species separately, or several different nuts together.

    Walnut is an ideal product for those who want to strengthen their memory, become smarter and healthier. This is a real aristocrat among nuts, although he is not a nut.

    Acorn of the gods

    In a strictly scientific sense, a walnut is not a nut at all, it is a drupe. Why "walnuts"? This name stuck in Russia due to the fact that the first large deliveries of medicinal nuts were from Greece. At the same time, the area of ​​growth of the walnut tree is much wider than the territory of the Balkan Peninsula, from America to Central Asia.

    In ancient Greece, these fruits were called "acorns of the gods." They got this name because of their healing properties. Even in antiquity, it was noticed that regular consumption of walnuts improves memory and develops the brain. That is why, in Babylon, walnuts were considered food for the few - the commoners were forbidden to use them - so as not to become painfully smart.

    King nut

    Walnuts are deservedly considered one of the healthiest foods. If you eat at least one nut daily, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis. Walnut kernels contain iron, cobalt, zinc and copper. In addition, walnuts are high in vitamins. Consuming these fruits helps with diabetes, stress, cardiovascular disease and anemia.

    For men, walnut will help restore potency, is a good prevention of adenoma and prostatitis. Women can eat nuts just to give their skin elasticity and beauty. You can also make cosmetic milk from walnuts, and a decoction of walnut leaves is an excellent tool for washing and strengthening hair.

    Walnuts - aliens

    Obviously, everyone noticed the similarity of the walnut kernel to the human brain. This parallel allowed Kir Bulychev to publish in the journal "Science and Life" (under the heading "Academy of Fun Sciences") a letter from a supposedly pensioner Lozhkin, which convincingly proved that walnuts are our brothers in reason. As Bulychev argued, under each nut shell is hidden a strong family, an ideal form of life. The evidence was so compelling that the editorial office of the magazine began to receive mountains of letters from readers who decided to stop eating nutty aliens. Such is the "Lenin-mushroom".

    How to choose?

    Never buy peeled nuts. In addition to the fact that it is unsafe (you never know where they were lying), stale peeled walnuts lose some of their healing properties. Before buying a kilogram, buy a few pieces for testing. If the nuts in the batch are good - ripe and tasty - take more. Walnut is a tricky fruit, not in vain looks like a brain

    In the modern world, there are about a hundred varieties of edible nuts. The most common of them in the CIS is walnut. Why was this variety named so? How is it useful? And is Greece really his homeland? Let's find out the answers to all these questions.

    What kind of nut is called "walnut"

    Before considering why the nut is called "walnut", it is worth finding out what kind of plant it is and how it is also called in Russian.

    Walnut is a tree species from the Juglandaceae family. Outside greenhouses, these trees grow freely in Asia Minor, the Balkans, Greece, Ukraine, California, India, China, as well as in the Transcaucasus.

    They gained their popularity thanks to their large fruits - nuts. Since ancient times, it was walnuts that were not only a popular delicacy among all peoples, but also were a very healthy dietary product.

    In addition to the name "walnut", this fruit is also called "voloshsky", less often "royal".

    It is noteworthy that, apart from Russians and Belarusians, other peoples do not call this nut "walnut". For example, in Ukrainian it is "hairy", in Polish - włoski, in Czech - vlašský, in English - walnut, and among the Greeks themselves - καρυδιά (karýdia).

    What nutrients are walnuts rich in?

    This plant owes its immense popularity not only to its taste and satiety, but also to its tremendous healing properties. Moreover, not only the kernels themselves, but the peel, shells, roots and bark of the tree, as well as the leaves, can have a beneficial effect on the human body.

    Unlike other plants, unripe walnut fruits are very useful, because they contain 7-10 times more vitamin C than black currant. At the same time, they still cannot be eaten, since in an immature form they contain some poisonous volatile substances.

    Edible ripe fruits are a storehouse of vitamins A, D, E and K, contain semi-saturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6), as well as antioxidants.

    Walnut leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, carotene and vitamins P and B.

    The nut shell contains gallic and ellagic acids, which are excellent tannins.

    The use of walnuts in everyday life and industry

    Having considered what useful vitamins and acids the walnut is rich in, let's find out what is the practical application of this plant.

    As mentioned above, unripe walnut fruits rich in vitamin C are not eaten, but very tasty and healthy jam is made from them.

    The kernels of ripe nuts are eaten both unprocessed and toasted. In addition, they are added to sweets, cakes and other pastries (including unsweetened ones), cheeses, salads, and jams.

    In addition, hazelnuts are a private component of dietary nutrition. They are typically found in fitness blends and energy bars. Also, this fruit, along with honey, dried apricots and lemon, is part of the famous Amosov's wellness mixture.

    Various tinctures are made from the leaves of this plant, used for blood purification, prevention of skin diseases and as an anthelmintic. Also, on their basis, means for repelling flies and moths are made. In cooking, walnut leaves are added when preserving.

    On the basis of a hard nut shell, preparations are made for the treatment of wounds and infectious skin lesions.

    The industry also widely uses walnut wood for the manufacture of furniture and musical instruments. And from the shell of the fruit, substances are obtained for tanning the skin; from green shells - paint for fabrics.

    A brief history of the walnut

    Most of the ways of using walnut were discovered in ancient times. There is evidence that before the ice age, this plant grew almost everywhere in Europe, as well as in India, China and Japan, as well as in Greenland and Siberia. Which of these countries was the first to use the fruits of this plant for food is not known.

    But there is reliable historical information that the Greeks borrowed the tradition of eating nuts of this type from the Persians, who called this product nothing but "royal".

    After the Greeks, this plant was mastered by the Romans, and with the advent of Christianity, the whole of Europe.

    This plant was introduced to the USA only in the 19th century, but soon became very popular.

    On the territory of Crimea and Tavria, the Volosh nut appeared approximately in the II-III centuries. n. NS. as evidenced by archaeological finds. It is possible that during this period it came to Russia, although its wider distribution took place in later centuries, with the advent of Christianity.

    Several theories about where the name "walnut" came from

    Having considered the features of this plant, its areas of application, as well as history, it is worth moving on to the main question. So why is the nut "walnut" and not "Japanese", "Indian" or "Chinese"? There are several versions of the origin of this name in Russian.

    According to the most common, the first to grow whole walnut orchards were at the monasteries. And since it was mainly the Greeks who were engaged in this, as they were more versed in agronomy, the fruits of the trees began to be called "walnuts". By the way, for the same reason, buckwheat porridge is called so. This cereal was also the first to be grown and cooked by the Greeks.

    There is another version why the walnut is "walnut". Some believe that these plants were brought to Russia not by the clergy of their Byzantium, but by merchants, and much earlier. However, not knowing exactly the name of the plant, they began to call it "walnut" - by the name of the place of origin.

    Why is the nut "walnut" and not "Greek"

    Having considered the most famous theories of the origin of this term, it is worth understanding the features of the name. So, according to the rules of the Russian language, you need to say "Greek", then why is a walnut "walnut"?

    In this case, such a spelling is explained by tradition. The fact is that at the time when this plant appeared in Russia, there was an adjective "walnut". It was they who named this type of nut. And when the norms of the Russian language changed, and the adjective "Greek" (which is still relevant today) began to be used, the majority of citizens continued to call the nut "walnut", and this name stuck to it forever. This is why the walnut is "walnut" and not "Greek".

    However, if we recall the works of N.V. Gogol, then he called this fruit - the Volosh nut. Where did this name come from?

    The origin of the "volosh" nut

    Having figured out why the walnut is "walnut", it is worth finding out why it is sometimes also called "voloshsky". Moreover, in a number of West Slavic languages ​​and Ukrainian, this name is the main one, and the phrase "walnut" is not used at all.

    The term "Volokhs" today and in the old days was used to refer to representatives of the Romanesque peoples of the Danube states, among which there were Greek tribes. It is likely that in the West Slavic lands this word was more often used to name the Greeks and Romans. Therefore, the nuts brought from their lands were nicknamed "Voloshsky", and this name stuck in the Ukrainian, Polish and Czech languages.

    It is one of the most popular nuts in Russia, it is eaten by millions of people every day. When someone talks about him, associations appear with Greece. But why walnut and not Greek?

    On the Internet, you can find many recipes for baking with Voloshskiy nut (as botanists call it), and it is sold everywhere. Walnut is perhaps the most affordable, it is sold in almost all supermarkets, shops, etc. In addition, the delicacy is popular not only in Russia. But from regular consumers, few people thought about why walnuts are called walnuts, and not Greek.

    History of walnuts

    It is believed that the first Volosh fruits appeared a very long time ago, and they grew in Persia. But archaeological finds of this nut were made in Turkey, Switzerland, Italy, China and India. Voloshsky fruits are considered the oldest of all existing ones. The story of why a walnut is a walnut begins several centuries BC.

    In ancient Persia, only a select few could eat Volosh nuts. Usually they were served on the table for kings and their entourage. That is why soon this nut began to be called royal.

    In Persia, Volosh fruits grew in Mesopotamia. According to historians, it was a picturesque place with a huge territory. Volosh fruits were first mentioned in a letter before our era in But why are nuts called walnuts, if they grew in Persia? And for the Greeks, they became a symbol of life.

    Popular plants have also left their mark on Greek mythology. Perhaps many remember the legend of the love between Dionysus and the daughter of the king of Caria. When the girl died, Dionysus turned his beloved into a walnut tree.

    In Greece, the first trees of these nuts were very small, and the nuts are several times smaller than those that can be bought today. When the Greeks saw the huge and tastier fruits from the Persians, they were surprised that it was the same nut. After that, in Greece, they began to call the nut Persian and strive to ensure that the fruits were larger.

    History of the name

    So where does the name of the walnut come from? The Persians called the fruits royal, the Greeks - Persian. It is thanks largely to the Romans that we now know this nut as a walnut.

    The plants came to Italy for an unknown reason, but they were brought from Greece. The Romans could not think of a name for the nut and in the end they called it the royal acorn - this is the main god in Roman mythology). Then why is a walnut a walnut? But because, for some unknown reason, the name did not catch on. Then they began to call it simply a nut. Years, and maybe even centuries later, when nuts were constantly imported to Rome, people silently called them Greek nuts. This name stuck.

    The legendary fruits were brought to Russia in the 14th or 15th century. But why is the walnut called walnut and not Greek? The answer is simple! Then they were called walnuts, because the word "Greek" was not used in speech. Nowadays, the word "walnut" has long been considered obsolete.

    Interestingly, in Afghanistan, the nut is called the "four brains", because the Volosh fruits are very similar in appearance to the halves of the brain. In some European countries such as France, Spain and Italy, walnuts are simply called walnuts. And in Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, England and many other countries, the fruits are called foreigners' nuts.

    Use of the word "walnut"

    Having figured out why a walnut is called a walnut, it is difficult not to pay attention to such an interesting adjective. It was believed that the word "walnut" was used in common people, but this is not so. This adjective was used by such writers as Usachev and Gogol, and an outstanding Russian philologist wrote that this word had fallen out of use, but remained in some special names.

    Why is a walnut a walnut in modern Russia? Here is the very rare case when a seemingly outdated word, which no one uses and is not going to use in speech, remains. Yes, now you really cannot find the word "walnut" in modern books, in speech, on the Internet ... But when people suddenly stopped using this definition, most likely it would be silly to change the name of the fruit. So the walnut remained a walnut.

    Walnut in botany

    Another reason why these nuts are called that is due to botany. The Greek philosopher and scientist Theophrastus was the founder of such a science as botany. It was he who first described the fruits in his book. Perhaps the walnuts were named after Greece, not because they were sold to Europe and then to Russia, unlike the Persians, but because it was the learned Greek who first described this nut and gave it a detailed description.

    The benefits of walnuts

    Several centuries ago, gardeners found that it is impossible to plant 20-25 meters from other plants in the area, since they tend to release a toxic substance into the soil. When scientists proved this fact, they began to check if there was anything toxic in the nuts themselves, and came to the following conclusion.

    This nut is good for the body like no other nut. It contains vitamins and minerals B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, E, zinc, magnesium, potassium and iron. It is interesting to know that ascorbic acid in nuts is almost 50 times more than in citrus fruits.

    In ancient times, warriors used walnuts to heal their wounds and also to reduce their appetite. At the same time, medicines for oral administration were made from these amazing nuts.

    Storing walnuts

    Newly grown and harvested nuts appear in September. It is best to buy nuts in shell, that is, unpeeled. In the shell, nuts can lie for almost 8 months from the date of purchase (if not fresh). Nuts without shells are quite finicky. They must be kept in the refrigerator at all times. And for even longer storage, you can put peeled nuts in a tight food bag and leave in the freezer.

    Why a walnut is a walnut, until now, no one knows for sure. They do not write about this in books, scientists do not make reports on this topic. But nevertheless, such a question is very interesting, and every day at least a few people think about it.

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