Home Preparations for the winter Criteria for the difference between temperament and character. The relationship of character with temperament and their differences. Impact on personal abilities

Criteria for the difference between temperament and character. The relationship of character with temperament and their differences. Impact on personal abilities

The totality of the spiritual, mental properties of a person, characterizing the degree of his excitability and manifested in his attitude to the surrounding reality, in behavior.

Each person differs not only in their external features, but also in the nature of their behavior. This is due to his temperament, which reflects a person’s tendency to a certain expression of reaction to various influences:

  • in the degree of emotional behavior;
  • impulsiveness or restraint;
  • sociability or isolation;
  • ease of adaptation in society.

Properties of temperaments

Speaking about such a concept as temperament, they mean a certain pace of human behavior, the vigor of expressing one's feelings and the actions they cause. This is determined by the specifics of the structure of his nervous system, which is laid down at birth. The behavior of people is largely related to the properties of their temperament.

The main ones include:

  • sensitivity, reflecting the strength of the action of external factors necessary for the appearance of a person's mental response, as well as the speed of its manifestation;
  • reactivity, which characterizes the reaction to external or internal influences of the same intensity, for example, a sharply spoken word, an unfair remark, etc.;
  • activity, indicating the vigor of a person's influence on the external environment and overcoming the difficulties that arise in achieving the tasks set;
  • the ratio of reactivity and activity, which determines the predominance of a person's behavior: from random internal or external circumstances (poor health, mood, and others) or from his beliefs, general worldview, his goals, etc.;
  • plasticity, reflecting the ease of adaptation to ongoing external changes;
  • the rate of reactions, reflecting the speed of the course of mental processes;
  • introversion and extraversion, which determines the connection of the reaction with internally created images and ideas based on past experience or the expected future, or with thoughts directed to external real events;
  • emotional excitability, reflecting the minimum necessary impact to obtain a response in the form of an emotion and the speed of its appearance.

What are the types of temperaments?

Given the properties of temperament, it is divided into four different types: choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic.

Choleric is a person who vividly and emotionally experiences different states, but also quickly forgets them. This is a quick-tempered and quick-tempered person. He is mobile and energetic, and his experiences are of particular depth, feelings can change instantly.

The sanguine in his sensuality resembles a choleric, but unlike him, he is not so sharp in his movements. Such people are sometimes called superficial because emotional experiences in him are replaced quickly, leaving no trace in the mind. Therefore, they are able to quickly forget both grievances and attachments. In general, he gives the impression of a cheerful, impressionable person, always reacting to surrounding stimuli.

Melancholic - a person with a slow flow of mental internal processes and slow movements. He, most often, has a gloomy or sad mood, indecisive in actions and closed in communication. Such a person is hard to endure failures, experiencing inside, always hesitates in his actions.

The phlegmatic, as well as the melancholic, is slow in actions, differs in measured speech and imperturbable character, thanks to which he cannot be unbalanced. Each action, before committing, he thinks for a long time. Such people are inveterate conservatives who are not accustomed to changing their jobs and habitual living conditions.

Physiological basis of different characters

The physiologist Pavlov explained the manifestation of a certain temperament by the specifics of the ongoing nervous processes. He identified several varieties of the nervous system, dividing them into types, which were based on the properties of the processes occurring inside the nervous system.

They show up:

  • in the ability of brain cells to withstand the effects of stimuli of different strengths and their overall performance;
  • in the balance of irritable and inhibitory processes;
  • in the ability to quickly change excitation to inhibition and vice versa.

The complex structure of the nervous system gives it the ability to combine properties, combining them in a certain order. Depending on the combination of properties, the nervous system can be classified as:

  • to the weak type;
  • strong balanced, as well as mobile or inert type;

People who have a weak type of system are not able to withstand strong stimuli. Under the influence of strong irritating factors, the appearance of conditioned reflex reactions is delayed.

People with a strong balanced type have mainly excitatory reactions and a small number of inhibitory manifestations.

The mobile balanced type is characterized by a rapid change in the reactions of inhibition and irritation, which creates some instability of the nerve connections.

The inert balanced type is also strong, but the ongoing nervous processes are slowed down. Such people are distinguished by outward calmness and are not subject to excitement.

The type of activity of the nervous system is given to each person from birth. It is the basis of conditionally occurring reactions, which are expressed differently in all people. Temperament is just a manifestation of the type of the human nervous system through the prism of flowing connections.

Can a person change his temperament?

Psychological well-being, determined by the circumstances of life, is mainly associated with the type of personality temperament. But the external manifestation of a person's state largely depends on his upbringing, beliefs, attitudes towards other people or ongoing events. Mobilizing his energy, he is able to withstand prolonged mental stress, affect the speed of reactions and the overall pace of work.

For example, upbringing and will help the choleric person to be restrained and switch thoughts to other events and tasks.

Replacing the weaknesses of his temperament with a system of volitional training, education and environmental influences, a person can radically change his external manifestation. Under certain living conditions in which a person is for a long time, a choleric person can become inert and slow, and a melancholic person will become energetic and resolute. The true natural properties of temperament can manifest themselves only with an unexpected strong impact or a dangerous life situation, when external factors with the help of which it changed earlier lose their meaning.

Have you noticed that people react differently to the same event? Pay attention to how people in the queue behave. Someone calmly stands and waits, someone nervously runs ahead to look, but the queue did not move faster, someone wails and complains ... “Such a character,” someone will say. And it won't be right. It is not the character to which we attribute much, but temperament that is responsible for our behavior. These two concepts are often confused, attributing the properties of one to the other. Let's see if they really are the same.


Temperament is a set of certain properties of the human psyche that affect his behavior and activities. The nervous system is responsible for the temperament of a person. Its sensitivity also affects a person's reaction to events, the pace of activity, concentration, memory, speed of thinking.

Character- these are certain qualities of a person, manifested in relation to the outside world. Character is also associated with the human psyche, but if temperament is given to us from birth and it cannot be changed, you can only restrain its negative manifestations, then character traits are formed under the influence of external factors. For example, the character of each person is influenced by upbringing, social environment, human environment, profession and even nationality. But one cannot but agree that character is formed on the basis of temperament.


Temperament is much easier to divide into types than character. They are well known: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. Although most people have a mixed type of temperament, let's look at them separately.

Choleric is the most unbalanced type. It can be compared with a lighter - a click - it burns. This type of character helps in emergency situations when quick decision making or speed of reaction is important.


Sanguine - ease of communication, goodwill, speed of reaction. Rarely goes to extremes. When interested, he is efficient, if the work does not inspire, he is prone to laziness.

Melancholic - a person often with increased anxiety, but with depth, thoughtfulness. Impressive.


Phlegmatic - the most calm people. Outwardly, they are most often imperturbable and not prone to the manifestation of emotions. Slow but diligent.

You can determine what type of temperament this or that person belongs to by observing his behavior. In addition, there are a huge number of tests to determine the type of temperament.

It is very difficult to divide the characters into any subspecies. Many scientists - psychologists have tried to do this. As a result, several divisions of character were formed. Character is divided into types as follows: strong-willed, emotional, rational. This division has to do with temperament.

Also, the character is classified according to a set of certain traits:

  • in relation to a person to other people (rudeness, responsiveness, callousness, etc.);
  • attitude to activity (laziness, activity, conscientiousness);
  • attitude to things (stinginess, frugality, accuracy);
  • attitude to the inner "I" (pride, selfishness).

We are not talking about temperament, whether it is good or bad, there can be no assessment here. But we often evaluate character traits. For example, with a combination of certain traits, they say about a person: “Complex character” or “easy character”.

Findings site

  1. Temperament is innate, character is acquired.
  2. Temperament cannot be changed, you can learn to restrain it, but the character can be adjusted under the influence of external factors.
  3. Temperament is divided into generally accepted types, while many scientists tried to classify the character, but did not come to a consensus.
  4. Temperament cannot be assessed, we evaluate character traits.

Temperament - a characteristic of an individual from the side of the dynamic features of his mental activity, i.e. pace, speed, rhythm, intensity of the mental processes that make up this activity. (V.D. Nebylitsyn)

There are three areas of manifestation of temperament:

  1. general activity (intensity and volume of interaction with the environment, the tendency of the individual to self-expression, the transformation of reality);
  2. features of the motor sphere (speed, pace, rhythm, total number of movements);
  3. emotionality is divided into:
  • impressionability - affective susceptibility of the subject, his sensitivity to emotional influences;
  • impulsiveness - the speed with which emotion becomes the motivating force of actions and actions without their preliminary reflection and conscious decision to carry them out;
  • emotional lability - the speed with which a given emotional state ceases or one experience changes to another.

Theories of temperament.

1. Humoral theories that connect temperament with the properties of certain liquid media of the body. The teachings of Hippocrates. I. Kant (1789), a mixture of traits of temperament and character. Kant considered the qualitative characteristics of blood to be the organic basis of temperament.

2. Morphological theories. Temperament theory of E. Kretschmer. - makes an attempt to define temperament through the types of morphological constitutions. (asthenic, picnic)

3. Scientific theories of temperament. The basis for its development was created by the teachings of I.P. Pavlov about the typological properties of the nervous system of animals and humans.

Pavlov identified three main properties of the nervous system:


mobility of excitatory and inhibitory processes.

From a number of possible combinations, Pavlov singled out four types of higher nervous activity. Pavlov put their manifestations in behavior in direct connection with the ancient classification of temperament.

Scheme of types of nervous activity (according to I.P. Pavlov)

4 types have been identified:

1) strong - balanced - mobile - sanguine;

2) strong - balanced - inert - phlegmatic;

3) strong - unbalanced - choleric;

4) weak - melancholic.

The significance of the works of I.P. Pavlova - elucidation of the main role of the properties of the nervous system as the primary and deepest parameters of the psychophysiological organization of the individual.

Disadvantages: at the present stage of development of science, it is not yet possible to draw final scientific conclusions regarding the number of basic temperaments. Research by scientists shows that the very structure of the properties of the nervous system as neurophysiological measurements of temperament is much more complicated than previously thought, and the number of basic combinations of these properties is much greater than I.P. Pavlov.

The difference between temperament and character:

Temperament does not characterize the content side of the personality (worldview, views, beliefs, interests, etc.), does not determine the value of the personality or the limit of achievements possible for a given person. It has to do only with the dynamic side of the personality.

Character is inextricably linked with the content side of the personality.

Temperament is initially fixed genetically and in the course of the life of the individual is basically constant. Based on this, a person’s efforts should be directed primarily not to change, but to identifying and understanding the characteristics of their temperament.

Character is formed and changed throughout a person's life.

According to Vygotsky, what they have in common is their dependence on the physiological characteristics of a person, and above all on the type of nervous system. The formation of character essentially depends on the properties of temperament, which is more closely related to the properties of the nervous system. However, temperament does not predetermine character; people with the same temperament properties may have a different character.

Character is a set of stable personality traits that determine the attitude of a person to people, to the work performed. Character is manifested in activity and communication (as well as temperament) and includes what gives a person’s behavior a specific, characteristic shade for him. (Nemov).

Character in the narrow sense of the word is a set of stable properties of an individual, in which the ways of his behavior and ways of emotional response are expressed (Yu.B. Gippenreiter).

There are two groups of traits in the character structure:

1. The system of a person's relationship to reality - attitude towards other people (sensitivity, humanity, sincerity, truthfulness), attitude towards work and its results, attitude towards oneself.

2. Volitional traits:

· Positive: purposefulness, perseverance, determination, self-control, endurance, courage, boldness;

· Negative: stubbornness, indecision, cowardice.

Typology of character.

1. Jung K. G. identified two types of character:

· extroverted-He is characterized by impulsiveness, initiative, flexibility of behavior, sociability.

· introverted- unsociableness, isolation, a tendency to introspection, difficult adaptation.

3. Typology Lichko A.E. based on character accentuation

4. Typology K Leonhard. This classification is based on an assessment of a person's communication style with other people and represents the following types of characters as independent: demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable, hyperthymic, dysthymic, labile, exalted.

Have you noticed that people react differently to the same event? Pay attention to how people in the queue behave. Someone calmly stands and waits, someone nervously runs ahead to look, but the queue did not move faster, someone wails and complains ... “Such a character,” someone will say. And it won't be right. It is not the character to which we attribute much, but temperament that is responsible for our behavior. These two concepts are often confused, attributing the properties of one to the other. Let's see if they really are the same.


Temperament is a set of certain properties of the human psyche that affect his behavior and activities. The nervous system is responsible for the temperament of a person. Its sensitivity also affects a person's reaction to events, the pace of activity, concentration, memory, speed of thinking.

Character- these are certain qualities of a person, manifested in relation to the outside world. Character is also associated with the human psyche, but if temperament is given to us from birth and it cannot be changed, you can only restrain its negative manifestations, then character traits are formed under the influence of external factors. For example, the character of each person is influenced by upbringing, social environment, human environment, profession and even nationality. But one cannot but agree that character is formed on the basis of temperament.


Temperament is much easier to divide into types than character. They are well known: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. Although most people have a mixed type of temperament, let's look at them separately.

Choleric is the most unbalanced type. It can be compared with a lighter - a click - it burns. This type of character helps in emergency situations when quick decision making or speed of reaction is important.

Sanguine - ease of communication, goodwill, speed of reaction. Rarely goes to extremes. With interest - efficient, if the work does not inspire, prone to laziness.

Melancholic - a person often with increased anxiety, but with depth, thoughtfulness. Impressive.

Phlegmatic - the most calm people. Outwardly, they are most often imperturbable and not prone to the manifestation of emotions. Slow but diligent.

You can determine what type of temperament this or that person belongs to by observing his behavior. In addition, there are a huge number of tests to determine the type of temperament.

It is very difficult to divide the characters into any subspecies. Many scientists - psychologists have tried to do this. As a result, several divisions of character were formed. Character is divided into types as follows: strong-willed, emotional, rational. This division has to do with temperament.

Also, the character is classified according to a set of certain traits:

  • in relation to a person to other people (rudeness, responsiveness, callousness, etc.);
  • attitude to activity (laziness, activity, conscientiousness);
  • attitude to things (stinginess, frugality, accuracy);
  • attitude to the inner "I" (pride, selfishness).

We are not talking about temperament, whether it is good or bad, there can be no assessment here. But we often evaluate character traits. For example, with a combination of certain traits, they say about a person: “Complex character” or “easy character”.

Conclusions TheDifference.ru

  1. Temperament is innate, character is acquired.
  2. Temperament cannot be changed, you can learn to restrain it, but the character can be adjusted under the influence of external factors.
  3. Temperament is divided into generally accepted types, while many scientists tried to classify the character, but did not come to a consensus.
  4. Temperament cannot be assessed, we evaluate character traits.

Temperament is a characteristic of an individual in terms of the dynamic features of his mental activity, i.e. pace, speed, rhythm, intensity of the mental processes that make up this activity. (V.D. Nebylitsyn)

There are three areas of manifestation of temperament:

  1. general activity (intensity and volume of interaction with the environment, the tendency of the individual to self-expression, the transformation of reality);
  2. features of the motor sphere (speed, pace, rhythm, total number of movements);
  3. emotionality is divided into:
  • impressionability - affective susceptibility of the subject, his sensitivity to emotional influences;
  • impulsiveness - the speed with which emotion becomes the motivating force of actions and actions without their preliminary reflection and conscious decision to carry them out;
  • emotional lability - the speed with which a given emotional state ceases or one experience changes to another.

Theories of temperament.

Humoral theories that connect temperament with the properties of certain liquid media of the body. The teachings of Hippocrates.

I. Kant (1789), a mixture of traits of temperament and character. Kant considered the qualitative characteristics of blood to be the organic basis of temperament.

2. Morphological theories. Temperament theory of E. Kretschmer. - makes an attempt to define temperament through the types of morphological constitutions. (asthenic, picnic)

3. Scientific theories of temperament. The basis for its development was created by the teachings of I.P. Pavlov about the typological properties of the nervous system of animals and humans.

Pavlov identified three main properties of the nervous system:


mobility of excitatory and inhibitory processes.

From a number of possible combinations, Pavlov singled out four types of higher nervous activity. Pavlov put their manifestations in behavior in direct connection with the ancient classification of temperament.

Scheme of types of nervous activity (according to I.P. Pavlov)

4 types have been identified:

1) strong - balanced - mobile - sanguine;

2) strong - balanced - inert - phlegmatic;

3) strong - unbalanced - choleric;

4) weak - melancholic.

The significance of the works of I.P.

Pavlova - elucidation of the main role of the properties of the nervous system as the primary and deepest parameters of the psychophysiological organization of the individual.

Disadvantages: at the present stage of development of science, it is not yet possible to draw final scientific conclusions regarding the number of basic temperaments.

Research by scientists shows that the very structure of the properties of the nervous system as neurophysiological measurements of temperament is much more complicated than previously thought, and the number of basic combinations of these properties is much greater than I.P.


The difference between temperament and character:

Temperament does not characterize the content side of the personality (worldview, views, beliefs, interests, etc.), does not determine the value of the personality or the limit of achievements possible for a given person.

It has to do only with the dynamic side of the personality.

Character is inextricably linked with the content side of the personality.

Temperament is initially fixed genetically and in the course of the life of the individual is basically constant. Based on this, a person’s efforts should be directed primarily not to change, but to identifying and understanding the characteristics of their temperament.

Character is formed and changed throughout a person's life.

According to Vygotsky, what they have in common is their dependence on the physiological characteristics of a person, and above all on the type of nervous system.

The formation of character essentially depends on the properties of temperament, which is more closely related to the properties of the nervous system. However, temperament does not predetermine character; people with the same temperament properties may have a different character.

Character is a set of stable personality traits that determine the attitude of a person to people, to the work performed. Character is manifested in activity and communication (as well as temperament) and includes what gives a person’s behavior a specific, characteristic shade for him. (Nemov).

Character in the narrow sense of the word is a set of stable properties of an individual, in which the ways of his behavior and ways of emotional response are expressed (Yu.B.


There are two groups of traits in the character structure:

1. The system of a person's relationship to reality - attitude towards other people (sensitivity, humanity, sincerity, truthfulness), attitude towards work and its results, attitude towards oneself.

2. Volitional traits:

· Positive: purposefulness, perseverance, determination, self-control, endurance, courage, boldness;

· Negative: stubbornness, indecision, cowardice.

Typology of character.

Jung K.G. identified two types of character:

· extroverted-He is characterized by impulsiveness, initiative, flexibility of behavior, sociability.

· introverted- unsociableness, isolation, a tendency to introspection, difficult adaptation.

3. Typology Lichko A.E. based on character accentuation

4. Typology K Leonhard. This classification is based on an assessment of a person's communication style with other people and represents the following types of characters as independent: demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable, hyperthymic, dysthymic, labile, exalted.

Hello dear readers!
The experts of our site are glad to welcome you to the information service and we hope that we will be able to answer all your questions. Have you looked at our website with the task of understanding what areas of manifestation of temperament exist in psychology? Give illustrative examples.

It is worth noting first of all that in this lesson the operating concepts will be: PSYCHOLOGY, SCIENCE, SPHERE, TEMPERAMENT, VIEW.

PSYCHOLOGY is a science that studies the patterns of occurrence, as well as the development and functioning of the psyche of a person and a group of people. To begin with, it is worth understanding what is commonly understood by the term "TEMPERAMENT"?

Temperament is a stable set of individual psychophysiological characteristics of a person associated with dynamic, rather than meaningful aspects of activity.

Worth noting that humanity has long tried to identify the typical features of the mental make-up of various people, to reduce them to a small number of generalized portraits - types of temperament, since this would make it possible to predict the behavior of people of different types in various life situations.

And now let's move on to your question, what are the main areas of manifestation of temperament?

There are three areas of manifestation of temperament: general activity, features of the motor sphere and properties of emotionality (that is, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfeelings).

General activity is determined by the intensity and total volume of human interaction with the environment - physical and social. According to this parameter, a person can be inert, passive, calm, proactive, active, impetuous.

Manifestations of temperament in the motor sphere can be considered as particular expressions of the general activity.

These include tempo, speed, rhythm, and total movement.

When talking about emotionality as a manifestation of temperament, they mean impressionability, sensitivity, impulsiveness.

We can draw the following conclusion, that from temperament and its features a lot depends. Temperament affects both the personal life of an individual and his professional, creative and other activities.

I hope that this lesson was informative and useful for you, and you learned something new for yourself. If something remains incomprehensible or difficult to understand from this topic, you can always ask your question on our website.
We wish you success and good luck in all your endeavors!

Character types

The most famous theory of character, proposed by the German psychologist E. Kretschmer. According to this theory, character depends on physique. Kretschmer described three body types and their corresponding three types of character:

asthenics ( from the Greek ?uienEt - weak) - people are thin, with an elongated face, long arms and legs, a flat chest and weak muscles. Corresponding character type - schizothymic- people are closed, serious, stubborn, difficult to adapt to new conditions. With mental disorders, they are prone to schizophrenia.

athletics(from the Greek ?ilzfiykt - characteristic of wrestlers) - people are tall, broad-shouldered, with a powerful chest, a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles. Corresponding character type - xotimics- people are calm, unimpressive, practical, domineering, restrained in gestures and facial expressions; They do not like change and do not adapt well to it. With mental disorders, they are prone to epilepsy.

picnics(from the Greek rkhknt - dense, fat) - people of medium height, overweight or prone to obesity, with a short neck, a large head and a wide face with small features. Corresponding character type - cyclothymics- people are sociable, contact, emotional, easily adapting to new conditions. With mental disorders, they are prone to manic-depressive psychosis.

temperament character phlegmatic sanguine

The relationship of character with temperament and their differences

Temperament does not predetermine character traits, but there is a difference between temperament and character traits. close relationship.

The dynamic features of the manifestation of character depend on temperament. For example, sociability in a sanguine person and a phlegmatic person will manifest itself in different ways.

Temperament affects the development of individual character traits. Some properties of temperament contribute to the formation of certain character traits, while others counteract.

Depending on the type of child's temperament, it is necessary to use individual methods of influencing him in order to bring up the necessary character traits.

There is also an inverse relationship between the manifestations of temperament and its character. Thanks to certain character traits, a person can restrain manifestations of temperament that are undesirable under given circumstances.

The difference between character and temperament:

1) character is formed in the process of life, and temperament arises biologically (at birth);

2) temperament is stable, the character is constantly changing;

3) character depends on motives and will, and temperament does not depend on them.


In conclusion of my work, I can draw the following conclusions.

Character is not a frozen formation, it is formed throughout a person's life path. Anatomical and physiological inclinations do not absolutely predetermine the development of a particular character. Recognition of the dependence of character on such factors as appearance, body constitution, date of birth, name, etc., leads to the recognition of the impossibility of changing and educating character in any significant way. However, the whole practice of education refutes the thesis of the constancy of character, such cases are possible only in the case of personality pathology.

Character, despite its versatility, is only one of the sides, but not the whole personality. A person is able to rise above his character, is able to change it. Therefore, when talking about predicting behavior, do not forget that it has a certain probability and cannot be absolute.

Temperament cannot determine the relationship of the individual, her aspirations, and interests, her ideals, i.e. of all the richness of the content of a person’s inner life, however, the characteristics of the dynamic side are essential for understanding the complex image of a person’s behavior, the character of a person. The extent to which a person shows balance in behavior, flexibility, dynamism and expansiveness in reactions speaks of the qualitative characteristics of the personality and its capabilities, which in a certain way develop on the labor and social activities of the individual. Thus, temperament is not something external in the character of a person, but organically enters into its structure. Life experiences, upbringing and training on the natural basic fabric of temperament - a type of higher nervous activity - gradually weave patterns. The attitude of the individual, his convictions, aspirations, consciousness of necessity and duty allow him to overcome some impulses, to train others in order to organize his behavior in accordance with social norms.

Temperament does not determine the path of development of specific character traits; temperament itself is transformed under the influence of character traits. The development of character and temperament in this sense is an interdependent process.

Thus, it is necessary to know the type of your temperament in order to be able to correctly use its advantages and overcome its shortcomings.

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