Home Preparations for the winter Mung bean groats: useful properties, cooking recipes, possible harm. Useful properties and use of mung beans Mung beans

Mung bean groats: useful properties, cooking recipes, possible harm. Useful properties and use of mung beans Mung beans

Mash is perhaps the only bean product that is delicious to eat in the form of sprouts. In addition, among the beans, he is the leader in the speed of cooking. It is also an ancient Ayurvedic panacea, the basis for making jelly, noodles and ice cream.

Well, who said that man is not a predator? Very even a predator, and even what! And this does not apply to those people who eat meat. What to them? We went to the store or the market, bought a piece of carcass and went home to cook.

Whether it's vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists who are forced to live in a meat-eating environment that is not very friendly to them. Well, they are born "predators"! Day and night they hunt for lactose-free yogurts, gelatin-free sweets, hoofless cheese.

And what about discovering new flavors? In some stall near the house you will not find urbech, tofu, ghee,. All this needs to be mined day after day in those places where this very prey is found - to graze it, look after which one is better and cheaper, and, of course, attack first, until other similar vegetarian predators grab it. 🙂

Where am I leading all this? Yes, I just remembered how, at the dawn of my vegetarianism, I also hunted for new tastes, tried to diversify my daily diet that suddenly changed, and thus stumbled upon mung bean. No, this is not about a company of girls whose names are Maria, Masha, but about a product with that name.

So, in those ancient times in our small town, vegetarians could not yet freely go to the market or to the vegetable stall near the house, as they do now, and pour a kilogram or two of these beans for themselves at an affordable price. I remember that in search of mung bean, I had to search half the Internet then to go to the local mini-shop of eco-goods.

It was a branch of the raw food portal known to this day. Well, as a branch - just one local raw foodist took the liberty of selling unusual products and goods in our city right from home. I ordered a kilogram of mung bean, seaweed and something else by phone, I don’t even remember what exactly.

With my one-year-old son on my chest (in a special sling backpack!) I had to go by bus to the other end of the city, which, in principle, I had never really been to, look for a tall, thin guy with a large package in the crowd, go with him to aside, evaluate the goods, transfer money to him and go back, loaded to the ears.

A real hunter! Getter! A spy, one might say! 😎 It was all so exciting, because I was bringing home something unusual, never eaten in my life, but promising to be incredibly tasty and healthy.

This is how I got acquainted with mung bean - this incredible product, which today is the basis of my diet.

And then for the first time I soaked it overnight, sprouted it, and by the evening of the next day, the child and I were already nibbling fresh juicy green peas. I can’t say that I was very impressed with their taste then, but of all the legumes, I could only gnaw raw mung beans. 😉

He firmly entered my life after a raw food diet, when I got a consultation with a local Ayurvedic doctor, and he prescribed me to do fasting days on perhaps the most popular dish of Ayurvedic cuisine. Of course, I will tell you about it a little later. The results were amazing, but I did not keep that diet for too long - it happened because of the natural circumstances of my life!

Years later, I returned to Ayurveda again, but with the help of another specialist (with the former, alas, we somehow got lost!). And now mung bean is again almost every day on my menu, the results are again pleasing, I will certainly share all this with you in this article.

In the meantime, I’ll still tell you about what kind of mash this is, to which I sing praises.

Mung bean alkalizes your body as it has an acidic pH of 5.0.

You can find this product not only under the name “mung”, but also under the mysterious name “mung dal” or “mung beans” (these beans have nothing to do with the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, the author of the famous painting “The Scream!”). .

In Latin, it sounds like Vigna radiata. The botanical fate of the plant of interest to us is very curious. The fact is that earlier it belonged to the genus Haricot along with urd and uzuki beans and was called nothing more than golden beans (Phaseolus aureus, Phaseolus radiatus). But the glorious bean days for mung bean ended when scientists transferred it to another genus - cowpea, believing that it would look more harmonious there.

Don't worry, he was not separated from either Urd or Adzuki - they crossed over together and became the closest relatives of cowpeas (actually, cowpeas!) And the like. Why was it done?

Because these Asian types of beans act on the body a little differently - they cook faster even without prior soaking, germinate quickly, and still do not cause hurricanes in the stomach, that is, they are absorbed much more easily than other beans.

By the way, he has not lost touch with the Bean Mung family, he still treats it the same way, just, as I said, as part of a different genus. So, and , and , and , and , and remain close relatives.

The hero of my today's article is an annual herbaceous plant with a powerful branched root system and an upright, slightly branched stem. This aerial part of the bush is covered with stiff hairs, ribbed and can reach a height of one and a half meters, although there are also dwarfs - only 20 centimeters.

The leaves of the plant are quite large, dark green, triangular in shape, collected in groups of 3, and the flowers that appear in July-August are in clusters of 2-8 individuals and are usually colored yellow, pale yellow or yellow-purple colors.

By the end of summer (in some representatives at the beginning and in the middle of autumn), long narrow beans with a delicate fluff appear in place of the flowers, which can be light brown in color, or can be born black, depending on the variety.

The length of such pods ranges from 5 to 20 centimeters, and inside in a dense row sit those very small oval smooth seeds that vegetarians and raw foodists love to chew so much. They are most often green, but can be yellow or brown. There are grains and specks!

History of mung bean

Unfortunately, due to the prescription of years, it is unlikely that it will be possible to establish the homeland of this amazing plant for certain. By the way, some researchers consider mung bean the most ancient representative of the legume family. Can you imagine how old he is if his younger brothers were found in the tombs of the pharaohs and consumed in Ancient Rome?! T0 is the same! Who will tell us now where they first tasted it ... 😆

Although scientists still suggest that mung beans came to the world from India, where it is idolized, as well as from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Well, quite a convincing version, given that in the ancient Indian scriptures - the Shastras - there is a mention of them. And this is at least 5000 years ago, or even more.

The countries of Asia have also devotedly loved mung bean for a very long time, they cultivate it in every possible way and put it into everything they can. 🙂 And I understand them perfectly! A little later, the countries of Africa, Australia, North and South America joined the admirers of small green beans.

Interestingly, although mung has not become a mainstay of the diet of countries outside of Asia, Kenyans still consider it one of their main cash crops.

In the post-Soviet space, this plant is grown in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, as well as in the Transcaucasus. Historically, the Slavic peoples have never cultivated mung bean, especially on an industrial scale.

But, let me note that a few years ago it was generally not to be found for sale, in particular, in my city, but today, please, in large markets, in vegetable stalls, in the markets of nuts and dried fruit traders, but about vegetarian shops and eco-shops, I’m completely silent. 😉 So, as they say, it's not evening yet!

Since the beginning of the 2000s, work has been underway in the Crimea to grow the most resistant varieties of this plant, and quite successful! Not the same, of course, as in the main producing countries of these beans - China, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, but still. Mung dal is cultivated both in some climatically suitable states of Europe and in the southern states of America.

Mash can taste different depending on how it is cooked.

Describing the taste of this product is quite simple. Have you ever tried young green peas? So juicy, tender, sweet, grassy, ​​almost without aftertaste. So, germinated mung bean is exactly like that - fresh and young pea!

Slightly different taste qualities in thermally processed mung beans. They are no longer herbaceous, and not juicy, but still tender, becoming creamy and slightly nutty during the cooking process.

In my opinion, these are the most refined representatives of the legume family - they do not have a pronounced recognizable taste, but, nevertheless, it is difficult to confuse their texture with, say, coarse beans or denser lentils. What do you think?

Mash kichiri is considered the healthiest dish in Ayurveda.

What a wonderful topic this is! The main thing is to stop in time. 🙂 I'll start with the simplest mung bean dish - soup, which in India is called "dal". In principle, it can be cooked from any beans, but from these it turns out faster and tastier than anything. It's definitely worth trying and comparing! Or have they already done it? Share!

Mung dal is cooked very quickly, especially if you have previously soaked it all night - some 20 minutes, and you no longer have separate seeds in the saucepan, but a tender thick mass, smelling of spices, which you, of course, added there. What do you prefer? My favorites are , and . And sometimes I just sprinkle curry when I want to cook a dish faster.

You can throw potatoes into such a soup, but I don’t do that, because it turns out to be thick and satisfying anyway. I prefer to grate it there, throw a couple of “fungi” broccoli, cubes of fried Adyghe cheese, fried. Be sure to put melted butter for fat content, if you can afford it. Well, and greens - or, in my opinion, they just ask for it there. 🙂

And eat fresh! Such a dish perfectly saturates, warms, envelops you from the inside and is perfectly digested, by the way, without any sad consequences inherent in legumes. Admit it, do you treat yourself to mung-dalchik? Like?

There is another dish that conquers everyone who tries it - at least in my environment for sure. This is the famous Ayurvedic kichiri, it is also kichiri, it is also kichadi.

In general, he has a lot of names, but I hope you understand what I mean. 😉 These are basmati rice and mung beans taken in certain proportions. No, of course, you can add any, even round-grained (I remember often cooking kichiri with brown rice!), But the effect will be different.

I found for myself the ideal proportion of these two components - 2 parts of rice and 1 part of mung bean. But at the moment, my Ayurvedic doctor prescribed me to do the opposite for medicinal purposes, well, I do! Are you surprised that Ayurveda prescribes food as medicine? Yes, this is the essence of cooking! How do they say? Let food be your medicine, and not your medicine your food? Remember this apt phrase? 🙂

So, both the first Ayurvedic doctor and this doctor in both cases urged to focus on mung bean in their diet. And on kichiri, I was completely recommended to unload the body once a week! Yes, this is contrary to all raw food guidelines, I understand, but it really works. In my case, absolutely!

How to cook this miracle of culinary thought? The simplest thing is to fry rice and beans in a dry frying pan, then pour them with water at the rate of about 1:2 if you want a semblance of pilaf, or 1:3 if you like a sort of thick soup. Delicious and so and so!

You can leave the dish in its pure classic form, just adding spices, or you can let your imagination run wild and create something like that. At different times (and not all together, of course!) I added cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, Adyghe cheese, dried fruits, garlic, green beans. What would you put in your kichiri?

Mash cutlets are good, and porridge from it, and pate, and casseroles. It is ideal as a filling for vegetarian pies, dumplings, pancakes, pies, rolls. Asians make flour from these beans, dough from it, and from it all sorts of different goodies and sweets - for example, pancakes. And the starch extracted from the beans is used to make noodles and jelly. Why, the Chinese even make ice cream from mung bean! Would you like to taste mashovy ice-cream?

By the way, have you heard of funchose? Such noodles, similar to glass, are long, thin and transparent. It is also made from mung bean.

My eldest son is a fan of funchose, at my suggestion, of course, we fan together from time to time. A very unusual dish is obtained if you flavor it with fried vegetables or, for example, mushrooms or the same soy meat. Have you tried funchose? It is worth your attention!

Indonesians use this product in a rather unusual way - mixed with coconut milk and ginger. It turns out a kind of sweet milk porridge. If only our children in kindergartens were given something like that instead of the harmful nasty semolina! Sorry, childhood memories of semolina surfaced 😉

Mung bean sprouts are delicious in vegetable salads. It makes no sense to list the vegetables and types of greens with which it is combined - it seems to me that this list includes all the products of this category known to us. Add cubes of your favorite cheese to such an appetizer, season with sour cream, or experiment with terrible power.

It would seem that ordinary beans, small, green ones, and so many delicious and amazing things can be cooked from them! Will you take it?

By the way, I have soaked mung bean since yesterday evening, but I have not yet decided what to cook from it - soup, kichiri, or maybe Chinese ice cream? 😀

Mung bean flour is a valuable cosmetic product.

Of course, in Russian medicine, even in folk medicine, you are unlikely to find mung bean as a medicine, but Eastern healers have long used the beneficial properties of this plant for the benefit of people. I will tell you about them in the corresponding section of the article, and here I will certainly mention the amazing cosmetic properties of these beans.

Ground into flour and included in the skin mask, they perfectly narrow pores, smooth fine wrinkles, and eliminate irritation.

Natural cosmetics based on mung beans are especially indicated for mature and problematic skin.

It should also be noted that the green parts of this plant are widely used in agriculture. For animal food, of course! And do you know what for? In order to increase milk yield in cows - from such a nutritious and healthy food, lactating cow mothers produce more milk, and it turns out to be more fat. Maybe we, women, should also take this recipe into service? 😉

Mash is also used in crop rotation - in the alternation of planting crops, as a valuable plant, which, like all members of the legume family, improves the nitrogen balance of the soil.

How to grow mung bean yourself?

If you are interested in such a crop rotation, you can grow mung beans in your area, or even try to grow them on the windowsill in a city apartment. However, remember that mung bean loves warmth and light, nutritious soil and regular watering.

Best of all, it takes root after, and other root crops, but on the ground, where its closest relatives (legumes) grew before, it grows sluggishly.

It is very important to wait for the end of all possible frosts, and only then plant mung bean seeds in the ground on the street.

Provide support for your bean bushes - their stems are not always strong and erect, often curl and strive to slide down. On the windowsill, the plant is unlikely to grow large, but in natural conditions it can! Want to check it out?

These peas are stored in such boxes.

Mung bean brought from distant countries can be obtained at any time of the year. In addition, now, which is especially pleasing, there is no need to drag him through the whole city, as it was before in my case. 🙂 It remains only a little - to choose the highest quality product from all presented on the shelves. This is what we will do now!

How to choose the right car?

Most often, these beans are found on sale in plastic packaging - not completely transparent, but with small viewing windows. And it is right! After all, through them you can consider all the details of your potential purchase and decide whether it is worth paying for it at all.

As a rule, mung bean, sold in 450-500 gram bags in supermarkets, is very clean - no pebbles, dust, sticks, hard brown seeds. So, in fact, quality beans look like.

But for them in stores they ask a lot - in terms of kilograms, it turns out 2-3 times, or even 4 times more expensive than if you bought mung bean on the market.

I used to buy such beans only in extreme cases - when it is urgently needed, but there is no desire or no time to go to the market. 😉 Now the need for such an overpayment has disappeared, since I take them in a vegetable stall right in front of my house. Sometimes masha is out of stock, and the kind owner orders it for me - his regular customer - at the purchase price in the quantity that I need.

All this is very cool, and I was fabulously lucky - his beans are clean, without debris and mechanical damage. But on the market you can also find low-quality bulk goods - with all the garbage inclusions listed above, as well as with white or dark spots, damaged.

The dried seeds of this plant are not so rare - they are not smooth and shiny, but dull and wrinkled. It is clear that these old people have no place in our kitchen!

Be sure to pay attention to the degree of humidity of the product. It must be dry, free-flowing, in a dry bag. There should be no condensation on the packaging and inside it!

Sometimes even in good beans, no, no, yes, hard brown grains slip through, about which you can easily break a tooth. I'm not joking now - I once had such an incident.

My favorite beans deprived me of a part of the side tooth, I had to go to the dentist to restore it.

To prevent this from becoming a total threat to you, be sure to evaluate the presence of spoiled beans as a % of the rest. They are allowed no more than 1%! And before cooking, be sure to sort out the seeds, weeding out poor-quality ones. I then hurried, poured everything at once and paid with a tooth. 🙁

I am talking about all this now about not shelled, not peeled mung beans, but on sale you can also find beans without a shell, polished, sometimes whole, sometimes in halves, and sometimes in the form of grains of light yellow or pale green color. You are unlikely to find them in ordinary stores, but in Indian shops for sure!

Of course, dishes from such mung beans are prepared many times faster, it is more tender and more palatable, but, of course, it loses the lion's share of its useful properties! I only bought shelled mung dal once to satisfy my curiosity, but still, as it turned out, I prefer shell beans.

The peeled seeds of this plant can be useful to you if there is no time for full-fledged cooking, for example, to create instant mashed bean soups at home - mixed with spices, brewed with boiling water, insisted for 5 minutes and you're done! In addition, peeled mung bean is good in baby food and in the diet of people weakened by various diseases.

Choosing a quality product is half the battle, it is important to store it properly.

How to store mash?

These beans, like all others, are long-term stored products. That is, you can safely stock up on waving for the winter, if you, like me before, have to hunt for it, get it, order it, bring it from somewhere ...

Then it’s easier to immediately take a few kilograms of these small green peas and arrange it as comfortably as possible in your kitchen.

The best storage for it is glass jars with tightly screwed lids, preferably metal ones, because plastic ones allow air to pass through. And he - oxygen - is one of the enemies of masha.

Its other enemy is light, so please keep your supplies away from the sun and light bulbs. And save them from the heat, too, until you decide to boil or fry. Do not forget about dryness - if it is not there, then Madame mold will feast on mung dalom instead of you. 😉

In general, they brought it home, sorted it out well, poured it into jars, tightly twisted it, hid it in a kitchen cabinet with a door away from the stove, and you can relax for a year. But not quite - still check how your tenants are doing, if someone gluttonous, some kind of bugs got into them.

When I began to consult with my second Ayurvedic doctor, he advised me to eat mung beans on a regular basis, that is, green mung beans, and from time to time, in order to maintain weight during the diet and not lose much weight (I am extremely prone to thinness!) , the so-called black mash.

I always thought that these were different varieties of the same plant, however, as it turned out, black and green mung bean are siblings, that is, different plants belonging to the Vigna genus. So the first one is scientifically called urd dal, urad dal or mai, and the common people call it black mash, since it is very similar in appearance to its closest relative.

By the way, I never found urd dal for sale! My hunting instinct for him kicked into high gear, but so far I haven't been able to satisfy it.

In my city, such a curiosity definitely does not exist yet and no one has even heard of it, and in those online stores where it is listed for sale, for some reason it has not been available for a long time. That's such a rarity! Have you tried black mash? Share your impressions about it. Where did you buy? Suddenly, thanks to you, I will finally meet him. 😉

There are a large number of varieties of mung dal - the one that I am writing about today, but not so many varieties of it are cultivated on the territory of the former Soviet Union. In the Crimea, varieties "Victory 104", "Tajik 1", less often "Sarhad" are grown.

It's funny that since 2017 Uzbekistan has been exporting its mung beans to India, a country that is considered the birthplace of these beans. We are talking about the Indian variety "Black Matpe".

Uzbeks also grow their own original varieties of the plant: "Zilola", "Marjon", "Turon".

And the variety "Durdona", which means "priceless" in translation, has no analogues in Uzbekistan in terms of precocity. So, already on the 40-45th day after germination, beans can be harvested, but they become fully mature after 55 days.

This type of mung bean is characterized by good yield and ease of collection - the pods are formed under the crown of the bushes. In addition, the seeds of "Durdona" are larger than those of other Uzbek varieties, it has an impressive taste, and the green parts of the plant are fed to livestock.

Do not abuse mung bean sprouts, and your body will be in order.

Benefits of mung bean

Anyone who has even read or heard a little about Ayurveda probably knows that this ancient science of life sings praises to mung beans and recommends using them regularly. There, of course, there are some nuances in accordance with the individual type of constitution, but in general, mash is shown to everyone in one quantity or another.

Representatives of ancient and wise Chinese medicine do not lag behind Ayurvedicists. And that's why:

  • Mash is unique in that it saturates and nourishes the tissues of the body at the same time, and at the same time cleanses them. You can be convinced of this if you cook for yourself just a handful of these beans - you will quickly fill up, you will not feel any heaviness, but you will only feel a surge of strength and energy.
  • Use such beans for quick and effective detoxification of the body (including severe poisoning by mushrooms, poisonous plants, pesticides, heavy metals), as well as food during fasting days.
  • In addition, the regular use of this green pea improves the digestion process - it does not put a strain on the digestive tract, it is easily digested, and improves intestinal motility.
  • Mung dal also normalizes stools and relieves constipation.
  • Mung bean dishes are an excellent protein food for vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists. With it, you can build muscle mass and recover from serious illnesses.
  • That is why these beans are good in baby food - when combined with certain foods (for example, cereals or potatoes), they contribute to weight gain and improve appetite.
  • But, at the same time, if you use mung bean in the form of sprouts as part of light vegetable salads, it helps to reduce weight and keep it within the normal range, which is especially important for people who are obese and watch their figure.
  • In dietary nutrition, these beans are often a complete substitute for meat.
  • Mung dal lowers blood sugar and helps people with diabetes keep it under control. The glycemic index of this product is 15 units.
  • He copes well with high "bad" cholesterol - lowers it.
  • It is believed that the regular use of these beans is the prevention of cancer.
  • in the composition of mung bean helps to maintain the cardiovascular system in good condition.
  • This product has a beneficial effect on the female hormonal background, and therefore is indicated in the menstrual and menopausal periods.
  • It is shown to both pregnant and lactating women, as it is the softest and most easily digestible legume. This is especially true for vegetarians.
  • There is an opinion that mung bean dishes improve the quality of the male seed and normalize the work of the genitourinary system of the strong half of humanity.
  • Sprouts in reasonable quantities with good digestion, and properly cooked beans, help strengthen the immune system.
  • Mash is known for its diuretic properties. It is recommended to be used as a natural antiseptic.
  • This product improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • It effectively reduces pressure, and therefore it must be included in the diet of hypertensive patients.
  • Above, I already wrote that masks with the participation of masha have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. With the help of these seeds, you can treat eczema, burns, acne, dermatitis, stop inflammation on the skin.
  • This product improves the condition of hair and nails, as it contains.
  • Oriental doctors have long used mung dal to treat ENT diseases, including cough, rhinitis, tracheitis, and others.

Harm masha

Of course, for all its useful properties, this miracle product also has contraindications. In particular, like any legumes, they should not be abused.

Yes, mung bean is easier to digest than other beans - beans, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, but this does not mean that you need to eat tons of it.

Although you can’t - it’s so satisfying. No more than 100 grams per day, and everything will be fine!

Do not forget also about the individual intolerance of the body. Mung dal is not an allergen, but who knows how your body can react to an unfamiliar product, so start getting to know him with microdoses.

Severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are also a contraindication to the use of these beans. It is better for children under one year not to eat them, and after a year with caution, also starting with small portions.

If the cooking rules are not followed (without appropriate spices and for too short a period of time) and consumed (at night, with fruits, in large quantities), mung bean can cause nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea.

  1. The Chinese and Vietnamese do not "bother" and call their favorite bean product very simply - "green beans"! only in the first on the lips it sounds like “liu dou”, and in the second - “dow xankh”.
  2. Depending on the type of plant, harvesting it can be quick and convenient, or it can be delayed and complicated. Some varieties ripen immediately and are located at the crown of the bush, while others ripen gradually and are scattered around the entire perimeter of the plant.
  3. Do you know how to check the ripeness of mung bean? Break its pod - if it crunches, then it's time to harvest!
  4. In India, mung dal is not only considered a superfood, a medicine for all occasions, but also, so to speak, spiritual food, as it helps, according to the inhabitants of this country, enter into meditation, and also contributes to the development of intellectual abilities in children. I have been checking on my sons for more than a year - they grow up smart, but they don’t meditate yet. And your? 🙂
  5. I prefer to cook mung bean in the cold season in the form of warming thick soups, as part of vegetable stews and kichiri, and the Chinese not only make ice cream out of it, they also serve it in the form of porridge in the heat. According to them, "green beans" cool a person from the inside.

This is such a wonderful overseas product - either peas or beans. What can you tell about him? Is it in your diet? And, if not, will it be after reading this laudatory article of mine?

One of the most positive and pleasant trends of our time is the ever-increasing popularity of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. More and more people are beginning to think about the quality and quantity of food they consume and its effect on the state of the body. With the spread of proper and dietary nutrition, the popularity of previously not very well-known dishes and products began to increase. So, for example, various types of plant and vegetarian foods began to appear on store shelves.

Legumes are one of the most important components of the diet. The hero of today's article, the mung bean plant, belongs to this family. The benefits and possible harm of this product will be discussed further.

Mash - what is it

Mash is not particularly popular with domestic consumers. For many of our compatriots, this product is still unknown. What is the mysterious car?

So, mash, or mung beans It is a plant of the legume family. The birthplace of culture is the countries of Southeast Asia - India and Bangladesh. Beans are quite widespread in the cuisines of many Asian countries: for example, mung bean is very often used in Chinese, Korean and Japanese dishes, as well as in the traditional dishes of the peoples of Central Asia - Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmens.

Like all members of the legume family that are eaten, mung bean is famous for high amount of proteins and vegetable amino acids in the composition, and therefore is a favorite product among vegetarians and vegans. Also among the undoubted advantages of beans is a composition rich in vitamins and minerals and high nutritional value, thanks to which mung bean dishes saturate and satisfy hunger for a long time.

The plant is a small, greenish-colored, pea, without a pronounced aroma. It tastes like beans. You can cook porridge from mung bean, stew and bake them, fry them, cook pilaf and many other dishes.

Useful qualities

  • As mentioned above, mung beans contain an impressive amount of vegetable proteins in the composition, and therefore can be especially useful for those who adhere to a vegetarian diet, strict diet or fasting. The plant, due to the presence of proteins and amino acids in the composition, can serve as substitute for meat products.
  • Mash has a fairly high calorie content - 100 g contains about 350 calories. For this reason, the product perfectly saturates and satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time.
  • Mung is extremely beneficial for health digestive system. The fiber present in the composition has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, facilitates the process of digestion of food, and also helps to improve intestinal motility and cleanse it of toxins and toxins.
  • Vitamin A contained in the plant is necessary for the health of bones and teeth, as well as the prevention of eye diseases.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to diseases and viruses.
  • Iron, Copper, and Vitamin K participate in the hematopoietic function, increase hemoglobin levels and serve as the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.
  • The product contributes improvement of the respiratory system, helps fight their diseases: bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia.
  • Eating mung helps decrease in blood sugar levels, and therefore mung bean dishes can be useful for the prevention of diabetes.
  • B vitamins, contained in beans, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, normalize the psycho-emotional background and help improve mood and sleep patterns.
  • calcium and phosphorus necessary for the health and support of the musculoskeletal system: bones and joints. Mung bean, rich in these minerals, helps fight osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis.
  • beans are rich antioxidants that slow down the growth of cancer cells in the body. Antioxidants also prevent the aging of internal organs, help maintain the beauty and health of the skin for longer.
  • Mash improves kidney and liver function, promotes their purification from toxins and toxic compounds.
  • Regular consumption of mung beans helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve blood vessels and accelerate blood circulation throughout the body.

Contraindications and possible harm

  • The product should be used very carefully for people with diseases of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract and with a tendency to increased gas formation.
  • It is not recommended to get involved in waving for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Also, a contraindication to the use of beans is the presence of an allergy or individual intolerance to the product.

  1. There are a lot of recipes with mung beans: the plant can be fried or stewed with vegetables and seafood, served as a side dish for meat and fish, cooked from mung bean pasta or nutritious soups. There are even recipes for baking using beans.
  2. Very popular among healthy eaters sprouted mung beans- It is believed that such a product is very beneficial for health due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. You can germinate mung bean at home: you need to fill the grits with water and put in a warm place. Sprouts will appear within a few days. You can eat it raw, and also add it to various vegetable salads. It should be borne in mind that the shelf life of the product does not exceed a week.
  3. How to choose high-quality and good beans? First of all, you should pay attention to their color: they should be a light green hue with a slightly glossy surface. The shape is oval, without dents or scratches. There should be no debris or husks in the cereal.
  4. Mung bean should be stored in a dark and dry place, preferably in a canvas bag, so that the cereal is ventilated.

The big fast begins and many people are looking for recipes that help not to stay hungry at a time when food of animal origin cannot be eaten. Take note of mung beans, which are sold in large supermarkets, but are almost unknown to us.

What is mash?

Mash (mungo bean, mung bean) is a plant of the legume family, genus Vigna. It is considered the most ancient legume culture, which began its conquest of the world from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Now mung bean is known in many countries, especially often it is used in national Asian cuisine. Mash is used as a whole for first and second courses, and pancakes, pasta, noodles, cream, ice cream and even drinks are prepared from flour obtained from mung bean.

Why is mung bean better than the usual beans and peas?

Unlike beans and peas, mung beans cook very quickly. It does not need to be soaked, and it will be ready within 40-50 minutes anyway. Mash does not cause bloating, even small children eat it with pleasure. In Sweden, pediatricians recommend that mothers feed boiled and mashed mung beans to children older than 6 months. With mash, you can cook a wide variety of dishes. Mash goes well with meat, vegetables and rice.

Mash: health benefits

Mash is, first of all, a very useful protein that everyone needs. In 100 grams of mung bean it is 23 grams, and it is almost completely absorbed by the body. Is in the car vegetable fats, there are few of them - only 2%, but they are polyunsaturated - protect the heart and blood vessels, have a positive effect on metabolism. Mung is rich in carbohydrates - 44 grams of carbohydrates in 100 grams of mung bean. But these are “slow” carbohydrates that will give you a feeling of satiety for a long time and prevent such unnecessary snacks on the go. Golden beans contain calcium and magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, sodium and selenium, iron and copper. Mung bean is rich in B vitamins and contains fiber. That is, mung bean is a really healthy product and quite nutritious: 100 grams of mung bean contains 300 kcal.

Mash: the healthiest way to eat

If you want to get the most out of golden beans, it's best to sprout them. Mung bean sprouts are a high-vitamin product, especially useful during fasting. And always, when you need to restore strength: after an illness, with active mental or physical activity. Sprouting mung bean is simple: you need to fill it with water and leave it overnight. Then gently rinse (mung bean will already “hatch” - do not damage the sprouts!) and spread on a saucer, on gauze in one layer. From above, also cover with gauze in several layers moistened with water. Drying out must not be allowed. After 1.5 - 3 days, the mung bean sprouts are ready. The time depends on the light, heat and the length of the sprouts that you like.

Mash: other uses

Use mung beans to make soups. You can make soups with whole mung beans, as well as creamy soups with pureed mung beans, following the example of pea soup.Second courses can be prepared by combining mung beans with rice, meat or vegetables to taste.Mung bean drinks are unlikely to appeal to an unaccustomed person, however, as well as desserts.

There are many plants in the world that allow you to make your food healthy, tasty and at the same time do without animal products.

Syn: golden beans, mung beans.

Mash is an annual herbaceous plant of the legume family, the oldest legume crop that began its history in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Now mung bean is known in many countries, it is especially widely used in national Asian cuisine. Mash is used whole for first and second courses, and pancakes, pasta, noodles, cream, ice cream and even drinks are prepared from flour obtained from mung bean.

Ask the experts

flower formula

Masha flower formula: Ch5(5)L5T5∞P1→.

In medicine

Mash is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation and is not used in official medicine. However, the plant is used in oriental folk medicine, and is also considered a valuable dietary product.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that mung bean contains less oligosaccharides, which cause gas formation and complicate the process of digestion, than other legumes, if digestion is disturbed, its excess consumption can cause dyspepsia and flatulence. Therefore, mung bean should be carefully introduced into the diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 6 years old, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Also, do not use mung bean with individual intolerance to its components.

In cooking

Mung beans are especially popular in oriental cuisine - Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Indonesian. Mash is usually eaten whole, shelled or sprouted. Mash is included in a huge list of dishes: it is added to bread and pastries, porridge, noodles, desserts, kissels are made from it. Mash goes well with meat, vegetables and rice, and is also added to soups. There is a very tasty oriental snack - this is deep-fried mung bean. When combined with mung bean sauces, vegetables, seafood, peanuts, chicken and beef meat, very tasty and satisfying salads are obtained. Mung beans are also used as a side dish for various meat dishes.

In Chinese cuisine, mung bean is called “lǜ dòu”, which means “green bean”. Chinese cooks boil mung beans whole, or clean, grind, and then stew it with seasonings and spices.

Mung bean is also used in the cuisines of Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Southeast Asia. In Uzbek and Tajik cuisine, there is a mung bean dish called "mash-kichiri" or "mash-shavlya", which is a porridge made from a mixture of rice and unshelled mung bean using vegetable oil. Also in the cuisine of these peoples, a thick soup is cooked using these beans. Very popular in Uzbekistan is the vegetarian pilaf "mash-khurda", which is prepared from a mixture of rice, unrefined mung bean and vegetable oil.

Mung bean sprouts are a typical component of Asian cuisine, a high-vitamin product, a dietary dish that is especially useful during fasting. Sprouting mung bean is simple: you need to fill it with water and leave it overnight. Then gently rinse, trying not to damage the sprouts and spread on a flat plate, on gauze in one layer. From above, the mung bean should also be covered with a damp cloth. Drying out must not be allowed. After 1.5-3 days, mung bean sprouts will be ready. Ready time depends on the amount of light, air temperature and the length of the sprouts you like. Mung bean sprouts must be thoroughly washed before use.

A light green, shelled mung bean is known in Indian cuisine as "dal" or "dhal". A traditional Indian dish, also called “dhal”, is prepared from such mung beans, pasta (often used as a filling), desserts are made, as well as the main dish of Ayurvedic cooking - “kitchari”.

Mash is cooked very quickly, within 40-50 minutes, even without pre-soaking. The taste of mung beans resembles the taste of beans, but only with a slight nutty flavor.

Mung bean starch is used to produce a special type of Chinese noodle called "fensi", or "funchose", which is used in soups, salads, deep-fried dishes. The name "glass noodles" is due to the translucent appearance that it acquires after cooking.

Fennel, dill or coriander seeds can be added to dishes with mung beans, this will enrich the taste of food, as well as improve its digestibility.

Mash is a fairly nutritious product, 100 grams of beans contain 300 kilocalories.

In cosmetology

Flour is obtained from mung beans, which is used as part of cosmetic masks that smooth the skin and reduce pores. Also, masks with mung bean flour, when used regularly, improve the structure of skin cells and help the skin fight age-related changes. Recently, some companies have been producing face and body cosmetics containing mung bean flour in their composition.

In other areas

In crop production

Mash, or golden bean, has long been popular with gardeners and gardeners who cultivate it for its valuable seeds. However, for beginners who decide to cultivate this type of legume on their site, it is important to know that mung bean is a heat-loving plant, so it is difficult to grow it in the northern regions. Also, the plant actively grows and bears fruit on high-quality fertilized soil and with regular watering. By the way, mung bean grows remarkably after such predecessors as tomatoes, root crops, potatoes, but it is better not to sow mung bean after any bean. The vegetative period of mung bean is from 80 to 110 days, so mung bean seeds should be sown as soon as the ground warms up to 12 degrees and the threat of frost has passed. Mung bean seeds are laid in the soil to a depth of at least 4 cm, and the distance between the beans should be about 20 cm. Row spacing is usually 40 cm. Before sowing, the seeds can be soaked for better germination. It is important to remember that mung bean is a tall, climbing plant that needs support to grow. The plant also requires careful care throughout the growing season, it will be necessary to constantly loosen the soil, hill the plants and remove weeds. It is especially important to perform all these actions at harvest, since the ripening of the beans is very extended in time. Only ripe fruits are suitable for harvesting, and unripe ones are left to ripen. When overgrown with weeds, selective harvesting is difficult.

When growing mung bean, you may encounter such a plant disease as atracnose. Plants in thickened plantings and at high humidity are especially susceptible to it. Anthracnose is a fungal disease in which diseased plants become covered with ulcers and dark spots, the leaves turn brown, curl, dry out and then fall off. The disease affects the entire aerial part of the beans, causing the beans to rot.

The fight against atracnose consists in burning all plant residues after harvesting, partially cutting or removing the entire infected plant, spraying plantings with one percent Bordeaux liquid. If you have time to carry out spraying at the initial stage of the disease, you can avoid the mass destruction of all crops.

In other areas

Mung bean greens are a valuable nutritious fodder product, it helps to increase milk yield and increases the fat content of milk in cows.

Also, mung bean is an excellent crop for crop rotation and a good predecessor for subsequent crops, like all members of the legume family.


Mash, or golden beans, or mung beans (lat. Vigna radiata) is an annual herbaceous plant of the genus Vigna (lat. Vigna), the Legume or Moth family (lat. Fabaceae, or Leguminosae, or Papilionaceae). Previously, the mung bean plant belonged to the biological genus Beans (lat. Phaseolus) and was referred to in old sources as golden beans (lat. Phaseolus aureus, Phaseolus radiatus).

Botanical description

Mash is an annual herbaceous plant. The root system is powerful, consists of a developed tap root with many lateral branches. The stem is erect, slightly branched, hard-haired, ribbed, 20-150 cm high (under our conditions, varieties 30-50 cm high are cultivated). Stipules glabrous, ovate or broadly ovate, 10 to 18 mm long, unpaired leaf nearly triangular. The leaves consist of three unequal-ovate leaflets, wavy, large, green or dark green. Peduncles axillary, long. The flowers are yellow, light yellow (lemon) or violet-yellow, collected in 2-8-flowered racemes, hermaphroditic, typical for legumes. Flowering begins from the lower branches. Mung beans bloom in July-August, the seeds ripen in August-September (vegetation period is 80-100 days; in late-ripening varieties, the ripening period is delayed until October). The formula of the mung bean flower is CH5(5)L5T5∞P1→.

The fruit is a multi-seeded, pubescent, narrow bean, 5-20 cm long, cylindrical in shape, brown (light brown) or black in color. The seeds are smooth, with a glossy sheen of the shell, oval in shape, small, yellow, brown or green in color (sometimes speckled).


Since ancient times, the cultivation of mung bean has been widespread in most of Asia, and then mung bean began to be cultivated in Africa, Australia, North and South America and the West Indies. It has not become a major crop outside of Asia, but in Kenya, for example, mung bean is the main cash crop. In the CIS countries, mung bean is cultivated in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Transcaucasia and Kazakhstan.

Today it is cultivated on an industrial scale in China, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippine Islands, as well as throughout the subtropical zone of the globe. In some states of the USA, as well as in southern Europe, where there are arid climatic conditions, mung beans are also grown.

Procurement of raw materials

Harvesting depends on the maturation of the mung variety. If the varieties ripen together, having a compact form, then the crop is harvested at the same time. If the ripening period is extended, then harvesting is also stretched in time and it turns out to be more labor-intensive.

Plants are cut when the beans become dense and break with a crunch (at the same time, their cracking should not be allowed so that the seeds do not spill out when harvested). Then the harvested mung bean is laid out on burlap or on concrete platforms under sheds, after which it is threshed.

At all stages of harvesting and processing mung beans, self-heating and molding of wet seeds should not be allowed.

It is recommended to store mung bean for subsequent sowing and processing in a cool, dry place. You can mix beans with garlic and mint to repel pests.

Chemical composition

Mung beans contain a full range of useful substances: fats and carbohydrates, fiber, dietary fiber. Mung bean contains B vitamins, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, selenium, copper, and a large amount of iron.

Pharmacological properties

Mash is very useful for the state of connective tissue, elasticity of joints, flexibility. The beneficial properties of mung bean are due to its composition - a large amount of B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Folic acid is indispensable for pregnant and lactating women, for the normal development of the fetus and the optimal composition of breast milk. The benefits of mung bean in a high content of fiber, which improves digestion and helps the gastrointestinal tract, helps to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body.

Mung beans are considered a moderately high-calorie and dietary product that contains a lot of proteins, fiber and vitamins. In fact, mung bean successfully replaces meat for vegetarians. In addition, the properties of mung beans include an antitoxic effect. Also, these beans accelerate the healing of thermal burns, have a diuretic effect, remove harmful substances from the intestines. Mung bean sprouts contain a lot of ascorbic acid, calcium and iron, which can be used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases such as tracheitis, bronchitis, rhinitis, laryngitis and sinusitis.

Also, nanocoenzymes were found in mung beans that can actively resist the negative effects of the environment on the skin. This makes cosmetic procedures using the plant one of the means that prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

Application in traditional medicine

Bean flour gruel is applied to the skin for burns and wounds, as well as for the treatment of acne and dermatitis.

Sprouted mung is used to strengthen the heart, reduce pressure in hypertensive patients and improve the elasticity of blood vessels.

Groats are useful for women during menopause to restore hormonal balance.

Mash is advised to eat regularly for diabetics, as it maintains a normal level of sugar.

Chinese medicine uses a decoction of mung bean seeds for a whole list of diseases:

poisoning and digestive disorders, colds (for gargling), edema (as a diuretic). Chinese folk healers treat food poisoning with waving, in particular poisoning with mushrooms or poisonous plants. According to them, mung beans can help with pesticide and heavy metal poisoning.

2. Vasilchenko I. T. Phaseolus aureus Roxb. - Golden beans, Mash // Flora of the European part of the USSR / Ed. ed. An. A. Fedorov. - L .: Nauka, 1987. - T. VI. Ed. volumes N. N. Tsvelev. - S. 32. - 254 p. - 3150 copies.

Pavlova G. M. Phaseolus aureus (Roxb.) Piper - Mash // Cultural flora of the USSR. - M.-L.: Selkhozgiz, 1937. - T. IV. Cereal legumes. - S. 573-601.

3. Vigna. Grain and vegetable specimens promising for cultivation in the southern regions of the European part of the Russian Federation: catalog of the VIR world collection / ed. M. A. Vishnyakova. - St. Petersburg, 2012. - Issue. 806. - 26 p.

4. Ivanov N.R. Vigna. B: Cereal legumes. M., L. 1953., 349 p.

5. Mash. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M., 1974. - T. 15. - S. 1577-1578.

Mash is an exotic plant whose fruits are eaten as a grain crop. It is more common in Asia, while in Europe, including Russia, little is known about it. We will talk about this culture, about its properties, about the benefits and harms of mung bean, as well as how to use it at home, in this article.

What is mash

This annual agricultural plant belongs to the legume family, which is easy to guess from the appearance of its fruits and grains - mung bean seeds are round-oval, bright green or green, similar to young peas or beans. The birthplace of culture is India, where it is called "mung beans", this name is now used in other countries.

Mung bean is popular not only in India, China, Korea, Japan and the countries of Southeast Asia, but also in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, where they are well aware of its beneficial properties. It is eaten in the form of green pods, ripe or sprouted grains, preparing dishes from them with the addition of various ingredients.

The composition and calorie content of mung bean

As with all legumes, mung beans are high in protein. In 100 g of seeds it is 23.5 g. This amount is enough to cover the daily human need for this nutrient by 30%. There are also a lot of carbohydrates, there are 46 g of them in the grain, but only 2 grams of fat. Fiber in 100 g of mung bean 11 g, water 14 g, the rest is occupied by minerals (K, Ca, Mg, Na, Ph, Fe) and vitamin compounds, especially C, E, PP and group B, which are quite a lot in this useful grain. Due to the high content of carbohydrates and protein, mung bean is a nutritious food. Calorie mung bean - 300 kcal per 100 g of product.

Benefits of mung beans for health

With regular use of mung bean for food, minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal course of many vital processes enter the body from it. For example, potassium takes an active part in maintaining the balance of water, acids and electrolytes, in conducting nerve impulses and normalizing pressure; calcium forms bone and dental tissue, it is also involved in muscle contraction.

In addition, mung bean has other beneficial effects on the body. masha lies in the fact that they:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • improve memory and stimulate mental activity;
  • due to the diuretic effect, they cleanse the body of toxic compounds and prevent the formation of edema;
  • exhibit antioxidant properties, preserving the youth of tissues and organs;
  • restore vision and prevent its decline;
  • have a stabilizing effect on the hormonal background and the nervous system;
  • slow down the growth of tumor cells.

Useful in all respects, mung beans are a good preventive measure that prevents diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, as well as respiratory and autoimmune diseases. Mung bean is also useful for diabetes, as it lowers blood sugar.

The benefits of germinated mung bean

In addition to whole dry mung beans, which are cooked, these beans are also eaten sprouted. The benefits of mung bean sprouts are expressed mainly in the fact that the body receives a lot of easily digestible protein and vitamins, which are formed in the process of grain germination. Together with sprouted beans, simple rather than complex carbohydrates get inside, which means that the body does not spend extra energy on their processing.

Mung bean sprouts contain more than 2 dozen useful mineral elements, which in many respects, and some almost completely satisfy the daily human need for them. According to doctors, sprouted mung bean is useful for everyone, including pregnant and lactating mothers, so it can and even should be consumed during these crucial periods of a woman's life.

How to germinate mung bean at home

Sprouting mung beans at home is very easy, even easier than cereal grains. To do this, you will only need a small container made of ceramics, glass, plastic or an enameled bowl, a piece of clean gauze or a thin towel, the mung beans themselves and clean cold water.

The process of preparing sprouted beans is also not difficult for any housewife:

  1. You need to take a bowl, pour mung bean into it.
  2. Soak it in warm water for about 8 hours.
  3. Then drain the water, rinse the beans in cold clean water.
  4. Cover the bowl with wet cheesecloth and place in a warm, bright place.
  5. After about 12 hours, useful sprouts should already appear on the beans.

It is believed that mung bean sprouts are most useful if they do not exceed 2 cm in length, so it does not make sense to germinate beans for longer. You need to store the finished product in a domestic refrigerator for no more than 5 days and be sure to rinse it in water before eating. Healthy mung beans with sprouts can be eaten alone, paired with other sprouted grains, or added to salads in place of the green peas they resemble, vegetable soups, and stews and sautéed vegetable dishes.

Mash in cosmetology

The benefits of mung beans are expressed not only in the fact that they nourish the body from the inside, they can also be beneficial for the skin of the face and body. They make home remedies for cleansing and nourishing the skin.

Facial scrub

To prepare it, you must first grind the dry grains of mung bean in a coffee grinder, and if it is not available, then buy flour from these beans. Preparation technology:

  • 2 tsp ground beans mixed with 2 tsp. mint or rose decoction (for thin or sensitive skin);
  • 2 tsp masha mix with 2 tsp. lemon juice or honey (for oily skin);
  • leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes.

Apply the mung bean scrub on the face in a circular motion, keep it on the face for 10 minutes, and then simply rinse with warm water. Apply a couple of drops of olive oil to the skin and rub into it with massaging movements.

Facial mask

To prepare this homemade cosmetic product, you need 1 tbsp. l. powdered mung bean mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tsp. olive oil. You can add 1 more drop of your favorite essential oils. Mix everything well and apply the mixture on a damp face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water.

How to cook delicious mung bean

You can cook a variety of dishes from it, for example, cook porridge, stew with vegetables, cook soup with beans. These simple dishes are easy to prepare, no special skills are needed, and the process itself does not take much time.

porridge recipe

This dish is loved to cook in the East, and it is not surprising, because it is very tasty and nutritious. You will need:

  • rice and mung bean - 200 g each;
  • medium-sized onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
  • fresh meat (beef, goat meat or lamb) - 400 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50-100 ml;
  • spices (, cumin) and salt;
  • water - 1.5 l.

How to cook mung bean porridge:

  1. Peel the vegetables, rinse and cut the carrots into cubes, and the onion into thin half rings.
  2. Meat cut into small pieces.
  3. Fry it in oil along with vegetables and spices and put it in a saucepan.
  4. Pour beans into it, pour water and cook over low heat for 40 minutes.
  5. After that, add rice and cook until the water boils completely.

You can serve mung bean porridge hot, along with fresh dill and parsley.

soup recipe

To make this vegetable soup, you will need:

  1. 100–150 g mung bean;
  2. 1 onion and 1 medium sized carrot;
  3. 2-3 medium potatoes;
  4. 200 g chicken;
  5. 100 g of oil;
  6. 2 tbsp. l. homemade sour cream;
  7. spices and salt to taste.

Step by step description of preparation:

  • Put the meat in a saucepan, cover with water and cook until half cooked.
  • Then fry onions and carrots in oil.
  • Add mung beans and potatoes to the meat.
  • 10 minutes before the end of cooking, put onions with carrots, spices and salt, and last but not least, sour cream.
  • Serve mung bean soup hot.

How is mung bean different from peas and beans?

The main advantage of mung bean is that it cooks quickly. It is not necessary to soak it, but you can put it in the pan in its usual form. And one more property of these beans is that they do not cause gas formation, so even people with problems of this kind and babies from 6 months old can eat them.

Harm of masha and contraindications for use

Mash can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the body. But this is only when used incorrectly. It should not be eaten by people who have gastrointestinal disorders, a decrease in intestinal motility, as well as intolerance to any components of the product.

How to choose and store a machine

The best mung beans are fresh, smooth, bright green. They should not have any damage and stains, they should not be dry and wrinkled. You need to store them in a dry, dark place where they can lie for 2 years without changing quality. Store ready-made mung bean dishes in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.


What will be the benefits and harms of mung bean also depends on whether it was chosen, stored and prepared correctly. If everything is done right, it will become not only useful, but also a favorite dish for the whole family.

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