Home Preparations for the winter Rose tattoo with thorns meaning. Rose tattoo meaning on the zone. Styles and colors for a rose tattoo on the arm

Rose tattoo with thorns meaning. Rose tattoo meaning on the zone. Styles and colors for a rose tattoo on the arm

Knee tattoos have become especially popular, and that’s what we’ll talk about today. Previously, they tried to avoid them because of the painful sensations felt during the session. In this article we will tell you in more detail whether it hurts to get a tattoo on the knee, what the meaning of a tattoo on the knees is, and also what the cost of a tattoo in this area is. We will try to reveal all the positive and negative aspects of this tattoo. Let's get started.

Tattoos are one of the simplest ways to decorate your body, add zest to your image and make it brighter. The modern vision of body images is very different from the early ones, and all because in Lately wearing a tattoo is stylish and fashionable. Many people dream of completely filling the entire free surface of their body with such images, and this is not strange, because everyone wants to be in trend.

Everyone knows about the connection between the prison world and the world of tattoos. Various crosses, religious symbols, domes, skulls, etc. were depicted on and even on the heads of criminals.

However, before tattoos became a symbol of a person’s involvement in the criminal world, they had a more positive interpretation. Previously, they were applied to the bodies of warriors to protect them from possible troubles and adversities that could happen to them during the battle. Tattoos were originally worn by high-ranking officials in China, India and Mexico. However, very soon these drawings migrated to the bodies of ordinary people.

Today tattoos are perceived in a new way. This is a real art where you can show your imagination using the body as a canvas. Tattoos in modern world have many purposes. One of the main functions is, of course, decorative, because beautiful tattoo serves as an element that decorates the body and the image as a whole. You can also depict small hieroglyphs or an inscription in Latin on the body, which will mean something special to its wearer.

What do you need to know?

Today you can get a tattoo in this area almost anywhere. However, remember that you need to prepare for the session both mentally and physically. First of all you need to find good tattoo artist, who has been working in this field for a long time and will be able to bring even your craziest ideas to life. Make sure that the drawing is prepared in advance. Many different designs can be found on the Internet.

Once you find a craftsman and decide on a sketch, you will need to decide where exactly the image will appear. Among the most popular here are:

  • tattoos under the knee (colored tattoos, images of flowers, roses, round elements look especially cool here);
  • tattoo on the leg up to the knee (such designs are placed on the entire surface of the lower leg or on the thigh);
  • on the leg below the knee (getting a tattoo here is not as painful as on the knee itself. It will look beautiful here light pattern, ornament in black and white);
  • tattoos above the knee (considered the most popular among young people. Daggers, the sun, a compass rose, etc. are tattooed here).

Tattoos can also be placed. This tattoo covering provides a beautiful effect and is suitable for people who live with serious scars on their body.

About the meaning

The kneelings differ mainly in their theme. They have many small details and are mostly made in black. Why black? Because it always looks contrasting, and contrast is always a win-win option. Images of skulls on knees, as well as predatory animals (lions, bears, wolves) are fashionable. The size can range from very small to incredibly huge.

Such designs can easily develop into a full-fledged stocking and become part of a single composition. Popular among men are images of stars and cobwebs.

The penultimate ones are especially common in the prison sector. Many people are interested in the meaning of this tattoo. In prison, the stars on my knees mean “I will not kneel (to anyone).” A spider web tattoo on the knee is also popular among prisoners - the meaning is this: this is a famous tattoo of drug addicts who were in the zone. IN English colonies and in prisons, such a tattoo means that its wearer denies all laws, states and colonies, that is, it is a symbol of disobedience and independence.

Knee tattoos are distinguished by their tenderness and femininity. Preferably, these are color pictures that have a lot of light lines and unobtrusive details.

Representatives of the fair sex love to place cats, foxes and owls on their bodies.

About the advantages and disadvantages

Knee tattoos have become popular today, especially among the stronger half of humanity. However, despite this, they are also popular among girls. The great demand for images in this area is due to a number of advantages, including:

  • such a drawing looks stylish, extraordinary and impressive;
  • the knee does not undergo changes throughout life, so the pattern will remain unchanged and will delight you for a long time;
  • here you can place a large pattern that will go to the hip.

Now it is worth mentioning the disadvantages, because the process of applying a pattern to this area is not as cloudless as we would like. So, the main disadvantages:

  • soreness. The skin on the knee is devoid of a large layer of fat and is very close to the bone. All this makes the session incredibly painful, so you will have to resort to using painkillers;
  • knees are one of the most dangerous places, because we often fall on them. All this can cause the tattoo to fade very quickly or lose its original appearance;
  • It will be quite difficult for a tattoo artist to apply a design to this area due to the mobility of the kneecap.

Whether or not to get a tattoo in this area is up to you to decide. Having assessed all the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure, you will be able to clearly understand how much you need it.


The photo review shows us several knee tattoos, black and colored, made in a variety of colors.


One of the most common symbols for tattoos is a rose. Undoubtedly, this tattoo is one of the most beloved by both girls and men. If we look at the meaning of this picture, the interpretation can be very different. The rose tattoo on the hand of a girl, the meaning of which is discussed in the article, has a long history.

The meaning of a rose tattoo on a girl’s hand

In the distant 16th century, those sentenced to death were marked with a flower tattoo on their arm. death penalty prisoners. However, over time, the meaning of this sign has changed dramatically. The meaning of the tattoo (a rose on a girl’s hand) has become the opposite of the sign of death. Firstly, bright flower symbolizes passionate love and beauty. Secondly, the image of a rose has pronounced religious roots. The rich red color represents drops of blood shed for human sins. In addition, the rose is a symbol of mercy and forgiveness.

What a rose tattoo on a girl’s arm means can be expressed by the word “duality.” Firstly, the flower itself is beauty, fragility and femininity. Secondly, the thorns of this plant indicate mortal danger.

The meaning of a rose with and without thorns on a tattoo

A flower without thorns signifies beauty and youth. Of course, it is at this age that people are able to love without looking back.

Read also: Sketches of tattoos for girls on the thigh

If the tattoo is depicted with thorns, this indicates the need for protection. In other words, you should be careful with the owner of this design. The message to the world is that the girl knows how to love, but will not allow herself to be hurt.

What a rose with thorns tattoo means can be called love associated with pain.

Rose tattoo color and its meaning

Each shade of the sketch has its own meaning. If you want to get a rose tattoo, carefully study the symbolism of the color. Otherwise, you risk getting a value that is completely different from what was planned.

Black Rose

A black flower means, of course, sadness or grief from loss. However, it can also be a sign of hope. Often dark rose stuffed as a symbol of the fight for your dream. For example, this can be interpreted in a romantic sense. On the other hand, a black rose can be an emblem and political views. For example, anarchists consider the black flower a symbol of their fight against the system.

White Rose

The snow-white rose undoubtedly serves as a symbol of the innocent and pure love. The beauty of this delicate flower can highlight dew drops on the leaves. If White Rose tattooed on the shoulder, this is a symbol of the fidelity of its owner.

Red Rose

The bright red bud represents passion and fury of feelings. It is enough to remember Spanish dances to understand the symbolism of this flower. However, a burgundy rose means something completely different. This shade indicates that its owner has lost his bright passions. In return, a person gains spiritual harmony and inner balance.

Read also: Fate helps the brave in Latin tattoo

Blue Rose

If you have chosen Blue colour tattoos, you can be called a creative person. The dark blue color will tell the world about rejection of traditions and rules. In addition, a blue rose emphasizes your uniqueness. The blue color speaks of the ability to dream. Moreover, a person with such a tattoo strives for the highest heights in life.

The meaning of a rose tattoo by its location

Most popular place for a flower tattoo - shoulder and arm. However beautiful flower It looks no less impressive on other parts of the body. A lot depends on the size of your tattoo. For example, a huge open bud will fit perfectly on your shoulder. At the same time, a small rosette in a graphic style will look good on an ankle or wrist. Intermediate options are suitable for placement on the calves or thighs.

The technique used to perform a tattoo can be very different. Fans of minimalism will prefer a monochrome, clear image. If you like bright design, on help will come 3D technology. Often girls ask to decorate their tattoo with additional accessories. It can be rhinestones or sparkles. Of course, these elements do not stay on the body for long. However, for a special event they may well decorate their owner. A deep meaning the flower on a rose tattoo always stays with you.

Rose tattoo on the shoulder, leg or other (even the most piquant place) it is always beautiful and elegant. What does a rose tattoo on the body mean? IN different countries Rose tattoos are interpreted in different ways. For example, in Japan, it means tenderness, pride, love and power. In Russia, a rose tattoo is interpreted as the Flower of Paradise, due to its perfection, beauty and fragrance, or as a symbol of martyrdom due to its sharp thorns. In Italy, the rose is a symbol of beauty, spring and prosperity. In Egypt, roses were sacred to Isis, symbolizing pure love freed from all carnal things, and were used in the mysteries of Isis and Osiris. In China it means prosperity, fragrance, sweetness in desolation. In Greece, this flower is a symbol of mystery. In the West, the rose takes the place of the eastern lotus.

A rose tattoo signifies the hidden potential of a person and is the most perfect of flower symbols.

Of great importance to a rose tattoo is the color scheme, size and image of the flower itself, for example, the Red Rose makes it clear about the passion, desire, beauty, joy, and completeness of its owner. Dark Red Rose - indicates unconscious beauty. At the same time, the Golden Rose tattoo speaks of perfection. Blue Rose, as it were, whispers about the dreaminess of the owner and carries information about the unattainable and impossible. The lavender flower characterizes witchcraft. The White Rose tattoo is, of course, virginity, purity, innocence, humility. Red and White rose together are a union of fire and water, i.e. combination of opposites. The image of the Yellow Rose is friendliness. Orange - energy. Pink flower Roses - gratitude and appreciation. Light pink color means sympathy and friendliness. A blue rose speaks of uniqueness, originality and non-acceptance of the standards of its owner. And the meaning of the Black Rose tattoo traditionally means death.

What about rosebuds? A red bud means beauty and comeliness, a white one means virginity and purity.

The meaning of a rose tattoo is not predictable. The flower means the mystery of life, the unknown, beauty, and in combination with wine - seduction and debauchery. The core of the bud means the heart. While withering symbolizes sorrow, death.

The Rose symbol is very popular not only in religion, but is quite often used in ordinary, secular life.

You can get a rose tattoo on your body differently. A tattoo artist will help you decide and choose the most suitable option for you. After all, drawing can be taught in any way you like! After all, when you are decorated with an exclusive picture, every stroke, curve and shade will reveal your essence. The design is very common among tattoo lovers, but no two are exactly alike.

Before you come to stuff a charming red rose, look for sketches and meanings. Remember, your tattoo will please you for a long time.

We should not forget that in professional salons tattoo must guarantee your safety. Using the same tool on different clients is never acceptable. Infection must be excluded. To work, a master of his craft must use only disposable needles and consumables.

Source of the article Meaning of a rose tattoo website: tattooland.taba.ru


The meaning of a rose tattoo today is one of the deepest and most versatile.. Among all the other colors depicted on the body, rose is the most beautiful and popular flower in tattoos. During its long history The rose has become a frequently used tattoo and a generally recognized symbol not only among women, but also among men.

All in all, rose is a symbol of love, beauty, youth, purity, holiness and rebirth. She embodies almost all existing positive features and properties.

In the West, the rose, together with the lily, takes the place of the lotus in the East as a sacred flower, and is very close to it in its symbolic meaning. In funeral rites, the rose symbolizes eternal life, eternal joy and memory. Sometimes the rose symbolized silence and hidden secrets.

Rose leaves symbolize joy, thorns - sadness, myself flower - glory. The golden rose is the emblem of the Pope and means perfection, the red rose means love, desire, passion, completeness. The white rose, as a flower of light, symbolizes fidelity, virginity, innocence, spiritual revelation, the blue rose has become a symbol of the unattainable and impossible, the yellow one accompanies sadness and separation.

In alchemy, the rose is a symbol of wisdom, lack of desires, as well as the rebirth of the spiritual after the death of the physical. In Chinese culture, it is valued for its fragrance and is a symbol of prosperity. In Ancient Egypt, rose flowers were dedicated to the goddess Isis, as a symbol of pure love, freed from all carnal things. In Greco-Roman, it was the emblem of Aphrodite, and also a symbol of always triumphant love. In the famous Baghdad Rose, its first circle symbolizes the law, the second circle - the path, the third means knowledge, and all of them together represent the truth and the names of Allah.

Besides everything else the rose is often a source of inspiration. So in Persian mysticism there is a story about a nightingale in love with a rose, who sings and dies from the thorns of love, and stains it with his scarlet blood. Thus, the rose also becomes a symbol of the unattainability of the object of love, and a source of inspiration for poets and musicians.

The concepts of eternity of death and resurrection are closely related to the rose.. IN Ancient Rome the withered rose was an emblem of the kingdom of shadows and a symbol of the transience of life. The philosopher Omar Khayyam argued that a rose blooms best on the shed blood of a king. William Shakespeare wrote that the dying rose has best aroma. For Dante, it became a symbol of completion spiritual path and the achievement of spiritual love.

The rose takes pride of place in the official coats of arms and emblems of many countries.

In combination with a cross, the rose was found in the symbolism of the Templars and Freemasons. Its thorns are often associated with the Fall. In Christianity, the rose acquired a special symbolic capacity: mercy, mercy and forgiveness. But in medieval Catholicism, the rose is replaced by the lily. In the Islamic religion, the rose is a symbol of the shed blood of the prophet and his two sons. In Buddhism - a sign of the trinity of truth.

As you can see, the meaning of a rose tattoo is incredibly deep and interesting.. The rose always remains the most adored and mysterious of flowers; its beauty and perfection have been admired in myths and in reality for many millennia.

Rose tattoo on hand

The rose symbol in heraldry has traditionally meant balance. The soft petals of the bud personified the tender feminine principle. Sharp thorns and a hard stem are the inflexibility of the male line.

In different historical periods the rose transformed and acquired new meanings. Today, symbolism carries the meaning that the bearer wants to convey.

What does a rose tattoo mean?

Initially, a rose tattoo meant passion and strength; in addition, the flower refers to the mystical conductors of universal energies.

Esotericists believe that this is one of the three plants in the kingdom of nature on which it is impossible to cast a spell.

The flower has remained virtually unchanged since the early centuries and has remembered the dawn of humanity. This is reflected in the meaning; a bright tattoo design carries protective power.

Rose tattoo on heart

Stuffed in the area of ​​the heart, it represents an impenetrable shield for the heart. A white rose on the forearm, chest or neck stands for “home of the pure soul.”

The pattern on the calf indicates strong personality making her own way in life on her own.

The meaning of a tattoo on the hand

Many people wonder what a rose tattoo on the hand means for women and men. There is a different interpretation for each gender. Girls wear it as a symbol of passion. Men:

  • loyalty
  • devotion
  • strength of mind.

Rose tattoo with and without thorns

A hand decorated with a flower shows to others strong essence person. However, its interpretation will vary depending on the color of the bud and additional elements.

For example, one of these symbols, a rose in the hand, denotes a perspicacious mind and acquired wisdom in life.

The meaning of a black rose tattoo changes. Open petals with a lush crown emphasize the pain of loss. Closed tight buds suggest that the plant is packed in a time of great adversity.

In informal symbolism for a girl, a tattoo of a rose with thorns on the top can indicate her unique preferences in sex.

Often such a design is found on the hands of convinced lesbians. In this case, the plant must be made using the new school or technique. The image of a rose without thorns is a symbol that means in a tattoo a heart open to love.

The meaning of tattoos for girls

The meaning of a rose tattoo for girls is almost always associated with love and its manifestations. The style of performance for girls is the most important.

A rose tattoo done in watercolor style conveys nothing but aesthetics. Executed in old school open bud with dagger - broken heart .

Decoration in the form of a rose on the hand emphasizes the fact that the wearer does not accept lies. She is confident and has an open mind.

At the same time, the tattoo can be small; by filling a small rose on the hand, it seems to leave a warning to others.

Rose tattoo on thigh

The beauty of the tattoo is important; the more incredible the ideas, the more individual the symbol.

The rose is popular not only for the beauty of its bud. At all times, the flower has been a symbol of royal blood and power. White buds denote innocence, purity and high thoughts.

Meaning for men

In men, the meaning becomes more aggressive. A rose applied to the forearm exhibits masculine qualities:

  • reliability
  • strength of spirit and will
  • the desire to be the first and the best.

Depicted on the hand of men Nice picture shows the passion of nature.

In many ways, the place of application plays a role in men. Stylistics only enhances the very essence of the sign. A bunch of flowers on the wrist speaks of reliability.

This design represents the ability to keep secrets and means “sub rosa,” which literally translates to “under the rose.” Everything that is said under the rose will be preserved forever.

A guy can get a design on his forearm. Which shows his knightly essence. This literally translates as “protector”, “guardian”, “fighter”.

The meaning of the pattern on the zone

The flower is of particular importance for the language of the zone. For women, a rose tattoo means lung woman behavior.

If a tattoo in a primitive design is applied to the lower leg or thigh, it means that the girl came to the panel because of her parents.

Wrists entwined with thorny vines - domestic violence brought to the zone. In the back area there is a large drawing: a passionate lover, loves to be on top.

Rose and barbed wire tattoo

For men, buds of open flowers indicate entering a zone in at a young age. If a rose is in your hand or against the background of twigs, you celebrated your 18th birthday behind bars. A rose with a dagger - shed blood for treason.

In a crude popular print, one of the personifications of redemption in the zone, imprisonment for lawful actions because of love.

Various color combinations

Color plays key value in transcript:

  • white rose tattoo - purity;
  • black tattoo - a strong character prone to mysticism;
  • with blood - deep wounds of the past;
  • bud in a triangle - Fortune's favorites;
  • white roses on the hand - the search for spiritual peace;
  • three roses - happiness, luck and wealth;
  • red - royal power;
  • blue tattoo - romance, mysticism.

The drawing and inscription can be a reminder of a memorable event.

The best sketches that will decorate a hand, forearm or sleeve are those drawn up by a master for a person. Color sketches can be found online.

But more often these are works made for a person. To avoid becoming a hostage to other people's fantasies, contact your future performer.

Rose tattoo place to apply

The hand drawing of a rose shows the path of the heart. A flower on the side, on the chest or on the stomach, entangled in barbed wire, a symbol of liberation from the past.

  1. A rose tattoo on the leg is a desire to find your way.
  2. The image on the collarbone or on the neck emphasizes an unapproachable, proud personality.
  3. A design embossed on a finger can represent love lost in youth.
  4. This on the fist suggests a difficult character.
  5. Area on the back or shoulder women's tattoo highlights a passionate personality.
  6. A clogged sleeve descending onto the wrist is a reflection of a difficult fate.

For girls, a tattoo on the thigh, leg or foot means a love of flirting. The drawing on the lower back carries the same meaning.

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