Home Fruit trees Serpent with a dragon for marriage. Snake and Dragon: compatibility and love union of two strong personalities. Compatibility Dragon woman - Snake man: how they get along with each other

Serpent with a dragon for marriage. Snake and Dragon: compatibility and love union of two strong personalities. Compatibility Dragon woman - Snake man: how they get along with each other

Surely, many have familiar Dragon and Snake. The compatibility of these signs is controversial. On the one hand, they have something in common, and on the other, they radically differ in the way they solve problems and get out of difficult situations.

Dragon and Snake Compatibility

These characters of the Eastern calendar are similar. Ultimately, both one and the other are reptiles. The only difference is in what ways these two go to achieve the goal. So, the Snake, being the personification of Yin, the female nature, is much more flexible and mobile, while the Dragon, corresponding to the masculine Yang, is straightforward and prefers an open game.

If they form an alliance, then it is usually successful. The Snake, with its inherent wisdom, allows the Dragon to think that he is in charge, and the Dragon, in turn, is happy to see an elegant and resourceful Snake next to him. The only exception is the Snake Woman and the Dragon Woman. Their compatibility is not just equal to zero, but tends to minus infinity. They are unable to live under the same roof. The Lady Dragon will consider her friend an intriguer and a spineless creature who does not know how to insist on her own. The snake, in turn, will be unable to openly compete on equal terms with the warlike "dragon". As a result, she will really begin to weave intrigues and plot against her rival.

But there are cases when the Snake woman and the Dragon woman can reconcile. Their compatibility will be quite good if a daughter was born in the year of the Dragon, and a mother in the year. The snake is wise enough to accept the Whelp and not try to remake him.

Dragon Man and Snake Woman: Is Compatibility Possible or Not Worth Even Trying?

If they decide to create an alliance, then both must be ready to sacrifice and give in. Although the grinding time is painful, but if they survive it, then the relationship will develop successfully. They perfectly complement each other - the Dragon and the Snake.

Their compatibility is based on this - on synergy. A snake with a better developed financial streak will be an ideal hostess, her finances will always be in order. And this is exactly what the Dragon soaring in the clouds lacks. At the same time, he tends to dominate, and she will not interfere with him in this. In addition, aimed at success, work and profit, a woman born under this sign can transfer part of her perseverance to a partner.

Compatibility Dragon Woman - Snake Man: how do they get along with each other?

In general, marriage can be called constructive and useful. In it, as in any union, friction and bickering are inevitable. He is secretive and cautious, she is generous and open. Deep down, the Dragon Woman is looking for someone who would be wiser, smarter than her. Therefore, an alliance with a male Snake is ideal for her. In turn, he will admire her assertiveness and determination, stabilize the union and her rebellious character, which will allow them to go even more decisively towards achieving their intended heights. Thus, the Dragon and the Snake (the compatibility horoscope will confirm this statement) are a great couple. The only difficult point is that the Dragon woman will have to fight for her right to speak out. The compatibility of the Dragon woman and the Snake man is perhaps one of the best in the entire zodiac circle.

Traits of character and behavior of the Snake

To better understand what attracts these people, you need to understand what these representatives of the eastern horoscope are hiding. The Dragon and the Snake, whose compatibility is quite high in itself, are wayward and complex people. So, the Snake woman is a heartbreaker, a fatal beauty and a conqueror of men's hearts. She loves attention, compliments, tries to look her best at any cost. It is Snakes that are the most frequent guests of beauty salons.

Living with her is not easy. Despite the courage and determination that this woman demonstrates, deep down she is not confident in herself. That, however, does not prevent her from being a good mother. If we talk about men born this year, then they can probably charm the statue as well. He sees nothing wrong with having an affair. Moreover, he believes that he is providing the world with an invaluable service. For him, the main thing is the pleasure of a woman, so he presents himself as an ideal partner. In family life, the Snake man tries his best to be a faithful and caring husband. True, sometimes he can’t cope with the first point. However, he will not leave until you yourself drive him away.

And what are they - Dragons?

A woman born this year is active, bright and purposeful. She believes that beauty is almost the main thing in life. An ideal posture, a minimum of wrinkles, a beautiful shape - this is what the Dragon Lady will spare no money for. She advocates for gender equality. God forbid anyone should step on her toes or refuse to do anything just because she is a woman. Dragons are born feminists. They are self-confident, firmly know what they want, competent in their field. In combination with wit, this helps them make useful contacts and connections and enjoy well-deserved authority.

The Dragon Man is always attractive to the female. Why? There are two answers: influence and wealth. In 99% of such men are businessmen. Or they are in leadership positions. This is a vivid example of a manager who sees the whole situation as a whole. He is expected to excel in any task. As for the attitude towards money, he is not a spendthrift and knows how difficult it is sometimes to earn a penny. But if the Dragon decided to walk, then nothing can stop him.

What is it that attracts them?

Perhaps it is complementarity that is what the Dragon and the Serpent build their union on. Compatibility from is based on the complementarity of qualities. The snake loves and the Dragon can provide it. And vice versa. The Dragon Woman does not tolerate being submissive, and the Snake Man will not suppress her. Instead, he will give her exactly what she needs - equality and sincere admiration. The Dragon and the Snake, whose compatibility is considered one of the best, have always attracted and will attract each other's attention.

Each year has its own symbol in the form of a sign of the eastern horoscope. Born under the auspices of a certain sign, a person receives a set of qualities that will be present in his character throughout his life. For this reason, the compatibility of some signs is ideal, while other unions break up very soon.

Briefly about the snake

To understand which signs are best suited to the Snake, you need to understand all the intricacies of the character of this unusual person.

The snake is a romantic nature. Her temperament is full of sentimentality, passion, but at the same time there is enough calmness and laziness. These are mood people. It depends only on the situation how much the Snake will give all the best in this or that matter. This sign does not apply to those that act no matter what.

They are capable of high-quality cooperation if they are promised considerable benefits in business. They are ready to work for free only for the benefit of their loved ones, who play the most important role in their lives. In relationships, the Snake gives all the best, sometimes even resorting to self-sacrifice.

About the Dragon

The dragon is one of those signs in whose life movement plays a key role. This is an active person. He quickly adapts to new circumstances, loves changes and contributes to them in every possible way.

Dragons love everything new, so they constantly work on themselves. The love of change applies to relationships as well. Being in a pair, the Dragon does not get tired of improving, so that the partner is comfortable next to him.

The fieryness of the sign can manifest itself in conflicts when the opponent tries to hurt the Dragon's pride. In other cases, the sign acts as a diplomat, perfectly understanding its strength and not wanting to incinerate the unthinking offender with it.

snake and dragon

According to astrologers, the compatibility of the Snake and the Dragon depends entirely on the participants in this combination themselves. Both signs are very similar, but at the same time they have significant differences. The strength of the union is directly affected by the desire of both partners to stay together and achieve their goals.

The problem may be the way in which each of the signs prefers to overcome difficulties. The snake carries the energy of Yin, being a representative of the feminine. This makes her flexible, agile and nimble in solving problems. The dragon, on the contrary, personifies the masculine principle, which gives it straightforwardness, openness and assertiveness.

With different ways of thinking, these two signs still remain reptiles. Some cunning is inherent in the snake, so it allows the Dragon to consider itself the main one. In most cases, this state of affairs suits partners and they are ready to create strong relationships.

The union of the Snake and the Dragon cannot be called completely harmonious. This combination does not apply to those where harmony is found by default. Both signs will have to work on relationships, learn to give in, understand and listen. Not everyone is ready to make such sacrifices, so such unions often break up.

Much in the compatibility of these signs depends on which sign the man got, and who the lady is.

Snake Woman and Dragon Man

Of the two options for the union, this one is considered more positive. A man plays the role of a breadwinner and head of the family, and a woman is completely satisfied with her female role. Both partners perfectly realize internal needs, without violating the harmony in the pair.

How will they meet

The meeting of these two signs is always destined by fate. When the Snake despairs of finding her zodiac knight, and the Dragon urgently needs a goal to achieve, these people will definitely meet.

This can happen in any environment. The snake absolutely does not care where to show coquetry. She is irresistible at a party, and in line for sausages, and even elbow-deep in oil when trying to fix a car. At the same time, circumstances play a crucial role, because the more the Snake gets into trouble, the more zeal the Dragon will show in solving its problem.

The temperament of the Dragon will definitely please the Snake. She will pay attention to his versatility and inability to get bored. Living in the same nest with this man will dream of a snake from the first meetings.

The birth of love

In these relationships, most often the leadership goes to a man. The dragon does an excellent job with its duties, and the girl is ready to support him and organize life. There is always respect in a couple, which is a strong foundation for a relationship.

During the period of falling in love, this couple does not know how to quarrel. Compromises are born before conflicts. Over time, there may be some omissions, but at the initial stage everything goes smoothly and roughly.

The first disagreements in a couple may arise when lifestyles clash. The snake will definitely try to systematize everything, subordinate it to logic and streamline it. The dragon will find this state of affairs boring. This is a free and easy man. He likes to communicate with representatives of both sexes, which the snake girl may not like.

The emergence of this disagreement will be a turning point for the couple. Subsequent relationships will only be possible if:

  • The dragon will learn to control himself, not giving his soul mate reasons for jealousy;
  • The snake will pacify the inner despot, giving the partner some freedom of action.

When both partners learn to find the optimal solution to the problems that have arisen, having understood the essence of the experiences of the other half, their union will become strong, and coexistence will be cloudless.

Signs in marriage

The marriage of a Dragon man and a Snake girl will exist under the flag of passion. It is unceasing love and total adoration. Both partners value each other and strive to match the soul mate.

Relationships can be spoiled by constant concern for the financial situation of the family. Both signs are too focused on raising funds, so callousness and routine can sneak into their life.

Disagreements in this union are decided to be resolved in a passionate way. Both signs prefer stormy reconciliations, so a hurricane often rages in their bed. The Dragon and the Snake are a symbiosis of two hot natures who know how to give pleasure.

Snake Man and Dragon Woman

This union is the absolute opposite of the previous pair. In the case when the Snake turns out to be a man, and the girl is born under the sign of the Dragon, everything is turned upside down. Feminine qualities are acquired by a man, and a lady will be rewarded with a masculine temperament.

Their whole life together is based on compromises and resolving disagreements that arise. Quarrels will be based on the difference in approaches to life. The dragon woman is a bright, impulsive nature, not staying in one place for a minute. A snake in the guise of a man is a sedate character, with a balanced character, calm and constant.

The compatibility of the Dragon Woman and the Snake Man requires patience from both partners. To save the union, more effort will be required from the man. It is impossible to curb the Dragon, so the snake will need to crawl around the partner. It is difficult to maintain male pride in such a scenario, so couples often crash as soon as they leave the shore.

First meeting

These signs can meet, most likely, in the business sphere. It will seem to the Snake man that the Dragon girl is very sedate and constant, because he will only see her at work. It is best if passion is born within the walls of the office, until the serpent sees the freedom of the Dragon in his personal life.

The dreamy Dragon Woman may be interested in the perseverance of the earthy Snake guy. If she does not show her pathological jealousy before the Dragon falls in love, the union can be considered built.

The desire of the Snake to control the situation can spoil the nascent relationship. The flying sign needs to communicate with people in order to feel confident. And the creeping one can in every possible way oppose such a partner’s sociability.

The beginning of a relationship

The relationship of the Snake man and the Dragon girl is reminiscent of getting an education. Both signs begin a long training, entering into this union. Estimates are put by the partner, by the way, often underestimating the score.

To maintain a relationship, both partners will need a lot of understanding and long heart-to-heart conversations. It is important to learn not just to listen, but to really hear. When both members of the union learn to understand the desires of the partner, the relationship will develop successfully.

The Dragon Woman will definitely need some freedom. The snake must understand that this is not a whim, but the need for a half. Disagreements can also arise as a result of the distribution of the budget. The Dragon will not always be able to control his spending, and the Snake man will definitely try to resent this.

Signs in marriage

Both partners get tired, delving into household chores, so such a couple will need frequent outings. This tradition will especially please a man, since endless mountains of dishes and snowdrifts of linen can drive a reptile into depression for a long time.

During joint outings, the Dragon is advised to control his sociability and not give the other half a reason to be jealous. The snake will be able to find a reason even where it does not smell, so the Dragon may not be easy.

The bed will help to reconcile the signs, because no one has canceled the passion in these relationships. A woman is likely to try to lead. But the Snake man agrees to obey such a passionate and bright nature.

The influence of the sign on the Snake

The “standard” snake set of character traits is influenced not only by the innate temperament, but also by the constellation under which the person was born. The sign and its features in combination with the Snake:

Dragon and his sign

Dragons born under different constellations are often so different from each other that it is simply unacceptable to compare them. Each of the signs has its own zest, which complements the bright dragon temperament.

Will two people be comfortable together, always ready to tell the horoscope. The compatibility of the signs of a man and a woman is largely determined by their desire to be together and overcome difficulties. The combination of incompatible qualities in the light of strong love often gives an unexpected result.

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The dragon has incredible strength and natural magnetism, besides, it is characterized by some cruelty and even ruthlessness. He is open and generous with those he loves, but at the same time, the representative of this sign is able, without any hesitation and subsequent remorse, to trample on the one who stands in his way to success. Smart, self-confident and really spectacular, the Dragon has no shortage of fans and admirers. You can look like anything - in any case, you have an incredible attractiveness in the eyes of the fair sex. Your weakness lies in the fact that the level of your self-confidence depends on the admiration of others, that is, without a devoted life partner or a crowd of fans, you will feel your own impotence in all areas of your life.

The snake is similar to the dragon in many ways. If you fell in love with the Snake, then you still do not know what worthy opponent you have got, because the Snake always behaves with restraint and calmness. This woman constantly hides her true feelings and intentions. Most likely, you were attracted by the viscous grace of this lady and her appearance in general, because the representatives of this sign - especially women - always look great and prefer an exquisite style of dress. However, at the same time, the Snake does not show a tendency to overspending, in fact, she is excellent at planning a budget and managing financial flows. In order to afford all the best, she will postpone and even make some sacrifices.

Just like you, the Snake is used to success and constant attention to her person. She is not as vulgar as you, she does not seek to be conspicuous. She is always calm and knows how to control herself, but this quality is alien to you. You are unlikely to be able to resist this woman, because you will immediately be drawn to each other like a magnet, because inside each of you a real fire of passion burns.

If you can give your Snake partner some degree of control over what is happening, you will become a wonderful couple. As a rule, Snakes are devoted to their partner, and her romance and sincere passion will give you the support you need in order to succeed. It may be hard for you to realize this, but your Snake partner is much better than you at managing finances! You both love expensive fine things, but the Snake will never go to excessive spending, and you really should follow her example.

If you fell in love with the Snake, try to resist the temptation, do not even think about cheating on her! Of course, any Dragon is constantly surrounded by crowds of fans, but at the same time, you should not forget that your partner is still a Snake, and in fact she can bite you. Don't make such a big mistake! Snakes are distinguished by developed possessive instincts, besides, they are characterized by pathological jealousy. If you offend the Snake, she will begin to plan terrible revenge and will not rest until she brings them to life, even if this takes years. The good news is that the Snake is very beautiful and seductive, she is incredibly smart and has huge reserves of strength, so she is quite capable of constantly maintaining your interest in her person.

The snake is perfect for you as a romantic partner. She will be able to impress all your business partners. Her restrained and calm behavior, as well as the ability to find a common language with people important to you, will be a great help for you in achieving your goals, and your union has every chance to take the very top of the career and social podium. If you want to build a relationship full of passion and satisfaction for both partners, the Snake is most suitable for the role of your life partner.

Nata Karlin

For astrologers, the union of the Snake and the Dragon raises many questions. At first glance, both signs are related to reptiles and have much in common. But on closer inspection, they are absolute opposites. For instance, they go different ways to achieve their own goals. So the flexible and wise Snake is used to looking for peaceful, workarounds to solve the problem. The aggressive and quick-tempered Dragon goes ahead, plays an open game and never turns off the intended path.

They know how to do the right thing in any situation and can calculate the situation several moves ahead. Freedom-loving representatives of this zodiac sign are ready to defend their rights “to the last drop of blood”, and they can stand up for themselves, as well as for relatives or friends.

From a young age, Dragon people know the price of financial well-being and know how to make money

In the nature of the people-Dragon from birth laid nobility and justice. They have a sense of tact, know how to attract the attention of people and therefore quite often become the center of attention of a large company. In courtship, representatives of this zodiac sign are assertive, but not intrusive. In marriage, they are generous, generous and faithful.

The most important character traits people born in the year of the Snake - wisdom and impassivity. If they set goals for themselves, they will definitely achieve them. However, it does not necessarily have to happen in the near future. Patient and patient Snake people can wait for years to make their dreams come true. There is no need to expect rash decisions and spontaneous actions from them.

Snake people are always extremely materialistic. They are attracted by luxury, wealth and comfort. Sometimes representatives of this zodiac sign may take not entirely correct actions in relation to others in order to clear a warm place under the sun for themselves. They have a natural gift of speakers, psychologists and diplomats. Therefore, it will not be difficult for the Snake people to convince them that they are right and lead the masses behind them. But they will not do this, if only because they do not like to be in the spotlight.

In love and marriage Snake people are jealous owners. They try to take over in any situation and subdue their partner. This is what is the first cause of discord in a couple.

Horoscope of compatibility of the Dragon and the Snake in love according to the eastern horoscope

The love relationship in this couple promises to be bright and rich. Fun will be replaced by tears, and periods of joy by sadness and resentment so quickly that partners will not be bored for sure.

The love of the Dragon and the Snake is more like "walking on a knife's edge"

One wrong move, and a fragile peace, and prosperity will be replaced by a stormy showdown and tears. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether these two will remain together or tomorrow they will disperse. However, they have a chance to create a good, lasting alliance.

Judging by the opinions of astrologers, they believe that it is The Dragon is one of the best life companions for the Snake.. He is a fireworks man, filled with emotions and the joy of being, which the pragmatic and notorious Snake so lacks. If a couple has feelings, and both are sure that the union is not in vain, then it makes sense to work on these relationships.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the year of the Dragon and the Snake

Husband and wife (Dragon-Snake) always have a lot of claims to each other. The dragon needs freedom, and the Snake absolutely does not agree to such a relationship in tandem. In the field of finance, the latter also has many complaints about a too kind and generous partner. The dragon is not used to saving up for a rainy day. It is easier for him to earn more, but to spend the available finances on pleasure. Whereas the economic Snake does not understand such wastefulness at all and tries to take the situation into its own hands.

It should be noted that until the Snake begins to openly express its claims, The dragon will be completely satisfied with this marriage. The only thing that is hard for him to accept is the exaggerated demands of a partner. However, it must be remembered that it is these qualities that help the Snake plan a life together. These people love travel, new experiences and a change of scenery.

Serious problems in a couple can only arise if a partner cheats.

Horoscope The Snake and the Dragon value trust and loyalty very much. Therefore, neither one nor the other can forgive betrayal. In this situation, the tandem is doomed to break relations.

In the intimate sphere, the Snake and the Dragon never have problems. However, all the laurels must be given to the Dragon. Because the person of this zodiac sign is the initiator of everything that happens behind the closed doors of the matrimonial bedroom. He passionate and emotional, a restrained and shackled Snake can teach a lot. In turn, the latter also has something to give in return to the Dragon.

Friendship between the Dragon and the Snake according to the Chinese calendar

. They will be interested in spending a lot of time talking, be silent together over a cup of tea and just spend time together. If this friendship is between a man and a woman, then it will definitely develop into a romantic relationship.

Compatibility in the work of the Dragon and the Snake is high. This union is waiting for success in any business endeavors. Both partners have a well-developed creativity, perseverance in achieving goals and excellent intuition. These and many other business qualities allow us to hope for joint success. However, the innate spirit of competition can ruin a relationship that starts off so well. Therefore, each of the partners must clearly know the boundaries of their influence.

Dragon Man and Snake Woman Compatibility

So, he is a Dragon, she is a Snake. What is in store for this union? This is one of the best combinations in the eastern horoscope. In this case, the differences in the characters and worldview of the couple only benefit both of them.

He likes proud and independent women, whom he considers equal in spirit. If the Dragon guy sees at least one hint of favor from the Snake woman, he will go to the end and be at her feet for the rest of her life.

This love tandem can very soon become a full-fledged, prosperous and strong cell of society. In this marriage, everything will be put in its place : a man is a breadwinner, the head of a family, a woman is a hostess and a delicate orchid requiring care and attention. The wise and cunning Snake will always rule the house, but will do it so delicately that the Dragon man will be sure that all the laurels as the head of the family belong to him. Thanks to the age-old wisdom of the Serpent, the purposeful and active Dragon will certainly reach significant heights in life.

Dragon Woman and Snake Man Compatibility

In contrast to the first, the union where she is the Dragon, and he is the Serpent cannot be called happy and unambiguous. However, with certain efforts made by partners, this tandem can become quite successful. The Snake Guy, with his love for his own person, can confuse the representative of any zodiac sign, but not the Snake. The Dragon Girl just loves self-confident and polished men, so her interest is quite understandable.

The slow and restrained male Snake is attracted by the bright and lively Dragon woman by nature. Her instant reaction to the changing circumstances of life, sparkling humor and activity literally bewitch a man. Together, these people will be able to complement each other and achieve success in any endeavor.

Will give the second half such desirable jewelry and comfort for her. In turn, the Dragon woman will give her husband the opportunity to learn to look at life positively, making him more active and sociable. Quarrels in tandem are likely only because of the indefatigable jealousy of the Snake.

February 13, 2018, 18:49

The family union in the compatibility of the male Snake and the female Dragon can be considered quite successful and favorable. In this partnership, there are good prospects for creative growth, career and material well-being of the family.

Mysterious, extraordinary. She is able to make important, life-changing decisions in a few seconds and change the plans that she had been building for several months in one second. And the Snake man, gentle and mystically tuned, sometimes with outbursts of jealousy, is very harmonious in relations with the emotional Dragon woman. His attentive and thoughtful actions often turn out to be simply necessary for an impulsive and unpredictable wife. Therefore, this partnership is more needed by a woman who subconsciously strives for a man to be much stronger, wiser and more experienced than herself. Together they are not bored - their balance is on the verge and they live a bright, rich and interesting life. The potential of this couple is quite high, but their coexistence always remains unpredictable, since at a critical moment it is not known who will behave.

Snake Man and Dragon Woman - Compatibility

The compatibility of a male-Snake and a female-Dragon pair is quite high in itself, but they are very wayward and complex people, so it cannot be unequivocally said that they will be 100% happy. Their compatibility is often controversial. In the most favorable case, the spouses will complement each other, in the worst case, they will quarrel because of a difference in views. On the one hand, they have much in common, and on the other hand, they radically differ in the way they solve problems and get out of difficult situations. We can say that their compatibility is based on the complementarity of qualities. , and the Dragon Woman can help him with this. And vice versa. The Dragon Woman does not want, and often cannot be in submission, and the Snake Man will not suppress her. Instead, he will give exactly what she needs - equality and sincere admiration. He, with the wisdom inherent in the Snake, will allow his wife to think that she is the main one in the family, and the Dragon woman, in turn, will be happy to see a resourceful husband next to her. He is able to direct the enthusiasm and energy of the Dragon woman in the right direction, for the fulfillment of his ambitious plans. In many situations, spouses will be able to complement each other, and bring novelty and an element of surprise into the relationship, since the brightness of one and the coldness of the other get a harmonious sound.

The Snake man and the Dragon woman always attract each other's attention at first sight. Their romantic relationship is tied up immediately, without delay. A bright and extraordinary Dragon woman incredibly attracts a Snake man. She is to him like a spring of water in the desert. He draws a lot of positive energy from her and becomes more joyful and happy. Moreover, the Snake man is emotionally cold enough and cannot give his beloved the same vivid feelings, but this does not bother the Dragon woman, because she has enough emotions to be enough for two.

The Dragon Woman is very bright, bold, active, incredibly smart and unusually impulsive. Decisions are made quickly and with lightning speed. In this, with the Snake man, they are complete opposites. He is always reasonable, calm, wise and experienced. Because of this difference in characters, he does not always keep up with the pace of her life. He has to adapt in order not to provoke a conflict, listen to her interests and fulfill all the requirements. The Dragon Woman believes that beauty is almost the main thing in life. An ideal posture, a minimum of wrinkles, a beautiful shape - this is what the Dragon Lady will spare no money for. In addition, she advocates for gender equality. God forbid anyone should step on her toes or refuse to do anything just because she is a woman. Dragons are born feminists. Yes, she does not have the simplest character. In general, according to the Eastern horoscope -. It is never easy with her and there is always a danger of becoming her “victim”. But, the Dragon Woman is also looking for love and wants to start a family. And this circumstance helps her to measure her ardor.

A man, a prudent person. It’s not so easy to get through to him, and if he doesn’t like you, you will feel it right away. He appreciates family relationships very much, remains faithful, and even in his youth does not like to change partners. The Snake Man is very wise and never throws words to the wind.

Living together, the Snake man and the Dragon woman enrich each other. The Snake man is filled with the powerful energy of the Dragon woman, charged with her strength and brightness, therefore, next to her, he becomes more successful and cheerful. This woman knows how to create a holiday, find something new and exciting, so next to her he will see the world in a new light and learn to enjoy simple things. And the Dragon woman receives wisdom, tenderness, affection and unconditional love from her man.

Of course, misunderstandings and conflicts are also present in this pair. Most often, they arise due to the jealous nature of the male Snake, who is trying with all his might to limit the freedom of the female Dragon. Thus, he causes her protest and a storm of negative emotions, from aggression to rage.

Also, the Snake man often expresses dissatisfaction with the wastefulness of his wife. Therefore, if you want harmony and harmony in the family, learn to trust the Dragon woman, stop being jealous and do not make a scandal over a couple of extra blouses. Are they worth your peace of mind and a harmonious climate in the family. And the Dragon woman should not be offended by her chosen one. After all, he is ready for anything for her and the children. The Dragon Woman needs to properly learn how to ask for money for the things she needs. Show your man how happy you will be after getting a new dress. After all, every man understands that by paying attention to herself, a woman flourishes and is able to please his eye.

Snake Man and Dragon Woman - Compatibility in Love

In the sexual sphere, in a pair of a man-Snake and a woman-Dragon, everything is just perfect. Most often, they get maximum satisfaction in bed, considering each other ardent and passionate lovers. Everyone in this union stimulates the partner's imagination and fantasies. Yes, they are different, but this has its own charm at all levels of relationships! By the way, the Dragon woman contributes a lot to these relations. She is emotional and extraordinary, she knows no prohibitions and is ready for anything for the sake of pleasure. Also, for these partners, the bed becomes not only a place to receive physical satisfaction, but also a place to solve many problems.

Advice from "Moon Today" for a pair of Snake Man and Dragon Woman

Despite the high compatibility of the male-Snake and female-Dragon pair, the Eastern horoscope cannot promise them a cloudless life. A lot depends on the partners, on their desire to give in and compromise. The older the spouses, the easier it will be for them to find a common language and adapt to each other.

At an older age, the Dragon woman begins to understand that in love sometimes you need to seem weaker than she really is. As often as possible, compromise and give in to your beloved man.

The children are very close. Joint obligations force them to find solutions that suit both parties. In difficult situations, you should not hush up the problem, you need to talk to each other as often as possible. Conflict situations happen in any couple, and they give partners food for spiritual growth. The eastern horoscope assures that the more time a couple spends together, the better. When you feel that relations have heated up in the family, go to the sea. Here both will feel better, and the abundance of fresh sea air will revive inner strength. And if hiking in the mountains or a trip to the country brings you happiness, then be sure to do it. The community of interests is important, which makes the spouses not just lovers, but friends and advisers.

Also, for harmonious relations in the family, it is very important for spouses to accept each other as they are, to recognize the personal freedom of each, not to try to subjugate or change the other. The Dragon Woman is very freedom-loving, she is not used to limiting herself in actions and communication with other people. And the Snake man is not only jealous, but also wants everyone to follow his clear plans and instructions. He will try to drive the Dragon Woman into the frame, but he is unlikely to succeed, and the conflict will definitely cause. Here, it is immediately necessary to agree on concessions. The Dragon Woman should behave more restrainedly in society, and the Snake Man should not subdue her where it does not affect his personal interests.

When the Snake man and the Dragon woman find meaning in the relationship, then they will be able to negotiate and move forward in life together. Making a wonderful alliance, they can achieve great success in life, setting themselves the most ambitious plans. We can talk about both a common business and fruitful cooperation in the field of creativity, in raising children, etc.

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