Home Berries Tattoo on hand in old school style. Tattoo in Old School style – photos, sketches, meaning. Star Tattoo Meaning

Tattoo on hand in old school style. Tattoo in Old School style – photos, sketches, meaning. Star Tattoo Meaning

Cleanliness or physiology? Scientists have proven that cats lick their fur not only for hygienic purposes. A substance high in vitamin B was found on animal hair. Cats need it for normal functioning. nervous system. A deficiency of the substance leads to aggression and sometimes death of the animal.

As a rule, the diet of mustachioed animals lacks vitamin B, so they have to be especially clean. This is just one interesting fact about cats. There are others that have become reasons for love for these animals. Some express tender feelings by having pets. Others turn to art. Songs, books, and even tattoos are written in honor of the mustachioed. Let's talk about the latter. What could it mean "Cat" tattoo, and who is it suitable for?

The meaning of the “Cat” tattoo

Meaning with cats is based, as a rule, on facts from the life of mustaches. They are not only clean, but also affectionate. They thought so back in ancient times, noticing that animals lick their owners and rub against people’s legs and household furniture. However, scientists have made adjustments here too.

They noticed that there are special glands on the sides of the muzzle, on the tail, under it, between the paws and on the tongue of cats. They secrete a secret that animals use to mark their territory. So, a tattoo can be deciphered not only as a sign of affection and tenderness, but also as a symbol of possessiveness.

Cat tattoo photo can also be associated with longevity. The saying that mustachios have 9 lives began in Ancient Egypt. Residents of the country have noticed the ability of animals to fall from heights and remain alive. Often, animals do not even receive damage. Thus, in New York, a case of a kitten falling from the 32nd floor was recorded. A pet named Sabrina knocked out a tooth, but continued to delight her owners.

The ancient Egyptians would attribute this to divine assistance beyond the animal's abilities. Contemporaries know that the reason miraculous salvation in physiology. Cat bones are flexible, many joints are replaced by muscle fasteners. This provides shock absorption in case of falls. A developed vestibular apparatus also helps. The animals turn around in the air, always landing on their paws.

The features of the skeleton determine another interpretation of the image cats. Tattoo sketches chosen as a symbol of dexterity. This characteristic may indicate grace, or it may speak of the ability to dodge problems and get away with it.

To the question What does a “Cat” tattoo mean? There is a classic answer - independence. It’s not for nothing that the song says: “And only the cat walks by itself.” The lyrics of the hit are inspired by Kipling's work. By the way, it contains a cat. So, the tattoo is equally suitable for both men and women. The only difference is in the selected sketches.

Cat tattoos for girls

Girls often choose Black cat tattoo. This is a hint that the wearer of the tattoo should beware and respected. In addition, black color is associated with elegance and grace. The elegance is emphasized by the pose of the animal. As a rule, female cats are cats with curved backs, long tails, and elongated legs.

The connection between female nature and feline nature was noticed in Ancient Egypt. There, mustaches were proclaimed a symbol of motherhood and fertility. The Egyptians protected animals, considering them sacred. Modern women continue to use the image of cats as a talisman for good luck, family amulet. Sketches of mustachioed cats with kittens are also popular in Egyptian jewelry. Wide gold collars make cats look like pharaohs - messengers of the Gods.

Girls prefer paintings with domestic cats. They either catch butterflies, then hide in flowers, or sit thoughtfully surrounded by hearts. Cute drawings compete with sketches expressing sexuality and even aggression. A mouse caught and its tail is a sign of a victim, which you can become. Claws extended - readiness to hunt and defend their rights. Catwoman is the image of a super heroine, fearless and desperate.

Cat tattoos for men

"Cat" tattoo on leg, chest or shoulder of a man can be a prison symbol. serves as a mark of the indigenous inhabitants of the area. As a rule, only the head of the animal is depicted. The drawing is black and white. The color versions have no connection to the criminal world, since they only have standard ink in custody.

Among law-abiding citizens, sketches of wild cats are in demand. Lions represent royalty and dominance in society. The tiger is a sign of power and aggression. If a man pins up the image of a domestic cat, it is usually a lazy animal.

No sexy curves, no hint of grace. They ask for well-groomed and fattened animals. They reflect the values ​​of gentlemen and their lifestyle. The pictures seem to say: “I can afford it.”

"Cat" tattoo on neck, or in intimate area- a rarity among guys. They place mustaches on the chest, arms, and back. Sometimes calves serve as the “canvas”. The goal is to convey the mood, and not to emphasize the grace of the body. Hence the choice of heroes for. Cheshire cats, animal skeletons in the style of Tim Burton, and red Chubais with a string of sausages in their paws appear on the boys’ bodies.

Sarcastic and humorous stories are popular. An example is a cat with its tail raised just above its navel. The rear view of the animal creates the illusion that the guy’s navel is the mustachioed anus. Some people find it disgusting, others find it funny. Gentlemen love to laugh on the verge of a foul.

A cat with a bottle of valerian is a hint of the guy’s love of love. The picture symbolizes that the man is not against new acquaintances. Herbal tincture may also indicate a tendency to use potent substances. Life is high - this is the slogan for a tattoo with a cat and valerian. Mustaches have no love for this medicine scientific explanation. The only assumption is that the smell of the plant is similar to the aroma of a cat during the mating period.

If you have decided to get a tattoo of a cat, then you are probably wondering what this graceful and mysterious animal can mean. The meaning of a cat tattoo may vary depending on the location of the design, its color, and style of execution. If you thoroughly study all these subtleties, you can easily learn a lot about a person just by looking at his tattoo. What kind of cats decorate the body modern men and women and why, we will look at in this article.

Cat tattoos

This is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on the arm, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 PHOTOS

Every year, tattoos depicting these animals are becoming more and more popular. Most often they are done by women, but the strong half of humanity does not refuse such tattoos, especially if we're talking about about aggressive representatives of the cat tribe. Girls, on the contrary, prefer more sophisticated and delicate designs.

A cat on a human body may have great amount various meanings, depending on the picture. It could be an embodiment of:

  • love
  • wealth
  • longevity
  • tricks
  • wisdom
  • freedom
  • grace
  • grace, etc.

Only you have the right to put one or another meaning into your tattoo. But do not forget that others can interpret it in their own way. Therefore, it is better to first study all the options for the meaning of cat tattoos.

In general understanding, a cat has always meant "survivability" and longevity. It used to be believed that a cat has nine lives. It is also impossible not to recall the fact that when falling from a height, this animal always manages to land on all fours. Therefore, tattoos with cats often symbolize invulnerability.

If a person easily gets away with any difficult or delicate situation, or easily solves problems that arise, then a cat tattoo will perfectly decorate his body. It is believed that by making this or that drawing on the body with a certain meaning, a person thereby strengthens its qualities, skills and character traits. So which sketch of a cat or cat should you choose?

Egyptian cat

It's probably no secret that cats were worshiped in Ancient Egypt. There this animal was considered holy and inviolable. For example, the Egyptians represented the Moon in the form of a cat, and the second name of the great Sun god Ra was “great cat.”

This animal was depicted especially beautifully in Ancient Egypt. The cat's body has always been elongated, disproportionate to the size of the head and paws. The tail was also of unprecedented size, gracefully curled. Already in those days, people painted images of various divine creatures, including a cat. This tattoo was called Bastet, in honor of the goddess of joy and fun. In Egyptian mythology she looked like woman with beautiful body and a cat's head.

This tattoo is suitable for young, wayward girls who “see the goal, but do not see the obstacles.” Owners of a tattoo with an Egyptian cat most often make their own decisions and bear responsibility for them, they are used to achieve everything you want, independent and strong in character. A perfect tattoo for those who wants to achieve certain heights in his career. Such a talisman will definitely help with this. But for older women Bastet will be excellent a talisman for the family.

If we talk about the place where it is best to stuff an Egyptian cat, then we should take into account its special oblong shape. The tattoo will look great on:

  • Forearm
  • Shoulder
  • Lower back
  • Belly
  • Ankle
  • Foot

If you prefer miniature tattoos, then do them on the neck, for example, behind the ear. A very original place for body art. Also suitable for small tattoos feet.

Since most often the Egyptian cat is depicted in the style black work, it's better to avoid tattoos big size, as it will look like a huge black spot. The master must depict the animal so skillfully that it turns out to be as graceful as possible and naturally fits into the refined lines of the female body. This tattoo is decorated with small splashes of a different color. These can be red eyes to give the image mysticism and mystery. Or bright yellows, greens, blues to create an attractive contrast. The cat is also given gold Egyptian jewelry, which was very popular in ancient times.

Black cat

Young girls prefer this type of tattoo. Guys do them extremely rarely, they look very cute and feminine. A black cat can represent everything magical, mysterious, and insidious. She is also a symbol of playfulness and resourcefulness. Again, it depends on what area of ​​the skin the cat will be depicted on. Even her posture matters.

A small black cat on the wrist symbolizes coquetry and is suitable for very young, infantile natures who still have their head in the clouds. The same cat in the abdomen or hips area will be a symbol openness and emancipation in sexual relationships.

If a person has an eccentric character, he is sharp, impetuous and always “gets into trouble”, then this will suit him perfectly tattoo in the form of a black hooligan cat. A kind of street tramp who protests against all the rules and is not going to obey public opinion. Although, you should be careful, since such an image carries more negativity than positive emotions.

Looks very beautiful and original black cats stuffed on the background full moon or month. In this case, they can indicate the subtle mental organization of nature, its creative beginning, impulses and actions. A cat walking under the moon at night is always thoughtful. She is immersed in her thoughts and does not care about others. If a person wants to emphasize his peculiarity, his difference from the “gray mass”, such tattoo would be fine never better.

Another meaning of cat against the background of the moon there may be a desire for strong and long relationship. A girl who has a similar pattern on her body is ready for family life. She wants to create comfort and be happy in marriage.

Black cats are also depicted behind the ear, like the Egyptian ones. Very sweet and beautiful tattoo. The main thing is that the artist makes it as clear as possible, otherwise the outline may “spread” over time and the tattoo will turn into one continuous and shapeless spot. Also, we should not forget that the place behind the ear is very painful for tattooing, since the skin there is very thin and delicate. So think twice before making such an important decision.

On ankles and forearms Cats with an elongated back look very advantageous and extravagant. This tattoo can have several meanings. In this position, the cat can simply stretch, as if after sleep. The owners of these tattoos are mainly ladies. slow leading a leisurely, one might even say, imposing lifestyle. Often such tattoos are applied to their bodies by girls who are “kept women” and are more accustomed to Enjoying life than giving preference to work and work.

Also, a cat with an elongated back can mean aggression. She hisses and her fur stands on end. A similar image of “tailed animals” is considered a talisman against evil spirits. Such tattoos are made by those who have experienced some unpleasant events in their lives, and are now trying to “protect themselves” from outside world and surrounding people.

It’s very popular now to depict cats. in a sleeping state. They are calm and peaceful, curled up in a ball, sleeping sweetly. Such tattoos are made by calm, cheerful people who prefer home comfort and a leisurely lifestyle. They will prefer to watch TV on the sofa, read a book, but will not go on a trip or play sports.

It is fashionable to depict and just a cat's head, but you should be careful with this drawing, as it has direct relation to the underworld. In prison society, the image of a cat on a prisoner's body indicates that he is serving a sentence for theft.

Cat head tattoo

Cat tattoos are usually chosen by girls. This is due to the fact that such drawings look attractive. With their help, you can complement your look and emphasize your individual taste preferences. Moreover, a cat tattoo can say a lot about a lady’s character. Before you do it, you need to understand what it means. Unfortunately, according to most ladies, a cat is only a symbol of slyness, playfulness, femininity and grace, but this is not so. What is the meaning of a Cat tattoo and why should you choose it?

Cat tattoos. What did they mean in the distant past?

You can learn a lot by studying history interesting facts about a cat tattoo. Residents Medieval Europe These animals were considered accomplices of witches. If a person had a cat tattoo, he was burned at the stake, since for the Inquisition this indicated a connection with evil spirits. In Norse mythology, the chariot of the goddess Freya was drawn by cats, so the Scandinavians were tolerant of these animals. Two centuries ago, tattoos with the image of a cat were very often done by sailors. For them, this drawing was a symbol of good luck. Ancient Egypt had a special attitude towards these tattoos. Its inhabitants worshiped cats, so they were made only to representatives of the nobility and priests of the cult of the goddess Basta.

Current meaning of tattoos.

Before getting a cat tattoo, a person needs to know the following:

  1. The kitten is a symbol of touching and gentle ladies. It often represents their memories of a happy and unforgettable childhood.
  2. A tattoo in the form of a cat and a mouse is suitable for people who are not afraid of their enemies and are ready to stand up for themselves.
  3. The tiger and panther, which are also cats, indicate the masculine and feminine principles.
  4. If a panther is with a small kitten, this denotes the strength and tenderness of a woman.
  5. The black cat is a symbol of femininity, grace, cunning and wisdom. You should not think that such a tattoo will not bring good luck, because black cats are also considered very beautiful and completely harmless animals.
  6. A tattoo depicting an aggressive cat indicates that a lady, despite her fragility, can stand up for herself. As a rule, it is a drawing where the animal has a grinning muzzle and an arched back, ready to jump.
  7. An image in the form of a jumping animal or paw prints indicates a person’s ability to quickly react in a difficult situation and get out of it.

On what part of the body should I get a tattoo?

If the sketch is quite large, then ideal place there will be a spatula for him. This part of the body can be hidden even in summer, but a tattoo on the shoulder blade will still look catchy and original. A cat tattoo on the wrist looks very cute because this part The body is quite tender. Men prefer to have it done on the forearm. This image is a symbol of masculinity. To emphasize their sexuality and superiority, many ladies get a cat tattoo on their leg, namely below the calf and on the side.

In the article you will learn what a tattoo on the body in the form of a cat means, what types of tattoos there are and you will see examples of them.

Nowadays, many people have at least one tattoo on their body. Nowadays, body painting is quite a popular activity, especially among young people. Masters in tattoo parlors can expertly ink any design you want. But before you choose a sketch for a future image on your arm, back, shoulder, etc., ask what the picture you like means.

They say that tattoos influence people's lives, because each of them carries a certain meaning. You've probably noticed that both girls and guys often have tattoos in the form of animals; cats and cats are popular among such tattoos. And it’s not surprising, because pets carry only positive energy and can even be talismans for good luck. Let's find out what a cat tattoo on the body means.

Cat tattoo on the body: history, meaning of tattoos among different peoples, photo

Also in ancient Egypt people equated cats with deity. The image of a cat was associated with fertility, fun, and joy. The cat organically fit into the design of the buildings and personified with its appearance feminine beauty, gracefulness, attractiveness.

In Scandinavia, people praised cats; they were given the status of protectors of grain. And this culture was highly valued among the Scandinavians, because the climatic conditions there are harsh.

In Greece they also treated animals well. The cat was considered a symbol of the night, the Moon. And the cat was an image of women's attractiveness. For many peoples, pets were considered divine beings.

Cat tattoo - a symbol of the night and the moon

The Japanese people attributed to animals the symbolism of wealth, success, and prosperity. According to Buddhist canons, the cat was a guardian of temples from evil forces.

Tattoo sketch - sphinx cat

In the Middle Ages in Europe, the attitude towards animals was completely different; they especially did not like black cats. According to signs, a pet would bring trouble and bad luck if it crossed a person’s path.

Cat tattoo: examples of tattoos, their meaning, photos

Nowadays, magicians predict good luck in material terms for those who choose a cat tattoo. People with tattoos most often display character traits such as independence, mystery, a sharp mind, the ability to defend their opinion and other qualities. Much depends on what meaning you put into this design on your body and what kind of tattoo you got.

There are many various tattoos cats and their meanings vary slightly.

  • Little kitty- symbolizes tenderness, awakens memories of glorious childhood years. Most often, girls choose such sketches; not only does the tattoo decorate the body, it also emphasizes that the owner of the tattoo has a kind, touching nature.

Gray kitten on the back - tattoo for girls
  • If you have chosen a tattoo - black cat, then this picture, again, emphasizes the self-sufficiency of nature, moreover, the cat has a special gracefulness, mystery, and attractiveness. The design of the tattoo can be different. As a rule, girls often choose small, miniature tattoos with a black cat.

Small tattoo- graceful cat
  • Men prefer large images of the animal.

Black cat tattoo on arm
  • Sphynx cat In addition to its attractive, graceful appearance, it has the ability to attract power, luck, and material wealth. The Egyptian cat can come in different designs; sometimes, due to the variety of sketches, it is difficult to choose one image.

Sketch for a tattoo – Cat
  • Good-natured people who love to laugh choose a tattoo Cheshire Cat . From the famous cartoon “Alice in Wonderland” based on the work of Lewis Carroll. In addition to the above qualities, people with such a tattoo have confidence, sociability, and can easily solve even the most complicated matters.

Cheshire cat tattoo on hand
  • Angry, aggressive cat, which shows its grin, is wary, extends its claws, or is preparing to jump, arching its back - means that the owner of the tattoo can stand up for himself. Even a miniature, fragile girl with such a design has a strong character and does not make concessions. A large, unkempt cat with scars is popular among men with an obstinate character. He doesn't trust anyone, knows how to get his own food and fights for survival.

Tattoo for girls – Cat

IMPORTANT: There are many more sketches on the theme of cats. So, cat jumping- means a life full of adventures, when a person does not sit in one place and travels a lot. Cat paw prints— they say that the owner of the tattoo can get out of even the most confusing situation. Tattoos with cats protect and protect a person, because it is believed that animals have nine lives.

Cat tattoo: the meaning of tattoos in a criminal environment, photo

Even during the existence of the USSR, and even in the 90s, people who violated the law had a cat tattoo on their body. It showed the status of its owner in the zone. Nowadays, not everything is as strict as it used to be; tattoos have become popular not only among crime bosses. Many people do them simply for beauty and do not always think about the meaning of the tattoo. The cat tattoo also has its significance in the criminal environment. But the cat on the body of prisoners has nothing in common with the funny images on the body that young people make in salons.

Prisoners have an abbreviation cat stands for - native prison inmate. Usually tattoos are given to people who have repeatedly violated the law and prison, one might say, has already become like a home to a repeat offender. The cat was chosen as this symbol due to the fact that the animal is also attached to its home. In order to make it clear why the convicted person has a cat tattoo on his body, they often also write the following inscription: "I'm home again."

Cat with keys can show off on the body of a thief who feels confident in any apartment or house.

Tattoo sketch - Cat in a top hat

Small cats in arms stuff themselves pickpockets. The most common option tattoo ring with a picture of a head animal. It was popular among thieves to depict bow on the cat's neck- this image meant that the person informer, in other words, an informant. Now this symbol has been forgotten and prisoners simply get a tattoo of a cat with a bow visible on its neck.

Sometimes a cat that looks like a tiger is painted on the body. This is evidence that the person does not put up with the current government. The tiger itself is stuffed by the authorities in the zone.

According to signs for those who apply it to the body cat head will always be lucky in theft. Cat in the Hatcylinder also applied only by authorities in the zone - this is a prestigious tattoo. Its owner has great authority among his cellmates. It is very interesting that it is important to take into account the place where the tattoo is applied.

Tattoo applied to the abdominal area- says about his owner that this man never earned money by honest work, he burglar thief. The cat who is on the leg- means that the owner of the tattoo basically receives sentences for robbery and theft. He makes frequent visits to the zone for short periods of time - one to two years.

Cat tattoo on the leg

The tattoo, which is located under the arm, indicates that its owner spends almost all his time in places that are not so remote. For this person, prison is home. A cat tattoo on the back is almost never tattooed in a criminal environment. So, when applying a tattoo to your body, you should first think carefully about its meaning, otherwise there may be an unpleasant retribution for using thieves’ abbreviations, including beatings.

Tattoo for girls - cat: its meaning, examples, photos

Girls, before applying a tattoo to their body, first of all consider how it looks. Only after this can they find out what this drawing means. Let's look at what types of cat tattoos there are, what they mean and where it is best to apply them.

To figure out which tattoo to choose, first decide on the style of design on the body. Main types of cat tattoo styles:

  • Cat tattoos in realistic style. Such pictures have a real vision. Tattoo artists apply an animal that looks just like the real thing in life. Below you will see examples of such patterns on the body. The meaning of the tattoo generally remains the same (independence, sharp mind), the main thing is that the owner of the tattoo himself also puts into the soul of the image.

Cat - tattoo, 3 made in the style of Realism
  • Tattoo in dotwork style- image close-up, in black and white. Even the smallest details should be visible in the drawing.

Aggressive cat tattoo in Dotwork style
  • Tattoos in watercolor style- are more suitable for romantic natures. After all, they are obtained without clear boundaries and in bright colors.

Cat tattoo in watercolor style
  • Tattoos depicting cats in old school style look like bright cartoon drawings. Often, pet owners perpetuate the memory of their beloved pet on their body in this way.

  • Lovers of the classics, apply exactly black and white tattoos with the image of cats. This suggests that tattoo wearers are pedantic in their preferences.

  • Tattoo cat and wine V last years gained particular popularity. The cat somehow resembles the image modern people, who are mostly independent, lonely and proud.

Tattoo - cat and wine
  • Cat lovers enjoy getting tattoos of their pets because they consider them part of the family. In this case, the cat tattoo acts as a talisman. Brings good luck to the owner and material wealth.

Red cat tattoo
  • Tattoos with cats in style abstraction more suitable for those who put a magical component into their tattoos and use them as a talisman

Cat tattoo. Abstraction
  • A cat tattoo in a geometric style is suitable for people who value minimalism and those who value their time and do not like excesses.

Tattoo - cat. Geometry

Cat tattoo, cat: sketches

Video: Cat tattoo, cat - the meaning of the tattoo

We suggest you understand the meaning of a tattoo with a picture of a cat. This animal has always personified a sharp mind, quick wit and, of course, love of freedom. Most often, such a body pattern is found in women. Although it happens that men also choose this animal as an original tattoo. At the same time, you don’t need to worry that the cat is a harbinger of bad luck, and from now on you will always be in trouble.

At the same time, one cannot help but say that these animals are rightfully considered one of the most controversial. So even the most persistent and strong people may appear weaker when they see cats or cats.

These animals were most revered in Egyptian culture. The inhabitants of this country even had a goddess with the head of a cat. They considered all these animals to be holy and treated them with trepidation, as if they were people. At the same time, cats were even buried according to the same rules as people.

In ancient times, these animals were messengers of the moon goddess herself, who personified not only fertility, but also female sexuality.

The Scandinavian peoples did not equate these creatures with deities. But often the goddess Freya was accompanied by cats. Interestingly, they were often harnessed to a chariot.

Residents of the North also needed cats. There was indeed very little fertile land here. And all the conquered supplies also had to be protected from rodents. Although besides these pests there were many various kinds dangers.

In ancient times in Arab and Asian culture cats were considered to be symbols of power and wealth.

What does a cat tattoo mean?

Often a tattoo with the image of a cat is chosen by representatives of both sexes. And if men prefer body designs in the styles of realism and graphics, then women often prefer tattoos in watercolor and new school techniques.

A tattoo with a cat for both sexes means calm, freedom, mystery, interest in magic and belief in the other world.

Such a drawing has its significance in the criminal world.

Such a body image is often associated with the world of thieves, and therefore a woman with it can be a member of one of the thieves’ groups.

Meaning for women

Often spectacular tattoos in the form of a cat are made by representatives of the fair sex.

Women often choose watercolor as an original image. Such tattoos mean to them:

  • love of freedom
  • loneliness
  • interest in magic and mysticism
  • calmness

Spectacular tattoo on a delicate female body will certainly tell you about the love of freedom and calmness of its owner.

Such a woman loves to be alone and is also interested in magic and mysticism.

But sometimes representatives of the fair sex choose spectacular body images because beautiful image, and not because of special symbolism.

Meaning for men

Men sometimes choose spectacular tattoos with the image of a cat. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer images in tribal style and graphics. For men, such tattoos will mean:

  • loneliness
  • love of freedom
  • interest in magic and mysticism

A tattoo in the form of a cat will certainly tell about the freedom-loving character of its owner. Such a man often likes to be alone and at the same time is interested in mysticism and magic.

Sometimes representatives of the stronger sex choose a tattoo with a cat not because of special symbolism, but because of the spectacular design.

Which image to choose for a tattoo?

There are many various options tattoo with a picture of a cat. Often representatives of both sexes prefer body designs in the old school style. Such tattoos look very impressive and are distinguished by the visual convexity of the image.

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