Home Berries Is it normal to get married at 18 years old. The optimal age for marriage. The Pros of Young Marriages

Is it normal to get married at 18 years old. The optimal age for marriage. The Pros of Young Marriages

"My mother got married" on the fly "at 18. As a child, she did not love me, screamed constantly, probably, she could not forgive her sadly drained youth. Now I moved out from her and I am very glad. I have a good job, I rent an apartment in the center , I postpone about half of the salary, but when my mother asked for help, I say that there is no money. Her husband left her, and now she is alone. "

"I got married at 17. At 19 I gave birth to a daughter, and at 20 I got divorced. In general, an early marriage does not lead to good in most cases, although there are exceptions."

"I got out at 18 not" on the fly ", gave birth at 19. Together so far (now I'm 42), however, I think that I was in a hurry with marriage and with a child. early, but in the fact that at 18 I didn't really think about what I wanted from my husband and from marriage in general, I married a wrong person and got bogged down ... that's bad. "

“I’m 35 years old, I could have married at 18, eventually I got out at 27. And still I understand that it’s too early for me. Recently I stood and looked at the guys who were jumping into the water and fooling around. And the realization came to me that give me the opportunity - and I myself will run and jump with them. I don’t know, at the age of 18 it’s wildly early to get married. It’s ditching your youth. And at 25 it’s too early ... You should enjoy being young, walking, falling in love , running on dates, reading romance novels, daydreaming at night ... And the family is always life and routine. Even in the most beautiful family. Children, diapers, pots, ironing, washing ... Family is a very big job, which always, absolutely always carried on the shoulders of a woman. "

"Marriage is, first of all, work. There are very few happy marriages. There are much fewer of them than you think. Because now there is a different generation of men and women than it was 50 years ago. Other values. Then there was the value of the family, now we have us the value of freedom.
And you shouldn't think that everyone who says: "I am happily married" is writing the perfect truth. It's just that many are making a good face with a bad state of affairs. I myself am perfectly able to do it. My first relationship in general for others was ideal, all closest friends and relatives believed that we were the perfect couple, and everyone was extremely shocked when we broke up. Because neither I, nor he did not put dirty linen on public display. Because we both know how to pretend that everything is fine with us.

Yes, a husband is maybe happiness ... I don't know. For me, family is work, daily and hard. Because both relax in a relationship, because ... yes, there are many different "because". Therefore, we now have a lot of divorces.

I am writing this from the height of my 35 years, maybe in 10 years I will reconsider my views. And outwardly I am not some kind of blurred *****, outwardly they also do not give me more than 28 years. I'm not a grouch, not a pessimist. But for some time now I became interested in analyzing the behavior of the people around me. And what for me, as well as for you, was “happiness” 5 years ago, now I look with great cynicism, so to speak. "

"What is the difference: at 18 or 25? My husband and I entered into a relationship at 17, married him at 21. We wanted earlier, but there were skirmishes between families. I have no regrets, married for 22 years. Two children, already adults. Now they look at early marriages as some kind of ugliness. I didn't walk up, didn't quench my thirst for freedom - my hair stood on end. In marriage, you can have fun, it's not hard labor! My husband and I went through all the stages of family life: we quarreled, and parted, and found fault with each other, did not even communicate for a month, living in the same apartment, but now everything is fine. And - pah-pah-pah - so that it was until the end. And you, dear ladies, sincerely wish the same. At any age to get married - right (not at the age of 13, of course). The main thing is to weigh everything that awaits you. Division of duties, a common budget, children, work. If nothing scares you, then boldly step forward. "

"I got out at the age of 19. Not" on the fly. "
Girlfriends also got married before 20. Everyone has happy strong families. Two children at a time. And those who did not come out before 24 can no longer come out. Guys look to younger ones or divorced children. "

"This can be compared to buying a bicycle. When you bought a bicycle five years ago - oh, it's so new, it rides fast, what a joy it is! And five years later, when I learned to understand a little, you realize that the manufacturer and the diameter of the wheel could have done more. , and the steering wheel is more comfortable. But that model seems to be more convenient, but it doesn't cost that much money. Therefore, we will be more relaxed, and the euphoria from owning a bicycle dulls, because you look at it all from the position of a knowledgeable person. "

"I got married right after school out of great love. We lived separately from my parents, there was no stressful" everyday life ", we lived in a student dormitory. And when I was 28 years old, my boss practically took me away. And now I am provided for, I devote a lot of time a housekeeper, a gardener and a nanny are engaged in "household", and sometimes I sadly remember my 18 years and my great love. "

"I started living with my future husband at 18, a couple of years later we got married. 10 years of marriage, normal flight. Love is stronger than at the beginning, the relationship is fabulous. I'm happy that at such a young age I met my man, and did not jump until thirty years old For those who cackle about the dull "everyday life" and "what about entertainment", I can reveal a "terrible" secret: both entertainment and "everyday life" can be perfectly shared with your spouse, it's very fun. and went to clubs, and mastered the preparation of exotic dishes, and rode snowboards, and launched radio-controlled airplanes, and did repairs, and arranged romantic dates ... And if you rewind back, I would never exchange these wonderful years for some mythical "feeding", empty girl parties and courtship of guys, half of whom I don't care about at best. "

The Family Code of the Russian Federation, as a general rule, establishes the age of marriage - 18 years. However, this does not mean that marriage cannot be entered into earlier.

Clause 2 of Article 13 of the RF IC states:

For valid reasons, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities have the right to allow the creation of a family from the age of 16.

Can I get married before the age of 16?

In some regions, you can get married and get married up to 16 years old:

  • from 15 years old - Ryazan, Murmansk, Tver, Chelyabinsk regions, etc.;
  • from 14 years old - Moscow, Tyumen, Samara, Vologda, Vladimir regions, etc .;
  • without establishing a minimum age threshold - the Republic of Tatarstan.

Important! Despite the fact that the Family Code of the Republic of Tatarstan does not say anything about the minimum age for marriage, it is impossible to marry before the age of 14. This is due to the obligation of the spouses to present a passport at the registry office, which is not issued before 14 years.

Reasons for marriage before 18 years of age

Getting married before the age of 18 is an exception to the rule, and like any exception, it must be based on good reason.

The reasons why guardianship authorities may consent to early marriage include:

  • birth of a child;
  • difficult life situation of the mother;
  • a threat to the life of the groom or bride;
  • conscription;

These reasons are regulated in detail only in regional legislation and, strictly speaking, these norms are related only to early marriages (up to 16 years old), but by analogy they can be applied to an older age.


Often, the subject's law sets forth a requirement for the duration of the pregnancy, for example:

  • at least 22 weeks of gestation (Murmansk region),
  • at least 12 weeks (Vladimir region).

In any case, this condition must be confirmed by a certificate issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist when registering a pregnant woman. In antenatal clinics, they are usually registered after 8 weeks, because before this period there is a risk of an ectopic or frozen pregnancy.

Birth of a child

Sometimes regional law stipulates that the child must be general, but even if such a condition is not contained, it is implied. In the legislation of the Murmansk region, a peculiar formulation is used - "the actual presence of the child with the mother."

Difficult life situation

"When a pregnant minor woman, being in difficult material or other extreme conditions (an orphan, single-parent family, dysfunctional family situation, etc.), by getting married, improves the living conditions for herself and her unborn child."

Threats to the life of the groom or bride

The reality of the threat is assessed by the guardianship authorities individually. This category includes:

  • the need for a complex operation;
  • hot spot service;
  • being close to hostilities, etc.

As a rule, the list of possible reasons is open - this allows the guardianship authorities to solve such an important personal issue with each couple individually.

Conditions for marriage under 18

Marriage is only possible if the following conditions are met:

  • desire and consent of the bride and groom;
  • the absence of a valid legal marriage in both;
  • lack of close consanguinity;
  • lack of adoptive and adopted status;
  • lack of mental disorder.

Important! A marriage under 16 is possible only when neither the groom nor the bride has reached this age threshold. Marital relations between an adult and a child under the age of 16 entail criminal liability.

Do you need permission to register a marriage under 18?

If the age is from 16 to 18 years old

In this case, the parents' permission for the marriage is not required, but the consent of the guardianship authorities is required.

If the age is under 16

The rules may differ depending on the region. For example, in the Moscow region, a positive decision is required from a specially authorized member of the Government, which is based on a statement from the spouses, their parents or guardians. If the parents do not agree to the wedding, the issue is decided by the guardianship authorities.

How to register a marriage?

To obtain the coveted stamp in your passport, you need to take the following steps:

  • prepare evidence of valid reasons for lowering the marriageable age;
  • obtain permission from the guardianship authority at the place of residence or other authority, if required by the law of the relevant subject;
  • pay the state fee 350 rubles. at Sberbank;
  • submit an application to the Registry Office - on purpose or through the State Services portal. It can be any registry office in Russia, even located in another region. The application is accompanied by: passport, proof of termination of the previous marriage (if any), permission of the guardianship authorities and other authorities, a receipt for payment of the duty;
  • when submitting an application, a wedding date is set - usually not earlier than 1 month later, but in exceptional cases, the time frame can be reduced up to the day of application;
  • on the day of the wedding you will receive a certificate (one is issued for two).

Important! If one of the future spouses cannot appear in person to submit a general application, it can be done in two separate documents. In this case, one document is drawn up at the registry office, and the second at a notary.

Consequences of early marriage by minors

After the official registration ceremony, the newlyweds automatically become fully capable. This means that the law makes exactly the same requirements for them as for adults. And even if the marriage is suddenly dissolved, full legal capacity remains. In legal language, the acquisition of full legal capacity by minors is called emancipation.

Important! Emancipation does not apply to the age of conscription and criminal prosecution.

Underage parents are fully equal in rights with adults.

Can minors conclude a marriage contract?

A marriage contract is a transaction that can be made before or after the registration of the marriage. Since, after official registration, minors become emancipated, they have the right to conclude a marriage contract on a general basis.

But is the bride and groom entitled to sign a marriage contract before the marriage ceremony?

  • If the spouses are 16 years old, they have the right to sign the contract on their own after submitting an application to the Civil Registry Office.
  • If the bride and groom are from 14 to 16 years old, then they can make this transaction only with the written consent of the parents (trustees).

Divorce and invalidation of early marriage

Everyone, even a minor, has the right to divorce. Since at the time of the marriage the minor acquired full legal capacity, the dissolution of the marriage is carried out in accordance with the general procedure.

Declaring a marriage invalid means declaring it non-existent. In this way, invalidity differs from divorce. For example, a subsequent marriage after divorce will be considered the second, and if the marriage is invalid, the first. The differences between invalid and dissolved marriage are summarized in the table.

A special ground for invalidating early marriage is the absence of permission from the guardianship authority to create a family. In addition, marriage is invalid:

  • between close relatives;
  • a prisoner against the will of a spouse;
  • concluded without dissolution of the previous marriage union;
  • disabled due to mental illness;
  • between the adoptive parent and the adopted child;
  • if one of the spouses deliberately conceals HIV or a sexually transmitted disease.

Important! The invalidation of marriage does not affect the rights of parents and children.

Anna Vertinskaya, lawyer, specially for the site

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Should you get married at 18? The relationship, of course, is not entirely smooth (well, who has it smooth?), There is time to think, I seem to want to, but I don’t seem to know.

    I think not worth it. Do you know why many say that you need to get married and start a family when you are young? And because there are fewer requests. At the age of 18, you still do not pay attention to much, what is the main thing at the age of 18? Love. Fell in love and got married. Therefore, it is at the age of 18 that you need to go out with the following thought: "How happy I am, yes I love him, everything will be great with us!" And with thoughts like yours now, you can get married at the age of 30, when the clock is already ticking, you want a family.
    When I got married, I doubted the same, though I was 21. My sister tells me, well, come out later if you get divorced. I thought so then. And now my husband says to me (we discussed one couple). If a couple gets married with the thought that if we get divorced, then nothing good will come of it. And I agree with him.

    I think not worth it. Why rush if you're not sure yourself? You have your whole life ahead of you, you need to "get on your feet", have a certain material income to support your family, and, of course, be convinced of your feelings. If a person really loves you, he will understand, and your feelings will truly stand the test of time. Great love and happiness to you!

    If marriage is for you permission to have sex and you need it, go out. If you are ready to run a joint household and acquire the same property and you want this, go out too.

    In principle, if a kind, worthy, promising guy is calling for marriage, then go, and if you doubt his merits, then don't. I don’t think I should marry anyone, just because I called. You never know who calls foolishly to marry, but whether he will be a good husband is a question. If the person is good, but there are any doubts about how the relationship will develop, agree, just do not rush with the children.

    While they are calling, go. So one friend said. And she was right. Probably)))

    Better to take your time, since the relationship is not entirely smooth. Although not even for this, but because there are doubts. There should be no doubt about such serious matters. While young, beautiful, you can take a closer look at more suitable men, of which there are many.

    Hello! No one can give you the right answer, everyone has a different worldview and for someone it is taboo to get married before 30 years old, because you need career growth, full readiness to create a family, both morally and financially, and for someone to get married at 18 the best option, since there is no need to work, work can be postponed for the future.
    If there is uncertainty, then it is better to postpone the wedding until the best times. If you are afraid of losing your boyfriend, but do not want to get married yet, you can agree, but motivating with something, for example, study - first education, and then a wedding. Thus, you say that you love him, but for now you need to think about something else, and the wedding will be played a little later.
    But you have a complete lack of confidence in this relationship. Ask yourself a question, do you need this relationship without a wedding?
    Good luck!

    Hmm .. there is a great example.
    - Teacher, I love a girl and think: will I marry or not.
    -- Of course not!
    -- But why?!
    - If you wanted, you would not ask, - answered the teacher ..

    If in doubt, you better wait. For example, a year. Who is stopping you from meeting / communicating regularly? Marriage is also a certain work. However, you can get married, but so far not rushing with children is also an option. It's not a problem to disperse.

    I would not be in a hurry if I were you :)

You see a question that was asked to the Universe by one of the users of the site, and the answers to it.

The answer is either people who are very similar to you, or your complete opposites.
Our project was conceived as a way of psychological development and growth, where you can ask for advice from "similar" and learn from "very different" things that you do not know or have not tried.

Do you want to ask the Universe about something important to you?

Therefore, it is quite natural that at the age of 25 the wife will begin to make more demands on her husband. And he will be perplexed why his young girl began to turn into a capricious and intolerable woman. Constant negativity leads to divorce. Having entered into an early marriage - this means choosing the only sexual partner in your life for many years, if not for all time. And not everyone is ready for this, especially when there are so many temptations around. Cheating in early marriages can come from both a man and a woman. The desire to experience new emotions and experiences is often stronger than the feeling of youthful love. Frustration and indifference are major problems in early marriage. Especially if the wedding took place against the will of the parents. In such a relationship, the girl and the guy want to prove to their relatives that they have done the right thing and are completely independent.

Already unbearable to marry: everything about marriage under 18


For some reason, in Soviet times, everything was not so. About 20-30 years ago, our parents created families at the age of 18-20, and at the same time, the vast majority of those marriages are still as strong as granite. It is unlikely that the love of the older generation and the modern had cardinal differences.


It's just that the upbringing was not like that and there was no excessive freedom-loving inherent in our youth. Reasons Various circumstances can make you marry at age 18.

They can make you unusually happy, or they can cause negativity and a sense of devastation. The most pleasant reason for entering into a family union at an early age is love.

When young young people begin to experience strong, mutual feelings towards each other, it seems to them that this will last forever. The logical continuation of strong love is marriage and children.
So the young lovers are running to the registry office at breakneck speed.

Marriage of minors

The most important thing for a girl to be prepared for marriage is the main ability to cook, to do basic household chores. There are no definite rules for when and at what age to get married - all this is individual, someone is not ready for marriage even at 30.


Someone yes, someone no. The whole question is that someone from childhood dreams of getting married, having children, and for them this is happiness) And the majority need to walk up, get everything from youth. Therefore, in my opinion, the optimal age for marriage is 23-25 ​​years. Of course, it is too early, since people who marry or get married early are very often not psychologically and morally ready for such a serious step.

It is normal if circumstances require it (pregnancy, change of citizenship, etc.), and I think so early, decide on your feelings.

In what cases is it possible to get married before the age of 18?


  • submit an application to the Registry Office - on purpose or through the State Services portal. It can be any registry office in Russia, even located in another region.
    The application is accompanied by: passport, proof of termination of the previous marriage (if any), permission of the guardianship authorities and other authorities, a receipt for payment of the duty;
  • when submitting an application, a wedding date is set - usually not earlier than 1 month later, but in exceptional cases, the time frame can be reduced up to the day of application;
  • on the day of the wedding you will receive a certificate (one is issued for two).

Important! If one of the future spouses cannot appear in person to submit a general application, it can be done in two separate documents. In this case, one document is drawn up at the registry office, and the second at a notary.

Early marriage problems

All girls are different and the circumstances are different. Some are simply created for marriage, children, family life. I know women who got married at 18, happy and have no regrets.

It is also important who you marry, otherwise my friend left at 17 and when her husband invited her to a cafe (5 years later), presented roses (this did not happen again), she considered this event an event of her whole life. She remembers this act and cherishes it in her memory. And I think that this is not an event at all.

But they have been together for 16-17 years. Personally, I was not ready for marriage at 18, I got out at 22. And the years from 18 to 22 passed violently, intensely, I would never exchange them for marriage.

the moderator chose this answer as the best and why not? at the age of 18, a person can already make informed decisions. and if you find a person at the age of 18, in whom you are confident and with whom you are ready to live a long and happy life, you can safely go to the registry office.

For what reasons can you get married before the age of 18?

Few adults are ready for this, let alone teenagers. Therefore, in this case, the parents need to be understood. Some girls wonder if it is possible to get married at 16 if there is no pregnancy, but there is only a strong love for your boyfriend and a desire to be together? Here it is immediately necessary to turn to Family Law. After all, registration of a marriage, where one of the people has not reached the age of majority, is allowed only if there are serious reasons recognized as valid, and with the consent of the local authorities. Therefore, if there are only mutual feelings, an alliance in which the bride is a minor will not be concluded.

In such a situation, you will need to wait until you come of age. It is possible that by this time the love has already passed.

Interesting Let's go back to the question of whether it is possible to get married at the age of 16. This is not prohibited by law.

Is it okay to get married at 18?

Permission to marry persons under the age of 16 is issued, as a rule, by a decree of the local administration. In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, permission to marry these persons is given by the governor (laws of the Ryazan, Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod regions), a member of the government authorized by the governor of the region (law of the Moscow region), the President of the Republic (law of the Republic of Adygea). With the permission of local authorities, marriage is concluded with a person who has reached the age of 16, if such a minor is declared fully capable by virtue of emancipation (Article 27 of the Civil Code), i.e. if he works under an employment contract or with the consent of his parents, adoptive parents or guardian, he is engaged in entrepreneurial activity.

Is it possible to get married in Russia at the age of 16?

  • the need for a complex operation;
  • hot spot service;
  • being close to hostilities, etc.

As a rule, the list of possible reasons is open - this allows the guardianship authorities to solve such an important personal issue with each couple individually. Conditions for marriage under the age of 18 Marriage is possible only if the following conditions are met:

  • desire and consent of the bride and groom;
  • the absence of a valid legal marriage in both;
  • lack of close consanguinity;
  • lack of adoptive and adopted status;
  • lack of mental disorder.

Important! A marriage under 16 is possible only when neither the groom nor the bride has reached this age threshold. Marital relations between an adult and a child under the age of 16 entail criminal liability.

Should I get married at 18?

Certainly there is nothing unnatural in this. Simply, not everyone is ready for such a serious step. One thing is love, and another thing is a "family boat" that can crash into everyday life. 18 years is still an age on the verge of youthful maximalism, when you are sometimes ready to defend your opinion against the whole world. And family life is also that kind of diplomacy. Therefore, it is possible to get married and get married, but first of all, weigh the pros and cons. If you think it's okay, then exit. It all depends on you.

But if you haven't walked up yet, then wait. I have met married women who regretted getting married early. There are obligations in the family and you must remember them. At some point you will want to take a walk, flirt with other young people.

And the family obliges. Quite normal. I got married, I was not yet 18 years old.
A stamp in a passport allows you to stand out among peers and for a while increases self-esteem, especially if there are many people around with an unsettled personal life. Problems Having married at the age of 18, you are at great risk of introducing a large number of problems and pain into your measured life. After all, when the veil and dress are taken off, the euphoria quickly passes, and instead comes routine and boring everyday life. In the vast majority of early marriages, the main problems can be identified. Marrying at such a young age, a girl can sincerely love her chosen one. But over time (after 5 years), the relationship in a couple begins to deteriorate rapidly.

The reason is pretty simple. As we grow up, each of us changes. We begin to more deeply understand the world around us and ourselves.

Our outlook on life can change dramatically, and that's okay. 95% of 30-year-olds will say that at 18 they were stupid, naive and funny.

Reasons for getting married before the age of 18

However, the legislator admits the possibility of lowering the marriageable age of those entering into marriage. By a decision of local authorities, the marriageable age of future spouses can be reduced to 16, and in the presence of special circumstances, even less than years.

Currently, the minimum age when it is possible to obtain permission to marry under special circumstances is 14 years old (laws of the Republic of Adygea, Moscow, Tyumen, Kaluga, Tula, Vologda, Oryol, Nizhny Novgorod, Tambov regions, Jewish Autonomous Region, Khanty- Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug) or at 15 years old (laws of the Chelyabinsk, Ryazan, Murmansk regions). Lowering the marriageable age to the specified limits is allowed primarily in cases of pregnancy of the future spouse, her childbirth, threat to the life of one of the parties.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 11 minutes


The traditional girl's dream is a diamond ring, a wedding dress and, of course, the long-awaited prince himself. And, having received an offer of a hand and a heart, each girl asks herself the question - what is the best way to proceed? Postpone the wedding and wait for the feelings to be tested by time? Or should he agree immediately before the prince changes his mind? According to psychologists, it is equally wrong to immediately rush into the wedding pool headlong and pull indefinitely. has its pros and cons at any age.

By law, yesterday's schoolgirl in our country can easily put on a veil. True, you still have to ask your parents for permission. Having barely received a passport, the young "bride" may well jump out in marriage under such a circumstance as pregnancy. But the main question remains - will such an early marriage bring happiness, or will the passion fade away at the very first everyday problems?

The most common reasons for getting married at 16

  • Accidental pregnancy.
  • Negative family environment.
  • Excessive parental care and control.
  • An irresistible craving for independence.

The Benefits of Getting Married at 16

  • New status and the level of relationships.
  • Mental flexibility. The ability to adapt to the character of the husband.
  • A young mother will retain her physical attractiveness even by the time the child graduates from school.

Disadvantages of marriage at 16

Married at 18

At this age, in contrast to the age of sixteen, you no longer need permission from the guardianship authorities and parents for your personal happiness. And it is quite possible to meet a man in whose life there is no ex-wife, no children from his first marriage, no alimony obligations. But many of the pros and cons of getting married at 16 apply to this age as well.

The Benefits of Getting Married at 18

  • Blooming youth, which (as a rule) excludes the movement of the strong half "to the left".
  • The opportunity to remain a "young" mother even with a very adult child.
  • The decision about marriage can be made independently.

Disadvantages of marriage at 18

  • Love at this age is often confused with a riot of hormones, as a result of which the chances of becoming an ex-wife multiply increase.
  • Maternal instincts are present in every woman, but at this age they have not yet woken up to the end so that the mother can surrender herself to the child completely.
  • Such drastic changes as the lack of the opportunity to "walk with friends", give up to a club or salon, often become the reasons for nervous breakdowns. In marriage, you have to completely and completely devote yourself to the family, which, alas, not every girl at this age comes to.

Bride 23-27 years old

This age, according to psychologists, is ideal for marriage. Already behind the studies at the university, with a diploma in hand, you can find a good job, a woman already knows a lot, knows and understands what she wants from life.

The benefits of getting married at 23-27 years old

  • The female body is already completely ready for bearing a baby and childbirth.
  • The “wind in my head” subsides, and the girl begins to think more soberly.
  • Actions become balanced and dictated not only by emotions, but also by logic.

Disadvantages of marriage at 23-27 years old

  • Risk of mismatch of interests (one of the couple has not yet outgrown the "nightclubs", and the other is concerned about the family budget and possible prospects).
  • Approaching the age when pregnancy can become problematic.

According to statistics and the opinion of psychologists, marriages that are concluded at this age, for the most part, are dictated not by love, but by sober calculation. In such marriages, everything is verified to the smallest detail, from the family budget to taking out the trash can. Rather, such marriage resembles a business contract , although one cannot deny its strength - even in the absence of "youthful passions" marriages at this age are very strong. Precisely because of the balanced decision.
In conclusion, we can repeat one well-known truth - "Love of all ages is submissive." Sincere mutual love knows no obstacles, and a love boat, subject to trust, respect and mutual understanding, simply cannot break into everyday life, no matter at what age Mendelssohn's march is played.

The main reasons for getting married

Everyone wants to get married. Even those who prove otherwise. But someone comes out later, someone earlier, depending on the expectations in life. We all have for marriage your motives and reasons :

  • All the girlfriends have already jumped out to marry.
  • A conscious desire to have a child.
  • Strong feelings for the gentleman.
  • Desire to live separately from parents.
  • An acute lack of male care for a girl who grew up without a father.
  • The prosperity of a man.
  • The cherished status of a “married lady”.
  • Parents' insistence on marriage.

Surprisingly, reasons for refusing to marry modern girls also have:

  • Unwillingness to do housework (cook, wash, etc.)
  • Independence and freedom, the loss of which seems like a catastrophe.
  • Fear of pregnancy and loss of slimness.
  • Lack of confidence in feelings.
  • The desire to live exclusively for yourself.
  • Unwillingness to change the last name.
  • Life position - "free love".

Reviews of women about the best age for marriage

- A well-known stereotype - by the age of 25. I believe that it is better to get married at thirty, when you already have everything in order with your career, and you have already walked up, and you will be a responsible mother. And then they give birth to youngsters, and then the children grow up like grass.

- I gave birth at 17. I got married right away. And I had no problems with "girlfriends and discos". In general, she cut off all hobbies, completely dissolved in the family. My husband is ten years older than me. We still live in perfect harmony, the son is already finishing school. And we perfectly combine vacation with family life (both at the beginning and now) - we just relax together. And there have never been any household “graters”.

- Better to get married before the age of 25. After - already "illiquid". And you are already "shabby", and it is already dangerous to give birth - you are considered old-born. Definitely earlier! Better between 22 and 24 years old.

- I'm 23. There is still a wind in my head. Today I love him, tomorrow I doubt it. The outlook on life is constantly changing, the soul does not want to calm down, and I am simply not ready for diapers and scattered socks yet. I think everything has its time.

- Funny! You might think that she planned her marriage, and that's how it happened)))))). Like I'm getting married at 24! And at 24 - bam, and the groom appeared, and called in marriage. All this does not depend on us. As Heaven gives, so be it. To whom is it written in kind ...

- I was "called to marry" at the age of 18. Great guy. Clever, I was already making excellent money. I carried it in my arms, always with flowers to me. What else was needed? But she didn’t walk up, apparently. She refused. She said - wait, not ready yet. He waited a year. Then he said goodbye. As a result, I am already 26, and I have never met someone who would love me as much. And now I want to marry, but there is no one else.

- If there are feelings, if there is parental support, if the "bride and groom" are reasonable people, then why not? It is quite possible at 18. Not all youngsters are stupid at this age! Why be afraid? Studying can be combined with a family if there is someone to help. More pluses! It is better to give birth early, so that later you do not break your career with the birth of a child and maternity leave. She gave birth at 18, studied in absentia. And that's it! All roads are open. And the husband is happy - the child is already big, and you are still beautiful, and all the men turn to you.))

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