Home Preparations for the winter Batch Rav in Photoshop. The best RAW converters - where to process photos? What is it for

Batch Rav in Photoshop. The best RAW converters - where to process photos? What is it for

Almost all photographic equipment at the moment can take pictures in RAW format (a format with minimal processing of the photo by the camera itself. Such a system allows the photographer to use more features and effects in the subsequent image processing). Perhaps RAW is not as popular as JPEG, but it is better to use it when shooting.

Still, no matter how good JPEG is, it is still a format that uses compression, and any compression, as you know, affects the quality of the final image. It is for this reason that most professional photographers prefer RAW, which allows you to "pull" as much information from the picture as possible. In addition, this format, no matter how strange it may sound now, is very convenient: you do not have to think about adjusting the white balance, you can slightly underexpose the frame, and so on.

So, here you have taken a lot of pictures in RAW format, connected the equipment to the computer, transferred the files ... And what to do next? For all subsequent work with images, you will need a special program - a converter. Similar software is produced by both manufacturers of photographic equipment and third-party companies. The choice (quite wide, the Internet is literally teeming with all sorts of options) should not be approached at random. Different programs, different algorithms - different effect. Especially for your convenience, we have compiled a small guide to the world of the best photo editing software.

No one needs to represent Adobe. Everyone knows its products: they produce some of the best programs for working with music, video, photos. In this case, this is a specially created software aimed at editing pictures taken in RAW format. In addition, the program can easily work with both JPEG and TIFF. This is what is called providing a "full cycle". In other words, after working with this program, you can already print the finished image.

The software engine provides you with the ability to correct noise, color correction, increase / decrease brightness or contrast. At any time, you can undo the last action and return to the original image, this is the responsibility of a special service file designed for non-destructive editing. You can work absolutely without fear of losing the original picture. The modified version can simply be saved as a separate file. In addition, the program is attractive with a powerful cataloging system, an impressive set of tools and the ability to integrate with the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor.

And since we already mentioned this program, let's take a closer look at it. It is known to many as one of the best photo editing software. It is the recognized market leader in commercial bitmap image editing tools. The program has an impressive set of photo correction tools and supports the following color schemes: RGB, CMYK, LAB, Grayscale, Bitmap, Duotone, Indexed, Multichanne. This is a real photo lab with unlimited possibilities.

Multifunctional RAW editor with support for a wide range of model cameras. It provides all the features for both single and batch file processing, white balance adjustment, sharpening, contrast, color temperature, digital noise removal and much more. This toolkit makes Phase One Captur One one of the best photo editing software. Here you can even find a selection of scene programs specific to cameras.

A special ICC profile has been developed specifically for each camera model, providing the best quality for editing. Here there is an opportunity to correct chromatic aberration, distortion, vignetting and other image defects. In terms of capabilities, the program, if it does not surpass Lightroom, then, perhaps, is on the same level with it, but only on condition that you have certain knowledge and skills, and are also ready to work individually with each photo taken.

This is a very popular editor native to Nikon models, designed to work with RAW. The program provides a step-by-step reproduction of the entire process of processing an image in NEF format, with the ability to cancel changes at any time or save intermediate results. The entire interface of the program is based on special "control points", each of which stores individually selected settings that provide the best color correction. The degree of change of all data is controlled by special sliders, which not only make, but also track all the changes that occur. In addition, there are full-fledged tools for all kinds of defect correction. This is one of the best photo editing software out there.

One of the most important advantages of this RAW converter is the full-fledged work with "floating points", which has a beneficial effect on the transfer and reproduction of more natural colors. In addition, numerous editing tools for color, sharpness, brightness, noise reduction and more include profiles taken from real films. Of course, the program is not simple and requires certain skills.

Here is a small list of programs that will help you get the most out of your photos, show the beauty of the world around you and capture the most unforgettable moments. Which one to choose - decide for yourself, they are all worthy of attention even by professional photographers. Many of these programs are paid, but most often they are worth the money they ask for, given the result that they allow you to get.

Other materials:
How to work in Lightroom? (video)
How to learn to take good pictures?
Camera for beginners

A photographer who shoots a lot often has to process huge arrays of photos. This work takes a lot of time and effort. This article will discuss how to make this work easier, how to speed up the processing of photos in order to give them to the customer on time, and to shift part of our efforts to Photoshop itself.

Beginning photographers are often unaware of Photoshop's ability to automate some of the actions that are repeated for a large number of photos. For example, using batch processing, you can very quickly, within a few minutes without losing quality, compress hundreds of images for publication on the Internet, or quickly process a large folder with equal files. Let's start with rav files.

1. Batch processing of equal files in Photoshop

Photoshop has a built-in "Adobe Camera Raw" module that allows you to edit equal files and convert them to familiar formats, to Jpeg, TIFF or PSD. In order to simultaneously process the required number of sources in the rav format, open them in Photoshop with the usual command in the "file-open" menu.

In the window that opens, select the necessary files, let's say 30 or 50 pieces, more, but this will be enough for testing.

If these shots were taken in the same conditions, in the same lighting, and with the same white balance, then we have the option of editing one of them to our liking and applying the same settings to all the other shots in the series.

Edit the first photo in line, if necessary, using the editing panel, such as adjust the exposure, white balance, remove noise, remove chromatic aberration, etc. Then apply these corrections to all images opened in the module.

Then apply these corrections to all images opened in the module. To do this, click the "Select All" button in the file browser and then click the "Synchronize" button.

In order not to bother, select "Synchronize All". After that, view all the frames, activating them one by one in the file browser. And if necessary, make a correction for a particular frame individually. When the corrections made suit us, it will be possible to convert our equal files to the format we need, for example, to Jpeg, or to TIFF, if you plan to continue their further fine correction in Photoshop.

To do this, click "Save image" and in the new window that opens, specify the save settings, quality and format, as well as the folder in which we will save our pictures. Have you indicated? Click "Save" Everyone! The process has begun, Photoshop saves frame by frame, and we enjoy and go to drink coffee. Or is tea better? The processing speed will depend on your computer hardware.

2. Batch processing in Photoshop of jeeps

Well, if we need to quickly process a huge number of images in Jpeg format, then we can do this using one or another action and apply it to the entire mass of images. For example, I often use an action when preparing a snapshot for publication on the Internet, or before sending it to a customer by email. It saves a lot of time

Or, for example, you need to correct the wrong exposure, say, excessively dark pictures, then you can create a special “lighten” action for them and apply it to all the pictures in the folder. Or add sharpness. There can be a lot of options here.

3. Actions for Photoshop

Where can I get the actions you need in this case? There are two options here. The first is to create the desired action, i.e. this or that action in Photoshop itself. The procedure is very simple and well described on the Internet. A simple action of several actions is done within a minute. For myself, I create this or that action situationally for each specific task. For example, to compress images without losing quality, I use the “1000”px action I created, which reduces the size of the image to 1000 pixels on the long side and adds a little sharpness after that. You can read more in

If you have never used actions before and don't know how to call them, then open any picture in Photoshop and go to the "Window - Actions" menu or press Alt + F9. You will see the “Actions” panel, in it you will see a list of actions that are available by default, select any one, for example, any “50 px frame” and launch it by clicking the green triangle at the bottom of the panel. This is for practice, to know what is at stake.

The second way is to download the desired action for free on the Internet. Now there are a huge number of them. Moreover, from purely technical to creative, for example, “portrait retouching” or some other spectacular technique. It is enough to download and install it by copying it to your Photoshop folder and you can use it as much as you like. Approximate copy path might be C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop\Presets\Actions

4. Automation in Photoshop

Well, now the most important thing. Let's put batch processing into practice. For example, I'm using my 1000px action. Well, for the experiment, you can specify which one you want. So let's open Photoshop. In the "file" menu, we are looking for the item "Automation - Batch Processing".

You will see such a window in which we indicate the “source” - the source folder, with the images that need to be processed. Specify the action that we will apply, and specify the output folder in which the program will add the processed images. This folder, of course, must be created in advance.

Leave the rest of the settings as in the screenshot. All indicated? Click "OK". Everything, the process has begun, we look at the monitor with square eyes, pointing a finger at it, watching in amazement how files open by themselves, change before our eyes and close, giving way to new ones. I don’t suggest you go to drink tea, you won’t have time, because everything happens very quickly, although of course everything will depend on the number of pictures in this folder, and the power of your computer.

Try it. This will really save your time and effort. Success

In the module Adobe Camera Raw it is possible to process several files at the same time, otherwise known as batch processing.

What is it for:

Batch processing significantly reduces time costs

To obtain the same images within the same series.

What does same mean?

The fact is that if we process each image of the series separately (a series means images taken in the same conditions within the same shooting), we can get a different processing result, which will look unprofessional. The entire series should look the same in color and tonal density.

How to achieve this?

There are several ways to batch process. I will introduce you to two of them.

First way

To change the settings of multiple files at the same time, first open them in Camera Raw. The easiest way to do this is from the Adobe Bridge module.

Select the desired files - this is done in the same way as in Explorer, that is, to select several files in a row, you need to click on the first one, then, while holding the SHIFT key, on the last one.

To select multiple files with an arbitrary location, hold down the CTRL key. Then open the files in Camera Raw by clicking on its icon (marked with a red rectangle).

You can do this by pressing the key combination CTRL+R.

The selected images will open in the Adobe Camera Raw module

The next step is to select all the images. To do this, you can click the Select All button or the keyboard shortcut CTRL+A. Highlighting around image thumbnails indicates that they are selected

Now, if you move the sliders to adjust the image, that adjustment will be applied to all images at the same time.

At the same time, an icon appears on the image thumbnails in the lower right corner, indicating that the image has been corrected.

After completing all the necessary operations in the tabs, you must click the Finish button to save the result without opening files in Adobe Photoshop.

Camera Raw closes and the updated image thumbnails appear in the Bridge module.

Second way

In the same way, select images in the Bridge module and open them in Camera Raw.

Then we process one image.

Now select all images by pressing the Select All button or the keyboard shortcut CTRL+A.

Click the Synchronize button.

A dialog box will appear with a choice of parameters that will be synchronized in the selected images. Here you can check or uncheck the checkboxes of the parameters, thus flexibly setting up synchronization according to certain settings (for example, you want to synchronize only the white balance, in this case you need to check only opposite this parameter).

But, in our case, we need to apply all the processing options to the rest of the images, so we will not change anything, but immediately click OK

Processing options will be applied to all images, and the appearance of thumbnails will change accordingly

At the end of the studio photography master class, you have a set of photos of the model (who worked under the TFCD contract) in RAW format.

You will not lose if the model receives a disk with all the frames of the shooting before they are processed, regardless of the artistic value of the pictures. For you, such shots should not be considered the actual result of shooting - they are only raw materials from which the final product is yet to be obtained. Therefore, we will not torment the model for months in anticipation of a well-deserved reward and wait for inspiration to process photos “for production”, but we will make every effort to prepare “jpegs” suitable for everyday use from “raves”. I personally don’t put copyright on such photos (and I don’t recommend it to you) - the model already does not have the right to publish these photos except for personal use (you issued a model release, and the model signed it, right?), but to demonstrate your an autograph to hundreds of friends of the model in the photo, in whose quality you are completely unsure, in my opinion it is not reasonable.

So, we need to get a certain number of photos in jpg (jpeg) format to transfer them to the model. But this is a good reason to look at the result of shooting in the first approximation!

I shoot with Canon cameras and for RAW processing (in this case, these are files with the CR2 extension) I use the Digital Photo Professional program offered by the manufacturers for free. Even 7 years ago, when I was preparing pictures for printing in a glossy magazine, this program was already ahead of the built-in converter plugins in graphic editors in terms of its capabilities. Now DPP is a powerful tool that does an excellent job with the task of initial image preparation.

Models working under the TFCD contract (from the English "Time For CD" - Time for a CD (with photographs)), as a rule, work out of love for art. And art involves black and white pictures. Therefore, even if the idea of ​​your shooting did not imply a black-and-white version of the photos, it would be better to prepare jpegs for the model both in color and in black and white.

Batch processing of color photos

Figure 1. Out of habit, in all graphic editors, I use English as the language of the workspace - most of the concepts are more correctly determined in it and there is less confusion. If you do the settings in exactly the order that I describe them below, you should be fine.

  1. We choose "by eye" a frame with the most common characteristics of color, contrast, brightness for the entire shooting. Open it RAW to edit the settings (DoubleClick on the thumbnail in DPP), and customize. (Picture 1.)
  2. It is very important to decide which white balance will best suit the shooting conditions. If the shooting took place in a studio using monoblocks of pulsed light, then most likely it will be possible to leave the automatic settings for the white balance. If they do not satisfy you, then I recommend trying to set the numerical value of the temperature of the light. For the most common monoblocs, this temperature is 5600 °K - from this value you start tuning, gradually shifting to values ​​that give shades that best match your expectations. If this does not help, then you can take a neutral color from the frame with a pipette (only not very light and not very dark).
    This survey was carried out on a gray background, so it is logical to use areas of this background to select a gray point. That is why I used Click white balance.
  3. Here we adjust the exposure in the range of values ​​​​from -2 to +2 (very similar to the hardware settings +/-2EV, isn't it?). By clicking to the right or left of the slider, we move it by 1 step. A total of 12 steps in each direction, in this case I left the exposure unchanged.
  4. Most of the time I use the style standard. I will not explain why here, the choice of profile is a topic for a separate discussion.
    • Contrast (Contrast). By default, my camera has a contrast of -1, but in this shot I turned it up to zero to brighten up the shot.
    • Highligt (Light colors). This setting allows you to muffle or enhance highlights. I use it very rarely, and in this case I did not use it.
    • Shadow (Shadows). This setting raises or deepens shadows. As you can see, I've raised the shadows by 1 step to improve the detail in the hair that was lost as a result of the contrast increase.
    • Color tone. Allows you to make color correction of the image - moving the slider to the right makes the image more "green", to the left - more "magenta". I prefer not to use this as I usually don't need both green and purple skin.
    • Color saturation. Speaks for itself. You can either increase the saturation or decrease it. I didn't touch anything in this case.
    • Sharpness (Sharpness). The name also speaks for itself. I like sharpness (perhaps more than necessary), so I usually set quite high values ​​​​(here - 8). However, if the optics used when shooting, in itself gives a “ringing sharpness”, it is better to set the value lower - around 4. If your glass is “soapy”, you can put all 10.
  5. Let's go back to the brightness settings. You may need to increase or decrease the brightness after correcting the Picture Style.
  6. To transfer the settings just made from one frame to all the others, you need to copy the recipe (RightClick on the thumbnail of the adjusted file, Copy recipe to clipboard); select all shooting frames (Ctrl + A); and apply the copied recipe to all selected files (RightClick on the thumbnail of any of the selected files, Paste recipe to selected image - you will have to confirm in the pop-up window that you really want to apply the settings to all selected images). Without deselecting all files (or use the Ctrl + A combination again if the selection was accidentally canceled), save all files at once (Ctrl + S).
  7. Open each shooting file in DPP one by one. Firstly, this is to check the exposure - it is unlikely that the brightness settings will be suitable for all frames. Secondly, and this is much more important, by viewing the frames you will be able to mark for yourself those that deserve attention for further processing. By the way, Digital Photo Professional allows you to mark your favorite frames with digital labels, and this will allow you to quickly find them later.
  8. Batch processing (Batch process). Select all files again (Ctrl + A) and call the batch processing dialog (Ctrl + B). In the batch processing dialog box (Figure 2.) pay attention to the following fields:
    • Save folder. The path to the folder, in which finished files will be saved during batch processing.
    • file format. File format. In our case, it should be Exif-JPEG with quality 8)
    • filename. File name. The program allows you to set an arbitrary name for the entire series, but I strongly recommend keeping the current file name - this will save you a lot of time when the need arises (and it will certainly arise) to find the original raw file corresponding to any jpeg. If you want to somehow specially mark the name of the series in the file names, then use the String field - the expression entered there will be added to each file as a suffix.
    • The Execute button starts the batch processing process, and after a few minutes you will receive all the shooting frames in the specified folder as files in a format suitable for transferring the model.jpg

Figure 2.

Batch processing of black and white photos

  1. We return to the same frame that was used to adjust the color image.
    Figure 3
  2. White balance adjustment. We do not change anything regarding what was in the color photo.
  3. Brightness adjustment. We don't change anything either.
  4. Picture Style (Image Style). Replacing the Style standard on style monochrome- please note that the style settings were partially “reset”, and partially replaced by completely different ones that were not in the Standard style.
    • Contrast (Contrast). A black and white image has 65 thousand times less ability to convey the difference between two adjacent points than a color one. Therefore, to give the photo more depth, we increase the contrast - I increased it by 2 steps.
    • Highligt (Light colors). Without changes.
    • Shadow (Shadows). Despite the hair that has gone into darkness due to the increase in contrast, I do not change anything here either. Hair is not a significant subject of the image, so for batch processing, their detail can be neglected.
    • Instead of Color tone, the slider of which we saw when working with a color image, appeared Filter effect (Filter effect). When black and white photography dominated photography, color filters were used to give more depth to the pictures, blocking the light of the corresponding part of the spectrum. At the same time, the detailing did not suffer, but rather even improved. If a red filter was used, red objects in the photo became significantly lighter, if green - green. That is why the use of the yellow filter in the settings ( yellow) brightened the skin, evened out its tone and gave the midtones even greater contrast and depth - the skin has a yellowish tint after all.
    • Toning effect (Toning). Another exclusive setting for monochrome. Allows you to tint a black and white monochrome image to sepia, cyan, or magenta. In our case, this is redundant.
    • Sharpness (Sharpness). We leave it as it was.
  5. Save the configured RAW file (Ctrl + S) and close it.
  6. We copy the recipe and transfer it to all other files (read how to do this in the instructions for preparing color photos for preview).
  7. We open each shooting file in DPP one by one to adjust the exposure. As in the case of color photographs, mark those frames that seem promising for further processing.
  8. Use batch processing to save the resulting result (read how to do this in the instructions for preparing color photos for preview).

Figure 3. The basic tools for setting up a black and white version are exactly the same as for a color photo, but there are also their own - special tools

As you know, many photographers and sympathizers are gradually starting to switch from JPEG to RAW format (Canon - .crw / .cr2, Nikon - .nef, Pentax - .pef, etc.) The advantages of this move are obvious - you can make changes to the file and then return all to their original positions if necessary; pull up the details from the shadows, “press down” the highlighted areas and so on and so forth. Well, what am I writing, only the lazy did not read about it.

But there is also such an open RAW format as DNG (digital negative). It is officially supported by Adobe; it is free and some manufacturers of photographic equipment (from widespread, in different areas, however, - Samsung, Hasselblad, etc.) have switched to it. Adobe provides a converter for free that allows you to convert RAW "s of cameras from any manufacturer to DNG. There is also a conversion function in Adobe Lightroom.

Question: How justified is it to convert RAW files to DNG? What does it give in practice?

Answer: I switched to DNG a long time ago and I'm not going back. Which is what I advise you. I explain.

Save space: When converting RAW "s from Canon cameras, files are compressed by 20-30%, from Nikon - up to 50-55%, etc. At the same time, all file properties are preserved and they remain editable. Such space savings are justified when you need to store large (by server standards) volumes of raves Yes, it’s not a problem for a home PC to buy five more disks, but when many tens of thousands of files lie and are processed on the server, and all this economy is stored on hard disks connected via a fiber channel, it already begins to affect cost factor.

Preservation of file properties: Settings and previews (and, if desired, the original file) are written to DNG and can be extracted from there if desired.

Universality: If the latest Photoshop with the latest RAW converter is not installed on the computer, RAW "s parts of modern cameras are simply not supported (by the way, this may come as a surprise, but closed-proprietary file formats die out and are no longer supported, not open ones) For example, from the camera with which I mainly shoot now (Canon EOS-1D Mark III), or from the more budgetary Canon EOS 40D, files in Photoshop CS / CS2 cannot be opened even with the latest Adobe Camera RAW. install CS3 and DNG opens with a bang.Such pies.By the way, DNG is also supported by many free file viewers.

Uniformity: The uniformity of the array of files also makes sense - for me, for example, RAWs of completely different Canons, Fuji, Nikons and other rascals pass in a constant stream. And all in their own formats. And everyone tries their own settings for each file write everywhere I hope the idea is clear.

Further explanations can be found at openraw.org and adobe.com/dng.

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