Home Preparations for the winter Use the 360 ​​total security program. Is it possible to recover a file deleted by an antivirus

Use the 360 ​​total security program. Is it possible to recover a file deleted by an antivirus

In order to uninstall the program, you need to go to the "Start" menu and open the "Programs and Features" category. Then find 360 Total Security in the drop-down list of programs and click the "Uninstall" button. Then the uninstall process will start. In addition, the program can be uninstalled using the built-in uninstall wizard.

How often is the program updated?

On average, virus signatures are updated daily. In order to use the always up-to-date version of the antivirus, it is recommended to have a stable Internet connection, and, if necessary, allow network access for the program in the firewall.

Why does 360 Total Security detect viruses while other scanners don't?

Different types of antivirus programs use different engines and methods for detecting malware. Due to this feature, scan results may vary from program to program. But despite this, regular software updates can improve its performance several times over.

What antivirus protection mechanisms does 360 Total Security use?

The antivirus uses five defense mechanisms at the same time. These include the BitDefender feature and the Avira AntiVir feature, the 360 ​​cloud protection feature, the system recovery feature, and the QVMII AI self-learning feature. All mechanisms are configured in many ways and allow you to choose the most suitable protection mode for you.

Is it possible to recover a file deleted by an antivirus?

360 Total Security does not literally remove infected files. She puts them in a special storage - "quarantine". From there, files can be either permanently deleted or restored to their original location. Therefore, in order to return deleted files, you just need to enter the "quarantine" and perform certain manipulations.

Modern free anti-virus complex with a high degree of protection, which can use up to five anti-virus engines, and also has a whole arsenal of useful tools to speed up your PC.

In our minds, almost any Chinese developments are strongly associated with the Russian concept of "consumer goods". However, the Chinese themselves have recently begun to radically change the situation, creating for themselves the image of quite competitive players in the international market, producing inexpensive, but fairly high-quality products.

The same trend applies to all kinds of Chinese programs, which are getting better and increasingly occupying solid positions in the ratings. It is worth remembering at least one of the most popular mobile browsers UC Browser or the HaoZIP archiver (a free analogue of WinRAR) and it becomes clear that Chinese developers are quite capable of making excellent software.

Comparison with a paid analogue

Unlike most Western developments, 360 Total Security is completely free and does not have any PRO-versions or additional modules for which you would have to shell out money! The only additional variation in which there is an antivirus - Essential - is just a stripped-down version of the full package, designed for weak PCs (and also free).

But in terms of functionality, 360 Total Security is quite at the level of professional solutions from the category of full-fledged paid anti-virus packages and is quite comparable with the popular Kaspersky Internet Security:

360 Total Security is actively developing, so the absence, for example, of a parental control function is a matter of time (especially since the expediency of adding some features has already been put to a popular vote). In the meantime, in the "Tools" section, you can supplement the protection of the antivirus with a free firewall, a browser security module, etc.

What adds a huge plus to our antivirus program is that it can work simultaneously with several engines, which significantly increases the degree of computer security! But more on that later, but for now I suggest installing 360 Total Security.

Installing 360 Total Security

If you downloaded the program from the official site or from us, then by default the installer interface will be Russian. Otherwise, you will need to select "Russian" from the drop-down list in the upper right corner of the window:

In addition to choosing a language, you will also be asked to accept the license agreement (leave the checkmark) and join the antivirus customer experience improvement program (you can uncheck this box). In the lower right corner you will see the "Settings" button, which will open a small panel where you can specify the path to install 360 Total Security.

If you wish, you can not touch anything, but simply click the "Install" button and wait until the installation is completed. At the end of it, a small presentation of 360 Total Security will appear, which you can skip or watch to the end and click the "Run" button (by the way, if you have a USB flash drive connected to your PC, the antivirus will scan it for viruses and report on the work done in a small window):

Full computer scan

The main window of the antivirus will open in front of us. The interface of the window is unpretentious: the main functional sections are located on the left, and the workspace containing the necessary tools is on the right. In addition, in the upper right corner there are buttons for entering social networks, changing skins and calling the main menu.

By default, 360 Total Security will open on the first section - "Full scan". It allows you to perform a full scan of your computer for viruses and settings that slow down its work. To start such a scan, which will take about 5 - 10 minutes, just click the "Check" button:

The result of the check will look something like this:

We will be prompted to immediately fix all the errors found by using the button of the same name. However, if you understand your computer, I advise you to double-check the scan results manually by clicking the "More info." up:

All found problems with antivirus recommendations will be displayed here. However, by unchecking the box, you can exclude what you want to keep. Only after that you can click the "Fix" button, and then (on completion of the corrections) "Finish.

Antivirus module

Next on the list is one of the most interesting sections of 360 Total Security - "Antivirus:

We all know that it is undesirable to install several different antiviruses on one PC. However, 360 Total Security managed to combine three of its own anti-virus engines and two alternative ones at the same time, achieving their conflict-free coexistence!

By default, only "native" engines are active: "cloud" anti-virus scanner, system error scanner and QVMII AI resident module. They are visible as colored icons in the lower right part of the workspace and, in principle, they are quite enough for quick work. However, if you need a higher level of protection, then you can additionally activate the engine of the popular German antivirus Avira and the American BitDefender!

In addition to selecting engines in the workspace, there are buttons for selecting the PC scan mode for viruses (quick, full or selective), as well as quick access to the function of sending suspicious files for analysis, quarantine and white list, which, by the way, is very convenient to configure.

For the first time, I suggest running a quick or full scan:

All scan results will be sorted into five categories, which will contain not only the viruses found, but also recommendations for eliminating some potential security holes or incorrect PC settings:

  1. System settings.
  2. General applications.
  3. running processes.
  4. Objects in autoload.
  5. Critical system files.

As in the case of a general scan, I do not advise you to immediately rush to fix everything that 360 Total Security shows us. It is better to look at the details of the report and decide for yourself what should be deleted and what should not. To do this, again, use the checkboxes. And so that during repeated scans the antivirus does not sound the alarm on trusted files and settings, whitelist them using the button on the right:


The third section of 360 Total Security is "Acceleration":

As the name implies, this section contains tools that allow you to speed up your PC by disabling unnecessary functions and processes. The section consists of four tabs, two of which are functional ("Simple acceleration" and "Manual"), and two are informational ("Load time" and "Journal").

The "Simple acceleration" tab contains a list of processes that you can or would like to disable on your PC. Check the boxes for what you think should be disabled, and click the "Optimize" button. The remaining processes that you do not want to disable, simply add to the "List of exclusions" using the button on the right.

The "Manual" tab contains a list of all files and services that "sit" in autoload. With a simple switch, you can disable or enable any item in the list yourself:

As for the information sections, a graph is drawn in the "Boot Time" tab that displays the time taken to start Windows. In the "Journal" tab, all the changes we made to autoload are logged.

Cleaning and Other Tools

The following section of 360 Total Security - "Cleaning":

It allows you to remove from the system all unnecessary temporary files that take up extra space on your hard drive and unused plugins. In fact, the function is a simplified analogue of other similar PC optimizers and does not need any special consideration.

Much more interesting is the last section of 360 Total Security - "Tools":

There are eight additional features here:

  1. Vulnerabilities. This tool allows you to scan for Windows updates, identify the missing ones and install them.
  2. Sandbox. Allows you to run suspicious applications in an isolated environment to avoid affecting system settings. It is most convenient to launch using the "Run in Sandbox 360" context menu item of executable files.
  3. Cleaning up system backups. Actually, it makes it possible to delete old backups and Windows restore points.
  4. Browser protection. Blocks the settings of the search engine and the start page of the browser you have chosen.
  5. Firewall. Offers us to supplement the protection of the GlassWire PC.
  6. Router Manager. For some router models, it allows you to check its security settings and eliminate potential problems.
  7. Disk compression. Can be used to archive rarely accessed data.
  8. Vote for the new tool. Gives the opportunity to vote VKontakte for the proposed features that are planned in future versions of the antivirus.

Tray control and settings

Here we practically examined the entire interface of 360 Total Security. It remains to cast a couple of glances at some of the nuances. And the first of these nuances will be antivirus management, which is easiest to do through the tray icons.

There are three icons in total: the main program icon with a menu, an icon for connecting removable media, and an icon for the activity of background processes (for example, downloading and installing updates). We are mainly interested in the icon of the program itself, or rather its context menu. With this menu we can:

  • temporarily disable antivirus protection;
  • open the main window of the program;
  • enter settings, quarantine, event log and sandbox;
  • check for updates;
  • turn on the "quiet" mode, in which we will not receive any notifications (good for games and full-screen applications).

Finally, I would like to say a couple of laudatory words about the "Settings":

You can get into them from the main menu of 360 Total Security or from the context menu of the program icon in the tray. Here (unlike most even paid antiviruses!) Everything is quite clear and simple. All settings are divided into 5 sections, which are arranged quite logically. So that not even the most knowledgeable user can easily figure out where to look, for example, a blacklist, antivirus settings or language settings.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • complete free;
  • convenient modern interface;
  • support for up to five anti-virus engines;
  • PC optimization and cleaning modules;
  • the presence of a module for scanning flash drives;
  • the ability to work in the "sandbox";
  • high degree of virus detection.
  • quite a lot of false positives for unknown files;
  • significant resource consumption when all available anti-virus engines are activated.


Oddly enough, but during the operation of the 360 ​​Total Security antivirus, I found practically no significant shortcomings in it! The only thing that annoyed (and sometimes continues to bother) - excessive "suspicion" to unfamiliar files. Although, as they said during the Union: "It's better to overdo it than not do it :)".

Otherwise, everything is predictable: the more engines are simultaneously involved, the more resources are consumed. True, to the credit of the Chinese developers, it is worth noting that even with both Avira and BitDefender engines active at the same time, the resource consumption was not much higher than that of another free antivirus that I used before, AVG. And with only the basic engines active, even during the scan it did not exceed 89%!

If you need a good antivirus that would not heavily load the system and provide good protection, then 360 Total Security, I think, is just what you need! With it, your computer can become a real "hard nut" for any viruses. For one engine is good, but three or five are much better :)

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Good day to all and all sorts of other differences. We are glad to see you again on the " " project . Today about 360 Total Security, yes.

For a long time, we didn’t have anything on the topic, or rather, on the topic of products that are directly involved in its provision, that is, we mean antiviruses and firewalls.

And although the author of the project has been practicing and applying his own anti-virus method for years, most users, which is logical, constantly use a variety of anti-virus solutions, and therefore often ask (through) to write about their settings and related nuances.

Today I would like to follow your requests and write about such a solution as 360 Total Security, otherwise we really haven’t touched this topic for a long time. In particular, in the fall we will make another review of some, say, paid antivirus (fortunately, a lot has already been written about free ones) and at the same time maybe even a paid firewall (wishes can be left through the same feedback form or in the comments).

However .. In the direction of the lyrics and let's get started.

360 Total Security introductory

The first thing that, in fact, captivates this joy of a programmer of thought is design. Why, in fact, a beautiful design is needed in a program that deals with security is not very clear (from the point of view of logic), but it is clear from the point of view of marketing, the benefit of visuals in the world, in fact, is the majority.

The second thing that pleases is the presence of a complex of security solutions, that is, from a firewall to an antivirus, browser protection, a sandbox, and even an optimizer.

And although this makes the program a combine, but with all this, it manages to behave quite sanely in terms of speed (and conciseness) in work, and even not eat a lot of resources. With all the free and Russian support, it's a godsend for the user's spy.

Installation is extremely simple - download the file or, for example, and run it.

Installing the utility

At the first stage, we will have to wait until the installer is finally loaded, although, however, this process can be hidden in the background by clicking the appropriate button.

After downloading, a window will pop up in which you can use the "Settings" button to select the installation path, as well as the language and read the agreement. If you are not very interested in all this, then you can immediately poke the "Install" button.

After installation, you will be able to see the "Run" button, after which, oddly enough, you can see the main window of the program, which, by the way, is somewhat reminiscent of the interface of Wise products about which I already.

Actually, as I said above, the use is quite simple.

Using 360 Total Security

If you don’t really want to deal with everything for a long time, then for a start, for example, click on the thick button "Check" and wait for the results of the check.

After that, it remains to click on the "Fix" button and view the results on the same screen, and look at the more detailed nuances from the log that comes out when you click on the " Magazine".

The "Antivirus" tab will allow you to do a more detailed virus scan, but before proceeding, in general, I would recommend enabling two more scanning engines (Bitdefender and Avira Antivir) by clicking on the corresponding boxes and moving the slider to the right.

Then it remains only to scan and deal with the results found (or not found). And, yes, - be careful! - the program eats keygens and their accompanying software. However, if you click on the green button " Trust" Opposite the desired file, it will remain in place.

The "Acceleration" tab is responsible for the optimization parameters.

More details

It can be useful to many, if only because a non-experienced user will have quite clear recommendations in the spirit of "Can be disabled", "Must be disabled" and " Keep unchanged", which is extremely clear (although the author of the article does not agree 100% with all the points).

The tab with cleaning, I think, needs no introduction - it allows you to clean temporary files behind the system, browsers, plugins, etc.

Well, the remaining piece is an additional functionality that I showed you at the very beginning. From this tab, you can install a firewall (aka a firewall), run a sandbox, clean up system backups, and so on (you can even install security patches using the "Vulnerabilities" button).

Setting up 360 Total Security

As for the settings, they are opened by clicking on the corresponding "Menu" icon in the upper right corner.

In general, there are not so many settings themselves, but they are to the point. On the "Basic" tab, I would uncheck " Login to VK automatically".

On the tab with active protection, you can install the appropriate plug-in to protect your browser, select actions when a threat is detected, protect USB drives and .. even a webcam and chat.

With the rest of the settings, I think you can figure it out on your own, since there is nothing complicated there, and everything is in Russian .. Well, we, perhaps, will move on to the afterword.


In a nutshell, perhaps something like this. I hope that this solution will be useful to someone and help protect your data, and therefore yourself, from all the horrors of life there.

As always, if you have any questions, additions, and so on, then welcome to comment on this post.

Once I recorded a video about 29 programs that I install after reinstalling Windows, and then many were surprised that I did not install an external antivirus. Since they regularly keep asking me which antivirus is better to install, I decided to make this note. In it, I will give one free solution that many people should like.

This is a free software solution 360 Total Security. This is a complex of several applications, one of which is an antivirus. And besides it, the complex includes tools for cleaning your computer from unnecessary files, utilities for optimizing system performance, and other modules.

Modern antiviruses are increasingly turning into some kind of combines, which, in addition to their direct duties of anti-virus protection, are able to perform many other tasks. Some do it well, others not so much. Our today's hero copes with this well.

After installation and launch, you will see something like this:

It is immediately clear that there is not only an antivirus, but also optimization and system cleaning modules. I will not dwell on them especially, everything is quite simple there. In the case of the "Acceleration" module, you run the analysis, the program tells you what can be improved in terms of system performance, you either agree and the program makes changes, or you refuse and everything remains as before.

In the case of the spouse's computer, 39 points for optimization were found:

If you take the “Cleanup” module, then there the program will analyze and offer to remove all unnecessary files from the system (temporary files, browser cache files, system garbage, etc.). In general, I liked how these modules work, they offer everything to the point.

As for the main function - anti-virus protection, everything here is done surprisingly well and conveniently. One of the features of this antivirus is that it uses several antivirus engines at once, which can be turned on and off. Here is their list and description from the developers:

+ Avira Engine- a powerful engine developed by a German company. Disabled by default.

+ Bitdefender Engine- another supported engine developed by Romanian programmers. Disabled by default.

+ 360 Cloud Scanner- own cloud-based anti-virus engine that uses information about file checksums. It is always on, it cannot be turned off separately.

+ QVM AI- own proactive protection system using cloud technologies. Allows you to protect your system from threats unknown to the antivirus. Always on and cannot be disabled separately.

Each engine has its own icon, by clicking on which you can turn the engine on or off.

For reliability, I turned everything on at once.

As for the results, one suspicious file was found on my computer after a total scan, but after checking my wife’s computer
over 90 threats have been identified! And while most of them were harmless enough, two turned out to be quite serious Trojans that were successfully removed from the system.

Here's what it looks like:

For any detected threat, you can view detailed information by clicking on the "Details" icon. An example of such information on one of the detected Trojans.

In general, I think that the antivirus did its job well.

The last tab I would like to talk about is the "Tools" tab. There are additional utilities that you may find useful.

If you click on the right arrow, the rest of the tools will open:

Here is what the developers themselves write about these tools:

+ 360 Connect- a tool for remote computer configuration.

+ Instant installation- allows you to install various popular programs (ICQ, Skype, etc.) with one click

+ Browser protection- allows you to protect the browser from unauthorized changes to the search engine and / or start page. Unlike competitors, the functions of safe browsing and blocking "surveillance" of the user are not provided.

+ Firewall- The stock Windows firewall is pretty good and will suit the needs of most users. If it turns out to be not enough, then 360 Total Security offers to install (absolutely free) GlassWire Firewall. Actually, after launching the Firewall tool, you will see a window with the Install button. After installing the firewall, this button will launch it.

+ Sandbox- allows you to run dangerous programs, all changes to the system configuration made in the sandbox will not affect the real system in any way. A very useful feature if you are unsure about the application.

+ Vulnerabilities- A useful system vulnerability scanner that allows you to check for security updates and various patches. It is also possible to install / remove a particular security update (patch).

+ Clean up system backups- this tool has already been demonstrated earlier.

+ Drive Compression- allows you to free up disk space by compressing system files. On the test machine, the tool offered to free up 4.7 GB by compressing. Keep in mind that compressing system files will likely lead to performance degradation, so you should only resort to this measure as a last resort (when free space is more important than performance).

What cons did I find with 360 Total Security?

1. Since the product is free, sometimes there are advertising banners inside offering to install different programs. This is more likely not even a minus, but just such a way of paying for a “free” product. This is how developers make money. By the way, sometimes very good programs are advertised, I even bought one of them.

2. Once, during an anti-virus scan of running processes, the program stalled on one of the processes associated with Google Chrome. As a result, the browser began to fail, and the antivirus itself stopped responding. Only reboot helped. I do not rule out that this is specifically related to my car.

3. I did not like the speed of selective scanning. When you need to check a specific file in the system, you need to right-click on it and select "Scan with 360 Total Security". But the scan does not start instantly, but for some time the program thinks - it's a little annoying.

To sum up, this complex can be recommended to those who want to provide themselves with anti-virus protection, but do not want to use paid solutions. In general, everything is done soundly, the program works smartly, the design and usability are at the level. Personally, I have not yet decided for myself to leave this system on my computer or still remove it and work without an antivirus.

Have you heard anything about this antivirus? What antivirus are you currently using? Share your opinion in the comments, maybe your comment will help someone a lot.

I took the description of the tools from the developers' article, which lives on .

Well, in order to add life to this article, I will add a photo that I took at yesterday's training:

For effective computer protection, I personally use Total Security 360 antivirus, which has a paid and free version. This software pleases with its versatility, and also allows you to use the bases of three engines for anti-virus scanning - Total 360, Bitdefender and Avira. Below I will talk about the settings for protection modes so that the user gets a reliable baton in the fight against viruses on the computer and the operation of the cleaning function.

Antivirus features

I’ll start right away with money, that is, I’ll explain how the paid and free versions of the engine differ. Nothing but advertising - in the free version, when you start the antivirus, an advertising splash screen pops up. In fact, there are no restriction functions, so feel free to put the "amateur" option.

What else can Total 360 do and why is it considered multifunctional software?

The program is capable of:

  1. Scan your computer for viruses,
  2. Protect the operating system online,
  3. Speed ​​up the OS
  4. Clean your computer from viruses.

These are the main features, but there are additional ones. Among them:

  1. disk compression,
  2. Installing Windows Updates
  3. decryption tool,
  4. Cleaning the registry and system backups,
  5. data destroyer,
  6. Browser protection and firewall.

Liho, right? I note that the correct antivirus settings allow you to use software without glitches and with a high degree of computer protection from threats. Personally, I use Total 360 cleaning once a week and install updates on Windows 10 through the software. By the way, the program works fine with Win 10, there are no problems when working with the seven.

Since I work on a computer, I need reliability. Total does not create problems along this line, tested it on other people's garbage systems, after which he made a control shot with Kaspersky. Everything is ok, the degree of protection is about the same.

Cleaning the system

Of the settings, I will describe only work with cleaning the system and setting the protection level. With cleaning, everything is simple - open the main window of the antivirus and find the item "Cleaning" in the left menu. At the top there will be a "Scan" button, immediately press it. After the scan is complete, you will only have to choose what to clean. Choice of cleaning:

  1. Windows cache, games and applications,
  2. System junk files
  3. Cache of telephone utilities,
  4. Plugin tails.

I advise you to choose everything and clean it. Questions like "Oh, Windows does not start" will not arise.

Protection Modes

Setting up protection modes is a tricky thing, but if you approach things wisely, then you can set everything up in 5 minutes. When you start Total, there is a shield with a lightning bolt in the upper left corner, click on it to enter the settings modes. A window will open with the current mode and the blue “Settings” button - click on it, after which you will see 4 items of the top menu:

  1. performance,
  2. Optimal,
  3. Safe,
  4. Customizable.

Do not buy into the beautiful names of the modes, but immediately go to the “Custom” item. This is the maximum protection mode when properly configured. I recommend enabling everything - all sub-items of the mode should be green. Do not be afraid, when you turn on the Avira and Bitdefender engines, the computer will not hang, but the virus scan will be carried out using three different anti-virus databases. Only webcam protection is not enabled for me, since it is not on the computer - the rest is green:

  1. Checking downloaded files,
  2. Malicious site blocking,
  3. Protection of online purchases and USB media,
  4. behavior blocking,
  5. registry protection,
  6. Checking a file on opening, etc.

After setting all the checkboxes to the "Enabled" position, click "Apply". Now there are three antiviruses on the computer - Bitdefender, Avira and Total 360. After updating the databases, perform a full system scan, after which you can forget about Total - it will work reliably and unnoticed.

I advise you to clean and speed up once a week, use additional tools at your own discretion, I use browser protection, registry cleaning and installation of updates (vulnerabilities).

Download the Total 360 installer directly from the Zegeberg blog and experience the benefits of an antivirus and PC maintenance system.

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