Home Berries Volumetric tanks made of paper diagrams. How to make a tank out of paper. How to make a tank from origami modules

Volumetric tanks made of paper diagrams. How to make a tank out of paper. How to make a tank from origami modules

We will show you and describe step by step how to make a paper tank with your own hands. This tank model is the most popular. To make a paper tank with your own hands you just need a sheet of A4 paper and scissors.

Instructions for making a paper tank with your own hands.

First, let's prepare everything you need for origami, namely two sheets of paper, first A4, format 30x21 centimeters, second 5x3 cm and scissors. You can also take colored paper. In this case, your origami will immediately take on a unique look.

1. Place a large sheet of paper in front of you as shown in the photo.

2. Fold in half, along the long side.

3. Bend and then straighten one corner first.

4. Then do the same with the second corner.

5. Do the same on the second side of our sheet (steps 3-4)

6. Next, we need to carefully bend both sides so that on the fold line there is a central point formed from two diagonal lines. For clarity, you can look at the photo.

7. Fold the corners inward along the fold lines. There are 8 corners in total.

8. We place the figure in front of us and bend the top corner down on each side.

9. Fold the top of the workpiece until it touches the center line.

10. Fold the same strip in half, bending the bottom edge up.

11. Then we bend the corners in the other direction so that they don’t interfere with us for now. We do the same as described in paragraphs 9, 10.

12. Bend the corners in different directions as they were originally made.

13. Place the figure on the table as in the picture. Fold the top corners in half.

14. Turn the tank model over to the other side.

15. Fold the layout into a ring. Our figure should be fixed, and the large angles should be on top.

16. We are making the turret of our tank. We tuck the large upper corners into the folds of the triangles located below.

17. As a result, we will get just such a paper model of a tank, only without a gun.

18. Now it’s the turn of the small piece of paper that we prepared at the very beginning of the master class. We make a tube out of it.

19. We install the cannon in the hole in front. We unbend the folds on both sides at the base, thereby creating caterpillars.

20. Congratulations, you have made a paper tank with your own hands.

How to make a paper tank video.

Don't be upset if you don't get the craft right the first time. In this case, try again to go through all the stages of assembling origami. Now you know how to make a paper tank.

Don’t forget, we take criticism well, if you don’t like the description of any step in describing origami, leave a review in the comments.

Model for your collection.

Model for your collection.
Developed in the summer and autumn of 1942 at the tank design bureau of the Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ) under the leadership of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Astrov, the leading developer of the entire domestic line of light tanks of that period.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
Light tank "Scorpion"(FV101 Scorpion) entered service in 1972, used in reconnaissance units of the British ground forces.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
The armored personnel carrier was named after a species of Indonesian bull. It is also known as APS-3.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
GAZ-3937 (“Vodnik”) was developed at the Design Bureau of GAZ OJSC. Manufactured at the Arzamas Machine-Building Plant.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
The Barracuda is designed in a variety of configurations, including an armored personnel carrier, reconnaissance vehicle and police vehicle.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
Created by the GIAT concern in the 1980s to replace the outdated AMX-30 tank. Serial production began in 1992, with a total of 794 units produced until 2007; as of 2010, there is no further production of Leclerc.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
Panzerkampfwagen IV (PzKpfw IV, also Pz. IV; transliterated as Panzerkampfwagen IV; in the USSR it was also known as T-IV). The most popular tank of the Wehrmacht (a total of 8,686 vehicles were produced), it was mass-produced in several modifications from 1937 to 1945.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
T-34 (“thirty-four”) - mass-produced since 1940, and since 1944 it became the main medium tank of the Red Army of the USSR. Developed in Kharkov. The most popular medium tank of World War II.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

Model for your collection.
The Leopard 2 is one of the most successful and widespread, and by some estimates also the most advanced main battle tank in the world.
Print on a printer, on A4 sheets of matte thick paper, cut and glue.

We all know very well that children love military equipment. Today we will talk about the tank. But the conversation will not be about a metal military machine that works on the battlefield, but about a paper craft, a toy. Boys are the future defenders of the Motherland, the country.

Making a paper tank is extremely interesting. So, it is necessary to tell how we will make crafts of military equipment with our own hands. To work, you will need PVA glue, colored paper (cardboard) in green and red, and, of course, scissors. As an addition, take a pencil and ruler.

Paper tank for beginners, master class

Initially, we begin to create tracks for the combat vehicle. Two strips of paper are cut out three centimeters wide and 22 centimeters long. Next, you need to carefully bend the strips to make a ring. We glue the edges with PVA.

A rectangular shape is cut out of green paper. We take the dimensions 8 by 14 centimeters. Now you need to retreat about half a millimeter from both edges and mark with a line. Now from each resulting line we measure three centimeters to the center of the figure. We draw lines. Be sure to check the evenness of the measured lines several times.

Now we make bends along the marked lines so that we get the body of the future tank. The next task is to make a tank turret. Cut out a rectangle from green cardboard. Dimensions – 8 by 10 centimeters. From the edges we measure a distance of 5 millimeters and 2 centimeters. We draw bends along the lines.

From a rectangle measuring 6 by 10 centimeters, cut out a rectangle and fold it in half twice. We make a triangular shape for the barrel. To do this, we make cuts along the edges and glue the part.

Once all the parts of the tank are ready, we begin assembling it. Initially, the barrel is glued to the turret, and then the turret itself is glued to the hull.

DIY paper tank, diagram for beginners

Why did we need red cardboard? And so that now we can cut out a star and stick it on the front side of our military equipment from paper.

That's all. The work takes about half an hour even for beginners. Your child will be happy to do this kind of activity and teach it to his friends.

Previously, we published several schemes, but today we want to complement this collection with a new model - T-10 tank made of paper.

The prototype of the T-10 tank was created by Soviet engineers back in 1944, but it was called IS-4. Only after the death of I. Stalin, after whom it was named, was it renamed T-10.

The T-10 heavy tank (its weight is as much as 50 tons) had such good combat and tactical characteristics that its modernized prototypes (see “”) were in service with the Soviet Army right up to 1993.

The tank is equipped with a 122 mm cannon, which could shoot accurately at a distance of 5 km. Its engine developed a power of 750 horsepower. The tank could overcome water obstacles up to 5 m deep (it crossed rivers along the bottom).

Making a T-10 tank from paper

In order to make this model paper tank First, print out diagrams (scans) of the parts on a printer, preferably a color one. However, if this is not possible, it doesn’t matter. The tank parts can always be painted.

To print out diagrams of tank parts, you need to choose thick paper, such as photo paper or thin cardboard. Then the tank model will be strong and more durable.

Use sharp scissors to cut out parts. You can also use a utility knife.
Once the pieces are cut out, use an old ballpoint pen and a ruler to make neat folds used to glue the pieces together.

You can use any glue, but a dry glue stick is better. The fact is that it will make the tank model more accurate, since there will be no smudges from it, and the paper will not curl.

Paper diagrams of T-10 tank parts

Instructions for gluing the tank

For dessert, we invite you to look at the domino principle in action, a world record of 125 thousand pieces. Watch until the end. It's worth it.

If you set out to make some kind of paper craft and don’t know what you can create, try constructing a paper tank yourself. Before you make a paper tank, carefully read the instructions and get to work!

Today I will tell you how to make a tank out of paper.

You will need:

You must print the tank template itself on a printer.

Next, we cut out the parts, not forgetting that we will need 2 printed copies, because the second caterpillar did not fit on the sheet. Also, when printing on a computer, you can paint the tank yourself in the color you need, or print on colored paper.

How to make a tank out of paper. Cutting out the details

And as a result, we will get approximately the following set of cut out parts, to which you should add 1 more cut out caterpillar.

Let's start gluing the turret of the next tank out of paper. First we make a cylinder as shown in the picture below. It will connect the tower to the base.

And also in parallel, while we are gluing the turret section by section, in the same way we should begin gluing the base of the tank in parts. While the glue dries on one part, we move on to gluing the next one.

How to make a tank out of paper. Almost done

We are currently gluing the tank tracks into circles and not attaching them to the body.

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