Home Preparations for the winter Preparation of drinking water. How to prepare melted water: three ways. Silicon as a water filter

Preparation of drinking water. How to prepare melted water: three ways. Silicon as a water filter

Our body consists of 60% water. No wonder that he so needs to replenish its reserves throughout his life. Dehydration, especially in severe forms, is quite capable of leading a person to death. And for those who are losing weight, who follow low-carbohydrate diets, doctors even recommend drinking twice the recommended healthy amount per day.

But water is different for water, as everyone knows. If you begin to use technical fluid from the tap, you are unlikely to achieve recovery, rejuvenation and weight loss. Rather, on the contrary, you will find a lot of chronic ailments, and possibly even serious poisoning.

Therefore, any drinking water should be made distilled, passing it through a special filter for home use. But what is the healing water, the use of which is so zealously promoted by adherents of a healthy lifestyle?

What makes water healing?

Healing water is usually called a liquid that is independently released from underground sources. It has unique healing properties not only because of the minerals, trace elements and gases dissolved in it. Its special, specific structure, which artificially obtained mineral waters do not have, is extremely remarkable.

Due to its structured nature, the liquid has a lot of nutritional and life-giving qualities, and in this respect it significantly surpasses artificially obtained mineral water, despite the identical composition of natural salts.

True, the structure of the contents of the healing springs is preserved in its original form for a very short time period. Literally - to achieve specific effects, you should drink water directly from the reservoir.

Incredibly useful properties of living moisture, as we have already noted, are determined by its structure. Within 24 hours after water intake, snowflake-like clumps of molecules are observed in it.

In its consistency, it is identical to the liquid that fills the cells of perfectly healthy babies. "Snowflakes" also predominate in the cells of adults, but their concentration decreases markedly over time. Especially if a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle.

The older a person is, the less structured fluid is present in his blood (the exceptions are those who practice yoga and martial arts - in their case, the number of "snowflakes" may even increase with age).

Researchers at the American Institute have proven that there is at least one "snowflake" in every healthy cell of the human body. When such a structured molecule enters an environment with chemical hazardous elements, it instantly surrounds itself with a protective shell, drawing on internal resources for nourishment and resisting negative influences from outside.

If we talk about sick or old cells, they are dominated by destructured moisture, which is unable to protect them from the influence of harmful influences.

Once in an unfavorable environment, such cells die almost instantly. That is why replenishing the reserves of such fluid is an important step towards gaining good long-term health.

The healing strengthening properties of melt water are especially noteworthy here. It is in the melted liquid that the highest concentration of the desired "snow" structures is noted. Despite the fact that many ordinary people seriously cannot understand the principle of this moisture, some drink it with pleasure throughout their lives ... and at the same time they have truly good health!

How to prepare healing water at home

The examples given by us are not recipes for the preparation of healing water in the full sense of the word. As we have already said, a true life-giving liquid can only be obtained from certain sources, and its benefits last only for a day, and this is subject to maintaining the optimal temperature.

But people are increasingly resorting to methods of making mineral liquid, insisting it on certain stones. The healing properties of such mineral water are also extensive. It is able to balance the amount of glucose in the blood, normalize the concentration of cholesterol, stabilize the level of blood pressure, and quickly renew the cells of the liver and kidneys.

The mineral elixir has cleansing, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and detoxifying properties, depending on which specific stones you use to get it.

You can use the following types of stones:

  • Rose quartz;
  • Smoky quartz;
  • Calcite;
  • Marble;
  • Magnetite;
  • Citrine;
  • Rhinestone;
  • Aventurine;
  • Amber;
  • Sugilite;
  • Trachyte;
  • Lemezit.

Don't worry, water won't dissolve these stones, so they can be safely used to make a special elixir.

To prepare an infusion of water, you need to make it thawed, and this is quite affordable at home. For the method of manufacturing such a simple, and at the same time, powerful remedy, it is worth thanking the famous hydraulic engineer Alexei Labza.

So, to prepare the protium liquid for making your life-giving elixir, proceed as follows:

Healing water properties

The properties of the resulting mineral elixir are extensive. Water infused on stones is used for various purposes:

  • Drinking and cooking - for the treatment, strengthening, healing and toning of the body;
  • Spraying - for healing wounds, burns and fistulas;
  • Enema - for deep bowel cleansing;
  • Compresses - to reduce pain and accelerate tissue regeneration in case of injuries, bruises, sprains, inflammations;
  • Washing - to improve the appearance of the skin, hair and nails, stimulate local metabolism and blood circulation.

One of the key factors for maintaining health is clean drinking water. To clean it, you can purchase the most common “jug” filter or install a stationary one. And also you can use simple and affordable improvised means.

To prepare melt water, you need to take a container with a tightly screwed lid that fits freely in your freezer. It is undesirable to use a glass jar for this purpose: frozen water can literally break it. If there is no more suitable container, at least do not fill the jar to the top, let 4-5 cm remain between the lid and the surface of the water.

Freezing of ice in the bank occurs unevenly. The first one or two millimeters, which form a kind of capsule inside the vessel, are called "heavy water". It is usually removed by carefully pouring the unfrozen water into another jar. Or you can remove it later by substituting an ice cube under hot water for a few seconds.

Having tightly screwed the lid on the container with water, it is again sent to the freezer - this time for several hours. If everything goes right, after 6-8 hours you should have an ice ball, inside of which there is a little cloudy liquid. It must be drained through a small hole made in the thickness of the ice. Or you can use the same jet of hot water directed to the center of the ice floe and get a clean ice "donut".

Allow the remaining pure, free of impurities, whitish ice to melt naturally. As a result, you will get very tasty and, of course, healthy water that you can drink, prepare herbal tea and other drinks on it, and also use it for washing.

Settling of water

There is another simple way to purify water from sediment and most impurities and at the same time preserve life-giving power. This is a common defense. During settling, heavy metals settle to the bottom of the vessel, while volatile substances, on the contrary, evaporate from the surface. Unfortunately, this is one of the longest running water purification options.

The settling procedure consists of three stages.

Silicon as a water filter

Silicon water purification is used in industry and in everyday life - in the form of silicon filters. But not everyone knows that it is possible to make an impromptu filter for purifying tap water from ordinary silicon pebbles.
This cleaning method takes a little longer, but all impurities will be removed from the liquid. Silicon for these purposes is better to buy specialized - it is sold in eco-goods stores and on the Internet.

Several pebbles are thoroughly washed under running water, and then placed on the bottom of a glass or enamel dish. The number of stones must be chosen based on the volume of water. Then water is poured, covered with gauze on top and placed in a dark room (for example, in a pantry). After two or three days, you can carefully pour the liquid into another dish, leaving at least three centimeters at the bottom. Used pebbles can be used again, it is only necessary to thoroughly wash them from sediment. Silicon-filtered water is stored in a tightly closed glass container.

Water purification with shungite

The mineral shungite is another good natural water filter. The method of water purification with its help is also suitable for those who have several days at their disposal to calmly wait for the end of filtration.
Ordinary water from the tap can be made drinkable and healthy with it, simply by placing one hundred-gram stone for every liter of water. It is not necessary to wrap shungite in fabric, as it is not a loose substance. However, sometimes it reaches the buyer in a broken or fragmented form. In this case, carefully wrap all the pieces in a handkerchief.

Full cleaning will come in three days. Shungite stones can be reused by simply washing them thoroughly with a hard sponge. If the stone fell apart during cleaning, it means that it is no longer suitable for further use, and it will have to be replaced. Nevertheless, water purified with the help of such a stone can be drunk, but before use it is better to strain it through gauze folded four times: small pieces of shungite may remain in the liquid.

Activated carbon for water treatment

Another pharmacy drug that can be used to purify water is activated carbon, familiar from childhood. Commonly used for poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders, these tablets can be used to rid the water of bad odors and purify it of impurities.

Filtration with activated carbon - one of the most effective ways to purify water - is done in this order:

  • count the required number of activated charcoal tablets from the ratio of one tablet per liter of water;
  • tightly wrap the tablets in gauze or loose cotton cloth;
  • tie the bundle with a long thread - so that it does not unfold;
  • lower the bundle to the bottom of a thoroughly washed glass jar, and leave the thread outside so that the activated carbon can be easily removed afterwards;
  • fill the jar up to the shoulders with water and cover with a lid;
  • wait eight hours until the activated charcoal absorbs all the harmful impurities dissolved in the water;
  • at the end of the filtration, remove the bundle by the thread.

Spent coal is not reused: most likely, it managed to crumble into small pieces. It is advisable not to pour the filtered water into another vessel, but only pour it out a little as needed.

Purification of drinking water with silver

Silver is a metal that has excellent antibacterial properties. "Silver" water is good for health both for drinking and for washing.

To purify water with silver, it is enough to place a silver spoon in it for ten hours, and the liquid will be purified.

Before use, the spoon is thoroughly washed using soda for this. If the silver is dull, it must be rubbed to a shine, since the oxide film on its surface prevents the silver from normal contact with water. At the end of the filtration, the spoon is rinsed and wiped dry.

Rowan filtering

This is one of the simplest and safest folk methods of water filtration, which, however, works no worse than activated carbon. It consists in placing a carefully washed bunch of rowan berries in a vessel with water for a couple of hours.

Berries quickly absorb toxic substances and heavy metals. These berries cannot be reused or eaten, but the water becomes really healing.

Nowadays, there is no shortage of filters and water purification systems. Purchased bottled water is also in stable demand. However, independent experts now and then discover that the “thrifty” manufacturer sells ordinary tap water in beautiful bottles. Filters are more reliable in this regard, but it is important not to forget to change cartridges, otherwise the system will turn from cleaning to polluting, as microbes will actively multiply in the filters.

For these and other reasons, "grandmother's" methods of water purification are still relevant. They are inexpensive, completely safe and environmentally friendly. Try experimenting with them and see which method produces the most "tasty" water.

Drink only "living" water and be healthy!

simple enough. At first, as always, a little troublesome, but then you will have your own experience and skill. To understand this technique, we need to know the following.

The isomers of heavy water present in water, and first of all, deuterium, freeze first at a temperature of +3.8°C, and ultralight isomers freeze at -1°C. For the body, the most useful water is the one that freezes from 0 ° C to -1 ° C.

There are two ways to get healthy structured water at home. Choose yours for yourself

1. We take clean filtered water, pour it into an enamel pan and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator. The first ice that appeared, such an ice edge, is the same heavy water with deuterium that freezes at +3.8C. We don’t need it, we get rid of it, leave it in a saucepan, and pour the rest of the water into another bowl and put it back in the freezer.

The water begins to freeze again, and when it freezes somewhere in 2/3, in the middle there will be water with ultralight isomers (they freeze last at below -1 ° C), which will contain all the dirty chemical impurities. We also get rid of this water.

And the ice that we received as a result is the purest and healthiest water, alive and perfectly structured for our body.

2. The second way for those who do not have time to catch the moment of freezing water at different levels. Let's do it differently.

In small containers, for example, in cups, we completely freeze the water in the freezer. We take out the resulting ice and rinse it under running cold water - this is how we get rid of the first edge of ice with heavy water. We leave the ice to thaw until a small core about the size of a walnut remains, in which all the benefits of civilization in the form of impurities and salts will be concentrated. We throw it away.

The resulting water is ready to use! Everything. Difficult? And how long do we cook borscht ?! They got used to it! And no one will say that you should not eat borsch just because it takes a long time to cook. If you have a little more free time, you can make the resulting water even more useful and lively.

For example, put it in the sun so that it further absorbs solar energy. You can take two cups and pour water from one to another, creating a small waterfall (as in a tea ceremony). So we will saturate it with oxygen and fill it with movement! And if at the same time you talk with water, benevolently, with a good attitude - water will become a real medicine just for you!

The resulting water retains its properties for a day at a temperature not higher than +12°C, at a higher temperature it loses its biological activity even earlier. So it’s better not to cook it for the future, but to have a few cups of frozen water in reserve in the freezer. Heated above 37 ° C, the water loses its healing properties.

This structured water therapy gives quick results. It acts in a complex way, contributing to the healing and rejuvenation of the body, stimulating the metabolism, and releasing energy for a quality life. Remember that fresh fruits, vegetables, greens contain structured water. Make the most of summer time to nourish your body cells, cleanse and renew your water structure!


    I personally used to buy melted water, then doubts arose about its properties. I started doing it myself. I put it in a saucepan on the stove, heated it until small bubbles formed at the bottom of the saucepan. Then I put it in the freezer. On the edges of the pan, heavy water froze (turned into ice). I threw out the ice, poured the rest into a bottle and drank. The water is mild in taste, pleasant and healthy. Now I just drink water from an aquadisk, it seems to me that such water is similar in properties to melted water.

    Interesting article. I love water very much. Without it, we are nowhere even more so without a clean one. I used to drink plain filtered water myself. But recently I was given an aquadisc. In principle, I don’t really believe in the action of miracle devices, but I decided to try it. Frankly, the water after it is excellent and, most importantly, I began to feel much better than before.

    • For those who are interested in water for health, I advise you to use the BIOM energy-informational Matrix, attached it to a vessel with water and the water became structured - a positive effect on all 7 centers (chakras) of human life. Water does not lose its properties when boiled and frozen. You can check the operation of water within 1 minute.

    I also bought an aquadisk, but I didn’t notice any specific difference ...

    The effect of melt water is simply amazing, I checked it for myself. I advise everyone!

    Very useful article! Thank you! I will try to make such water too!

    • Cheers, Hope! Melt water becomes unusually tasty and soft, even drinking it is a pleasure!

    I also make structured water myself. Ordinary women's work in the kitchen!)))) As they say, cheap and cheerful (especially for us pensioners).

    • I agree, Zinaida! Making your own water is safer and cheaper. Moreover, this method is suggested by nature itself (and it is worth learning wisdom from it!) How different devices for structuring water that can be used at home work is still an open question.

      There is another way to get useful structured water at home.
      Water is passed through shungite - a stone that not only perfectly purifies water, but also turns ordinary water into "living", that is, structures it, betraying healing properties. Because water passing through shungite (which contains fullerene) does not dissolve it, but, as it were, is saturated with its structure.
      Fullerene is one of the forms of pure carbon, in which the atoms are interconnected in a crystal lattice resembling a ball in shape.
      When Fullerene is exposed to water, a multilayer shell is formed around each ball of regularly arranged water molecules, approximately in ten molecular layers. This water shell of the Fullerene molecule is structured water.
      In terms of its properties, structured water surrounding a Fullerene molecule differs significantly from ordinary water: it freezes not at 0, but at -2.8°. The same water shell is formed around DNA molecules.
      Now the masses are captivated by a new idea of ​​health without drugs and a new product - fullerene water. It entered the market quite recently, and unlike water passed through shungite, it contains C60 fullerene, which is able to maintain ordered water clusters for an arbitrarily long time.
      Fullerene water belongs to a completely new generation of prophylactic agents with a multifaceted, systemic nature of action. It provides renewal, rejuvenation and protection of the body from harmful factors, creating conditions for a long and healthy life.

    It is not easier to buy a water activator device. With it, you can get Living (alkaline) and dead (acidic) water. Living water just turns out to be structured, so even with the negative. ORP and alkaline ph. I don’t understand the point of freezing water in the 21st century ... This device also removes impurities and salts of heavy metals.

    • Andrey, I partially agree ..., living water is obtained with an alkaline "PH", and our body is acidified, so water is useful !! But water purification does not occur during electrolysis. But dead water (on the resulting + electrode - I used it, removed pimples and not only ...) - it really works normally !!

      Only for ingestion - platinum electrodes are needed ... .. (there are many impurities in stainless steel - chromium, nickel, titanium, etc., they will also go into solution ... but for the body - this is POISON!!

    Very interesting! I will definitely try melted water :)) I just wanted to ask, is it necessary to boil water before freezing, as it says in the video, or fashionable just cold from the tap (I don’t have a filter)? Thank you very much for your reply!

    • Water cannot be boiled. It must be brought to a white key (before the appearance of large bubbles). Then, as quickly as possible, cool the water; freeze ... Such a recipe gives And Neumyvakin

    After treatment facilities (in St. Petersburg), deuterium remains in the water?????
    After the shungite filter, a black suspension in the water is constantly also not an option ... silicon is possible.
    After such a freeze, all the salts merge ...
    So where to get real life-giving water……….

    Previously, I also made structured water at home, until my son purchased a Didograf frigate. The device looks like a small plastic plate, with drawings on both sides. By placing a glass of water on one side, all informational dirt is removed, by placing it on the other side, the water is charged with positive information! And easy to handle, and does not take up much space, so I always carry it with me, very convenient!

    Our ancestors used to be in simple conditions of getting the right water. From birth, they received structured water: springs, rainwater. This opportunity remains with us, but in the conditions of the city it is perhaps difficult. Therefore, it is possible to make structured water yourself. This is our tap water that we freeze. I use plastic containers from Amway for this.

    One ton of water contains 1 gram of heavy water. Therefore, freezing water to get rid of heavy water is not needed. Just freeze the water to get rid of unnecessary salts. When the water freezes by one third, the ice is taken away - this is pure water - the remaining water is poured out.

    There is an easy way to get structured water at home. Pour 1.5 liters of water into the Maikuk kitchen machine and set the speed to 10 for 1 minute. Structured water at your disposal. You may not boil. Thanks to the special design of the jug and lid, the water swirls and goes from ordinary tap water to structured and healthy water.

We know perfectly well that people who constantly use pure melt water, for example, mountain dwellers, live much longer than city dwellers, while not knowing anything about immunity problems, the need for vitamins, and a whole bunch of different diseases. Melt water improves metabolism, promotes cleansing and rejuvenation of the body.

What does melt water do in the body? The fact is that melt water has an even, clear structure, similar to that of a human cell, therefore it is perceived by the body as a related close product. Once in the body, melt water displaces and replaces old cells that have exhausted their potential, and thus sharply speeds up the metabolism, contributing to a fairly rapid cleansing and rejuvenation of the body. In addition, melt water, due to its large internal energy potential, gives a person a lot of strength, vivacity, and energy. It has been repeatedly noted that people who drink melt water become not only healthier, but also more efficient, brain activity, labor productivity, and the ability to easily solve difficult problems increase.

What to do to a person who lives far from natural sources. No need to get upset. This water can be prepared at home.

How to prepare melted (protium) water

This technology for obtaining clean, biologically active drinking water was proposed by hydraulic engineer Aleksey Labza, for which we bow to him.
To prepare protium water, it is better to take clean water. If you use tap water, it is advisable to filter it with a household filter. Filtered water in a plastic bottle, preferably in an enamel pan, place in the freezer. In winter - on the balcony, it's even better. After a while, the water will freeze. Molecules of heavy water are concentrated in this ice, freezing at a temperature of 3.8 C. Therefore, we pour the unfrozen water into another container and expose it to frost again. Defrost the first pot and drain the water. After the water freezes by about 2/3 in a saucepan exposed to frost, pour out the unfrozen water: it contains the chemical impurities of our civilization and excess mineral salts. The ice remaining in the pan is frozen protium water. It is thawed before use only at room temperature. In no case should it be heated, as its healing properties will be lost. You will immediately feel the difference in taste between melted water and the one you usually drink.

How to improve the healing properties of water

Expose it to the sun for several hours so that the water is charged with the energy of the Sun and the sky. Thus, you will give it the properties of living water. Living water - water that is under the open sky: rivers, lakes. Dead - flows underground, and you drink it every day from the tap. Living water penetrates everywhere and animates everything. Dead water has the opposite properties. It stops all processes in the body, everything freezes and stops. Water of eternal sleep. It will be especially good to expose water at night under the open sky during Christmas.

Put a few silicon crystals in it, so that later the health would be silicon. Or nourish with silver by dropping a silver thing into a vessel.

You can also magnetize by passing through a magnetic funnel or by placing a magnet nearby for a while. Magnetized water has amazing properties. It becomes as if more fluid, being more easily absorbed into the blood and penetrating through the smallest capillaries, dissolving salt deposits and removing them away. It is very easy to check: scale on the kettle almost does not form when using magnetic water.

You can finally harmonize the water with classical music, birdsong, the sound of the surf, recorded on a disc. Researchers claim that information is well "recorded" on water structures, then merging with the body. And it will sound powerful, like an ocean surf; harmoniously, like a good orchestra; harmonious and flexible, like a violin.
By the way, it is recommended to drink melted water shortly after melting, then it has the greatest strength. Do not wait until a glass is filled, drink melt water in several sips, the effect will be stronger.

If you work, the issue of constant use of melt water becomes more problematic, but it is still solved. Instead of a container, use a plastic bottle for freezing juice or mineral water of the size that will be convenient to take with you to work. Less is better than nothing.

In order to revitalize the water, you need two glasses or cups (metal utensils will not work). We pour water into one of them, up to about half, and begin to pour it from glass to glass, raising the top one higher, creating a small waterfall. And so about 40-50 times. Water falling from a height will be saturated with oxygen, sparkle and seem to smile. It will already be almost real healing water of a mountain river.

By the way, water can be treated! Do not drink handfuls of pills, but clean water! This is the ancient way of yogis. With proper perseverance and regularity, almost all diseases can be treated. So, you take a glass of clean, cool water, preferably protium. You put it on your left palm, and cover the glass with your right hand. And quietly begin to shake the glass so that the water in it begins to rotate. Try to feel the water, its coolness, movement. Did you feel? Wonderful! Water took your good mood and benevolence. It's like I'm related to you. Now she has become curative. Drink it in small sips. Imagine how water fills you with waves of light, cleanses you of toxins and toxins. Focus on the diseased organ as much as possible, feel the joy that it is filled with energy and becomes healthier.

Different from regular tap or bottled. But it may seem to many that special, complex equipment is needed to prepare living water with miraculous properties. Scientists have developed such equipment, but we can do without it. It is not difficult to prepare living water at home. The main thing is that you must first let it stand for at least half an hour in an open container so that the chlorine disappears. If the water clearly smells like bleach, then you need to defend longer. If the water in your area is not chlorinated, but fluoridated, you cannot use it to prepare structured water, you will have to buy bottled drinking water and carry out all further operations with it.

Here are a few ways, which one is the best, decide for yourself.

Preparing living water at home

1. Freeze ordinary raw tap water in the refrigerator. Fill the pan by placing it in the freezer on a piece of cardboard or a sheet of plywood. After the water is completely frozen, let it melt at normal room temperature. You can take a plastic bottle, but you only need to fill it to 80%, because when it freezes, the ice expands greatly, and the bottle may burst. For the same reason, you can’t freeze water in glassware, it bursts, even if you don’t cover it, it’s checked. Moreover, I even burst plastic containers for storing food. I freeze water in 2 liter plastic Norwegian ice cream containers, covered but not tightly closed. Very comfortably. After defrosting, such water can already be drunk, but in order to be treated with water, or to lose weight with water, this is not enough.

2. This method completely removes the deuterium. We do everything as in the first case, but when the water begins to freeze, you need to remove the completely appearing crust of ice. It contains deuterium, it freezes earlier. After freezing the bulk of the water, you need to rinse the frozen piece under running cold water. It must be transparent, because the most harmful impurities are removed from the surface of the ice. Then you can melt all the ice and drink the melted "living" water.

3. We heat up to 94-96 degrees the amount of water we need. Before the first signs of boiling appear, remove the pan and cool the water sharply, then freeze, then thaw. In this way, prepared water goes through the phases of the usual natural cycle: evaporation, cooling, freezing, thawing. And although this method is much more complicated, such water is especially useful - it is rich in extraordinary internal energy. I haven't tried this method, I've only read about it.

4. With this method, water, in addition to acquiring a characteristic structure, becomes cleaner from many impurities and salts. To do this, we keep it in the freezer until more than three-quarters of the volume of water freezes. Unfrozen water will remain in the middle of the container, which must be poured out by carefully piercing the ice with a metal object heated on fire. The remaining ice should melt. The time it takes for your container to freeze can be set experimentally. It can be from 6 to 16 hours. My 2 liter container freezes to this state in about 12 hours. The meaning of these manipulations is as follows: pure water freezes faster, the bulk of unnecessary compounds slower, so all the dirt accumulates in the center and is in solution.

I used this method while we had old rusty plumbing. In the center of the ice block floated black flakes of dirt, which were not visible in unfrozen water.

I also want to talk about the object with which you will pierce the ice. I use a heated spoon, since sharp objects such as a knife or an awl are not recommended, because they carry the energy of aggression and destruction, and we need to restore health, not destroy it.

5. To get the best effect, double cleansing should be applied. Let the water settle, then freeze. We remove the first thin ice layer that forms, in which there are quickly freezing harmful compounds. Then re-freeze, three-quarters of the total volume, and remove the remaining unfrozen fraction of water. We get much cleaner and structured water.

Here five ways to prepare water structuring. Choose the right one.

Melt water should be consumed immediately after the ice melts. You can cook food on it, however, when heated, the medicinal properties are lost. In any case, such water is much cleaner than plain filtered water, and if you have a freezer that can hold water for both drinking and cooking, then I can only congratulate you.

How much living water to drink daily?

For drinking, a person needs at least 30 ml per kg of body weight. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, then you should drink at least 1.8 liters of pure living water daily, without any impurities or additives.

Such living water is ideal for drinking and maintaining good health. What to do next with frozen and thawed water so that it acquires the healing properties necessary for losing weight and getting rid of health problems, I will tell you in the next article.

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