Home Preparations for the winter Cracks in the heels of the feet. Causes and treatment of cracked heels. Fungal infections of the feet

Cracks in the heels of the feet. Causes and treatment of cracked heels. Fungal infections of the feet

There are a lot of reasons why women's heels crack. To choose an effective treatment, you need to consider them all and understand what led to cracks in the skin of the feet.

Cracked heel skin

Most likely causes:

  • Damage to the heels with a fungal infection (mycosis);
  • Causing injuries to the heels with rough and improper care;
  • The presence of dermatological diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema);
  • Diseases of internal organs (stomach, liver, gallbladder);
  • The presence of diabetes;
  • Hormonal changes (menopause);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • A small amount of fluid taken per day, beriberi, strict diets;
  • Wearing improperly selected, low-quality shoes;
  • The presence of extra pounds, obesity.

Fungal infection of the heels (mycosis)

Various fungal diseases are often the reason why women's heels crack. Experts identify the most common disease called mycosis.

Mycosis affects the skin of the feet, through microcracks and spreads throughout the human body, provoking diseases of the internal organs. The disease is transmitted from person to person through infected skin cells that are shed.

Doctors recommend regularly treating the feet with an antiseptic. The most effective antiseptics for skin treatment are ointments, most of which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Among them:

  • Betadine;
  • Dioxidine;
  • Miramistin;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Levomekol;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Resorcinol;
  • Boric ointment;
  • Salicylic ointment.

If the feet have already burst, you must contact the laboratory for PCR diagnostics. A dermatologist can help you understand the results of clinical trials. He will also prescribe a treatment plan.

Injury to the heels with rough and improper care

Why do women's heels crack? There can be several reasons, and one of them is improper care.

Foot injuries can be the result of injuries received with improper care. In addition to the cosmetic defect, such injuries are painful and are an easy way for infections to enter the body.

You can only treat the skin on the legs by steaming and disinfecting it. All instruments must be individually used and decontaminated after each procedure.

Rough rubbing with hard brushes and pumice stones will not make your heels smooth, but may leave abrasions on the leather. And various baths with chemical solutions are dangerous for burns and allergies.

Cosmetologists say that women who take care of the skin of their feet on their own often crack their heels due to mechanical damage to the epidermis, therefore pedicure is recommended to be done by the master in the salon, where sterility and safety are ensured, and the skills of a specialist allow you to remove keratinized skin without harming healthy cells.

The presence of dermatological diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema)

Another reason for the appearance of cracks in the feet is the presence of skin diseases such as eczema, dermatitis and the chronic stage of dermatitis - psoriasis. Their provocateurs are the presence of an allergen in the blood, malnutrition and stress.

Psoriasis is one of the causes of cracked heels.

The symptoms of these diseases are similar and are expressed in itching and the appearance of small papules, which eventually increase in size and merge into a single plaque. After exfoliating, skin blemishes remain.

The listed skin diseases are not transmitted to others, as they are provoked by the state of the body, but cannot be treated. With the right therapy, sustained remission can be achieved.

Diseases of internal organs (stomach, liver, gallbladder)

According to research results, any diseases of the stomach, liver and gallbladder in the chronic stage are the reason why women's heels crack.

With diseases of the internal organs, less vitamins and oxygen enter the blood from food, which adversely affects the condition of the skin and leads to its peeling and cracking.

At an advanced stage of the disease, cosmetic treatment of the skin of the legs will not give a positive result. To put the heels in order, for starters, you need to get rid of the bacteria that provoked the disease of the digestive system.

The presence of diabetes

Elevated blood sugar leads to drying and thinning of the skin.

Diabetes leads to dry and thin skin. The soles of the feet are the first to be affected.

The soles of the feet suffer the most from these manifestations. The skin of the feet is flaky, itchy, and in the absence of auxiliary treatment, it cracks. Through the cracks, the infection enters the bloodstream.

The body weakened by diabetes is not able to recognize and destroy pathogenic microbes. Therefore, the main thing is to exclude infection, for example, using a bactericidal patch.

Hormonal changes (menopause).

According to gynecologists, the onset of menopause entails a change in hormonal status and is the reason for:

  • why do women's heels crack?
  • why hair becomes dry and brittle;
  • why capillaries and small vessels break.

Hormonal imbalance adversely affects the walls of blood vessels, leading to their thinning and fragility. Because of this, the elasticity of the epidermis deteriorates, which leads to dryness of the skin, an increase in wrinkles and the appearance of cracks in the feet.

In this case, only therapy using hormonal agents will be effective.

hereditary predisposition

Just as diseases may not be acquired, but obtained with a set of genes, so the tendency to develop cracked heels can also be a hereditary predisposition.

In this case, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the shoes. It must be clean and dry. It must be disinfected at least once every 3 days.

With a hereditary predisposition to heel cracking, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the shoes and regularly disinfect

A small amount of fluid taken per day, beriberi, strict diets

Nutritionists are convinced that not only diseases harm the body, but also malnutrition can provoke many defects in appearance.

With a rigid diet, an insufficient amount of nutrients enters the body, vitamin deficiency occurs. The lack of vitamins of group A leads to the formation of cracks, which deepen over time, causing pain when walking.

Violation of the water-salt balance leads to the fact that the internal organs draw moisture from the connective tissues and skin.

In women who do not follow the diet and drink, heels are more likely to crack.

Wearing ill-fitting, low-quality shoes

Roughening of the heels is caused not only by internal problems of the body, but also wearing poor-quality or improperly selected shoes harm the condition of the feet.

The skin of the legs, in open shoes, is more susceptible to fungal infections. And in low-quality closed shoes, the feet sweat, which is a nutritious area for life and reproduction of microbes.

If the shoes are of high quality, but the size or block is incorrectly selected, then the foot is deformed, which leads to the formation of corns, the appearance of corns and cracks on the soles of the feet.

When wearing high heels, the pressure on the foot is distributed incorrectly, which leads to its deformation and cracking of the skin in places of increased load.

With irreversible changes in the foot, neither cosmetic nor drug treatment will help. Treatment is carried out only with surgery or wearing orthopedic shoes.

Excess weight, obesity

Proper shoes will not protect against foot skin problems, with obesity. If you are overweight, there is excessive pressure on the foot and tendons. This leads to the proliferation of connective tissue and, as a result, cracking of the skin.

Regular caring procedures will not bring results, since skin rashes are not only external, but also internal.

Which specialist should be consulted for deep cracked heels

With deep cracks in the heels, it is worth visiting a therapist who, by the nature of the cracks, will be able to determine which specialist to contact.

It could be:

  • a dermatologist who will prescribe tests to detect skin infections and take samples from problem areas of the skin to identify fungal spores;
  • a gastroenterologist who will help identify diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a gynecologist, in women, is also a must-see.

In order not to spend a lot of time visiting the clinic, it is recommended to conduct a comprehensive examination of the body.

A visit to a cosmetologist should be regular, as specialized devices treat the skin gently and kill pathogenic microbes.

Treatment of cracked heels

Pharmacy funds

With self-treatment of cracked heels, you should pay attention to creams, ointments and gels. The basis for many of them is Vaseline.

For medicines, it is better to go to the pharmacy, where their wide range is presented.

For example:

  • "Healing foot cream", manufacturer "Green Pharmacy" at a price of 55-80 rubles. for 75 ml;
  • "Losterin", at a price of 480-570 rubles. for 75 ml;
  • "Radevit" at a price of 400-510 rubles. for 35 ml;
  • "Aquapeeling", at a price of 180-250 rubles. for 75 ml.

Folk recipes for the treatment of cracked heels

Folk remedies will also help in healing cracked feet.

Lubrication with honey

The simplest recipe is to lubricate steamed, dry skin with a small amount of honey, which is left on the skin overnight. In the morning, grease residues are removed with a damp sponge.

Boiled potato compress

A bath and compress is a good option for treating gusts of feet. You need to boil 3-4 potatoes in 2 liters of water. Pour the resulting broth into a bath, add 2 teaspoons of soda and lower your legs there for 15-20 minutes.

Mash the boiled potatoes, apply a thick layer on the heels and wrap with a film. In the morning, wash off the compress with warm water and rub the sole with a pumice stone, then rinse your feet in cold water.

How else to treat the skin on the heels

Table salt is suitable for steaming the legs in the amount of 1 teaspoon diluted in 2 liters of water with 2 teaspoons of shower gel.

Children's cream heals wounds well, left to soak for 6-8 hours on problem areas, for a better effect, put on cotton socks on the legs.

In women, the skin is more sensitive, so if the treatment of cracked heels does not work for a long time, then you will have to stop wearing synthetic socks, shoes made of artificial materials and shoes with open heels.

According to doctors, the best treatment is prevention, so you should not bring the skin to the point where the heels begin to crack.

For every modern woman, visiting a gynecologist and a cosmetologist should be a mandatory event on a regular basis. Compliance with personal hygiene, a contrast shower and proper nutrition is the key to the health of not only the feet, but the whole body.

A healthy person is a happy person. Be healthy!

Useful video materials on why women's heels crack and how to make their skin soft and smooth

How to remove rough and cracked heel skin with a razor:

What to do if your heels crack. How to treat:

Answers to the question "why do heels itch":

Cracks on the heels bring a lot of trouble, giving the feet an unaesthetic appearance, passing the infection under the skin and exacerbating health problems. Initially, cracks are barely noticeable, the process begins to develop with small notches, which gradually grow. In the area where the crack has formed, a wound appears, bleeding and causing discomfort. If the heels are cracked, it is important to start treating them in a timely manner.

Causes of cracked heels

A lot of people are faced with the fact that the skin of their heels is rough, getting rough all the time. For some, this problem appears at certain times of the year (winter, summer), while for others it haunts all year round. This feature depends only on the factors of the occurrence of such cracks, which develop due to internal or external problems.

Rough skin and cracks

To start treating the disease, you need to figure out why cracks appear on the heels:

  • Wrong care. Often, most people do not pay attention to the heels. With constant walking, coarsening of the skin of the feet occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the top layer to prevent hardening.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes, the presence of synthetic insoles.
  • The constant stay of the feet in closed shoes, which leads to a lack of vitamins. Such a loss should be restored using fortified creams.
  • Excess body weight puts stress on the feet, being the most common cause of cracks. The action of a large weight contributes to a change in the shape of the heel.
  • causes cracked heels.
  • The period of pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • . Heels can crack if a person is worried about the lack of support, support.
  • The presence of various diseases in the body - diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, hypovitaminosis, frequent heartbeats.

An important reason why the heels are rough and cracked is the lack of vitamin A. Retinol promotes protein synthesis, participates in tissue regeneration, strengthening them. Vitamin deficiency indicates dryness, roughness, loss of skin elasticity, cracks.

It is not without reason that such symptoms signal changes in the body. Retinol deficiency signals that the heels are cracking, as a result of:

  • Poor diet, lack of foods that contain vitamin A in the diet
  • Lack of zinc, vitamin E that helps retinol to go into its active form
  • Applications of Mineral Oil Dissolving Vitamin A
  • Hormonal disorders

After the examination, the doctor will find out why the heels are cracking, what diseases caused this, after which the appropriate treatment will be prescribed. Having been treated, the skin on the heels will no longer burst.


Persons who suffer from this ailment and do not undergo proper treatment complain that the skin on the heels dries. Cracked heels are said to be in case of type 3 diabetes.


If the heel is cracked, there are a number of reasons:

  • The predominance of a large amount of sugar in the blood vessels, which leads to the multiplication of infection
  • Not enough fluid in the body
  • Damaged nerve endings, as evidenced by very dry skin on the heels

Love delicious food

The cause of obesity is the most common when dry skin appears, and subsequently cracked heels.

In addition, there are cases when excess body weight leads to coarsening, flaking. Peeling and cracks bring a lot of discomfort while walking. Heels can also hurt in a calm position.

Binge eating

This is due to the fact that obesity leads to excessive levels of cholesterol in the circulatory system. Therefore, blood flow and metabolism are disturbed. The circulatory system is clogged with plaques that appear from cholesterol, contributing to the violation of the connection of the legs with the central nervous system. Why the skin on the feet becomes thin and prone to developing cracks.

To get rid of the problem, you need to lose weight and normalize nutrition.


As a rule, the heels peel and crack due to a lack of vitamins A, D, E in the body.

Basically, beriberi is active in early spring, while it can occur at any time as a result of an unbalanced diet. Especially with a deficiency of kerotene and retinol in food. When cracks appeared on the heels for this reason, then to speed up the healing process, you need to include more greens and fresh vegetables in your diet, add olive oil to the salad.

Vitamins A, E, which are contained in large quantities, will help remove dry heels and cracks:

  • in the liver
  • Milk
  • In orange fruits and vegetables
  • in nuts
  • in vegetable oil

If you are concerned about dryness, cracks and flaky heels, you can drink a complex of vitamins, which include the content of vitamin A


The infection can penetrate the skin when visiting the pool, baths, pedicure services. The fungus multiplies due to weakened immunity, infectious diseases and disorders in the circulatory system.

In the presence of small cracks, treatment can be carried out using. They relieve inflammation, anesthetize.

In advanced cases, if an abscess appears, a surgical solution to the problem is possible.

Prevention of cracked heels

Cracks in the heel

There are no specific preventive methods, since cracks are not a separate disease. At the same time, if recommendations are used in practice, it is possible to reduce the development of pathologies in which this symptom appears. There are a number of conditions such as:

  • Do not wear uncomfortable and poor quality shoes
  • Choose shoes according to size, from natural materials
  • Change insoles regularly
  • eat well
  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day
  • Do not wear synthetic socks
  • Before taking care of your heels, soak your feet well in hot water.
  • You need to clean your heels with a pumice stone, a metal or abrasive brush
  • Heel care procedures can be alternated to achieve the desired result, and after manipulation put on cotton socks.
  • After each procedure, a moisturizer should be applied, including at night.
  • In order not to injure the skin when walking, do not walk in flip flops and sandals

All these procedures, as well as personal hygiene, will help prevent, and if available, get rid of cracked heels.


Together with the use of drugs for cracked heels, which helps to improve blood flow in the legs and feet.

Heel massage

The massage procedure is carried out using a cream or Vaseline. It is necessary to use emollients so that a mechanical effect is not produced on the skin, which can cause peeling, and subsequently cracks.

Movements should be smooth and penetrating. If you do massage constantly, you can observe a positive trend. Your health will improve significantly, and your heels will stop cracking.

If the heels crack, this leads to various troubles, so treatment must begin immediately.

Cream for cracked heels

Pharmacies have a large number that help with cracked heels. According to the manufacturers, it is possible to get rid of the problem in 7 days. Cracks can be treated with healing ointments at home, after a doctor's prescription. It is necessary to use the cream after the water procedure and at night.

Use of creams and ointments

Cream "Healing against cracks in the legs"

The drug is rich in natural plant ingredients, which includes walnut oil, plantain extract, essential oil of fir and tea tree. Thanks to this rich composition, healing of wounds on the heel occurs quickly. If you apply a cream, it will soften, moisturize, help with coarsening of the feet.

Allga San

Pine cream, which includes vitamin E, mountain pine oil, beeswax, chamomile extract and other softening ingredients. The cream helps in the regeneration of dermal cells. If you use the cream regularly, you can eliminate cracks, and the skin will become smooth and elastic.

Cream "Zorka"

The active substance of the drug is floralizin. Use the cream as a treatment for skin ailments and prevention. The medicine copes well with cracks and wounds on the heels.

Radevit ointment

Cream treat skin diseases, accompanied by dryness and the formation of cracks. It contains vitamin A, E, D2. The cream helps to reduce inflammation of the skin, relieves abrasions and peeling on the heels.

Radevit rapidly restores damaged tissues and heals cracks.

Croc honey

The cream is designed to heal cracks. It contains sea buckthorn oil, which helps in the fight against all skin imperfections on the legs - calluses, cracks, wounds.

Cracked heels causes and treatment of this problem will be discussed in more detail in this article. This common ailment of dry skin, firstly, not only has a cosmetic effect. Secondly, it can cause very painful sensations from deep cracks. Agree that our legs are subjected to unimaginable tests every day. We squeeze them into uncomfortable, non-breathable shoes, spend long hours on our feet. And despite all the daily stresses, we pay attention to the feet only when we begin to experience discomfort and pain. To get rid of the problem, it is necessary to determine the cause of the loss of elasticity and the formation of thick skin on the heels. Perhaps one emollient cream will not be enough.

The main reason for the development of dryness and cracks in the skin of the foot is hyperkeratosis - a thickening of one of the layers of the epidermis with its coarsening. To understand the processes a little, let's arrange a small introduction to histology. On the heels, our skin is thick and consists of 5 layers:

  • Basal
  • prickly
  • Grainy
  • Brilliant
  • Horny.

Hyperkeratosis affects precisely the outermost layer (horny). It is characterized by the densest structure and the greatest thickness. The main component is keratinocytes, which are combined into scales, interconnected by a special cement. Normally, this structure provides maximum water tightness and protection.

Under the influence of internal or external factors, the stratum corneum begins to divide excessively to neutralize trauma.

No time to do, but soon the skin will begin to burst

When walking, not only bone and joint formations are subjected to increased loads, but also the cover of the foot. During movement, the skin is stretched, compressed, deforming its own cells. The lateral surfaces of the heel, where the greatest stress is created, are subject to special changes. When hyperkeratosis joins these processes, the stratum corneum thickens significantly. Moreover, with an increase in size, its elasticity is lost, and accordingly, under the usual loads, the skin begins to crack, burst.

The main causes of cracked heels are:

  1. Fungus.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Hypovitaminosis.
  4. anemia.
  5. Problems with the spine.
  6. Skin diseases - ichthyosis, psoriasis, palmar - plantar keratoderma.
  7. External factors

For a more detailed analysis of why heel injuries appear, we will consider each of the causes separately.

fungal diseases

Mycosis of the feet is one of the most common ailments. Those who visit public beaches, swimming pools, showers without shoes are at a high risk of infection. Spores are perfectly preserved in a humid environment. Very often, the fungus develops in people with an active lifestyle, it is constant sweating of the feet. Since overheating almost doubles the likelihood of developing an ailment.

In addition to cracks, dermatophytosis is manifested by itching, burning, and deformation of the nails.


With "diabetic foot" changes are characterized by the absence of pain. Glucose disrupts not only tissue trophism, but also affects nerve fibers, changing sensitivity.

Regular deterioration of blood supply leads to changes in the skin of the legs. After all, the blood supplies not only oxygen, but also all the nutrients. Diabetes can also be manifested by dryness of the integument, the formation of ulcers, scuffs, and deep cracks. Possible deformation of the foot - hammer-shaped or hooked fingers.


Deficiency of vitamins A (retinol), E, ​​the microelement zinc, can lead to excessive dryness, decreased elasticity, and dystrophic changes.

  1. If beriberi E is observed, then the protective function of the skin decreases, the cells undergo dehydration. Increased friction, loads become unbearable for weakened covers, so they can burst under the influence of external factors.
  2. Lack of A provokes keratinization of the skin, since this element contributes to adequate renewal. In the absence of a nutrient, coarsening begins, elasticity is lost, which can subsequently lead to cracks.
  3. Zinc prepares the body for the absorption of retinol by helping it to be active.


Iron deficiency not only affects the supply of oxygen to tissues. The trace element is also found in tissues, taking part in the formation of proteins and enzymes. If it becomes insufficient in the body, then the division and structure of cells is disturbed, leading to dystrophic changes.

Most of all, epidermal cells, which are updated quite often, are negatively affected. Skin manifestations of iron deficiency anemia include.

  • Dryness.
  • Peeling.
  • Cracks.

Problems with the spine

Often, radicular symptoms disrupt the innervation of the lower extremities. Almost the entire process is affected, which makes the skin on the legs thin, vulnerable, with poorly healing wounds. Typically, such problems begin with prolonged compression of the root, especially when several formations are compressed.

Heels are burning

Skin diseases

The most extensive factor that exposes the skin on the heels to changes. With dermatoses, the integument dries up, becomes susceptible to external influences, and becomes inflamed. Any impact can provoke a microtrauma, which subsequently develops a deep skin lesion - a crack. And often they become a gateway for a secondary infection, which only exacerbates the problem.

External factors

Usually these are “provocateurs” of problems that, with constant exposure, can cause a violation of the integrity of the skin of the heels.

What can cause cracks:

  • Obesity – being overweight puts a lot of pressure on the foot. In addition, this condition is often accompanied by metabolic disorders, which also negatively affects the skin.
  • Tight, uncomfortable shoes - the wrong choice of shoes can threaten with an increased, uneven load. Moreover, not only unnecessarily narrow shoes are dangerous, but also worn backs, a worn pair. In the latter, the leg is not fixed, therefore, when walking, it constantly rubs, which provokes coarsening and other “joys”.
  • Deformation of the feet - flat feet, hallux valgus, clubfoot also lead to a redistribution of the load and over time provoke the appearance of corns, corns, hyperkeratosis.
  • Standing work or a long stay “on your feet” - in such cases, increased pressure is observed almost every day, each cannot cope with the microtraumas received, triggering an increased reproduction of the cells of the stratum corneum, and the old ones do not have time to exfoliate due to active growth, leading to coarsening, dryness , and later cracks.


First of all, fungus and skin diseases should be excluded. To do this, contact the dermatovenerologic dispensary, where they will do a scraping from the skin to detect fungal infections.

You should also pass a biochemical and general blood test, as well as a glucose tolerance test.

For patients with diabetes, it is necessary to pass the Doppler of the vessels of the lower limb.

The norm of analyzes


Before embarking on self-disposal of unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to undergo a thorough diagnosis. After all, if the cause lies in mycotic lesions, then cosmetic procedures will bring only a temporary effect, and patients with diabetes mellitus are generally contraindicated in salon pedicure (there is a high risk of cuts that quickly turn into trophic ulcers).

At the very beginning of the elimination of cracks, it is necessary to get rid of provoking factors - choose comfortable shoes, start using special orthopedic insoles, in case of serious violations - consult an orthopedist.

Hygiene must be carefully monitored. This is especially important for patients with diabetes.

Foot care tips for diabetics:

  • Wash feet in warm (not hot) water daily, drying thoroughly after treatment. Particular attention should be paid to the interdigital spaces.
  • Every day, inspect the legs for cracks, scuffs, wounds, scratches.
  • If the feet are prone to sweating, then treat them with talc or baby powder after each toilet.
  • Do not use scissors, tongs or other sharp-edged tools. All procedures are carried out only with a nail file.

You should adjust the diet by including vegetable oils, eggs, butter. These products are rich in vitamin A and E, zinc, which will improve skin condition. It is also recommended to additionally take drugs with these elements either separately (Aevit) or as part of complex vitamins. A good source of these nutrients can be fish oil (read more about the benefits of the supplement).

With established anemia, it is necessary to increase red meat and liver in the menu. Apples, according to recent studies, do not contain iron, but they help to better assimilate it. Before eating meat, you should eat a couple of pieces. Iron is extremely poorly absorbed due to the difference in valency. Severe forms are recommended to be treated with the help of special preparations - ferretin, haemofer, sorbifer.

foot fungus therapy

It is extremely difficult to get rid of this disease. Treatment should be comprehensive and include the removal of external manifestations (cutting scales and seals, removal of affected nails). Hyperkeratosis is usually removed with the help of chemistry - the application of lactic and salicylic acids, baths of soda and soap.

Be sure to use antifungal ointments, varnishes - miconazole, clotrimazole, etc. If the course is persistent and the proposed creams do not help, then systemic antimycotics are prescribed - fluconazole, ketoconazole, etc.

Metabolic disease

With age, it is more difficult to keep the skin in good shape, the metabolism in women is disturbed. Therefore, when it is worth more carefully monitoring the skin, as it loses more precious moisture.

Ointments for the treatment of cracked heels - a complete review

Now in pharmacies there are many funds. Which, with regular use, can restore smoothness to our legs and get rid of painful cracks. In the initial stages, when there is only engorgement and minor damage, you can remove it with a pumice stone or special grinding files after preliminary hot baths with soda and salt.

After removing the "excess", the legs should be smeared with any thick, greasy cream (children's cream from Soviet times with cats and dogs from the Svoboda factory is well suited) or vaseline oil. Then put on clean cotton socks. All manipulations are carried out before going to bed.

Important: the Internet is replete with all sorts of "bad" advice. It is strongly not recommended to seal the cracks with the "Moment" (there were such instructions) and even with the help of BF medical glue. Perhaps you will restore the integrity of the covers, but the skin will remain dry and inelastic, and sizing will only add problems.

If the problems are more serious, then it is advisable to use special pharmacy ointments


How it works

How to apply

AmbulancePromotes accelerated healing, and also has a bactericidal effect. In addition, the cream nourishes and moisturizes the skin well.Apply 2 times a day, applying with massage movements.
ZazhivinThanks to the tea tree oil included in the composition, the ointment has a disinfecting effect. Also, oils and plant extracts accelerate recovery.Apply at bedtime on previously washed feet.
BioastinIt has an antifungal effect (but only as a prophylactic), softens the skin and accelerates healing.Single application on clean skin of the heels.
Dardia lipoThe composition includes urea. It perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin. Paraffin and wax create a protective film, protecting from damage.Apply 2 times a day
RadevidCream containing vitamins A, E, D, glycerin. Activates regeneration and also speeds up recovery.It is used 2 times a day after treatment of the integument with an antiseptic (furatsilin, salicylic acid)

Folk methods of treatment

Baths with the use of medicinal herbs soften the skin of the heels well: decoctions of sage, chamomile, string, oak bark. You can add sea or table salt to the water in the form of a hypertonic solution. Salt perfectly heals deep infected lopins.

Oil compresses (sunflower, olive) and lotions from boiled potatoes, aloe leaves also have a good effect. They are applied to the fabric and applied to the damage. After that, do not tightly wrap your feet with a bandage. And put socks on top.

Treatment at home, which ladies use effectively in different situations, are collected


Beautiful legs are not only ethical, but also an indicator of health. You should regularly carry out the toilet of the feet, removing excess rough skin. With excessive sweating, it is recommended to conduct courses using Teymurov's paste. Try to use a moisturizer at least once a week.

Remove uncomfortable, worn out or oversized shoes from the wardrobe. Also, be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

  • In public places (baths, saunas, swimming pools) wear only shoes.
  • Give preference to socks made of cotton fabrics.
  • With frequent visits to pools, common showers, treat your feet with an antifungal agent once a month.
  • In no case should you wear someone else's shoes and use someone else's towels.
  • Wash tights, stockings, socks after each wear.

As a result of increased dryness of the skin of the feet, once a month it is necessary to use nourishing masks. It is necessary to apply a moisturizing composition, wrap it with cling film and put on warm socks.

By identifying the causes of cracked heels, the choice of treatment is easier to choose. Of course, you should not wait for their formation, they do not appear suddenly, because there is an explanation for everything.

Take care of yourself and your heels!

Bursting heels are a problem for many, so how to treat cracked heels is a very topical issue. Mostly women are susceptible to the onset of the disease, but it is also common in men. This skin lesion is not age-related, as is commonly believed, and young people are often disturbed by this nuisance.

What causes the disease, does it have any effect on our body and how to deal with it?

Clinical manifestation

This malaise, which creates a lot of inconvenience, manifests itself both independently, and is also the result of concomitant diseases. For example, almost everyone who suffers from diabetes has cracked heels. Even hypovitaminosis causes disease. So what is this disease?

The feet, due to their functional purpose, experience a large load. For this reason, our well-being often depends on their condition. And this is quite justified, because a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated here, directly connected with all our organs and systems.

Therefore, cracks in the feet, calluses, corns always indicate certain failures in the human body, are an indicator of its condition.

Cracking of the skin is nothing more than the loss of its firmness and elasticity by the skin. Cracks on the legs are first formed small in size and practically do not hurt.

But if you do not pay attention to them, do not try to treat them, then over time they become deep. Such formations can bleed, make it impossible to move and work calmly. This is clearly visible in the photo above.

Dry heels and cracks on them are clearly visible here. The change occurs in the joints of the big toes, as well as in any area of ​​​​the leg where natural folds form, even cracks in the hips occur.

Symptoms of pathology

Such formations appear due to the influence of various factors, but their manifestation is common:

  • significant pain during walking and when changing the position of the feet;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • bloody issues;
  • unpleasant smell of a characteristic type;
  • thickening of the skin on the heels.

This clinical picture leads to a nervous state of patients, since all this, creating a lot of inconvenience (the inability to wear nylon stockings or tights, walk in open shoes, visit saunas, swimming pools, etc.), does not have the best effect on their usual way of life .

If the disease is not treated in time, then it is aggravated by the possibility of developing fungal infections, and this is not so easy to cure.

Why do heels crack

For high-quality therapy of this disease, you need to know exactly what causes cracked heels.

Pink, smooth heels are the dream of women and girls of any age, but not everyone has it come true even with good foot skin care. Cracks that appear on the lateral surface of the feet not only spoil the view, but also cause a persistent feeling of discomfort due to pain when standing for a long time. Pain, although not strong, can spoil the mood.

Dryness of the skin, a decrease in its elasticity, increased growth of the superficial stratum corneum, poor regeneration of the epidermis are factors that contribute to the appearance of cracks in the heels.

The cause of the appearance may be a disease, and not necessarily a skin one. Very often, this problem occurs in people with high blood sugar levels.

No less common cause are endocrine disorders: anemia, hypovitaminosis. Failure of metabolic processes in the body leads to loss of elasticity of the skin and its cracking.

Non-compliance with hygiene, the presence of microdamages on the skin is a loophole for infection. The fungus is the most common skin infection, affecting the skin of the feet, disrupts its structure and reduces regenerative abilities.

Another skin disease - dermatitis is included in the list of causes leading to cracking of the stratum corneum. It is dangerous, first of all, by secondary infections, to which the inflamed skin becomes more susceptible.

Cracks can appear in an absolutely healthy person. They can be provoked by:

  • illiterate use of skin care products;
  • frequent use of abrasive materials to remove the stratum corneum;
  • wearing shoes made of artificial materials, tight, inappropriate size (large);
  • long walks;
  • heavy physical work performed on the legs.

The correct solution to the problem is a visit to the doctor, a full examination with the delivery of all necessary tests and treatment of the body as a whole. If you are not ready to spend time visiting the clinic or simply do not have it, you can start treating cracks at home.

AAndE vitamins for skin. Summer is the time when fresh vegetables and fruits can fully fill their need. Include vegetable salads in your diet. No need for complicated recipes.

A simple salad of tomato and sweet bell pepper, seasoned with olive or camelina oil, sprinkled with lemon juice and sprinkled with herbs, will bring more benefits.

Omega 3 help the skin. Be sure to use:

  • seafood:
  • nuts;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sesame seeds;
  • all types of vegetable unrefined oils.

Refusal of junk food. A noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin of the feet can be noticed after a short period of time after quitting smoking, fried foods, strong alcohol, canned vegetables and fruits, fast food.

Water balance- the basis of good skin regeneration and the normal course of all metabolic processes. It is especially important to drink enough fluids (the norm is 2 liters per day) in the summer in the heat and working in an office equipped with an air conditioning system.

Deep cracks formed on the heels are very painful. Let's see how we can help ourselves. It is important to reduce pain and prevent foot infections. Infection can enter through deep cracks.

In the treatment of deep cracks, ointments sold in pharmacies are best of all. Ready-made ointments are dosage forms consisting of a base (fat) and a medicinal substance.

You need to apply them on cleanly washed and wiped dry heels from one to two times a day. The amount is specified in the instructions that come with the drug. If the damage is very deep and poorly washed with water, it is worth treating them with hydrogen peroxide.

If a fungus provoked a problem with the heels, antimycotic agents are prescribed:

  • Nizoral;
  • Mycoterbin;
  • Terbizil.

Bonding a crack with medical glue is an original solution to the problem. This kind of recipe can be used if there is no inflammation and secondary infection. Wash feet thoroughly and dry. Apply glue dotted along the entire length of the damage.

Drying, it firmly glues the edges. After 7 days, the wounds will heal. Soften the stratum corneum with warm foot baths. Use a pumice stone to remove it. Use pumice correctly. Steam legs. Wipe them dry. With pumice stone, drive not across, but along the cracks.

After finishing the treatment of the heels, be sure to rinse your feet and pat dry with a napkin or towel. Squeeze out a little cream on the damaged skin and rub it in lightly. If you are not lazy and follow these simple procedures for several days, the skin on your heels will become smooth again.

It is easy to prepare an ointment for the treatment of heels at home. For the base, you can take:

  • petrolatum;
  • badger fat;
  • pork fat.

As a therapeutic component of the ointment, you can take vegetables, herbs or fruits. You can adopt a few simple, affordable and very effective recipes.

The healing properties of carrots are well known. It also helps with skin problems. For the base, take 100 g of pork fat. Wash the carrots, peel and grate. It should turn out about 100 g. Put the fat in a small container and put it in a water bath.

When it becomes liquid, add chopped carrots. Keep the mixture in the bath for another 15 minutes, then remove, cool, strain using gauze or a sieve with small cells. Pour into a glass container, close the lid. Put in refrigerator. Rub your heels before bed. Before this, wash your feet, soak well in warm water, wipe dry.

Useful properties of calendula, badger fat, celandine are used in the treatment of various diseases. If an ointment is prepared on their basis, then it can be used to treat cracked heels. You will need:

  • badger fat - 50 ml;
  • dried and crushed calendula flowers - 1 tsp;
  • celandine dry, chopped - 1 tsp

Everything you need to prepare the ointment can be bought at the pharmacy. Prepare the ointment in a water bath. While the fat is melting, pour the herbs with a small amount of boiling water. After a couple of minutes, you can add them to liquid fat.

Butter takes 30 minutes to cook. Do not bring the mixture to a boil. At the end of this time, the therapeutic fat must be filtered and drained into a container with a tight lid. A refrigerator is suitable for storage. Warm up the ointment before applying.

Baths help soften the stratum corneum, relieve inflammation, and speed up the healing process of the heels. You need to do them daily until the problems go away. There are many simple and interesting recipes that can be alternated.

For the preparation of foot baths are often used:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • dry white wine;
  • apple cider vinegar;
  • infusions or decoctions of herbs;
  • starch.

Sea salt good antiseptic. The skin from baths with sea salt softens faster, is well removed with pumice. Add 100 g of coarse sea salt and 1 tbsp to a basin with warm water. soda food.

The duration of the therapeutic bath is 15 minutes. After this time, dry your feet with a towel and lubricate with a pharmacy ointment or prepared with your own hands.

Dry white wine ( 1 tbsp.) Pour into a glass container, pour 1 tbsp. l. dry lime color. Put the composition in a water bath and heat to a boil. Strain. Pure broth dilute 1 liter. warm water. Lower your legs into a basin with a wine composition, hold for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, rub your feet with a hard washcloth and put them in the bath again. Repeat the steps until the medicinal composition has cooled down. Finishing the procedure, wipe your feet dry, lubricate the skin with cream or any vegetable oil.

apple cider vinegar You can simply add it to a bowl of warm water. For 1 liter water 2-3 tbsp. l. vinegar. Vinegar helps fight fungus, helps soften the skin, and speeds up the process of exfoliating dry scales.

Herbal infusions or decoctions can be prepared from several types of herbs. Helps with cracked heels:

  • Oak bark;
  • calendula;
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort.

Adhere to the proportion: 1 l. water, 1 tbsp. l. dry herb or mixture of herbs. Pour the grass with a liter of boiling water and keep on fire for almost 30 minutes. Keep the infusion of the foot cooled to a comfortable temperature until it cools completely, this is about half an hour. Wipe your feet dry, massage, spread with cream.

Starch take potato . Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. in 1 l. warm water. Such a bath softens rough skin, heals cracks of any depth. The effect will be noticeable after a week of use. The duration of one bath is at least 20 minutes. To get a greater effect, instead of water, you can take a decoction of herbs:

  • chamomile (1 tsp);
  • calendula (1 tsp);
  • St. John's wort (1 tsp).

Smooth heels at home: video

Peeling is an important part of heel care. Peeling is the process of removing (exfoliating) dead skin layers. Often it is not necessary to do it, once a week is enough.

To remove hard skin from the heels, you can use:

  • pumice;
  • pedicure grater;
  • scrub.

Pumice of natural origin is preferable for heels. It does not cause allergic reactions and does not crumble. After use, it must be rinsed and dried. Store in a dry place. Pathogenic microbes can multiply in wet pumice.

Pedicure graters are easy to use and easy to clean. Scrubs are commercially available and easy to make yourself. The easiest way is to use sea salt of medium fraction, mixed with liquid toilet soap to the state of thick sour cream. Scrub 5 minutes to rub into the heels in a circular motion.

Rinse your feet after peeling. The water must be warm. Dry the skin thoroughly with a towel. Before applying the ointment or cream, it is necessary to treat the cracks.

Hydrogen peroxide is a must have in your first aid kit. This is an excellent antiseptic, it is convenient for them to treat small wounds, abrasions and cracked heels. Pharmacies sell ready-to-use perhydrol (3.3%). Liquid - antiseptic you just need to pour into the cracks. It does not cause pain, foams on contact with the skin, removes dirt and infection. Blot your heels with a clean towel.

The compress can be kept on the heels all night, or only 20 minutes. Either option will benefit the skin of the legs. You can use the most unusual products.

For example, after eating a banana, you do not need to throw away the peel. Attach the inner part of the peel to the damaged part of the heel. Wrap the leg with cling film, put on a sock. You need to keep such a compress for at least 10 hours, so it is more convenient to do it at night. In the morning, unwind the leg and wash it. Make banana compresses for a week.

A quick 30 minute compress can be made from lemon. Cut one medium sized lemon into 2 pieces. Attach the halves to the heels and sit for 30 minutes, then rinse the legs and grease with cream.

How not to make a mistake with the choice of heel cream. You always have to look at the ingredients. The composition should include:

  • urea, it moisturizes the skin and softens keratinized areas;
  • lanolin nourishes and restores at the cellular level;
  • lactic acid moisturizes;
  • natural oils for moisturizing;
  • vitamins (E, B5).

With deep cracks on the heels, creams help well:

  • Bepanthen;
  • Pantoderm;
  • D-panthenol.

Coping with the problem is not easy, but by approaching its solution in a complex way, you can get rid of cracks in a short time. Everything is important: nutrition, proper shoes, fluid intake, personal hygiene. This and daily foot care with the use of ready-made cosmetic and medical products will certainly give a good result - smooth, pink heels.

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