Home Preparations for the winter Setting a password on Google Chrome using the LockWP extension

Setting a password on Google Chrome using the LockWP extension

Since its inception, Google Chrome has established itself as the fastest browser, which has gained it great popularity among the people. Particularly convenient is linking to an account, which allows you to store the same extensions, saved passwords and your bookmarks everywhere. However, one inconvenience arose from this – the security of personal data. For example, if one of your colleagues sits down at your computer and opens Google Chrome, they will have full access to all tabs, accounts and saved passwords. The same thing can happen even at home, when one of the guests or children gets to your workplace. There is only one way out - set a password for the entrance. Of course, you can simply block your computer, but this is not always convenient and not always possible (for example, at work, the same passwords are often set for everyone).

Fortunately, Google Chrome has a solution to this problem - installing the LockPW extension. Let's take a closer look at how this is done. Opens the Google Chrome browser under your account, and go to:

Scroll through the list of your extensions to the end and click “ More extensions».

Next, select “Extensions” and type in the search bar lockpw , then press Enter. In the list of extensions, find the one you need (with a lock in a green square) and click “Install”.

IN " Settings» you need to set a password.
« Automatic blocking» Triggers when the computer is idle.
« Collapse Chrome"—when you start the browser, a window pops up asking you to enter a password, and the browser itself is minimized.
« Safe mode" - to protect against forced termination of a process, for example, through the task manager.
« Limited number of input attempts"—by default there are 3.
After setting all the settings, click “ Save", and you can use the browser.

How to disable and remove LockPW

It is often necessary to disable or remove the LockPW extension. This happens, for example, when using it at home is simply inconvenient, but at work it is necessary. Many users do not know that it is not at all necessary to remove the extension for it to work on one computer. but not on the other one. You can simply disable extension synchronization in your browser. Here's how it's done:

Menu → Settings → Advanced synchronization settings

Here, uncheck the “Extensions” item and click OK. Now your extensions (including LockPW) will not be synchronized with other computers, which means you can use the password at work and not use it at home.

If you need to disable or remove LockPW, it can be found in extensions.

Menu → Additional tools → Extensions

Here you can change settings, password, disable or delete the extension. You can also set LockPW to work in Incognito mode, but in this case the Google Chrome browser does not guarantee that your browsing history will remain hidden.

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If you are a regular internet user mostly accessing the web from home, you must be having a significant number of passwords saved on your browser for quick access to your online accounts. By saving your passwords, the browser automatically fills in the password field during the login process. Usually, you can save multiple passwords on your browser, each corresponding to a specific website. These passwords are locally stored in your computer and can be accessed from within the web browser.

But what if someone gains access to your computer in your absence? The person can easily open the web browser and steal all your account passwords. It’s only wise to take the precautions necessary to defend against such snooping attacks. There are several ways to protect the saved passwords from being seen by intruders, or even prevent browser access altogether. Let’s explore our available options in this matter with regard to two popular web browsers out there.

Google Chrome

Passwords saved using Google Chrome are accessible from the Google Chrome Settings Menu. To view the saved passwords, one simply has to navigate to Menu >> Settings >> Show Advanced Settings >> Manage saved passwords(under Passwords and forms).

A pop up appears showing a list of websites along with the corresponding saved passwords (in hidden mode). Clicking on a particular website in this list reveals a Show button next to the corresponding masked password, which in turn reveals the password value in plain text.

Master Password for Google Chrome

Google initially did not include an option to set a Master Password (for protecting saved passwords) in Chrome. But the latest version of Chrome includes a new flag property to toggle Password Manager Reauthentication. This flag is available for both Windows and Mac versions of Google Chrome, but can only be toggled in the Mac version for now.

What the feature basically does is that it invokes the Credentials Manager on your system whenever the Show button is clicked. The user then needs to enter the system password in order to view the saved passwords. If you’re a Mac user, you might already have the Password Manager Reauthentication flag enabled in Chrome. However, if the feature isn’t working for you, you can manually set it too.

  1. First, check whether you have the latest version of Google Chrome installed on your Mac. Update it if you don't.
  2. Go to Menu >> Settings >> Show Advanced Settings >> Manage saved passwords, and check whether clicking on Show button requires any authentication or not. If it does, the flag is already enabled for you.
  3. If ‘Show’ button immediately reveals your saved passwords, you have to manually enable the reauthentication feature.
  4. Type chrome://flags
  5. Find out the Password Manager Reauthentication flag and set it to enable.

Alternatively, if you are a Windows user, you may have to wait some time before the feature arrives on the official Google Chrome for Windows. The flag property is already present in the current version but remains a Mac-only feature as of now.

However, if you want to try out Password Manager Reauthentication right now, you may go ahead and install the latest version of Google Chrome Canary on your computer. Chrome Canary is a pre-release version of the original Google Chrome meant for developers and early adopters and might have stability issues. This feature is already enabled by default in Canary. If it’s not enabled, you can follow the steps given below:

  1. Type chrome://flags on the browser’s address bar to navigate to the Flags page.
  2. Find out the Disable Password Manager Reauthentication flag and set it to disable.
  3. Restart the browser to save your changes.

For this method to work, the user should already have set a system password. For more information on setting a Windows password, . The password will be visible only after the user has been authenticated.

Update: The “Disable Password Manager Reauthentication” flag is now available in the general release of Google Chrome for Windows. To use this feature, make sure you’re running the latest version of Chrome.

Lock Google Chrome with Password

Sometimes, you might want to lock Google Chrome with a password to prevent its unauthorized use while you are not around. The new version of Chrome now includes a new flag that lets you lock down a browser profile with your synced Google account password. It’s a really handy feature to restrict users from accessing your user profile, which may contain bookmarks, extensions, saved passwords, active sessions and a lot of other personal data.

To use this new password feature, you need to follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Type chrome://flags on the browser’s address bar to navigate to the Flags page.
  2. Look for the flag called Enable new profile management system and set it to enable.
  3. Click on the Relaunch Now button to restart Chrome and save your changes.

Once Chrome restarts, you’ll find a new label on the top right corner with the current user profile name. Click on the label to reveal additional options. To lock Chrome for the current profile, just click on the Lock icon within the pop up.

From now on, every time Chrome is launched, Chrome will ask for the Google account password linked to the particular user profile every time it is launched, until the profile is unlocked. However, users do have an option to browse as Guest, but that will just open a new user profile with all the default preferences.

Using Chrome extension

One aspect of this profile management system is that users need to manually lock their profile. If you want to lock Chrome automatically at the end of each browsing session, an extension called ChromePW is more convenient. ChromePW requires you to enter a password in the beginning of every browsing session. This password can be set from the extension’s options page. Follow the steps below to setup and use ChromePW for Google Chrome.

  1. Download and install ChromePW extension.
  2. After installation is complete, it should automatically open the configuration page. If it doesn’t, you can manually go to Menu >> Tools >> Extensions >> ChromePW Options.
  3. Here, you may set the password for ChromePW, and toggle other features like Auto Lock, Minimize, a Security Mode (which prevents it from being terminated by task managers) and set the limited number of login attempts. After this limit exceeds, Google Chrome will automatically close.

Using ChromePW will prevent unauthorized use of Google Chrome, as unless the correct password is entered on the start of every new session, the browser remains unusable. If the user tries to close the password prompt or open any other tab or window, Chrome will shut down automatically.

With ChromePW, you can also lock an active browsing session for temporary purposes. Just right click on the current webpage inside Chrome and select ChromePW. Chrome PW immediately locks down the browser and asks for the password.

Mozilla Firefox

Ideally, saved passwords on Firefox are accessible from Firefox Options under Security tab. You can click on the Saved Passwords button to open the list of sites with their passwords saved in Firefox. Clicking on Show Passwords reveals the previously hidden password field.

Firefox Master Password

Mozilla Firefox already has a built-in Master Password feature. This password acts as the key to unlocking all passwords saved in Firefox and prevents unauthorized access to your saved passwords. When the Master Password is set up, Firefox will first ask for a password every time the Show Passwords button is clicked. The Master Password feature may be accessed from the Firefox Options menu.

  1. Go to Firefox Options >> Security tab and check on Use a master password checkbox.
  2. The Change Master Password will be enabled now. Click on it and set your new password.

Lock Firefox with Password

Usually, Master Password can only prevent users from viewing saved passwords on Firefox. But Master Password+ is a Firefox plugin that extends the functionality of Master Password. You can configure Master Password+ to make Firefox ask for the master password at startup. Firefox will then ask the user for the master password every time a new session is opened. The browser window opens only after authentication is successful.

  1. To set up in Firefox, first download and install the plugin in Firefox.
  2. Go to Firefox Options >> Security tab and click on Change Master Password.
  3. The Master Password window now shows additional options at the bottom.
  4. Here, click on the Startup tab and check on Ask for password on startup.
  5. Remove the check on “Auto-logout in _ seconds” option.
  6. Firefox will now prompt for the master password when launched.

Web browsers store sensitive information in the form of account passwords, browsing history and other details. The features mentioned above will help you to keep it secured from potential intruders. Are you guys familiar with any other browser extensions and features that offer unique and preferably better security? If so, put your thoughts in the comments below.

Many users are wondering how to set a password for their browser. Some are inclined to believe that such a question is excessive suspiciousness. However, if you think sensibly, you understand that this is by no means excessive suspiciousness, but, on the contrary, a very reasonable approach.

The fact is that modern browsers are equipped with the option of saving passwords from users’ personal accounts to a particular portal. Most users happily use this option, and they only have to enter the password once when registering on a new site, and then the browser “enters” it on its own. This is, of course, definitely convenient.

However, what happens if someone steals your PC (or simply decides to use it in your absence) and there is no password on your browser? An attacker can easily enter any of your personal accounts and perform various actions on your behalf. Of course, if we are talking about some forum, then this is not very scary, the maximum that you face is a ban, but what if you allowed the browser to remember the e-wallet password? In such a situation, everything becomes much sadder.

That's why you need to set a password for your browser. In this article we will tell you how to set a password on Google Chrome.

How to set a password for the Google Chrome browser using the Settings menu?

In order to set a password for Google Chrome using the “Settings” menu, you will first need to create your own Google account, or, more simply, a personal email account on the Gmail service - registration link. However, it is not at all difficult and will only take a couple of minutes.

When the account is created, follow the steps of the following instructions:

1. Open the browser, enter the created Google account- our personal profile in the browser is automatically activated upon login - we don’t notice this, but we shouldn’t focus on this for now.

2. Click the button in the form of three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of the browser, select “Settings”.

4. Now our task is to create a controlled profile - the profile that everyone except you will use when working with the browser: your passwords, history and downloads will be remembered only in your personal profile, nothing will be transferred to the controlled profile.

5. In the “Users” section, click the “Add user” button.

6. Select an avatar and name, click the “Add” button (it is recommended to leave the checkboxes in both windows, but, of course, you can remove them if you wish).

7. We have created a “Guest” profile - click on the “Switch to Guest profile” button, a new browser window will open in front of you - in the upper right corner you will see “Guest (controlled profile)”.

8. Now let’s return to the previous window - there in the same place we will see the name of our profile, in our case “Ekaterina”, click on it and see that we have a new option “Log out and block”, click on it.

9. A window appears in front of us from which you can log into the browser through two profiles - personal and guest, however, you can log into your personal profile only if you know the password. You may be wondering what password we are talking about; we didn’t set any passwords. And we remind you that, of course, we set it when we created a Google account - yes, the passwords for mail and browser are identical, so feel free to enter the password for your Google account and press “Enter”.

Helpful advice! A controlled profile can be customized - go to the “Settings” menu of the browser, the “Users” section and click the “Profile Control Panel” link. As you can see, there is even the ability to restrict access to certain resources - this is very convenient if you need to set up a child’s profile. To delete a profile, simply click on the “trash” icon.

How to set a password on Google Chrome browser using LockWP?

If the above method seemed too complicated to you, don’t worry, there is a simpler answer to the question of how to set a password on Google Chrome. The official store of Google Chrome extensions will help us - applications created specifically for this browser and allowing it to be equipped with certain additional options.

In this very store you can find a number of programs for setting a password. However, most of them will only have an English-language interface, however, there is one high-quality, convenient and Russified application for setting a browser password from Google - this LockWP.

How to set a password on the Google Chrome browser using LockPW? Let's look at it step by step:

1. Go to the official browser application store - link.

2. In the search bar, enter the name of the application you are looking for – LockPW and press “Enter”.

3. We look at the search results, opposite LockPW we press the “Install” button (you may note that the search gave us other applications similar in functionality to LockPW, however, as we said above, their interface is English, and the ratings are lower) .

4. After installation, a welcome window for the extension will appear in front of us, which will notify us that without configuration it will not be able to work, click “OK” in it to begin configuration.

5. Now we execute the browser “commands” - click on the “chrome://extensions” button.

6. In the window that opens, check the box next to “Allow use in incognito mode.”

7. After checking the box, we will be automatically transferred to the information window, here you can study the instructions for your system (to change the system, use the corresponding button), alternately clicking on one or another section, or you can simply click “Next”.

Important! When setting up, the developers also advise activating all three “sliders” on the right side of the settings (see screenshot above). The first will block the browser if a password is not entered within 30 seconds (the time period can be changed), the second will automatically close the browser if the password is entered incorrectly, the third will not allow an attacker to terminate the application using the task manager and other similar programs, bypassing thus, his protection. You can also set a limit on the number of login attempts.

9. After setting all the settings, click the save button (see screenshot above).

10. Now we close the browser and open it again, the LockPW window appears in front of us, in which we must enter the password and click “Login”. That's all!

If you need to disable the password, open Google Chrome, click the button in the form of three horizontal lines, click “Additional tools”, then “Extensions”.

A settings window will appear in front of you, you don’t need to enter anything, you just need to click on the “Disable” button and the browser will notify you that the password has been disabled.

Helpful advice! If you need to step away from your PC for a short time - for example, you are at work and want to step away from your computer, but you do not want anyone to access the browser in your absence, you can use the convenient LockPW option. On any browser page, right-click and click “LockPW” (the item automatically appears in the menu if extension protection is activated) - the browser will minimize and a password entry window will appear.


So, now you know how to set a password for Google Chrome, and we also hope you understand how important it is to use this option, because it will not only protect you, for example, from the idle curiosity of colleagues who suddenly wanted to look into your browser while you moved away, but will also save you from intruders. In addition, the browser password is excellent remedy Protect children from accessing the Internet!

If several users use the same account at once, it is very important to protect personal data from being viewed by unwanted persons. So, if you want to protect your browser and the information received in it from detailed study by other computer users, then it is rational to set a password on it.

Sorry, but set a password on Google Chrome standard means Windows won't work. Below we will look at a fairly simple and convenient way to set a password, which only requires installing a small third-party tool.

To set a password, we will turn to the help of a browser add-on LockPW , which is a free, simple and effective way to protect your web browser from being used by people for whom the information in Google Chrome is not intended.

1. Go to the add-on download page in your Google Chrome browser LockPW , and then install the tool by clicking on the button "Install" .

2. After completing the installation of the add-on, you need to proceed to its configuration. To do this, as soon as the tool is installed in the browser, the add-on configuration page will be displayed on the screen, in which you will need to click on the button "chrome://extensions" . You can get to this menu item yourself if you click on the browser menu button, and then go to the section “Additional tools” – “Extensions” .

3. When the add-ons management page loads on the screen, immediately under the LockPW extension, check the box next to "Allow use in incognito mode" .

4. Now you can proceed to setting up the add-on. In the same extension management window near our add-on, click on the button "Options" .

5. In the right area of ​​the window that opens, you will need to enter the password for Google Chrome twice, and in the third line provide a hint in case the password is forgotten. After this, click on the button "Save" .

6. From now on, browser password protection is enabled. Thus, if you close the browser and then try to open it again, you will be required to enter a password, without which it will be impossible to launch the web browser. But that's not all the LockPW add-on settings. If you pay attention to the left area of ​​the window, you will see additional menu items. We will consider the most interesting:

  • Automatic blocking. After activating this item, you will be asked to specify the time in seconds, after which the browser will be automatically blocked and a new password will be required (of course, only the browser idle time is taken into account).
  • Quick presses. By enabling this option, you can use the simple keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+L to quickly block the browser. For example, you need to step away for a while. Then by clicking this combination, no unauthorized person will gain access to your browser.
  • Limiting input attempts. Effective method information protection. If an unwanted person incorrectly enters the Chrome password a specified number of times, an action you set will take place - this could be deleting history, automatically closing the browser, or saving a new profile in incognito mode.

The very principle of LockPW operation is as follows: you launch the browser, the Google Chrome browser is displayed on the computer screen, but a small window immediately appears on top of it, prompting you to enter a password. Naturally, until the password is specified correctly, further use of the web browser is not possible. If you do not specify a password for some time or completely minimize the browser (go to another application on your computer), the browser will automatically close.

LockPW is a great tool to protect your Google Chrome browser with a password. With its help, you don't have to worry that your history and other information accumulated by the browser will be viewed by unwanted persons.

They asked me a question today, I quote: “ Ivan, good afternoon! Please tell me how to set a password for the Google Chrome browser? I want to limit Internet access for my child. Is this even possible? Thank you.“. The question was asked by Maria K. from Irkutsk.

Maria, as promised, I am writing an article about this. The answer to your question is that it is possible to set a password on Google Chrome! However, I want to warn you right away that if your child is smart, he may open Internet browser Explorer and calmly visit any site that interests him. If your child is small and his computer knowledge is not enough to use another browser, then the option I described will suit you!

Now let's think about why else you can restrict access to the browser? I don't know about you, but I store all my passwords in the browser. Yes, I know that it’s not safe, that it’s not correct and all that... But I’m not particularly worried about this, since I change my passwords about once every two months. In 10 years of working on the Internet, my mail.ru account was hacked only once, but I never really used it.

So, why am I telling you about passwords... If you also store passwords in your browser and are afraid for their safety, and even more so if your computer has physical access to unauthorized persons (for example, a work computer), then you simply need to be able to block browser access.

Setting a password on Google Chrome using the LockWP extension

Now let's set up browser blocking. For these purposes I will use the LockWP plugin. An excellent plugin that copes with its responsibilities 100%.

After installation, you need to start setting it up. Press the button “ OK

In the next window you are asked to enable the extension for the “ Incognita“, to do this, follow the link (blue button)

and check the box

After which you will be automatically redirected to the information page. I advise you to read the information and then click the “ Further“. Now let's set up the extension

All you need to do is enter your password twice and specify your locking options. I did not turn on automatic blocking (it blocks when idle), I indicated minimizing when blocking. That's all! Press the button “ Save” and restart the browser.

When you launch it for the first time, the browser will open and immediately collapse, instead you will see a field for entering a password

Only if you enter the password correctly will you gain access to the browser. If you enter the password incorrectly, the browser will close. If you enter it correctly, the browser will open and you will be able to work in it without hindrance.

If you need to lock your browser, for example when you need to step away from your desk, you don't need to close it at all. You can simply right-click on any open page and select LockPW

That's all! Now you can set a password for the Google Chrome browser yourself and be safe! You can also

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