Home Perennial flowers The most effective way to relieve mental fatigue are. Overwork in children and adults: symptoms and treatment. Stages of mental fatigue

The most effective way to relieve mental fatigue are. Overwork in children and adults: symptoms and treatment. Stages of mental fatigue

Of course, there is no universal way to relieve fatigue with intense mental work, because situations can be very different.

It is possible that after "unloading" you will again drive to storm the object of mental activity, or maybe you are ready to start a good rest in your soul, however, unfortunately, strong mental stress does not even allow you to sleep well.

But in any case, I would like to believe that this article will allow us to “arm”, or rather disarm, your fatigue.

Magic trio for relieving fatigue

Remember, please, the following three simple, but very effective "offloading" exercises.

1. Stand straight, head slightly back and place your hands behind your head, then slowly raise your arms up and stretch well, and then bend over and, keeping this unhurried pace, gently lower your arms. Repeat this exercise several times.

2. Stand straight, tilt your torso forward, trying to get as close to the floor as possible, make a deep back bend

3. Stand straight, feet - shoulder-width apart, turn your shoulders and head to the left while touching the right hand of the left shoulder and placing the left hand behind the back. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.

When performing this exercise, you must definitely feel the load on the spine. If the load falls on the hip joints or generally on the ankle, then you are doing the exercise is not performed quite correctly.

Can a song do without a chorus?

Each of the above exercises should be followed by a "chorus" - marching in place with your hips high for a minute.
By the way, singing along with this is not only not taken away, but also in every possible way welcomed!
After all, this is another effective way to eliminate stress.

From a massager - a path to a gentle touch with palms

It will be great if these exercises are followed by a little self-massage.

To do this, you can use a massage track. It is advisable to massage the back and chest first, and then go to the neck.

When using a track massager, it is important to remember the following nuances:

When massaging the back, it is very important to alternate the force of pressure (when moving the massager upward, you should feel the pressure, when moving the massager downward, no)

When massaging the chest, diagonal movements should prevail. It is also important to know that when massaging the area of ​​the heart, the load should be as low as possible.

When using a track massager, the anterior region of the neck should not be "worked through" in any case. Massage only the sides and back. Moreover, the back surface of the neck can only be massaged across, while first the area near the hairline is massaged, and then gradually there is a transition towards the back.

You can complete the massage with manual self-massage of the head. Start it with light stroking with your palms, adhering to the direction from the top of the head - to the ears, forehead, neck. After that, proceed to rubbing with the fingertips of the occipital and especially the temporal region.

Rubbing magic

As an external rubbing of the body with severe mental fatigue, tincture of common chicory root is very valuable.

Would you like to sweeten or salt?

An excellent option for relieving fatigue is a cup of weak tea with milk or herbal tea (peppermint, lemon balm, black currant leaves, rose hips can come to the rescue). By the way, be sure to add a spoonful of honey to herbal tea.

For some, it is not the “sweet life” that influences more effectively, but the salty one, especially if the salted herring “hides” behind it. Of the fish, pike is also very suitable ("by the pike's command", by the tired of desire).

"Clicks like nuts ..."

The saying "Clicks like nuts" is known to everyone, but nuts, perhaps, know the magic secret of relieving fatigue. After all, it is nuts (especially walnuts, peanuts and almonds) that are excellent fighters against fatigue during mental stress, and at the same time they are excellent and, which is very important, correct energetics of the brain.

Signor tomato

Thanks to its composition, the tomato is also an expressive stress fighter and mental activist.

Su-jock rushes to the rescue

Do not forget that the simultaneous application of pressure on all points of the palm is considered a very effective method of activating forces. For this, it can be used as a special roller for su-jok therapy, chestnuts, walnuts. If they are not at hand, then you should not despair either. You need to at least intensively rub your palms together and roll a pencil in your palms.

Fragrant bliss

In the evening, after strenuous mental work, do not forget to take a fragrant pine bath. She will definitely come to your advantage and give you amazing bliss.

Have a wonderful mood and let these advice, as if by hand, remove even a hint of fatigue!

It happens gradually. And this is due to the accelerated rhythm of our life, information flows that overload the brain with excessive loads, stress, lack of proper rest, unhealthy lifestyle. The body cannot but react to all these reasons, and in response you get a reaction -. Unfortunately, many believe that only sound sleep and going out into nature will help to overcome mental fatigue. But this is not at all the case. If it has reached its climax, then treatment is indispensable. In order to correctly respond to the signals sent by the body and timely prevent mental fatigue at the very beginning of its manifestation, it is necessary to know its first symptoms.

Symptoms of mental fatigue

Be more attentive to your body, because it will definitely let you know about the first symptoms of mental fatigue. This is, first of all, a periodic unreasonable headache with redness of the eyes, which does not pass, pursuing even after a night's sleep, difficulty falling asleep, jumps in blood pressure. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. If you are already suffering from mental fatigue, then the skin of the face, which has become pale with a grayish tint with bluish circles under the eyes, will tell you about this. But this is only at the initial stage. If the situation gets worse, you become unreasonably irritable and nervous, unable to concentrate and discover memory problems. Nausea and vomiting may occur. Even if the symptoms of mental fatigue are "on the face", this diagnosis is made only after excluding other pathologies, the development of which may indicate the same symptoms.

In addition, mental capacity for work is purely individual! But mental fatigue can come not only from a large amount of intellectual work in combination with a lack of proper rest. Mental performance can be affected by endocrine disorders, depressive disorders, and chronic diseases. That's why they need to be excluded! Otherwise, the therapy of the underlying disease that led to mental fatigue comes to the fore.

Development of mental fatigue

Remember, mental fatigue doesn't happen suddenly - it builds up! Therefore, the development of mental fatigue occurs in three stages.

In the first, mildest stage, the main symptoms of mental fatigue are difficulty falling asleep and not feeling restful even after a night's sleep. At the first stage of the development of mental fatigue, a persistent reluctance to any work appears.

At the second stage, a feeling of heaviness in the region of the heart, high fatigue, and a feeling of anxiety that does not disappear are added to the symptoms of the onset of the development of mental fatigue. Any, even insignificant physical activity causes hand tremors. Sleep becomes heavy and superficial, accompanied by frequent waking up, often painful nightmares. All these symptoms of mental fatigue in the second stage are accompanied by disturbances in the work of digestion, poor appetite. The skin becomes pale, and the redness from the eyes does not disappear. In men, there is a decrease in potency and libido, and women note a violation of the menstrual cycle.

For the third stage, all signs of neurasthenia are characteristic. The person is overly excitable and irritable. There is no night sleep, but during working hours, constant drowsiness and desire to sleep are pursued. The third stage is the most difficult, as there is a failure in the work of all body systems. And here one cannot do without treatment of mental fatigue!

Whereis mental fatigue being treated?

Treatment of mental fatigue begins with reducing all the stress that led to this condition. Moreover, the period of treatment depends on the stage of development of mental fatigue. Defeating the symptoms of mental fatigue of the first stage can only be a full-fledged sanatorium-resort two-week rest, after which it is recommended to return to stress gradually. Treatment of Stage II mental fatigue takes a longer period of time, which is at least four weeks and requires a complete "brain shutdown" from doing documents, projects or reports. Any kind of psycho-emotional unloading, relaxing massages, fresh air, a calm atmosphere in a sanatorium or hospital are useful. But the third stage of mental fatigue may require a stay in a specialized clinic and can take at least four months.

So conclude that it is better to treat or prevent mental fatigue in time?

How to prevent mental fatigue?

If you have only the first symptoms of mental fatigue, do not wait for the condition to become catastrophic, and the treatment of mental fatigue will take quite a long time. Take yourself a week off, and you need an active vacation that is different from your daily activities. Attend sessions of psycho-emotional relief, do what you love that gives you pleasure, use various relaxation techniques. You can get a positive result from warm baths using soothing herbal decoctions, salts or aromatic oils!

Do not use medications, they can only aggravate your condition!

Vitamins against overwork will help you regain concentration, good memory and vigor!

Vitamins for overwork!

For mental fatigue to become your problem, you need vitamins from fatigue to maintain your health. These are, first of all, vitamin-antioxidant complexes, for example. You should start taking them when the first symptoms of mental fatigue appear, when fatigue is knocking down your feet, and rest does not come even after a sound night's sleep. Excessive stress on the body is a path to rapid aging, which will provide you with free radicals accumulated by the body, which only antioxidants can resist! As part of Apitonus P, the antioxidant complex is represented by three powerful antioxidants - dihydroquercetin, vitamin C and vitamin E. The vitamin complex also includes beekeeping products - pollen and royal jelly, which are no less valuable for the body. These are not only energy from nature, they allow the body to receive many useful substances that it needs, restore metabolic processes, increase mental and physical performance, protect the cardiovascular system, increase immunity, improve potency and libido.

Vitamins “Memo-Vit” are no less useful for the work of the brain, providing energy metabolism thanks to red-stemmed buckwheat and preventing oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Free radicals are the main enemy of the brain, because it is he who consumes more oxygen and contains a lot of fat, which free radicals love so much. Rosehip fruits and drone brood, also included in Memo-Vit, will help to stop and neutralize their action. Rose hips are rich in vitamin C, and you will find no other natural remedy superior to rose hips in ascorbic acid. And the drone brood is not only able to provide the body with all useful substances, but can also affect the hormonal background, suffering from mental fatigue.

It is also important to organize your work day properly, after every hour, allow yourself a five-minute break to warm up and do some simple exercises. A simple alternation of cases will also be appropriate to avoid monotony. And at lunchtime, take a short walk in the fresh air. It also helps reboot the brain.

And if you have to brainstorm at the time of the onset of an emergency, do not overuse coffee. Many people mistakenly believe. that coffee is the best energy drink. I hasten to disappoint you. Drinking large amounts of coffee will make you overexcited, irritable, and nervous. Use better plant adaptogens - Eleutherococcus or Leuzea, which keep vigor and energy, stimulate the immune system. However, alcoholic tinctures of these herbs are not always possible to take, especially if you are a car enthusiast. There are safer and much more effective means - "Leuzea P" and "Eleutherococcus P", or vitamin complexes based on them - "Leveton P" and "Elton P", containing pollen. These herbal preparations are not only produced in pill form, but also contain vitamin C, which protects your brain from free radicals.

And do not forget: if the mental stress is great, then the rest should be meaningful.

Update: December 2018

Constant fatigue, apathy, decreased performance are attributed to changing weather, lack of sleep, lack of vitamins. Doctors say: chronic overwork is a direct road to depression and decreased immunity. Let's consider overwork in detail: causes, symptoms and treatment. We will tell you how not to run yourself up and quickly recuperate.

Fatigue used to be understood as a condition associated with a prolonged lack of adequate rest. Today, overwork is considered as a reaction of the body to constant or excessive stimuli of a mental, mental, physical nature.

The discrepancy between the severity and duration of work and rest time triggers this process. Unfavorable living conditions, constant stress, poor nutrition aggravate and consolidate the condition.

Depending on the reasons, physical, nervous, mental overwork is distinguished: the last two types are similar in manifestations and often accompany each other. An option is possible when both physical and mental fatigue with mixed symptoms develops.

Fatigue is a physiological state of the body, and overwork is pathological!


Overwork is preceded by fatigue, the symptoms of which are a signal for a person. Fatigue is a shift in the psychophysiological state of the body and leads to a temporary decrease in labor efficiency. Fatigue from light exertion, reduced performance, mood swings, and longer recovery and rest time indicate fatigue. It's time to stop doing the work, lower the intensity, take a break.

Physical overwork

Develops gradually. First, there is slight fatigue, non-intense pain in the muscles. Symptoms go unnoticed, a person continues physical work or sports, does not reduce the load, which leads to the height of physical overwork.

Symptoms of physical fatigue:

  • constant feeling of fatigue after sleep, rest, massage;
  • increasing muscle pain: at rest, with tension;
  • restless sleep: waking up for no reason, difficulty falling asleep;
  • violation of the emotional background: apathy, lethargy or irritation;
  • discomfort, soreness in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe location of the heart;
  • tachycardia;
  • decreased appetite;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • trembling of the protruding tongue;
  • weight loss;
  • in women - menstrual irregularities.

The symptoms of fatigue show up at work. It is impossible to fully and efficiently fulfill their professional duties.


Available remedies and methods to accelerate recovery from overwork.


An ancient Russian way to eliminate fatigue, recover from hard physical labor, increase efficiency, strengthen immunity. Frequency rate - 1-2 times a week, after the session - massage. You cannot visit the bathhouse immediately after exercise, if you feel unwell, acute illnesses and a number of other contraindications.


Water helps to "wash away" fatigue and the heavy burden of the day.

  • oxygen bath... It is indicated for physical fatigue, after injuries, in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Procedure time - 7 minutes, per course - 15 procedures, daily;
  • vibrating bath... Activates protective and restorative mechanisms, blood circulation, stabilizes metabolism, eliminates muscle fatigue. Procedure time - 3-5 minutes, per course - 15 procedures, daily;
  • pearl bath(with air bubbles passing under high pressure, water temperature 37 C). Promotes relaxation, eliminates nervous tension. Procedure time - 10 minutes, per course - 10-15 procedures;
  • pine bath... Has a sedative effect, eliminates physical fatigue. Procedure time - 10 minutes, 2 times a week, you can regularly;


If there is absolutely no time to go to medical baths, a regular shower will help:

  • a hot shower with a water temperature of + 45 C has a tonic effect;
  • warm rain shower soothes, refreshes, eliminates muscle pain;
  • a cascade shower increases muscle tone;
  • contrast shower supports the body's performance, accelerates recovery.


A universal procedure that has a positive effect on the central and peripheral nervous system, heart, blood vessels, digestion, metabolism. Duration of massage: 10 minutes for each leg, 10 minutes for the back and neck, 10 minutes for the upper limbs, 10 minutes for the abdomen and chest.

What if there is no time for all these procedures?

  • Eliminate overload, do not give up the usual physical activities completely. Change activities, take a short vacation.
  • Walking in the fresh air every day.
  • Eliminate nervous tension as much as possible (do not live with other people's problems, do not get nervous over trifles, etc.) see;
  • Revise the diet: saturate the menu with fruits, vegetables, herbs, low-fat meats.

Mental fatigue

It is often interpreted as normal fatigue. People take vacations, go to the sea, but their condition does not improve. Leads to the state:

  • continuous work at the computer (more than 8 hours a day);
  • periods of increased mental stress (reporting period, etc.);
  • a large amount of information received in a short time;
  • being in a state of stress;
  • dissatisfaction with work, salary, etc.


Primary Secondary
Recurrent headaches for no reason Memory impairment, absent-mindedness
Feeling tired even after sleeping Soreness of the axillary and cervical lymph nodes
Pale, gray complexion Increased body temperature
Blue spots under the eyes Depression, mood changes
Blood pressure fluctuations Stomach ache
Redness of the sclera of the eyes (the main symptom of computer overwork) Decreased appetite, weight loss
Trouble falling asleep Insomnia, sweating at night

Aggravation of the condition is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, severe irritability, nervousness, loss of concentration, memory impairment. There are frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

There are 3 stages of development of mental fatigue:

  • Lightweight. Problems with falling asleep even with severe fatigue, feeling tired after a night's sleep, decreased physical and mental performance.
  • Average. Added: heaviness in the heart, anxiety, fatigue. Shaking hands with little physical exertion. Heavy sleep with frequent awakenings, nightmares. Disorders in the digestive system: decreased appetite, pale skin of the face, reddened sclera of the eyes. In men - a decrease in sex drive, potency. In women, menstrual irregularities.
  • Heavy. Neurasthenia is manifested - increased excitability, irritation, lack of sleep at night, drowsiness in the daytime, disruption of all organs and systems.

Stages 2 and 3 of fatigue require treatment.


The main principle of treatment is to reduce the loads of all types that led to the condition. How to recover from mental fatigue?

  • First stage. A good rest for 1-2 weeks, including hiking in the fresh air, proper nutrition. Relaxing baths, aromatherapy sessions (mint,) will help. After this period, you can gradually add intellectual and physical activity, excluding overload. Recovery takes place in 2 weeks.
  • Second stage. Complete rejection of any intellectual activity: work with documents, reports, projects. Relaxing auto-trainings, massage, rest in a sanatorium are useful. Recovery takes place in 4 weeks.
  • Third stage. Hospitalization in a specialized medical institution: a dispensary or a specialized sanatorium. The first 2 weeks - rest and relaxation, the next 2 weeks - active sports. Intellectual loads can be introduced in a very metered manner after 4 weeks. Full recovery takes 4 weeks.

With the development of the first signs of mental fatigue, there is no need to wait for a progression. Take a short vacation for 2-5 days, change the type of activity, take up active rest, auto-training. Other relaxation methods are also suitable: a warm bath, yoga, outdoor recreation. Give up coffee, alcohol, normalize wakefulness and rest, eat well. It is important to establish a sex life.

You cannot prescribe medication for yourself: this can worsen the condition, because with mental fatigue, drug therapy is not indicated. Medicines are prescribed in severe cases, with the development of severe depression, neurosis.

Nervous fatigue

Stress, emotional overload, negative emotions do not pass without leaving a trace for the body and lead to nervous exhaustion. The first symptoms of nervous exhaustion:

  • persistent fatigue;
  • sleeplessness at night and sleepiness during the day;
  • pessimism;
  • anxiety;
  • hypersensitivity to external stimuli;
  • tachycardia, blood pressure surges;
  • general symptoms of overwork: fever, pain in the legs, arms, back, discomfort in the stomach and intestines;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The person becomes impatient, irritable, anxious, insecure. Self-esteem falls, there are disorders in the sexual sphere, memory deteriorates, the mood is consistently depressed.

During nervous exhaustion, three stages are distinguished:

  • hypersthenic: fussiness, irritability, understanding that there is a problem, but the inability to cope with it. Poor control over emotions, provocation of quarrels and conflicts. Headache, muscle pain, insomnia, decreased ability to work;
  • annoying weakness: irascibility, pessimism, anxiety. Heart pain, shortness of breath, allergic reactions;
  • hyposthenic: apathy, lack of interest in life, depressed mood, indifference.

Treatment is similar to mental fatigue. It is important to exclude the factors that led to the condition.

Overwork in children

This dangerous condition leads to health problems. Fatigue is most often preceded by severe fatigue. Causes:

  • babies: violation of the daily regimen, problems with breastfeeding;
  • preschoolers: stressful situations, an unfavorable environment in the family, excessive attempts by parents to develop children in every possible way, to raise geniuses;
  • younger students: physical and mental stress, congestion with lessons, a short night's sleep;
  • older students: hormonal changes, high intellectual load, conflicts with peers.

The first symptoms of fatigue in children are not pronounced, which complicates the diagnosis. You should pay attention to:

  • capriciousness / tearfulness for no apparent reason;
  • restless sleep, crying in a dream, erratic swinging of legs and arms;
  • violation of concentration of attention during classes, play.

There are three stages of fatigue in children (classification according to S.L. Kosilov):

Minor Expressed Sharp
Interest in the material Lively interest, children ask questions Weak. Children don't ask clarifying questions Apathy, complete lack of interest
Attention Rarely distracted Scattered. Children are often distracted Weak. There is no reaction to new material
Pose Fickle. Stretching of the legs and straightening of the trunk are characteristic Children often change poses, turn their heads to the sides, support it with their hands Children constantly want to stretch out, lean back in a chair
Movement Exact Slow, unsure Fussy, fine motor skills, handwriting

In addition to the above, general signs of fatigue are characteristic: insomnia, daytime sleepiness, poor appetite, irritability, moodiness, unreasonable fears, weakness and headaches. Children lose interest in learning, lag behind. Psychoemotional disorders are often added: unpleasant facial expressions, antics, mimicking of others, aggression. Obvious symptoms of overwork in adolescents: they begin to snap back, be rude, ignore the comments, requests of adults.

Treatment of fatigue in children

If you do not start to correct this condition in a timely manner, everything can turn into neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, insomnia. An integrated approach is needed, it is better to contact a pediatrician and a psychologist who will prescribe sessions of auto-training, psychotherapy, massage, vitamin preparations. In parallel follows:

  • adjust nutrition... No fast food, full and regular meals;
  • increase feasible physical activity and: sports, swimming, physiotherapy exercises;
  • be outdoors more often: active walks for 1.5-2 hours a day.

Overwork prevention

Overwork is not a disease, but the approach is the same: it is easier to prevent it than to correct it later. By adhering to simple recommendations, you can stay active throughout the year, and work leave will be enough to recuperate.

  • Get plenty of rest on weekends.
  • Do not overload your brain with TV, heavy music, other people's problems.
  • Change your activity: if the main work is physical, do not neglect books at home, and vice versa.
  • Go in for sports that you can: walking, jogging, morning exercises, swimming pool, bike.
  • Attend relaxing treatments: bath, sauna, pool, massage.
  • Don't drink alcohol at the first sign of overwork. Instead of relaxing, you will personally introduce toxic substances into the body and aggravate the situation.

Think carefully about your vacation. I would like to have time for everything at once. But if you have 3-4 days off, it is better to go out of town with your family, relax in nature, rather than go abroad for new experiences.

Parents must ensure:

  • fresh air supply to housing: regular ventilation of the premises;
  • daily walks: regardless of the weather, even if it is raining outside, you can breathe fresh air under the canopy;
  • good nutrition: more vegetables, fruits, herbs, natural meat and dairy products;
  • relaxing time before bed: reading a book, folding a puzzle, painting;
  • adherence to the daily routine: A child's night's sleep should be at least 9-10 hours.

Knowing the symptoms of overwork, modern approaches to treatment and prevention, it is easy to prevent the transition of a borderline state into a disease. If left untreated, the acute condition will turn into chronic overwork - nervous or physical exhaustion, the symptoms of which are more serious. Complications of a social nature, health problems, communication problems arise. The quality of life suffers greatly, and long-term serious illnesses are possible.

Take fatigue seriously - it's not just fatigue, it's a long-term condition that can lead to illness. Observe the daily routine, alternate periods of activity and rest, avoid overwork and overload.

Fatigue is a certain condition of the human body, which is characterized by a temporary decrease in performance. It occurs after prolonged mental or physical exertion. Overwork is manifested as a decrease in working capacity and a decrease in overall vitality. In this case, the body needs to fully recover so that it can function as before.

Types of fatigue. Overwork

Nervous fatigue. Prolonged nervous tension will cause fatigue and weakness in a person.

Emotional fatigue. In this state, emotional exhaustion occurs, there is no strength to show any feelings. A person can experience neither joy nor grief.

Mental fatigue. In this case, the ability to work is reduced due to disruption of the processes associated with central nervous regulation. It becomes difficult for a person to think, remember, concentrate his attention on something, the productivity of intellectual work decreases.

Physical fatigue. It differs in that muscle dysfunctions develop, strength, accuracy, consistency and rhythm of movements decrease. Physical fatigue usually develops gradually.

It is already a pathological state of the body. It develops against the background of constant activity without proper rest, and can manifest itself as a neurosis. Its development is based on the impaired functioning of the central nervous system, which is expressed in the imbalance of processes such as excitation and inhibition in the brain.

Note! Women are more exposed to overwork due to the fragile nervous system.

Overwork stages

  • Stage 1. The presence of subjective signs, but there are no profound disorders. Patients often complain about and appetite. This condition is usually not difficult to cure.
  • Stage 2. Objective symptomatology is added. Patients have many complaints at this stage, metabolic processes are disturbed. The treatment will already be more difficult than in the first stage.
  • Stage 3. The most severe degree, it is characterized by a transition to neurasthenia. Requires long-term and difficult treatment.

Fatigue, Overwork and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (video)

In this video, you can listen to introductory information about the types of fatigue and overwork, as well as how to deal with them.

Causes of fatigue, overwork

Fatigue can occur in the following situations:

  • with long work of a mental or physical nature;
  • with monotonous monotonous work;
  • with prolonged exposure to stimuli: noise, low light, etc.;
  • in case of conflicts, lack of interest;
  • with insufficient nutrition, various diseases.
Mental fatigue is a frequent companion during exams, sessions, and a busy work schedule.

Emotional fatigue usually occurs as a result of communication with a large number of strangers.

The reasons for overwork are varied. This condition can be caused by: insufficient sleep, lack of physical activity, stress, lack of adequate rest, poor nutrition, mental stress. Risk group - athletes, people with an unstable mentality and exposed to excessive physical exertion.

In addition to physical factors, drugs can influence the development of fatigue. This applies to antitussives, antiallergic, cold and some other drugs.

Also, some diseases can be the cause of overwork. The reason is that they reduce a person's working capacity and quality of life, and as a result, overwork develops. We are talking about bronchitis, asthma, depression, heart disease, some viral diseases, anemia, and so on.

Symptoms of fatigue, overwork

Mental fatigue can easily be confused with ordinary fatigue. But just getting some sleep and rest will most likely not be enough.

The main signs of mental fatigue:

  • Trouble falling asleep.
  • Redness of the eyes (see also -).
  • Pale skin.
  • The appearance of bags under the eyes.
  • Unstable blood pressure (see also -).
  • Fatigue that does not go away after rest and sleep.
  • Headache for no reason (see also -).

Signs of physical fatigue:
  • Sleep disturbances. A person falls asleep heavily, and wakes up repeatedly at night.
  • Constant feeling of tiredness.
  • Soreness in the muscles increases.
  • Lethargy or excessive aggression.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Decreased appetite or no appetite at all.
  • Weight loss.
  • In women, the menstrual cycle may be irregular.
  • Discomfort in the anatomical location of the heart, heaviness behind the sternum.
  • Labored breathing.
Signs of Emotional Fatigue
  • sudden mood swings;
  • irritation;
  • a tendency to solitude;
  • loss of energy, insomnia, unstable nervous system.
Signs of nervous fatigue

They are manifested by increased irritability, excessive excitement.

Signs of overwork

In addition to the presence of symptoms characteristic of fatigue, there may be added:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • reduced reflexes;
  • excessive sweating;
  • fainting conditions.
In the analyzes, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, an increase in hemoglobin and lactic acid can be detected.

At this stage, a person has no strength at all, he performs the necessary action with tremendous tension. If overwork turns into a breakdown, then there is a complete breakdown of vital processes. Then one stops performing any activity.

Features of overwork in children

Fatigue can develop more rapidly in childhood than in adults. Most of these cases occur when a child begins to attend educational institutions. Out of habit, it can be difficult for him to adapt to the rules of the school curriculum.

Other reasons that can contribute to the development of overwork:
  • Fear of public speaking (answer at the blackboard).
  • Difficulty communicating with other children.
  • Inferiority complex.
  • The ridicule of others.
We must always take into account that a child needs not only study, but also a healthy psyche. Therefore, you need to avoid overloading, devote enough time to rest.


There is no reliable test to help determine overwork. As a rule, the diagnosis is carried out based on the patient's complaints. The doctor evaluates the subjective and objective signs of the disease. It is possible to use a special therapeutic test. It consists in providing a person with several days devoted to good rest. After that, the doctor makes a conclusion about the correctness of the diagnosis and treatment plan.

Since similar signs can occur with other diseases, additional laboratory, hardware and instrumental studies may be prescribed.


The principles of therapy are built on how to achieve a reduction in all types of existing loads.

First you need to establish a daily routine, temporarily stop mental activity and physical activity for a period of 3-4 weeks. As the body recovers quickly, doctors will make decisions about the patient's ability to return to normal life.

If the situation is difficult, then for 2-3 weeks you need to do nothing at all in order to be in a state of complete relaxation. And only then, little by little, connect active rest in the form of walks, moderate physical activity, favorite activities.

Medicines are used only when indicated. Usually these are fortifying and specific drugs.

  • Cerebral circulation stimulants (Cavinton, Ginkgo biloba, Platyphyllin).
  • Nootropics ("Piracetam").
  • Sedatives (motherwort, valerian).
  • Hormonal drugs. But they are assigned only in advanced cases.

Along with this, vitamins are prescribed, since overwork is often a consequence of hypovitaminosis. There are several vitamins that can help the nervous system function properly and deal with fatigue.
  • Vitamin C... It provides the necessary energy, prevents fatigue.
  • Vitamin E... Strengthens the vascular walls, keeps the brain from destruction.
  • Vitamins of group B... Basal metabolic participants prevent the development of nervousness, depression, insomnia.
  • Vitamin D... Helps improve performance.
If you need urgent replenishment of vitamins in case of severe deficiency, doctors prescribe multivitamin complexes.

In addition to vitamins, it is advisable to use funds that increase the overall tone of the body. These stimulants include: lemongrass, tincture of Eleutherococcus and ginseng.

Recently, doctors have been actively using homeopathic remedies to combat fatigue. They are plant-based, so they have fewer side effects. The most common means used today: "Gelsemium", "Acidum phosphoricum", "Quininum arsenicosum".

Traditional medicine also offers its own recipes to combat this problem. True, they will be effective only in the early stages of fatigue. Here are some of the tips:

  • Drinking chamomile tea.
  • The use of currant, raspberry, lingonberry fruit drinks.
  • The use of rosehip infusion.
  • Garlic. Eat three cloves daily.
Healing baths with the addition of pine extract, mint, lemon balm, thyme or sea salt will bring a positive effect.


Fatigue in most cases depends on social and mental factors, so solving this problem is of paramount importance. It will be advisable to take measures to prevent the occurrence of this condition, to maintain performance at a high level.

In order to prevent overwork in adults, certain lifestyle rules must be observed. All you need to do is adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You need to engage in physical activity - walking, running, swimming, morning exercises.
  • If your work activity is of a mental nature, be sure to alternate it with physical activity.
  • If your work is connected with physical activity, then add mental activity in your free time.
  • Availability of days off is required.
  • Choose a way of relaxation for yourself: visiting a bath, sauna, massage room, spa treatments.
  • Don't overuse alcohol.
  • Before going to bed, read your favorite book, watch a good movie.
  • Try to minimize stressful situations, psycho-emotional stress, negative emotions.
  • From time to time you need to change the situation: trips to relatives, travel, weekends at the dacha.
  • Try to keep things done on time, do not allow rush jobs.
To ensure the prevention of overwork in children, parents need to provide:
  • Competent daily routine. Your baby needs nine hours of quality sleep.
  • Everyday walks in the fresh air.
  • Regular airing of the children's room.
  • Balanced diet.
Remember that fatigue and overwork most often ends in a successful recovery. This requires eliminating the cause that caused it, and conducting high-quality therapy. But sometimes it can lead to the development of somatic diseases and significant disorders in the work of organs and systems.

Fatigue- This is the physiological state of the body, manifested in a temporary decrease in working capacity as a result of the work done. This is a kind of disproportion between the expenditure and recovery of energy substances.

The state of fatigue manifests itself in slowing down the process of fatigue associated with a feeling of fatigue. Fatigue serves as a natural signal of possible exhaustion of the body and at the same time a protective biological mechanism that protects it from overstrain. At the same time, fatigue is also a stimulant that mobilizes the body's reserves and ensures the growth of the body's functional capabilities.

Fatigue can be acute or chronic, i.e. can appear in a short period of time and be long-term; general and local, i.e. characterizing the change in the functions of the body as a whole or some separately (a certain group of muscles, any analyzer, etc.). There are two phases of fatigue development: compensated (due to the connection of the body's energy reserves) and uncompensated (when the body's reserve capabilities are exhausted and work continues due to willpower).

The reasons for the mental fatigue of students include the following:

The workload of the intellectual sphere, high mobilization of the higher processes of human mental activity: attention, memory, thinking;

Finding a long time in closed rooms, in compliance with a certain working posture, in limiting mobility;

High requirements for self-organization and self-training;

Feeling of lack of time;

Hasty food;

Living conditions and interpersonal relationships;

Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the organism, the growth and development of which ends in the student years.

The degree of development of fatigue in the process of mental labor can be determined by some external signs (table 8.1).

Table 8.1 - External signs of fatigue in the process of mental work of students (according to S.A. Kosilov)







Scattered, frequent distractions

Weakened; reactions to new stimuli (verbal instructions) are absent

Fickle, stretching the legs and straightening the trunk

Frequent change of posture, head turns in different directions, elbowing, support of the head with hands

The urge to put your head on the table, stretch out, lean back in a chair


Insecure, slowed down

Fidgety hand and finger movements (worsening of handwriting)

Interest in new material

Lively interest, asking questions

Weak interest, no questions

Complete lack of interest, apathy

These include pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, especially noticeable on the face, relaxation and lethargy of movements, hunched posture or "spreading" in a sitting position, uncertainty and indecision in actions, increased tremor (trembling) of the limbs, etc.

In educational work, fatigue manifests itself in a slower pace of completing educational assignments, in an increase in the number of mistakes, in an increase in the number of distractions from work.

External psychophysical symptoms of behavior during fatigue are manifested in the form of general lethargy and depression.

Mental fatigue in the overwhelming majority of cases gives a picture of gloom, alienation and phlegm.

Systematic performance of work against the background of underrecovery, excessive neuropsychic stress can lead to a state of overwork, which is characterized by a sharp development of inhibitory processes, which leads to an irresistible feeling of fatigue. It is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue before starting work, lack of interest in it, apathy, increased irritability, decreased appetite, dizziness and headaches (table 8.2).

Objective signs are also observed, such as weight loss, indigestion, increased tendon reflexes, sweating, pulse, blood pressure. With a pronounced and severe degree of overwork, the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases decreases.

Mental overwork is especially dangerous for a person's mental health, since it is associated with the ability of the central nervous system to work with overload for a long time, which can ultimately lead to transcendental inhibition in its cortical and subcortical structures.

Elimination and prevention of fatigue is possible by optimizing the physical, mental and emotional activity of the body. Active rest, switching to other activities, and the use of recovery means are required.

Physiological processes that ensure the restoration of the body's functions changed during the performance of a certain work are called restorative. During the execution of work, assimilation processes prevail, and the restoration of energy resources can occur even when the initial level is exceeded (supercompensation). This phenomenon is of great importance for increasing the fitness of the body, ultimately providing an increase in efficiency.

The recovery process can be schematically represented in the form of three complementary processes:

Elimination of violations in the systems of neurohumoral regulation;

Removal of decay products formed as a result of the work carried out in the tissues and cells of the body;

Removal of decay products from the internal environment of the body.

A rational combination of stress and rest is a necessary condition for maintaining and activating recovery processes.

Additional means of recovery can be: personal hygiene, balanced nutrition, massage and self-massage, bath or sauna, the use of biologically active substances (vitamins).

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