Home Mushrooms Why is the phone screen constantly glowing? Why does the phone itself light up the screen. Screen calibration by standard means built into the smartphone

Why is the phone screen constantly glowing? Why does the phone itself light up the screen. Screen calibration by standard means built into the smartphone

Spontaneous switching on of the display in HTC smartphones is a fairly common situation. Users see this very often. The display may light up even if there is no user action.

It is no secret that the spontaneous operation of the display affects the autonomy of the phone, since the screen is one of the most powerful consumers of battery energy.

How to fix a spontaneous display on HTC

In the vast majority of cases, spontaneous flashing of the screen is not a problem per se. This is normal operation of the HTC smartphone with some application or service activity. Spontaneous inclusion can be:

  1. When applications are actively running, even in the background. To eliminate it, you need to go to the settings and remove the icon from the item "Background mode", "Active indication", "Display settings" etc. It all depends on the specific application that triggers the screen to turn on.
  2. When running some screen savers. Such programs may well spontaneously turn on the display. Eliminated by changing their settings.
  3. With incoming messages from a cellular operator. Eliminated by disabling additional services provided by the cellular operator (through the operator's menu or through communication with the contact center).

07.12.2018 Frenk 0 Comments

When you receive notifications by default, after locking, the screen of your Android phone or iPhone is constantly on.

If the screen on your phone, nokia, samsung, xiaomi and so on, lights up by itself, for no particular reason, this may indicate a problem with the operating system or hardware.

Some applications may also be responsible for this. Below you will find tips on how to deal with this.

In general, this is a rather rare phenomenon, but still there are three reasons for this. More details below.

Yes, I almost forgot, there is a program that can restore the performance of any phone. Get acquainted with it and

The phone screen itself lights up - a problem with the operating system

The operating system in the phone controls various functions of the device, including the notification light and the screen.

Errors in the operating system or problems generated by the user, which usually arise from previously rooted rights, can cause the screen to turn on spontaneously.

After getting root, this was the case on one of my smartphones from the manufacturer samsung.

In this case, you can restore your phone to factory settings. I already wrote about this how to reset my phone some time ago -

The phone screen itself lights up - a problem with applications

As a result, the phone display may light up. To solve the problem, go to your smartphone settings and turn off notifications for individual programs in the applications tab.

The phone screen itself lights up - a hardware problem

On some phones, the problem with uncontrolled backlighting of the screen appears due to contamination accumulated in the equipment.

For example, dust and dirt that accumulates in the charging port can interfere with the power supply process, causing the notification light to come on.

This, in turn, leads to spontaneous backlighting of the screen - it lights up as if by itself.

To solve this problem, thoroughly clean all ports on your smartphone with compressed air or a toothbrush.

Sometimes the problem of spontaneous backlighting of the screen is the result of a mechanical defect.

Therefore, if you try to fix the malfunction yourself and you fail, go to the service to the specialists. Good luck.

Many people wonder why the phone turns off by itself. The answer to this question is not as easy as it seems. After all, there are a lot of reasons for this behavior. Do not panic immediately if you are overtaken by this problem. Try to figure out for yourself what are the true reasons for this phenomenon. It is recommended to act by the method of elimination. But which points are worth looking at? Why does the phone turn off by itself?


Very often, our today's problem appears due to the drain of the device's battery. It is not easy to detect this phenomenon. After all, few people will independently begin to check whether the battery adheres well to a mobile phone. Especially if there were no problems with this before.

To eliminate this option, remove the back cover of your mobile, then firmly press the battery against the phone. It remains only to check whether the device will be disconnected. Yes? Then the reason is clearly something else. No? Now you have found the source of the problem.


Why does the phone turn off by itself? The next reason for this behavior is nothing more than a problem with the battery. Its malfunction almost always leads to the fact that the mobile device begins to turn off and on on its own. Don't be surprised at this.

What to do in this case? Think about how long your phone has been working. Have you followed the recommendations for caring for the battery in your device? Did you always start charging after the "problem" component was completely discharged? If not, then the reason most likely lies in the battery.

To eliminate this problem, it is enough to simply replace the faulty component. Usually, after purchasing a new battery, the phone stops automatically turning off.

Battery charge

The reasons do not end there. Why does the phone turn off by itself? Check the battery power. Not the most common case, but it does take place in practice. It is the low battery charge of the phone that causes the device to turn off.

This situation is quickly resolved. All you need to do is charge your phone and then turn it on. You will notice how the problem goes away by itself. From now on, just keep an eye on the battery charge. Then you won't have any surprises with your phone. If anything, you will be prepared to unplug the device.


Unless the reasons for this behavior lie in something more serious. Why does the phone turn itself off and on? Under these circumstances, the device battery and its malfunction are not always the source of the problem. Everything is much more serious.

The thing is, if you notice how the phone turns off and then turns on on its own, it's time to check the device for viruses. They are the cause of most gadget malfunctions. How exactly the phone will react to a particular virus is impossible to predict.

To exclude infection, it is recommended to use special anti-virus programs for mobile devices. Or take the gadget to a service center. There they will help you not only to check the phone, but also to "cure" it if necessary.


The list of possible causes of our today's problem does not end there. Why does the Nokia phone or any other phone turn off? If all of the above options do not suit you, then you can think about the installed programs and applications. Utilities can often cause problems with your phone.

Several options are possible here. First, you have little space left on your mobile. In this case, you just need to free up space. Uninstall a few of the most unnecessary programs or games and the problem will disappear by itself.

The third is the presence of a malicious program. To fix the situation, you will have to find and fix the problematic utility. After that, you don't have to think about why the phone turns itself off and on (Samsung, Nokia or some other). After all, the problem will disappear. Its reappearance is possible when the gadget is again cluttered with programs.

System crash

Why does the phone turn off when charging and not only? The last common variant of this behavior is crashes in the operating system of the device. They happen from time to time, from viruses, and from the number of installed programs and applications. But most often, problems in the operating system are the result of incorrect firmware.

In order not to figure out how to fix the situation for a long time, you simply need to reflash the gadget. It is not recommended to do this on your own. Better to take the phone to a service center.

Usually, after flashing, all problems are eliminated. If even after that nothing helped, it's time to change your phone. Indeed, sometimes the reason lies in equipment malfunction. In such a situation, only a complete replacement of the gadget will help. Now it's clear why the phone turns off by itself. Fixing this problem is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to know where to start. By the way, you should think about the firmware only after excluding all of the above reasons.

The phone switches itself off and on. Why?

    There are 2 reasons why the phone can turn itself off and on. So, 1 reason is the phone is buggy (remember, maybe you dropped it or got water on it).

    Reason 2 is a software update.

    because it is buggy, maybe you dropped it or moisture got there!

    My phone reboots itself when several applications were launched at the same time, and then some of them were closed. It goes out and turns back on - there is nothing wrong with that, and this is from the very first day we bought it. I have a Nokia 5530

    As already mentioned above, the spontaneous switching off and on of the phone may be due to the fact that the software is being updated. Or you have some kind of virus. Or perhaps you have lost contacts from the battery with the phone, but then the phone would most likely not turn on itself.

    My old phone also started to sin with this lately. It turns on itself, turns itself off, in general it became independent. The problem was the battery, stack expiration date.

    The phone can also turn itself on and off without your knowledge due to the fact that it is very overloaded, caught a virus. And of course there were problems due to the fact that he fell, and the contacts diverged.

    something with the software, more accurately name the model and the reasons for the possible will be clearer. In general, this is more typical for smartphones, but ordinary phones also sin with this, not as often as smartphones, but still. I noticed that my smart n8 also sometimes spontaneously It starts to reboot, but after that it seems to me that it starts to work better, faster. But if this happens very often it is better to take it to ss if for guarantees or for repairs for flashing.

    It's simple. Most likely, your phone has been repeatedly dropped, after which the battery began to go away. Therefore, now, with any shift in the phone itself, the power is cut off and the phone is turned off. Then the phone turns on again when the contacts are connected.

    It is very important to find out what operating system is in your phone, this is more common among users of android phones, perhaps your phone is unloaded with many programs that heavily load the phone's RAM, I will advise you to clean the phone from unnecessary files with the Clean Master program, or maybe there is a virus in the phone, well there is also a technical reason for this behavior of the phone (fell, water ..)

    Frequent switching off and on the phone yourself may indicate external control of your phone. There are several reasons for external control:

    1. A brownie (telephone) settled in the phone, and he always monitors the cleanliness of the processor

    2.Aliens connected to your phone and they draw from it all the information that gets there for a certain period

    3.If cockroaches disappeared in the house with the appearance of this phone, then they settled in nm and turn it off when they go to bed

    4. Your phone is endowed with artificial intelligence and indulges itself with electric discharges (analogous to drug addiction), which are formed when the phone is turned on

    5 the phone has caught a virus and is trying to spit it out

Dozens of new smartphone models are released by manufacturers every year. Some of them can boast of their cheapness as a distinctive feature, others with high performance, others with an ergonomic design, and the fourth are endowed with excellent energy-saving characteristics, a powerful battery and shock resistance. But none of these devices can be 100% protected from breakdowns of various kinds. One of these troubles is the spontaneous operation of the touchscreen, which is usually inherent in Chinese budget models of smartphones. In view of what the sensor on the phone is pressed by itself and how to deal with this problem, you will learn from the article.

Improper operation of the touchscreen is not the most pleasant phenomenon, but the problem is fixable

Conventionally, the reasons that the sensor itself is pressed can be divided into two categories:

  • Software failure - occurs due to errors in the software (software) of the smartphone;
  • Hardware failure - errors associated with damage to the component parts of the device.

Depending on the model of your smartphone and the circumstances of the erroneous operation of the screen, it is more or less likely to assert due to which of the above failures this problem arose. So, in Chinese budget models (according to statistics, most often in Alcatel and Xiaomi), the malfunctioning of the touchscreen occurs as a result of low-quality assembly of the device and a cheap resistive display, which, as you know, is vulnerable to the accumulation of static charge on its surface. The fall of the smartphone or strong pressure on its screen can also cause trouble with the touchscreen.

However, you should not despair. Before claiming that the errors in the functioning of the screen arose due to damage to the hardware, you should try to eliminate this problem using software methods. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to eliminate spontaneous sensor triggering programmatically

So, we will consider several ways to solve this problem on our own.

Method 1: reset your smartphone to factory settings

Depending on the smartphone model, the restoration of the "default" operating parameters is performed in a certain section of the settings. However, the path to them is the same for most devices, only the names of these blocks differ. Therefore, we will consider how to perform a factory reset using the Philips S326 smartphone as an example.

Method 2: calibrating the screen

Re-calibrating the touchscreen may be necessary not only in the event of a software failure, after which the sensor on the smartphone itself clicks. After a mobile device falls from a height, gets into water, replaces the display, etc., calibration must be performed without fail - this can help in most of the cases listed here. Consider two methods that allow you to carry out this procedure.

Screen calibration by standard means built into the smartphone

In those models of devices that have in the standard functionality the ability to determine the angle of inclination of the touchscreen, you can calibrate it without using special utilities. For this:

  1. Go to the "Settings" section of our device;
  2. In the "Display", "Screen" or "Special Features" block, find the "Calibration" item and click on it;
  3. In the next window, as a rule, you are asked to put the phone on a flat surface and start the calibration procedure, then your device will automatically adjust the optimal touch angle and complete it.

Using the dedicated application "Touchsreen Calibration"

This method is suitable for those whose smartphone models do not have built-in tools for screen calibration. The application compares favorably with similar ones, first of all, due to its ease of use, as well as very high accuracy in determining the angle of inclination of the sensor.

  1. So, to calibrate the screen using Touchscreen Calibration, you need:
  2. Download the application from the link on Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=redpi.apps.touchscreencalibration;
  3. After installation, run the program, in the start window we see the inscription "Calibrate", framed in a blue background, you need to click on it;
Click on "Calibrate" to start the process of calibrating the touchscreen

The calibration procedure begins, during which it will be proposed to adjust the angle of the screen in six different touch modes, we go through each of them;

Do not forget that the smartphone must be on a flat surface all this time for the calibration to be as accurate as possible.

When finished, you will be prompted to restart the device in order for the changes to take effect.

Here we click "Ok" and reboot the device in order for the changes to take effect


If the above methods did not help you to fix the pressing of the sensor, then the problem most likely lies in the hardware of your smartphone. There are several hardware reasons why the touchscreen can spontaneously work:

  • Resistive display - this type of screen differs from capacitive one in that it is a glass layer on which a flexible membrane is applied, as a result, such a touchscreen wears out quickly;
  • Poor quality of double-sided tape - Chinese manufacturers, and some service centers that repair displays by replacing it, like to save on double-sided tape, with which the screen is fixed inside the case. As a result, the touchscreen does not work properly.

For the above reasons, it is better to entrust the case to a specialist than to try to repair the screen yourself. If you still want to cope on your own, I recommend viewing these touchscreen repair guides:

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