Home roses What do vampires wear? How to look like a vampire. Vampire in the modern world. Vampire hairstyles for loose hair

What do vampires wear? How to look like a vampire. Vampire in the modern world. Vampire hairstyles for loose hair

Paul Wesley is one of the most famous modern TV series actors who played an atypical vampire. Today, July 23, Paul celebrates his 33rd birthday, in honor of which we simply could not help but remember the sexiest vampires in the history of cinema.

And we continue to talk about the hero Paul. Since 2009, the actor has been playing the kind and warm-hearted vegetarian vampire Stefan Salvatore in the popular mystical series The Vampire Diaries. He was born and raised in the town of Mystic Falls, but thanks to the charming Katherine Pierce, he became a vampire. Stefan has been living in this world for 162 years (the age at the beginning of the series), knows history well, and also speaks many languages. He returns to his hometown because of Catherine's double - Elena Gilbert, with whom he falls in love with no memory. He is ready to do anything for Elena, even fight the original vampires. But do not flatter yourself, because Stefan was not always such a “cute sweetheart” - at the beginning of his vampire activity, he was a real ripper, killing people indiscriminately ...

Stefan's older brother and his complete opposite. He was also born in Mystic Falls and returned here after his brother to avenge his life on him. Elena describes Damon as "a ruthless, psychopathic killer".

As the series progresses, Salvatore Sr. changes dramatically for the better. The audience was fascinated by the bottomless eyes of this vampire, his stylish hairstyle, impulsiveness, witty humor and devotion to Elena. Damon does not believe in friendship, but gradually becomes close to Sheriff Liz Forbes and history teacher (and part-time vampire hunter) Alaric Saltzman. With their minds, the viewers understood that Damon was a 100% negative character, but with their hearts they were 100% amazed by his hypnotic appeal, from time to time worrying about him.

Another hero of The Vampire Diaries and the main antagonist of the series. Niklaus is an ancient thousand-year-old vampire (original), characterized by impulsiveness, cruelty, rudeness and self-confidence. Not only is Niklaus an original vampire, but he is also a werewolf. He arrived in Mystic Falls for Elena, in order to use her blood to remove the curse of the "Sun and Moon", and also to make himself an army of hybrids. Even despite his negative qualities, he was able to please the audience with his strength, love for Caroline and relatives, as well as his ability to change for the better (though not completely and not immediately).

Gary played maybe not the first Count Dracula in the history of cinema, but the most attractive one. This vampire has an aristocratic manner, a stunning accent. Dracula is always immaculately dressed, impeccable, obsessed, lyrical, sexy and dreams of finding true love.

After the death of his beloved (Elizabeth), Dracula renounces God, becomes the prince of darkness, settles in a Gothic castle and surrounds himself with brides.

As a result, due to his madness, Dracula dies at the hands of Jonathan Harker and Quincy Morris.

Luke Evans also played Count Dracula, but only in the 2014 film. Despite the fact that the film turned out, to put it mildly, “not very good”, critics praised Evans’s game, and the audience fell in love with his selfless and devoted Dracula, who, in order to protect his people, curses himself and becomes a servant of the night.

In this picture, Vlad Tepes is revealed to us as the greatest ruler, a valiant warrior and a passionate man, ready even to sell his soul to the devil...

The hero of the mystical drama Interview with the Vampire, based on the novel of the same name by Anne Rice. Lestat is a charming, cruel and charismatic vampire with long blond hair, born in 1760.

He has a sense of humor, aesthetic inclinations, androgynous appearance. Lestat kills people for fun, sometimes turning innocent villagers into vampires.

So, Lestat turned the desperate Louis de Pont du Lac and the little orphan girl Claudia into vampires, who decide to take revenge on him.

Lestat's companion and lover in Interview with the Vampire, who turns into a vampire thanks to Lestat. Louie is a real vampire gentleman who refuses to kill people, eating only rats and lives for Claudia's happiness. He always looks irresistible, good-natured and honest. In addition, the role of Louis was played by one of the most beautiful actors in Hollywood, which makes his vampire even sexier. No girl would refuse such a humane bloodsucker ...

As soon as the first part of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga came out, Robert Pattinson became the sexiest man on earth. He was admired not only by fans of the series of novels, but also by all those who saw "Twilight".

Edward can read minds, has quick reactions, incredible strength, glows in the sun, feeds on animal blood, drives cool cars, lives in a doctor's family and has an impeccable appearance. All classmates are crazy about him, but Edward gave preference to the closed Bella Swan.

The vampire is ready to throw himself "in the pool with his head" for the sake of his beloved. In the image of Edward, Robert spent as many as five films, having managed to get attached to his character and his partner in the film.

This brutal vampire was presented to us by the horror comedy film Fright Night. Jerry can tempt anyone with his insidious bloody gaze. Having moved to a quiet town, the vampire establishes his own rules here, turning the inhabitants into his personal "sheep", which you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even despite his vampire ways, Jerry is always gallant and deceptively relaxed with his victims, endearing them to him. Despite the fact that "Fright Night" was a real failure, we could not help but note the image of Farrell.

Ian is one of the main characters in the television series Being Human, who is trying to live a normal life in Bristol among ordinary people.

He lives next door to a werewolf and a ghost, who are also trying to adapt to human life and hate their existence with all their hearts. Yen is 117 years old and was converted during the Civil War.

With all his might, Aidan tries to control the thirst for blood (although this does not always work out) and works as a simple nurse in a hospital. Ian's past is terrible - he bloodthirsty tore to pieces several hundred innocent people.

Svetlana Misnik(born December 16, 1992) - a life-style journalist, a philosopher by basic education, and a lawyer by second. Since the age of 15, she has been writing for Kleo.ru, Wmj.ru, Cosmo.ru, MarieClaire.ru about psychology, celebrities and beauty. .

Positivity rules the world!

Welcome to my raspberries! This section will be led by me - the chief creative editor of the website CreativeModa.ru. In addition to interesting ideas stand out from the crowd, become brighter, acquire your individuality with the help of creative clothes, I will share with you no less interesting thoughts. I love everything that pleases the eye, I love it when the world is filled with colors and positive. Even +1 smile on the faces of passers-by is our success and the right way to positive emotions and kindness. In our time, unfortunately, primitiveness is at every turn. People are closed in themselves, afraid to show their colorful world, dress in dark colors. Life is full of possibilities, it is about them that I will be happy to tell you in my section.


The image of a vampire - lure the victim into your nets

Each of us has watched movies and read books about vampires. These mystical creatures attract us with their sexuality and aristocracy. Vampires are very seductive, they beckon the victim to themselves, after which they take life. Maybe this was the reason for creating a new style in youth clothing. Who doesn't want to draw attention to themselves in a mysterious, sexy way. The more unusual a person, the more he attracts to himself.

Please do not confuse gothic style and vampire style. Yes, they have similarities, and sometimes they intersect, but they are not the same thing. I will write more about this for you a little later. Recently on the street I saw a couple in love in a vampire image. The guy and the girl, in addition to black clothes in gothic and emo styles, also had colored lenses of unnatural colors. I could not help but notice such an image, the scarlet-red eyes of the girl and the dead blue-gray eyes of the guy. That's not all that looked tempting, when they smiled, cute fangs appeared, thirsting for human blood. They didn’t remind me of Count Dracula, but the image was very original. Vampire style is gaining momentum, and I can't help but write about it. Here we go? The main things in the vampire image are: clothes, shoes and makeup.

vampire clothes

From films and books, it becomes clear that clothing comes in dark colors, as a rule, it is black, dark blue and blood red. Of course, they wear the Gothic style of clothing, but they do not exclude other styles from their wardrobe. Their charm is enough even in simple human clothes, because glowing and demonstrating that they are vampires is simply dangerous for their lives. Long leather coats, black trousers, dark satin shirts, red and black corsets, long and short dresses of mysterious silhouettes with a touch of passion and sexuality.

Vampire Shoes

To create a sexy image, vampires wear high-heeled shoes, with this they lure men into their networks and receive a long-awaited dinner in the form of fresh and warm human blood. Vampires prefer the classics more, for example, lacquered classic men's shoes will give the image the very gallantry and aristocracy that will make any girl's head spin.

Vampire makeup

Vampires are not living beings, so to create vampire-style makeup, you need to make your skin as pale as possible with a slight bluish tint. Make the eyes brightly highlighted, but the cat's look will not be appropriate here. Shadows should be in calmer tones, such as purples, pinks, or shades of blue. Make your eyebrows as dark as possible, and add plumpness to your lips and make up with red or burgundy lipstick. Thus, your facial skin will be pale against the background of bright eyes and lips, and a tempting look and a sweetly alluring mouth will not leave any victim indifferent.

We complement the image with unusual colored lenses, for example, red, deep blue or bright blue or green. Well, if you really want to get closer to the vampires and bring the grannies at the entrance to a heart attack, then you can’t do without fangs. Now it is not such an expensive pleasure, your native fangs naturally increase in length and give sharpness and tuck - the image of a cute, but predatory vampire is ready.

Vampire hairstyles

As a rule, vampires wear loose hair with a slight careless wave. When the wind begins to play with the hair, they scatter sexually in different directions, no man can resist. An open light neck will surely lure the one you have noticed in the network. Vampires don't bother with their hair, waxing it a little and ruffling their hair is enough, but not creating an "explosion at the pasta factory".

Hair color - again, the most win-win option is black, it is with black hair color that your lenses of an unnatural bright color will look incomparable and sexy.

Vampire Jewelry

This is where gothic and vampire styles merge. Vampires wear jewelry that has an antique look. All kinds of large rings, chains, pendants, medallions, collars in silver-black tones, as well as with green, blue, red precious stones.

The above things are a classic vampire look, if you want to add your own touch to the style, no one will mind. Manage to combine mystery, sexuality in the image and at the same time not fully reveal your image. Experiment, try and lure into your networks those whose blood beckons you with its smell.

If you want to dress up as a vampire for an event or use elements of this look in your appearance, remember that looking like a vampire is an art. This is a very stylish look, and it is beneficial to use it both at a costume party and in everyday life. If you're planning on looking like a vampire every day, you'll need to spend a little more time on your appearance in the morning.



    Make your skin look pale. Vampires are believed to be immortal and only go out at night, which means that their skin always looks paler than normal people. To achieve a pale complexion, apply foundation a couple of shades lighter than your natural skin tone.

    • Foundations come in a variety of shades and textures, including cream and powder. The denser the base, the better.
    • Start applying foundation from the center of your face to your jawline. Blend with fingers or a brush according to the type of product chosen.
    • If you have a dark face, don't worry about it! Vampires have a variety of faces. But remember that vampires are afraid of the sun, so you shouldn't look like you've been sunbathing for a long time.
  1. Use black eyeliner. Vampires have a very expressive appearance of nocturnal creatures. In addition, they can be several hundred years old. You must look as if you have seen something during your existence that no one else could see. To create this look, apply some black eyeliner to your lids.

    Make your lips blood red. As a rule, lips are the most striking element of vampire makeup. You can choose any shade from light red to scarlet - everything will depend on your natural complexion tone.

    • Choose a regular matte lipstick. Instead of lipstick, you can use lip gloss.
  2. Choose an elegant outfit. If you want to impress everyone with your costume, wear something elegant and slightly old-fashioned. For men, a shirt with ruffles on the chest, black trousers and black shoes are suitable. You can tie a scarf belt if you like this item of clothing. Women can pick up an elegant blouse and a long flowing skirt - they will go well with fangs and a cape. Do not forget that things should be dark colors.

    Consider makeup. Use dark shadows to make the eyes stand out and white face paint to make the face look paler and make all the makeup match the outfit perfectly. You can also wear burgundy or red lipstick, even if you're a man, to help you create an intimidating look.

    Try wearing contact lenses. The eyes of a vampire are supposed to bewitch others, so this is worth working on. Sparkling or shiny lenses will add spice to the image of a vampire. Don't be afraid to express yourself and consider a wide variety of colors and patterns.

    • Gold lenses will help to create the image of a vampire from "Twilight". If you want something a little more extreme, go for red, black, or cat-eye lenses.
    • Show your imagination and make the image unusual.
    • Many vampires wear sunglasses during the day to protect their eyes from the bright light.


  1. Dye your hair a darker shade. Black hair suits vampires best, as it creates a stark contrast with white skin. Try dyeing your hair darker or radical black.

  2. Straighten your hair. Vampires usually have straight, straight, smooth hair. If you have wavy hair, straighten it after washing for maximum realism.

    • A vampire can have any hairstyle, although long hair cut in one level (for women) looks most effective. Soft curls or waves will help create an enigmatic and passionate look if that's what you're looking for.
    • Men can wear long and short hair, but a medium length haircut with shorter hair on the sides of the face will look best. This is what Bela Lugosi looked like.

Most people are sure that you can only come face to face with a "terrible bloodsucker" on Halloween. Those who plan to create this image are interested in how to look like a vampire in order to impress everyone. There are a lot of heroes who drink human blood in literature. They were reported by the ancient Sumerians, Assyrians, Greeks, and each nation had its own descriptions of their appearance. This image was most popular thanks to Bram Stoker and his novel Dracula. There are about three hundred films about vampires in cinema, in which directors portray them as completely different - from creepy monsters to quite nice charming people who are no different from us. Therefore, those preparing for the masquerade have a lot of options for how to look. What a vampire really looks like, no one knows. We offer detailed instructions for creating an irresistible image of an immortal bloodsucker. We will also tell you how these people look in real life.

vampire costume

Folk wisdom, known to everyone since childhood, says that they are greeted by clothes. How to look like a vampire, for example, going to a carnival? Of course, come up with a spectacular costume! For males, it is best to choose for themselves dark (preferably black) trousers, the same shoes, a shirt with ruffles on the sleeves or other details that were popular many years ago (after all, vampires live for millennia).

For females, dark, but not necessarily black dresses, black gloves, stockings and shoes are ideal. A cape will complete the outfit, red, burgundy or purple on the inside and black on the outside. This is a classic costume of an elegant vampire who knows his own worth, unpredictable and insidious. You can complement the image with accessories, such as a necklace, pendant or ring with vampire symbols, for men a bow tie and a cane will be appropriate, for women - an unusual hairpin and choker.


How to look like a vampire? You can not focus only on clothes. The appearance of a person is also very important. There is an opinion that vampires have thin and pale skin. Going to a masquerade, it is not necessary to destroy this stereotype. Pale skin with the current variety of cosmetics is easy to do. You just need to cover it with a light foundation or powder. Outlining the eyes with black pencil will help to emphasize the eyes more clearly. You can add gloom with the help of dark shadows applied to the upper eyelids and light “bruises” under the eyes. Complete the make-up with bright red lipstick on the lips. If desired, characteristic vampire fangs can be inserted into the mouth, and contact lenses corresponding to the image can be inserted into the eyes.

Attention should be paid to the hairstyle. Classical vampires are always tidy, in men hair often reaches the shoulders, in women they are beautifully styled. Such an appearance is needed by vampires in order not to scare away, but to win over potential victims.

What does a Halloween vampire look like?

If the image of a vampire is chosen for this holiday, it’s not bad if there are some deviations from the “classics” in the outfit and appearance. On the face, to skin clarified with cosmetics, eyes with black eyeliner, red lips and fangs, you can add drops of blood around the mouth, and on your hands you can do a manicure with long false nails covered with black or bright red varnish. But stylish hairstyles for "vampires" for Halloween are not necessary. In this case, some dark hat or wig is more suitable.

They are sold in many stores before the holiday. Since Halloween is often celebrated outdoors and involves a lot of movement, you need to take care of comfortable shoes. Heeled shoes are unlikely to fit here. The clothes of the "vampire" must correspond to the weather, which will be on the night of October 31st. Both boys and girls can wear black trousers, dark sweaters, add a belt with a spectacular metal buckle, a pendant on an iron chain, drops of blood on clothes to the outfit. A classic vampire cape will complete the look.

Real Harmless Vampires

Believe it or not, there really are real vampires among us. Some of them are not dangerous for society. These are people suffering from porphyria disease in the 3rd degree. Want to know what real vampires look like? It can be said that it is very deplorable. With porphyria, too many porphyrins are synthesized in the blood, which are destroyed in the light. In those suffering from this ailment, from the sun's rays, the skin is covered with blisters and ulcers, so they have to lead a nocturnal lifestyle, and during the day they carefully cover their entire body with clothes. Often, destruction affects not only the skin, but also cartilage, which leads to ugly deformities of the nose and limbs. In addition, patients with porphyria do not produce hemes (non-protein hemoglobin), which makes their skin pale and thin. Porphyria is inherited. That is, it is impossible to get infected with it from a vampire bite. Such patients are treated only with medication.

The second group of real vampires are people who believe that they need blood. They create closed groups in which they do not hide their essence. In society, they do not give themselves away, neither clothes, nor make-up, nor behavior. Such vampires necessarily drink blood, for which they use volunteers (donors) or buy blood in medical institutions. They don't kill anyone either.

Real dangerous vampires

There are people among us who aspire to be vampires. For the reasons that led them to adopt this way of life, they are divided into three types:

1. Like the essence of vampirism.

2. Believe in immortality through human blood.

3. They love thrills.

What does a vampire look like today if he belongs to one of these three types? As a rule, such people support their image in every possible way - they sleep in coffins, are active at night, are aggressive, wear dark clothes (without a cape), do “vampire” makeup and tattoos, some even sharpen their teeth under their fangs. These vampires are extremely dangerous because their rituals often involve killing and drinking the blood of their victims.

Energy vampires

Even official science has recognized that such people exist. They feed their body with energy sucked from others. What do energy vampires look like? Just like non-vampires, that is, usually. You can calculate them by behavior. Such people try to inflate quarrels and scandals out of nothing so that their opponents become nervous and become an excellent source of energy. After communicating with an energy vampire (even if the quarrel did not work out), fatigue, incomprehensible anxiety, despondency, apathy, weakness, loss of strength, sometimes headache and lack of appetite are always felt.

Black vampires, are undoubtedly one of the most feared categories of undead. These are the most cruel creatures with magical abilities, which, moreover, cannot exist without human blood. They do not consider it necessary to coexist with people, and therefore destroy them, following the lead of their thirst. Meeting with this will most likely be the last for the average person. Black vampires have unlimited possibilities due to their magical and centuries-old knowledge, so their destruction can also cause difficulties.

Black vampires: physiological features.

Of course, for a simple person, the appearance of a vampire seems very attractive and not without reason. Because magical power gives them an unusual demonic beauty. There is a belief that no matter how a person dies, being reborn as a vampire, he acquires unprecedented external data for himself.

Black vampires need to be very attractive, since the main food for them is people, and for this they need to be lured into their networks. How exactly do they look black vampires? Of course, they have a direct resemblance to their entire family.

The "beauty" of black vampires lies in the fact that against the background of very pale skin, the rest of the facial features look much brighter. And indeed, the integuments of the body of a black vampire are devoid of a human shade, only when he eats human blood, they can turn pink, and then, for a short while. Against this background, bright red lips seem especially expressive. The eye sockets are very deep and shaded by dark circles, which also become very distinct. The eyes are incredibly shiny and often have a golden hue. You can inadvertently stare into such unusual eyes, but you can only see black darkness there. Vampire hair also looks very tempting.

The fangs of a black vampire are very strong, but it is surprising that they do not constantly stick out, as is commonly believed, but are put forward during the hunting and destruction of their prey.

In the body of a vampire who is considered dead, not everything is dead. The heart and brain continue to function. And it proves the one that black vampires very smart and cunning. In addition, they have vast magical knowledge. Indeed, the physiology of these creatures is different from the human. If the vampire does not take the proper amount of food, then the skin will begin to acquire a gray tint, and the forces will gradually begin to leave it. It is especially dangerous at the moment of its strength, after eating.

Vampire Clans.
First of all, it must be said that vampires never live alone, they are more of a "social" creature than a solitary one. Each of them was once a person, therefore, at first after the conversion, he seeks to get into his former family in order to recruit his own clan. Each convert submits to his creator, but seeks to find subjects for himself. At the head of the clan is always the most ancient and wise leader. If it becomes necessary to destroy the vampire nest, then first of all it is the leader who must be destroyed, because otherwise he will again collect his subjects. It is absolutely easy for him to do this, since one bite of a vampire makes a person as such.

The magical ability of black vampires.

Black vampires possess many magical secrets that are difficult to comprehend for the common man. They can turn into animals, have a very high speed, fly, send their shadow and reflection in the mirror to collect information and much more that is impossible to believe.

The power of vampires extends to wild animals, which cannot be said about domestic animals, which, at the sight of a ghoul, run and try to hide. Maybe that's why vampires can force a werewolf to do what the owner wants. After all, the animal nature of the latter prevails.
Vampires not only can walk on the ground, they can fly. These creatures can transform into bats or birds, which gives them the opportunity to be in different places in one night.

Black vampires by means of hypnosis can force a person to completely obey him. But this can only be done if both the predator and the prey look into each other's eyes. First of all, you should never do this. Vampires, especially if they are black, can seep through walls and can leave an enclosed space at any time. In such a wise way, they leave the refuge that is prepared for them after death.It seems completely impossible for a human to walk on vertical surfaces, but it is perfectly natural for a vampire. In order to quietly sneak and attack his victim, the ghoul can travel not only along the walls, but also along the ceiling. For them, it is as natural as sleeping in a coffin.Black vampires have very heightened senses. Let's start with the fact that he hears living flesh precisely by smell, and not visually. A vampire's sense of smell is highly developed, to the point where they can sense everything from a distance. They also have very sharp eyesight. They see perfectly in the dark, so, in practice, any victim will never leave his pursuer. Vampires even feel the vibration of the air.

For a ghoul, speed is a natural state. Vampires are not afraid of physical exertion and are ready to hunt down their prey all night long.

Black vampires: their power and magic of transformation.

Black vampires have unlimited power. Each person who became food for the ghoul gave him his power. With each new victim, the power of the black vampire multiplies, so the oldest monsters are considered the strongest, and the young ones will have to gain their power for a long time, due to the innocent victims of their indomitable hunger.

Turning for a vampire is more of a necessity. In pursuit of his prey, he uses all the possibilities that animals have. Most often, when remembering a vampire, an association arises with a bat, but not only it can become an object of reincarnation. According to some sources, the transformation into a wolf is necessary for a ghoul to undergo a kind of initiation rite. In other beliefs, this animal is considered a clear enemy of the vampire, and, on the contrary, is one of the few living creatures that can counteract this black power.
One of the distinguishing features of vampires is the irrepressible thirst for power and the desire to be at the very top of the career ladder. They do not have enough wealth and power, which they get by killing and robbing people. They strive for complete control of people. But, unfortunately for vampires, some of their physiological characteristics do not allow them to fully enjoy this advantage. For example, the fear of sunlight limits their movement during the daytime, which is not acceptable for a politician or a senior executive. The way out of this situation is considered to be the impact on weak-willed people with a thirst for power and profit. Such a person can become an ideal conductor between vampires and power.

The black vampire cannot do without people, and they become not only food, but also guards, and spies, and kidnappers of victims for their master. In addition, such people feed the master with their blood. Vampires are usually served by those who want to subsequently undergo a ritual of transformation. But the owners have their own plans in this regard, and the minions rarely become their own. They are sacrificed if necessary and new ones are found.
In the daytime black vampires, as well as all creatures of this kind, are forced to hide from sunlight. They spend this time indulging in sleep. The resting place should be completely dark so that not a single ray of light enters this black abode. Usually vampires use it as a bed, the bottom of which is covered with earth from their homeland, but this is not a prerequisite, the main thing is to be safe. On guard of sleep and peace are the minions of a vampire from the human race, who sensitively guard their master, while he is especially vulnerable. Daytime is the enemy of the black vampire. First, he is unable to move. Secondly, he begins to experience a feeling of insatiable hunger and, in connection with this, is completely exhausted. Vampire hunters usually choose daylight hours to do their job of extermination, but for this they need to know the exact location of the ghoul's lair.

Black Vampire Talents.

In addition to the previously indicated talent for reincarnation, black vampires have a wide variety of other possibilities. We must start with the fact that basically every person has certain inclinations from birth, but they are practically not developed. And vampires are the same people who have just gone through the path of conversion. From here it follows that human inclinations become aggravated and develop with lightning speed, falling on fertile ground. Such special talents include hypnosis and the ability to control people by influencing their thoughts. This is a very convenient feature, because the victim will come into the hands of the vampire herself if her mind is subject to suggestion. Thus, you can cover your tracks to protect yourself from hunters.

If a person during his lifetime had a magnetic charm, then turning into a vampire, he will become simply irresistible. All the talents of the black vampire are aimed at finding and extracting food, in other words, at destroying people.

The perception of a vampire by a person is also ambiguous. For example, the smell of this creature acts like a magnet for people. Appearance also beckons with its perfection. Therefore, people continue to be easy and affordable food for bloodthirsty creatures. BUT black vampires enjoy it and never go hungry.

Interesting facts about vampires:

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