Home Roses That they declare gratitude. Letter of gratitude and entry in the work book (sample)

That they declare gratitude. Letter of gratitude and entry in the work book (sample)

How to fill out a sample order for declaring gratitude and make an entry in the work book about gratitude (sample) - more on this in the article.

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How to write an order declaring gratitude (sample)

Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is devoted to encouraging employees. The employer must take into account that incentives of all types not only motivate employees and increase productivity, but also contribute to the development of loyalty.

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Declaring gratitude or awarding a certificate of honor does not apply to material form incentives, but is regarded by the employee as a high assessment, which marks his professionalism and skill.

Find out whether you need to make an entry in your work book stating that , for example, took first place in the “Teacher of the Year” competition

Note! A sample order for declaring gratitude is filled out on the unified form No. 11, if one employee is nominated for the award. To encourage several employees, an order is issued in form No.-11a.

Order of gratitude (sample) or encouragement

Based on Article 191 Labor Code RF is provided for itself opportunity for promotion and the types of awards are indicated. But the procedure for the incentive procedure is not determined by the current labor legislation.

When implementing the procedure, a certain sequence should be followed:

The employee’s immediate supervisor submits a proposal for incentives addressed to the head of the organization. This document indicates an employee who, in the opinion of the immediate supervisor, is worthy of being nominated for an award. List all the employee’s achievements in labor activity, name specific types of proposed incentives;

The head of the organization reviews the information. The decision is made after reviewing the submission. Next they publish the corresponding order;

conduct an award ceremony for an employee who may be given a certificate of honor and paid cash bonus or thanks are given;

a completed sample order for declaration of gratitude serves as the basis for entry into the work book;

The letter of gratitude (sample) contains the following information:

  • merits for which the award is given;
  • how gratitude is expressed;
  • who is being awarded or thanked (full name, position, name of structural unit, position).

Note! Sign up for work book about gratitude (sample) is entered in a special section “Information about the award”. The immediate procedure for recording awards is established by the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225, as well as instructions for filling out work books, which was approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of October 10, 2003 No. 69.

If an employee is thanked, the entry in the work book (sample) looks like this:

  • Enter the full and abbreviated name of the organization. The entry is made in the form of a heading, as when making such an entry for employment.
  • in column 1 indicate serial number records.
  • in column 2 - the date of award. This will coincide with the date of issue of the promotion order.
  • Column 4 contains a direct record of the incentive. For example, like this: “Gratitude was given for high professional achievements and production performance.”
  • in column 5 enter the details of the order on the appropriate type of incentive for the employee.

Work book (fragment). Formatting the “Award Information” section for an employee who has been awarded a cash bonus
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Writing gratitude in the work book (sample) serves as a high motivator for employees. It confirms professionalism and serves as a definite recommendation to future employers. Most loyal companies use these types of non-material incentives to motivate employees to the greatest extent. Can an organization simultaneously apply immediately to one employee

An employer can express gratitude to an employee for successful work, achievement of certain performance indicators, and conscientious performance of duties.

The declaration of gratitude is formalized by order of the director; you can use the standard form T-11 or draw up an order in free form.

To issue an order, you must have an idea for the award, usually it is drawn up by the head of the department where the employee to be awarded works. An employee of the HR service (HR department) can also provide an idea. The presentation must contain a motive - for what the employee should be thanked, for what successes and achievements.

Gratitude is one of the types of rewards that can be applied to employees in order to increase their loyalty to the employer, as well as recognition of the employee’s merits. This is always formalized by order.

Often a cash bonus () or a material gift is also added to this, which further encourages the employee to increase the impact of his work.

Such types of incentives significantly improve the work process at the enterprise, reduce staff attrition, and increase productivity and quality of work.

Organizations that want to use incentives to stimulate work must develop a special Regulation that will stipulate for what and how the employee will be rewarded.

The declaration of gratitude usually takes the form of a letter of gratitude or, which are presented on the basis of an approved order. The law does not establish any strict requirements regarding the form.

How to fill out form T-11?

It is recommended to use the unified form T-11 to express gratitude to one employee and T-11a for a group of employees. To apply, you must have a petition or submission for promotion. The head of the organization marks it “for execution”, after which the HR department prepares a corresponding order with subsequent approval by the director of the company.

Filling out the T-11 form is discussed in. If incentives in the form of gratitude are used, then in the corresponding line of the order you should indicate wording like “declare gratitude.”

If an additional bonus is paid, its amount is entered in the field below. If the monetary component is not provided for the employee, then the field indicating the amount is not filled in.

Be sure to fill out the “motive for encouragement” field, where the wording from the presentation to the announcement of gratitude to the employee is entered - the employee’s achievements and successes.

The incentive clause can determine how the employee will be rewarded. For example, this could be a formal occasion, a meeting of employees.

Once completed, Order T-11 is submitted to the manager for approval. Next, the awarded employee gets to know him.

Do I need to make an entry in the work book?

A work book is a document that indicates the work experience of its owner. It contains records of hiring, transfers, and dismissals. An overlay recording can also be made disciplinary action or declaring gratitude to the employee. However, this is not always done; the decision to record an award is made taking into account the opinion of the employee to be awarded.

According to the Rules for maintaining work books (clause 24), making an entry about promotion in the work book is mandatory.

An entry in the work book is made on the basis of an order.

What does such a record give to an employee? In fact, the employee does not receive any special privileges from the appearance of a thank-you note in the work book. However, for future employers it may serve good signal to hire such a person. Such records indicate a conscientious attitude towards the labor process.

An employee can be deprived of a bonus under certain circumstances, and an order for deprivation of the bonus is issued.

06.09.2017, 23:18

It was decided to express gratitude to one of the organization’s employees for success in their work and include it in their work book. Now the personnel officer is faced with the task of entering gratitude into the work book correctly. To do everything without errors, you need a sample.

Employee incentives can also be non-material

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides various ways personnel incentives, both material and non-material (Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). We list the main ones:

  • Gratitude;
  • bonus;
  • valuable gift;
  • certificate of honor;
  • nomination for the title of the best in the profession;
  • nomination for a state award (for special services to society and the state).

We fill out the labor

Based on the order, a record of gratitude can be made in the employee’s work book. This is the so-called gratitude with entry into the work book (clause 4 of the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69).
To avoid mistakes, we offer a step-by-step procedure for entering gratitude into the work book:

  1. Column 3 indicates the full and abbreviated (if any) name of the organization;
  2. Column 1 indicates the serial number of the entry made;
  3. in column 2 – the date of award is indicated;
  4. in column 3 - information about the award (incentive);
  5. in column 4 - the name and details of the document (for example, an order) on the basis of which the note of gratitude was made.

Especially for our readers, our specialists have prepared a sample of how to enter gratitude into a work book.

One of the intangible ways to recognize the merits of an employee is to express gratitude to him. This procedure has its own characteristics - from the application and issuance of an order for incentives to entry in the work book. What achievements are employees praised for and how to write thanks for Good work(sample), you will learn from the material.

In what cases is it appropriate?

Art. 191 Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the right of the employer to reward employees for good work, achievement of high results or other merits. The company establishes the list of achievements for which one can be praised independently, for example, in the regulations on remuneration or regulations on incentives. This list may include:

  • achieving high production results or exceeding the plan;
  • successful participation in events to promote manufactured products (exhibitions and sales, conferences, presentation seminars);
  • high productivity due to rationalization solutions or process improvements;
  • any other outstanding labor merits and achievements.

Please note that gratitude for cooperation can also be extended to employees of other organizations. For example, by sending a thank you letter to the company. If you want to clarify the names of those people who distinguished themselves, you can send a petition to their employer indicating the reasons for the promotion. An example of such a document is below.

How to apply

It is up to him to decide whether to reward an employee or not. immediate superior. He turns to the head of the organization with a proposal to praise his subordinate for his work. To do this, you need to write a petition, memo or a letter. The order of gratitude will be drawn up precisely on the basis of such a document.

Since there is no established form of appeal, it is compiled arbitrarily. The petition might look like this:

The main requirement for this document is that it should make it clear who distinguished himself and in what way. The date of preparation and information about the applicant must be indicated.

In the case when representatives of another company offer to reward employees, they draw up their petition on the organization’s letterhead and also list who and for what they want to thank.

If the management agrees to the incentive, an order is issued in form T-11, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. If the organization refused unified forms, your own document is used. But it must contain all the necessary details:

  • information about the employing company;
  • employee information;
  • a description of the employee’s achievements for which he is rewarded;
  • date of the document and signature of the manager.

Like any order, the decision on promotion must be brought to the attention of the employee against signature. You can also familiarize his colleagues with the contents of the document (that is, do it publicly if the employee has the consent).

An example of filling out the T-11 form (you can download it for future use at the end of the article)

Order on promotion - official document, on the basis of which an entry is made in the employee’s work book.

Features of the announcement of gratitude at the state level

If an employee distinguished himself so much that he was noticed by regional or federal authorities, then the application for incentives is drawn up by the head of the organization or a government representative (for example, an official or deputy). On the official website of any government agency there are special sample documents used in cases where a third-party employee is rewarded. This is the template the Ministry of Labor of the Murmansk Region proposes to use (sample taken from the official website of the department):

Entering information into the work book

According to clause 24 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 255, HR officers enter information about rewards (incentives) for merit into a special section of the work book if the employee:

  • awarded state awards, he was awarded a state honorary title;
  • awarded a certificate of honor, diploma, badge or badge, or was awarded some title by the employer;
  • rewarded in any other way provided for by law, collective agreements, internal labor regulations, charters and discipline regulations.

Taking into account the last point, an entry is made in the work book about any incentive - both from the state and from the employer. At the same time, in local regulations organizations may clarify what other types of incentives will be marked accordingly. These could be, for example, letters of gratitude from third-party organizations, or inclusion on the honor board.

A special section - information about awards - should be filled out in accordance with clause 4 of the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 No. 69. An example entry is below.

If an additional cash bonus is paid, this must be stated both in the order and in the entry made in the work book. Bonuses provided for by the remuneration system are not indicated. This is clearly stated in paragraph 25 of Government Resolution No. 255.

How to announce

Companies are not required to hold festive events to thank one or more employees. But if this is accepted in the organization, then the distinguished employee can be congratulated among his colleagues by presenting a thank you form specially printed in the printing house, signed by management. If no celebrations are planned, congratulations are conveyed in an informal setting.

Representation of an enterprise or firm addressed to the director. In your submission, indicate the full name of the employee to whom you consider it necessary to express gratitude, as well as his length of service in this organization, type of activity, position, assessment of his actions, and the basis for declaring gratitude and type of incentive. Yes, it's announced Gratitude may be for a significant contribution to the activities of an enterprise or the development of some special area, for conscientious, impeccable work, for professionalism in performing certain tasks, for exemplary performance of certain job responsibilities, behind creativity to fulfill assigned obligations, for active participation in some on behalf of a company or firm, etc.

After the manager has written down the words about recommending a particular employee for reward in the form of gratitude on behalf of the entire company, the director analyzes the situation, considers the issue and imposes a resolution.

Issue an internal order. Such an order “On promotion” has a corresponding serial number depending on the document flow on. It indicates the motive for such encouragement (statement of all the circumstances of the case), the name of the person assigned to the incentive in the form of gratitude, his position, structural subdivision in which he works and the very words of gratitude.

On the basis of such an order, words of gratitude are announced among the team or at a public meeting, and a special record of encouragement is made in the labor record. Give the employee a letter of gratitude signed by the manager and the seal of the organization.

Everyone evaluates the results of their activities based on personal beliefs and criteria. He can get an idea of ​​the attitude of the company's management to his work through certain signs of attention. Written Gratitude- one of the best ways to demonstrate your loyalty to a subordinate and say pleasant words, for which there is always not enough time in the everyday bustle.

You will need

  • - personal file of the employee;
  • - a beautiful form.


Determine the purpose for which you are writing Gratitude. If this message is related to any holiday, Gratitude will be accompanied by wishes and plans for future years. If you are seeing a person off to retirement, you should use more sincere and warm phrases, since the employee will probably re-read this text more than once.

Find the employee's personnel file so you have a clear picture of the person you are addressing the document to. You should not be mistaken about the dates and exact facts of his career. Select the most striking moments from the employee’s work history and reflect them in the appeal.

Try to express your Gratitude at 800-. This will be enough to highlight the main points on which your text is based. In a few sentences, list the main achievements of your subordinate in his workplace. If he excelled in individual projects, be sure to mention them as well. Try to summarize and highlight how this person's work impacted the company's overall performance.

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